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We discuss some interesting plasma observations in the Jovian magnetosheath by the onboard plasma instruments of the Cassini spacecraft during the 2000-2001 Jupiter flyby. We propose that the observations are consistent with a slow-mode shock transition. In the terrestrial magnetosheath, a number of observations have been made that are consistent with slow-mode waves or shocks. In addition, a number of observations have established that, at least occasionally, slow-mode structures form at the plasma sheet-lobe boundary in the terrestrial magnetotail, related to X lines associated with reconnection. There has been only one previously reported observation of a slow-mode shock-like transition in the Jovian plasma environment. This observation was made in the dayside magnetosheath. The observation we report here was made well downstream of the magnetosphere in Jupiter’s magnetosheath, at local time ∼19:10. For our analysis we have used the data from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI) and the Magnetometer (MAG). The bow shock crossings observed by Cassini ranged downstream to −600 RJ from the planet  相似文献   

This paper reports the study concerning the latitudinal dispalacement of the auroral oval as a function of the northward orientation of the Bz-component IMF and the relation between southward Bz and the auroral dynamics in the night sector.  相似文献   

The shaking of Mercury’s orbit by the planets forces librations in longitude in addition to those at harmonics of the orbital period that have been used to detect Mercury’s molten core. We extend the analytical formulation of Peale et al. (Peale, S.J., Margot, J.L., Yseboodt, M. [2009]. Icarus 199, 1-8) in order to provide a convenient means of determining the amplitudes and phases of the forced librations without resorting to numerical calculations. We derive an explicit relation between the amplitude of each forced libration and the moment of inertia parameter (B-A)/Cm. Far from resonance with the free libration period, the libration amplitudes are directly proportional to (B-A)/Cm. Librations with periods close to the free libration period of ∼12 years may have measurable (∼arcsec) amplitudes. If the free libration period is sufficiently close to Jupiter’s orbital period of 11.86 years, the amplitude of the forced libration at Jupiter’s period could exceed the 35 arcsec amplitude of the 88-day forced libration. We also show that the planetary perturbations of the mean anomaly and the longitude of pericenter of Mercury’s orbit completely determine the libration amplitudes.While these signatures do not affect spin rate at a detectable level (as currently measured by Earth-based radar), they have a much larger impact on rotational phase (affecting imaging, altimetry, and gravity sensors). Therefore, it may be important to consider planetary perturbations when interpreting future spacecraft observations of the librations.  相似文献   

Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail plasma sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a THEMIS study of a dipolarization front associated with a bursty bulk flow (BBF) that was observed in the central plasma sheet sequentially at X=−20.1, −16.7, and −11.0RE. Simultaneously, the THEMIS ground network observed the formation of a north-south auroral form and intensification of westward auroral zone currents. Timing of the signatures in space suggests earthward propagation of the front at a velocity of 300 km/s. Spatial profiles of current and electron density on the front reveal a spatial scale of 500 km, comparable to an ion inertial length and an ion thermal gyroradius. This kinetic-scale structure traveled a macroscale distance of 10RE in about 4 min without loss of coherence. The dipolarization front, therefore, is an example of space plasma cross-scale coupling. THEMIS observations at different geocentric distances are similar to recent particle-in-cell simulations demonstrating the appearance of dipolarization fronts on the leading edge of plasma fast flows in the vicinity of a reconnection site. Dipolarization fronts, therefore, may be interpreted as remote signatures of transient reconnection.  相似文献   

Using the data obtained from the Pioneer 10 and 11 observations, a theoretical model is proposed for the bow shock and the magentosphere of Jupiter. This indicates that the distance of the magnetopause from Jupiter on the sunlit side is (50–55) × rJ (rJ: Jupiter radius, = 7 × 109 cm) and that the ratio of the stand-off distance to this distance is about equal to or slightly larger than unity. Hence the Mach number of the solar wind seems to be less than 1.5 at Jupiter's orbit. This result necessarily leads to a blunt body model of the Jovian magnetosphere, the tail region of which is not as extended as observed in the Earth's case.  相似文献   

