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Four cores recovered within the framework of the INTERPOL Project have been analysed for their grain size and geochemistry; sediment accumulation rates (SARs) were also determined from 210Pb and 137Cs profiles. Two cores are representative of the Axios and Aliakmon Rivers depositional environment, whilst the third core represents the Pinios River province; the fourth core represents an environment of outer shelf relict sands. Apparent SARs ranged between 0.667 g cm−2 yr−1 (Axios and Aliakmon Rivers) and 0.414 g cm−2 yr−1 (Pinios River). Trawling activities and biomixing are critical processes that may be responsible for the mixing of the surface sediments, as observed from the excess 210Pb profiles. The thickness of the surface mixed layer was 4.5 cm in the vicinity of Axios and Aliakmon Rivers and in the area of Pinios River, 3.75 cm on the outer shelf and 1 cm in the area where no trawling was observed. Sediment accumulation appeared to be regulated by variations in the riverine discharge, shelf transport pathways and winnowing processes. Major element variations, such as Si, Al, Ti, V and Ni, were dominated by terrigenous supply as aluminosilicate minerals and quartz, whereas most Ca and Sr were biogenic. Si/Al and Ca/Al ratios have been used to express changes in sediment accumulation and winnowing. Redox processes were depicted by Mn, which showed an increase in the depth of its redoxcline, from 1 cm in inshore stations to 2 cm on the outer shelf. Si/Al ratios follow the Ca/Al ratios and can be used to assess percentage winnowing in the sediment. Increases in these ratios indicate a decrease in sediment input rates and are seen in the upper parts of most of the cores. Anthropogenic or ‘excess’ metal contents have been calculated from Zn/V and Pb/V ratios. Their distributions in the cores showed that by far the highest contamination is associated with the Axios River output, whilst sediments influenced by the Pinios River were relatively uncontaminated.  相似文献   

The hydrography, circulation and distribution of particulate matter in Thermaikos Gulf (NW Aegean Sea) are described, for September 2001 and October 2001 and February 2002. The observations were obtained to assess the impact of anthropogenic and natural resuspension processes on the coastal ecosystem. The first two periods represent highly stratified conditions and mild weather conditions; in September trawling is prohibited, whilst the October cruise took place following the commencement of the activity. The sampling in February was undertaken to record the contribution of natural resuspension to the system, in a stormy period.The water circulation was mainly baroclinic during autumn and barotropic in winter; this was due to vertical homogenisation of the water column, during the latter period. The distribution of the bottom nepheloid layer (BNL) was very different in the winter than in the autumn.Microstructure measurements were undertaken, which allowed the vertical eddy diffusivity to be estimated, together with the near-bed shear stresses. Computation of the diffusive flux of particulate matter (PM), from the BNL into the intermediate water column in response to turbulent motions, reveals that the PM flux was much higher in October than in September; this is despite the fact that the friction velocities were similar. This observation could explain partly the observed higher PM concentrations (PMC) in the intermediate layer, in October. Likewise suggest that the higher PMC in October could be attributed to trawling. The limited shear stress and friction velocity values obtained during the September and October cruises were always low; these were possibly capable of resuspending only recently deposited, “fluffy” material. Thus, the observed nepheloid layers are likely to be maintained by advection from the shallow water regions and trawled areas.  相似文献   

Observations of dense water formation on the shelf of the Gulf of Thermaikos (North Aegean) are presented, based mainly on continuous monitoring of temperature and currents, during the winter of 2001–2002, at an instrumented mooring and a CTD survey carried out in early February 2002. A 2.5-month realistic simulation, corresponding to the period of observation, was performed to investigate the processes of dense water formation and cascading. The simulation is first compared to the main characteristics of the dense water, time variation of bottom temperature and spatial distribution of the dense water on the shelf. Subsequently, the simulation is used (a) to show that the formation of dense water takes place within the semi-enclosed Thessaloniki Bay and (b) to explain the intermittence of cascading out of the bay in relation to wind variations. The pathways of the dense water through the shelf are investigated with an emphasis on the role of the bottom slope and friction in the Ekman layer. The export of dense water towards the open sea occurs primarily along the slope bounding the western coast.  相似文献   

