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A 3-D Monte Carlo model is used to describe the ejection of N and N2 from Titan due to the interaction of Saturn's magnetospheric N+ ions and molecular pick-up ions with its N2 atmosphere. Based on estimates of the ion flux into Titan's corona, atmospheric sputtering is an important source of both atomic and molecular nitrogen for the neutral torus and plasma in Saturn's outer magnetosphere, a region now being studied by the Cassini spacecraft.  相似文献   

We analyze the variability of the ambient magnetic field near Titan during Cassini encounters TA-T62 (October 2004-October 2009). Cassini magnetometer (MAG) data show that the moon's magnetic environment is strongly affected by its proximity to Saturn's warped and highly dynamic magnetodisk. In the nightside sector of Saturn's magnetosphere, the magnetic field near Titan is controlled by intense vertical flapping motions of the magnetodisk current sheet, alternately exposing the moon to radially stretched lobe-type fields and to more dipolar, but highly distorted current sheet fields. In southern summer, when most of the Cassini encounters took place, the magnetodisk current sheet was on average located above Titan's orbital plane. However, around equinox in August 2009, the distortions of Titan's magnetic environment due to the rapidly moving current sheet reached a maximum, thus suggesting that the equilibrium position of the sheet at that time was significantly closer to the moon's orbital plane. In the dayside magnetosphere, the formation of the magnetodisk lobes is partially suppressed due to the proximity of the magnetopause. Therefore, during most encounters that took place near noon, Titan was embedded in highly distorted current sheet fields. Within the framework of this study, we not only provide a systematic classification of all Titan flybys between October 2004 and October 2009 as lobe-type or current sheet scenarios, but we also calculate the magnetospheric background field near Titan's orbit whenever possible. Our results show that so far, there is not a single Cassini flyby that matches the frequently applied picture of Titan's plasma interaction from the pre-Cassini era (background field homogeneous, stationary and perpendicular to the moon's orbital plane). The time scales upon which the ambient magnetospheric field close to Titan undergoes significant changes range between only a few minutes and up to several hours. The implications for the development of numerical models for Titan's local plasma interaction are discussed as well.  相似文献   

Saturn's largest moon, Titan, provides an interesting opportunity to study how dense atmospheres interact with the surrounding plasma environment. Without an intrinsic magnetic field, this satellite's nitrogen-rich atmosphere is relatively unprotected from plasma interactions. Therefore, the energy-deposition rate is important for understanding chemistry and dynamics in Titan's atmosphere. Since the plasma environment can vary significantly we focus here on the T18 Titan encounter using in-situ data from instruments on board the Cassini spacecraft. These instruments cannot provide in-situ information below the spacecraft closest approach altitude (∼>960 km) so we use the Cassini magnetospheric imaging instrument (MIMI) ion-neutral camera (INCA) to remotely image energetic hydrogen particle fluxes (20-80 keV) at altitudes below Titan closest approach. We also use the MIMI low-energy magnetosphere measurements system (LEMMS) to measure the incident ion fluxes as the spacecraft approaches Titan and combine these data sets with an atmospheric model to first reproduce INCA images. We then use this model to calculate the energy-deposition profiles for the observed incident proton flux. Our model is able to reproduce the INCA observations and give the energy density deposited vs. altitude in Titan's atmosphere; however, we find that the incident fluxes and energy-deposition profiles vary significantly during the encounter.  相似文献   

We present new results of Cassini's T9 flyby with complementary observations from T18. Based on Cassini plasma spectrometer (CAPS) and Cassini magnetometer (MAG), compositional evidence shows the upstream flow for both T9 and T18 appears composed of light ions (H+ and H2+), with external pressures ∼30 times lower than that for the earlier TA flyby where heavy ions dominated the magnetospheric plasma. When describing the plasma heating and sputtering of Titan's atmosphere, T9 and T18 can be considered interactions of low magnetospheric energy input. On the other hand, T5, when heavy ion fluxes are observed to be higher than typical (i.e., TA), represents the limiting case of high magnetospheric energy input to Titan's upper atmosphere. Anisotropy estimates of the upstream flow are 1<T/T<3 and the flow is perpendicular to B, indicative of local picked up ions from Titan's H and H2 coronae extending to Titan's Hill sphere radius. Beyond this distance the corona forms a neutral torus that surrounds Saturn. The T9 flyby unexpectedly resulted in observation of two “wake” crossings referred to as Events 1 and 2. Event 2 was evidently caused by draped magnetosphere field lines, which are scavenging pickup ions from Titan's induced magnetopause boundary with outward flux ∼2×106 ions/cm2/s. The composition of this out flow is dominated by H2+ and H+ ions. Ionospheric flow away from Titan with ion flux ∼7×106 ion/cm2/s is observed for Event 1. In between Events 1 and 2 are high energy field aligned flows of magnetosphere protons that may have been accelerated by the convective electric field across Titan's topside ionosphere. T18 observations are much closer to Titan than T9, allowing one to probe this type of interaction down to altitudes ∼950 km. Comparisons with previously reported hybrid simulations are made.  相似文献   

