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An extensive analysis is made of the theory of flare stars based on the fast electron hypothesis, in the light of the latest observational evidence. It is shown that an adequate agreement of theory with the observations obtains regarding the internal regular features in the flare amplitude data inUBV rays, as well as the changes of the colour characteristics of stars during the flares; in the latter case the analysis is made not only in respect of the UV Cet-type stars, but flare stars as well, forming a part of the Orion association. Problems bearing on the negative flare and the screening effect are dealt with. New properties of the light curves of flares are revealed, based on the above theory.Particular emphasis is laid on the X-ray radiation from flare stars. It is shown that the observed spectrum of X-ray radiation of flare stars differs sharply from that of X-ray radiation both of the stellar corona and solar X-ray flares. At the same time, the observed X-ray spectrum of flares is in complete harmony with the previously calculated theoretical spectrum corresponding to nonthermal bremsstrahlung with the energy of monoenergetic fast electrons 1.5 MeV. The durations of X-ray flares should be essentially shorter than that of the optical flares. The very high momentary intensities of the X-ray brightness with the exceedingly small duration at the curve maximum is predicted. It is shown that the gamma-ray bursts recorded so far have no relation whatever to flare stars.  相似文献   

The present paper contains an attempt to formulate a theory, based on fast electrons hypothesis, of the chromospheres of flare stars. At the same time we shall undertake a survey of observations on the emission lines of flare stars and comparisons with the theory. The general discussion in the introduction concerning the civilian right of fast electron hypothesis is followed by sections in which the following problems are tackled: the anatomy of the light curve of the flare in UV Cet-type stars or its division into two components; the sources of radiation, ionizing hydrogen and other elements, and the estimation of their power in cold dwarf stars with emission lines; conditions for the excitation of emission lines in the chromospheres of those stars; the problem of duration of luminescence of flare stars in the emission lines (observations and theory); the electron temperature and electron concentration in the chromospheres of flare stars; the problem of the luminescence of emission lines in the quiescent star; the degree of ionization and the role of inelastic collisions of the electrons in the chromosphere of flare stars; the profiles of emission lines, their broadening and intensification during the flare; the dependence of the infensity of emission lines on the flare amplitude; the nature and peculiarities of two types of the Haro flares; the impact of radiation dilution and the spectral class of the star on the equivalent width of the emission lines; the possibility of exciting the forbidden lines; the problem of generation of the emission lines of neutral and ionized helium; the possibility of the Lyman-alpha emission in flare stars, the expected parameters of such emission — the radiation power, the equivalent width and profile of the Lyman-alpha line; the possibility of the presence of the strongest (after the -line) emission line — of doublet 2800 Mgii in the spectra of flare stars, the expected value of the intensity and equivalent width of that line.  相似文献   

The locations of flares and chromospheric absorption features on May 21 and 23, 1967, are compared with a series of H magnetograms. Each of the four major flares included in the study developed as double emission ribbons lying at positions of steep field gradient on opposite sides of the boundary between regions of opposite magnetic polarity. At certain stages, the flare outlines followed closely the isogauss contours of the longitudinal field. A fluctuating field of 75 gauss was measured directly in the importance two flare of May 21. Modifications in the magnetic structure of the active region followed the flares of May 23.  相似文献   

It is shown that the observed color diagrams(U-B) f (B-V) f for pure flare emission of UV Cet type flare stars may be explained within the framework of a fast electron hypothesis. We point out the essential influence on these color indices of the two following factors: (a) the deviations of the normal radiation capability of the star in the infrared region of spectra (on 3.6 m, 4.4 m, and 5.5 m) from the Planckian distribution; (b) the location of the cloud (source) of fast electrons around the star (flare geometry effect). Under the real conditions of the generation of flares around the star the frequency transformation law at the photon-electron interaction has a view =n20, wheren may take the different values-from 0.15 up to 4; it depends on the cloud-star-observer geometry. By the observed colors of the flare emission may be understood, in principle, the location of flare source around the star. A possible role of reflection effect at the generation of stellar flares is outlined.  相似文献   

Results of cooperative observations of the flare star EV Lac in September 1993 are presented. One of the about 30 optical flares detected was powerful enough to permit a quantitative analysis of its intrinsic radiation with the colour-colour technique. Sinusoidal brightness variations due to spottedness of the stellar surface was found to have an amplitude V = 0.m0.24. Behaviour of the K band stellar brightness during strong and weak U band flares are considered. The upper limits of very fast optical brightness variations were estimated during both a moderate flare and quiet state of the star. No decametric bursts were observed during the campaign that could be certainly attributed to flare activity.  相似文献   

