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Raymond Siever 《Icarus》1974,22(3):312-324
Histories of the terrestrial planets are traceable to combinations of to five large-scale postaccretion processes: planetary differentiation, crustal differentiation, outgassing, plate tectonics, and recycling. All have operated on Earth to make a planet that was early differentiated into core, mantle, and crust and at very nearly the same time outgassed to form a differentiated crust, atmosphere and oceans. This gave rise to plate tectonics, recycling and thus two-way communication of the surface crust-atmosphere-ocean system with lower crust and upper mantle. Recycling of the Martian surface is probably restricted to limited chemical weathering of thin alteration surfaces of primary minerals because of the extreme slowness of diffusion controlled alteration where surfaces are not stripped by solution. There is evidence for neither subsidence of sedimentary basins nor subduction zones; thus internal recycling and two-way surface-interior communication is improbable. All sedimentary particles produced by mechanical erosion on Mars through its history are still at the surface or shallowly buried by later sediment. Any atmospheric components reacted with weathering crust are removed from the atmosphere. These and exospheric escape processes must have early reduced an original denser atmosphere to its present pressure after an early episode of planetary differentiation coupled to crustal differentiation and out-gassing. The early history of Mars may have been something like that of Earth until weathering and gas escape drew down its atmosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crystallization of a magma ocean on a large terrestrial planet that is significantly melted by the energy of accretion may lead to an unstable cumulate density stratification, which may overturn to a stable configuration. Overturn of the initially unstable stratification may produce an early basaltic crust and differentiated mantle reservoirs. Such a stable compositional stratification can have important implications for the planet's subsequent evolution by delaying or suppressing thermal convection and by influencing the distribution of radiogenic heat sources. We use simple models for fractional crystallization of a martian magma ocean, and calculate the densities of the resulting cumulates. While the simple models presented do not include all relevant physical processes, they are able to describe to first order a number of aspects of martian evolution. The models describe the creation of magma source regions that differentiated early in the history of Mars, and present the possibility of an early, brief magnetic field initiated by cold overturned cumulates falling to the coremantle boundary. In a model that includes the density inversion at about 7.5 GPa, where olivine and pyroxene float in the remaining magma ocean liquids while garnet sinks, cumulate overturn sequesters alumina in the deep martian interior. The ages and compositions of source regions are consistent with SNC meteorite data.  相似文献   

