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Local coupling instability will occur when the numerical scheme of absorbing boundary condition and that of the field wave equation allow energies to spontaneously enter into the computational domain. That is, the two schemes support common wave solutions with group velocity pointed into the computation domain. The key to eliminate local coupling instability is to avoid such wave solutions. For lumped-mass finite element simulation of P-SV wave motion in a 2D waveguide, an approach for stable implementation of high order multi-transmitting formula is provided. With a uniform rectangular mesh, it is proven and validated that high-frequency local coupling instability can be eliminated by setting the ratio of the element size equal to or greater than \(\sqrt 2 \) times the ratio of the P wave velocity to the S wave velocity. These results can be valuable for dealing instability problems induced by other absorbing boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We present a unified model of the air–sea boundary layer, which takes account of the air–sea momentum exchange across the sea surface. The recognition of the importance of the velocity shears in the water (which comprise a frictional shear and the Stokes shear due to the wave motion) in determining the sea surface roughness is a distinctive feature of the analysis, which leads to a prediction of the Charnock constant (α) in terms of two independent parameters, namely the wave age and the ratio of the Stokes shear to the Eulerian shear in the water. This expression is used to interpret the large observational variability of the Charnock constant. The 10-m drag coefficient can also be expressed using similar reasoning, and the introduction of a relation in which the ratio of the frictional shear in the water to the frictional shear in the air decreases with the friction velocity yields predictive relations for the variation of the 10-m drag coefficient at very high wind speeds both in the open ocean and in wind–wave tanks. The physical interpretation of this relation is that the production of spray essentially returns momentum from the ocean to the atmosphere, and this process becomes progressively more important as the wind speed increases.  相似文献   

Based on Biot theory of two-phase anisotropic media and Hamilton theory about dynamic problem,finite element equations of elastic wave propagation in two-phase anisotopic media are derived in this paper.Numerical solution of finite element equations is given.Finally,properties of elastic wave propagation are observed and analyzed through FEM modeling.  相似文献   

We study the nature of energy bursts that appeared in the frequency range 3–5 Hz in ambient seismic noise recorded in the Grenoble basin (French Alps) during a seismological array experiment. A close agreement is found between the identified azimuths of such noise bursts with the location of an industrial chimney. In-situ measurements of the chimney dynamic characteristics show a coincidence between the frequency of the first harmonic mode of the chimney and the fundamental frequency of a thin surficial layer that overlay the deep sediment fill. The interaction between the chimney and the surficial layer is then numerically simulated using simple impedance models and two soil profiles. Simulations exhibit a satisfactory agreement with observations and suggest that energy bursts result of inertial structure-soil interaction favored by resonance effects between the first harmonic mode of the structure and the fundamental frequency of the topmost layer.  相似文献   

The present study investigated direct and indirect methods using optical and acoustic instruments for the acquisition of information required to estimate the concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Vitória Bay, a shallow estuarine system in SE Brazil. The aim was to calibrate and compare the use of different instruments (OBS, ADP, and ADV) to estimate SPM concentration in the water column and near the bed. Concentration was determined by correlating filtered water samples with the optical and acoustic measurements. In general, the methodology proved tenable for the chosen shallow estuarine environment with low SPM concentration (<60?mg/L). Pearson’s coefficient ranged from 0.75 to 0.85, when correlating measurements taken at three sampled depths. Differences in the correlation coefficient values showed that calibration at three depths (near the bed, mid-water column, and near the surface) was more effective than for surface samples alone, even in shallow (???m deep) water. When calibration was attempted for concentration in the entire water column with samples at just one elevation, the correlation value was very low, thus increasing the error in estimating the SPM concentration.  相似文献   

