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Integration of landform and structural analysis allowed the identification of Late Pleistocene–Holocene pulses of tectonic activity in the Campos do Jordão Plateau with ages and regimes similar to the ones from the continental rift. Fault reactivation along Precambrian shear zones give rise to a series of conspicuous morphotectonic features, determine the formation of stream piracy phenomena, and divide the plateau into smaller blocks. Recognition of these tectonic pulses as well as of their effects in landform development—particularly clear on the Campos de São Francisco at the highest area of the SE edge of the plateau—show that besides the climate-related Quaternary environmental changes significant neotectonic instability should be considered in the geomorphic evolution of the Campos do Jordão Plateau.  相似文献   

The Darwin Rise has been proposed so many times and in so many forms and places that the time has come to make a more comprehensive examination of the region. Lying on the NW Pacific Plate between the Geisha Guyots, the Mid-Pacific Mountains, the equator, and the trenches, the region is roughly bounded by magnetic anomaly M20 (147 Ma). It was subjected to a massive outpouring of lava about 105 to 120 Ma, which created the guyots and seamounts in that region. Guyots are excellent tools for studying events of long ago because they eroded in the same lowstand in the Cretaceous and guyot relief, therefore, is a surrogate for paleo-sealevel. The relief is derived by subtracting the break depth of the summit plateau of a guyot from the regional depth. Guyot relief would necessarily be less in the center than to the periphery if the feature formed on a pre-existing rise, as has been postulated. The existence of a paleo-Darwin Rise would give concentric contours for the region in question. Of the sixty guyots used in this study, thirty-seven of these guyots were surveyed using SASS multibeam in the Marcus-Wake seamount group. Twenty-three guyots were surveyed using random track single-beam sonar surveys. An entirely different scenario is shown. Data revealed a major fracture passing through the area coevally or after the guyots formed. Because the depths to the summit are not the same now, vertical tectonics occurred after subaerial erosion. This means the fracture formed during and after the erosion (roughly 105 Ma) and influenced the normal sequence of events in guyot formation. Depending on how one deciphers trends through the Hess Rise morass, SASS bathymetry shows a continuation of the Surveyor/Mendocino fracture zone swarm inside the M20 region to the NE of these data. The fracture swarm continues to the western Pacific trench system. Based on this information, if the Darwin Rise ever existed, it had to have done so elsewhere.  相似文献   

The asymmetry (skewness) of marine magnetic anomaly 32 (72.1–73.3  Ma) on the Pacific plate has been analysed in order to estimate a new palaeomagnetic pole. Apparent effective remanent inclinations of the seafloor magnetization were calculated from skewness estimates of 108 crossings of anomaly 32 distributed over the entire Pacific plate and spanning a great-circle distance of ~12  000  km. The data were inverted to obtain a palaeomagnetic pole at 72.1°N, 26.8°E with a 95 per cent confidence ellipse having a 4.0° major semi-axis oriented 98° clockwise of north and a 1.8° minor semi-axis; the anomalous skewness is 14.2° ± 3.7°. The possible dependence of anomalous skewness on spreading rate was investigated with two empirical models and found to have a negligible effect on our palaeopole analysis over the range of relevant spreading half-rates, ~25 to ~90  mm  yr−1 . The new pole is consistent with the northward motion for the Pacific plate indicated by coeval palaeocolatitude and palaeoequatorial data, but differs significantly from, and lies to the northeast of, coeval seamount poles. We attribute the difference to unmodelled errors in the seamount poles, mainly in the declinations. Comparison with the northward motion inferred from dated volcanoes along the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain indicates 13° of southward motion of the Hawaiian hotspot since 73  Ma. When the pole is reconstructed with the Pacific plate relative to the Pacific hotspots, it differs by 14°–18° from the position of the pole relative to the Indo–Atlantic hotspots. This has several possible explanations including bias in one or more of the palaeomagnetic poles, motion between the Pacific and Indo–Atlantic hotspots, and errors in plate reconstructions relative to the hotspots.  相似文献   

