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Nicolas Mangold 《Icarus》2005,174(2):336-359
Patterned grounds such as polygonal features and slope stripes are the signature of the presence of ground ice and of temperature variations in cold regions on Earth. Identifying similar features on Mars is important to understand its past climate as well as the ground ice distribution. In this study, young patterned grounds are classed and mapped from the systematical analysis of Mars Observer Camera high resolution images. These features are located poleward of 55° latitude which fits the distribution of ground ice found by the Neutron Spectrometer onboard Mars Odyssey. Thermal contraction due to seasonal temperature variations is the predominant process of formation of polygons formed by cracks which sizes vary from 15 to 300 m. The small (<40 m) widespread polygons are very recent and degraded by the desiccation of ground ice from the cracks which enhances the effect of ice sublimation. The large polygons (50 to 300 m) located only around the south CO2 polar cap indicate the presence of ground ice and thus outline the limit of the CO2 ice cap. They could be due to the blanketing of water ice deposits by the advances and retreats of the residual CO2 ice cap during the last thousand years. Large (50-250 m) and homogeneous polygons similar to ice wedge polygons, hillslope stripes and solifluction lobes may indicate that specific environments such as crater floors and hillslopes could have been submitted to freeze-thaw cycles, possibly related to higher summer temperatures in periods of obliquity higher than 35°. These interpretations must be strengthened by higher resolution images such as those of the HiRise mission of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter because locations with past seasonal thaw could be of major interest as potential landing sites for the Phoenix mission.  相似文献   

There is enormous potential for more mobile planetary surface science. This is especially true in the case of Mars because the ability to cross challenge terrain, access areas of higher elevation, visit diverse geological features and perform long traverses of up to 200 km supports the search for past water and life. Vehicles capable of a ballistic ‘hop’ have been proposed on several occasions, but those proposals using in-situ acquired propellants are the most promising for significant planetary exploration. This paper considers a mission concept termed Mars Reconnaissance Lander using such a vehicle. We describe an approach where planetary science requirements that cannot be met by a conventional rover are used to derive vehicle and mission requirements.The performance of the hopper vehicle was assessed by adding estimates of gravity losses and mission mass constraints to recently developed methods. A baseline vehicle with a scientific payload of 16.5 kg and conservatively estimated sub-system masses is predicted to achieve a flight range of 0.97 km. Using a simple consideration of system reliability, the required cumulative range of 200 km could be achieved with a probability of around 80%. Such a range is sufficient to explore geologically diverse terrains. We therefore plot an illustrative traverse in Hypanis Valles/Xanthe Terra, which encounters crater wall sections, periglacial terrain, aqueous sedimentary deposits and a traverse up an ancient fluvial channel. Such a diversity of sites could not be considered with a conventional rover. The Mars Reconnaissance Lander mission and vehicle presents some very significant engineering challenges, but would represent a valuable complement to rovers, static landers and orbital observations.  相似文献   

Next-generation robotic planetary reconnaissance missions: A paradigm shift   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A fundamentally new scientific mission concept for remote planetary surface and subsurface reconnaissance will soon replace the engineering and safety constrained mission designs of the past, allowing for optimal acquisition of geologic, paleohydrologic, paleoclimatic, and possible astrobiologic information of Mars and other extraterrestrial targets. Traditional missions have performed local ground-level reconnaissance through rovers and immobile landers, or global mapping performed by an orbiter. The former is safety and engineering constrained, affording limited detailed reconnaissance of a single site at the expense of a regional understanding, while the latter returns immense datasets, often overlooking detailed information of local and regional significance. A “tier-scalable” paradigm integrates multi-tier (orbitatmosphereground) and multi-agent (orbiterblimpsrovers/sensorwebs) hierarchical mission architectures, not only introducing mission redundancy and safety, but enabling and optimizing intelligent, unconstrained, and distributed science-driven exploration of prime locations on Mars and elsewhere, allowing for increased science return, and paving the way towards fully autonomous robotic missions.  相似文献   