This work constitutes an attempt to assess the relative importance of natural versus anthropogenic forcing for sediment resuspension on the shelf of the Thermaikos Gulf (NW Aegean) through a 2-year experiment in the framework of the E.U. project INTERPOL. Four periods of different hydrographic characteristics were identified, including two periods of stronger vertical homogenisation and two of stratified conditions. The former periods were characterized by stronger near-bed currents, while relatively weak internal wave motions dominated the periods of stratification. The near-bed currents showed strong coherence with the wind during the period of full homogenisation, whereas during stratification periods the wind provided indirect forcing evident mostly in the internal-wave bands. The site was too deep for the surface waves to cause any sediment resuspension. In conclusion, the observed near-bed currents at the site of interest did not appear to produce significant local resuspension of sediment; notably, the current-turbidity correlation suggested a shoreward transport of suspended material. The large-scale turbidity variability was rather related to the onset of the trawling period in mid-October 2001 and the increased riverine discharge in late summer/autumn 2002.  相似文献   

234Th:238U disequilibria have been used extensively as tracers of particle dynamics in marine environments. 234Th (t1/2=24.1 days) can be used as “proxy” for particle reactive pollutants, due to their similar rapid rate of scavenging onto particles and subsequent removal from the water column, to the sediments. Radioactive disequilibrium can be exploited to determine the rates and time-scales of processes occurring over days to months; in this instance the residence times of dissolved and particulate species with the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL).Three sampling cruises were undertaken in Thermaikos Gulf (NW Aegean Sea) during contrasting periods, to examine the impact of natural and anthropogenic activity on sediment resuspension. September and October 2001 represented background and trawling periods, respectively; January 2002 represented a mixed period, of trawling and storms.Dissolved 234Th is scavenged actively at the BNL, in the presence of suspended particulate material (SPM), with a mean residence time of 16 days. There is a weak inverse correlation between dissolved 234Th residence time and SPM concentration in the BNL, with the shortest residence times occurring during October 2001. No relationship was observed between particulate 234Th activities and SPM concentrations, indicating that particles are rapidly removed from the system, either by sinking or advection. The mean particulate 234Th residence time is 5 days.  相似文献   

High-frequency flow, pressure and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) measurements are presented from the Paralia-Katerinis coastal area, in Thermaikos Gulf. The data were collected along a cross-shore transect, between the 6 and 12 m water depth contours. The relative importance of wave- and tidally-induced resuspension is examined. Resuspension events are shown to be dominated by wind-generated waves, especially under storm conditions. Some evidence is provided for tidal resuspension, but the overall impact of this process is minimal, compared to wave resuspension. Such resuspension, under storm conditions, increased the SSC levels in the waters of the nearshore zone to 35 mg/l; this is a >15-fold increase over the ambient levels (1–2 mg/l) of turbidity.  相似文献   

Abundance of benthic bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates, extracellular enzymatic activities, bacterial C production, C mineralisation and sediment community oxygen consumption rates were measured in the Thermaikos Gulf (Northeastern Mediterranean), before (September 2001), and during intense trawling activities (October 2001 and February 2002). The biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter has revealed that bottom trawling had an effect on the trophic state of Thermaikos Gulf. Changes on the benthic microbial food web were also recorded, during the three sampling seasons. Even though trawling-induced sediment resuspension did not alter significantly the abundance of the microbial components, with the exception of the most impacted station, it determined changes regarding their relative importance. Thus, the ratios of bacterium to nanoflagellates and ciliate to nanoflagellates abundance increased in the trawled stations, causing a sudden increase in bacterial C production, in comparison to the non-trawled station. Four months later, the effects of trawling on the microbial food web were less evident, masked possibly by the drastic decrease in the water temperature. The results of the present work suggest that bottom trawling induces alteration of the sedimentological variables and can be considered as a factor affecting the function of the microbial food web in marine coastal ecosystems. These alterations cause faster mobilisation of organic C buried in the sediment and increase nutrient concentrations and availability in the system, thus inducing an effect that could lead to coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

