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碎软煤的完整原样制取困难,需要加工制成重塑煤体,为了研究不同压制荷载对煤体物性特征的影响,以重塑煤体为研究对象,基于低温液氮的孔隙测试实验和高压容量法的甲烷吸附实验,探讨不同成型荷载而成的重塑煤体的微小孔结构及其吸附特性的差异。结果表明:不同成型荷载压制而成的重塑煤体,其微孔和小孔的孔容随着成型荷载的增大而略微减少,孔比表面积随着成型荷载的增大而略微增加,总孔体积减少和孔比表面积增加的幅度不大;通过分形理论发现无论高压段还是低压段,孔隙结构具有明显的分形特征,且在高压段的分形维数普遍低于低压段,不同荷载压制而成的重塑煤体的分形维数差别不大;等温吸附线均符合第Ⅰ类等温吸附曲线,Langmuir模型适用于描述重塑煤体的等温吸附,成型荷载对煤的吸附常数有一定的影响,其对吸附常数b值的影响大于对a值的影响。研究不同成型荷载下重塑煤体的吸附特性,为不同条件下型煤制作及冷冻取心实验提供参考。  相似文献   

不同变质变形煤储层孔隙特征与煤层气可采性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
煤储层孔隙是煤层气的主要聚集场所和运移通道,煤储层孔隙结构不仅制约着煤层气的含气量,而且对其可采性也有重要影响。文中选取淮北煤田和沁水盆地不同矿区有代表性的煤样,通过对研究区不同变质与变形煤样的宏微观构造观测、镜质组反射率与孔隙度测试以及压汞实验分析,研究了不同变质变形煤储层孔隙结构特征及其对煤层气可采性的制约。研究结果表明,按照不同的变质变形特征将研究区煤储层主要划分为5类,即:高变质较强至强变形程度煤储层(Ⅰ类)、高变质较弱变形程度煤储层(Ⅱ类)、中变质较强变形程度煤储层(Ⅲ类)、中变质较弱变形程度煤储层(Ⅳ类)及低变质强变形程度煤储层(Ⅴ类)。不同变质变形煤储层的孔隙结构具有以下特征:Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类煤储层吸附孔占主导,Ⅰ类煤储层孔隙连通性差,Ⅱ类煤储层因后期叠加了构造裂隙,孔隙连通性变好;Ⅲ类煤储层中孔、大孔增多,但有效孔隙少,孔隙连通性变差;Ⅳ类煤储层吸附孔较多,中孔、大孔中等,且煤储层内生裂隙发育,孔隙具有较好的连通性,渗透性明显变好;Ⅴ类煤储层吸附孔含量较低,中孔较发育,大孔不太发育,有效孔隙少,孔隙连通性差。由此,变质程度高且叠加了一定构造变形的煤储层(Ⅱ类)以及中等变质程度变形较弱且内生裂隙发育的煤储层(Ⅳ类),其煤层气有较好的渗透性,可采性较好。  相似文献   

构造煤中煤层气扩散-渗流特征及其机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
煤层气产出一般要经过解吸、扩散和渗流三个阶段,而煤层气在变形较强的构造煤中的扩散过程不同于在原生结构煤或变形较弱的煤体中的扩散。外界压力的变化只是构造煤吸附与解吸整个过程的一种外在因素,构造煤的变形和结构变化以及吸附势场的转换才是构造煤吸附与解吸的内在因素,是导致解吸过程不可逆性的根本原因。当构造煤体与CH4等多元气体间的吸附平衡状态遭到破坏时,变形较强的构造煤在降压后会产生解吸滞后现象;而变形较弱的煤,分子结构中的气体会很快解吸,第一阶段是气体解吸作用,第二阶段是游离气体从微孔向较大孔隙扩散的过程,气体扩散速率主要由第二阶段决定。构造煤气体扩散机理主要是由孔隙形状、大小、连通性和多元气体性质和状态所决定的。韧性变形煤的微孔隙比较发达,所以韧性变形煤以Knudsen扩散为主,脆性变形煤的中、大孔隙所占比例较大,而且脆性变形煤的孔隙之间具有很好的连通性,所以脆性变形煤以Fick型扩散为主,脆-韧性变形煤以及接近脆-韧性变形煤的脆性变形煤和韧性变形煤均以过渡型扩散为主。在试井渗透率比较中,一定变形程度的脆性变形煤>韧性变形煤,脆性变形煤中以过渡孔为主,其余为微孔,测不出亚微孔和极微孔,脆性变形还增加了各孔隙之间的相互连通性。韧性变形煤中过渡孔比表面积所占比例下降,微孔和亚微孔增高,扩散主要发生在微孔和过渡孔中,所以韧性变形煤的试井渗透率低于脆性变形煤的试井渗透率。  相似文献   