The composition of fluid inclusions (FI) often represents the initial geochemical characteristics of palaeo-fluid in reservoir rock. Influence on composition and carbon isotopic composition of gas during primary migration, reservoir-forming and subsequent secondary alterations are discussed through comparing fluid inclusion gas with coal-formed gas and natural gas in present gas reservoirs in the Ordos Basin. The results show that primary migration of gas has significant effect on the molecular but not on the carbon isotopic composition of methane. Migration and diffusion fractionation took place during the secondary migration of gas in Upper Paleozoic gas reservoir according to carbon isotopic composition of methane in Fls. Composition and carbon isotopic composition of natural gas were nearly unchanged after the gas reservoir forming through comparing the FI gases with the natural gas in present gas reservoir.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution models(LEMs) are essential tools for analyzing tectonic-climate interactions and reproducing landform-shaping processes. In this study we used a LEM to simulate the evolution of the mountains from the central Hexi Corridor in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, where the climate is arid and the surface processes are relatively uniform. However,there are pronounced differences in the topography between the mountains around the central Hexi Corridor. The East Jintanan Shan, West Jintanan Shan and Heli Shan are located in the northern part of the corridor; and the Yumu Shan in the southern part.Firstly, several representative areas were selected from these mountains to analyze the topographic characteristics, including the uniform valley spacing, local relief, and the outlet number. Secondly, a LEM for these areas was constructed using the Landlab platform, and the landscape evolution was simulated. With uniform valley spacing and other topographic characteristics as the criteria, we compared the realistic and simulated terrain for different model ages. Finally, based on the similarity of the simulated and realistic terrain, we estimated the timing of the initial uplift and the uplift rate of the four mountain ranges. The results are consistent with previous geological and geomorphological records from these youthful stage mountains that have not yet reached a steady state. Our findings demonstrate that LEMs combined with topographic characteristics are a reliable means of constraining the timing of the initial uplift and the uplift rate of the youthful stage mountain. Our approach can potentially be applied to other youthful stage mountains and it may become a valuable tool in tectonic geomorphology research.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread application of nonlinear mathematical models, comparative studies of different models are still a huge task for modellers. This is because a large number of trial and error processes are needed to develop each model, so the workload will be multiplied into an unmanageable level if many types of models are involved. This study presents an efficient approach by using the Gamma test (GT) to select the input variables and the training data length, so that the trial and error workload can be greatly reduced. The methodology is tested in estimating solar radiation at the Brue catchment, UK. Several nonlinear models have been developed efficiently with the aid of the GT, including local linear regression, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), Elman neural network, neural network auto-regressive model with exogenous inputs (NNARX) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This work is only feasible within the time and resources constraint, due to the GT in reducing huge workload of the trial and error process.  相似文献   

The temporal variations of the superficial (0–1 cm) sedimentary organic matter were studied at a depth of 26 m on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (northwestern Mediterranean). The samples were analyzed for total organic carbon, coarse organic carbon (>40 μm), hydrolyzable organic carbon, nitrogen, total amino acids, total and individual sugars (HPLC), lignin-derived compounds (HPLC) and kerogens (acid-soluble, humic substances and humin). Seasonal variations of the organic compounds are related to the sedimentological, hydrodynamical and physico-chemical environmental conditions.The mean annual values of the different organic compounds analyzed show the low quantities and their evolved character at the sediment-water interface: 0.5% total org C (TOC) (d.w.), 0.049% N (d.w.), CN: 11.2, coarse org C (COQ: 62% of TOC, hydrolyzable org C: 45% TOC. The labile compounds represent a low percentage of the total organic matter (TOM), amino-acids: 12% of TOM and sugars: 5% of TOM. The relative proportions of soluble (humic) and insoluble kerogens (humin), respectively 6% and 94% of TOC are typical of a highly evolved organic matter. The large contribution of plant remains confirmed by the high proportion of COC, corresponds to a low proportion of humic substances and a high degree of condensation (HC = 1.3). The infrared spectroscopy determination of the functional groups of the humic substances permits us to confirm both autochtonous (marine) and allochtonous (terrestrial) sources of organic matter in the Têt prodeltaïc accumulation area. Numerous functional groups identified reveal the fresh quality of the organic inputs at the sediment-water interface. Aliphaticity is well marked and nitrogenous compounds (1 and 2 amines) correspond to autochtonous production (in spring: phyto- and zoo-planktonic blooms in the euphotic zone; in summer: primary production under the thermocline and phytobenthic blooms). Sugars are well represented, but from two origins: phytoplanktonic, and issue from terrestrial high plants (ligno-cellulosic complexes). The aromatic functional groups are well identified (aromatic ether, phenol) as are the markers of a large contribution of terrestrial organic matter.The active hydrodynamical (resuspension) and biological, (consumption, bioturbation) events participate in the frequent reworking of the superficial deposits (muddy-silts) and, consequently, the active degradation (oxidization) of the organic matter. The more labile organic matter is rapidly consumed by the intense biological benthic activity. The organic C content is low (0.5% d.w.) except during the autumnal input (2.5% d.w.). This input (8 cm thick) disappears one month later, because of the resuspension induced by littoral currents. This same phenomenon induces during all the year the reworking of the first centimeter of the deposit. In terms of budget of the carbon cycle in the coastal area, this active hydrodynamical environment shows the supremacy of the carbon degradation over its burial.  相似文献   

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