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Polygonal terrain, a landform commonly associated with the presence of ground ice, is widespread throughout the high latitudes on Mars. In this paper, we present the results of field testing a potential mission concept for the robotic prospecting of ground ice in polygonal terrain. The focus of the paper is on the key robotic technologies that could be used to implement the concept and the engineering lessons we learned (as opposed to the specific scientific findings of our field tests). In particular, we have found that a lander- or rover-mounted lidar and a rover-borne stereo camera/ground-penetrating radar suite are two important scientific tools that may be used to help pin-point ground ice prior to subsurface sampling. We field tested some aspects of this mission concept on a previously - unstudied polygonal terrain site on Devon Island in the Canadian High Arctic (a common Mars/Moon analogue site) during the summer of 2008. This unique collaboration between technological and scientific communities has led to a deeper understanding of how such a science-driven mission could actually be implemented robotically.  相似文献   

With the prospect of humans returning to Moon by the end of the next decade, considerable attention is being paid to technologies required to transport astronauts to the lunar surface and then to be able to carry out surface science. Recent and ongoing initiatives have focused on scientific questions to be asked. In contrast, few studies have addressed how these scientific priorities will be achieved. In this contribution, we provide some of the lessons learned from the exploration of the Haughton impact structure, an ideal lunar analogue site in the Canadian Arctic. Essentially, by studying how geologists carry out field science, we can provide guidelines for lunar surface operations. Our goal in this contribution is to inform the engineers and managers involved in mission planning, rather than the field geology community. Our results show that the exploration of the Haughton impact structure can be broken down into 3 distinct phases: (1) reconnaissance; (2) systematic regional-scale mapping and sampling; and (3) detailed local-scale mapping and sampling. This break down is similar to the classic scientific method practiced by field geologists of regional exploratory mapping followed by directed mapping at a local scale, except that we distinguish between two different phases of exploratory mapping. Our data show that the number of stops versus the number of samples collected versus the amount of data collected varied depending on the mission phase, as does the total distance covered per EVA. Thus, operational scenarios could take these differences into account, depending on the goals and duration of the mission. Important lessons learned include the need for flexibility in mission planning in order to account for serendipitous discoveries, the highlighting of key “science supersites” that may require return visits, the need for a rugged but simple human-operated rover, laboratory space in the habitat, and adequate room for returned samples, both in the habitat and in the return vehicle. The proposed set of recommendations ideally should be tried and tested in future analogue missions at terrestrial impact sites prior to planetary missions.  相似文献   

Observations of Titan obtained by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) have revealed Selk crater, a geologically young, bright-rimmed, impact crater located ∼800 km north-northwest of the Huygens landing site. The crater rim-crest diameter is ∼90 km; its floor diameter is ∼60 km. A central pit/peak, 20-30 km in diameter, is seen; the ratio of the size of this feature to the crater diameter is consistent with similarly sized craters on Ganymede and Callisto, all of which are dome craters. The VIMS data, unfortunately, are not of sufficient resolution to detect such a dome. The inner rim of Selk crater is fluted, probably by eolian erosion, while the outer flank and presumed ejecta blanket appear dissected by drainages (particularly to the east), likely the result of fluvial erosion. Terracing is observed on the northern and western walls of Selk crater within a 10-15 km wide terrace zone identified in VIMS data; the terrace zone is bright in SAR data, consistent with it being a rough surface. The terrace zone is slightly wider than those observed on Ganymede and Callisto and may reflect differences in thermal structure and/or composition of the lithosphere. The polygonal appearance of the crater likely results from two preexisting planes of weakness (oriented at azimuths of 21° and 122° east of north). A unit of generally bright terrain that exhibits similar infrared-color variation and contrast to Selk crater extends east-southeast from the crater several hundred kilometers. We informally refer to this terrain as the Selk “bench.” Both Selk and the bench are surrounded by the infrared-dark Belet dune field. Hypotheses for the genesis of the optically bright terrain of the bench include: wind shadowing in the lee of Selk crater preventing the encroachment of dunes, impact-induced cryovolcanism, flow of a fluidized-ejecta blanket (similar to the bright crater outflows observed on Venus), and erosion of a streamlined upland formed in the lee of Selk crater by fluid flow. Vestigial circular outlines in this feature just east of Selk’s ejecta blanket suggest that this might be a remnant of an ancient, cratered crust. Evidently the southern margin of the feature has sufficient relief to prevent the encroachment of dunes from the Belet dune field. We conclude that this feature either represents a relatively high-viscosity, fluidized-ejecta flow (a class intermediate to ejecta blankets and long venusian-style ejecta flows) or a streamlined upland remnant that formed downstream from the crater by erosive fluid flow from the west-northwest.  相似文献   

