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We analysed the solar particle event following the 9 July 1996 solar flare. High-energy protons were detected by the ERNE
instrument on board SOHO. Anisotropy of arriving protons revealed very peculiar non-monotonic development. A short period
of almost isotropic distribution was imbedded into the prolonged period of beam-like distribution of 14–17 MeV protons. This
implies the existence of a narrow magnetic channel with a much smaller mean free path than in the surrounding quiet solar
wind plasma.
We used Monte Carlo simulations of interplanetary transport to fit the observed anisotropies and intensity–time profiles.
Proton injection and transport parameters are estimated. The injection scenario is found to be very close to the scenario
of the 24 May 1990 event, but the intensity and the interplanetary transport parameters are different. The extreme anisotropy
observed implies prolonged injection of high-energy protons at the Sun and at the interplanetary shock front, and either a
very large mean free path (≥ 5 AU) outside the slow transport channel, or alternatively, a somewhat smaller mean free path
(≈2 AU) and enhanced focusing between the Sun and the Earth. 相似文献
Torsti J. Valtonen E. Kocharov L. G. Vainio R. Riihonen E. Anttila A. Laitinen T. Teittinen M. Kuusela J. 《Solar physics》1997,170(1):179-191
The energetic particle instrument ERNE on-board SOHO started its observations on December 15, 1995. The low-energy sensor of ERNE, LED, is capable of measuring particles in the energy range from 1 to 10 MeV nucl-1. From the beginning of the year 1996 until May 22, 1996, LED-observations included four energetic particle events above threshold intensities. An energetic particle event caused by a corotating interaction region that accelerated protons upto 10 MeV, was observed during January 20–25. Another similar particle event occured on May 6–12. The events were separated by four solar rotation periods. They had similar time profiles, but the one in May had a harder spectrum and a lower intensity level. The 4He-to-proton ratios were in accordance with the solar wind value. Energetic particles observed during April 22–23 and May 14–17 were accelerated at the Sun. The first one was apparently an outcome from an active region observed on the west limb by telescopes on-board SOHO. Protons were detected at energies from 1 to 10 MeV. For this event, the4He-to-proton ratio in the range 1.5–5 MeV nucl-1 was 3%. No 3He ions were detected. The period of May 14–15 was, in contrast, extremely 3He-rich: it had a3He-to-proton ratio of 1.5 ± 0.6 and a 3He-to- 4He ratio as high as 8. The period of May 14–17 comprised at least three individual, one-day-long events. The first two events were 3He-rich, while the last one seemed to have a normal composition. 相似文献
We summarize ERNE/SOHO observations of solar energetic particle events associated with impulsive soft X-ray flares and LASCO coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The new observational data support an idea that the >10 MeV proton acceleration may be initiated at different coronal sources, operating in the flaring active region and on the global coronal scale, in concert with CME development. However, the particle acceleration continues beyond the coronal scales and may culminate at the interplanetary CME well after the flare. We emphasize the importance of CME liftoff/aftermath processes in the solar corona and the possible role of seed particle re-acceleration, which may explain the existence of hybrid solar energetic particle events. 相似文献
Due to the emission of shock-accelerated electrons, broadband radio observations display propagating super Alfvénic shock waves in the low corona ('type II bursts'). We study the 9 July 1996 flare (AR NOAA 7978) focusing on the aspect of shock generation. This event's radio spectrogram shows two different type II bursts in sequence. Radio imaging data (Paris, Meudon Observatory) reveal that both bursts appear at different sites above the H flare. The driver of the first type II burst seems to propagate with twice the speed of the second one. The projected source site of the first type II burst (seen earlier and at higher frequencies) is spatially situated further away from the H flare site than the source of the second type II burst. We try to understand this by comparing with Yohkoh soft X-ray images. The first shock source occurs near the top of high soft X-ray loop structures. Its driver can be a guided fast mode magnetic disturbance. The second type II source appears in-between two high soft X-ray loop systems. This might be a piston-driven disturbance powered by an evaporation front. We get a consistent picture only by assuming a very inhomogeneous Alfvén speed in the active region's atmosphere. 相似文献