The Isidis Planitia region on Mars usually is regarded as a comparably attractive site for landing missions based on engineering constraints such as elevation and smooth regional topography. The Mars Express landed element Beagle 2 was deployed to this area, and the southern margin of the basin was selected as one of the backup landing sites for the NASA Mars Exploration Rovers.Especially in the context of the Beagle 2 mission, Isidis Planitia has been discussed as a place which might have experienced a volatile-rich history with associated potential for biological activity [e.g. Bridges et al., 2003. Selection of the landing site in Isidis Planitia of Mars Probe Beagle 2. J. Geophys. Res. 108(E1), 5001, doi: 10.1029/2001JE001820]. However the measurements of by the GRS instrument on Mars Odyssey indicate a maximum inferred water abundance of only 3 wt% in the upper few meters of the surface [Feldman et al., 2004. Global distribution of near-surface hydrogen on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E09006, doi: 10.1029/2003JE002160]. Based on these measurements this area seems to be one of the driest spots in the equatorial region of Mars.To support future landing site selections we took a more detailed look at the minimum burial depth of stable ice deposits in this area, focusing as an example on the planned Beagle 2 landing site. We are especially interested in the likelihood of ground ice deposits within the range of proposed subsurface sampling tools as drills or ‘mole’-like devices [Richter et al., 2002. Development and testing of subsurface sampling devices for the Beagle 2 Lander. Planet. Space Sci. 50, 903-913] given reasonable physical constraints for the surface and near surface material.For a mission like ExoMars [Kminek, G., Vago, J.L., 2005. The Aurora Exploration Program—The ExoMars Mission. In: Proceedings of the 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1111, 15-19 March 2004, League City, TX] with a focus on finding traces of fossil life the area might be of potential interest, because these traces would be better conserved in the dry soil. Modeling and measurement indicate that Isidis Planitia is indeed a dry place and any hypothetical ground ice deposits in this region are out of range of currently proposed sampling devices.  相似文献   

With the continued success of the Mars Exploration Rovers and the return of humans to the Moon within the next decade, a considerable amount of research is being done on the technologies required to provide surface mobility and the tools required to provide scientific capability. Here, we explore the utility of lidar and the mobile Scene Modeler (mSM) - which is based on a stereo camera system - as scientific tools. Both of these technologies have been, or are being considered for, technological applications such as autonomous satellite rendezvous and rover navigation. We carried out a series of field tests at the 23 km diameter, 39 Ma, Haughton impact structure located on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic. Several sites of geological interest were investigated, including polygonal terrain, gullies and channels, slump/collapse features, impact melt breccia hills, and a site of impact-associated hydrothermal mineralization. These field tests show that lidar and mSM provide a superior visual record of the terrain, from the regional (km) to outcrop (m to cm) scale and in 3-D, as compared to standard digital photography. Thus, a key strength of these technologies is in situ reconnaissance and documentation. Lidar scans also provide a wealth of geometric and structural information about a site, accomplishing the equivalent of weeks to months of manual surveying and with much greater accuracy than traditional tools, making this extremely useful for planetary exploration missions. An unexpected result of these field tests is the potential for lidar and mSM to provide qualitative, and potentially quantitative, composition information about a site. Given the high probability of lidar and mSM being used on future lunar missions, we suggest that it would be beneficial to further investigate the potential for these technologies to be used as science tools.  相似文献   

NASA and ESA have outlined visions for solar system exploration that will include a series of lunar robotic precursor missions to prepare for, and support a human return to the Moon, and future human exploration of Mars and other destinations, including possibly asteroids. One of the guiding principles for exploration is to pursue compelling scientific questions about the origin and evolution of life. The search for life on objects such as Mars will require careful operations, and that all systems be sufficiently cleaned and sterilized prior to launch to ensure that the scientific integrity of extraterrestrial samples is not jeopardized by terrestrial organic contamination. Under the Committee on Space Research’s (COSPAR’s) current planetary protection policy for the Moon, no sterilization procedures are required for outbound lunar spacecraft, nor is there a different planetary protection category for human missions, although preliminary COSPAR policy guidelines for human missions to Mars have been developed. Future in situ investigations of a variety of locations on the Moon by highly sensitive instruments designed to search for biologically derived organic compounds would help assess the contamination of the Moon by lunar spacecraft. These studies could also provide valuable “ground truth” data for Mars sample return missions and help define planetary protection requirements for future Mars bound spacecraft carrying life detection experiments. In addition, studies of the impact of terrestrial contamination of the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts could provide valuable data to help refine future Mars surface exploration plans for a human mission to Mars.  相似文献   

New Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRise and CRISM imagery of polar layered terrain of Mars reveals striking similarities to icy debris fans along the base of steep escarpments in Alaska formed in high-latitude periglacial environments. Process and morphologic observations of a deglaciating site in the Wrangell Mountains reveal a complex suite of supraglacial processes involved in the construction of icy debris fans. Snow, ice, and sediment are delivered to the fans from degradation of an upper-level icecap. Alaskan icy debris fans were studied during an 8-day reconnaissance mission in July 2006. We directly observed 289 major depositional events dominated by dry snow/ice avalanches, but also including icy debris flows, rockfalls, small jokulhlaups, and glacial calving. Small fans with larger catchments receive episodic icy debris flows triggered by outburst flows that mobilize rockfall sediment temporarily stored in catchments above the fan apex. Large fans with smaller catchments have better linkage to the upper icecap, providing a direct pathway for frequent large avalanches. The large, avalanche-dominated fans thicken rapidly from an overabundance of snow/ice supply to the point where they become hybrid fan-glaciers. Surficial geology evolves rapidly in this high-latitude environment through both depositional events and solar-driven albedo changes that occur daily. Ground penetrating radar surveys show that subsurface sedimentary architecture and fan evolution is similar to the active surface processes and deposits observed on the fans. Direct field observations of active geomorphic processes provide unique insights on the pace and nature of high-latitude landscape evolution during climate changes on both planets.  相似文献   

Data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mission and the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard the Mars Odyssey mission have revealed unique surface features in a particular region of the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD). The dominant morphology is large-scale quasi-parallel grooves that extend for hundreds of kilometers with only tens of meters of vertical relief, that we have termed here the “Wire Brush” terrain. The grooves are also transected by disjointed, yet roughly continuous, low-relief sinuous ridges that cross roughly perpendicular to the trend-direction of the large-scale grooves and show only tens of meters of relief. We interpret these ridges to be eroded remnants of folded layers. At the northern end of the large-scale grooves there are non-symmetric mounds. They are frequently preceded by a significant depression and/or trailing grooves that are parallel to the Wire Brush trend. We find that a two-stage process involving winds that intermittently remove a low-density crust exposing the underlying ice to ablation is the interpretation that best explains the multitude of features observed here. These features appear to be currently inactive indicating higher winds in previous epochs.  相似文献   

In springtime on HiRISE images of the Southern polar terrain of Mars flow-like or rheologic features were observed. Their dark color is interpreted as partly defrosted surface where the temperature is too high for CO2 but low enough for H2O ice to be present there. These branching streaks grow in size and can move by an average velocity of up to about 1 m/day and could terminate in pond-like accumulation features. The phenomenon may be the result of interfacial water driven rheologic processes. Liquid interfacial water can in the presence of water ice exist well below the melting point of bulk water, by melting in course of interfacial attractive pressure by intermolecular forces (van der Waals forces e.g.), curvature of water film surfaces, and e.g. by macroscopic weight, acting upon ice. This melting phenomenon can be described in terms of “premelting of ice”. It is a challenging consequence, that liquid interfacial water unavoidably must in form of nanometric layers be present in water ice containing soil in the subsurface of Mars. It is the aim of this paper to study possible rheologic consequences in relation to observations, which seem to happen at sites of dark polar dunes on Mars at present. The model in this work assumes that interfacial water accumulates at the bottom of a translucent water-ice layer above a dark and insolated ground. This is warmed up towards the melting point of water. The evolving layer of liquid interfacial water between the covering ice sheet and the heated ground is assumed to drive downward directed flow-like features on slopes, and it can, at least partially, infiltrate (seep) into a porous ground. There, in at least temporarily cooler subsurface layers, the infiltrated liquid water refreezes and forms ice. The related stress built-up is shown to be sufficient to cause destructive erosive processes. The above-mentioned processes may cause change in the structure and thickness of the covering ice and/or may cause the movement of dune grains. All these processes may explain the observed springtime growing and downward extension of the slope streaks analyzed here.  相似文献   