High-altitude spectra of Jupiter obtained from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory are analyzed for the presence of germane (GeH4) in Jupiter's atmosphere. Comparison with laboratory spectra shows that the strong Q branch of the ν3 band of germane at 2111 cm?1 is prominent in the Jovian spectra. The abundance of germane in Jupiter's atmosphere is 0.006 (±0.003) cm-am corresponding to a mixing ratio of 0.6 ppb. This trace amount of germane is consistent with chemical equilibrium calculations if the germane present at ~1000°K is carried up by convection to the spectroscopically observable region at ~300°K.  相似文献   

Images of the instantaneous nightside auroral distribution reveal that at times the orientation of auroral oval arcs changes to become characteristic of polar cap arcs. These connecting arcs all terminate in the diffuse aurora in the midnight sector, and their separation from the equatorward boundary of the diffuse aurora generally increases away from the midnight termination. The occurrence of these features requires a northward interplanetary magnetic field (positive Bz) as well as low magnetic activity. The existence of connecting arcs and the observation that they are at times the poleward boundary of weak diffuse emission indicate that the poleward boundary of auroral emissions can be significantly modified during non-substorm periods. Such a distortion implies that there can be a modification of the standard convection pattern in the magnetosphere during periods of positive Bz to produce expanded regions of sunward convection in the high latitude ionosphere.  相似文献   

The current state of the theory of Jupiter's outer atmosphere is briefly reviewed. The similarities and dissimilarities between the terrestrial and Jovian upper atmospheres are discussed, including the interaction of the solar wind with the planetary magnetic fields. Estimates of Jovian parameters are given, including magnetosphere and auroral zone sizes, ionospheric conductivity, energy inputs, and solar wind parameters at Jupiter. The influence of the large centrifugal force on the cold plasma distribution is considered. The Jovian Van Alien belt is attributed to solar wind particles diffused in towards the planet by dynamo electric fields from ionospheric neutral winds and consequences of this theory are given.  相似文献   

We carried out a brief campaign in September 1998 to determine Jupiter’s radio spectrum at frequencies spanning a range from 74 MHz up to 8 GHz. Eleven different telescopes were used in this effort, each uniquely suited to observe at a particular frequency. We find that Jupiter’s spectrum is basically flat shortwards of 1-2 GHz, and drops off steeply at frequencies greater than 2 GHz. We compared the 1998 spectrum with a spectrum (330 MHz-8 GHz) obtained in June 1994, and report a large difference in spectral shape, being most pronounced at the lowest frequencies. The difference seems to be linear with log(ν), with the largest deviations at the lowest frequencies (ν).We have compared our spectra with calculations of Jupiter’s synchrotron radiation using several published models. The spectral shape is determined by the energy-dependent spatial distribution of the electrons in Jupiter’s magnetic field, which in turn is determined by the detailed diffusion process across L-shells and in pitch angle, as well as energy-dependent particle losses. The spectral shape observed in September 1998 can be matched well if the electron energy spectrum at L = 6 is modeled by a double power law Ea (1+(E/E0))b, with a = 0.4, b = 3, E0 = 100 MeV, and a lifetime against local losses τ0 = 6 × 107 s. In June 1994 the observations can be matched equally well with two different sets of parameters: (1) a = 0.6, b = 3, E0 = 100 MeV, τ0 = 6 × 107 s, or (2) a = 0.4, b = 3, E0 = 100 MeV, τ0 = 8.6 × 106 s. We attribute the large variation in spectral shape between 1994 and 1998 to pitch angle scattering, coulomb scattering and/or energy degradation by dust in Jupiter’s inner radiation belts.  相似文献   

We examine the energetic (MeV) ion data obtained by the Anisotropy Telescopes instrument of the Ulysses COSPIN package during two northern high-latitude excursions prior to closest approach to Jupiter, when the spacecraft left the region of trapped fluxes on closed magnetic field lines at lower latitudes and entered a region of open field lines which we term the polar cap. During these intervals the ion fluxes dropped by 4–5 orders of magnitude to low but very steady values, and the ion spectrum was consistent with the observation of an essentially unprocessed interplanetary population. Ion anisotropies observed at these distances (within 16RJ, of Jupiter) indicate that in the low-latitude, high-flux regions the flows are principally azimuthail and in the sense of corotation, with speeds which are within a factor of 2 (in either direction) of rigid corotation. In the higher latitude trapped flux regions the flows rotate to become northward as the polar cap is approached, while in the polar cap itself the flows rotate further to become anti-corotational (and anti-sunward in the morning sector) and northward. These results provide primary evidence of the existence of solar wind-driven flows in the outer Jovian magnetosphere mapping to the high-latitude ionosphere. Investigation of concurrent magnetic data for the signatures of related field-aligned currents reveals only weak signatures with an amplitude of order 1 nT. The implication is that the height-integrated Pedersen conductivity of the ionosphere to which the spacecraft was connected was low, of order 0.01 mho or less. We also examine the ion observations during the two northern high-latitude excursions previous to those discussed above. These data indicate that the spacecraft approached but did not penetrate the open flux region during these intervals.  相似文献   

