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中强地震活动地区地震区划重要性及关键技术进展   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
本文分析了中强地震活动地区的地震灾害特点,指出了加强中强地震活动地区地震区划的重要性,回顾了中强地震活动地区的地震活动性参数确定、潜在震源区确定、地震动衰减关系等方面的研究进展,并对主要技术环节的方法改进提出了建议。  相似文献   

Li Ying 《中国地震研究》2007,21(4):379-387
Based on basic data used in compiling the Zonation Map of Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters in China, recent research on seismic safety assessment for engineering sites in central-southern Hunan Province, the new attenuation relationships of moderate earthquakes and the background seismicity data obtained by modern instrumental earthquake records since 1970, a new result of seismic zonation of central-southern Hunan Province is provided. The result shows that the area with PGA=0.05g has obviously increased in the new map compared with the previous one and is relatively consistent with the seismic disaster characteristics of moderate earthquakes that took place in the central-southern part of Hunan in recent years. This result will benefit the research and compilation of a new-generation seismic zonation map of earthquake ground motion parameters and the seismic hazard assessment in the moderate earthquake active regions in the central and eastern part of China.  相似文献   

在过去的数十年里,美国地震区划图随着建筑抗震设计需求而不断发展变化,从最初的一张图发展成现今抗震设计图和地震危险性图两图共生的形式。地震危险性图主要反映依据地震科学认识与基础观测资料评估得到的国土地震危险性分布,抗震设计图则继承了传统地震区划图的主要功能,反映国土范围内建筑抗震设计所需地震动设计参数的分布,服务于建筑设计。依据抗震设计需求,美国地震区划图的演化过程可划分为地震系数分区区划、设计地震地震动区划和最大考虑地震地震动区划3个阶段,各阶段均始于地震危险性图的改进,并以抗震设计理念与方法的更新换代以及与之相适应的抗震设计图的编制为标志。本文总结了美国地震区划图的演化历程,对地震危险性图与抗震设计图发生变革的技术原因、主要特征、应用意义及其影响进行了重点的分析与论述。  相似文献   

In this paper,we determined an earthquake sequence location in the Xingfengjiang area from June,2007 to July,2014 and the 3 D P-wave velocity structure by a simultaneous inversion method. On that basis,we studied the occurrence features of active tectonics and the earthquake source mechanism. The results show that the reservoir fracture system has a tendency to increase with gradual depth from southeast to northwest,consistent with gravitational field research results. There are 4 high velocity zones( HVZ) under the depth of the 7 km-12 km crust between the Xinfengjiang Reservoir dam and Xichang District,Dongyuan. The max velocity of the biggest HVZ which is under Xichang is 6. 3 km/s. Under the reservoir dam there is a strong tectonic deformation zone,as the center exit Renzishi fault( F_2),Nanshan-Aotou faults( F_4),Heyuan fault( F_1) and Shijiao-Xingang-Baitian fault( F_5),7 earthquakes with M_L≥ 5. 0( including M 6. 1 in March,1962) occurred at the high gradient zone of the HVZ Ⅲ and HVZ Ⅳ edge which has been under the reservoir dam since 1960, with relativity energy releasing more thoroughly. Moderate seismic activity occurred at the HVZ Ⅰ edge which has been under Xichang since 2012,and is a danger zone for M5. 0 earthquakes in the future.  相似文献   

通过对临汾地区地质构造环境的分析,结合地表地震形变遗迹的研究,初步认为共轭活动构造对1303年洪洞8级地震和1695年临汾级地震的发生和震中分布位置起着重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

城市隐伏活断层地震勘探的目标为上断点埋深为几米至数百米的隐伏活动断层.由于勘探深度较浅,地层的属性差异比较小,活断层的地震勘探相对一般的资源勘探有其自身的特点.由于反射系数较小,反射不强,地震资料受到面波的严重干扰,给地震资料的采集处理解释造成困难;并且由于活断层勘探是以断层的上断点层位作为活动性指标,因此,如何根据地震资料确定真实的上断点深度就十分关键.  相似文献   