108 +/- 11 photons of the martian He 584-angstroms airglow detected by the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite during a 2-day exposure (January 22-23, 1993) correspond to the effective disk average intensity of 43 +/- 10 Rayleigh. Radiative transfer calculations, using a model atmosphere appropriate to the conditions of the observation and having an exospheric temperature of 210 +/- 20 K, result in a He mixing ratio of 1.1 +/- 0.4 ppm in the lower atmosphere. Nonthermal escape of helium is due to electron impact ionization and pickup of He+ by the solar wind, to collisions with hot oxygen atoms, and to charge exchange with molecular species with corresponding column loss rates of 1.4 x 10(5), 3 x 10(4), and 7 x 10(3) cm-2 sec-1, respectively. The lifetime of helium on Mars is 5 x 10(4) years. The He outgassing rate, coupled with the 40Ar atmospheric abundance and with the K:U:Th ratio measured in the surface rocks, is used as input to a single two-reservoir degassing model which is applied to Mars and then to Venus. A similar model with known abundances of K, U, and Th is applied to Earth. The models for Earth and Mars presume loss of all argon accumulated in the atmospheres during the first billion years by large-scale meteorite and planetesimal impacts. The models show that the degassing coefficients for all three planets may be approximated by function delta = delta (0)(t(0)/t)1/2 with delta (0) = 0/1, 0.04, and 0.0125 Byr-1 for Earth, Venus, and Mars, respectively. After a R2 correction this means that outgassing processes on Venus and Mars are weaker than on Earth by factors of 3 and 30, respectively. Mass ratios of U and Th are almost the same for all three planets, while potassium is depleted by a factor of 2 in Venus and Mars. Mass ratios of helium and argon are close to 5 x 10(-9) and 2 x 10(-8) g/g in the interiors of all three planets. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The conditions of formation and the form of yardangs in ignimbrites in the Central Andes of Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina may be the most convincing terrestrial analog to the processes and lithology that produce the extensive yardangs of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) of Mars. Through remote and field study of yardang morphologies in the Central Andes we highlight the role that variable material properties of the host lithology plays in their final form. Here, ignimbrites typically show two main facies: an indurated and jointed facies, and a weakly to poorly indurated, ash- and pumice-rich facies. Both facies are vertically arranged in large (erupted volume >100's of km3) ignimbrites resulting in a resistant capping layer, while smaller (10's of km3) ignimbrites are made predominantly of the weakly indurated facies. The two facies have quite different mechanical properties; the indurated facies behaves as strong rock, fails by block collapse and supports steep/vertical cliffs, while the non-indurated facies is more easily eroded and forms gentle slopes and manifests as more subdued erosional forms. In response to aeolian action, the presence of an upper indurated facies results in large, elongate, high aspect ratio (1:20-1:40) megayardangs that form tall (100 m), thin ridges with steep to vertical walls. These are built on a broad apron of the weakly indurated facies with abundant fallen blocks from the upper indurated facies. These terrestrial megayardangs appear to be analogous to megayardangs with associated block fields seen on Mars. Smaller-volume, weakly indurated ignimbrites are sculpted into smaller, stubbier forms with aspect ratios of 1:5-1:10 and heights rarely exceeding 10 m. Excavation of a windward basal moat suggests an erosional progression like that seen in incipient yardangs on Mars. Excavation rates of 0.007-0.003 cm/year are calculated for the weakly indurated ignimbrites. While a persistent strong unidirectional wind is the dominant parameter controlling yardang formation and orientation, a role for flow separation and vorticity is also suggested by our observations at both yardang types. While the indurated facies is commonly pervasively jointed, jointing is of secondary importance in controlling yardang orientation. Serrated margins, a common feature on Mars, result from oblique intersections of jointing with yardang flanks or scarps of ignimbrite. The processes of yardang formation we describe from ignimbrites from the Central Andes are not necessarily specific to ignimbrites, but do connote that degree and distribution of induration is a major control in yardang formation and this has implications for the lithology of the MFF on Mars.  相似文献   

We used chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetic calculations to model chemistry of the volatiles released by heating different types of carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondritic material as a function of temperature and pressure. Our results predict the composition of atmospheres formed by outgassing during accretion of the Earth and other terrestrial planets. Outgassing of CI and CM carbonaceous chondritic material produces H2O-rich (steam) atmospheres in agreement with the results of impact experiments. However, outgassing of other types of chondritic material produces atmospheres dominated by other gases. Outgassing of ordinary (H, L, LL) and high iron enstatite (EH) chondritic material yields H2-rich atmospheres with CO and H2O being the second and third most abundant gases. Outgassing of low iron enstatite (EL) chondritic material gives a CO-rich atmosphere with H2, CO2, and H2O being the next most abundant gases. Outgassing of CV carbonaceous chondritic material gives a CO2-rich atmosphere with H2O being the second most abundant gas. Our results predict that the atmospheres formed during accretion of the Earth and Mars were probably H2-rich unless the accreted material was dominantly CI and CM carbonaceous chondritic material. We also predict significant amounts of S, P, Cl, F, Na, and K in accretionary atmospheres at high temperatures (1500-2500 K). Finally, our results may be useful for interpreting spectroscopic observations of accreting extrasolar terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