We compare the initial behavior of Fe/O and He/H abundance ratios and their relationship to the evolution of the proton energy spectra in "small" and "large" gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events. The results are qualitatively consistent with the behavior predicted by the theory of Ng et al. published in 1999. He/H ratios that initially rise with time are a signature of scattering by non-Kolmogorov Alfvén wave spectra generated by intense beams of shock-accelerated protons streaming outward in large gradual SEP events. 相似文献
We examine spectral time series of the transition region line Ov 629Å, observed with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on the SOHO spacecraft in July 1997. Both Fourier and wavelet transforms have been applied independently to the analysis of plume oscillations in order to find the most reliable periods. The wavelet analysis allows us to derive the duration as well as the periods of the oscillations. Our observations indicate the presence of compressional waves with periods of 10–25 min. We have also detected a 11±1 min periodicity in the network regions of the north polar coronal hole. The waves are produced in short bursts with coherence times of about 30 min. We interpret these oscillations as outward propagating slow magneto-acoustic waves, which may contribute significantly to the heating of the lower corona by compressive dissipation and which may also provide enough energy flux for the acceleration of the fast solar wind. The data support the idea that the same driver is responsible for the network and plume oscillations with the network providing the magnetic channel through which the waves propagate upwards from the lower atmosphere to the plumes. 相似文献
The finite energy force-free magnetic fields of the active region NOAA 9077 on 14 July 2000 above the photosphere were reconstructed. We study the evolution of the 3D magnetic field structures in AR 9077 and compare the reconstructed field lines with TRACE EUV 171 Å flare loops during the flare maximum, which confirms the process that flaring loops extended from lower sheared level to higher arcades. We also demonstrate the 3D magnetic field evolution before the 3B/X5.7 flare on 14 July and the magnetic structure after the flare on 15 July. This shows that the helical magnetic structures were significantly changed, suggesting that the flux rope was indeed erupted during the energetic flare at 10:24 UT on 14 July. 相似文献
本文对1989年4月9日在2840 MHz上观测到的微波爆发进行分析,发现该爆发存在几十到几百秒的准周期振荡现象。这种现象可能与磁环的准周期现象有关,应遵从磁流体力学规律。通过简单初步分析,获得一些有意义的结果。 相似文献
Solar Energetic Particle Event of 2005 January 20: Release Times and Possible Sources 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gui-Ming Le Yu-Hua Tang Yan-Ben Han National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Key Laboratory of Radiometric Calibration Validation for Environmental Satellites China Meteorological Administration Beijing Department of Astronomy Nanjing University Nanjing National Center for Space Weather China Meteorological Administration Beijing 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2006,6(6):751-758
Based on cosmic ray data obtained by neutron monitors at the Earth's surface, and data on near-relativistic electrons measured by the WIND satellite, as well as on solar X-ray and radio burst data, the solar energetic particle (SEP) event of 2005 January 20 is studied. The results show that this event is a mixed event where the flare is dominant in the acceleration of the SEPs, the interplanetary shock accelerates mainly solar protons with energies below 130 MeV, while the relativistic protons are only accelerated by the solar flare. The interplanetary shock had an obvious acceleration effect on relativistic electrons with energies greater than 2 MeV. It was found that the solar release time for the relativistic protons was about 06:41 UT, while that for the near-relativistic electrons was about 06:39 UT. The latter turned out to be about 2 min later than the onset time of the interplanetary type III burst. 相似文献