The processes of dissociation and dissociative ionization of molecular nitrogen by solar UV radiation and by the accompanying flux of photoelectrons, as well as sputtering of the atmosphere by fluxes of magnetospheric ions and pick-up ions, are the main sources of translationally excited (hot, or suprathermal) nitrogen atoms and molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere. Since Titan does not possess an intrinsic magnetic field, ions from Saturn's magnetosphere can penetrate into the outer layers of Titan's atmosphere and sputter atoms and molecules from the atmosphere in momentum-transfer and charge exchange collisions. Atmospheric sputtering by corotating nitrogen ions and carbon-containing pick-up ions, as well as photodissociation-related losses, was considered previously by Lammer and Bauer (1993) and Shematovich et al. (2001, 2003). In this paper we investigate the processes of the formation and evolution of the fraction of suprathermal nitrogen atoms and molecules in the transition region of Titan's upper atmosphere using the previously developed Monte Carlo model for hot satellite and planetary coronas (Shematovich, 1999, 2004). It is established that the suprathermal nitrogen fraction in the transition region of Titan's upper atmosphere includes nitrogen atoms and molecules but the suprathermal nitrogen concentration is relatively small owing to high rates of escape from the atmosphere and to the efficient thermalization of suprathermal nitrogen at the altitudes of the relatively dense lower thermosphere. However, the scale height for suprathermal nitrogen in the transition region is much higher than that for the ambient atmospheric gas. Therefore, suprathermal nitrogen becomes one of the dominant components in the outer exosphere.  相似文献   

Solar and X-ray radiation and energetic plasma from Saturn's magnetosphere interact with the upper atmosphere producing an ionosphere at Titan. The highly coupled ionosphere and upper atmosphere system mediates the interaction between Titan and the external environment. A model of Titan's nightside ionosphere will be described and the results compared with data from the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and the Langmuir probe (LP) part of the Radio and Plasma Wave (RPWS) experiment for the T5 and T21 nightside encounters of the Cassini Orbiter with Titan. Electron impact ionization associated with the precipitation of magnetospheric electrons into the upper atmosphere is assumed to be the source of the nightside ionosphere, at least for altitudes above 1000 km. Magnetospheric electron fluxes measured by the Cassini electron spectrometer (CAPS ELS) are used as an input for the model. The model is used to interpret the observed composition and structure of the T5 and T21 ionospheres. The densities of many ion species (e.g., CH+5 and C2H+5) measured during T5 exhibit temporal and/or spatial variations apparently associated with variations in the fluxes of energetic electrons that precipitate into the atmosphere from Saturn's magnetosphere.  相似文献   

HEOS-2 low energy electron data (10 eV–3.7 keV) from the LPS Frascati plasma experiment have been used to identify three different magnetospheric electron populations. Magnetosheathlike electron energy spectra (35–50 eV) are characteristic of the plasma mantle, entry layer and cusps from the magnetopause down to 2–3 RE Plasma sheet electrons (energy > 1 keV) are found at all local times, with strong intensities in the early morning quadrant and weaker intensities in the afternoon quadrant. The plasma sheet shows a well defined inner edge at all local times and latitudes, the inner edge coinciding probably with the plasmapause. The plasma sheet does not reach the magnetopause, but it is separated from it by a boundary layer electron population that is very distinct from the other two electron populations, most electrons having energies 100–300 eV.We map these three electron populations from the magnetopause down to the high latitude near earth regions, by making use of the HEOS-2 low latitude inbound passes and the high latitude outbound passes (in Solar Magnetic (SM) coordinates). The boundary layer extends along the magnetopause up to 5–7 RE above the equator; at higher latitudes it follows the magnetic lines of force and it is found closer and closer to the earth, so that it has the same invariant latitudes of the system 1 currents observed by Iijima and Potemra (1976) in their region 1. The plasma sheet can be mapped into their region 2 and the cusp-entry layer-plasma mantle can be mapped into their cusp currents region. The boundary layer is observed for any Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) direction. We speculate that magnetosheath particles penetrate into the magnetosphere everywhere along the magnetopause. The electron energization, however, is observed only in the boundary layer, on both dawn and dusk side and could be due to the polarization electric field at magnetopause generated by the magnetosheath plasma bulk motion in the region where such motion is roughly perpendicular to the magnetospheric magnetic field. The electron energization is absent in the regions (entry layer and plasma mantle) where the sheath plasma motion is roughly parallel or antiparallel to the magnetospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   