Summary. SEASAT altimetric geoid data are used to detect uncharted sea-mounts in the Austral archipelago area. The various physical parameters which affect the geoid signature of a seamount are inspected to analyse their influence on the precision of the location. These parameters are the shape of the seamount, its density, the crustal model, the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere and the distance between the seamount and sub-satellite tracks, respectively. The results of the tests performed on synthetic data as well as on charted structures show that when a seamount is detected on at least two neighbouring tracks, it is possible to locate it with good confidence and to give an estimation of its height. If the correct elastic thickness is assumed, the precision on the located is order 15 km. Ten previously unsurveyed seamounts have been located in the Austral archipelago. It appears that they are emplaced along two well-defined azimuths (N 110°E and N 150°E) and that two parallel distinct volcanic chains form the Austral archipelago.  相似文献   

High resolution topographic data along fault zones are important aids in the delineation of recently active breaks. A 15 km-long portion of the south-central San Andreas Fault (SAF) along the southern Cholame segment contains well preserved tectonic landforms such as benches, troughs, scarps, and aligned ridges that indicate recurring earthquake slip. Recently acquired LiDAR topographic data along the entire southern SAF (“B4” project) have shot densities of 3–4 m− 2. Computed from the LiDAR returns, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of 0.25 to 0.5 m resolution using local binning with inverse distance weighting and 0.8 m or larger search radii depict the tectonic landforms at paleoseismic sites well enough to assess them confidently. Mapping of recently active breaks using a LiDAR-only based approach compares well with aerial photographic and field based methods. The fault zone varies in width from meters to nearly 1 km and is comprised of numerous en echelon meter to kilometer-length overlapping sub parallel fault surfaces bounding differentially moving blocks that elongate parallel to the SAF. The semantic variations of what constitutes “active” and the importance of secondary traces influence the breadth and complexity of the resulting fault trace maps.  相似文献   

The relationship between gravity and bathymetry in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. Surface-ship and satellite derived data have been compiled in new free-air gravity anomaly, bathymetry and geoid anomaly maps of the Pacific Ocean basin and its margin. The maps are based on smoothed values of the gravity anomaly, bathymetry and geoid interpolated on to a 90 × 90 km grid. Each smoothed value was obtained by Gaussian filtering measurements along individual ship and subsatellite tracks. The resulting maps resolve features in the gravity, bathymetry and geoid with wavelengths that range from a few hundred to a few thousand kilometres. The smoothed values of bathymetry and geoid anomaly have been corrected for age. The resulting maps show the Pacific ocean basin is associated with a number of ENE–WSW-trending geoid anomaly highs with amplitudes of about ± 5 m and wavelengths of about 3000 km. The most prominent of these highs correlate with the Magellan seamounts–Marshall Gilbert Islands–Magellan rise and the Hess rise–Hawaiian ridge regions. The correlation between geoid anomaly and bathymetry cannot be explained by models of static compensation, but is consistent with a model in which the geoid anomaly and bathymetry are supported by some form of dynamic compensation. We suggest that the dynamic compensation, which characterizes oceanic lithosphere older than 80 Myr, is the result of mantle convection on scales that are smaller than the lithospheric plates themselves.  相似文献   