Australia is an ideal testing ground in preparation for the robotic and human exploration of Mars. Numerous sites with landforms or processes analogous to those on Mars are present and the deserts of central Australia provide a range of locations for free-ranging Mars analogue mission simulations. The latest developments in testing technologies and strategies for exploration in Australian Mars analogues are reviewed. These include trials of analogue space suits based on mechanical counter pressure technology and the development of an analogue, crewed, pressurized rover for long-range exploration. Field science activities and instrumentation testing relevant to robotic and future crewed missions are discussed. Australian-led human factors research undertaken during expeditions to Mars analogue research stations and expeditions to Antarctica are also reviewed. Education and public outreach activities related to Mars analogue research in Australia are also detailed.  相似文献   

The Mars Orbiter Camera onboard the Mars Global Surveyor has obtained several images of polygonal features in the southern polar region. In images taken during the end of the southern spring, when the surrounding surface is free of the seasonal frost, CO2 ice still appears to be present within the polygonal troughs. In Earth's polar regions, polygons such as these are indicative of water ice in the ground below. We analyzed the seasonal evolution of the thermal state and the CO2 content of these features. Our 2-D model includes condensation and sublimation of the CO2 ice, a self consistent treatment of the variations of the thermal properties of the regolith, and the seasonal variations of the local atmospheric pressure which we take from the results of a general circulation model. We find that the residence time of seasonal CO2 ice in troughs depends not only on atmospheric opacity and albedo of the CO2 ice, but also and most significantly on the distribution of water ice in the regolith. Optical properties of the atmosphere and surface CO2 ice can be independently obtained from observations. To date this is not true about the distribution of water ice below the surface. Our analysis quantifies the dependence of the seasonal cycle of the CO2 ice within the troughs on the assumed distribution of the water ice below the surface. We show that presence of water ice in the ground at a depth smaller than the depth of the troughs reduces winter condensation rate of CO2 ice. This is due to higher heat flux conducted from the water ice rich regolith toward the facets of the troughs.  相似文献   

We report results of the analysis of the data on global mapping of neutron fluxes from the Martian surface, which have been obtained during the first ten months of measurements carried out by the Russian high-energy neutron detector HEND mounted aboard the AmericanMars Odysseyorbiter. This analysis allowed us to separate regions where free water (in ice form) prevailed in the surface layer (with a thickness of up to 2 m) of the Martian ground from regions where physically and chemically bound ground water was most likely to be the dominant form of water. The global mapping of regions with increased ice content in the ground-surface layer revealed a direct correlation with regions of polygonal terrains morphologically similar to terrestrial polygonal forms of permafrost origin. The potential content of bound water forms in the ground of circumpolar areas of the planet is also estimated.  相似文献   

Recently, a particular statistical method - spatial point pattern analysis (SPPA) - has been introduced as an effective means by which qualitative, observable variations in polygonal terrain network arrangements on Earth and Mars can be quantified. A number of ground- and aerial-based techniques are available from which to derive the required input data: the spatial (x-y) coordinates of all polygon trough intersections within the site. However, each of the data collection methods may contain some level of error. Thus, the overarching question addressed by this research is: “how are the results of SPPA affected by the method by which the input data were generated?” At two polygonal terrain sites in the Canadian High Arctic, we performed ground-based surveys using differential and non-differential Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as well as photogrammetric analysis of aerial and satellite images of varying resolution to determine the trough intersection coordinates. It was found that the most robust statistical results were produced when using data from a combination of differential GPS surveys and high-resolution (∼0.25 m/pixel) aerial images. Images of pixel size ≥1 m were found to be unsuitable for this type of analysis. With respect to the investigation of similar Martian landforms, HiRISE and MOC images of polygonal terrain sites in southwestern Utopia Planitia were analyzed. Our results show that it is strongly preferable to perform SPPA using HiRISE images, though an empirical model is outlined that could be used to correct for errors arising from the reduced resolution inherent to MOC images.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the effectiveness of using magnetic measurements in the search for meteorites on the Antarctic ice sheet, which is thus far the Earth's most productive terrain. Magnetic susceptibility measurements carried out with a pocket meter (SM30) during the 2003/04 PNRA meteorite collection expedition to northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) proved to be a rapid, sensitive, non‐destructive means for the in situ identification, pairing, and classification of meteorites. In blue ice fields characterized by the presence of moraines and glacial drifts (e.g., Miller Butte, Roberts Butte, and Frontier Mountain), magnetic susceptibility measurements allowed discrimination of meteorites from abundant terrestrial stones that look like meteorites thanks to the relatively high magnetic susceptibility of the former with respect to terrestrial rocks. Comparative measurements helped identify 16 paired fragments found at Johannessen Nunataks, thereby reducing unnecessary duplication of laboratory analyses and statistical bias. Following classifications schemes developed by us in this and previous works, magnetic susceptibility measurements also helped classify stony meteorites directly in the field, thereby providing a means for selecting samples with higher research priority. A magnetic gradiometer capable of detecting perturbations in the Earth's magnetic field induced by the presence of meteorites was an efficient tool for locating meteorites buried in snow along the downwind margin of the Frontier Mountain blue ice field. Based on these results, we believe that magnetic sensors should constitute an additional payload for robotic search for meteorites on the Antarctic ice sheet and, by extension, on the surface of Mars where meteorite accumulations are predicted by theoretical works. Lastly, magnetic susceptibility data was successfully used to crosscheck the later petrographic classification of the 123 recovered meteorites, allowing the detection of misclassified or peculiar specimens.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has demonstrated its high potential in measurement of material composition in many areas including space exploration. LIBS instruments will be parts of payloads for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory NASA-led mission and the ExoMars mission planned by ESA. This paper considers application of artificial neural networks (ANN) for material identification based on LIBS spectra that may be obtained with a portable instrument in ambient conditions. The several classes of materials used in this study included those selected to represent the sites analogues to Mars. In addition, metals and aluminum alloys were used to demonstrate ANN capabilities. Excellent material classification is achieved with single-shot measurements in real time.  相似文献   

