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Spectroscopic analysis of carbonate-bearing samples from a variety of terrestrial environments provides important insights into spectroscopy-based investigations of Mars designed to detect the presence of carbonate minerals. In order to better address the spectral detectability of carbonates on Mars, we examined the spectral reflectance properties of carbonates and carbonate-bearing lithologies from a variety of terrestrial environments, including impact structures (Haughton, St. Martin, Eagle Butte), landslides (Frank), quarrying operations (Hecla), carbonates affected by weathering (Haughton, East German Creek), and sulfide-sulfate-carbonate assemblages (Central Manitoba). The goal is to identify processes and environments that can affect spectroscopy-based carbonate detection, for more detailed follow-on studies. Common carbonates appear to be stable, from a spectroscopic perspective, to various tectonic processes. Iron oxides/hydroxides do not appear to significantly affect spectral detectability of carbonates, as the spectrum-altering effects of these phases are largely restricted to the region below ∼1 μm, while useful carbonate absorption bands occur longward of ∼1.8 μm. Carbonate detection and characterization in the 0.35-2.5-μm region is largely restricted to a single absorption feature in the 2.3-μm region, which can be problematic for robust carbonate identification. While tectonic processes and iron oxide/hydroxide staining do not appear to significantly impair carbonate detection based on the 2.3-μm region absorption band, a number of other factors can affect carbonate detection. These include the fact that this absorption band is weak compared to many other minerals, a number of other minerals also exhibit absorption bands in this wavelength region (leading to possible misidentifications), and that even small abundances of minerals that absorb strongly in this region will reduce the strength of the carbonate absorption band. Identifying the nature of accessory minerals associated with carbonates can be used to constrain possible formation environments. Ongoing research at carbonate-bearing terrestrial analogue sites will continue to provide new insights into the occurrence and detection of carbonates on Mars.  相似文献   

The 90 km diameter, late Triassic Manicouagan impact structure of Québec, Canada, is a well-preserved, undeformed complex crater possessing an anorthositic central uplift and a 55 km diameter melt sheet. As such, it provides a valuable terrestrial analogue for impact structures developed on other planetary bodies, especially the Moon and Mars, which are currently the focus of exploration initiatives. The scientific value of Manicouagan has recently been enhanced due to the production, between 1994 and 2006, of ∼18 km of drill core from 38 holes by the mineral exploration industry. Three of these holes are in excess of 1.5 km deep, with the deepest reaching 1.8 km. Here we combine recent field work, sampling and the drill core data with previous knowledge to provide insight into processes occurring at Manicouagan and, by inference, within extraterrestrial impact structures. Four areas of comparative planetology are discussed: impact melt sheets, central uplifts, impact-generated hydrothermal regimes and footwall breccias. Human training and instrument testing opportunities are also considered. The drill core reveals that the impact melt and clast-bearing impact melts in the centre of the structure reach thicknesses of 1.4 km. The 1.1 km thick impact melt has undergone differentiation to yield a lower monzodiorite, a transitional quartz monzodiorite and an upper quartz monzonite sequence. This calls into question the previous citing of Manicouagan as an exemplar of a relatively large crater possessing an undifferentiated melt sheet, which was used as a rationale for assigning different composition lunar impact melts and clast-bearing impact melts to separate cratering events. The predominantly anorthositic central uplift at Manicouagan is comparable to certain lunar highlands material, with morphometric analogies to the King, Tycho, Pythagoras, Jackson, and Copernicus impact structures, which have similar diameters and uplift structure. Excellent exposure of the Manicouagan uplift facilitates mapping and an appraisal of its formation and collapse mechanisms, enhanced by drill core data from the centre of the structure. Recent field studies at the edge of the central island at Manicouagan, and multiple drill core sections through footwall lithologies, provide insight into allochthonous (clastic and suevitic) and autochthonous breccia formation, as well as shock effects. The hydrothermal regimes developed at Manicouagan are akin to systems proposed for Noachian (>3.5 Ga) Mars that involve alteration of impact melts via meteoritic and surface waters, with the generation of phyllosilicates, zeolites, hematite, sulfates and sulfides that can contribute to martian soil formation and sedimentation processes.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic studies of Mars analog materials combining multiple spectral ranges and techniques are necessary in order to obtain ground truth information for interpretation of rocks and soils on Mars. Two hydrothermal rocks from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, were characterized here because they contain minerals requiring water for formation and they provide a possible niche for some of the earliest organisms on Earth. If related rocks formed in hydrothermal sites on Mars, identification of these would be important for understanding the geology of the planet and potential habitability for life. XRD, thermal properties, VNIR, mid-IR, and Raman spectroscopy were employed to identify the mineralogy of the samples in this study. The rocks studied here include a travertine from Mammoth Formation that contains primarily calcite with some aragonite and gypsum and a siliceous sinter from Octopus Spring that contains a variety of poorly crystalline to amorphous silicate minerals. Calcite was detected readily in the travertine rock using any one of the techniques studied. The small amount of gypsum was uniquely identified using XRD, VNIR, and mid-IR, while the aragonite was uniquely identified using XRD and Raman. The siliceous sinter sample was more difficult to characterize using each of these techniques and a combination of all techniques was more useful than any single technique. Although XRD is the historical standard for mineral identification, it presents some challenges for remote investigations. Thermal properties are most useful for minerals with discrete thermal transitions. Raman spectroscopy is most effective for detecting polarized species such as CO3, OH, and CH, and exhibits sharp bands for most highly crystalline minerals when abundant. Mid-IR spectroscopy is most useful in characterizing Si-O (and metal-O) bonds and also has the advantage that remote information about sample texture (e.g., particle size) can be determined. Mid-IR spectroscopy is also sensitive to structural OH, CO3, and SO4 bonds when abundant. VNIR spectroscopy is best for characterizing metal excitational bands and water, and is also a good technique for identification of structural OH, CO3, SO4, or CH bonds. Combining multiple techniques provides the most comprehensive information about mineralogy because of the different selection rules and particle size sensitivities, in addition to maximum coverage of excitational and vibrational bands at all wavelengths. This study of hydrothermal rocks from Yellowstone provides insights on how to combine information from multiple instruments to identify mineralogy and hence evidence of water on Mars.  相似文献   

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