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微板块拼合之后 ,板内盖层部分常因强烈变形而重新形成为若干次级地质单元 ,后者多发育不规则的边界形态和特殊的构造组合。为认识其形成机理 ,进一步了解板内变形的某些特殊现象乃至普适规律 ,对铜陵矿集区进行了以景观重塑为目的的变形模拟。结果发现 ,即使原本相对规则和均一的构造单元 ,在周围地区的夹持和围限下 ,也有可能因经历复杂的“挤压—剪切—旋转—拖带”式递进变形 ,而在两个对峙的角顶部位发育一种特殊的“拖带”凹陷 ,并最终形成不规则的地质边界。前者可视作板内变形特有的区域尺度流变构造 ,而后者则是板内变形条件下的一种必然产物  相似文献   

The definition of an "intraplate fixed" frame remains a significant error source for crustal motion studies at a few millimeters per year level. An appropriate implementation of such a frame is very important to avoid biased velocities and to confirm a valid geophysical interpretation. Here, we establish the newest global plate motion model of ITRF2000VEL and research the definition of an Asian-fixed frame in Asia using the ITRF2000 velocity field. By X2 and F ratio tests, we find a subset site in Asia that satisfies a rigid cap rotation with residual velocities <0. 95 mm/a and provide a stable Asia reference frame (SARF). In this reference frame, we find residual velocities at Asiatic ITRF2000 sites that are consistent with known active tectonic feature. An important result of this study is the identification of internal deformation of the order of 1-2 mm/a in an area usually interpreted as "stable" Asia. These results should be further checked as newer, denser and more accurate space geodetic data sets wit  相似文献   

In the Langshan region, northwestern China, marked multi-stage intraplate deformation events have occurred since the Mesozoic, including(1) northeast-striking ductile left-lateral strike slip during the Middle-Late Triassic, which is closely related to the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates;(2) top-to-the-southeast thrust with northwest-southeast trending maximum compression during the Late Jurassic;(3) nearly eastward detachment during the Early Cretaceous;(4) top-to-the-northwest thrust with northwest-southeast trending maximum compression during the Late Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic;(5) northeast-striking brittle left-lateral strike slip with nearly north-south trending maximum compression; and(6) northwest-southeast extension during the Middle-Late Cenozoic. All these deformation events belong to the intraplate deformation across the entire Central Asian region and respond to the tectonic events along the plate boundaries or deep tectonics. The structures developed in early events in the crust were the most important factors controlling the later deformation styles, and few new structures have later developed. Based on previous research and our results, the paleostress inversion in the Langshan region shows that the Mesozoic intraplate deformations in the study region mainly resulted from the tectonic events from the Paleo-Pacific region and have no or a weak relation to the Tethys region. During the Late Jurassic, the maximum compression from the Mongolia-Okhotsk region cannot be excluded. The Langshan region is the bridge between southern Mongolia and the western Ordos tectonic belt and is thus important to understand the nature and relationship between both regions.  相似文献   

太行山—秦岭中、新生代板内变形及交接转换机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中—新生代,秦岭是中国大陆中轴隆升的东西向山脉,而太行山为华北地块中部隆升的南北向山脉,两者走向近垂直。为了探讨中-新生代期间同属欧亚板块内部的这两条山脉的隆升历史及其构造应力场转换过程,本文通过对其区域挤压与伸展构造的系统对比分析,结合两带中生代和新生代构造体制转换的对比,最后得出中—新生代期间这两条近垂直山脉由挤压体制转换为伸展体制的时间约为早白垩世晚期;并通过同时代应力场的转换的分析对比,揭示出其挤压变形与古老造山带形成时导致的板内岩石圈不均一性结构有关;而其伸展变形与中国东部弥散性板内裂解密切相关,因而表现出宽裂谷的特征,但其总体构造格局仍受早期基底构造格局影响。总之,板内差异构造变形受早期基底构造格局控制,同时板内不同块体多方位先存边界对板缘动力作用响应存在巨大差异;在筛除板块俯冲的远程效应外,板内自身变形机制可能与板内热—力学结构的不均匀性具有密切联系。  相似文献   

