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北京及邻近地区Moho面的深度分布及其构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马林 《中国地震》1998,14(1):1-13
利用北京台网38中站记录的北京及其地区1990 ̄1993年302个2.0级(唐山地构3.0有)以上地震,共3014条^-P波到时、666条Pn波到时及1135^-S波到时资料,采用Horiuchi等(1982a;1982b)提出的“地壳二维深度结构”方法,研究了这一地区Moho面的深度分布,同时联合测定震源位置及P,S波台校正值。另外,用华北台网(1993,1994年)的资料也进行了试算。结果表明  相似文献   

利用2009~2016年内蒙古自治区数字地震台网宽频带固定地震台站的远震波形数据,采用接收函数H-k算法获得23个基岩台站下方的莫霍面深度和泊松比,同时,收集并筛选出277个已有探测台阵和流动台站的接收函数研究结果,综合分析给出大兴安岭造山带及两侧邻区莫霍面深度、泊松比的分布特征。研究表明,研究区域的莫霍面在整体上呈现自东向西逐渐加深的特征,莫霍面深度为25.0~42.3km,平均约为33.5km。莫霍面最浅的区域为松辽盆地(深度为27.0~35.0km),最深的区域为大兴安岭重力梯级带以西地区(深度为41.0~42.3km)。研究区域泊松比为0.19~0.33,平均值为0.26,大于全球大陆地壳的平均值。泊松比高值异常区集中在火山岩区及具有较厚沉积层的盆地。台站所处位置的海拔与莫霍面深度之间具有较强的正相关性,艾里补偿模式在研究区成立,莫霍面起伏与区域地形地貌特征间具有显著的镜像关系。大兴安岭地区的莫霍面深度与泊松比间存在显著的反相关关系,而在松辽盆地及周缘地区未发现明显的规律性,这也意味着松辽盆地在构造演化过程中经历了更为复杂的地壳改造过程。  相似文献   

利用三分量远震记录资料,计算获得了江西省13个数字地震台下方的体波接收函数,利用H-kappa叠加方法反演得到这些台站下方的地壳厚度及泊松比。结果表明,研究区域东西向莫霍面起伏平缓,南北向地壳厚度变化稍大,全区域内地壳平均厚度为31 km,最大深度为九江的35 km,最小深度为赣州的28 km。泊松比的分布在研究区内从0.2到0.3之间变化,最大为会昌的0.27,最小为南昌的0.21。赣南各台站泊松比分布明显高于赣北,这可能与该区域地幔组分及地质演化过程有关。  相似文献   

本文利用远震接收函数的方法,对川滇地区的昆明、腾冲、成都和攀枝花等4个国家地震台的台基下方不同方向的莫霍面深度及波速比进行了研究和分析。结果表明:昆明地震台台基下方的莫霍面深度基本在50km左右,波速比为1.62~1.69,地壳厚度和波速比不因方向不同而发生明显的变化;腾冲地震台台基下方的地壳厚度有着比较明显的方向性,东北方向厚为40.7km,东南方向为49.7km,两个方向的波速比相差也很大,差值达到0.2;成都地震台台基下方莫霍面的深度在40km左右,但是东北和西南方向要加深8km,两个方向波速比相差0.13;攀枝花地震台台基下方的地壳厚度比较稳定,厚度在60km左右,波速比变化也不明显。  相似文献   

考虑沉积层重力改正的中国西部Moho面深度反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜永涛  张永志  王帅  焦佳爽  槐岩珂 《地震研究》2015,38(2):257-261,333
首先研究了大型沉积盆地对地表重力异常的影响,然后基于Parker-Oldenburg迭代算法,利用经过沉积层改正的布格重力异常数据反演了中国西部的Moho面深度。结果表明,地壳浅层密度异常对地表重力异常和Moho面深度结果的影响较大,利用简化的三层沉积层模型,计算出的中国西部沉积盆地的重力异常改正最大可达25 m Gal,由此引起的Moho面深度可达2.2 km,Moho面深度最终计算结果与区域最新研究成果相符合,因此,利用重力异常反演Moho面深度时,应考虑沉积层的影响以提高反演精度。  相似文献   