The landscape of today's central Iberian Peninsula has been shaped by ongoing tectonic activity since the Tertiary. This landscape comprises a mountain ridge trending E–W to NW–SE, the Central System, separating two regions of smooth topography: the basins of the rivers Duero and Tajo. In this study, we explore interrelationships between topography and tectonics in the central Iberian Peninsula. Regional landscape features were analysed using a digital elevation model (DEM). Slope gradients and slope orientations derived from the DEM were combined to describe topographic surface roughness. Topography trend-surfaces inferred from harmonic analysis were used to define regional topographic features. Low roughness emphasizes the smooth nature of the basins' topography, where surfaces of homogeneous slope gradient and orientation dominate. High roughness was associated with abrupt changes in gradient and slope orientation such as those affecting crests, valley bottoms and scarp edges present in the mountain chain and in some deep incised valleys in the basins. One of the applications of roughness mapping was its capacity to isolate incised valley segments. The area distribution of incised rivers shows their prevalence in the east. On a regional scale, the topographic surface can be described as a train of NE–SW undulations or waves of 20 km wavelength. These undulations undergo changes in direction and interruptions limited by N–S-trending breaks. E–W and NE–SW troughs and ridges clearly mark structural uplifts and depressions within the Central System. These structures are transverse to the compressive NW–SE stress field that controlled the deformation of the central Iberian Peninsula from the Neogene to the present. They represent the upper crustal folding that accommodates Alpine shortening. N–S breaks coincide with Late Miocene faults that control the basins' sedimentation. Further, associated palaeoseismic structures suggest the recent tectonic activity of N–S faults in the eastern part of the Tajo Basin. Apatite fission track analysis data for this area suggest the occurrence of a significant uplift episode from 7 to 10 Ma which induced the river incisions appearing in the roughness map. N–S and NE–SW faults could be seismogenic sources for the current moderate to low seismic activity of the east Tajo Basin and southeast Central System. Although N–S fault activity has already been established, we propose its significant contribution to shaping the landscape.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper concerns the calculation and analysis of admittance functions from large and uniform data sets of gravity and topography in four regions of the northern and western Pacific Ocean. The purpose is to separate and describe possible differences in isostatic compensation between several 'type' regions of oceanic crust: a mid-ocean ridge (Juan de Fuca), a mid-plate seamount chain (Hawaiian Ridge), fracture zone topography on old crust (north of Hawaii) and a marginal basin (Philippine Sea). Results suggest that there are significant differences in the degree to which long wavelength topography has been compensated which can be distinguished between regions. These differences are set in the perspective of three simple compensation mechanisms. Two of these consider local Airy models in which raised topography is compensated at depth either by crustal roots or low density mantle. A third considers the effects of an elastic plate of variable thickness supporting crustal variations. Conclusions are that: (a) a thick plate possibly in excess of 30 km supports the Hawaiian Ridge; (b) a much thinner plate of 5 to 15 km existed when the fracture zone topography was formed; (c) the Juan de Fuca Ridge is compensated either regionally by a plate 5 to 10 km thick or locally by sub-crustal low densities at depths of 15 to 20 km; and (d) the Philippine Sea shows no evidence for regional support: ridges are compensated locally by differences in crustal thickness whereas the basins are underlain by density variations at depths comparable to those of the much younger Juan de Fuca Ridge. The major difference between admittance functions for the Philippine Sea and comparably aged regions of the north Pacific Ocean adds further new evidence of possible evolutionary differences between it and normal ocean basins.  相似文献   

The Gohpur–Ganga section is located southwest of Itanagar, India. The study area and its adjacent regions lie between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Himalayan Front Fault (HFF) within the Sub-Himalaya of the Eastern Himalaya. The Senkhi stream, draining from the north, passes through the MBT and exhibits local meandering as it approaches the study area. Here, five levels of terraces are observed on the eastern part, whereas only four levels of terraces are observed on the western part. The Senkhi and Dokhoso streams show unpaired terraces consisting of very poorly sorted riverbed materials lacking stratification, indicating tectonic activity during deposition. Crude imbrications are also observed on the terrace deposits. A wind gap from an earlier active channel is observed at latitude 27°04′42.4″ N and longitude 93°35′22.4″ E at the height of about 35 m from the present active channel of Senkhi stream. Linear arrangements of ponds trending northeast–southwest on the western side of the study section may represent the paleochannel of Dokhoso stream meeting the Senkhi stream abruptly through this gap earlier. Major lineament trends are observed along NNE–SSW, NE–SW and ENE–WSW direction. The Gohpur–Ganga section is on Quaternary deposits, resting over the Siwaliks with angular contact. Climatic changes of Pleistocene–Holocene times seem to have affected the sedimentation pattern of this part of the Sub-Himalaya, in association with proximal tectonism associated with active tectonic activities, which uplifted the Quaternary deposits. Older and younger terrace deposits seem to mark the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in the study area with the older terraces showing a well-oxidized and semi-consolidated nature compared to the unoxidized nature of the younger terraces.  相似文献   