西昆仑—帕米尔造山带及其北缘前陆盆地板内变形构造   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
曲国胜  陈新安 《地质论评》1998,44(4):419-429
笔者总结了西昆仑—帕米尔造山带及塔西南前陆盆地板内变形的各类构造模式、构造分带、新生代变形格局及构造演化,提出其新生代板内变形具有弧形构造分段性和阶段性演化的特点,发现了依格孜牙、柯克亚、桑株—杜瓦、卡兹克—阿尔特薄皮弧形推覆构造、齐姆根主弧形构造段及玉力群—克里阳构造段的三角带构造及叶尔羌—棋盘对冲过渡型弧形构造。认为对冲过渡型弧形构造及各弧形构造分段间的斜冲走滑带是塔西南前陆盆地板内变形的特殊产物。  相似文献   

青藏高原板内地震震源深度分布规律及其成因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青藏高原板内地震以浅源地震为主, 下地壳基本上没有地震, 地震震源多集中在15~40 km的深度范围, 主要在中地壳内, 呈似层状弥散分布.其中30~33 km深度是一个优势层, 与壳内分层有关.总体上青藏高原南、北部的震源面略呈相向倾斜特征.70~100 km深度区间出现了比较集中的震级较小的地震, 可能与壳幔过渡带的拆离作用有关.高原内部的正断层系与板内地震密切相关, 是板内浅源地震的主控构造.总之, 青藏高原地震震源沿着活动的上地壳脆性层与软弱层之间的脆-韧性过渡带分布.这些板内地震活动属于大陆动力学过程, 与板块碰撞和板块俯冲无关.初步认为青藏高原浅层到深层多震层的成因分别是韧性基底与脆性盖层、韧性下地壳与脆性上地壳、韧性下地壳与脆性上地幔的韧-脆性转换、拆离和解耦的产物.   相似文献   

邓小万 《贵州地质》2001,18(4):228-231
本文在概略分析扬子板块内部构造变形特征和地史发展演化阶段的基础上,初步探讨了该板内构造形成的机制,认为其薄皮构造用“岩石圈内俯冲作用模式”予以解释。  相似文献   

通过建立数值模型,模拟不同采深、采宽、采厚及不同开采倾角下采空区地表的变形,通过数值模拟及计算得出各开采条件下地表的下沉曲线及水平移动曲线,进而分析地表变形规律及变形机理,为研究开采引起的地表变形提供一种便捷的方法。  相似文献   

铜陵市长江东路岩溶塌陷形成机制及土地适宜性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙凤贤 《安徽地质》2006,16(4):285-289
岩溶塌陷是铜陵市长江东路主要地质灾害类型,这种地质灾害现象,是在复杂的地质环境条件下产生的。本文在大量地质调查、分析与研究的基础上,通过对长江东路岩溶塌陷灾害的形成机理、产生条件的分析研究,并在研究这一灾害系统特性的基础上,预测分析了岩溶塌陷灾害的发展趋势,同时,根据铜陵市发展的实际情况和远期发展目标,对岩溶塌陷区的特征及土地的适宜性进行了评价分析,并在此基础上因地制宜的提出了工程建设过程中预防岩溶塌陷灾害的措施。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the computation of near-well flow in numerical reservoir simulation with unstructured grids. In particular, it uses spherical trigonometry to derive analytical expressions for the flow towards a well modeled as either a number of point sources or a constant-flux line source. The expression for the point source representation is based on projections of the grid block boundaries on spheres with unit radius around the sources. The expression for the line source is based on projection on a prolate spheroid. The computation of the surface area is done through transformation to prolate spheroidal coordinates and subsequent projection on a sphere at infinity. The point source expression for a single source is exact for grid block boundaries with straight edges; the line source expression is an approximation. Both representations are fully volume conserving, such that the sum of the fluxes through the grid block boundaries surrounding a source adds up exactly to the total source flow rate. Both representations can be used to accurately model complicated wells in the form of segments. The point source representation is simpler to implement and not necessarily less accurate than the line source representation.  相似文献   