Recent advances in computer visualization have allowed us to develop new tools for analyzing the data gathered during planetary missions, which is important, since these data sets have grown exponentially in recent years to tens of terabytes in size. As part of the Advanced Visualization in Solar System Exploration and Research (ADVISER) project, we utilize several advanced visualization techniques created specifically with planetary image data in mind. The Geoviewer application allows real-time active stereo display of images, which in aggregate have billions of pixels. The ADVISER desktop application platform allows fast three-dimensional visualization of planetary images overlain on digital terrain models. Both applications include tools for easy data ingest and real-time analysis in a programmatic manner. Incorporation of these tools into our everyday scientific workflow has proved important for scientific analysis, discussion, and publication, and enabled effective and exciting educational activities for students from high school through graduate school.  相似文献   

Abstract— A study in late 2006 was sponsored by the Advanced Projects Office within NASA's Constellation Program to examine the feasibility of sending the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to a near‐Earth object (NEO). The ideal mission profile would involve two or three astronauts on a 90 to 180 day flight, which would include a 7 to 14 day stay for proximity operations at the target NEO. This mission would be the first human expedition to an interplanetary body beyond the Earth‐Moon system and would prove useful for testing technologies required for human missions to Mars and other solar system destinations. Piloted missions to NEOs using the CEV would undoubtedly provide a great deal of technical and engineering data on spacecraft operations for future human space exploration while conducting in‐depth scientific investigations of these primitive objects. The main scientific advantage of sending piloted missions to NEOs would be the flexibility of the crew to perform tasks and to adapt to situations in real time. A crewed vehicle would be able to test several different sample collection techniques and target specific areas of interest via extra‐vehicular activities (EVAs) more efficiently than robotic spacecraft. Such capabilities greatly enhance the scientific return from these missions to NEOs, destinations vital to understanding the evolution and thermal histories of primitive bodies during the formation of the early solar system. Data collected from these missions would help constrain the suite of materials possibly delivered to the early Earth, and would identify potential source regions from which NEOs originate. In addition, the resulting scientific investigations would refine designs for future extraterrestrial resource extraction and utilization, and assist in the development of hazard mitigation techniques for planetary defense.  相似文献   