We use 146 422 P-wave arrival times from 6 347 local earthquakes recorded by the Southern California SeismicNetwork to determine a detailed three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure at 0~35 km depth. We have takeninto account the Moho depth variations, which were obtained by seismological methods. Checkerboard tests sug-gest that our inversion results are reliable. Our models provide new information on regional geological structuresof Southern California. At shallow depths P-wave velocity structure correlates with surface geological features andexpresses well variations of surface topography of the mountains and basins. The velocity structure at each layer ischaracterized by block structures bounded by large faults. Ventura Basin, Los Angeles Basin, Mojave Desert, Pen-insular Ranges, San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Nevada, and Salton Trough show respectively all-round block. SanAndreas Fault becomes an obvious boundary of the region. To its southwest, the velocity is higher, and there arestrong heterogeneity and deeper seismicity; but to its northeast, the velocity is lower and shows less variation thanto the southwest, the seismicity is shallower. To investigate the effect of the Moho geometry we conducted inver-sions for two cases: one for flat Moho geometry, another for a Moho with lateral depth variations. We found thatthe topography of the Moho greatly affects the velocity structure of the middle and lower crust. When the Mohotopography is considered, a more reasonable tomographic result can be obtained and the resulting 3-D velocitymodel fits the data better.  相似文献   

为了研究南海及邻区莫霍面分布特征及其与边缘海盆、海沟、岛弧、新生代沉积盆地的关系等构造单元的关系,本文通过对研究区的空间重力异常数据进行全布格改正,得到研究区内的布格重力异常,并以近年来的声纳浮标探测与海底地震仪探测剖面所得到的莫霍面深度资料为控制点采用三维带控制点界面反演方法得到了研究区的莫霍面深度图和地壳厚度图.本...  相似文献   

The depth of Moho in the mainland of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThedepthofMohointhemainlandofChinaRong-ShengZENG;(曾融生)Wei-GuoSUN;(孙为国)Tong-EnMAO(毛桐恩)ZhongYangLIN;(林中洋)Hong-XiangHU;(胡鸿翔)andG...  相似文献   

渤海海域地震震源深度的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
震源深度的研究对于探索地震孕育和发生的深部环境,地震能量集结、释放的活动构造背景,以及地壳内部构造变形及其力学属性等都有非常重要的意义。本文选择渤海海域内观测精度相对较高的地震资料作为样本,统计分析了不同震级档、不同空间范围的震源深度分布特征,并初步探讨了震源深度与地震构造、地壳结构的关系。结果表明,渤海海域内中小震的震源深度在空间上的分布是不均匀的,发生在渤中断陷内的地震,其震源深度一般较深;而发生在山东半岛北部沿海与辽东半岛沿海的地震,其震级较低且震源一般较浅。但总体上,渤海海域内的地震多发生在10-20km的地壳中、上部,属浅源地震。  相似文献   




利用南海海盆及周边最新的重力,经过海底地形、沉积层的重力效应改正,并采用岩石圈减薄模型的温度场公式,校正了从张裂边缘到扩张海盆的热扰动重力效应.通过研究区的地震剖面和少量声呐数据得到的莫霍面深度点作为约束,采用基于"起伏界面初始模型"的深度修正量反演迭代公式,反演、计算了研究区的莫霍面深度及地壳厚度.结果表明,海盆区莫霍面深度在8~14 km之间,地壳厚度在3~9 km之间;东部海盆和西南海盆残留扩张中心沿NNE向展布向西南延伸至112°E,莫霍面深度超过12 km,地壳厚度在6 km以上,而西北海盆没有明显的增厚扩张中心;在西南海盆北缘的中沙地块南侧,存在一个近EW向地壳减薄带,地壳厚度在9~10 km;莫霍面深度14 km的等深线和地壳厚度9 km的等值线可指示洋陆边界位置.  相似文献   