The solar wind is a magnetized flowing plasma that intersects the Earth's magnetosphere at a velocity much greater than that of the compressional fast mode wave that is required to deflect that flow. A bow shock forms that alters the properties of the plasma and slows the flow, enabling continued evolution of the properties of the flow on route to its intersection with the magnetopause. Thus the plasma conditions at the magnetopause can be quite unlike those in the solar wind. The boundary between this “magnetosheath” plasma and the magnetospheric plasma is many gyroradii thick and is surrounded by several boundary layers. A very important process occurring at the magnetopause is reconnection whereby there is a topological change in magnetic flux lines so that field lines can connect the solar wind plasma to the terrestrial plasma, enabling the two to mix. This connection has important consequences for momentum transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere. The initiation of reconnection appears to be at locations where the magnetic fields on either side of the magnetopause are antiparallel. This condition is equivalent to there being no guide field in the reconnection region, so at the reconnection point there is truly a magnetic neutral or null point. Lastly reconnection can be spatially and temporally varying, causing the region of the magnetopause to be quite dynamic.  相似文献   

A mechanism of the Earth's magnetospheric substorm is proposed. It is suggested that the MHD waves may propagate across the magnetopause from the magnetosheath into the magnetotail and will be dissipated in the plasma sheet, heating the plasma and accelerating the particles. When the solar wind parameters change, the Poynting flux of the waves transferred from the magnetosheath into the tail, may be greater than 1018 erg s?1. The heated plasma and accelerated particles in the plasma sheet will be injected into the inner magnetosphere, and this may explain the process of the ring current formation and auroral substorm.The Alfvén wave can only propagate along the magnetic force line into the magnetosphere in the open magnetosphere, but the magnetosonic wave can propagate in both the open and closed magnetosphere. When the IMF turns southward, the configuration of the magnetosphere will change from a nearly closed model into some kind of open one. The energy flux of Alfvén waves is generally larger than that of the magnetosonic wave. This implies that it is easy to produce substorms when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a large southward component, but the substorm can also be produced even if the IMF is directed northward.  相似文献   

Studies of the boundary layers in the vicinity of the Earth's dayside magnetopause are important in determining the nature of the processes which couple the magnetosphere to the flowing solar wind, thereby driving magnetospheric convection. In this paper we examine theoretically the magnetic field and plasma properties expected in the boundary regions for various models involving either diffusion or reconnection at the boundary. For diffusion models the transport of magnetosheath momentum across the magnetopause will result in field shears on either side of the boundary, the field rotations being in opposite senses on either side relative to the undisturbed fields. The directions of these rotations depend upon location at the magnetopause relative to the momentum transfer region and to the noon meridian. In reconnection models the effect of the tension of the open boundary layer field lines must be taken into account in addition to the magnetosheath flow, but on the super-Alfvénic flanks of the magnetosphere the latter still dominates, so that qualitatively similar effects will occur in the two models. More detailed, quantitative or statistical studies are then required to distinguish the two models in this regime. In the sub-Alfvénic dayside region, however, open field tension effects will dominate in reconnection models such that boundary layer field and plasma properties will then be determined mainly by the magnetosheath magnetic field configuration. In particular the East-West flow in the magnetospheric boundary layer will be controlled largely by the East-West field in the magnetosheath, leading to flow reversals across the magnetopause in some quadrants of the magnetopause. This behaviour is directly related to the Svalgaard-Mansurov effect and is a signature unique to reconnection models. The boundary layer fields are also expected to tilt towards the field on the opposite side of the boundary in these models on the dayside. “Toward” tilting can also occur in this regime in diffusion models, but “away” tilting, a signature unique to dayside diffusion, should also occur equally frequently. Finally, we briefly discuss previously published high-resolution ISEE 1 and 2 data from the boundary regions in the light of our results. We find that “toward” tilting generally occurs in boundary region crossings previously identified as being reconnection-associated and we present some examples in which the above unique reconnection signature has been observed. During impulsive FTE-like events, however, the field may tilt in either direction, possibly as a result of field line twists, thus complicating our simple picture in this case. We also show that the “reverse draping” observations presented by Hones et al. (1982) approximately satisfy the open magnetopause stress balance conditions.  相似文献   

