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1912 年4月15日,一艘由英国开往纽约的豪华客轮在纽芬兰附近海域撞上冰山沉没,造成了1500多人遇难,后来根据这一历史背景拍成了电影《泰坦尼克号》。很多人被电影当中表现出来的惨烈海难所震惊,并认为这是历史上最大的海难。其实历史上还有一次海难,其遇难人数是“泰坦尼克”号的6倍,只是这一海难由于受战争因素的影响没有被公开,此后也不了了之。  相似文献   

"海洋一号"(HY-1)卫星数据的海面温度反演   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“海洋一号”(HY-1)卫星是我国发射的第一颗探测海洋水色的卫星,星上载有10波段COCTS水色扫描仪和4波段CCD成像仪。本文介绍了利用“海洋一号”(HY-1)卫星数据反演海温的算法模型,对反演过程中用到的云检测方法进行了说明,给出了具体的反演处理过程,对利用本方法反演的海温结果进行了分析。  相似文献   


Recent marine forensic investigations have largely unravelled the sequence of events concerning the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic and its descent through nearly 3800 m of water to the seafloor on the morning of 15 April 1912. In particular, the velocity and attitude of the Titanic's bow section (at present lying upright, reasonably intact, and embedded by ~12 m at the prow) as it hit the bottom are of general interest to marine accident investigators. During the 1998 Titanic Science Expedition, a single sediment sample was retrieved from the seafloor (depth 20–30 cm) near the wreck by the deep water submersible, Nautile. Published geological studies suggest the seafloor in this area has remained largely undisturbed since 1912. Geotechnical analysis of the sediment sample reveals that the impact was probably a substantially undrained event and that the characteristic undrained shear strength of the sediment is ~25kPa within 10–16 m below the seafloor. A simple analytical model was used to calculate the embedment of a cuboid with dimensions and mass of the water-filled bow as a function of impact velocity, impact angle, and the undrained shear strength of the sediment. The results indicate the impossibility of a steep angle of impact and fast velocity. The most likely scenario is an impact velocity of 5–10 m/s at a fairly shallow angle (<40°), which corroborates the results of hydrodynamic investigations.  相似文献   

沉船考古是一项极为复杂的系统性工作,水下环境复杂、文物打捞操作困难、海洋人文资料缺失等因素制约我国水下文化遗产保护工作。沉船考古工作不仅要对沉船本身及所载器物进行考古发掘,还要结合陆域考古学、海洋学划分重点沉船区域进行系统性发掘研究,对沉船本身及所载器物所处的海底环境和受腐蚀状况进行详细调查和研究,为文物修复和保护工作提供支撑。  相似文献   

遵义松林地区牛蹄塘组底部岩性特征及沉积环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究区下寒武统牛蹄塘纽(∈1n)底部的岩性主要是磷块岩和灰黑色、黑色高炭质页岩或炭质泥岩页岩。其中磷块岩的分布不稳定,在松林穹窿背斜的南翼较薄,有的局部被尖灭。从穹窿背斜南翼往北总体趋势是依次变厚,厚的地方可达10几米厚。灰黑色、黑色高炭质页岩或炭质泥岩页岩分布连续,厚度不稳定。泥、页岩中的镍、钼矿层呈薄层状产出,厚度总体分布连续、稳定。在泥、页岩的特定层位有磷结核分布。位于最底部的磷块岩和泥、页岩是在缺氧还原的环境中形成的,磷块岩产生于潮坪区。牛蹄塘组底部的含矿层以下的泥、页岩形成在内陆棚的环境,牛蹄塘组底部含矿层以上及牛蹄塘组中部的泥、页岩形成在陆棚水体较深的沉积环境。  相似文献   

Oceanology - A seasonal study of microbial methane oxidation (MO) and sulfate reduction (SR) processes in bottom sediments was carried out at five stations in the estuarian Sevastopol coastal area,...  相似文献   

本文通过对黄河三角洲埕岛海域146个表层样的粒度分析,表明该区有5种沉积物类型,以砂质粉砂为主体,呈斑块状分布,极细砂与粗粉砂是沉积物的主要粒级,普遍分选差。运用"粒径趋势"分析的方法,分析探讨了埕岛海域表层沉积物净输运趋势。研究区的沉积物的净输运趋势大致以12 m水深为界,深水区沉积物的净输运趋势向岸,12 m以浅海域的沉积物具有离岸的净输运趋势,说明深水区沉积物受冬季风浪作用向岸运移作用显著,12 m以浅海域的沉积物受夏季风浪作用离岸运移作用显著,沉积物运移的季节变化已成为研究区海域沉积物净运移的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲埕岛海域底质特征与泥沙净输运研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对黄河三角洲埕岛海域146个表层样的粒度分析,表明该区有5种沉积物类型,以砂质粉砂为主体,呈斑块状分布,极细砂与粗粉砂是沉积物的主要粒级,普遍分选差.运用"粒径趋势"分析的方法,分析探讨了埕岛海域表层沉积物净输运趋势.研究区的沉积物的净输运趋势大致以12 m水深为界.深水区沉积物的净输运趋势向岸,12 m以浅海域的沉积物具有离岸的净输运趋势,说明深水区沉积物受冬季风浪作用向岸运移作用显著,12 m以浅海域的沉积物受夏季风浪作用离岸运移作用显著,沉积物运移的季节变化已成为研究区海域沉积物净运移的主要控制因素.  相似文献   

First arrival compressional wave signals from an airgun source, as detected by a variety of seismometers in a shallow bay, are remarkably uniform. However, minor variations in wavelet appearance imply some combination of the instrument response and coupling to the bottom. Signal spectra show typically a spectral peak at 12 Hz and an envelope very similar to that expected from an airgun source. Those instruments with a decoupled geophone package have spectra most like the theoretical spectrum but spectra for the other instruments are not significantly different. Little variation exists in spectra between tripod-mounted and inverted-pendulum OBS configurations for the low amplitude P-waves observed here. The signal source is the principal influence on the resulting spectra rather than OBS configuration or bottom coupling.  相似文献   

根据黄河下游干流高村以下河道50个断面底质样,尾闾清8断面到口门附近的104个表层沉积物样品,以及2000年7—9月黄河三角洲滨海区18个断面123个表层沉积物的粒度分析结果,结合动力条件和水深资料,探讨沉积物性质和粒度特征的分布和变化规律。结果表明,高村以下河道河床沉积物呈现由粗到细的变化趋势;黄河三角洲滨海区的沉积物分布显示出"侵蚀区砂多、堆积区泥多,近岸砂多、岸外泥多"的分布变化规律。进一步分析可知,20 m水深为黄河入海泥沙分选粗化的界线。  相似文献   

Tereshchenko  N. N.  Parkhomenko  A. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(4):499-510
Oceanology - The article is devoted to studing of the features of sedimentation on the bottom of the northwestern shelf and western deep-water area of the Black Sea based on an analysis of our own...  相似文献   

胜利埕岛海域位于复杂的黄河三角洲沉积体系中.由于黄河的断流,在风浪和海流作用下原三角洲体系受到侵蚀.在部分海底具有松散沉积物沉积。采用侧扫声纳、双频测深仪及浅地层剖面仪3种海上物探方法,对埕岛海域海底松软沉积物进行声学探测,确定了浮泥、软土层顶、海底界面及浮泥和软土层和海底界面及浮泥和软土层的厚度,研究了埕岛海域海底松软沉积物的基本分布变化规律,为今后海洋工程地质勘察海底松软沉积物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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