James B. Pollack 《Icarus》1979,37(3):479-553
In this paper, we review the observational data on climatic change for the terrestrial planets, discuss the basic factors that influence climate, and examine the manner in which these factors may have been responsible for some of the known changes. Emphasis is placed on trying to understand the similarities and differences in both the basic factors and their climatic impacts on Venus, the Earth, and Mars. Climatic changes have occurred on the Earth over a broad spectrum of time scales that range from the elevated temperatures of Pre-Cambrian times (~109 years ago), through the alternating glacial and interglacial epochs of the last few million years, to the small but significant decadal and centurial variations of the recent past. Evidence for climatic change on Mars is given by certain channel features, which suggest an early to intermediate aged epoch of warmer and wetter climate, and by layered polar deposits, which imply more recent periodic climate variations. No evidence for climatic change on Venus exists as yet, but comparison of its present climate state with that of outer terrestrial planets offers important clues on some of the mechanisms affecting climate. The important determinants of climate for a terrestrial planet include the Sun's output, astronomical perturbations of its orbital and axial characteristics, the gaseous and particulate content of its atmosphere, its land surface, volatile reservoirs, and its interior. All these factors appear to have played major roles in causing climatic changes on the terrestrial planets. Despite a lower solar luminosity in the past, the Earth and Mars have had warmer periods in their early history. In both cases, a more reducing atmosphere may have been the responsible agent through an enhanced greenhouse effect. In this paper, we present detailed calculations of the effect of atmospheric pressure and composition on the temperature state of Mars. We find that the higher temperature period is easier to explain with a reducing atmosphere than with the current fully oxidizing one. Both the very high surface temperature and massive atmosphere of Venus may be the result of the solar flux being a factor of two higher at its orbit than at the Earth's orbit. This difference may have led to a runaway greenhouse effect on Venus, i.e., the emplacement of volatiles entirely in the atmosphere rather than mostly in surface reservoirs. But if Venus formed with relatively little or no water, it may have always had an oxidizing atmosphere. In this case, a lower solar luminosity would have led to a moderate surface temperature in Venus' early history. Quasi-periodic variations in orbital eccentricity and axial obliquity may have contributed to the alternation between Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods in the case of the Earth and to the formation of the layered polar deposits in the case of Mars. In this paper, we postulate that two mechanisms, acting jointly, account for the creation of the laminated terrain of Mars: dust particles serve as nucleation centers for the condensation of water vapor and carbon dioxide. The combined dust-H2O-CO2 particle is much larger and so has a much higher terminal velocity than either a dust-H2O or a plain dust particle. As a result, dust and water ice are preferentially deposited in the polar regions. In addition, we postulate that the obliquity variations are key drivers of the periodic layering because of their impact on both atmospheric pressure and polar surface temperature, which, in turn, influence the amounts of dust and water ice in the atmosphere. But eccentricity and precessional changes probably also play important roles in creating the polar layers. The drifting of continents on the Earth has caused substantial climatic changes on individual continents and may have helped to set the stage for the Pleistocene ice ages through a positioning of the continents near the poles. While continental drift apparently has not occurred on Mars, tectonic distortions of its lithosphere may, in some circumstances, cause an alteration in the mean value of that planet's obliquity, which would significantly impact its climate. Atmospheric aerosols can influemce climate through their radiative effects. In the case of the Earth, volcanic aerosols appear to have contributed to past climatic changes, while consideration needs to be given to the future impact of man-generated aerosols. In the case of Mars, the atmospheric temperature structure and thereby atmospheric dynamics are greatly altered by suspended dust particles. The sulfuric acid clouds of Venus play a major role in its heat balance. Cometary impacts may have added substantial quantities of water vapor and sulfur gases to Venus' atmosphere and thus have indirectly affected its cloud properties. Calculations presented in this paper indicate substantial changes in surface temperature accompany these compositional changes.  相似文献   

