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The cratering history of main belt asteroid (2867) Steins has been investigated using OSIRIS imagery acquired during the Rosetta flyby that took place on the 5th of September 2008. For this purpose, we applied current models describing the formation and evolution of main belt asteroids, that provide the rate and velocity distributions of impactors. These models coupled with appropriate crater scaling laws, allow the cratering history to be estimated. Hence, we derive Steins’ cratering retention age, namely the time lapsed since its formation or global surface reset. We also investigate the influence of various factors—like bulk structure and crater erasing—on the estimated age, which spans from a few hundred Myrs to more than 1 Gyr, depending on the adopted scaling law and asteroid physical parameters. Moreover, a marked lack of craters smaller than about 0.6 km has been found and interpreted as a result of a peculiar evolution of Steins cratering record, possibly related either to the formation of the 2.1 km wide impact crater near the south pole or to YORP reshaping.  相似文献   

On 5 September 2008, the Rosetta spacecraft encountered the asteroid 2867 Steins on its way to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This was the first of two planned asteroid fly-bys performed by the probe, the second fly-by being with the much larger asteroid 21 Lutetia in July 2010. The VIRTIS imaging spectrometer (IFOV 0.250 mrad, overall spectral range 0.25-5.1 μm) onboard Rosetta acquired data of Steins already before the closest approach phase, when the target was spatially unresolved, in order to obtain a light curve of the asteroid in the infrared spectral range extending up to 5 μm, that was never explored before. The VIRTIS light curve campaign started at 11:30 UTC onboard time, when the spacecraft was about 221,377 km away from the target, and ended at 17:58 UTC, at a distance of 20,741 km away from Steins. During this timeframe, the solar phase angle of the asteroid was roughly constant, ranging from 38.2° to 36.3°.Assuming the most recent value derived for the rotational period of Steins (Lamy et al., 2008), the VIRTIS observations covered slightly more than one rotation of the asteroid. In this interval, VIRTIS collected 8 hyperspectral cubes where Steins was captured 119 times, both in the visual and in the infrared range. Given the low signal and the unresolved appearance of the source, for which the instrument was not designed, only a small subset of wavelengths turned out to be suitable to sample the light curve. Nevertheless, in both the VIS and NIR ranges we find a similar trend, with two different maxima and minima during one rotational period, and amplitudes consistent with the results in the visual range obtained in previous works, including the data set acquired by the OSIRIS camera onboard Rosetta. We also report the presence of a new broad feature centered at approximately 0.81-0.82 μm, which is seen in the visual data throughout the rotation of the asteroid.  相似文献   

The international Rosetta mission, a cornerstone mission of the european space agency scientific Programme, was launched on 2nd March 2004 on its 10 years journey towards a rendezvous with comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Gardini et al., 1999). During its interplanetary flight towards its target Rosetta crosses the asteroid belt twice with the opportunity to observe at close quarters two asteroids: (2867)-Šteins in 2008 and (21)-Lutetia in 2010. The spacecraft design was such that these opportunities could be fully exploited to deliver valuable data to the scientific community. The mission trajectory was controlled such that Rosetta would fly next to asteroid Šteins on the 5th of September 2008 with a relative speed of 8.6 km/s at a minimum distance of 800 km. Mission operations have been carefully planned to achieve the best possible flyby scenario and scientific outcome. The flyby scenario, the optical navigation campaign, and the planning of the scientific observations had to be adapted by the Mission and the Science Operations Centres to the demanding requirements expressed by the scientific community. The flyby was conducted as planned with a large number of successful observations.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft is the first Solar System mission to include instrumentation capable of measuring planetary thermal fluxes at both near-IR (VIRTIS) and submillimeter–millimeter (smm–mm, MIRO) wavelengths. Its primary mission is a 1 year reconnaissance of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko beginning in 2014. During a 2010 close fly-by of Asteroid 21 Lutetia, the VIRTIS and MIRO instruments provided complementary data that have been analyzed to produce a consistent model of Lutetia’s surface layer thermal and electrical properties, including a physical model of self-heating. VIRTIS dayside measurements provided highly resolved 1 K accuracy surface temperatures that required a low thermal inertia, I < 30 J/(K m2 s0.5). MIRO smm and mm measurements of polar night thermal fluxes produced constraints on Lutetia’s subsurface thermal properties to depths comparable to the seasonal thermal wave, yielding a model of I < 20 J/(K m2 s0.5) in the upper few centimeters, increasing with depth in a manner very similar to that of Earth’s Moon. Subsequent MIRO-based model predictions of the dayside surface temperatures reveal negative offsets of ~5–30 K from the higher VIRTIS-measurements. By adding surface roughness in the form of 50% fractional coverage of hemispherical mini-craters to the MIRO-based thermal model, sufficient self-heating is produced to largely remove the offsets relative to the VIRTIS measurements and also reproduce the thermal limb brightening features (relative to a smooth surface model) seen by VIRTIS. The Lutetia physical property constraints provided by the VIRTIS and MIRO data sets demonstrate the unique diagnostic capabilities of combined infrared and submillimeter/millimeter thermal flux measurements.  相似文献   