The suprathermal plasma analyser on the geostationary satellite Geos-2 can identify magnetospheric, boundary layer and magnetosheath electron distributions around the dayside equatorial magnetopause. As examples, data from two days when magnetopause crossings occurred, 28 August 1978 and 12 November 1978, are discussed. The boundary layer electrons are intermediate in temperature and density between those in the ring current and the magnetosheath but cannot be a simple admixture of the two populations. The transition from boundary layer to magnetosheath electrons is often sudden. We believe it to be coincident with the magnetopause where the magnetic field changes from terrestrial to interplanetary.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic and electrodynamic problems of solar wind interaction with the Earth's magnetosphere on the day-side are investigated.The initial fact, well established, is that the density of the magnetic field energy in the solar wind is rather small. Magnetic field intensity and orientation are shown to determine the character of the solar wind flow around the magnetosphere. For mean parameters of the wind, if the tangential component of the magnetic field is more or equal 5γ, the flow in the magneto-sheath will be laminar. For other cases the flow is of a turbulent type.For turbulent flow, typical plasma parameters are estimated: mean free path, internal scale of inhomogeneities and dissipated energy. The results obtained are compared with experimental data.For the case of laminar flow, special attention is paid to the situation when magnetic fields of the solar wind and Earth are antiparallel. It is suggested, on the basis of solid arguments, that the southward interplanetary field diffuses from the magnetosheath into the Earth's magnetosphere. These ideas are used for the estimation of the distance to the magnetopause subsolar point. A detailed comparison with results of observation is made. The coincidence is satisfactory. Theoretical investigation has been made to a great extent for thin magnetopause with thickness δRHe-gyroradius of an electron.It is shown that during magnetospheric substorms relaxation oscillations with the period τ = 100–300 sec must appear. A theorem is proved about the appearance of a westward electrical field during the substorm development, when the magnetosphere's day-side boundary moves Earthward and about the recovery phase, when the magnetopause motion is away from the Earth, when there is an eastward electrical field.In the Appendix, plasma wave exitation in the magnetopause is considered and conductivity magnitudes are calculated, including the reduction due to the scattering by plasma turbulence.  相似文献   

We analyze the variability of the ambient magnetospheric field along Titan's orbit at 20.3 Saturn radii. However, while our preceding study (Simon et al., 2010) focused on Cassini magnetometer observations from the 62 Titan flybys (TA-T62) between October 2004 and October 2009, the present work discusses magnetic field data that were collected near Titan's orbit when the moon was far away. In analogy to the observations during TA-T62, the magnetospheric fields detected during these 79 “virtual” Titan flybys are strongly affected by the presence of Saturn's bowl-shaped and highly dynamic magnetodisk current sheet. We therefore provide a systematic classification of the magnetic field observations as magnetodisk current sheet or lobe-type scenarios. Among the 141 (62 real+79 virtual) crossings of Titan's orbit between July 2004 and December 2009, only 17 encounters (9 real+8 virtual) took place within quiet, magnetodisk lobe-type fields. During another 50 encounters (21 real+29 virtual), rapid transitions between current sheet and lobe fields were observed around the moon's orbital plane. Most of the encounters (54=22 real+32 virtual) occurred when Titan's orbit was embedded in highly distorted current sheet fields, thereby invalidating the frequently applied idealized picture of Titan interacting with a homogeneous and stationary magnetospheric background field. The locations of real and virtual Titan flybys are correlated to each other. Each of the 62 real Titan flybys possesses at least one virtual counterpart that occurred shortly before or after the real encounter and at nearly the same orbital position. A systematic comparison between Cassini magnetometer observations from the real Titan flybys and their virtual companions suggests that there is no clear evidence of Titan exerting a significant level of control on the vertical oscillatory motion of the magnetodisk near its orbit.  相似文献   

