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论内蒙古第四纪冰川和冰臼群的成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵国龙  朱洪森等 《中国区域地质》2001,20(2):200-205,T002
通过内蒙古林东地区第四纪冰川地质和冰臼群成因专项调查工作,发现了晚更新世冰碛泥砾层的龟背石、熨斗石、龟裂石等典型的冰碛砾石及冰斗、刃脊、角峰、冰川槽谷中的表皮构造等山谷冰川遗迹。在花岗岩体中发的岩臼群,可划分为冰期冰雪融水形成的冰臼、现代季节性降水形成的瓯穴和风蚀作用为主形成的风翕3种类型。本区冰臼同山谷冰川相伴随,未发现远源巨型漂砾等大陆冰盖证据。  相似文献   

最近,著名地质学家中国地质科学院地质研究所韩同林教授,在广东省揭西县发现了世界上罕见的冰臼群.冰臼群是古冰川融化后的冰融水,携带石块对下伏基岩或一些巨大的岩块(冰川漂砾)进行强烈冲击、研磨形成的.它是古冰川存在的有力证据之一,是古气候、古环境变迁的重要见证.揭西冰臼群发现于揭西县城之东南的石肚溪内,位于北纬23°23′,东经115°52′,海拔约36~300m.石肚溪是当地一条名不经传的小河,溪流自西南向东北方向流动,全长20多km,.目前已发现的冰臼群较集中的最少有11处,且均分布于河谷之中,…  相似文献   

内蒙古东部大陆冰川地貌卫星图像解译   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在赤峰境内发现大量冰臼和冰臼群后,利用遥感图像对大兴安岭及其两侧的冰蚀、冰碛地貌类型进行解译发现:它们中的绝大多数原本在巨型冰川漂砾、羊背石或基岩鼓丘上。它们是蒙古大冰盖之一部分在沿东南方向越过大兴安岭时其南端受到黄岗梁、七老图山、大马群山的分流、阻隔、旋转的必然结果。   相似文献   

通过对内蒙古中部新发现的冰臼特征研究,认为该冰臼群为第四纪冰川遗迹。冰臼分布在海拔高度2005~2033m地势平缓开阔山顶部,发育于中生代中三叠世浅黄色中细粒二长花岗岩体之上,岩石完整坚硬,冰臼分布较为集中,其形态可分为圆形和不规则形两大类,口宽0.1~1.2m,深0.1~0.3m,形态规则,部分冰臼发育出水口和水流侵蚀槽,其方向不受风向的制约。通过与周边发现的冰臼群对比研究,形态特征基本一致,只是本区冰臼群发育的海拔高度更高,规模较小,但部分冰臼形态更加完整,水流冲刷、流动痕迹明显,符合冰臼的一般特征。总体看,本区冰臼的形成是在厚层冰层消融阶段长期受冰川融水冲刷、研磨作用所致。结合周边冰川遗迹发育情况,认为内蒙古、河北一带第四纪发育过较大规模冰川,可能具大陆冰川的性质。  相似文献   

为了有效保护地质遗迹,并开展地质科普教育,避免以讹传讹,本文针对大别山南麓湖北省罗田县河铺镇与九资河镇交界处所发现的"冰臼群"进行了调查和研究。通过对"冰臼群"分布和形态特征分析,认为大别山地区河谷中的"冰臼群"系由水流侵蚀作用形成,其分布受构造(节理)控制,其改造和破坏受河流下切作用的强烈影响。因此,该"冰臼群"是流水侵蚀成因的壶穴而非冰川成因的冰臼。从目前的证据看,大别山地区并不存在第四纪冰川。  相似文献   