The 90 km diameter, late Triassic Manicouagan impact structure of Québec, Canada, is a well-preserved, undeformed complex crater possessing an anorthositic central uplift and a 55 km diameter melt sheet. As such, it provides a valuable terrestrial analogue for impact structures developed on other planetary bodies, especially the Moon and Mars, which are currently the focus of exploration initiatives. The scientific value of Manicouagan has recently been enhanced due to the production, between 1994 and 2006, of ∼18 km of drill core from 38 holes by the mineral exploration industry. Three of these holes are in excess of 1.5 km deep, with the deepest reaching 1.8 km. Here we combine recent field work, sampling and the drill core data with previous knowledge to provide insight into processes occurring at Manicouagan and, by inference, within extraterrestrial impact structures. Four areas of comparative planetology are discussed: impact melt sheets, central uplifts, impact-generated hydrothermal regimes and footwall breccias. Human training and instrument testing opportunities are also considered. The drill core reveals that the impact melt and clast-bearing impact melts in the centre of the structure reach thicknesses of 1.4 km. The 1.1 km thick impact melt has undergone differentiation to yield a lower monzodiorite, a transitional quartz monzodiorite and an upper quartz monzonite sequence. This calls into question the previous citing of Manicouagan as an exemplar of a relatively large crater possessing an undifferentiated melt sheet, which was used as a rationale for assigning different composition lunar impact melts and clast-bearing impact melts to separate cratering events. The predominantly anorthositic central uplift at Manicouagan is comparable to certain lunar highlands material, with morphometric analogies to the King, Tycho, Pythagoras, Jackson, and Copernicus impact structures, which have similar diameters and uplift structure. Excellent exposure of the Manicouagan uplift facilitates mapping and an appraisal of its formation and collapse mechanisms, enhanced by drill core data from the centre of the structure. Recent field studies at the edge of the central island at Manicouagan, and multiple drill core sections through footwall lithologies, provide insight into allochthonous (clastic and suevitic) and autochthonous breccia formation, as well as shock effects. The hydrothermal regimes developed at Manicouagan are akin to systems proposed for Noachian (>3.5 Ga) Mars that involve alteration of impact melts via meteoritic and surface waters, with the generation of phyllosilicates, zeolites, hematite, sulfates and sulfides that can contribute to martian soil formation and sedimentation processes.  相似文献   

Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are important for the study of the Universe near and beyond the epoch of reionization. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of an 'ideal' instrument that can be used to search for GRBs at z ≥ 6–10. We find that the detection of these objects requires soft-band detectors with high sensitivity and a moderately large field of view. In light of these results, we compare available and planned GRB missions, deriving conservative predictions of the number of high-redshift GRBs detectable by these instruments along with the maximum accessible redshift. We show that the Swift satellite will be able to detect various GRBs at z ≥ 6, and likely at z ≥ 10 if the trigger threshold is decreased by a factor of ∼2. Furthermore, we find that INTEGRAL and GLAST are not the best tools to detect bursts at z ≥ 6, the former being limited by the small field of view, and the latter by its hard energy band and relatively low sensitivity. Finally, future missions ( SVOM , EDGE and, in particular, EXIST ) will provide a good sample of GRBs at z ≥ 6 within a few years of operation.  相似文献   

A digital terrain model (1000-m effective spatial resolution) of the Caloris basin, the largest well-characterized impact basin on Mercury, was produced from 208 stereo images obtained by the MESSENGER narrow-angle camera. The basin rim is far from uniform and is characterized by rugged terrain or knobby plains, often disrupted by craters and radial troughs. In some sectors, the rim is represented by a single marked elevation step, where height levels drop from the surroundings toward the basin interior by approximately 2 km. Two concentric rings, with radii of 690 km and 850 km, can be discerned in the topography. Several pre-Caloris basins and craters can be identified from the terrain model, suggesting that rugged pre-impact topography may have contributed to the varying characteristics of the Caloris rim. The basin interior is relatively smooth and shallow, comparable to typical lunar mascon mare basins, supporting the idea that Caloris was partially filled with lava after formation. The model displays long-wavelength undulations in topography across the basin interior, but these undulations cannot readily be related to pre-impact topography, volcanic construction, or post-volcanic uplift. Because errors in the long-wavelength topography of the model cannot be excluded, confirmation of these undulations must await data from MESSENGER’s orbital mission phase.  相似文献   