One possibility to explore the subsurface layers of icy bodies is to use a probe with a “hot tip", which is able to penetrate ice layers by melting. Such probes have been built and used in the past for the exploration of terrestrial polar ice sheets and may also become useful tools to explore other icy layers in the Solar System. Examples for such layers are the polar areas of Mars or the icy crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa. However, while on Earth a heated probe launched into an ice sheet always causes melting with subsequent refreezing, the behaviour of such a probe in a low pressure environment is quite different. We report on the results of some experiments with a simple “melting probe" prototype with two different kinds of hot tips in a vacuum environment. For one of the tips the probe moved into two types of ice samples: (i) compact water ice and (ii) porous water ice with a snow (firn) like texture. It was also found that the penetration behaviour was basically different for the two sample types even when the same kind of tip was used. While in the porous sample the ice was only subliming, the phase changes occurring during the interaction of the tip with the compact ice are much more complex. Here alternating phases of melting and sublimation occur. The absence of the liquid phase has severe consequences on the performance of a “melting probe" under vacuum conditions: In this environment we find a high thermal resistance between the probe surface and the underlying ice. Therefore, only a low percentage of the heat that is generated in the tip is used to melt or sublime the ice, the bulk of the power is transferred towards the rear end of the probe. This is particularly a problem in the initial phases of an ice penetration experiment, when the probe has not yet penetrated the ice over its whole length. In the compact ice sample, phases could be observed, where a high enough gas pressure had built up locally underneath the probe, so that melting becomes possible. Only during these melting periods the thermal contact between the probe and the ice is good and in consequence the melting probe works effectively.  相似文献   

If we assume that the Martian outflow channels are result of sporadic melting of ground ice, their planet-wide distribution could imply that a sheet of ice once covered Mars. This ice sheet could have acted, in a similar manner as Hoyle's oceanic meteoric dust suspension layer model as an initiator of a Martian ice age which would be responsible for the decline of valley network formation at the end of the heavy bombardment period.  相似文献   