The early phases of formation in the inner solar system were dominated by collisions and short-range dynamical interactions among planetesimals. But the later phases, which account for most of the differences among planets, are unsure because the dynamics are more subtle. Jupiter's influence became more important, leading to drastic clearing out of the asteroid belt and the stunting of Mars's growth. Further in, the effect of Jupiter-- both directly and indirectly, through ejection of mass in the outer solar system-- was probably to speed up the process without greatly affecting the outcome. The great variety in bulk properties of the terrestrial bodies indicate a terminal phase of great collisions, so that the outcome is the result of small-N statistics. Mercury, 65 percent iron, appears to be a residual core from a high-velocity collision. All planets appear to require a late phase of high energy impacts to erode their atmospheres: including the Earth, to remove CO2 so that its ocean could form by condensation of water.Consistent with this model is that the largest collision, about 0.2 Earth masses, was into the proto-Earth, although the only property that appears to require it is the great lack of iron in the Moon. The other large differences between the Earth and Venus, angular momentum (spin plus satellite) and inert gas abundances, must arise from origin circumstances, but neither require nor forbid the giant impact. Venus's higher ratio of light to heavy inert gases argues for it receiving a large icy impactor, about 10–6 Earth masses from far out, requiring some improbable dynamics to get a low enough approach velocity. Core formation in both planets probably started rather early during accretion.Some geochemical evidences argue for the Moon coming from the Earth's mantle, but are inconclusive. Large scale melting of the mantle by the giant impact would plausibly have led to stratification. But the "lock-up" at the end of turbulent mantle convection is a trade-off between rates: crystallization of constituents of small density difference versus overall freezing. Also, factors such as differences in melting temperatures and densities, melt compressibilities, and phase transitions may have had homogenizing effects in the subsequent mantle convection.  相似文献   

Searching for traces of extinct and/or extant life on Mars is one of the major objectives for remote-sensing and in situ exploration of the planet. In previous laboratory works we have investigated the infrared spectral modifications induced by thermal processing on different carbonate samples, in the form of fresh shells and fossils of different ages, whose biotic origin is easily recognizable. The goal was to discriminate them from their abiotic counterparts. In general, it is difficult to identify biotic signatures, especially when the organisms inducing the carbonate precipitation have low fossilization potential (i.e. microbes, bacteria, archaea). A wide variety of microorganisms are implicated in carbonate genesis, and their direct characterization is very difficult to evaluate by traditional methods, both in ancient sedimentary systems and even in recent environments.In the present work we apply our analysis to problematic carbonate samples, in which there is no clear evidence of controlled or induced biomineralization. This analysis indicates a very likely biotic origin of the aragonite samples under study, in agreement with the conclusion previously reported by Guido et al. (2007) who followed a completely different approach based on a complex set of sedimentary, petrographic, geochemical and biochemical analyses. We show that our method is reliable for discriminating between biotic and abiotic carbonates, and therefore it is a powerful tool in the search for life on Mars in the next generation of space missions to the planet.  相似文献   

Recent reviews (cf. Runcorn, 1968; or Cook, 1972, 1975) on the structure of the planets omit reference to the phase-change hypothesis for the nature of the terrestrial core, despite that numerous prior predictions of the theory based on this hypothesis have subsequently been borne out as correct. These reviews also ignore the existence of theoretical calculations of the internal structure of Venus which can be computed with high accuracy by use of the terrestrial seismic data. Several examples of numerous mistakes committed in these reviews are pointed out.  相似文献   

Thermal evolutions of the terrestrial planets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal evolution of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and hypothetical minor planets is calculated theoretically, taking into account conduction, solid-state convection, and differentiation. An assortment of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data is used to constrain both the present day temperatures and thermal histories of the planets' interiors. Such data imply that the planets were heated during or shortly after formation and that all the terrestrial planets started their differentiations early in their history. Initial temperatures and core formation play the most important roles in the early differentiation. The size of the planet is the primary factor in determining its present day thermal state. A planetary body with radius less than 1000 km is unlikely to reach melting given heat source concentrations similar to terrestrial values and in the absence of intensive early heating such as short half-life radioactive heating and inductive heating.Studies of individual planets are constrained by varying amounts of data. Most data exist for the Earth and Moon. The Moon is a differentiated body with a crust, a thick solid mantle and an interior region which may be partially molten. It is presently cooling rapidly and is relatively inactive tectonically.Mercury most likely has a large core. Thermal calculations indicate it may have a 500 km thick solid lithosphere, and the core may be partially molten if it contains some heat sources. If this is not the case, the planet's interior temperatures are everywhere below the melting curve for iron. The thermal evolution is dominated by core separation and the high conductivity of iron which makes up the bulk of Mercury.Mars, intermediate in size among the terrestrial planets, is assumed to have differentiated an Fe–FeS core. Differentiation and formation of an early crust is evident from Mariner and Viking observations. Theoretical models suggest that melting and differentiation of the mantle silicates has occurred at least up until 1 billion years ago. Present day temperature profiles indicate a relatively thick (250 km) lithosphere with a possible asthenosphere below. The core is molten.Venus is characterized as a planet similar to the Earth in many respects. Core formation probably occurred during the first billion years after the formation. Present day temperatures indicate a partially molten upper mantle overlain by a 100 km thick lithosphere and a molten Fe–Ni core. If temperature models are good indicators, we can expect that today, Venus has tectonic processes similar to the Earth's.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May 1978.  相似文献   