Anomalous seismic crustal structure of oceanic fracture zones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. The seismic structure of crust found within fracture zones falls outside the range of velocity structures observed for normal oceanic crust in the North Atlantic. The crust in fracture zones is frequently very thin and is characterized by low crustal velocities and by the conspicuous absence of a refractor with a velocity typical of oceanic layer 3. Anomalous crust is present in both large- and small-offset fracture zones. Since they are among the most common tectonic features in the ocean basins, and are particularly closely spaced on slow-spreading ridges, fracture zones represent a major source of seismic crustal heterogeneity. We interpret the anomalous crust as a thin, intensely fractured, faulted and hydrothermally altered basaltic and gabbroic section overlying ultramafics that, in places, are extensively serpentinized. The unusually thin crust found within fracture zones and the gradual crustal thinning over a distance of several tens of kilometres on either side of the fracture zones can be explained by two main processes; firstly the cold lithosphere edge opposite the spreading centre at the ridgetransform intersection modifies the normal intrusive and extrusive processes of the spreading centre leading to the accretion of an anomalous and thin igneous section; and secondly each spreading ridge segment is fed from a separate subcrustal magma supply point, so as the magma flows laterally down the spreading centre it generates a crustal section of decreasing thickness, culminating in the very thin crust of the fracture zones at either end of the ridge segment.  相似文献   

Henri Vogt  Thea Vogt 《Geomorphology》2007,86(3-4):480-495
Detailed study of two dry depressions in the Baikal rift system: the E–W Khoito Ghol-Tunka-Bistraya depression and the SW–NE Gusinoje–Ivolga depression, aims to provide a better understanding of tectonic control on the intershoulder relief evolution after the rift opened. Both depressions are grabens and both feature a suite of 10–20 km-wide basins alternating with more or less massive highs. Field and laboratory analysis shows that this pattern is of recent tectonic origin and that local breaking-up and subsidence followed the general sinking which originally formed the grabens. The subsidence belts seem to have gradually shifted north and northeastwards. Geomorphological analysis reveals that in both depressions the highs are remnants of a former pediment which was broken up. The young basins display numerous relevant hydrographic anomalies of the secondary channels and a general water-logging. They also suggest that the subsidence belts have gradually shifted north-and northeastwards. In the Gusinoje–Ivolga depression evidence was found of a Plio-Pleistocene river course, parallel to the Selenga river, which was later dismantled by the breaking-up. This depression, parallel to the Baikal rift and belonging to the Mesozoic system of grabens in the Caledonian fold belt, seems to have been included into the general system of rifts during the Pliocene tectonic phase. As for the main hydrographic axes, the Selenga river was set on a Palaeogene-age planation surface before the first tectonic phase and kept its original course. The Irkut river flowed in the Khoito Gol–Tunka–Bistraya depression after the first tectonic phase and was not affected by the later breaking-up. In contrast, the secondary drainage network is largely discordant. Despite their different geotectonic contexts, the two depressions show a similar development of relief pattern,which poses the question of the style of rift dynamics after the main Pliocene tectonic phase.  相似文献   

