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本文通过对阳泉市矿产资源开发利用现状及资源开发中存在问题进行分析,提出矿产资源日常监管措施和对策建议。  相似文献   

从近几年的矿产勘查工作情况看,物探工作的重要性逐渐显现,但我省目前物探基础工作程度相对较低,物探工作量的设置零散,缺乏系统性,加之物探高素质人才缺乏,技术力量分散,使物探的优势没能得到充分发挥。通过对全省物探工作现状及存在的主要问题分析认为,首先应提高对物探工作的认识和理解,其次要加强物探技术管理,提高物探工作质量,培养高素质综合型物探技术人才,合理部署物探工作,才能真正发挥出物探工作的优势,为全省地勘工作服务。  相似文献   

随着人类活动的不断加强,开发、利用和改造地质环境的规模、强度、速度越来越大,山东省地质环境承受着前所未有的压力。为有效控制或调整人类活动去适应地质环境条件、合理开发利用地质环境,在充分摸清全省地质环境承载力现状的基础上,分析全省地质环境承载力下降的主要原因,提出对策建议,为全省的社会发展、地质环境保护和地质灾害防护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

烟台市矿产资源开发利用历史悠久,历史遗留矿山数量众多,在为经济社会发展提供重要物质保障的同时,也累积了不少地质环境问题,制约了经济社会的高质量发展。该文根据最新调查成果,介绍了烟台市历史遗留矿山共有1 187座,地域上主要分布于海阳市、牟平区、栖霞市、莱州市等地,开采矿种主要为建筑或饰面用石料、金、长石等,开采方式主要为露天开采;对存在的主要矿山地质环境问题进行了阐述,主要有地形地貌景观破坏、土地资源占用破坏、矿山地质灾害等;总结分析了前期治理工作存在的治理率低、资金保障程度低、社会力量参与少、治理模式单一等主要问题;根据现状结合上级有关要求提出了责任分解落实到位、建立健全考核机制、建立联动部门协作机制、提高资金保障水平、分门别类实施治理等有关对策建议,以期烟台市能探索出一条推动矿山地质环境治理的新路径,尽快解决历史遗留矿山开发造成的地质环境问题,为生态烟台美丽烟台建设奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

根据成矿地质条件、矿产资源赋存状况,依据地质勘查成果,结合行政管辖范围及矿山生产实际情况,本区铝(粘)土矿可规划为七大成矿(开发)区.针对七大成矿(开发)区内矿产资源开发现状,诸如生产矿山点多面广,规模小,回采率低,综合利用差,资源浪费等问题,提出对策意见,即以资源为基础,规划为依据,矿业权管理为核心,按照保护资源环境、保障矿山安全和整装勘查、大矿大开、依法处置、合理补偿、以优并劣的原则,有效保护矿产资源、促进经济发展、优化矿业结构、实现集约化规模化生产目标,建立矿产资源合理开发利用的长效机制.  相似文献   

湖南省砂石矿产资源丰富,多年以来开发利用存在点多面广、规模小、开发利用水平不高等问题,带来沉重的生态环境压力.本文从全省砂石矿山开采现状和存在的主要生态问题入手,结合实际进行深入分析,探索合理的矿山生态保护与修复对策建议,对今后相关工作开展起到一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

三江平原位于黑龙江省的东北部,北据黑龙江,南横完达山,东傍乌苏里江,西枕小兴安岭,中跨松花江,北、东与俄罗斯隔江相望。地理坐标为东经129°46′42″~135°05′10″,北纬46°06′30″~48°28′06″,面积45100km2。由于人类大规模地围垦湿地,使湿地面积急剧减小,部分湖泡干涸露底,植被尤其是芦苇资源退化。鱼类资源枯竭,水禽种类和数量减少,蓄水能力下降,生态系统失去平衡,维持自然生态环境平衡的功能大大降低。因此,对三江平原湿地的退化加以研究并提出相应的保护对策已成当务之急。  相似文献   

枣庄矿区采煤塌陷现状及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
皮士然 《山东国土资源》2005,21(4):15-16,18
枣庄矿区由枣陶煤田、官桥煤田、滕南煤田、滕北煤田、滕东煤田和韩台煤田组成。已探明煤炭地质储量45亿吨,含煤面积1046.7km^2,占枣庄市土地总面积的23%,其中已开采240km^2。现有国家统配矿井8座,地方矿井69座,已形成年产1800万t的规模。煤矿的开发利用,支援了国家的建设与发展,也使枣庄成为新兴的矿业城市,但同时,也对枣庄自然生态环境,  相似文献   

南阳市自然地质条件复杂 ,生态环境脆弱 ,不仅分布有特殊不良的环境地质条件和由人类活动引起的环境地质问题 ,而且存在严重的地质灾害。该文在论述南阳市环境地质条件的基础上 ,阐述了南阳市地质灾害发育类型、分布特征及危害程度 ,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

阐述了地质灾害的基本特点和类型,以及对人民生命财产造成的危害。根据潞城市地质灾害调查与区划报告,分析了该地区地质灾害现状及成因,进一步提出了防治措施,为今后能源开发和工程建设提供了可行的方案和依据。  相似文献   

介绍了我国海洋倾废的历史、发展过程和管理现状 ,分析了海洋倾倒的现状和面临的困难。文章还提出通过高新技术把疏浚泥迅速转化为再生资源进行利用和污染土无害化处理技术 ,从根本上减少疏浚泥海洋倾倒的数量和缓减海洋倾倒区紧张的状况 ,减少对海洋环境的污染  相似文献   