驳施雅风“冰臼”“负球状风化”成因论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩同林 《地质论评》2010,56(4):538-542
施雅风院士最近撰文指出笔者等近年来在中国东部发现的若干"冰臼"并非冰川遗迹,而是花岗岩经"负球状风化"而成。然而,他所谓的"负球状风化说"与当地的气候环境条件和客观存在的事实完全相悖。冰臼是地表负地形之一,现今是"堆积区"而不是"侵蚀区",以现代常见的侵蚀作用产生冰臼的所谓"风说"、"壶说"、"风雨说"、"差异风化说"、"负球状风化"等,都是不可能的。这些假说是对过去业己形成冰臼群进行不同成因推断,是对冰臼群成因的最大误解。冰臼只能由大量冰川融水沿冰川裂隙自上向下,以滴水穿石的方式形成滚流水钻,强烈冲击下伏基岩产生。从河流流水动力学特点上看,急流旋涡主要产生水平力为主,而冰臼的形成主要是垂直力才有可能产生,因此河流流水也是无法产生冰臼的。  相似文献   

错误的“冰臼”成因说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏珍  蒲健辰  赵井东 《地质论评》2017,63(1):143-152
在过去的20多年中,有学者将暴露于地表,地貌学称之为壶穴的所有臼状地形统称为"冰臼",且作为古冰川作用的证据。事实上,他们宣传的"冰臼"是流水或差异风化形成的壶穴,而非古冰川所成。在众多论著中,以韩同林先生《发现冰臼》造成的混乱为最。从冰川学的角度来看,冰川运动、消融等理论并不支持"冰臼"是由冰川作用所成的观点,其主要错误之处有三:①在冰川学中,"Moulin"一词指的是冰川表面热融形成的负地形,所涉及是冰川冰,而非冰川的下覆岩床;②此书借用早已放弃的冰水穿洞假说来论述"冰臼群"的形成过程,在常态运动的冰川上是行不通的;③书中冰融水形成的圆柱状滚流假说更与事实不符。这几点足以说明"冰臼成因说"是不能成立的,仅是一种错误的推测而已。  相似文献   

王照波著.2021.中国新生代冰川与环境演化.北京:地质出版社.本书以清晰的图片展示了在中国东部发现的冰川成因的平行擦痕、交叉擦痕、钉头鼠尾擦痕、磨光面、颤痕、新月形凿口、新月形断口、新月形裂纹、冰臼、河曲状冰川岩溶槽、鼓丘、巨型流线构造、终碛条带构造、冰碛垄、漂砾、冰筏坠石、冰石河、冰川袭夺、冰蚀夷平面、多成因U谷、冰斗等各类冰川遗迹;涵盖了山谷冰川、兴安冰帽、松辽冰盖、华北冰盖、云贵冰盖、青藏高原大冰盖等请多地貌;根据最新获得的冰碛堆积年龄,结合深海氧同位素气候演化曲线,从渐新世到全新世初步划分出13个冰期,建立了中国新生代冰期划分方案。重点论述了山体冰蚀过程与三角脊链、冰川滑动过程与各类擦痕、冰川堆积过程与垄槽序列、冰期气候过程与东亚冷槽、风成堆积过程与太行山隆起、青藏高原的降升与青藏高原大冰盖、冰期—间冰期对我国大陆架海陆变迁、古人类演化的影响、冰岛阀门效应与北极冰盖的形成等内容。这是一本极具探索趣味又引人思考的书,其中许多地貌现象的解释在地质、地理学术界尚存在相当尖锐的争论。  相似文献   

石冰川是含冰的舌状或叶状多年冻结地质体,广泛分布于全球范围内的高海拔和高纬度冰缘区,是多年冻土边界的重要代用指标。活动型石冰川沿山谷/坡向下缓慢蠕动,其活动性在全球变暖背景下逐渐增强,成为一种日益重要的寒区地质灾害。此外,石冰川内部含有大量冰体,是干旱与半干旱地区一种重要的淡水资源。基于国内外研究进展,将石冰川分为倒石堆型、岩屑覆盖型、冰碛型、昆仑山型,并分别讨论了不同类型石冰川的形成机制。石冰川的运动主要由多年冻土蠕变、冻胀融沉、整体前进,以及岩屑与冰的补给等过程组成,其时空变化主要受到气候条件、地形环境、内部结构,以及外力作用等多种因素的共同影响。石冰川对全球变暖的响应主要表现为地温增加引起的局部区域运动加速或失稳以及多年冻土融化导致的石冰川失活。在冰川退缩及季节性积雪持续时间缩短背景下,冰碛型石冰川表面的岩屑覆盖层作为保温隔热层,可以保护下伏冰体减缓融化,延缓和降低石冰川对气候变化的响应,成为干旱与半干旱地区一种日益重要的水资源。我国目前已有超过13 511条石冰川纳入编目,总面积超过945.51 km2,但仍然十分缺乏系统性的石冰川编目及长期的现场监测和模...  相似文献   