A mission to Mars including two Small Stations, two Penetrators and an Orbiter was launched at Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on 16 November 1996. This was called the Mars-96 mission. The Small Stations were expected to land in September 1997 (Ls approximately 178 degrees), nominally to Amazonis-Arcadia region on locations (33 N, 169.4 W) and (37.6 N, 161.9 W). The fourth stage of the Mars-96 launcher malfunctioned and hence the mission was lost. However, the state of the art concept of the Small Station can be applied to future Martian lander missions. Also, from the manufacturing and performance point of view, the Mars-96 Small Station could be built as such at low cost, and be fairly easily accommodated on almost any forthcoming Martian mission. This is primarily due to the very simple interface between the Small Station and the spacecraft. The Small Station is a sophisticated piece of equipment. With the total available power of approximately 400 mW the Station successfully supports an ambitious scientific program. The Station accommodates a panoramic camera, an alpha-proton-x-ray spectrometer, a seismometer, a magnetometer, an oxidant instrument, equipment for meteorological observations, and sensors for atmospheric measurement during the descent phase, including images taken by a descent phase camera. The total mass of the Small Station with payload on the Martian surface, including the airbags, is only 32 kg. Lander observations on the surface of Mars combined with data from Orbiter instruments will shed light on the contemporary Mars and its evolution. As in the Mars-96 mission, specific science goals could be exploration of the interior and surface of Mars, investigation of the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere, the role of water and other materials containing volatiles and in situ studies of the atmospheric boundary layer processes. To achieve the scientific goals of the mission the lander should carry a versatile set of instruments. The Small Station accommodates devices for atmospheric measurements, geophysical and geochemical studies of the Martian surface and interior, and cameras for descent phase and panoramic views. These instruments would be able to contribute remarkably to the process of solving some of the scientific puzzles of Mars.  相似文献   

A suite of four feature types in a ∼20 km2 area near 10° N, 204° W in Athabasca Valles is interpreted to have resulted from near-surface ground ice. These features include mounds, conical forms with rimmed summit depressions, flatter irregularly-shaped forms with raised rims, and polygonal terrain. Based on morphology, size, and analogy to terrestrial ground ice forms, these Athabascan features are interpreted as pingos, collapsing pingos, pingo scars, and thermal contraction polygons, respectively. Thermal Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (THEMIS) data and geological features in the area are consistent with a sedimentary substrate underlying these features. These observations lead us to favor a ground ice interpretation, although we do not rule out volcanic and especially glaciofluvial hypotheses. The hypothesized ground ice that formed the mounds and rimmed features may have been emplaced via the deposition of saturated sediment during flooding; an alternative scenario invokes magmatically cycled groundwater. The ground ice implicit in the hypothesized thermal contraction polygons may have derived either from this flooding/ground water, or from atmospheric water vapor. The lack of obvious flood modification of the mounds and rimmed features indicates that they formed after the most recent flood inundated the area. Analogy with terrestrial pingos suggests that ground ice may be still extant within the positive relief mounds. As the water that flooded down Athabasca Valles emerged via a volcanotectonic fissure from a deep aquifer, any extant pingo ice may contain evidence of a deep subsurface biosphere.  相似文献   

Dynamical transport of gases within the martian regolith controls many climatic processes, and is particularly important in the deposition and/or mobilization of shallow ground ice, as well as exchange of other volatiles between the martian regolith and atmosphere. A variety of theoretical studies have addressed issues related to ground ice dynamics on Mars and in the terrestrial analog environment of the Antarctic Dry Valleys. These theoretical studies have drawn on a limited set of empirical measurements to constrain the structural parameters controlling gas diffusion and flow in soils. Here, we investigate five groups of Mars-analog soils: glass spheres, JSC Mars-1, aeolian dune sand, Antarctic Dry Valley soils, and arctic loess. We present laboratory measurements of the structural properties most relevant to gas transport in these soils: porosity, tortuosity, permeability, bulk and intrinsic densities, grain-size distribution, pore-size distribution and BET surface area. Our results bear directly both on the appropriateness of assumptions made in theoretical studies and on current outstanding issues in the study of shallow ground ice on Mars and in the Dry Valleys. Specifically, we find that (1) measured values of tortuosity are lower than values commonly assumed for Mars by a factor of two to three; (2) diffusive loss of ground ice on Mars can likely proceed up to four times faster than predicted by theoretical studies; (3) soil permeabilities are sufficiently high that flushing of the soil column by bulk flow of atmospheric gases may further speed loss or deposition of shallow ground ice; (4) the pore volume in some Mars-analog soils is sufficiently high to explain high volumetric ice abundances inferred from Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer data as simple pore ice; and (5) measured properties of soils collected in Beacon Valley, Antarctica agree well with assumptions made in theoretical studies and are consistent with rapid loss of ground ice in the current climate.  相似文献   

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