On the basis of the model proposed by Matsui and Abe, we will show that two major factors — distance from the Sun and the efficiency of retention of accretional energy — control the early evolution of the terrestrial planets. A diagram of accretional energy versus the optical depth of a proto-atmosphere provides a means to follow the evolutionary track of surface temperature of the terrestrial planets and an explanation for why the third planet in our solar system is an aqua-planet.  相似文献   

We estimate the impact flux and cratering rate as a function of latitude on the terrestrial planets using a model distribution of planet crossing asteroids and comets [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433]. After determining the planetary impact probabilities as a function of the relative encounter velocity and encounter inclination, the impact positions are calculated analytically, assuming the projectiles follow hyperbolic paths during the encounter phase. As the source of projectiles is not isotropic, latitudinal variations of the impact flux are predicted: the calculated ratio between the pole and equator is 1.05 for Mercury, 1.00 for Venus, 0.96 for the Earth, 0.90 for the Moon, and 1.14 for Mars over its long-term obliquity variation history. By taking into account the latitudinal dependence of the impact velocity and impact angle, and by using a crater scaling law that depends on the vertical component of the impact velocity, the latitudinal variations of the cratering rate (the number of craters with a given size formed per unit time and unit area) is in general enhanced. With respect to the equator, the polar cratering rate is about 30% larger on Mars and 10% on Mercury, whereas it is 10% less on the Earth and 20% less on the Moon. The cratering rate is found to be uniform on Venus. The relative global impact fluxes on Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars are calculated with respect to the Moon, and we find values of 1.9, 1.8, 1.6, and 2.8, respectively. Our results show that the relative shape of the crater size-frequency distribution does not noticeably depend upon latitude for any of the terrestrial bodies in this study. Nevertheless, by neglecting the expected latitudinal variations of the cratering rate, systematic errors of 20-30% in the age of planetary surfaces could exist between equatorial and polar regions when using the crater chronology method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach to planetary mission design is described which automates the search for gravity-assist trajectories. This method finds all conic solutions given a range of launch dates, a range of launch energies and a set of target planets. The new design tool is applied to the problems of finding multiple encounter trajectories to the outer planets and Venus gravity-assist trajectories to Mars. The last four-planet grand tour opportunity (until the year 2153) is identified. It requires an Earth launch in 1996 and encounters Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Venus gravity-assist trajectories to Mars for the 30 year period 1995–2024 are examined. It is shown that in many cases these trajectories require less launch energy to reach Mars than direct ballistic trajectories.Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics and AstronauticsGraduate Student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics  相似文献   