We revisited assessments of the occurrence probability distribution of large events in solar energetic particles (SEP), based on measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides in lunar rocks. We present a combined cumulative occurrence probability distribution of SEP events based on three timescales: directly measured SEP fluences for the past 60 years; estimates based on the terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclides 10Be and 14C for the multi-millennial (Holocene) timescale; and cosmogenic radionuclides measured in lunar rocks on a timescale of up to 1 Myr. These three timescales yield a consistent distribution. The data suggest a strong roll-over of the occurrence probability, so that SEP events with a proton fluence with energy >?30 MeV greater than 1011 (protons cm?2?yr?1) are not expected on a Myr timescale. 相似文献
We present a qualitative and quantitative comparison of a single coronal mass ejection (CME) as observed by LASCO on 5 October
1996 with the results of a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. This event was selected as a clear example of
a CME that is not caused by the disruption of a helmet streamer. This CME occurs against the background of multiple bright
streamers on the west limb. The CME is first seen as a brightening of the entire west limb. The CME has a bright, sharp front
that moves outward with no significant change in shape. The CME moves outward with roughly constant velocity that is approximately
twice as fast at high latitude as near the streamer. The measured CME mass is 1.2×1016 g. There are two parts to the MHD model. The pre-event corona was calculated using a 2-dimensional bi-modal model. The CME
is simulated using a time dependent perturbation at the base of the corona. The model successfully reproduces the observed
morphology, velocity profiles, and change in coronal mass. The observed velocity asymmetry is a natural consequence of the
structure of the pre-event corona. Animations have been generated from both the data and model to illustrate the good agreement
between the observations and simulation. These animations can be found on the CD-ROM which accompanies this volume.
Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005178630316 相似文献
Dryer M. Andrews M. D. Aurass H. DeForest C. Galvin A. B. Garcia H. Ipavich F. M. Karlický M. Kiplinger A. Klassen A. Meisner R. Paswaters S. E. Smith Z. Tappin S. J. Thompson B. J. Watari S. I. Michels D. J. Brueckner G. E. Howard R. A. Koomen M. J. Lamy P. Mann G. Arzner K. Schwenn R. 《Solar physics》1998,181(1):159-183
The first X-class flare in four years occurred on 9 July 1996. This X2.6/1B flare reached its maximum at 09:11 UT and was located in active region 7978 (S10° W30°) which was an old-cycle sunspot polarity group. We report the SOHO LASCO/EIT/MDI and SOONSPOT observations before and after this event together with Yohkoh SXT images of the flare, radio observations of the type II shock, and GOES disk-integrated soft X-ray flux during an extended period that included energy build-up in this active region.The LASCO coronagraphs measured a significant coronal mass ejection (CME) on the solar west limb beginning on 8 July at about 09:53 UT. The GOES 8 soft X-ray flux (0.1–0.8 nm) had started to increase on the previous day from below the A-level background (10-8 W m-2). At the start time of the CME, it was at the mid-B level and continued to climb. This CME is similar to many events which have been seen by LASCO and which are being interpreted as disruption of existing streamers by emerging flux ropes.LASCO and EIT were not collecting data at the time of the X-flare due to a temporary software outage. A larger CME was in progress when the first LASCO images were taken after the flare. Since the first image of the 'big' CME was obtained after the flare's start time, we cannot clearly demonstrate the physical connection of the CME to the flare. However, the LASCO CME data are consistent with an association of the flare and the CME. No eruptive filaments were observed during this event.We used the flare evidence noted above to employ in real time a simplified Shock-Time-of-Arrival (STOA) algorithm to estimate the arrival of a weak shock at the WIND spacecraft. We compare this prediction with the plasma and IMF data from WIND and plasma data from the SOHO/CELIAS instrument and suggest that the flare - and possibly the interplanetary consequences of the 'big' CME - was the progenitor of the mild, high-latitude, geomagnetic storm (daily sum of Kp=16+, Ap=8) on 12 July 1996. We speculate that the shock was attenuated enroute to Earth as a result of interaction with the heliospheric current/plasma sheet.presently at High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, CO80309, U.S.A.presently at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, 20375, U.S.A. 相似文献