Spectral and photoelectric (ubvy, H, H) observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 259431 are reported. It is found that as its brightness fades, this star becomes bluer in the Paschen continuum and the intensity and equivalent width of the hydrogen emission lines increase. The spectral observations reveal significant variations in the intensity of the Mg II 4481 Å photospheric absorption line. A rise and fall in the luminosity by 0m.04 within a period of 5-7 minutes was recorded. Radical variations in the H lineshape ("double" "P Cyg") and flare activity are not only observed in this star, but also in a number of HAEBE stars. It is suggested that flare activity may initiate a change in the velocity gradient at the base of the wind and, thereby, induce "double P Cyg" or "P Cyg single" transitions. The nonradial pulsations of this star are also discussed.  相似文献   

Visual impressions and a photograph of an intense white light flare are presented. A densitometer trace across the 4 July 1974 flare showing relative intensity of the white light flare, photosphere and umbra is also shown. A second white light flare is suspected on a photograph taken 43/4 hrs later. Both flares coincide in time with major H-flare activity.  相似文献   

We present time series observations of the intermediate mass Pre-Main Sequence star H254 belonging to the young star cluster IC 348 and of the Herbig Ae star V351 Ori.Both these stars present light variation on short time scale (a few hours) typical of the Scuti pulsation. The new data are briefly described together with the plan for future observational campaigns on PMS Scuti stars.  相似文献   

We present X-ray observations of the 21 July, 1980 flare which was observed both with the Einstein Observatory Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) and the X-Ray Polychromator (XRP) and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer onboard the SMM satellite. The Einstein observations were obtained in scattered X-ray light, i.e., in X-rays scattered off the Earth's atmosphere. In this way it is possible to obtain spatially unresolved X-ray data of a solar flare with the same instrument that observed many X-ray flares on other stars. This paper juxtaposes the results and implications of the stellar interpretation to those obtained from the far more detailed SMM observations. The result of this calibration observation is that the basic properties of the flaring plasma can be reliably determined from the stellar data, however, the basic physics issues can only be studied through models.  相似文献   

Correlated optical, radio and X-ray observations are presented for a pair of consequently homologous flares which occurred on March 17, 1970. A rich complexity of behavior in a bright sub-flare with maximum at 1444 UT is repeated in a flare of importance 1B with maximum at 22:49 UT. The unusual and interesting aspect of these flares is that the second flare developed at approximately half the rate of the first. A difference in the trigger mechanism of the two flares is suggested as a possible explanation.  相似文献   

Z. Švestka 《Solar physics》1971,19(1):202-206
Under the assumption that white-light flares are caused by energetic particles penetrating into the photosphere (vestka, 1970a; Najita and Orrall, 1970) the known number of protons needed for the white-light emission is used to obtain an estimate of the production of neutrons occurring at the same time. In the case of the white-light flare of 23 May, 1967, the peak flux of neutrons at the Earth distance had to exceed 3 neutrons/cm2s, thus being detectable in space. This maximum neutron flux reached the Earth as early as the time of the maximum phase of the flare in the H light. However, reasonable estimates show that flares associated with a detectable neutron flux should be fairly rare phenomena, maybe as rare as the white-light flares.On leave from the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondejov.  相似文献   

New light curves have been obtained for the eclipsing binary BM Orionis in theuvbyRI filter regions. The observations were made from 1988 to 1990 using the CCD photometer of the Behlen Observatory of the University of Nebraska. Reduction of all image data to magnitudes for BM Orionis and for each of the five other brightest stars in the 1 Orionis group known as the Trapezium was accomplished by use of Stetson's DAOPHOT crowded-field photometry program. Differential magnitudes and light curves for BM Orionis and V1016 Orionis have been constructed using star D of the group as the primary comparison star. Possible indications of variability have also been looked for in the member stars C, E, and F with negative results for stars C and F and positive results for star E. The same CCD frames also contained the stars 2 Orionis A and B. A light curve of the possibly-eclipsing spectroscopic binary 2 Orionis A folded on its spectroscopic period does show some variability, but no obvious eclipses.  相似文献   