Desorption tests, conducted before development drilling, can predict early production rates of coalbed methane wells. In this study, results from 136 desorption tests from 30 coreholes are compared to subsequent production histories of surrounding wells. Coals studied are from the Carboniferous Pottsville Formation in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama, USA. The investigation indicates that the best predictor for gas production is ‘‘gas yield at 120 days, divided by sample depth'. This quotient has a higher correlation with actual gas production than other variables examined, including original reserves in-place. Gas content of coal generally increases with depth. However, coal permeability, and hence the recovery factor, tends to decrease with depth. Therefore, coalbed methane exploration should focus on finding the optimal balance between gas yield and depth. Commercially successful wells are characterized by coals with high gas yields at shallow depths. Desorption tests, especially of slowly-desorbing coals, should be run for a minimum of 120 days, or else should be extrapolated to that time if tests are terminated earlier.  相似文献   

Cleats and fractures in Pennsylvanian coals in southwestern Indiana were described, statistically analyzed, and subsequently interpreted in terms of their origin, relation to geologic lineaments, and significance for coal permeability and coalbed gas generation and storage. These cleats can be interpreted as the result of superimposed endogenic and exogenic processes. Endogenic processes are associated with coalification (i.e., matrix dehydration and shrinkage), while exogenic processes are mainly associated with larger-scale phenomena, such as tectonic stress.At least two distinct generations of cleats were identified on the basis of field reconnaissance and microscopic study: a first generation of cleats that developed early on during coalification and a second generation that cuts through the previous one at an angle that mimics the orientation of the present-day stress field. The observed parallelism between early-formed cleats and mapped lineaments suggests a well-established tectonic control during early cleat formation. Authigenic minerals filling early cleats represent the vestiges of once open hydrologic regimes. The second generation of cleats is characterized by less prominent features (i.e., smaller apertures) with a much less pronounced occurrence of authigenic mineralization. Our findings suggest a multistage development of cleats that resulted from tectonic stress regimes that changed orientation during coalification and basin evolution.The coals studied are characterized by a macrocleat distribution similar to that of well-developed coalbed methane basins (e.g., Black Warrior Basin, Alabama). Scatter plots and regression analyses of meso- and microcleats reveal a power-law distribution between spacing and cleat aperture. The same distribution was observed for fractures at microscopic scale. Our observations suggest that microcleats enhance permeability by providing additional paths for migration of gas out of the coal matrix, in addition to providing access for methanogenic bacteria.The abundance, distribution, and orientation of cleats control coal fabric and are crucial features in all stages of coalbed gas operations (i.e., exploration and production). Understanding coal fabric is important for coal gas exploration as it may be related to groundwater migration and the occurrence of methanogenic bacteria, prerequisite to biogenic gas accumulations. Likewise, the distribution of cleats in coal also determines pathways for migration and accumulation of thermogenic gas generated during coalification.  相似文献   