A. J. Prise L. K. Harra S. A. Matthews D. M. Long A. D. Aylward 《Solar physics》2014,289(5):1731-1744
Multi-spacecraft observations are used to study the in-situ effects of a large coronal mass ejection (CME) erupting from the farside of the Sun on 3 November 2011, with particular emphasis on the associated solar energetic particle (SEP) event. At that time both Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft were located more than 90 degrees from Earth and could observe the CME eruption directly, with the CME visible on-disk from STEREO-B and off the limb from STEREO-A. Signatures of pressure variations in the corona such as deflected streamers were seen, indicating the presence of a coronal shock associated with this CME eruption. The evolution of the CME and an associated extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave were studied using EUV and coronagraph images. It was found that the lateral expansion of the CME low in the corona closely tracked the propagation of the EUV wave, with measured velocities of 240±19 km?s?1 and 221±15 km?s?1 for the CME and wave, respectively. Solar energetic particles were observed to arrive first at STEREO-A, followed by electrons at the Wind spacecraft at L1, then STEREO-B, and finally protons arrived simultaneously at Wind and STEREO-B. By carrying out a velocity-dispersion analysis on the particles arriving at each location, it was found that energetic particles arriving at STEREO-A were released first and that the release of particles arriving at STEREO-B was delayed by about 50 minutes. Analysis of the expansion of the CME to a wider longitude range indicates that this delay is a result of the time taken for the CME edge to reach the footpoints of the magnetic-field lines connected to STEREO-B. The CME expansion is not seen to reach the magnetic footpoint of Wind at the time of solar-particle release for the particles detected here, suggesting that these particles may not be associated with this CME. 相似文献
We present observations of the active M-dwarf binary AT Mic(dM4.5e+dM4.5e) obtained with the orbital observatory Astro Sat. During 20 ks of observations, in the far-ultraviolet(130–180 nm) and soft X-ray(0.3–7 keV)spectral ranges, we detected both quiescent emission and at least five flares on different components of the binary.The X-ray flares were typically longer than and delayed(by 5–6 minutes) with respect to their ultraviolet counterparts, in agreement with the Neupert effect. Using X-ray ... 相似文献
A quiescent polar crown prominence was observed at Meudon in Hα and Ca ii lines, and by EIT and SUMER on board SOHO in UV
lines from 9 to 10 March 1996. SUMER observed the prominence continuously in a scanning mode between 21:40 UT on 9 March,
and 18:13 UT on 10 March, in the nitrogen line N v (λ1238) with a 1 arc sec2 resolution. Altogether 190 prominence images (121×108 pixels) were obtained. These are presented in a movie. The prominence
is highly dynamic. Large-scale features, such as mixed loop systems and dark cavities are changing on time scales of a few
hours. Filamentary structure is evident and is changing within a few frames of the movie. A lifetime of 20–25 min for the
fine structure has been found by the autocorrelation method. We have statistically analysed the three moments of the N v line
in the prominence: line intensity, Doppler shift and linewidth, in the context of a multiple-thread model. We find that the
data are consistent with a model where the prominence is assumed to be an ensemble of small threads. In the brightest parts
of the prominence it is possible that there are many unresolved threads (15–20) along the line of sight with diameters smaller
than a few hundred kilometers. The filling factor is probably very small and in that case the structures occupy only a fraction
of the volume.
Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005151015043 相似文献
D. Utz A. Hanslmeier A. Veronig O. Kühner R. Muller J. Jurčák B. Lemmerer 《Solar physics》2013,284(2):363-378
Small-scale magnetic fields can be observed on the Sun in high-resolution G-band filtergrams as magnetic bright points (MBPs). We study Hinode/Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) longitude and latitude scans of the quiet solar surface taken in the G-band in order to characterise the centre-to-limb dependence of MBP properties (size and intensity). We find that the MBP’s sizes increase and their intensities decrease from the solar centre towards the limb. The size distribution can be fitted using a log–normal function. The natural logarithm of the mean (μ parameter) of this function follows a second-order polynomial and the generalised standard deviation (σ parameter) follows a fourth-order polynomial or equally well (within statistical errors) a sine function. The brightness decrease of the features is smaller than one would expect from the normal solar centre-to-limb variation; that is to say, the ratio of a MBP’s brightness to the mean intensity of the image increases towards the limb. The centre-to-limb variations of the intensities of the MBPs and the quiet-Sun field can be fitted by a second-order polynomial. The detailed physical process that results in an increase of a MBP’s brightness and size from Sun centre to the limb is not yet understood and has to be studied in more detail in the future. 相似文献
Abdullrahnan Maghrabi Mohammed AlAnazi A. Aldosari M. Almuteri 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2017,38(1):1
Solar disturbances modulate primary cosmic rays on different time scales. Studying cosmic ray variation is an important subject that attracts scientists from different disciplines. We have constructed and installed (in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Rc =14.4 GV) a three-layer small (20 × 20 cm2) MultiWire Chamber (MWC) telescope to study cosmic ray variations and investigate their influence on various atmospheric and environmental processes. Preliminary results obtained from the developed detector are given. The influence of both atmospheric pressure and temperature was studied. Both the temperature and pressure coefficients were calculated and were consistent with those previously obtained. Short-term cosmic ray periodicities, such as the 27-day period, and its two harmonics, have been identified. Sporadic variations caused by some solar activity processes have been inspected. The obtained results from this detector have been compared to the existing 1 m2 scintillator detector, as well as to some of the neutron monitors, showing comparable results. 相似文献
V. Krupar M. Maksimovic O. Santolik E. P. Kontar B. Cecconi S. Hoang O. Kruparova J. Soucek H. Reid A. Zaslavsky 《Solar physics》2014,289(8):3121-3135
We have performed a statistical study of 152 Type III radio bursts observed by Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves between May 2007 and February 2013. We investigated the flux density between 125 kHz and 16 MHz. Both high- and low-frequency cutoffs were observed in 60 % of events, suggesting an important role of propagation. As already reported by previous authors, we observed that the highest flux density occurs at 1 MHz on both spacecraft. We developed a simplified analytical model of the flux density as a function of radial distance and compared it with the STEREO/Waves data. 相似文献
Monte Carlo simulations of interplanetary transport are employed to study adiabatic energy losses of solar protons during
propagation in the interplanetary medium. We consider four models. The first model is based on the diffusion-convection equation.
Three other models employ the focused transport approach. In the focused transport models, we simulate elastic scattering
in the local solar wind frame and magnetic focusing. We adopt three methods to treat scattering. In two models, we simulate
a pitch-angle diffusion as successive isotropic or anisotropic small-angle scatterings. The third model treats large-angle
scatterings as numerous small-chance isotropizations. The deduced intensity–time profiles are compared with each other, with
Monte Carlo solutions to the diffusion-convection equation, and with results of the finite-difference scheme by Ruffolo (1995).
A numerical agreement of our Monte Carlo simulations with results of the finite-difference scheme is good. For the period
shortly after the maximum intensity time, including deceleration can increase the decay rate of the near-Earth intensity essentially
more than would be expected based on advection from higher momenta. We, however, find that the excess in the exponential-decay
rate is time dependent. Being averaged over a reasonably long period, the decay rate of the near-Earth intensity turns out
to be close to that expected based on diffusion, convection, and advection from higher momenta. We highlight a variance of
the near-Earth energy which is not small in comparison with the energy lost. It leads to blurring of any fine details in the
accelerated particle spectra. We study the impact of realistic spatial dependencies of the mean free path on adiabatic deceleration
and on the near-Earth intensity magnitude. We find that this impact is essential whenever adiabatic deceleration itself is
important. It is also found that the initial angular distribution of particles near the Sun can markedly affect MeV-proton
energy losses and intensities observed at 1 AU. Computations invoked during the study are described in detail. 相似文献