中国东部中低山区是否存在第四纪冰川的争鸣已经持续了近一个世纪,之所以存在争议,主要是目前发现的大部分冰川遗迹都是零散的、孤立的,具有多解性,不能充分支撑冰川存在的观点.经过对燕山山脉秦皇岛段长期深入细致的考察,发现了大量的、类型齐全的与冰川有关的遗迹,主要类型有冰川漂砾、冰碛、石海、冰臼、冰斗、冰蚀槽、冰擦痕、羊背石、角峰和U形谷.这些遗迹之间都存在着相互关联,形成了有力的证据群和证据链条,为中国东部地区第四纪冰期的研究提供了可靠的资料.  相似文献   

Four glacial drifts that are interstratified with lava flows and tephra layers on the upper slopes of Mauna Kea demonstrate that an ice cap formed repeatedly at the summit of the volcano during the middle and late Pleistocene. The oldest drift (Pohakuloa Formation) probably was deposited shortly after eruption of a lava flow having a KAr age of 278,500 ± 68,500 yr. Drift of the Waihu Formation, marked by a belt of subdued end moraines, is correlated with hyaloclastite cones and associated lava flows that were erupted beneath an ice cap about 170,000–175,000 yr ago. One of four younger subglacially erupted lavas at the crest of the volcano has a KAr age of 41,300 ± 8300 yr. Tephra layers that antedate the last glaciation are about 29,700 to 37,200 14C yr old and underlie dune sand that is believed to correlate with drift of the Makanaka Formation deposited during the last ice advance. The late Makanaka ice cap, which covered an area of about 70 km2 and was as much as 100 m thick, is reconstructed from end moraines and limits of erratic stones that encircle the summit region. The ice cap disappeared from the summit before about 9080 yr ago. Postglacial lavas and tephra overlie the youngest drift on the upper south flank of the mountain and buried a widespread post-Makanaka soil on the lower south rift zone about 4500 14C yr ago. The island of Hawaii is subsiding isostatically due to crustal loading by Quaternary volcanic rocks, with subsidence near the midpoint of Mauna Kea estimated as about 2.5 ± 0.5 mm/yr. A curve depicting an inferred long-term subsidence rate has been used to adjust equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) of former ice caps that are calculated on the basis of reconstructed glacier topography and an assumed accumulation-area ratio of 0.6 ± 0.05. The results indicate that ELA depression was greatest during Waihu glaciation, least during Pohakuloa glaciation, and that the ELA during late Makanaka glaciation was somewhat lower than that of the early Makanaka advance. Available radiometric dates show that late Makanaka glaciation correlates with stage 2 of the marine oxygen-isotope record, and suggest that early Makanaka, Waihu, and Pohakuloa glaciations correlate, respectively, with isotope stages 4, 6, and 8. Because ice caps could have formed on Mauna Kea only after the snowline was lowered many hundreds of meters below its inferred present level, episodes of Hawaiian glaciation probably were restricted to times of maximum ice volume on the continents. The asymmetry of the late Makanaka ice cap and the southeast-descending gradient of its equilibrium line are consistent with a southeast (tradewinds) source of precipitation during the last glaciation. Although departures of glacial-age temperature and precipitation from present values are difficult to assess quantitatively, growth of former ice caps on Mauna Kea most likely was due to enhanced winter snowfall and to reduced ablation rates brought about by lower air temperature and increased cloudiness.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that in the last glaciation Scottish ice from the Moray Firth flowed to the northwest across Caithness depositing shelly drift. Examination of striae along the east coast of Caithness shows that some were formed by ice flowing into and not out of the Moray Firth. It is argued that the flow into the Moray Firth may have occurred in the last glaciation and that the shelly drift may be a relic of an earlier glaciation. The cliffs of Caithness were formed during the Loch Lomond Readvance and have since been raised isostatically and so have been protected from further marine erosion by their own wave-cut platform which can be traced into Orkney where it intersects the present level.  相似文献   