基于EGM2008重力场模型计算获得了渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常。采用小波多尺度分解方法对布格重力异常进行了4阶小波逼近和小波细节分解,同时基于平均径向对数功率谱方法定量化地计算出1~4阶小波细节和小波逼近所对应的场源平均埋深。结合区域地质和地震资料,对获得的重力场结果进行分析,得到如下结论:①鄂尔多斯地块、渭河盆地、秦岭造山带3个一级构造单元的布格重力异常之间存在明显差异;构造区内部重力异常也存在横向的显著差异。布格重力异常的走向、规模、分布特征与二级构造区及主要的断裂具有一定的对应关系。②渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常1~4阶细节对应4~23 km不同深度的场源信息,鄂尔多斯地块南缘东、西部的地壳结构存在明显的差异;渭河盆地凹陷、凸起构造区边界清晰,断裂边界与重力异常边界具有较好的一致性;秦岭造山带重力异常连贯性不好,东、西部重力异常变化特征表现出明显的差异。③渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常分布与莫霍面埋深具有非常明显的镜像关系。渭河盆地及邻区地震主要分布在六盘山—陇县—宝鸡断裂带、渭河断裂与渭南塬前断裂交汇处、韩城断裂与双泉—临猗断裂交汇处。渭河盆地及邻区重力异常主要由中上地壳剩余密度体所影响,这可能是该区地震以浅源地震为主的主要原因。  相似文献   

Studyonthecharacteristicsofcrust┐mantletransitionzoneinWesternYunnanProvinceHONG-XIANGHU(胡鸿翔)ZHONG-YANGLIN(林中洋)YIN-JUBIAN(边银...  相似文献   

莫霍面深度图的编绘与研究一直都是岩石圈构造研究中的重点内容之一.本文在搜集了我国50年以来有关莫霍面深度研究的各种地球物理调查结果与资料基础上,大量引入近年来各种专项的最新成果,将海陆结合一体.以重力数据为基础,在统一数字化投影基础上,经过完全布格校正、格莱尼改正等步骤,并将图幅内依据构造特征划分成不同的分区.研究中以120条地震测深等剖面数据为控制点来计算各分区的莫霍面平均深度反演参数和开展偏差分析.在对重力数据异常场分离方法及界面反演方法优化的基础上,编绘了中国海陆1:500万莫霍面深度图.依据地壳性质与莫霍面深度分布特征,划分了梯度带与分区,并对每个分区的莫霍面深度分布特点进行了归纳和总结,并就图幅内莫霍面深度图所反映出的地质内涵及东亚地区的宏观构造格架进行了讨论.  相似文献   

It is the essence of the study on the dynamics of eastern Asian continent to investigate the ef-fects of geophysical field and the process of the deep block boundaries, and furthermore, to estab-lish a geodynamic physical-mathematical model based on the d…  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘Moho面速度密度跃变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

青藏高原东南缘地下深部结构的研究对了解青藏高原的变形机制和动力学过程具有重要意义.本文利用四川、云南固定台站记录到的远震波形资料,首先采用接收函数H-k叠加方法获得青藏高原东南缘台站下方的地壳厚度和波速比.进而利用接收函数一次转换波和多次波幅度信息确定了青藏高原东南缘Moho面上的S波速度和密度跃变.研究结果表明:研究区由南到北地壳厚度逐渐增加,从永德、沧源、孟连地区的33 km左右增至巴塘地区的69.7 km左右,厚度变化了近乎37 km.四川盆地和松潘甘孜块体南部的姑咱地区具有高泊松比、速度密度跃变较小特征,表明这两个地区含有较多铁镁物质.腾冲地区、龙门山西侧的汶川地区、四川盆地西南缘的沐川地区以及则木河断裂的石门坎至东川地区同属于高泊松比、速度密度跃变较大,显示这些地区壳内存在部分熔融.


藏北羌塘盆地中部莫霍面形态及其动力学成因   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对羌塘盆地内49个临时宽频带地震观测台阵数据的接收函数分析,采用H-κ叠加和CCP 叠加成像两种方法,获得到了藏北羌塘中部莫霍面深度以及泊松比分布.作为羌塘盆地构造单元的南缘边界,班公湖-怒江缝合带下的Moho存在一个南深北浅、断距约10 km的台阶;把羌塘盆地分为两部分的羌塘中央隆起带下存在一个3 km的Moho台阶;北羌塘盆地下的Moho 平均深度约为60 km,而南羌塘约为63 km.羌塘高原下的近水平Moho结构可能是受到印度大陆北向俯冲作用下的青藏高原隆升过程中Moho再均衡所致或者与其构造演化有关.泊松比值具有明显的构造分区特征,如南羌塘下的泊松比平均为0.31,双湖缝合带下的泊松比接近正常值,为0.265,而北羌塘的泊松比平均为0.285.  相似文献   