The seasonal vertical distribution of particulate matter (PM) was studied in two contrasting areas: (a) the mesotrophic Skagerrak (in the North Sea); and (b) the oligotrophic northeastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Similarities and differences of the PM distribution in the two areas are assessed with respect to the prevailing hydrographic conditions and the PM composition. Hydrographic conditions in both of the areas are characterised by strong density gradients, resulting from the inflow of low-salinity water, i.e. Baltic Sea water and Black Sea water for the Skagerrak and the northeastern Aegean Sea, respectively.Enhanced primary production and particles mainly of biogenic origin characterise the mesotrophic Skagerrak, whereas five-fold lower particle concentrations appeared in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea. The input of riverine particulates was limited in both of the areas. In the Skagerrak, the strong stratification resulted in particle accumulation on/above the pycnocline and the development of pronounced intermediate nepheloid layers (INLs). The pycnocline-related INLs were formed entirely by dinoflagellates. The pycnocline hindered the vertical movement and sinking rates of particles, thus favouring primary production. Particle horizontal advection along the density discontinuities was probably enhanced. This pattern was not observed in the stratified waters of the northeastern Aegean Sea, probably due to the very low particle concentrations and/or the fact that phytoplankton maxima appeared in deeper waters. Pronounced INLs were identified in the Skagerrak below the pycnocline; these are attributed to accumulated or advected dinoflagellate skeletal remains mixed with clay mineral particles. This was revealed only by means of SEM observations. X-ray diffraction analysis could not provide information on the type of phytoplankton present, because dinoflagellates form their skeletons from organic material. Frontal stations in the northeastern Aegean Sea exhibited pronounced vertical movement of particles towards the deeper waters. Benthic nepheloid layers (BNL) were observed in the Skagerrak; these were related to the resuspended fine-grained surface sediments. In the northeastern Aegean Sea, although near-bottom current velocities were sufficient to resuspend surface sediments, resuspension occurred only episodically. The BNLs here are related mostly to near-bottom phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,88(1-2):338-344
The concentrations of 22 polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Posidonia oceanica seagrass, sediments, and seawater from the Alexandroupolis Gulf in the Aegean Sea, were investigated from 2007 to 2011. Temporal trends of total PAH contents in P. oceanica and sediments were similar. PAH levels in seawater, sediments, and seagrasses generally decreased with increasing distance from Alexandroupolis Port. Leaves and sheaths of P. oceanica had higher PAH levels than roots and rhizomes. P. oceanica accumulates PAHs and has good potential as a bioindicator of spatiotemporal pollution trends. PAH concentrations were also examined using in situ passive seawater sampling and were compared to results of passive sampling in the laboratory using local sediments and seawater. Levels of high molecular weight PAHs assessed using passive samplers confirmed the decreasing gradient of pollution away from Alexandroupolis Port. Passive sampling also proved useful for investigating sources of PAHs in P. oceanica meadows.  相似文献   

This contribution attempts to determine whether, and to what degree, environmental samples of resuspended particulate matter and sediments exert a toxicological impact. Further, an attempt is made also to screen the toxic level of potentially hazardous sites, based upon established sediment toxicity criteria. Therefore, a rapid, cost-effective and highly sensitive biotest (bioluminescence assay, based upon marine bacteria) has been applied on: biological fluid extracts; bottom sediments; and sediment trap samples. Samples were taken either from the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer (northwestern Mediterranean, France) or Thermaikos Gulf (northeastern Mediterranean, Greece). Biological fluid extracts and sediment trap samples corresponded to periods of resuspension events, or preceding and following such events.The results have revealed that the sampling strategy and biotest implemented in this study might be a useful tool for screening the toxicity of resuspended matter and sediments. Resuspension events appear to be able to exert an influence on the chemical forms of the micro-pollutants; thus on their bioavailability and toxicity. Nevertheless, based upon chemical analysis combined with the bioassay, the toxic level of the sediment samples could be determined, with the level at potentially hazardous sites being characterised.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) fluxes and dynamics are investigated in the East Frisian Wadden Sea using a coupled modeling system based on a hydrodynamical model [the General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)], a third-generation wave model [Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN)], and a SPM module attached to GETM. Sedimentological observations document that, over longer time periods, finer sediment fractions disappear from the Wadden Sea Region. In order to understand this phenomenon, a series of numerical scenarios were formulated to discriminate possible influences such as tidal currents, wind-enhanced currents, and wind-generated surface waves. Starting with a simple tidal forcing, the considered scenarios are designed to increase the realism step by step to include moderate and strong winds and waves and, finally, to encompass the full effects of one of the strongest storm surges affecting the region in the last hundred years (Storm Britta in November 2006). The results presented here indicate that moderate weather conditions with wind speeds up to 7.5 m/s and small waves lead to a net import of SPM into the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Waves play only a negligible role during these conditions. However, for stronger wind conditions with speeds above 13 m/s, wind-generated surface waves have a significant impact on SPM dynamics. Under storm conditions, the numerical results demonstrate that sediments are eroded in front of the barrier islands by enhanced wave action and are transported into the back-barrier basins by the currents. Furthermore, sediment erosion due to waves is significantly enhanced on the tidal flats. Finally, fine sediments are flushed out of the tidal basins due to the combined effect of strong erosion by wind-generated waves and a longer residence time in the water column because of their smaller settling velocities compared to coarser sediments.
Karsten A. LettmannEmail:

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) was collected in the freshwater-seawater mixing zone in the lower reaches of the Daugava River (Latvia) and adjacent marine area, during five cruises in 1998-2001. The study focused on biogeochemical phase exchange processes. SPM in the freshwater was found to be mainly allochthonous with a high content of organic matter, Mn and sorbed phosphate. Property-salinity plots suggested flocculation of humic-Fe complexes across the salinity gradient. The variability of sorbed phosphate was related to particulate Fe, although no dependence on pH and ionic strength was observed. The Mn contents of SPM mainly follow conservative mixing, but there are also indications of interface exchange of Mn in the mixing zone. The geochemical behaviour of particulate Al appears to differ from that of Fe. In early spring, trace element contents in SPM (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) correlate tightly with particulate organic matter, whose distribution is linked to phytoplankton distributions.  相似文献   

This biomonitoring study presents the spatial and temporal distributions of heavy metals in the soft tissues of a major fouling species Amphibalanus amphitrite living on hard substrate at different sites along the eastern Aegean coast. A. amphitrite has been chosen as a strong candidate for monitoring heavy metals. Sediment and seawater samples were also collected to detect their metal contents in order to gain more information on the environmental conditions and possible bioaccumulation patterns. The physico-chemical characteristics of sampling stations have been measured in order to characterize the sampling area. The order of metal concentrations in barnacles, sediment and seawater decreased in the following order Cu > Fe > Zn > Mn > Cd > Cr > Pb > Hg, Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cr > Hg > Cd and Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Pb > Cr > Cd > Hg, respectively. These results showed that barnacles accumulate Cu in a higher degree than both sediment and seawater. Moreover, metal concentrations in barnacle have the potential for use in any future regulatory framework monitoring and eventually controlling ambient metal pollution levels.  相似文献   

Wind-induced resuspension of particulate matter was investigated in a shallow coastal region off southwestern Australia, chosen for its isolation from the complexity of other confounding physical processes. The site had negligible river discharge, low nutrient concentrations and was largely devoid of tidal currents. Moorings were deployed in the micro-tidal waters to measure current speed, wave parameters, backscatter, subsurface irradiance and dissolved oxygen concentration. Two contrasting sites were chosen as representative of high and low wave-energy environments. Turbulent kinetic energy, recorded by the instruments, was dominated by the wind-wave signal. During wind events, at the most exposed site, bed shear stress exceeded the critical stress required to lift and resuspend sediments. At the most enclosed site, bed shear stresses only exceeded the critical stress required to suspend less dense material such as benthic fluff. Wind-waves were found to be the dominant mechanism driving the vertical redistribution of particulate matter. Low frequency storm events and high frequency (daily) sea breezes were found to differ significantly in their retention of particulate matter suspended in the water column. Long periods of calm generally followed the passage of a storm, allowing suspended particulate matter to settle out, while consecutive daily sea breezes were more effective in holding particulate matter in suspension. Linear correlations were found between the backscatter (a proxy for suspended particulate matter), light attenuation and dissolved oxygen concentration. Approximately half the variability in dissolved oxygen concentration could be attributed to the variability in light attenuation, with a decline in concentration during wind resuspension events. Variability in dissolved oxygen concentration was interpreted as a possible indicator of the moderation of pelagic phytoplankton productivity during wind events.  相似文献   