颤痕是冰川作用地区由冰川携带岩屑做周期性或间歇性运动在冰床基岩和冰碛石表面形成的新月形或弧形破裂形态,特征尺度一般不大于1 m。其主要形成机制类似Riedel构造模式中的(R)剪切破裂和(T)拉张破裂,且遵循脆性破裂原理。根据国内外文献报道和野外考察,从术语学角度将冰川颤痕分为狭义和广义两种。广义冰川颤痕,包括曲锥形擦口(狭义颤痕)、半月形裂口、新月形凿口、新月形裂纹和新月形断口5种。测量统计结果显示,23组新月形断口的排列间距,KS和JB检验均符合正态和伽玛分布(置信度95%),与岩石节理(破裂)的间距特征一致;25组新月形凿口和35组新月形裂纹的排列间距,KS检验符合正态分布和伽玛分布,JB检验不符合正态分布(置信度95%)。证明颤痕在空间分布上大体保持相等的破裂间距,基本符合饱和模式理论。颤痕的定向性、成组特征具有明确的环境意义,与擦痕、擦面的地貌组合是重要的冰川遗迹判别标志。缺少冰蚀地貌组合的孤立“颤痕”,不具有指示冰川作用的价值。近年报道的山东鲁山没有“颤痕”等冰川遗迹。  相似文献   

Traditionally regarded as a relict permafrost and periglacial landscape that lay beyond the limits of Pleistocene glaciation, the granite uplands of northern Dartmoor in south‐west England in fact contain geomorphological evidence for the former existence of a plateau ice cap, making the area the location of the southernmost independent glacier mass in the British Isles. In addition to weakly U‐shaped valleys, the most prominent evidence comprises arcuate and linear bouldery ridges and hummocky valley floor drift, which are interpreted as latero‐frontal moraines deposited by the outlet glacier lobes of a plateau ice cap. Inset sequences of these depositional landforms, in association with meltwater channels, demarcate the receding margins of the glacier lobes. A numerical model of ice cap development shows that a predominantly thin plateau icefield type glaciation is required in order to produce significant ice flow into surrounding valleys. The highest and most extensive plateau areas were occupied by ice for the longest cumulative period of time throughout the Pleistocene, thereby explaining: (1) the lack of tors in such areas as the product of ‘average’ glacial conditions preferentially removing tors or dampening their production rates, (2) the survival of high relief tors during glaciation if they occupied summits too narrow to develop thick and erosive glacier ice, and (3) the survival of subdued tors in areas glaciated less regularly during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Glacial lakes are rapidly growing in response to climate change and glacier retreat which may lead to catastrophic socio-economic disasters. The failure of moraine-dammed lakes is...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1987,27(2):182-201
The last floods from glacial Lake Missoula, Montana, probably ran into glacial Lake Columbia, in northeastern Washington. In or near Lake Columbia's Sanpoil arm, Lake Missoula floods dating from late in the Fraser glaciation produced normally graded silt beds that become thinner upsection and which alternate with intervals of progressively fewer varves. The highest three interflood intervals each contain only one or two varves, and about 200–400 successive varves conformably overlie the highest flood bed. This sequence suggests that jökulhlaup frequency progressively increased until Lake Missoula ended, and that Lake Columbia outlasted Lake Missoula. The upper Grand Coulee, Lake Columbia's late Fraser-age outlet, contains a section of 13 graded beds, most of them sandy and separated by varves, that may correlate with the highest Missoula-flood beds of the Sanpoil River valley. The upper Grand Coulee also contains probable correlatives of many of the approximately 200–400 succeeding varves, as do nearby parts of the Columbia River valley. This collective evidence casts doubt on a prevailing hypothesis according to which one or more late Fraser-age floods from Lake Missoula descended the Columbia River valley with little or no interference from Lake Columbia's Okanogan-lobe dam.  相似文献   

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