NASA and ESA have outlined visions for solar system exploration that will include a series of lunar robotic precursor missions to prepare for, and support a human return to the Moon, and future human exploration of Mars and other destinations, including possibly asteroids. One of the guiding principles for exploration is to pursue compelling scientific questions about the origin and evolution of life. The search for life on objects such as Mars will require careful operations, and that all systems be sufficiently cleaned and sterilized prior to launch to ensure that the scientific integrity of extraterrestrial samples is not jeopardized by terrestrial organic contamination. Under the Committee on Space Research’s (COSPAR’s) current planetary protection policy for the Moon, no sterilization procedures are required for outbound lunar spacecraft, nor is there a different planetary protection category for human missions, although preliminary COSPAR policy guidelines for human missions to Mars have been developed. Future in situ investigations of a variety of locations on the Moon by highly sensitive instruments designed to search for biologically derived organic compounds would help assess the contamination of the Moon by lunar spacecraft. These studies could also provide valuable “ground truth” data for Mars sample return missions and help define planetary protection requirements for future Mars bound spacecraft carrying life detection experiments. In addition, studies of the impact of terrestrial contamination of the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts could provide valuable data to help refine future Mars surface exploration plans for a human mission to Mars.  相似文献   

The scientific rationale of the ROY multi-satellite mission addresses multiscale investigations of plasma processes in the key magnetospheric regions with strong plasma gradients, turbulence and magnetic field annihilation in the range from electron inertial length to MHD scales.The main scientific aims of ROY mission include explorations of:
turbulence on a non-uniform background as a keystone for transport processes;
structures and jets in plasma flows associated with anomalously large concentration of kinetic energy; their impact on the energy balance and boundary formation;
transport barriers: plasma separation and mixing, Alfvenic collapse of magnetic field lines and turbulent dissipation of kinetic energy;
self-organized versus forced reconnection of magnetic field lines;
collisionless shocks, plasma discontinuities and associated particle acceleration processes.
In the case of autonomous operation, 4 mobile spacecrafts of about 200 kg mass with 60 kg payload equipped with electro-reactive plasma engines will provide 3D measurements at the scales of 100-10000 km and simultaneous 1D measurements at the scales 10-1000 km. The latter smaller scales will be scanned with the use of radio-tomography (phase-shift density measurements within the cone composed of 1 emitting and 3 receiving spacecrafts).We also discuss different opportunities for extra measurement points inside the ROY mission for simultaneous measurements at up to 3 scales for the common international fleet.Combined influence of intermittent turbulence and reconnection on the geomagnetic tail and on the nonlinear dynamics of boundary layers will be explored in situ with fast techniques including particle devices under development, providing plasma moments down to 30 ms resolution.We propose different options for joint measurements in conjunction with the SCOPE and other missions:
simultaneous sampling of low- and high-latitudes magnetopause, bow shock and geomagnetic tail at the same local time;
tracing of magnetosheath streamlines from the bow shock to near-Earth geomagnetic tail;
passing “through” the SCOPE on the inbound orbit leg;
common measurements (with SCOPE and other equatorial spacecraft) at distances of ∼ few thousand km for durations of ∼several hours per orbit.
The orbit options and scientific payload of possible common interest are discussed in this work, including FREGAT cargo opportunities for extra payload launching and the “Swarm” campaigns with ejection of nano- and pico-satellites.  相似文献   

The Demeter microsatellite and ground segment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Demeter program is the first application of the Myriade microsatellite program conducted by the Cnes (French Space Agency) since 1997. The Myriade objective was to benefit from the miniaturization of the technologies to develop a product with a reduced size, weight and cost able to implement either scientific missions, demonstrators or operational applications in different areas: earth observation, astronomy, fundamental physics or telecommunications, within limited financial budget.The Demeter satellite was launched in end of June 2004, from Baikonour, aboard a Dnepr launcher, on a sun synchronous orbit at 710 km altitude. Its main scientific objectives are the detection and characterization of ionosphere electrical and magnetic disturbances in connection with a seismic activity.The scientific payload has been built by French scientific institutes (LPCE, CESR, CETP) involved in external and internal geophysics and by SSD/ESTEC (ESA). It is composed of several electrical and magnetic sensors, an ion spectrometer, an energetic particle analyzer and a Langmuir probe.The Demeter platform is designed in order to offer a high level of performances in terms of power, attitude and orbit control, data storage and transmission, flexibility. For example the large amount of scientific data is transmitted to the ground station with a high data rate telemetry link in X band.This paper describes the Demeter satellite and ground segment. It focuses on the specific design adaptations of the Myriade product for Demeter and it presents the preliminary in orbit platform performances.  相似文献   