近地小行星(10302) 1989 ML和(4660) Nereus作为下一代深空探测的候选目标一直备受关注. 在考虑太阳系主要天体的动力学背景下, 通过计算最大Lyapunov指数(MLE)及MEGNO (Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits)指数讨论它们的稳定性. 同时, 对每个小行星, 在其观测误差范围内按多元正态分布各选取1000个克隆粒子, 通过统计分析显示这两个小行星在10万年内可能的运动范围, 给出半长径-偏心率空间中的出现次数分布图, 并统计小行星与地球或其他大行星之间的密近交汇及碰撞的概率. 此外还对这两个小行星的标称轨道进行长期共振、Kozai共振及平运动共振的动力学分析. 综上得出结论, 1989 ML处在平运动共振主导的区域, 发生密近交汇的概率较小, 从而其轨道相对较稳定; 而Nereus处在地球的密近交汇区域, 轨道极不稳定.  相似文献   

Near-Earth asteroids (10302) 1989 ML and (4660) Nereus have attracted much attention as candidates for the next generation of deep space explorations. In the study, the maximum Lyapunov exponent (MLE) and MEGNO (Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits) index are calculated after considering the effects of major objects in the Solar system, and the stabilities of these two asteroids are discussed. For each asteroid, 1000 clonal particles consistent with the observational uncertainties are generated from a multivariate normal distribution. Statistical results display probably emerging regions of each asteroid within 0.1 million years, and provide distributions of occurrence times in the phase space of semi-major axis versus eccentricity. We estimate the probability of close encounters and collisions between the asteroid and Earth or other planets. Furthermore, secular resonances, Kozai resonance, and mean motion resonances are analyzed for nominal orbits of the two asteroids. We conclude that 1989 ML is in the region dominated by mean motion resonances with terrestrial planets. The probability of close encounters with them is relatively small, therefore its orbit is relatively stable. Nereus is located in a region that can have close-encounters with the Earth, and it has an extremely unstable orbit.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show that in the case of a low probability of asteroid collision with the Earth, the appropriate selection and weighting of the data are crucial for the impact investigation and for analysing the impact possibilities using extensive numerical simulations. By means of the Monte Carlo special method, a large number of 'clone' orbits have been generated. A full range of orbital elements in the six-dimensional parameter space, that is, in the entire confidence region allowed by the observational material, has been examined. On the basis of 1000 astrometric observations of (99942) Apophis, the best solutions for the geocentric encounter distance of  6.065 ± 0.081 R  (without perturbations by asteroids) or  6.064 ± 0.095 R  (including perturbations by the four largest asteroids) were derived for the close encounter with the Earth on 2029 April 13. The present uncertainties allow for special configurations ('keyholes') during this encounter that may lead to very close encounters in future approaches of Apophis. Two groups of keyholes are connected with the close encounter with the Earth in 2036 (within the minimal distance of  5.7736−5.7763 R  on 2029 April 13) and 2037 (within the minimal distance of  6.3359–6.3488 R  ). The nominal orbits for our most accurate models run almost exactly in the middle of these two impact keyhole groups. A very small keyhole for the impact in 2076 has been found between these groups at the minimal distance of 5.97347   R  . This keyhole is close to the nominal orbit. The present observations are not sufficiently accurate to eliminate definitely the possibility of impact with the Earth in 2036 and for many years after.  相似文献   