An empirical formula has been constructed using the results of correlative analyses to determine in what form the AL index, as a measure of the intensity of the westward auroral electrojet, depends on interplanetary parameters. The formula thus obtained shows that AL is mainly determined by BsV2 where Bs is the southward component of the IMF and V is the solar wind velocity, and is modulated in a characteristic way by the combined effect of the east-west component of the IMF and the tilt angle of the Earth's dipole axis toward the Sun-Earth line. In contrast, effects of the solar wind density and the IMF variability were found to be insignificant.Implications of the empirical formula are discussed mainly in relation to the problem of the location in the dayside magnetosphere of the region where the reconnection process to initiate the substorm takes place.  相似文献   

The moment of inertia of a giant planet reveals important information about the planet’s internal density structure and this information is not identical to that contained in the gravitational moments. The forthcoming Juno mission to Jupiter might determine Jupiter’s normalized moment of inertia NMoI = C/MR2 by measuring Jupiter’s pole precession and the Lense–Thirring acceleration of the spacecraft (C is the axial moment of inertia, and M and R are Jupiter’s mass and mean radius, respectively). We investigate the possible range of NMoI values for Jupiter based on its measured gravitational field using a simple core/envelope model of the planet assuming that J2 and J4 are perfectly known and are equal to their measured values. The model suggests that for fixed values of J2 and J4 a range of NMoI values between 0.2629 and 0.2645 can be found. The Radau–Darwin relation gives a NMoI value that is larger than the model values by less than 1%. A low NMoI of ∼0.236, inferred from a dynamical model (Ward, W.R., Canup, R.M. [2006]. Astrophys. J. 640, L91–L94) is inconsistent with this range, but the range is model dependent. Although we conclude that the NMoI is tightly constrained by the gravity coefficients, a measurement of Jupiter’s NMoI to a few tenths of percent by Juno could provide an important constraint on Jupiter’s internal structure. We carry out a simplified assessment of the error involved in Juno’s possible determination of Jupiter’s NMoI.  相似文献   

Observed magnetospheric asymmetries which occur in response to the y-component of the IMF are discussed in terms of the open model of the magnetosphere. The torque which the IMF exerts on the magnetosphere about the Earth-Sun axis results in asymmetric addition of open flux tubes to the tail lobes about the noon-midnight meridian. In response an IMF-associated By field appears across the tail lobes. The ratio between internal and external By fields will generally be same as the ratio between internal and external electric fields. If the tail flux asymmetry is related to an asymmetric distribution of the field normal to the tail magnetopause then an asymmetry in tail lobe electric field and plasma populations will immediately result, as observed. If the flux asymmetry is associated with a twist in the tail then the By field will appear but not necessary the electric field and plasma asymmetries. Generally both effects may occur together. Simple open tail lobe models are derived which demonstrate the asymmetry effects. These represent more physically satisfactory models of the tail and its plasma populations than available hitherto, but they remain somewhat unrealistic in a number of respects. Finally, it is shown that the observed asymmetry effects on closed (auroral zone) field lines may be at least qualitatively accounted for if the cross-magnetosphere IMF-associated By field pervades not only the open but also the closed field line regime, as may be generally expected.  相似文献   

Auroral boundary variations and the interplanetary magnetic field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a DMSP data set of 150 auroral images during magnetically quiet times which have been analyzed in corrected geomagnetic local time and latitudinal coordinates and fit to offset circles. The fit parameters R (circle radius) and (X, Y) (center location) have been compared to the hourly interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) prior to the time of the satellite scan of the aurora. The results for variation of R with Bz, agree with previous works and generally show about a 1° increase of R with increase of southward Bz by 1 nT. The location of the circle center also has a clear statistical shift in the Southern Hemisphere with IMF By such that the southern polar cap moves towards dusk (dawn) with By > (By < 0).  相似文献   