张军龙 《地震》2014,34(4):20-29
本文通过整理和分析青藏高原西北于田地区强震后,地震迁移的空间分布,迁移特征,同时整理和分析与迁移地震相关的青藏高原主要活动构造的结构和地震活动,分析两者之间的关系。得到以下结论:①迁移地震空间分布具有不均匀性,主要分布在活动地块边界,受大型活动构造带控制;②迁移路径主要有三条,第二条路径更为重要,主要沿着昆仑山脉向唐古拉山、巴颜喀拉山及阿尼玛卿山,在若尔盖盆地东北侧折向东南,向岷山、龙门山迁移;③未来5年内在青藏高原西北于田地区可能发生1~2次6.5级左右地震,在龙门山南段等地震空区内可能发生迁移强地震;④1900年以来发生的地震沿先前存在的地震空区分布。  相似文献   

应用波动方程有限差分方法人工合成地震记录进行城市隐伏断层的地震勘探.采用适当的差分算法、震源子波以及有效地边界条件和频散消除方法来提高正演模拟的精度和分辨率.结果表明地震数值模拟可以用来分析地层厚度、断层倾角、断层深度以及断裂带宽度等参数对地震记录的影响;通过实际试验数据和正演模拟的合成单炮地震记录的对比,可以快速判断断层的大致位置和断裂带的大致范围以及目标地层的大致深度.该方法能有效辅助实际野外工作中的数据采集参数的估计,提高勘探效率和精度.  相似文献   

近年来,大城市附近的大地震造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失,而地震的元凶是活动的断层。对隐伏在城市地下的活断层进行研究,探明其位置和活动特性,采取正确的应对措施,对于减轻地震灾害具有重大的现实意义,世界上许多国家也越来越重视对活断层的研究。本文着重对活断层与地震灾害、活断层的研究现状和研究方法以及苏州地区的断层情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLarge earthquake and ground surface dislocation produced by the sudden slip of an active faulthidden belowa city can result in serious disaster,bring about huge losses of people’s life and stateproperty,or even make a city destroyed instantly…  相似文献   

本文总结了国内外桥梁抗震设计规范和建筑结构抗震设计规范的设计思想和设计方法,介绍了我国和美国地震动参数区划图的发展和现状,对比分析了抗震规范使用地震区划图的情况。针对我国抗震设计规范和地震动参数区划图的现状,提出了两条建议:(1)地震动参数区划图编制部门应直接提供多水准的地震动参数区划图;(2)抗震设计规范应彻底抛弃设防烈度概念,以地震重现期取代原地震危险程度标示方法。  相似文献   

在莫尔-库仑理论中引用Drucker-Prager准则,对于基岩断层及其上的覆盖土体建立相应的弹塑性模型,观察在不同力学条件下(张应力、压应力、剪应力),以及在基岩断层分别为正断或逆断作用下,上覆粉砂质土体和粘土质土体的错动变形。结果表明:在张应力作用下,粘土比砂土更易变形;在压应力作用下,砂土更易变形;而在剪应力作用下,粘土比砂土更易变形,且粘土抗剪强度越大,变形越大。在正断层作用下,在粉砂土与粘性土中所发生的变形并没有大的不同,而在逆断层载荷作用下,粉砂质土体比粘土质土体更容易变形位错。  相似文献   

An endeavor is made to compute peak ground horizontal accelerations at bedrock level in the Delhi region due to the seismogenic sources present around Delhi. The entire area is divided into six seismogenic sources for which seismic hazard analysis is carried out using the complete and extreme part of the seismicity data. Maximum likelihood estimates of hazard parameters viz., seismic activity rate , b value and maximum probable earthquake M max are made for each zone. The return periods and the probabilities of occurrence of various magnitudes for return periods of 50, 100 and 1000 years are also computed for each zone. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) values for 20% exceedance in 50 years are then computed for the Delhi region from each zone. The maximum PGA value considering all the zones is 0.34 g, which is due to the Mathura fault zone. The seismogenic zones V and VI, i.e., Mathura fault zone and the Sohna fault zone are observed to be contributing maximum PGA values in the Delhi region governing the isoacceleration contours computed for the region. The seismic zonation map for the PGA values at the bedrock level is obtained for the Delhi region. This can be used directly as input for the microzonation of ground motion at the surface by incorporating the local site conditions.  相似文献   