Microscopic pore structure and water distribution are important and fundamental parameters for coalbed methane reservoir characterisation. These are closely related to the calculation/interpretation of other critical parameters, such as permeability and flow capacity. In this study, scanning electron microscopy, low-pressure nitrogen gas adsorption, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations were used to study the pore structure characteristics and water distribution of Zhaozhuang coal mine in the southeastern Qinshui Basin, PR China. The results show that the pore radius ranges from 2.066 to 594.045?nm, mainly classified as micropores and transitional pores. The micropores significantly contribute to the total pore volume. The adsorption pores (micropores and transitional pores) contribute the most to the total specific surface area. The T2 spectrum distributions of saturated water samples show two peaks. The first T2 spectrum peak is related to adsorption pores, whereas the second T2 spectrum peak is related to seepage pores. The seepage pores were not well developed as the adsorption pores. Most adsorption pores are saturated with irreducible water that could not be discharged by centrifugation, whereas the seepage pores are saturated with movable water that could be completely discharged by centrifugation. The T2 cutoff method was used to calculate the irreducible water saturation, and the irreducible water saturation of the sample was ≥90%. The irreducible water was mainly distributed in the micropores, and some of the irreducible water was distributed in the transitional pores. The irreducible water that remains in the pores can cause reservoir damage.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(4):315-319
In order to estimate the isotope fractionation effect between coals and methane during coalification a maturity-related fractionation model has been developed for coals and reservoir gases of NW Germany which is based on empirical data. Assuming that observed isotope shifts of the convertible carbon of coals of different maturities are related to a loss of methane during coalification and that this shift can be described by a Rayleigh distillation process, functions with preselected fractionation factors were fitted to measured isotope data of the convertible carbon of coals. The best approximation of theoretical and measured data was achieved with a low fractionation factor (αc= 1.003). Using this model theoretical methane carbon isotope data were determined and compared to the isotopic composition of reservoir methanes of NW Germany. Although the methane isotope data of reservoir gases and the related maturity of the coals show a slight scatter, the theoretical data plot within the same range and follow the increase of the 13C concentration of reservoir gases with increasing maturity of the coals.  相似文献   

皇甫玉慧 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):153-154
正吐哈(吐鲁番—哈密)—三塘湖盆地低煤阶煤层气资源丰富,但低煤阶煤层气成藏规律认识不足。本文在分析吐哈—三塘湖低煤阶煤层气含气性和成因的基础上,从水文地质条件和构造条件等方面,探讨了研究区低煤阶煤层气成藏的重要条件,提出该区的成藏模式,明确低煤阶煤层气勘探方向,对研究区后续的煤层气勘探开发具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

通过压汞、液氮吸附实验对贵州珠藏向斜无烟煤孔隙结构特征进行研究,根据实验结果分析孔隙结构特征,并结合等温吸附试验,探讨了煤孔隙结构特征对其吸附性的影响。结果表明:珠藏向斜无烟煤主要以微孔、小孔为主,比表面积主要由微孔控制;“孔隙遮挡效应理论”能够很好地解释低退汞效率、高滞后环现象;由于测试原理不同,液氮、压汞实验结果有较大差异;研究区Langmuir体积平均为36.70 m3/t,Langmuir压力平均为3.23 MPa,Langmuir体积、Langmuir压力与微孔比表面积、退汞效率均呈现正相关;另外,Langmuir压力受微孔结构影响较大,特别是封闭孔的含量,封闭孔越多,Langmuir压力越高。  相似文献   

沁水煤层气田高阶煤解吸气碳同位素分馏特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沁水盆地是我国煤层气勘探开发的重要有利区,沁水煤层气田位于盆地东南部。对采自沁水煤层气田两口井的煤开展了罐解吸实验。结果表明,该地区煤层气解吸速率很快,96 h后解吸气量都达到了总解吸气量的60%~85%,720 h后解吸过程基本结束;解吸气量大,平均在18 m3/t以上。煤层气解吸过程中甲烷发生碳同位素分馏,δ13C1值变化与解吸率呈良好的线性关系,参考这种正相关关系曲线,定期监视煤层气降压排采过程中甲烷δ13C1值的变化情况,可以大致推测出该地区煤层气解吸率,从而预测煤层气的采出程度。跟踪测试沁水煤层气田A1和A1-3井在试采过程的甲烷δ13C1变化情况,推测现在采出的煤层气可能主要是煤层裂隙中以游离形式存在的煤层气,表明该区煤层气稳产性较好,资源前景广阔。  相似文献   

煤层气含量快速测定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
煤和煤层气地质勘探需要在取到钻孔煤心后的很短时间内获得气含量测值,而现行的煤层气含量测定方法难以满足此要求。基于自然解吸法原理和方法,以自然解吸法的测定结果为基准,在保证解吸量、气组成及其含量基本不变的前提下,通过连续观测、适当提高解吸温度等途径,合理、有效地加速解吸。以快速测定法与自然解吸法的对比试验结果为依据,建立了煤层气含量快速测定方法。此方法将煤层气含量测定周期缩短为几h~几d,可以满足煤和煤层气勘探的需求。  相似文献   