Orbits are calculated for Comet C/1845 L1 (the Great June Comet) and C/1846 D1 (de Vico), the former based on 157 observations in right ascension and 152 in declination and the latter on 10 and 9, respectively. Both orbits are hyperbolic and statistically distinguishable from parabolas. Statistical tests indicate that the residuals are random and thus the orbits satisfactory. The Great June Comet is in no way associated with the comet Tycho Brahe observed in 1596 (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Colom  P.  Gérard  E.  Crovisier  J.  Bockelé-Morvan  D.  Biver  N.  Rauer  H. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):37-43
We present OH 18-cm observations of comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) at the Nançay radio telescope. On nucleus and offset position observations allowed us to obtain both OH production rates and quenching radii. The maximum OH production rate was reached around perihelion, at about1031 s-1.  相似文献   

UBV(RI) C CCD photometry of a 2.1 × 3.3 arcmin2 field centred on the young open cluster Haffner 18 is presented and discussed. Spectroscopic classification of seven stars is also provided. 44 cluster members are identified, the earliest type being O6. The distance to the cluster is found to be 6.3 kpc, corresponding to a galactocentric distance of 12.7 kpc (for a Sun galactocentric distance of 8.5 kpc). An excellent fit to the observed main sequence is achieved by a solar composition isochrone of 2 × 106 yr reddened by E(B − V)  = 0.62 mag. Differential reddening of intracluster origin is present. Pre-main-sequence members are likely to be present over the 6 mag range explored by our observations (reaching down to earliest A spectral types). The presence of differential reddening and pre-main-sequence members agrees with the evidence for a bright parent nebulosity embedding the whole cluster. The radial velocity of the cluster is consistent with the Hron model of Galactic rotation.  相似文献   

田伟 《天文学报》2021,62(2):16-62
作为一颗与地球共轨道的小行星,(469219)Kamo'oalewa是一个具有很高研究价值的近地小天体,也是中国首次小行星探测计划的目标天体之一.针对其轨道特性,建立了兼顾太阳、地球和月球非球形引力作用的小行星动力学模型.并在该模型的基础上,利用国际小行星中心(Minor Planet Center,MPC)提供的2004|2018年间的光学观测数据对该小行星的轨道进行确定.拟合后观测残差的均方根误差约为0:2″(与美国喷气推进实验室的Horizons在线历表系统相当),其中2004年期间数据的观测残差有所改进.最后,对小行星(469219)Kamo'oalewa的轨道误差进行了详细分析,并预报了2020-2025年期间该小行星的轨道误差.  相似文献   

Priscilla N Mohammed 《Icarus》2003,166(2):425-435
Recently, a model for the centimeter-wavelength opacity of PH3 under conditions characteristic of the outer planets was developed by Hoffman et al. (2001, PhD thesis), based on centimeter wavelength laboratory measurements. New laboratory measurements have been conducted which show that this model is also accurate at low pressures and temperatures, and at millimeter wavelengths such as will be employed in Cassini Ka-band (9.3 mm) radio occultation studies. The opacity of PH3 in a hydrogen/helium (H2/He) atmosphere has been measured at frequencies in the Ka-band region at 32.7 GHz (9.2 mm), 35.6 GHz (8.4 mm), 37.7 GHz (8.0 mm), and 39.9 GHz (7.5 mm) at pressures of 0.5, 1, and 2 bar and at temperatures of 295, 209, and 188 K. Additionally, new high-precision laboratory measurements of the opacity of NH3 in an H2/He atmosphere have been conducted under the same temperature and pressure conditions described for PH3. These new measurements better constrain the NH3 opacity model supporting use of a Ben-Reuven lineshape model. These measurements will also elucidate the interpretation of millimeter wavelength observations conducted with the NRAO/VLA at 43 GHz (7 mm).  相似文献   