A scheme of excitation, quenching, and energy transfer processes in the oxygen nightglow on the Earth, Venus, and Mars has been developed based on the observed nightglow intensities and vertical profiles, measured reaction rate coefficients, and photochemical models of the nighttime atmospheres of the Venus and Mars. The scheme involves improved radiative lifetimes of some band systems, calculated yields of the seven electronic states of O2 in termolecular association, and rate coefficients of seven processes of electronic quenching of the Herzberg states of O2, which are evaluated by fitting to the nightglow observations. Electronic quenching of the vibrationally excited Herzberg states by O2 and N2 in the Earth's nightglow is a quarter of total collisional removal of the O2(A, A′) states and a dominant branch for the O2(c) state. The scheme supports the conclusion by Steadman and Thrush (1994) that the green line is excited by energy transfer from the O2(A3Σu+, v≥6) molecules, and the inferred rate coefficient of this transfer is 1.5×10−11 cm3 s−1. The O2 bands at 762 nm and 1.27 μm are excited directly, by quenching of the Herzberg states, and by energy transfer from the O2(5Πg) state. Quenching of the O2 band at 762 nm excites the band at 1.27 μm as well. Effective yield of the O2(a1Δg) state in termolecular association on Venus and Mars is ∼0.7. Quantitative assessments of all these processes have been made. A possible reaction of O2(c1Σu)+CO is a very minor branch of recombination of CO2 on Venus and Mars. Night airglow on Mars is calculated for typical conditions of the nighttime atmosphere. The calculated vertical intensity of the O2 band at 1.27 μm is 13 kR, far below the recently reported detections.  相似文献   

Amos Banin  Jerzy Navrot 《Icarus》1979,37(1):347-350
Organic carbon in oxidizable forms and nitrogen are the only elements among some 40 elements studied that are significantly enriched in terrestrial soils as compared to the crust. This enrichment is due to and reflecting life activity in soils, and is characterized by a unique profile distribution. It is suggested that these facts can constitute the basis for the future chemical-biological search for life in planetary soils.  相似文献   

We present results from a suite of N-body simulations that follow the formation and accretion history of the terrestrial planets using a new parallel treecode that we have developed. We initially place 2000 equal size planetesimals between 0.5 and 4.0 AU and the collisional growth is followed until the completion of planetary accretion (>100 Myr). A total of 64 simulations were carried out to explore sensitivity to the key parameters and initial conditions. All the important effect of gas in laminar disks are taken into account: the aerodynamic gas drag, the disk-planet interaction including Type I migration, and the global disk potential which causes inward migration of secular resonances as the gas dissipates. We vary the initial total mass and spatial distribution of the planetesimals, the time scale of dissipation of nebular gas (which dissipates uniformly in space and exponentially in time), and orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. We end up with 1-5 planets in the terrestrial region. In order to maintain sufficient mass in this region in the presence of Type I migration, the time scale of gas dissipation needs to be 1-2 Myr. The final configurations and collisional histories strongly depend on the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter. If today’s eccentricity of Jupiter is used, then most of bodies in the asteroidal region are swept up within the terrestrial region owing to the inward migration of the secular resonance, and giant impacts between protoplanets occur most commonly around 10 Myr. If the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter is close to zero, as suggested in the Nice model, the effect of the secular resonance is negligible and a large amount of mass stays for a long period of time in the asteroidal region. With a circular orbit for Jupiter, giant impacts usually occur around 100 Myr, consistent with the accretion time scale indicated from isotope records. However, we inevitably have an Earth size planet at around 2 AU in this case. It is very difficult to obtain spatially concentrated terrestrial planets together with very late giant impacts, as long as we include all the above effects of gas and assume initial disks similar to the minimum mass solar nebular.  相似文献   

Neutral planetary exospheres are built up by three different kinds of gas particles, namely ballistic, hyperbolic and elliptic particles. Elliptic particles have their origin exclusively in exospheric regions of the planet where they are fed into satellite orbits by different physical processes. It has been suggested that elliptic particles that do not enter the collision-dominated planetary gas regions represent an important fraction of the particles constituting the outer parts of planetary exospheres. Here we develop a theoretical concept for a rigorous calculation of elliptic particle distributions using Boltzmann equation kinetic approaches. Taking into account realistic gain and loss processes a general procedure for the determination of satellite particle densities for the terrestrial case is presented. We give representative height profiles of the satellite particle density in the exosphere for weak and strong solar activity. Our results are compared with those obtained by simplified theoretical approaches; pronounced deviations are obvious. It is shown that satellite particles are more relevant in low temperature exospheres leading to an order-of-magnitude difference above 1500 km between the densities for weak and strong solar activity. There is a general tendency for satellite particles to become increasingly important with increasing height.  相似文献   