Observations are presented of long-lived global Pc5 ULF wave activity observed at a wide range of local times. The event was monitored in the high latitude ionosphere (∼60–80° magnetic latitude) by several SuperDARN HF radars and 5 magnetometer chains in Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Russia. The event coincided with a protracted period (∼36 h) of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The study focuses on 4 h during which distinct dawn/dusk asymmetries in the wave characteristics were observed with multiple field line resonance (FLR) structures observed in the dawn flank at 1.7, 2.6, 3.3, 4.2 and 5.4 mHz and compressional oscillations in the dusk flank at 1.7 and 2.3 mHz. The data indicated an anti-sunward propagation in both the dawn and dusk flanks and a low azimuthal m number (∣m∣∼6) suggesting a generation mechanism external to the Earth's magnetosphere. A sudden increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure followed by a period of strongly northward, Bz dominated IMF, coincides with the observations and also a large increase in Pc5 wave power observed in the dawn flank. The observed enhancements in the wave activity and FLR structures are thought to be due to a Kelvin–Helmholtz driven waveguide mode. Additionally, there is no evidence that the frequencies of the FLRs are intrinsic to the solar wind. It thus seems that the frequencies were determined by the dimensions of the magnetospheric cavity.  相似文献   

We present results from an investigation of the plasma sheet encounter signatures observed in the Jovian magnetosphere by the Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) and Magnetometer (MAG) onboard the Galileo spacecraft. Maxima in ion flux were used to identify over 500 spacecraft encounters with the plasma sheet between radial distances from Jupiter from 20 to 140RJ during the first 25 orbits (4 years of data). Typical signatures of plasma sheet encounters show a characteristic periodicity of either 5 or 10 hours that is attributed to an oscillation in the relative distance between the spacecraft and the plasma sheet that arises from the combination of planetary rotation and offset magnetic and rotational axes. However, the energetic particle and field data also display much variability, including instances of intense fluxes having little to no periodicity that persist for several Jovian rotation periods. Abrupt changes in the mean distance between the plasma sheet and the spacecraft are suggested to account for some of the transitions between typical flux periodicities associated with plasma sheet encounters. Additional changes in the plasma sheet thickness and/or amplitude of the plasma sheet displacement from the location of the spacecraft are required to explain the cases where the periodicity breaks down but fluxes remain high. These changes in plasma sheet characteristics do not display an obvious periodicity; however, the observations suggest that dawn/dusk asymmetries in both the structure of the plasma sheet and the frequency of anomalous plasma sheet encounters are present. Evidence of a thin, well-ordered plasma sheet is found out to 110RJ in the dawn and midnight local time sectors, while the dusk magnetosphere is characterized by a thicker, more disordered plasma sheet and has a potentially more pronounced response to an impulsive trigger. Temporal variations associated with changing solar wind conditions are suggested to account for the anomalous plasma sheet encounters there.  相似文献   

The “paraboloid” model of Mercury’s magnetospheric magnetic field is used to determine the best-fit magnetospheric current system and internal dipole parameters from magnetic field measurements taken during the first and second MESSENGER flybys of Mercury on 14 January and 6 October 2008. Together with magnetic field measurements taken during the Mariner 10 flybys on 29 March 1974 and 16 March 1975, there exist three low-latitude traversals separated in longitude and one high-latitude encounter. From our model formulation and fitting procedure a Mercury dipole moment of 196 nT ·  (where RM is Mercury’s radius) was determined. The dipole is offset from Mercury’s center by 405 km in the northward direction. The dipole inclination to Mercury’s rotation axis is relatively small, ∼4°, with an eastern longitude of 193° for the dipole northern pole. Our model is based on the a priori assumption that the dipole position and the moment orientation and strength do not change in time. The root mean square (rms) deviation between the Mariner 10 and MESSENGER magnetic field measurements and the predictions of our model for all four flybys is 10.7 nT. For each magnetic field component the rms residual is ∼6 nT or about 1.5% of the maximum measured magnetic field, ∼400 nT. This level of agreement is possible only because the magnetospheric current system parameters have been determined separately for each flyby. The magnetospheric stand-off distance, the distance from the planet’s center to the inner edge of the tail current sheet, the tail lobe magnetic flux, and the displacement of the tail current sheet relative to the Mercury solar-magnetospheric equatorial plane have been determined independently for each flyby. The magnetic flux in the tail lobes varied from 3.8 to 5.9 MWb; the subsolar magnetopause stand-off distance from 1.28 to 1.43 RM; and the distance to the inner edge of the current sheet from 1.23 to 1.32 RM. The differences in the current systems between the first and second MESSENGER flybys are attributed to the effects of strong magnetic reconnection driven by southward interplanetary magnetic field during the latter flyby.  相似文献   