Interpretation of satellite altimetry data as well as ship bathymetry data revealed strongly elongated anomalies roughly perpendicular to the mid-ocean ridges in the Indian and east Pacific oceans. A spectral analysis of gravity altimetry data along profiles parallel to the East Pacific Rise indicated wavelengths of about 150–180  km close to the ridge and about 250  km further away. A simple model of Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities developing at the base of the cooling lithosphere is discussed and applied to the data. By considering thermal diffusion and comparing Rayleigh–Taylor growth rates to the velocity of the thermal front in the cooling lithosphere, we are able to explain the observed anomalies by instabilities developing below the lithosphere in a layer with a viscosity of about 1019  Pa  s above an asthenospheric layer with a viscosity reduction of 2–3 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Reconnaissance level geomorphological observations in the northern part of Evia (Euboea) Island, suggest that a major topographic feature, the 17 km long and 15 km wide Nileas depression (NDpr), corresponds to a previously undetected graben structure, bounded by fault zones of ENE–WSW to NE–SW general strike. These fault zones have been active in the Quaternary, since they affect the Neogene deposits of the Limni–Histiaia basin. They strike transverse to the NW–SE active fault zones that bound northern Evia in the specific area and are characterised along most of their length by subtle geomorphic signatures in areas of extensive forest cover and poor exposure.The NDpr was formed during the Early–Middle Quaternary, after the deposition of the Neogene basin fill. During the Middle–Late Quaternary, the NW–SE fault zones that bound northern Evia have been the main active structures, truncating and uplifting the NDpr to a perched position in relation to the northern Gulf of Evia graben and the submarine basin on the Aegean side of the island. The present-day morphology of the NDpr, with an interior (floor) comprised of Middle Pleistocene erosional surfaces extensively dissected by drainages, was shaped by erosion during this uplift. Judging from their geomorphic signatures, the fault zones that bound the NDpr must have been characterised by low or very low rates of activity during the Late Quaternary. Yet, that they may still be accommodating strain today is suggested by moderate earthquakes that have been recorded within the NDpr.The fault zone at the SE flank of the NDpr (Prokopi–Pelion fault zone) may be very important in terms of earthquake segmentation of the active NW–SE Dirfys fault zone that controls the Aegean coast of northern Evia, given that the intersection between the two presents striking morpho-structural similarities with the intersection of two fault zones with the same directions on the mainland (the Atalanti and Hyampolis fault zones), which is known to have acted as a barrier to the propagation of the Atalanti earthquake ruptures in 1894.  相似文献   

A number of large and giant ore deposits have been discovered within the relatively small areas of lithospheric structure anomalies, including various boundary zones of tectonic plates. The regions have become the well-known intercontinental ore-forming belts, such as the circum-Pacific gold–copper, copper–molybdenum, and tungsten–tin metallogenic belts. These belts are typical geological anomalous areas. An investigation into the hydrothermal ore deposits in different regions in the former Soviet Union illustrated that the geologic structures of ore fields of almost all major commercial deposits have distinct features compared with the neighboring areas. These areas with distinct features are defined as geo-anomalies. A geo-anomaly refers to such a geologic body or a combination of bodies that their composition, texture–structure, and genesis are significantly different from those of their surroundings. A geo-anomaly unit (GU) is an area containing distinct features that can be delineated with integrated ore-forming information using computer techniques on the basis of the geo-anomaly concept. Herein, the GU concept is illustrated by a case study of delineating the gold ore targets in the western Shandong uplift terrain, eastern China. It includes: (1) analyses of gold ore-forming factors; (2) compilation of normalized regional geochemical map and extraction of geochemical anomalies; (3) compilation of gravitational and aeromagnetic tectonic skeleton map and extraction of gravitational and aeromagnetic anomalies; (4) extraction of circular and linear anomalies from remote-sensing Landsat TM images; (5) establishment of a geo-anomaly conceptual model associated with known gold mineralization; (6) establishment of gold ore-forming favorability by computing techniques; and (7) delineation and assessment of ore-forming units. The units with high favorability are suggested as ore targets.  相似文献   

