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The factual material and modeling results concerning the geology of specific structural elements defined as lateral protrusions, or flowing layers, are considered. The formation of such structural elements is a fundamental phenomenon that controls many features of the structural evolution and geodynamics of platform basement and foldbelts. A lateral protrusion, or flowing layer, is a spatially constrained, nearly horizontal geological body with attributes of 3D tectonic flow (rheid deformation) and lateral transport of rock masses. Flowing layers are large lateral protrusions that play important role in the structure of the continental and oceanic lithosphere. They embody the internal mobility of huge rock bodies and confirm the possibility of their lateral redistribution at different depths of the continental lithosphere. The lateral displacement of rocks within such assemblies may occur in the regime of cold deformation, heating, metamorphism, and ductile flow of rocks under subsolidus conditions or in the process of their partial melting.  相似文献   

It is shown in this paper that, according to the data of Russian and non-Russian specialists, three characteristic “lines” (“polychronic formation arrays”) of metallogeny absolutely correspond to the idea of the existence of three principal types of the Earth’s lithosphere. Two of these types are well known, the “classical” oceanic and continental types; the third, marginal-sea type, with the so-called modified type of mineralization, is still underestimated. In the same time, this type of the lithosphere, usually considered as intermediate or transitional, is nearly the most determinative in the Earth’s evolution both in tectonics (generation of new portions of juvenile continental crust and formation of supercontinents) and in the metallogenic aspects (diverse and high industrial potential of ore occurrences).  相似文献   

E. V. Bibikova 《Petrology》2010,18(5):482-488
Analysis of isotope-geochemical data obtained for the early crustal complexes of the Earth provided constraints on the formation time, scales of development, and geochemical features of protocrust. Most informative were isotope-geochemical and geochemical data on the oldest zircons with ages up to 4.4 Ga, short-lived 146Sm/142Nd isotope system, and lead isotope composition of the oldest rocks of Greenland. The presence of positive 142Nd anomaly in the rocks of West Greenland and negative anomaly in the amphibolites of the oldest Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt of the Superior province (O’Neil et al., 2008) indicates the early differentiation of the Earth material into depleted mantle and enriched (basaltic) crust (Caro et al., 2006; Benett et al., 2007a, b; O’Neil et al., 2008). Pb-Pb isotopic systematics of the oldest crustal rocks from West Greenland and Labrador testifies that high μ enriched crust (238U/204Pb = 10.9) of basaltic composition already existed 3.9 Ga ago (Kamber et al., 2003). Based on isotope-geochemical and geochemical features of the oldest zircons in the Late Archean greenstone belts of the Yilgarn block (Western Australia), the crust of intermediate-felsic composition and water on the Earth’s surface already existed 4.4 Ga ago (Wilde et al., 2001).  相似文献   

Precessional motions of structural blocks of the Earth’s crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Instrumental observations revealed a new type of motion previously not described in the literature, the precessional motions in the structural blocks of the Earth’s crust. The precession-nutation motions are caused largely by a complex response of a structural block and the adjacent tectonic structure, acting as a discontinuous zone between blocks, to tidal deformation. Irregular precession with a period of about one day complicated by the half a day period nutation defines a complex loading pattern characteristic of the internal structure of faults adjacent to the block.


Geological, geochemical, and isotopic data (U-Pb for zircon and Sm-Nd for whole-rock samples) are summarized for Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic geological complexes known from various regions of East Antarctica. The main events of tectonothermal and magmatic activity are outlined and correlated in space and time. The Paleoproterozoic is characterized as a period of rifting in Archean blocks, their partial mobilization, and formation of a new crustal material over a vast area occupied by present-day East Antarctica. In most areas, this material was repeatedly reworked at the subsequent stages of evolution (1800–1700, 1100–1000, 550–500 Ma). Complexes of Mesoproterozoic juvenile rocks (1500, 1400–1200, 1150–1100 Ma) arising in convergent suprasubduction geodynamic settings are established in some areas (basalt-andesite and tonalite-granodiorite associations with characteristic geochemical signatures). The evolution of the Proterozoic regions in East Antarctica may be interpreted as a Wilson cycle with the destruction of the Archean megacontinent 2250 Ma ago and the ultimate closure of the secondary oceanic basins by 1000 Ma ago. The Mesoproterozoic regions make up a marginal volcanic-plutonic belt that combines three provinces of different ages corresponding to consecutive accretion of terranes 1500–1150, 1400–950, and 1150–1050 Ma ago. The Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic tectonomagmatic activity developed nonuniformly. In some regions, it is expressed in ductile deformation, granulite-facies metamorphism, and postcollision magmatism; in other regions, a weak thermal effect and anorogenic magmatism are noted. The evolution of metamorphic complexes in the regime of isothermal decompression and the intraplate character of granitoids testify to the collision nature of the Early Paleozoic tectonomagmatic activity.  相似文献   

The paper considers the morphology, deep structure, and geodynamic features of the Ural–Herirud postorogenic strike-slip fault (UH fault), along which the Moho (the “M”) shifts along the entire axial zone of the Ural Orogen, then further to the south across the Scythian–Turan Plate to the Herirud sublatitudinal fault in Afghanistan. The postcollisional character of dextral displacements along the Ural–Herirud fault and its Triassic–Jurassic age are proven. We have estimated the scale of displacements and made an attempt to make a paleoreconstruction, illustrating the relationship between the Variscides of the Urals and the Tien Shan before tectonic displacements. The analysis of new data includes the latest generation of 1: 200000 geological maps and the regional seismic profiling data obtained in the most elevated part of the Urals (from the seismic profile of the Middle Urals in the north to the Uralseis seismic profile in the south), as well as within the sedimentary cover of the Turan Plate, from Mugodzhary to the southern boundaries of the former water area of the Aral Sea. General typomorphic signs of transcontinental strike-slip fault systems are considered and the structural model of the Ural–Herirud postcollisional strike-slip fault is presented.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper discusses the influence of tropical cyclones (TCs) upon the Earth’s crust beneath the ocean bottom, which is associated with rapid variations of pressure...  相似文献   