High-resolution Cassini stereo images of Saturn's moon Phoebe have been used to derive a regional digital terrain model (DTM) and an orthoimage mosaic of the surface. For DTM-control a network of 130 points measured in 14 images (70-390 m/pixel resolution) was established which was simultaneously used to determine the orientation of the spin-axis. The J2000 spin-axis was found at Dec=78.0°±0.1° and RA=356.6°±0.3°, substantially different from the former Voyager solution. The control points yield a mean figure radius of 107.2 km with RMS residuals of 6.2 km demonstrating the irregular shape of this body. The DTM was computed from densely spaced conjugate image points determined by methods of digital image correlation. It has a horizontal resolution of 1-2 km and vertical accuracies in the range 50-100 m. It is limited in coverage, but higher in resolution than the previously derived global shape model of Phoebe [Porco et al., 2005. Cassini imaging science: initial results on Phoebe and Iapetus. Science 307, 1237-1242] and allows us to study the morphology of the surface in more detail. There is evidence for unconsolidated material from a steep and smooth slope at the rim of a 100 km impact feature. There are several conically shaped craters on Phoebe, which may hint at highly porous and low compaction material on the surface.  相似文献   

The TMT Project is completing the design of a telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 30 m, yielding ten times more light gathering power than the largest current telescopes. It is being designed from the outset as a system that will deliver diffraction-limited resolution (8, 15 and 70 milliarcsec at 1.2, 2.2 and 10 microns, respectively) and high Strehl ratios over a 30 arcsecond science field with good performance over a 2 arcmin field. Studies of a representative suite of instruments that span a very large discovery space in wavelength (0.3–30 microns), spatial resolution, spectral resolution and field-of-view demonstrate their feasibility and their tremendous scientific potential. Of particular interest for solar system research, one of these will be IRIS (Infrared Imaging Spectrometer), a NIR instrument consisting of a diffraction-limited imager and an integral-field spectrometer. IRIS will be able to investigate structures with dimensions of only a few tens of kilometers at the distance of Jupiter. Two other instruments, NIRES and MIRES (Near- and Mid IR Echelle Spectrographs) will enable high angular, high spectral resolution observations of solar system objects from the ground with sensitivities comparable to space-based missions. The TMT system is being designed for extremely efficient operation including the ability to rapidly switch to observations with different instruments to take advantage of “targets-of-opportunity” or changing conditions. Thus TMT will provide capabilities that will enable very significant solar system science and be highly synergistic with JWST, ALMA and other planned astronomy missions.  相似文献   

MESSENGER’s Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) obtained multispectral images for more than 80% of the surface of Mercury during its first two flybys. Those images have confirmed that the surface of Mercury exhibits subtle color variations, some of which can be attributed to compositional differences. In many areas, impact craters are associated with material that is spectrally distinct from the surrounding surface. These deposits can be located on the crater floor, rim, wall, or central peak or in the ejecta deposit, and represent material that originally resided at depth and was subsequently excavated during the cratering process. The resulting craters make it possible to investigate the stratigraphy of Mercury’s upper crust. Studies of laboratory, terrestrial, and lunar craters provide a means to bound the depth of origin of spectrally distinct ejecta and central peak structures. Excavated red material (RM), with comparatively steep (red) spectral slope, and low-reflectance material (LRM) stand out prominently from the surrounding terrain in enhanced-color images because they are spectral end-members in Mercury’s compositional continuum. Newly imaged examples of RM were found to be spectrally similar to the relatively red, high-reflectance plains (HRP), suggesting that they may represent deposits of HRP-like material that were subsequently covered by a thin layer (∼1 km thick) of intermediate plains. In one area, craters with diameters ranging from 30 km to 130 km have excavated and incorporated RM into their rims, suggesting that the underlying RM layer may be several kilometers thick. LRM deposits are useful as stratigraphic markers, due to their unique spectral properties. Some RM and LRM were excavated by pre-Tolstojan basins, indicating a relatively old age (>4.0 Ga) for the original emplacement of these deposits. Detailed examination of several small areas on Mercury reveals the complex nature of the local stratigraphy, including the possible presence of buried volcanic plains, and supports sequential buildup of most of the upper ∼5 km of crust by volcanic flows with compositions spanning the range of material now visible on the surface, distributed heterogeneously across the planet. This emerging picture strongly suggests that the crust of Mercury is characterized by a much more substantial component of early volcanism than represented by the phase of mare emplacement on Earth’s Moon.  相似文献   