黄土坡滑坡形成与变形的地质过程机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈松  陈国金  徐光黎 《地球科学》2008,33(3):411-415
巴东黄土坡滑坡是三峡库区重大滑坡之一, 规模大, 而且形成与变形地质过程机制复杂.是与三峡库区构造强烈隆升、河流急剧下切、斜坡重力卸荷等各种作用相伴生的地质过程的结果; 其中的Ⅰ号崩滑堆积体在回水条件下深层蠕动变形较明显, 受到多方面的关注.采用地质过程类比分析方法, 通过对滑坡形成、回水前变形破坏、回水条件下变形的地质过程机制分析, 预测了深层蠕动变形使其中部和前部产生较大变形的发展趋势, 目前发现Ⅰ号崩滑堆积体的深层蠕动变形问题, 主要是库水升降的动态过程与降雨效应耦合作用的结果.   相似文献   

在黄土地区抗拔桩现场试验的基础上,通过数值模拟,分析了等截面抗拔单桩在竖向上拔荷载作用下的变形特性,并探讨了桩长和桩身混凝土强度对抗拔单桩Q-s曲线、桩身轴力及桩侧摩阻力的影响,力图为黄土地区抗拔桩的设计及施工提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

赣西北幕阜山-九岭山一带前震旦纪构造变形   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赣西北幕阜山-九岭山一带中元古界双桥山群是一套被震旦系不整合覆盖、成层有序的正常沉积地层.其内近东西向褶皱(同构造期热液事件)叠加早期近南北向褶皱为华夏板块与扬子板块碰撞拼贴过程中在板内留下的痕迹,板内构造与拼贴带为同期构造运动形成的不可分割的统一体.根据侵位于东西向褶皱核部的漫江单元、山口单元(斜长花岗岩)单颗粒锆石直接蒸发年龄(分别为846±7 Ma与805±75 Ma),以及与东西向褶皱伴生的古断裂特征等证据表明该区构造变形至少发生在800 Ma之前的前震旦纪,可能与格林威尔运动相当,由此证明江南古陆是客观存在的.  相似文献   

Modern space geodetic techniques enable deformation monitoring of continental plate interiors with high spatial and temporal coverage. Resolving data and results are currently evaluated for their application for the integrated assessment of seismic hazard and risk in Germany. This goes especially for regions where earthquakes are generally rare but high magnitudes are still not unrealistic while vulnerability of today’s society is steadily growing. The present contribution deals with the continuous monitoring of tectonic fracture systems in Germany using the GPS. The estimation of the station velocities with GPS and the resulting geodetic strain is supposed to provide additional input to the earthquake hazard assessment. Unfortunately, the low expected and currently seen velocities (<1–2 mm/year) make it extremely difficult to distinguish between noise and a tectonic signal. Because of the short observation interval the velocity uncertainties are about 2 mm/year in the horizontal components. The essential goal of this program is to provide and model highly precise deformation data and to discuss its needs for a better assessment of geological hazard, especially for the most active tectonic regions in Germany, the Rhine-Graben, the Swabian Alb, the Alpine foreland, and the Vogtland. Here we present preliminary results from 2 years of measurements at currently 150 GPS stations throughout Germany. The time span of this program has proven to be too short and the density of the station network to be not dense enough yet for reliable significant horizontal station velocities and supporting the earthquake hazard assessment.  相似文献   

In a large area of the east—central Asian continent there is a unified seismic network system composed of two families of large—seismic belts that intersect conjugately. Such a seismic network in the middle—upper crust is actually a response to the plastic flow network in the lower lithosphere including the lower crust and lithospheric mantle. The existence of the unified plastic flow system confirms that the driving force for intraplate tectonic deformation results mainly from the compression of the India plate, while the long-range transmission of the force is carried out chiefly by means of plastic flow. The plastic flow network has a control over the intraplate tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