The theory of dissipation of ionospheric electric currents is extended to include viscosity. In a steady state (i.e. usually above about 140 km altitude) the joule plus viscous heating may be calculated by μ∇2v. E × B/B2. At lower altitudes where viscosity may, in some circumstances, be relatively unimportant the joule dissipation is calculated by the usual formula j. (E + v × B). In a prevalent model of the auroral electrojets it is found that the joule heating can be much more intense outside auroral forms than within them. Heating due to auroral electrojets cause a semi-annual variation in the thermosphere. Movement caused by auroral electric fields make a contribution to the super-rotation of the midlatitude upper atmosphere. Random electric fields lead to an eddy ‘viscosity’ or ‘exchange coefficientrs in the upper thermosphere of magnitude ρER2/B3tR2|∇E|. where tR is the correlation time of the random component of electric fields ER and ρ is air density. Theoretical conditions for significant heating by field-aligned currents are derived.  相似文献   

Global auroral imagery obtained by DMSP satellites during the years 1972–1979 over both the northern and southern high latitude polar regions were examined to study the morphology of the discrete arcs known as polar cap arcs. Based upon their morphology, the polar cap arcs can be generally classified into three types viz. (1) the distinctly sun-aligned polar cap arcs—Type 1 arcs, (2) the morning/evening polar cap arcs expanded from the auroral oval—Type 2 arcs and (3) the hook shaped arcs connecting the polar cap arc with the oval arc (including the hitherto unreported oppositely oriented hook shaped arcs)—Type 3 arcs. Concurrent auroral electrojet indices (AE) and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) data were used to study the occurrence of the polar cap arcs. It was found that Type 1 arcs were observed mostly during low geomagnetic activity conditions, bright Type 2 arcs during the recovery phase of the substorms and Type 3 arcs do not occur during the recovery phase of the substorm. Over both hemispheres, the polar cap arcs were observed mostly during northward IMF. Furthermore, Type 1 arcs were obeserved over the northern polar cap during mostly negative Bx periods and over the southern polar cap during mostly positive Bx periods. The latter observation suggests that these types of arcs may be non-conjugate.  相似文献   

Thunderstorms in Jupiter’s atmosphere are likely to be prodigious generators of acoustic waves, as are thunderstorms in Earth’s atmosphere. Accordingly, we have used a numerical model to study the dissipation in Jupiter’s thermosphere of upward propagating acoustic waves. Model simulations are performed for a range of wave periods and horizontal wavelengths believed to characterize these acoustic waves. The possibility that the thermospheric waves observed by the Galileo Probe might be acoustic waves is also investigated. Whereas dissipating gravity waves can cool the upper thermosphere through the effects of sensible heat flux divergence, it is found that acoustic waves mainly heat the Jovian thermosphere through effects of molecular dissipation, sensible heat flux divergence, and Eulerian drift work. Only wave-induced pressure gradient work cools the atmosphere, an effect that operates at all altitudes. The sum of all effects is acoustic wave heating at all heights. Acoustic waves and gravity waves heat and cool the atmosphere in fundamentally different ways. Though the amplitudes and mechanical energy fluxes of acoustic waves are poorly constrained in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the calculations suggest that dissipating acoustic waves can locally heat the thermosphere at a significant rate, tens to a hundred Kelvins per day, and thereby account for the high temperatures of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere. It is unlikely that the waves detected by the Galileo Probe were acoustic waves; if they were, they would have heated Jupiter’s thermosphere at enormous rates.  相似文献   

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