Longitudinal valleys form first order topographic features in many mountain belts. They are commonly located along faults that separate tectonic zones with varying uplift histories. The Indus Valley of Ladakh, northern India, runs northwestwards following the boundary between the relatively undeformed Ladakh Batholith to the north–east and the folded and thrusted Zanskar mountains to the south–west. In this region the Shyok Valley, on the northern side of the batholith, approximately parallels the course of the Indus. This study investigates geomorphic variations in transverse catchments that drain the Ladakh Batholith, into the Indus and Shyok rivers. The batholith has been divided into three zones based on varying structural characteristics of its northeastern and southwestern boundaries. Morphometric analysis of 62 catchments that drain into the Indus and Shyok valleys was carried out using three digital datasets, and supported by field observations. Morphometric asymmetry is evident in the central zone where the Shyok valley is considered tectonically inactive, but the Indus Valley is bound by the northeastwardly thrusting Indus Molasse and the batholith. In this zone the catchments that drain into the Indus Valley are more numerous, shorter, thinner and have lower hypsometric integrals than those that drain into the Shyok. By linking these observations with the regional geology and thermochronological data it is proposed that high sediment discharge from the deformed Indus Molasse Indus Valley has progressively raised base levels in the Indus Valley and resulted in sediment blanketing of the opposing tectonically quiescent catchments that drain southwestwards off the batholith. The Indus Molasse thrust front has propagated at least 36 km towards the Ladakh Batholith over the last 20 Ma. Hence it is proposed that this long term asymmetric structural deformation and exhumation has forced the Indus longitudinal valley laterally into the Ladakh Batholith resulting in the morphometric asymmetry of its transverse catchments.  相似文献   

The Southern Alps of New Zealand are the topographic expression of active oblique continental convergence of the Australian and Pacific plates. Despite inferred high rates of tectonic and climatic forcing, the pattern of differential uplift and erosion remains uncertain. We use a 25-m DEM to conduct a regional-scale relief analysis of a 250-km long strip of the western Southern Alps (WSA). We present a preliminary map of regional erosion and denudation by overlaying mean basin relief, a modelled stream-power erosion index, river incision rates, historic landslide denudation rates, and landslide density. The interplay between strong tectonic and climatic forcing has led to relief production that locally attains 2 km in major catchments, with mean values of 0.65–0.68 km. Interpolation between elevations of major catchment divides indicates potential removal of l01–103 km3, or a mean basin relief of 0.51–0.85 km in the larger catchments. Local relief and inferred river incision rates into bedrock are highest about 50–67% of the distance between the Alpine fault and the main divide. The mean regional relief variability is ± 0.5 km.Local relief, valley cross-sectional area, and catchment width correlate moderately with catchment area, and also reach maximum values between the range front and the divide. Hypsometric integrals show scale dependence, and together with hypsometric curves, are insufficient to clearly differentiate between glacial and fluvial dominated basins. Mean slope angle in the WSA (ψ = 30°) is lower where major longitudinal valleys and extensive ice cover occur, and may be an insensitive measure of regional relief. Modal slope angle is strikingly uniform throughout the WSA (φ = 38–40°), and may record adjustment to runoff and landsliding. Both ψ and φ show non-linear relationships with elevation, which we attribute to dominant geomorphic process domains, such as fluvial processes in low-altitude valley trains, surface runoff and frequent landsliding on montane hillslopes, “relief dampening” by glaciers, and rock fall/avalanching on steep main-divide slopes.  相似文献   

Pacific Russia is regarded as an aquaterritorial macroregion in the composition of the Far Eastern Federal District and the adjacent sea area within the 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. The macroregion harbors enormous natural land and sea resource wealth potential and is endowed with possibilities of using the sea transport connecting Russia and Europe with countries of the Asia-Pacific Region. In Pacific Russia, two latitudinal zones, northern and southern, are identified; they include the territories of the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District. Combinations of the kinds of activity for the constituent entities and latitudinal zones are treated as territorial structures of the economy. An assessment of the geographical differentiation of the economy in the latitudinal zones for the years 2004 and 2013 and its change was made from the differences of the homogeneous kinds of activity in the constituent entities measured in terms of the added value. Structural gradients of spatial (including latitudinal) differentiation of the homogeneous kinds of economic activity are suggested for neighboring constituent entities. The analysis made for the latitudinal zones can be useful in assessing the variants of investment in the economy of the constituent entities of Pacific Russia.  相似文献   