Measurements of the bulk density, grain density, porosity, and magnetic susceptibility of 19 Gao-Guenie H5 chondrite meteorite samples are presented. We find average values of bulk density 〈ρbulk〉=3.46±0.07 g/cm3, grain density 〈ρgrain〉=3.53±0.08 g/cm3, porosity 〈P(%)〉=2.46±1.39, and bulk mass magnetic susceptibility 〈log χ〉=5.23±0.11. Measurements of the specific heat capacity for a 3.01-g Gao-Guenie sample, a 61.37-g Gao-Guenie sample, a 62.35-g Jilin H5 chondrite meteorite sample, and a 51.37-g Sikhote-Alin IIAB Iron meteorite sample are also presented. Temperature interpolation formula are further provided for the specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity of the 3.01-g Gao-Guenie sample in the temperature range 300<T (K)<800. We briefly review the possible effects of the newly deduced specific heat and thermal conductivity values on the ablation of meteoroids within the Earth's atmosphere, the modeling of asteroid interiors and the orbital evolution of meteoroids through the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect.  相似文献   

A spatially unresolved velocity feature, with an approaching radial velocity of  ≈100 km s−1  with respect to the systemic radial velocity, in a position–velocity array of [O  iii ] 5007-Å line profiles is identified as the kinematical counterpart of a jet from the proplyd LV 5 (158–323) in the core of the Orion nebula. The only candidate in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imagery for this jet appears to be a displaced, ionized knot. Also an elongated jet projects from the proplyd GMR 15 (161–307). Its receding radial velocity difference appears at  ≈80 km s−1  in the same position–velocity array.
A 'standard' model for jets from young, low-mass stars invokes an accelerating, continuous flow outwards with an opening angle of a few degrees. Here an alternative explanation is suggested which may apply to some, if not all, of the proplyd jets. In this, a 'bullet' of dense material is ejected which ploughs through dense circumstellar ambient gas. The decelerating tail of material ablated from the surface of the bullet would be indistinguishable from a continuously emitted jet in current observations.  相似文献   

Measurements of ultraviolet line fluxes from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectra of the K2-dwarf ε Eri are reported. These are used to develop new emission measure distributions and semi-empirical atmospheric models for the chromosphere and lower transition region of the star. These models are the most detailed constructed to date for a main-sequence star other than the Sun. New ionization balance calculations, which account for the effect of finite density on dielectronic recombination rates, are presented for carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and silicon. The results of these calculations are significantly different from the standard Arnaud & Rothenflug ion balance, particularly for alkali-like ions. The new atmospheric models are used to place constraints on possible first ionization potential (FIP)-related abundance variations in the lower atmosphere and to discuss limitations of single-component models for the interpretation of certain optically thick line fluxes.  相似文献   

The blue-light observations of this pulsating and eclipsing variable (BCEP+EA) cover an interval from 1950 to 1992. The out-of-eclipse (that is, pulsational) variation contains three sinusoidal terms with variable amplitudes. In our 1996 paper (JP96), based on the 1950–1983 data, we showed that for the first two terms, having frequencies equal to about 5.9112 and 5.8551 d−1, the amplitudes varied with time-scales of the order of 50 yr. The remaining term formed a doublet with constant amplitudes and frequencies close to 5.5033 d−1, resulting in a beat-period of 1.85 yr. In the present paper we confirm this picture using additional data, derive improved values of the time-scales and refine the parameters of the doublet. In addition, we determine the year-to-year variation of the epochs of maximum light of the first two terms. This allows us to account for (1) the ground-based blue-filter observations that were not extensive enough to be used in the analysis, and (2) the Hp magnitudes from the Hipparcos mission. In particular, we demonstrate that the period of 0.171 203 d, given in the Hipparcos Variability Annex , is spurious.  相似文献   