2016年以来,我国城市信息化发展进入了新型智慧城市时代,其发展现状呈现三个方面的特点:一是政策法规保障新型智慧城市建设,表现在多项政策的全方位推进、"十三五"规划及网络安全法的保障,以及国家发展改革委等25部委的统筹;二是基础设施支撑新型智慧城市发展,涵盖了物联网的蓬勃发展、大数据的创新发展、云计算中心的构建,以及卫星与导航技术保障;三是高效服务牵引新型智慧城市应用,体现在互联网+政务服务、深化试点工作提升,以及移动应用新亮点等。论文还分析了模式创新引领新型智慧城市发展趋势,包括电子商务的规模发展、网络约车服务的蓬勃发展、移动互联网的生活化应用,以及"互联网+政务"的发展活力。  相似文献   

通过比较分析"十二五"时期新疆自治区土地利用计划指标、供地结构、供地面积、地均GDP以及土地税费等数据变化,总结归纳出土地开发利用现状呈现的基本特征和问题。最后,围绕供给侧结构性改革任务要求,提出"十三五"时期新疆自治区土地开发利用的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

立足当前经济环境,分析了毕业生就业面临的机遇和挑战,提出从优化人文素质、强化人格培养,调整培养机制、优化知识结构,强化创业教育、增强创新品质和加强职业规划、整合就业资源等方面提升毕业生就业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

采矿是对环境最具有破坏力的行为之一,面临如此严峻的形势,加强矿山地质环境保护,强化地质环境监督管理已经到了刻不容缓的地步.本文从就矿山地质环境状况、产生原因进行初步分析研究,并提出了加强矿山地质环境保护管理工作的措施建议.  相似文献   

选取货物周转量代表物流服务需求量,应用灰色系统理论,对四川省铁路、公路、水运和民航的物流服务需求分别建立灰色预测模型进行预测,并按公路的物流服务需求量对四川省21个市、区进行聚类.在此基础上,对四川省"十一·五"期间的物流服务需求进行了综合分析.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Global Trade Analysis Project(version 7)database to calculate embodied CO2emissions in bilateral trade between China and other countries(regions)based on input-output methods.The sources and flows of embodied CO2emissions in import and export trade of China are analyzed.Results show that the flows of embodied CO2emissions in export trade are highly concentrated.The main flows to the United States(US)and Japan account for 1/4 and 1/7 of the total CO2emissions in export trade,respectively.Concentrated flows of total exports and small differences in export structure are the main reasons for the highly concentrated export trade.The sources of embodied CO2emissions in import trade have relatively low concentration.Taiwan Province of China,Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China,US,Russia,Republic of Korea,and Japan account for around 7.72%–12.67%of the total embodied CO2emissions in import trade.The relative dispersion of import sources,the impact of the import structure,and the level of production technology in importing countries caused low concentration of CO2emissions in import trade.Overall,the embodied CO2emissions in the export trade of China are higher than those in import trade.As a result,production-based CO2emissions are higher than consumption-based CO2emissions.The difference of 8.96×108t of CO2,which comes mainly from the US,Japan,Germany,and the United Kingdom,accounts for 58.70%of the total difference.Some suggestions,such as improving energy efficiency,alerting high carbon-intensive industries transfer,expanding the market for sharing risks,and prompting the accounting system of consumption-based CO2emissions,are proposed based on the results.  相似文献   

The catch and effort data of Sillago sihama fishery in Pakistani waters were used to investigate the performance of two closely related stock assessment models: logistic and generalized surplus-production models. Compared with the generalized production model, the logistic model produced more reasonable estimates for parameters such as maximum sustainable yield. The Akaike’s Information Criterion values estimated at 4.265 and -51.152 respectively by the logistic and generalized models. Simulation analyses of the S. sihama fishery showed that the estimated and observed abundance indices for the logistic model were closer than those for the generalized production model. Standardized residuals were distributed closer for logistic model, but exhibited a slightly increasing trend for the generalized model. Statistical outliers were seen in 1989 and 1993 for the logistic model, and in 1981 and 1999 for the generalized model. Simulated results revealed that the logistic estimates were close to the true value for low CVs (coefficients of variation) but widely dispersed for high CVs. In contrast, the generalized model estimates were loose for all CV levels. The estimated production model curve parameter was not reasonable at all the tested levels of white noise. With the increase in white noise R2 for the catch per unit effort decreased. Therefore, we conclude that the logistic model performs more reasonably than the generalized production model.  相似文献   

首先介绍银证通基本概念,阐述了集中式银证通系统设计的基本理念、体系结构,然后在此基础上讨论了银证通系统中双向交易的设计和实现,提出了两种解决方案,分析了最初方案的缺点所在,进而提出了改进方案,达到了预期的效果.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused numerous collapses, landslides, barrier lakes, and debris flows. Landslide susceptibility mapping is important for evaluation of environmental capacity and also as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction. In this paper, a logistic regression model was developed within the framework of GIS to map landslide susceptibility. Qingchuan County, a heavily affected area, was selected for the study. Distribution of landslides was prepared by interpretation of multi-temporal and multi-resolution remote sensing images (ADS40 aerial imagery, SPOT5 imagery and TM imagery, etc.) and field surveys. The Certainly Factor method was used to find the influencial factors, indicating that lithologic groups, distance from major faults, slope angle, profile curvature, and altitude are the dominant factors influencing landslides. The weight of each factor was determined using a binomial logistic regression model. Landslide susceptibility mapping was based on spatial overlay analysis and divided into five classes. Major faults have the most significant impact, and landslides will occur most likely in areas near the faults. Onethird of the area has a high or very high susceptibility, located in the northeast, south and southwest, including 65.3% of all landslides coincident with the earthquake. The susceptibility map can reveal the likelihood of future failures, and it will be useful for planners during the rebuilding process and for future zoning issues.  相似文献   

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