潜在震源区地震活动性参数、地震动衰减关系对地震危险性分析结果至关重要。以中国第五代地震动区划图潜在震源区划分方案为基础,采用2类震级分档分别建立自编及五代图潜在震源区空间分布函数,收集4组青藏高原及周缘地区地震动衰减关系,采用不同组合对青藏工程走廊沿线的81个场点进行概率地震危险性分析计算,得到50年超越概率10%(地震重现期475年)的各场点基岩地震动峰值加速度(PGA),并转换为一般场地(Ⅱ类)PGA,对计算结果进行对比分析,并与第五代地震动区划图归档上下限值进行比较。结果显示:采用我国西部地区地震动衰减关系计算得到的PGA最大,采用云南地区地震动衰减关系得到的PGA最小,采用川藏地区及青藏高原东北缘地震动衰减关系时居中;在同一地震动衰减关系下,采用自编空间分布函数计算得到的PGA普遍略大于采用第五代图空间分布函数时;在震级上限为8.5的潜在震源区及附近地区,潜在震源区空间分布函数震级分档对计算结果有显著影响。综合分析表明,采用自编Ⅱ型震级分档空间分布函数方案与川藏地区地震动衰减关系组合方案的计算结果最为理想。最后,采用该组合方案对青藏工程走廊50年超越概率10%的基岩场地PGA及一般场地PGA进行了区划。  相似文献   

Velocity structure beneath active faults in the Beijing area has been discussed,based on the digital crustal model of velocity from deep seismic sounding profiles and tomography imaging of P waves. We found that there exists nearly vertical deep faults beneath the Shunyi Depression and the Machiko Depression,which are very likely to be seismogenic faults in the future. In the superficial crust,the north segment of the Shunyi-QianmenLiangxiang fault,the north segment of the Huangzhuang-Gaoliying fault and th...  相似文献   

The method and principle of common offset seismic surveys as well as the field data gathering and processing technique were introduced briefly. Through two urban active fault survey examples in Fuzhou and Shenyang, the efficiency and limitation of using the common offset seismic reflection technique to carry out urban active fault surveys were probed. The results show that this technique has the properties of high resolving power, better reconstruction of subsurface structures, and real-time analyzing and interpretation of investigation results on site. This method can be used to quickly locate objects under investigation accurately in the areas with thinner Quaternary overburdens and strong bedrock interface fluctuations.  相似文献   

关于下一代地震区划图编制原则与关键技术的初步探讨   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12  
本文在回顾我国四代地震区划编图原则的基础上,结合对未来我国社会经济发展状况和国家地震安全政策变化的分析,同时对国际上地震区划研究进展与编图工作的现状了解,探讨了下一代地震区划编图的基本原则,提出了与之相关的基本科学技术问题,对第五代地震区划图的编制提出了初步的建议。  相似文献   

马边地震带发震构造背景的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹忠权  汪一鹏 《中国地震》1993,9(4):373-383
北北西向的马边-盐津隐伏深断裂是马边地震带形成的主要条件,尤其被东西向甘洛-沐川深断裂和盐津-叙永深断裂转限的段落是强震多发段。地壳表层有北北西向马边-盐津断裂组和地面微隆起带,但地表断裂与陷伏深断裂并不连通,且地表断裂走向与结构复杂多变,这是造成马边地震带强震地面破坏效应及地震影响场特点的基本原因。  相似文献   

本文是山东省防震减灾“十五”重点项目(SD10503)—淄博市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目的一个子课题和山东省自然科学基金青年基金(Q97E1142)——郯庐断裂带强震孕育动力学模型及其数值模拟研究部分研究成果的总结.在分析研究地震地质、地球物理、断层综合地球物理探测、探槽开挖、断层活动性鉴定等技术手段获得的反映区域地震构造环境、深部构造背景、活动断裂长期滑动习性的定性和定量资料、历史与现代地震活动性和地球动力学资料的基础上,甄别出具有发生破坏性地震的活断层段.同时利用定性、定量和综合判定方法,评价了淄博市及其邻近地区主要断层的地震危险性.本项研究成果为淄博市城区地震小区划、震害预测和断层危害性评价提供了基础依据.  相似文献   

This paper describes the seismic activity of Vulcano - an active volcano of the Aeolian Islands group - from 1977 to 1980. Two main swarms of low energy seismic events are recognizable on the basis of the entire set of data. The events, localized very near the crater of Vulcano where a fumarole field is present, have been classified into two classes:i) very shallow events (as far as 1 km in depth); andii) deeper events (as far as 3 km in depth). Double events and small earthquakes localized on the rim of the old caldera have also been recorded in a little percentage. The seismic events of Vulcano can be attributed to an intensive fumarolic activity.  相似文献   

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