A detailed dynamical analysis of the nearby rich Norma cluster (ACO 3627) is presented. From radial velocities of 296 cluster members, we find a mean velocity of 4871 ± 54 km s−1 and a velocity dispersion of 925 km s−1. The mean velocity of the E/S0 population (4979 ± 85 km s−1) is offset with respect to that of the S/Irr population (4812 ± 70 km s−1) by  Δ v = 164 km s−1  in the cluster rest frame. This offset increases towards the core of the cluster. The E/S0 population is free of any detectable substructure and appears relaxed. Its shape is clearly elongated with a position angle that is aligned along the dominant large-scale structures in this region, the so-called Norma wall. The central cD galaxy has a very large peculiar velocity of 561 km s−1 which is most probably related to an ongoing merger at the core of the cluster. The spiral/irregular galaxies reveal a large amount of substructure; two dynamically distinct subgroups within the overall spiral population have been identified, located along the Norma wall elongation. The dynamical mass of the Norma cluster within its Abell radius is  1–1.1 × 1015  h −173 M  . One of the cluster members, the spiral galaxy WKK 6176 which recently was observed to have a 70 kpc X-ray tail, reveals numerous striking low-brightness filaments pointing away from the cluster centre suggesting strong interaction with the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

The sediment load delivered from the Huanghe (Yellow River) to the sea has decreased sharply to 0.15 × 109 metric tons per year (0.15 Gt/yr) between 2000 and 2005, and now represents only 14% of the widely cited estimate of 1.08 Gt/yr. The river seems to be reverting to the pristine levels characteristic of the middle Holocene, prior to human intervention. Datasets from 1950 to 2005 from four key gauging stations in the main stream reveal distinct stepwise decreases in sediment load, which are attributed to both natural and anthropogenic impacts over the past 56 yr. Completions of two reservoirs, Liujiaxia (1968) and Longyangxia (1985), in the upper reaches of the river and their joint operations have resulted in stepwise decreases in sediment load coming from the upper reaches. Effective soil conservation practices in the middle reaches since the late 1970s, combined with the operation of the Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdi reservoirs, have also caused stepwise decreases in sediment load at Huayuankou in the middle reaches, but the decrease differs from that observed in the upper reaches. Decrease in precipitation is responsible for 30% of the decrease in sediment load at Huayuankou, while the remaining 70% is ascribed to human activities in the river basin, of which soil conservation practices contribute 40% to the total decrease. Sediment retention within reservoirs accounts for 20% of the total sediment load decrease, although there was notable sediment retention within the Xiaolangdi reservoir from 2000 to 2005. The remaining 10% of the decrease in sediment load is a result of the operation of reservoirs in the upper reaches. In the lower reaches, 20% of the sediment passing Huayuankou has been lost as a result of channel deposition and water abstraction. Soil conservation practices and the operation of reservoirs have lowered the content of coarser sediment (D > 0.05 mm) at Huayuankou, and reduced channel deposition in the lower reaches. In contrast, sediment loss owing to water abstraction in the lower reaches has increased considerably as water consumption for agricultural needs has increased. Therefore, the combined effects of climate change and human activities in the upper, middle, and lower reaches have resulted in stepwise decreases in the sediment load delivered from the Huanghe to the sea. The Huanghe provides an excellent example of the altered river systems impacted by climate change and extensive human activities over the past 56 yr. Further dramatic decreases in sediment load and water discharge in the Huanghe will trigger profound geological, morphological, ecological, and biogeochemical responses in the estuary, delta, and coastal sea.  相似文献   

In this problem of the restricted (2 + 2) bodies we have considered two magnetic dipoles of masses M 1 and M 2(M 1 > M 2) moving in circular Keplarian orbit about their centre of mass. Two minor bodies of masses m 1, m 2(m j< M 2) are taken as electric dipoles in the field of rotating magnetic dipoles. These minor bodies interact with each other but do not perturb the primaries.We have found equations of motions which differ from that of Goudas and Petsagouraki's (1985).  相似文献   

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