基于吸附势理论、气体状态方程,建立了煤储层压力与煤体吸附半径、孔隙半径与煤体吸附量、储层压力与煤体吸附量之间的关系模型,得出储层压力、吸附量、孔隙半径等多参数耦合的煤层气吸附量动态变化模型,利用潘庄区块煤体结构测试数据以及等温吸附试验结果对模型进行了验证。结果表明:潘庄区块以孔径小于7.7 nm的微孔为主,以孔径7.7 nm为临界点孔容呈先减小后增大趋势;模型计算的吸附量动态变化结果与煤体空气干燥基等温吸附变化结果在趋势上具有较高的一致性,模型的起始点为枯竭压力以及枯竭吸附量,得出潘庄区块枯竭吸附量为3 m3/t。模型不仅能够计算地层条件下不同温度和压力共同作用下煤体对甲烷气体的吸附量,且能够预测煤层气排采过程煤层气吸附量的动态变化,有助于确定煤层气排采工作制度以及提高煤层气采收率。  相似文献   

煤层气地质学新进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
自20世纪80年代以来,我国的煤层气勘探取得了突破性进展。在沁水盆地南部获得了可观的煤层气地质储量;河东煤田的煤层气勘探也取得了重大进展。煤层气地质学研究取得了明显进展:a 煤储层岩石物理研究取得重要进展;b 提出了煤层气藏的概念并依据我国的煤层气地质条件识别出几种主要煤层气藏类型;c 深化了对煤层气藏封闭保存条件的认识,充分认识到煤层气耗散对煤层气封闭保存的重要影响。d 对高煤阶煤层气藏研究有了突破性进展,突破了无烟煤勘探煤层气的禁区,获得了可观的煤层气地质储量;e 强化了低煤阶煤层气藏的研究;f深化了对煤层气藏不均一性的认识,初步揭示了煤层气藏不均一性的产生原因及其分布规律。  相似文献   

煤的孔隙、物理化学结构差异对煤层气的吸附-解吸及产出特征有巨大影响。基于对不同煤体结构煤的孔隙、结构、力学性质的认识,利用现场实测资料,分析了煤体结构对煤层气产出的影响。结果表明:构造变形使煤的孔容和比表面积增大,吸附能力增强。含气量和损失量呈正相关关系;在含气量相同的情况下,逸散速率相对大小依次为:原生结构煤<碎裂煤<碎粒煤<糜棱煤。原生结构煤和碎裂煤的临界解吸压力大于糜棱煤。在0~45 min、45~95 min、95~185 min,平均解吸速率关系为:原生结构煤<碎裂煤<糜棱煤,而在185~485 min内,平均解吸速率关系反生改变,即:糜棱煤<原生结构煤<碎裂煤。在含气量大致相等时,原生结构煤和碎裂煤的解吸量及解吸时间明显大于糜棱煤。  相似文献   

Computer modeling and simulation of coalbed methane resources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coal seam gas reservoirs are complex both geologically and in the mechanism of gas production. Understanding these naturally fractured reservoirs for two-phase (gas–water) flow conditions is often limited by a lack of data. This paper illustrates that reservoir simulation is a powerful tool which can be used to determine key data requirements, and how variability in reservoir properties and operating practices affect performance at the field level. The paper presents examples of how reservoir simulation can be used to assess the efficiency of well completions (fracturing or cavitation), identify candidate wells for remedial treatment, examine methane drainage in advance of mining, and assess the impact of errors in measured data on long-term gas production forecasts.  相似文献   

煤层气资源特点与开发模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探索煤层气高效开发模式,促进煤层气资源的开发,在总结20多a理论研究成果和勘探开发实践经验的基础上,将煤层气厘定为赋存于煤层及其围岩中的与煤炭共伴生的天然气,并将煤层气资源的特点概括为吸附态、自生自储两点。依据煤层气资源的特点,提出了煤层气资源开发模式分类方案,其中顶级分类包括地面开发、井下抽采、采煤采气一体化等。  相似文献   