Eleven PASSCAL broadband digital seismic stations were employed in the Tibetan Plateau by the Sino-US team from September, 1991 to June, 1992. Seven of them were distributed along the Qinghai-Tibet highway, others in Maqin and Yushu of Qinghai Province, Linzhi and Xigatze of Tibet. The data included 31 local earthquakes recorded by these stations from July, 1991 to January, 1992. Considering the characters of digital data, we identified the seismic phases carefully in several methods using SAC softwares (Seismic Analysis Code) in SUN workstation. We compared the seismic phases after converting the seismograms of the single stations to the seismic profiles; analyzed the first arrivals of P waves in the incident planes by rotating 3 component seismic records; identified the seismic phases from the particle motion pictures. The Pn apparent velocities were calculated in the distance range of 230–1200 km from Linzhi earthquakes, western Changtang earthquakes, Xitieshan and Gonghe earthquakes and the earthquakes in India. The results show that the Pn velocities change slightly in the Tibetan Plateau (8.0–8.1 km/s). These values near the velocities at the uppermost mantle of the normal continents. The Moho undulation in the Tibetan Plateau was also studied by using Pn data by the time-term method. The primary results indicate that the Moho beneath the Tibetan Plateau is flat, and its depths are 67–70 km. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 593–600, 1992.  相似文献   

The P receiver function includes P-to-SV converted phases and multiple reverberations of the discontinuities in the crust and mantle. The time of these phases is related to the crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio, and the amplitude of these phases is mainly controlled by the velocity and density contrast of interfaces. By using H-κ stacking method, this work estimated the crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio beneath the stations in the Guangdong province of South China. The velocity and density contrast (δβρ) scanning stacking algorithm of the receiver function is applied to constrain the velocity and density contrast of the Moho in Guangdong province. This work analyzed the results of the crustal thickness, vP/vS ratio, and the velocity and density contrasts of Moho. The results indicate that the velocity contrast is higher beneath Yangjiang area in western Guangdong province and Nanao area in eastern Guangdong, which has a strong correlation with the distribution of geothermal springs in local areas and the characteristics of high heat flow. The velocity contrast of Moho has also a good correlation with the vP/vS ratio and the crustal thickness, which indicates that there is a strong material composition contrasts of the Moho in the study area. Velocity and density contrasts of Moho in some local area (such as western Guangdong) are somewhat consistent with the seismic activities.  相似文献   

Takeshi  Tsuji  Yasuyuki  Nakamura  Hidekazu  Tokuyama  Millard F.  Coffin  Keita  Koda 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):361-373
Abstract   To show the structure of oceanic crust and Moho around the eastern Ogasawara Plateau, we have analyzed industry-standard two-dimensional multichannel seismic reflection data. To obtain improved velocity models, phase information of seismic signals was used for velocity analysis and velocity models for oceanic crust above Moho were determined. We apply this velocity analysis technique to seismic reflection data around the eastern Ogasawara Plateau, with the result of clear images of structures within oceanic crust and Moho. South of the Ogasawara Plateau, Moho deepens proximal to the Plateau. Moho distal to the Plateau is ca 7 km below sea floor (bsf), whereas it is ca 10 km bsf near the Plateau. The characters of oceanic crust and Moho differ significantly north and south of the Plateau. To the north, the structure of oceanic crust is ambiguous, the sea floor is shallower and less smooth, and Moho is discontinuous. To the south, structures within oceanic crust and Moho are imaged clearly, and the sea floor is deeper. A strong Moho reflection south of the Plateau might represent a sharp boundary between layered gabbro and peridotite. However, discontinuous Moho reflections north of the Plateau might represent rough topography because of intensive magmatism or a gradual downward increase in velocity within a thick Moho transition zone. A fracture zone north of the Plateau also appears to separate oceanic crust and Moho of different characters, suggesting vigorous magmatism between the Plateau and the fracture zone, and that the Ogasawara Plateau and the fracture zone influenced the genesis of oceanic crust and upper mantle. Differences in acoustic characteristics to the north and south of the Plateau are apparent in profiles illuminated by seismic attributes.  相似文献   

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