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Gürtleret al. (1981) have argued that SiO cannot be the material responsible for the interstellar 9.7 m feature. We discuss their arguments and show them to be questionable. Experimental data on the thermal stability of SiO under reducing conditions typical of circumstellar regions could help decide whether SiO is an important constituent of interstellar grains.  相似文献   

The importance of the interstellar magnetic field is studied in relation to the evolution of superbubbles with a three-dimensional (3D) numerical magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulation. A superbubble is a large supernova remnant driven by sequential supernova explosions in an OB association. Its evolution is affected by the density stratification in the galactic disc. After the superbubble size reaches 2–3 times the density scaleheight, it expands preferentially in the z -direction, until finally it can punch out a hole in the gas disc (blowout). On the other hand, the magnetic field running parallel to the galactic disc has the effect of preventing it from expanding in the direction perpendicular to the field. The density stratification and the magnetic fields have completely opposite effects on the evolution of the superbubble. We present results of a 3D MHD simulation in which both effects are included. As a result, it is concluded that when the magnetic field has a much larger scaleheight than the density, even for a model in which the bubble would blow out from the disc if the magnetic field were absent, a magnetic field with a strength of 5 μG can confine the bubble in | z |≲300 pc for ≃ 20 Myr (confinement). In a model in which the field strength decreases in the halo as B  ∝ ρ1/2, the superbubble eventually blows out like a model with B  = 0 even if the magnetic field in the mid-plane is as strong as B  = 5 μG.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility that ε Carinae is a triple system. We show that a stable hierarchical system is possible, although perhaps only marginally.
We outline a speculative scenario for the history of the system, in which the giant outburst of the last century is associated with an interchange of components in a dynamically unstable triple system. We point out that the currently observed spectroscopic 'event' could be used to distinguish among the different possible configurations of the system.  相似文献   

The semi‐regular variable star RU Vulpeculae (RU Vul) is being observed visually since 1935. Its pulsation period and amplitude are declining since ∼1954. A leading hypothesis to explain the period decrease in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars such as RU Vul is an ongoing flash of the He‐burning shell, also called a thermal pulse (TP), inside the star. In this paper, we present a CCD photometric light curve of RU Vul, derive its fundamental parameters, and test if the TP hypothesis can describe the observed period decline. We use CCD photometry to determine the present‐day pulsation period and amplitude in three photometric bands, and high‐resolution optical spectroscopy to derive the fundamental parameters. The period evolution of RU Vul is compared to predictions by evolutionary models of the AGB phase. We find that RU Vul is a metal‐poor star with a metallicity [M/H] = –1.59 ± 0.05 and an effective surface temperature of Teff = 3634 ± 20 K. The low metallicity of RU Vul and its kinematics indicate that it is an old, low‐mass member of the thick disc or the halo population. The present day pulsation period determined from our photometry is ∼108 d, the semiamplitude in the V ‐band is 0.39 ± 0.03 mag. The observed period decline is found to be well matched by an evolutionary AGB model with stellar parameters comparable to those of RU Vul. We conclude that the TP hypothesis is in good agreement with the observed period evolution of RU Vul. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

GD 552 is a high proper motion star with the strong, double-peaked emission lines characteristic of the dwarf nova class of cataclysmic variable (CV) star, and yet no outburst has been detected during the past 12 yr of monitoring. We present spectroscopy taken with the aim of detecting emission from the mass donor in this system. We fail to do so at a level which allows us to rule out the presence of a near-main-sequence star donor. Given GD 552's orbital period of 103 min, this suggests that it is either a system that has evolved through the ∼80-minute orbital period minimum of CV stars and now has a brown dwarf mass donor, or that has formed with a brown dwarf donor in the first place. This model explains the low observed orbital velocity of the white dwarf and GD 552's low luminosity. It is also consistent with the absence of outbursts from the system.  相似文献   

Periodogram analysis of 349 photovisual observations showed the peaks corresponding to periods 352 ± 5d, 179.1 ± 0.3d and 162.4 ± 0.8d. The first value is very close to 1 year, so it might not be justified by the present observations. The other two values obtained by ‘two-parameter’ search seem to be independent periods, but not the effect of ‘observational windows’. No other significant peaks were detected in the interval from 65d to 100d.  相似文献   

Comprehensive observations of a close binary candidate WD 1437-008 are performed. The shape and amplitude of the observed brightness variations are shown to be inconsistent with the hypothesis of reflection effects, and the photometric period of the system, P phot = 0. d 2775, is found to differ from the period of spectral variations, P sp = 0. d 272060. As a result, WD 1437-008 has been preliminarily classified as a low-inclination cataclysmic variable.  相似文献   

The hump in the ultraviolet part of the interstellar extinction curve is interpreted as a broad diffuse absorption band. Its equivalent width is estimated for 36 stars by means of OAO-2 data. The equivalent widths are correlated with the following parameters: colour excessE(B-V), colour excessE(B – V), depth of the band m max, equivalent widths of the diffuse bands at 5780 and 6284 Å, and the column density of neutral hydrogenN HI. The physical parameters half-width and oscillator strength of the band at 2175 Å are estimated.  相似文献   