The majority of known coalbed methane (CBM) production worldwide comes primarily from high-abundance CBM-enrichment areas or ‘fairways.’ The high-abundance CBM-enrichment areas are primarily characterised by large CBM resources with high single-well productions. CBM accumulation areas from the medium- to high-rank coals in the southern Qinshui Basin and the Hancheng CBM fields in the Ordos Basin were investigated based on regional geological analyses and physical analogue experiments. The results show that gas contents in the study areas increase with depths over the range from approximately 300 to 800 m, while permeabilities generally decrease with depths. Intervals with optimal gas content and permeability exist at a moderate depth along an inclined coal seam under the coupled control of temperature and stress. Brittle–ductile transition deformation increases the permeability and the pore-specific surface areas of coals. The gas content and permeability of the CBM reservoirs are shown to be two key factors determining the formation of high-abundance CBM areas. The coupling of gas enrichment and high permeability provides a favourable combination for CBM accumulation and high production. Combining CBM exploration and development practices in the study areas with physical analogue experiments, two CBM-enrichment models for medium- to high-rank coal have been recognised for different geological conditions, including (1) the model controlled by the depth in the slope zone and (2) the model controlled by the coal brittle and ductile in the deformation zones.  相似文献   

随着国内煤层气勘探开发技术的逐渐成熟,国内油气公司开始着眼海外煤层气资源勘探开发。但由于国外煤层气盆地资料匮乏,有效评价其可采资源量是一个难题。选取国外几个典型煤层气盆地,将地质类比法引入煤层气可采资源量估算中。结合煤层气富集成藏的基本要素,依据煤层气盆地实际资料,优选了影响煤层气可采性的10个地质参数作为刻度区和预测区的相似系数,二态定性量化不同地质参数。以等温吸附法确定刻度区的采收率,结合实际采收率经验,采用蒙特卡洛组合抽样估算了可采系数的变化范围。通过对北美、俄乌哈和澳大利亚3个地区10个煤层气盆地的可采资源量计算和对比,发现澳大利亚的鲍恩盆地煤层气可采系数大,可采资源量丰富,具良好的勘探开发潜力。该方法可为国外其他煤层气盆地的可采资源量计算提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Thirteen coal areas of the Maritime Provinces in Atlantic Canada are estimated to contain some 2.23 trillion m3 (78.8 TCF) [TCF, BCF, MCF: trillion, billion, million cubic feet]) of coalbed methane resources. This compares with 510 billion m3 (18 TCF) of natural gas calculated for the Sable offshore resources in eastern Canada. In the United States, where coalbed methane resource evaluations and production have increased substantially over the past 20 years, 7% (1.34 TCF) of total domestic gas production is derived from coalbed methane. In this period, the cumulative US production of coalbed methane has exceeded 198 billion m3 (7 TCF) and more than 8000 coalbed methane wells have been drilled.In Maritime Canada, the largest coalbed methane resources occur in the offshore areas of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Sydney Basins where 196 and 26 billion m3 (69 and 9.3 TCF) of gas, respectively, have been projected. In the old mines, the greatest resources are present in the Prince and Phalen mines of the Sydney coalfield, which together contain 1.70 billion m3 (60 BCF) of gas, and in the Westville mine of the Pictou coalfield with 198 million m3 (70 BCF).Vitrinite is the dominant constituent in 27 of the 42 coals examined. Vitrinite/inertinite ratios for these 27 coals range from 4.0 to 8.4. These high values may indicate the presence of highly fractured coals with corresponding high permeability and flow efficiency, favourable for the storage and flow of methane gas. Coal rank has a pronounced effect on coalbed methane generation, and the prime gas zone often lies between 1.2% and 1.6% Ro max. (medium to low volatile bituminous). The prime zone in the Maritimes Basin underlies much of the central and eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence, and extends for significant distances seaward into the offshore Sydney Basin.Coalbed methane production from the very large resources available in Atlantic Canada may provide a valuable and long-lasting energy resource, largely free of polluting components.  相似文献   

煤层气井产量受控因素较多,经济上存在着较大的风险性。通过分析煤层气井产量的影响因素,优化出13项评价指标,把定性和定量指标进行标准化处理,建立了指标体系。合理设计递阶结构模型,采用层次分析法进行定量评价,形成了一套完善的煤层气井评价方法和体系。通过晋城、韩城矿区实际资料的应用,效果良好,为煤层气高产井的部署和实施提供了依据。  相似文献   

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