An improved ozone Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) system has been designed for tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone monitoring in Northern Greece. The system is based on a frequency quadrupled pulsed Nd:YAG laser and the Raman shifting technique in D2 and H2 gases. The lidar system emits simultaneously 4 wavelengths (266 mn, 289 nm, 299 nm and 316 nm) at 10 Hz repetition rate using a single low pressure Raman cell. The optical receiving system is based on a 50 cm concave telescope which is directly coupled to a specially conceived grating spectrometer. This lidar system uses analog (12 bits-40 MHz) and photon counting (250 MHz) detection systems, able to measure lidar signals up 16 km height. Ozone vertical profiles are to be measured from 0.8 km up to 15 km height, with a 30–500 m spatial and a 1-minute temporal resolution. In this paper the major technical characteristics of the improved lidar system are presented. The system is foreseen to provide the first daytime/nighttime ozone vertical profiles during early winter 1999.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets (Earth and Venus) are susceptible to pre‐impact tectonic influences on their formation. This means that we cannot expect them to conform to ideal cratering models, which are commonly based on the response of a homogeneous target devoid of pre‐existing flaws. In the case of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure of Ontario, Canada, considerable influence has been exerted on modification stage processes by late Archean to early Proterozoic basement faults. Two trends are dominant: 1) the NNW‐striking Onaping Fault System, which is parallel to the 2.47 Ga Matachewan dyke swarm, and 2) the ENE‐striking Murray Fault System, which acted as a major Paleoproterozoic suture zone that contributed to the development of the Huronian sedimentary basin between 2.45–2.2 Ga. Sudbury has also been affected by syn‐ to post‐impact regional deformation and metamorphism: the 1.9–1.8 Ga Penokean orogeny, which involved NNW‐directed reverse faulting, uplift, and transpression at mainly greenschist facies grade, and the 1.16–0.99 Ga Grenville orogeny, which overprinted the SE sector of the impact structure to yield a polydeformed upper amphibolite facies terrain. The pre‐, syn‐, and post‐impact tectonics of the region have rendered the Sudbury structure a complicated feature. Careful reconstruction is required before its original morphometry can be established. This is likely to be true for many impact structures developed on active terrestrial planets. Based on extensive field work, combined with remote sensing and geophysical data, four ring systems have been identified at Sudbury. The inner three rings broadly correlate with pseudotachylyte (friction melt) ‐rich fault systems. The first ring has a diameter of ?90 km and defines what is interpreted to be the remains of the central uplift. The second ring delimits the collapsed transient cavity diameter at ?130 km and broadly corresponds to the original melt sheet diameter. The third ring has a diameter of ?180 km. The fourth ring defines the suggested apparent crater diameter at ?260 km. This approximates the final rim diameter, given that erosion in the North Range is <6 km and the ring faults are steeply dipping. Impact damage beyond Ring 4 may occur, but has not yet been identified in the field. One or more rings within the central uplift (Ring 1) may also exist. This form and concentric structure indicates that Sudbury is a peak ring or, more probably, a multi‐ring basin. These parameters provide the foundation for modeling the formation of this relatively large terrestrial impact structure.  相似文献   