板内洋岛-海山残片是造山带"洋壳残片"的重要组成部分,对恢复造山带所代表的古洋盆的构造演化具有重要意义.然而,如何在造山带中识别板内洋岛-海山残片并通过其恢复古洋盆的构造演化等问题并不清楚.在综述现今板内洋岛-海山的岩石层序、岩浆岩类型、地球化学和同位素特征等的基础上,结合对青藏高原班公湖-怒江缝合带数个板内洋岛-海山残片研究的成果,初步总结了造山带板内洋岛-海山残片的识别标志及其地质意义、时代的确定方法等基础地质问题.板内洋岛-海山记录了丰富的洋盆演化信息,且是大洋俯冲消亡时最易保存的地质体.因此,在古洋盆构造演化的恢复中,对造山带板内洋岛-海山残片的研究至关重要.  相似文献   

形变实验中的构造地球化学及对成矿的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨元根 《岩矿测试》1994,13(3):199-202
通过对不同岩石,矿石样品进行的构造地球化学变实验结果表明,形变中形成了典型的塑性变形组构,同时也使样品中的矿物不仅发生形貌,颜色,干涉色以及结构的改变,而且矿物化学成分也发生了明显的变化,说明形变不仅是一种构造和地球化学作用过程,同时也是一种成矿作用。  相似文献   

黑龙江科洛杂岩变形特征、阶段和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兴蒙造山区东段的科洛地区,自古亚洲洋关闭之后,经历了复杂的多阶段陆内变形,每一期变形都具有不同的机制,均是中国东北中生代以来板块边缘重要构造事件的反映。三叠纪中晚期,科洛杂岩经历了上盘指向NNE方向的韧性挤压变形,相关变形分布在整个科洛杂岩地区,大量低角度石英拉伸线理以及A型褶皱枢纽均指示了松嫩地块NNE向的运动,科洛杂岩也在此时形成。科洛杂岩并不是松嫩地块的基底,而是中生代构造事件的变质产物,该期事件不是古亚洲洋关闭后的造山带伸展,而与来自东侧和南侧的挤压有关。晚侏罗世-早白垩世科洛地区左行韧性走滑是蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋的关闭所致,其变形集中在科洛杂岩的西部边界剪切带上。白垩纪时科洛杂岩受到伸展构造的改造,以一系列向南东倒伏、走向NNE-SSW的相似褶皱为特征,褶皱的倒伏向不随位置的变化而改变,其伸展不是典型的变质核杂岩。新生代科洛杂岩又受到了近SN向的挤压,发生区域性的宽缓褶皱变形。  相似文献   

三峡库区侏罗系顺向岸坡堆积体滑坡众多,其滑动模式存在一定差异。首先统计分析了192个三峡库区侏罗系层位发育的堆积体滑坡滑体及碎石土的工程地质性质和强度参数。在此基础上,运用数值分析软件对堆积体厚度变化引起的滑坡变形机制进行模拟分析。结果表明:堆积体厚度范围在15m及以下滑坡会沿着岩土界线面滑动、15~35m时滑坡会沿着层内剪切面滑动;厚度范围在35m以上时,堆积体滑坡内部可能存在着多层滑带,即滑坡可能沿着层内剪切面滑动或者沿着岩土界线面滑动。堆积体厚度范围在15m及以下时滑坡的治理措施可采用布置抗滑桩;厚度范围15~35m时可采用排水+布置抗滑桩的滑坡治理措施;厚度范围在35m以上时,可采用滑坡前期监测预报+后期根据滑坡发育情况相结合的滑坡防治措施。  相似文献   

川西雅江地区发育系列复式背斜、复式向斜及其伴生断裂的褶-断式构造组合样式。受强烈构造改造,岩石变形主要呈现出柔性滑脱、顺层剪切、脆性弯折、沿结构面强卸荷、大位移错动、断层破碎以及褶皱劈理化等7类样式。构造-岩石组合塑造着该区域雅砻江展布与深切河谷的演化,而河谷演化与构造改造共同控制着区域滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害的发育与分布。不同的岩石变形样式孕育不同类型的地质灾害,而岩性组合关系控制地质灾害发育的规模。受砂岩板岩互层弯折变形的控制,斜坡主要产生倾倒弯折→拉裂→滑移→失稳破坏→堵塞河道或阻断道路等多阶段变形破坏模式,形成雅江地区滑坡灾害最主要的成灾模式。  相似文献   

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