A technique is suggested and the thermal thickness of the lithosphere is calculated, as well as the temperature distribution in the lithosphere on the basis of data on topography, the age of the oceanic bottom, crustal composition and structure, gravity anomalies, and mean annual surface temperatures. The bottom of the lithosphere is determined as the 1300°C isotherm. The calculation resolution is 0.5°×0.5°. All first-order tectonic structures, such as mid-ocean ridges and plume areas in oceans, continental rifts, cratons, and orogenic belts, are expressed in the computed thermal thickness. The comparative analysis of the thermal thickness of oceanic and continental lithosphere, lithosphere of cratons and young platforms, ancient and young orogens, remnant oceanic basins and adjacent continental areas can be used in geodynamical analysis of the corresponding regions.  相似文献   

The field of modern tectonic stresses was reconstructed for the Earth’s crust of the northwestern segment of the Pacific subduction zones. For this purpose, we used the method of cataclastic analysis and data on the magnitude of the stresses released at the source of the Simushir earthquake of 2006, which allowed us to determine both the orientation of the principal stress axes and the magnitude of the stresses and to estimate the effective strength of rock masses. The effective cohesion was estimated for this region of the Earth’s crust as 12 bar, and the maximum shear stresses are no higher than 300 bar. The analysis of the reconstructed stress field in the zone of the preparation of the Simushir earthquake showed that this region was almost free of domains with high stresses where brittle failure requires considerable energy inputs. The medium level of effective pressure indicates that this region is most favorable for the development of a large-scale brittle failure.  相似文献   

Spectral harmonic analysis and synthesis of Earth’s crust gravity field   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We developed and applied a novel numerical scheme for a gravimetric forward modelling of the Earth’s crustal density structures based entirely on methods for a spherical analysis and synthesis of the gravitational field. This numerical scheme utilises expressions for the gravitational potentials and their radial derivatives generated by the homogeneous or laterally varying mass density layers with a variable height/depth and thickness given in terms of spherical harmonics. We used these expressions to compute globally the complete crust-corrected Earth’s gravity field and its contribution generated by the Earth’s crust. The gravimetric forward modelling of large known mass density structures within the Earth’s crust is realised by using global models of the Earth’s gravity field (EGM2008), topography/bathymetry (DTM2006.0), continental ice-thickness (ICE-5G), and crustal density structures (CRUST2.0). The crust-corrected gravity field is obtained after modelling and subtracting the gravitational contribution of the Earth’s crust from the EGM2008 gravity data. These refined gravity data mainly comprise information on the Moho interface and mantle lithosphere. Numerical results also reveal that the gravitational contribution of the Earth’s crust varies globally from 1,843 to 12,010 mGal. This gravitational signal is strongly correlated with the crustal thickness with its maxima in mountainous regions (Himalayas, Tibetan Plateau and Andes) with the presence of large isostatic compensation. The corresponding minima over the open oceans are due to the thin and heavier oceanic crust.  相似文献   

A new point of view describing processes of partial melting and development of gravitational instability in a thickening crust with increased thickness of the granite layer is suggested. Numeral experiments support the following main conclusions. The critical volume of partially melted material should be formed for the beginning of flotation in a gravitational field. Due to model estimations, the height of the melting area in the granite crust should be not less than 6–7 km. A mushroom-shaped form of the floating body was observed in all models regardless of the thermal source size (fixed or variable width): the high temperature channel (magma leader) and head body of the diapir are formed. The height of diapir floating depends on rheological features of the surrounding crust: 10 times increase in the yield strength (from 1 to 10 MPa) while temperature decrease confines the possible level of rising to a depth of 15–16 km. An elevation of about 750 m is formed in the day surface relief above the axis part of the diapir.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on recent displacement rates in the Altai-Sayan region, obtained by hydroleveling, leveling, and satellite geodesy. Effective elastic moduli and viscosity parameters of the crust are used in the modeling of coseismic and tectonic processes. The elastic moduli are determined from measurements of periodic vertical displacements during seasonal loadings of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant. We present the results of the modeling of coseismic displacements during the earthquakes of 10 February 2011 (M = 6.1) and 27 December 2011 (M = 6.7) in Tuva and West Sayan. The results of GPS determinations for postseismic displacements in the Chuya earthquake zone (Gorny Altai, 27 September 2003, M = 7.5) are analyzed; models for the geologic medium are selected; and its effective viscosity is estimated. The tectonic component of the recent crustal displacements in the Altai-Sayan region is defined.  相似文献   


On the basis of experimental data obtained during a comprehensive experiment in Vityaz Bay of the Sea of Japan using onshore laser strainmeters and a low-frequency hydroacoustic emitter generating complex phase-manipulated signals with a central frequency of 33 Hz, we developed the basic principles of contactless tomography of the Earth’s crust in the shelf regions of various seas, including those covered by ice, making it possible to determine efficiently the structure and composition of the upper Earth’s crust under seas.


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