Abandoned channel belts, ponds and point bar deposits of palaeochannels in the interfluve regions of the central Ganga Plain suggest changes in the morphohydrologic conditions during the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene. Stratigraphy of these ponds comprises channel sand at the base overlain by shell-bearing clayey silt. The contact of the two facies marks the phase when channels converted into standing water bodies. Point bar deposits of some palaeochannels are overlain by oxidised aeolian sand, indicating that the channel abandonment possibly occurred due to the desiccation and aridity in the region.Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronometry of the pond sediments suggests that the deposition of the basal channel sand started before 13 ka and continued up to 8 ka. The ponds formed around 8–6 ka when the channel activity ceased. Evidence from the point bar deposits also indicates that the fluvial activity in the region ended sometime during 7–5 ka. This was followed by aeolian aggradation. The present study thus suggests that the hydrologic conditions in the Gangetic plains, i.e. initiation of channels and their abandonment, formation of microgeomorphologic features such as ponds and their eventual siltation, were controlled largely by climatic changes (i.e. monsoon changes) supported by tectonic activity. For the past 2 ka, increasing human and related agricultural activity has substantially accentuated the natural siltation rate of ponds.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Larue   《Geomorphology》2008,93(3-4):343-367
The analysis of longitudinal profiles of river channels and terraces in the southern Central Massif border, between the Aude and the Orb, allows the detection of anomalies caused by lithology and/or tectonic distortions. The rivers which have abnormally high slope and non-lithological knickzones indicate the main uplifted zones: the Montagne Noire and the Saint-Chinian ridge. A geomorphological and sedimentological analysis of detrital deposits was carried out as a basis for correlating the different formations, reconstructing the palaeodrainage and finding the main uplift and fluvial incision stages. During the Miocene, uplift remains limited as it is shown by the correlative fine deposits in the Languedocian piedmont. The Messinian incision (5.7–5.3 Ma) does not cross the Saint-Chinian ridge. On the other hand, fluvial incision becomes widespread in the Montagne Noire during the Upper Pliocene (3.4–2 Ma) when coarse deposits overlie either the Pliocene clay in the Orb palaeovalley or the Messinian conglomerates at the Cesse outlet. An Upper Pliocene uplift of the Montagne Noire and of the Saint-Chinian ridge is the cause of this incision and also of the diversion of the Cesse towards the Aude. Where the uplift rate was higher than incision rate, knickzones have developed like in the Avant-Monts south-side. The knickzones of lithological origin maintain a strong vertical stability during all the river incision stages. On the other hand, those of tectonic origin or base level lowering record upstream migration and their rate of retreat is controlled by the river discharge. As incision occurs only during the cold/temperate transition periods during the Quaternary, upward erosion slowly migrates (15 km since the Upper Pliocene, on the Orb) and so does not reach the riverheads.  相似文献   

Concavity in the long profile of rivers has traditionally been explained through the concept of grade, in which the slope declines downstream as a response to changing discharge, bed material size and sediment transport. Applying this concept to particular river systems has, however, proved problematic. The long profile reflects spatially-distributed form–process feedbacks between all aspects of channel morphology operating at a range of poorly defined time- and space-scales, and in the presence of natural controls. In many river systems, process–form dynamics are further complicated by engineering interventions which add additional extrinsic controls and constrain the range of intrinsic dynamics. In this paper, the 1974–75 long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is examined at three scales: the regional; the reach; and the sub-reach (pool–crossing) scales. A combination of curve-fitting, zonation algorithms, and empirical classification techniques are used to show that, although the long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is concave at the largest scale, the profile is characterised by discontinuities, shorter trends and zonal variations in the amplitude and wavelength of pool–crossing morphology. These characteristics are a response to morphological and bed material changes relating to a range of physical (geological, tectonic, tributary input) and engineering controls. Despite its apparent simplicity and correspondence to a ‘graded’ condition, the long profile of the Lower Mississippi River is actually a complex and scale-dependent morphological property. At best, the concave river profile is, therefore, a property which emerges from several scales of process–form interaction; at worst, it is no more than an artefact arising from the application of over-simplified curve-fitting techniques. Disclosure of the nature of the long profile thus requires the application of a variety of analytical techniques, as well as geomorphological explanations which are themselves scale-dependent and which consider the interaction of natural processes and the history of engineering intervention.  相似文献   

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