Some aspects and consequences of the theory of gravitational accretion of the terrestrial planets are examined. The concept of a “closed feeding zone” is somewhat unrealistic, but provides a lower bound on the accretion time. Safronov's relative velocity relation for planetesimals is not entirely consistent with the feeding zone model. A velocity relation which includes an initial velocity component is suggested. The orbital parameters of the planetesimals and the dimensions of the feeding zone are related to their relative velocities. The assumption of an initial velocity does not seriously change the accretion time.Mercury, Venus, and the Earth have accretion times on the order of 108yr. Mars requires well over 109yr to accrete by the same assumptions. Currently available data do not rule out a late formation of Mars, but the lunar cratering history makes it unlikely. If Mars is as old as the Earth, nongravitational forces or a violation of the feeding zone concept is required. One such possibility is the removal of matter from the zone of Mars by Jupiter's influence. The final sweeping up by Mars after this event would result in the scattering of a considerable mass among the other terrestrial planets. The late postaccretional bombardments infrerred for the Moon and Mercury may have had this source.  相似文献   

Abstract— I examine the origin of water in the terrestrial planets. Late‐stage delivery of water from asteroidal and cometary sources appears to be ruled out by isotopic and molecular ratio considerations, unless either comets and asteroids currently sampled spectroscopically and by meteorites are unlike those falling to Earth 4.5 Ga ago, or our measurements are not representative of those bodies. However, the terrestrial planets were bathed in a gas of H, He, and O. The dominant gas phase species were H2, He, H2 O, and CO. Thus, grains in the accretion disk must have been exposed to and adsorbed H2 and water. Here I conduct a preliminary analysis of the efficacy of nebular gas adsorption as a mechanism by which the terrestrial planets accreted “wet.” A simple model suggests that grains accreted to Earth could have adsorbed 1‐3 Earth oceans of water. The fraction of this water retained during accretion is unknown, but these results suggest that examining the role of adsorption of water vapor onto grains in the accretion disk bears further study.  相似文献   

Of the terrestrial planets, Earth and probably Mercury possess substantial intrinsic magnetic fields generated by core dynamos, while Venus and Mars apparently lack such fields. Thermal histories are calculated for these planets and are found to admit several possible present states, including those which suggest simple explanations for the observations; whule the cores of Earth and Mercury are continuing to freeze, the cores of Venus and Mars may still be completely liquid. The models assume whole mantle convection, which is parameterized by a simple Nusselt-Rayleigh number relation and dictates the rate at which heat escapes from the core. It is found that completely fluid cores, devoid of intrinsic heat sources, are not likely to sustain thermal convection for the age of the solar system but cool to a subadiabatic, conductive state that can not maintain a dynamo. Planets which nucleate an inner core continue to sustain a dynamo because of the gravitational energy release and chemically driven convection that accompany inner core growth. The absence of a significant inner core can arise in Venus because of its slightly higher temperature and lower central pressure relative to Earth, while a Martian core avoids the onset of freezing if the abundance of sulfur in the core is ?15% by mass. All of the models presented assume that (I) core dynamos are driven by thermal and/or chemical convection; (ii) radiogenic heat production is confined to the mantle; (iii) mantle and core cool from initially hot states which are at the solidus and superliquidus, respectively; and (iv) any inner core excludes the light alloying material (sulfur or oxygen) which then mixes uniformly upward through the outer core. The models include realistic pressure and composition-dependent freezing curves for the core, and material parameters are chosen so that the correct present-day values of heat outflow, upper mantle temperature and viscosity, and inner core radius are obtained for the earth. It is found that Venus and Mars may have once had dynamos maintained by thermal convection alone. Earth may have had a completely fluid core and a dynamo maintained by thermal convection for the first 2 to 3 by, but an inner core nucleates and the dynamo energetics are subsequently dominated by gravitational energy release. Complete freezing of the Mercurian core is prohibited if it contains even a small amount of sulfur, and a dynamo can be maintained by chemical convection in a thin, fluid shell.  相似文献   

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