Discovery by Cassini's plasma instrument of heavy positive and negative ions within Titan's upper atmosphere and ionosphere has advanced our understanding of ion neutral chemistry within Titan's upper atmosphere, primarily composed of molecular nitrogen, with ~2.5% methane. The external energy flux transforms Titan's upper atmosphere and ionosphere into a medium rich in complex hydrocarbons, nitriles and haze particles extending from the surface to 1200 km altitudes. The energy sources are solar UV, solar X-rays, Saturn's magnetospheric ions and electrons, solar wind and shocked magnetosheath ions and electrons, galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and the ablation of incident meteoritic dust from Enceladus’ E-ring and interplanetary medium. Here it is proposed that the heavy atmospheric ions detected in situ by Cassini for heights >950 km, are the likely seed particles for aerosols detected by the Huygens probe for altitudes <100 km. These seed particles may be in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) containing both carbon and hydrogen atoms CnHx. There could also be hollow shells of carbon atoms, such as C60, called fullerenes which contain no hydrogen. The fullerenes may compose a significant fraction of the seed particles with PAHs contributing the rest. As shown by Cassini, the upper atmosphere is bombarded by magnetospheric plasma composed of protons, H2+ and water group ions. The latter provide keV oxygen, hydroxyl and water ions to Titan's upper atmosphere and can become trapped within the fullerene molecules and ions. Pickup keV N2+, N+ and CH4+ can also be implanted inside of fullerenes. Attachment of oxygen ions to PAH molecules is uncertain, but following thermalization O+ can interact with abundant CH4 contributing to the CO and CO2 observed in Titan's atmosphere. If an exogenic keV O+ ion is implanted into the haze particles, it could become free oxygen within those aerosols that eventually fall onto Titan's surface. The process of freeing oxygen within aerosols could be driven by cosmic ray interactions with aerosols at all heights. This process could drive pre-biotic chemistry within the descending aerosols. Cosmic ray interactions with grains at the surface, including water frost depositing on grains from cryovolcanism, would further add to abundance of trapped free oxygen. Pre-biotic chemistry could arise within surface microcosms of the composite organic-ice grains, in part driven by free oxygen in the presence of organics and any heat sources, thereby raising the astrobiological potential for microscopic equivalents of Darwin's “warm ponds” on Titan.  相似文献   

A quantitative magnetospheric magnetic field model has been calculated in three dimensions. The model is based on an analytical solution of the Chapman-Ferraro problem. For this solution, the magnetopause was assumed to be an infinitesimally thin discontinuity with given geometry. The shape of the dayside magnetopause is in agreement with measurements derived from spacecraft boundary crossings.The magnetic field of the magnetopause currents can be derived from scalar potentials. The scalar potentials result from solutions of Laplace's equation with Neumann's boundary conditions. The boundary values and the magnetic flux through the magnetopause are determined by all magnetic sources which are located inside and outside the magnetospheric cavity. They include the Earth's dipole field, the fields of the equatorial ring current and tail current systems, and the homogeneous interplanetary magnetic field. In addition, the flux through the magnetopause depends on two constants of interconnection which provide the possibility of calculating static interconnection between magnetospheric and interplanetary field lines. Realistic numerical values for both constants have been derived empirically from observed displacements of the polar cusps which are due to changes in the orientation of the interplanetary field. The transition from a closed to an open magnetosphere and vice versa can be computed in terms of a change of the magnetic boundary conditions on the magnetopause. The magnetic field configuration of the closed magnetosphere is independent of the amount and orientation of the interplanetary field. In contrast, the configuration of the open magnetosphere confirms the observational finding that field line interconnection occurs primarily in the polar cusp and high latitude tail regions.The tail current system reflects explicitly the effect of dayside magnetospheric compression which is caused by the solar wind. In addition, the position of the plasma sheet relative to the ecliptic plane depends explicitly on the tilt angle of the Earth's dipole. Near the tail axis, the tail field is approximately in a self-consistent equilibrium with the tail currents and the isotropic thermal plasma.The models for the equatorial ring current depend on the Dst-parameter. They are self-consistent with respect to measured energy distributions of ring current protons and the axially symmetric part of the magnetospheric field.  相似文献   

The assumption of a recent (3.5–10 thousand years ago) explosion of the electrolysis products of Titan's ices suggests a common explanation for many peculiar features of Saturn's system.In particular, the high excess luminosity of Saturn is due, possibly, to its having accreted a part of the material lost by Titan. The accretion of this material from Saturn's rings is continuing at present.The crucial experiment to support the possibility of a recent Titan's ices explosion would be detection of excess heat flux. At the present time it could consitute 1.5–15% of the solar radiation flux absorbed by this satellite.  相似文献   