The marine environment continues to be adversely affected by tributyltin (TBT) release from maritime traffic. Therefore the concentrations of TBT, dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) were measured in barnacles, mussels and fish along the Eastern Aegean coastline. The average concentrations of TBT ng Sn g−1 were found to be 235 in fish, 116 in mussels and 635 in barnacles. The highest concentrations of TBT, DBT and MBT were observed in the barnacles which had been sampled in marinas and harbors. All mussels sampled showed values of TBT + DBT, which were below the “tolerable average residue level (TARL)” as currently accepted. This indicates a lack of risk to the consumer. However, 7 out of the 15 fish sampled displayed TBT + DBT levels above the TARL, which indicates that a fish consumer group may be at risk. Barnacles have high potential as biomonitors for the presence of organotin in the Aegean Sea.  相似文献   

Seasonal observations on the nature and concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are presented for a cross-section of the English Channel, between the Isle of Wight (UK) and Cotentin peninsula (France) i.e. the western boundary of the eastern English Channel. The highest concentrations of suspended material are found adjacent to the English coastline, whereas the offshore waters are associated with low concentrations. Seasonal variations in the concentration and nature of suspended material are identified, with highest concentrations in winter. At this time, the suspended particles are characterised generally by peaked grain size spectra and an enrichment in coarse silt particles; in summer, the distributions are generally flat. The diatom communities found within the suspended matter indicate that material resuspended in the coastal zone and the estuarine environments is transported offshore. SPM fluxes (based upon the observed SPM concentrations and the output from a 2-D hydrodynamic model) from the western Channel through the Wight–Cotentin Section, ranged between 2 and 71×106 t a−1 with a mean of around 20×106 t a−1 over the period of the observations (1994–1995). These fluxes are comparable to the order of magnitude and mean value reported as output through the Dover Strait. Therefore, it is possible that the eastern English Channel may be characterised as an area of fine-grained sediment ‘bypass'. This interpretation is corroborated by: (a) the absence of fine-grained sediment deposits over the area; and (b) correlation between the potential resuspension time of the fine particles and the seabed sediment distribution.  相似文献   

The role of suspended particulate matter (SPM) as an important carrier of mercury (Hg) dispersed into the Gulf of Trieste and in the adjacent Grado lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea) was studied during a high Isonzo River inflow and the resulting river plume formation. Despite the fact that extreme flood events are rare during the year, they account for most of the PHg influx (37-112 ngL(-1)) into the Gulf of Trieste. When the river plume is diverted to the SW under the influence of an E-NE wind, the tidal flux acts as a "transport belt" carrying the PHg, mostly inorganic, into the Grado lagoon. A preliminary estimation indicates that the amount of PHg entrapped in the lagoon basin following a tidal semi-cycle accounts for 1.4 kg/12h, which corresponds to about 49% of the total Hg carried by the tidal flow. These findings should be considered in future remediation strategies in the lagoon environment.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) were determined in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea during June-July, 2006 and January-February, 2007. The concentrations of DMS and total DMSP in surface water in the study area were 5.64 (1.79-12.24) and 28.25 (13.98-44.93) nmol L−1 in summer, and were 1.79 (1.02-3.51) and 11.01 (6.90-17.98) nmol L−1 in winter, respectively. The distributions of DMS and DMSP in the study area were obviously influenced by the Yangtze River effluent and the Kuroshio water. Even under highly variable hydrographic conditions, a significant relationship was observed between DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations in summer as well as in winter, suggesting that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling DMS distribution in the study area. The summer ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSP/chlorophyll a were approximately twofold higher than winter values, corresponding with the temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure between summer and winter. The sea-to-air fluxes of DMS were estimated to be 5.32 and 11.92 μmol m−2 d−1 using the equations of Liss and Merlivat (1986) and Wanninkhof (1992), respectively.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) and colloidal matter (COM) in annual dry and wet deposition samples in urban Guangzhou were for the first time collected, and their trace metals were investigated by using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The deposition flux of SPM and of metal elements varied largely among the investigated seasons, and reached the maximum in spring. The correlation analysis indicated that significant correlations existed among some of the metal elements in the deposition samples. The enrichment factors (EF) of metals in COM in the deposition ranging from 79.66 to 130,000 were much higher than those of SPM ranging from 1.65 to 286.48, indicating the important role of COM. The factor analysis showed that emissions from street dust, non-ferrous metal production, and heavy fuel oil were major sources of the trace metals. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) model was used to quantitatively estimate anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

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