The search for habitable exoplanets centers on planets with Earth-like conditions around late type stars. Radial velocity searches for these planets require precisions of 1 m/s and better. That is now being achieved. At these precisions stellar surface motions might lead to false detections. Of particular interest are variable meridional flows on stellar surfaces. I review the available observations of solar surface meridional flows using both Doppler shift and local helioseismology techniques. Interpretation in terms of Doppler shifts in integrated starlight leads to estimates of the likelihood of false detections. It is unlikely that these false detections occur in the habitability zones of exoplanets. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

本文根据对RAFGL595和RAFGL 954的近红外光谱观测,确定了它们的中心星也是富碳的。考虑到它们的光学对应体极弱,CO观测具有高的质量流失率.因此它们是光学厚的碳星.  相似文献   

This review summarises what we have learnt in the last two decades based on H i 21 cm absorption observations about the cold interstellar medium (ISM) in the central regions of active galaxies and about the interplay between this gas and the active nucleus (AGN). H i absorption is a powerful tracer on all scales, from the parsec-scales close to the central black hole to structures of many tens of kpc tracing interactions and mergers of galaxies. Given the strong radio continuum emission often associated with the central activity, H i absorption observations can be used to study the H i near an active nucleus out to much higher redshifts than is possible using H i emission. In this way, H i absorption has been used to characterise in detail the general ISM in active galaxies, to trace the fuelling of radio-loud AGN, to study the feedback occurring between the energy released by the active nucleus and the ISM, and the impact of such interactions on the evolution of galaxies and of their AGN. In the last two decades, significant progress has been made in all these areas. It is now well established that many radio loud AGN are surrounded by small, regularly rotating gas disks that contain a significant fraction of H i. The structure of these disks has been traced down to parsec scales by very long baseline interferometry observations. Some groups of objects, and in particular young and recently restarted radio galaxies, appear to have a particularly high detection rate of H i. This is interesting in connection with the evolution of these AGN and their impact on the surrounding ISM. This is further confirmed by an important discovery, made thanks to technical upgrades of radio telescopes, namely the presence of fast, AGN-driven outflows of cold gas which give a direct view of the impact of the energy released by AGN on the evolution of galaxies (AGN feedback). In addition, evidence has been collected that clouds of cold gas can play a role in fuelling the nuclear activity. This review ends by briefly describing the upcoming large, blind H i absorption surveys planned for the new radio telescopes which will soon become operational. These surveys will allow to significantly expand existing work, but will also allow to explore new topics, in particular, the evolution of the cold ISM in AGN.  相似文献   

In this paper we have considered axially symmetric Bianchi-I, Kantowski Sachs and Bianchi-III space-time models with bulk viscosity, where the gravitational constant G and the cosmological term Λ vary with time. In Einstein equations this variation in G and Λ are taken in such a way as to preserve the energy momentum tensor. Solutions are obtained with the cosmological term varying inversely with square of time.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the discovery that an eclipsing binary system, EPIC 202843107, has aδ Scuti variable component. The phased light curve from the Kepler space telescope presents a detached configuration. The binary modeling indicates that the two component stars have almost the same radius and may have experienced orbital circularization. Frequency analyses are performed for the residual light curve after subtracting the binary variations. The frequency spectrum reveals that one component star is a δ Scuti variable. A large frequency separation is cross-identified with the corresponding histogram, the Fourier transform and the echelle diagram method. The mean density of the δ Scuti component is estimated to be 0.09 g cm~(-3) based on the large separation and density relation. Systems like EPIC 202843107 are helpful to study the stellar evolution and physical state of binary stars.  相似文献   

This paper reports analysis of an eclipsing binary system KIC 5197256 with a δ Sct variable component.Utilizing light-curve modeling,several stellar parameters are derived,e.g.,temperature,mass,and mass ratio.The O-C diagram is a straight line with a negative slope which means that its period is almost constant for about 2 yr.Frequency analyses are performed for the residual light curve after subtracting the binary variations.The frequency spectrum reveals that one component star is a δ Scuti variable.Large frequency separation is cross-identified with the histogram graph and the Fourier transform method.Based on the large separation and density relationship,the mean density of the δ Sct component is estimated to be 0.05 g·cm~(-3).Five frequencies with the same frequency spacing in the range of 25 d~(-1)-34 d~(-1) are detected.Statistically,the pulsation amplitudes of δ Sct stars increase with decreasing of rotations,so we propose that KIC 5197256 might have a relatively large rotational velocity,and the frequency f_(10) might be the rotation frequency.  相似文献   

Nova V5116 Sgr 2005 No. 2, discovered on 2005 July 4, was observed with XMM‐Newton in March 2007, 20 months after the optical outburst. The X‐ray spectrum showed that the nova had evolved to a pure supersoft X‐ray source, indicative of residual H‐burning on top of the white dwarf. The X‐ray light‐curve shows abrupt decreases and increases of the flux by a factor 8 with a periodicity of 2.97 h, consistent with the possible orbital period of the system. The EPIC spectra are well fit with an ONe white dwarf atmosphere model, with the same temperature both in the low and the high flux periods. This rules out an intrinsic variation of the X‐ray source as the origin of the flux changes, and points to a possible partial eclipse as the origin of the variable light curve. The RGS high resolution spectra support this scenario showing a number of emission features in the low flux state, which either disappear or change into absorption features in the high flux state. A new XMM‐Newton observation in March 2009 shows the SSS had turned off and V51 16 Sgr had evolved into a weaker and harder X‐ray source (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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