Particle trapping by tangential gradients at the magnetopause is investigated for the case of a tangential discontinuity and taking into account an external magnetosheath magnetic field. Such a field causes a deflection of the reflected particle back to the magnetopause and thus enhances the chances of the particle to be captured by the magnetosphere after having travelled a certain finite distance down the magnetopause. The trapping angle and distances are calculated. Assuming a drifting Maxwellian for the magnetosheath plasma, we estimate that about 5% of that part of the magnetosheath plasma which comes into contact with the magnetopause can enter the dayside magnetopause during the first encounter. After multiple gyrations, about 30% of these particles may be trapped in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Some new ideas on the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere are brought forward. The mechanism of reflection of charged particles at the magnetopause is examined. It is shown that in general the reflection is not specular but that a component of momentum of the particle parallel to the magnetopause changes. A critical angle is derived such that particles whose trajectories make an angle less than it with the magnetopause enter the magnetosphere freely, so transferring their forward momentum to it. Spatially or temporally non-uniform entry of charged particles into the magnetosphere causes electric fields parallel to the magnetopause which either allow the free passage of solar wind across it or vacuum reconnection to the interplanetary magnetic field depending on the direction of the latter. These electric fields can be discharged in the ionosphere and so account qualitatively for the dayside agitation of the geomagnetic field observed on the polar caps. The solar wind wind plasma which enters the magnetosphere creates (1) a dawn-dusk electric field across the tail (2) enough force to account for the geomagnetic tail and (3) enough current during disturbed times to account for the auroral electrojets. The entry of solar wind plasma across the magnetosphere and connection of the geomagnetic to interplanetary field can be assisted by wind generated electric field in the ionosphere transferred by the good conductivity along the geomagnetic field to the magnetopause. This may account for some of the observed correlations between phenomena in the lower atmosphere and a component of magnetic disturbance.  相似文献   

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) is a fundamental fluid dynamical process that develops in a velocity shear layer. It is excited on the tail-flanks of the Earth's magnetosphere where the flowing magnetosheath plasma and the stagnant magnetospheric plasma sit adjacent to each other. This instability is thought to induce vortical structures and play an important role in plasma transport there. While KHI vortices have been detected, the earlier observations were performed only on one flank at a time and questions related to dawn-dusk asymmetry were not addressed. Here, we report a case where KHI vortices grow more or less simultaneously and symmetrically on both flanks, despite all the factors that may have broken the symmetry. Yet, energy distributions of ions in and around the vortices show a remarkable dawn-dusk asymmetry. Our results thus suggest that although the initiation and development of the KHI depend primarily on the macroscopic properties of the flow, the observed enhancement of ion energy transport around the dawn side vortices may be linked to microphysical processes including wave-particle interactions. Possible coupling between macro- and micro-scales, if it is at work, suggests a role for KHI not only within the Earth's magnetosphere (e.g., magnetopause and geomagnetic tail) but also in other regions where shear flows of magnetized plasma play important roles.  相似文献   

We discuss the high energy electron absorption signatures at Titan during the Cassini dayside magnetospheric encounters. We use the electron measurements of the Low Energy Measurement System of the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument. We also examine the mass loading boundary based on the ion data of the Ion Mass Spectrometer sensor of the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer. The dynamic motion of the Kronian magnetopause and the periodic charged particle flux and magnetic field variations – associated with the magnetodisk of Saturn – of the subcorotating magnetospheric plasma creates a unique and complex environment at Titan. Most of the analysed flybys (like T25–T33 and T35–T51) cluster at similar Saturn Local Time positions. However the instantaneous direction of the incoming magnetospheric particles may change significantly from flyby to flyby due to the very different magnetospheric field conditions which are found upstream of Titan within the sets of encounters.The energetic magnetospheric electrons gyrate along the magnetic field lines of Saturn, and at the same time bounce between the mirror points of the magnetosphere. This motion is combined with the drift of the magnetic field lines. When these flux tubes interact with the upper atmosphere of Titan, their content is depleted over approximately an electron bounce period. These depletion signatures are observed as sudden drop-outs of the electron fluxes. We examined the altitude distribution of these drop-outs and concluded that these mostly detected in the exo-ionosphere of Titan and sometimes within the ionosphere.However there is a relatively significant scatter in the orbit to orbit data, which can be attributed to the which can be attributed to the variability of the plasma environment and as a consequence, the induced magnetosphere of Titan. A weak trend between the incoming electron fluxes and the measured drop-out altitudes has also been observed.  相似文献   

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