After GRACE and GOCE there will still be need and room for improvement of the knowledge (1) of the static gravity field at spatial scales between 40 km and 100 km, and (2) of the time varying gravity field at scales smaller than 500 km. This is shown based on the analysis of spectral signal power of various gravity field components and on the comparison with current knowledge and expected performance of GRACE and GOCE. Both, accuracy and resolution can be improved by future dedicated gravity satellite missions. For applications in geodesy, the spectral omission error due to the limited spatial resolution of a gravity satellite mission is a limiting factor. The recommended strategy is to extend as far as possible the spatial resolution of future missions, and to improve at the same time the modelling of the very small scale components using terrestrial gravity information and topographic models.We discuss the geodetic needs in improved gravity models in the areas of precise height systems, GNSS levelling, inertial navigation and precise orbit determination. Today global height systems with a 1 cm accuracy are required for sea level and ocean circulation studies. This can be achieved by a future satellite mission with higher spatial resolution in combination with improved local and regional gravity field modelling. A similar strategy could improve the very economic method of determination of physical heights by GNSS levelling from the decimeter to the centimeter level. In inertial vehicle navigation, in particular in sub-marine, aircraft and missile guidance, any improvement of global gravity field models would help to improve reliability and the radius of operation.  相似文献   

The heavily-cratered southern hemisphere of Mars encompasses the planet’s strongest, most widespread magnetization. Our study concentrates on this magnetized region in the southern hemisphere within 40° of latitude 40°S, longitude 180°W. First we rotate the coordinates to position the center at −40°, 180° and treat these new latitudes and longitudes as if they were Cartesian coordinates. Then, using an ordinary two-dimensional Fourier analysis for downward continuation, the MGS (MAG/ER) magnetic field data at satellite mapping elevation of ∼400 km are extrapolated to 100 km, sources are estimated and used to model the fields. Quantitative comparison of the downward continued field with the aerobraking field for bins having angular deviation within ±30° gives correlation of .947, .868, and .769 for the components, respectively. This agreement of the fields may result from most of the power in the magnetization resting in wavelengths ∼400 km, with comparatively little at ∼100 km. Over this region, covering nearly an octant of the planet, just a dozen sources can account for 94% of the variance of the magnetic field at the surface. In these models for the field an obvious asymmetry in polarity exists, with majority of the sources being positive. The locations of strongest surface magnetization appear to be near - but not actually within - ancient multi-ringed basins. We test the likelihood of this association by comparing the observed sources found within and near basins for two alternative basin location scenarios with random distributions. For both alternatives we find the observed distributions to be low-probability occurrences. If contemporaneous, this would establish that Mars’ magnetic field extended to the time of impacts causing these basins.  相似文献   

From photogrammetric analysis of stereo images of Mercury obtained during three MESSENGER flybys, we have produced three digital terrain models (DTMs) that have a grid spacing of 1 km and together cover 30% of the planet's surface. The terrain models provide a rich source of information on the morphology of Mercury's surface, including details of tectonic scarp systems as well as impact craters and basins. More than 400 craters larger than 15 km in diameter are included in the models. Additionally, the models provide important test cases for the analysis of stereo image data to be collected during MESSENGER's orbital mission phase. Small lateral offsets and differences in trends between stereo DTMs and laser altimeter profiles may be due to remaining errors in spacecraft position, instrument pointing, or Mercury coordinate knowledge. Such errors should be resolved during the orbital mission phase, when more joint analyses of data and detailed orbit modeling will be possible.  相似文献   

Recent developments of cerium-doped lanthanum-halide scintillators like LaBr3:Ce show a remarkable performance in gamma-ray spectroscopy. When high energy resolution in combination with stopping power is required they provide excellent gamma-ray detector candidates for the use in space missions. Moreover, irradiation tests have shown that such detectors are radiation tolerant. In this paper we discuss a possible application of LaBr in nuclear astrophysics missions. We show results on recent proton irradiation tests at KVI in Groningen (NL) and discuss the damage and activation effects after irradiation. A possible implementation for a focal plane detector in a gamma-ray telescope and the expected performance is presented.  相似文献   

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