Series of white light heliograms and oft- and on-band H filtergrams have been obtained, with an average spatial resolution of 1, to study the flare active McMath region 15403 on 11 July, 1978. A great number of accurate heliographic positions were determined for the umbrae, the white light flare patches and several bright H flare knots, as well as along the principal zero filament and an arch prominence. Using the measured heliographic coordinates of these objects their motions could be analyzed in some detail. The velocities of several different objects could be deduced from the coordinates. Since the heliocentric angle of the region was about 45°, the variation in apparent heliographic coordinates also enabled some variations in heights to be determined.It is pointed out that the flare when fully developed, consisted almost entirely of loops. The zero filament which was activated prior to the flare ran between two umbrae of common penumbra and opposite polarity, one belonging to an old, the other to a new spot group. The white light flare developed on both sides of the filament where it passed between these two umbrae; it was also the place where the flare started. Observational evidence appears to indicate that the erupted filament re-formed from below.An indication has been found that there was a link between the motion of some umbrae and the major flare occurrence.  相似文献   

M. Dizer 《Solar physics》1969,10(2):416-428
We report measurements made on the brightness in H of all parts of the flare photographed through a birefringent filter centered on H, using a scanning isodensitometer. From obtained isophotes of the flares we derived some information on the morphological changes in the flare and estimated the total energy in H of the flare.  相似文献   

Fárník  F.  Savy  S.K. 《Solar physics》1998,183(2):339-357
The goal of this study is to improve our knowledge of the spatial relation between pre-flare and flare X-ray sources, to find other connections between the two phenomena (if they exist) and to study the role of pre-flare heating in flare build-up. We selected all flares with available preflare data observed by Yohkoh during the period October 1993–October 1994 and thus created a data base of 32 flares. When studying the spatial relation we discovered that our events can be classified into 3 categories: Co-spatial, Adjacent/Overlapping and Distant according to the spatial separation between the pre-flare and flare source(s) in the same field of view. The 'Co-spatial class of events, of which we found 8 cases, refers to flares that had a visible pre-flare soft X-ray structure with the same size, shape, and orientation as the main flare loops at the flare site at least 5 min before the start of the impulsive phase. We suggest that this is strong evidence that for a significant number of flares the flare structure is active in soft X-rays several minutes or more before the flare begins. However, an analysis of the physical properties of the flare sites, including temperature and intensity variation found no consistent feature distinguishable from other non-flaring active region emission and hence no definite evidence of a special 'pre-flare or 'precursor phase in solar flares.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure of a radiatively-driven wind from a rapidly rotating hot star. When the rotation rate is large, there is a region at low latitudes near the stellar surface where the force of gravity is larger than the radiation pressure. Within this region, the streamlines fall toward the equator, and if the rotation rate is large enough, the fluid collides with the flow from the opposite hemisphere of the star. The shock compression and subsequent cooling produces a dense equatorial disk. This wind-compressed disk forms only if the star is rotating fast enough. The rotation threshold for disk formation is about 70% of the break-up speed for B stars and is much higher for O stars. If theoretical calculations of the terminal speed are correct, then the behavior of the disk formation threshold as a function of spectral type potentially explains the frequency distribution of Be stars. The geometry of the wind-compressed disk agrees quite well with observations of Be stars; however, the disk density is a factor of 100 too small to explain the magnitude of the IR excess, optical polarization, and H emission, if current UV mass-loss rates are correct. However, recent X-ray observations indicate that the mass-loss rates of B stars may be much larger than previously thought.  相似文献   

Soft solar X-rays (8 gl 12 Å) were observed from OSO-III. An analysis of the X-ray enhancements associated with 165 solar flares revealed that there is a tendency for a weak soft X-ray enhancement to precede the cm- burst and H flare. The peak soft X-ray flux follows the cm- peak by about 4 min, on the average. Additionally, it was found that flare-rich active centers tend to produce flares which are stronger X-ray and cm- emitters than are flares which take place in flare-poor active centers.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the flare data on three UV Cet stars obtained at Catania Observatory in the indicated periods-UV Cet (1968–1976), EQ Peg (1969–1975) and YZ CMi (1968–1976)-is presented. The distributions of the four variables (i) , the time elapsed from the start of a continuous observation interval to the occurrence of the first flare; (ii) , the time interval between consecutive flares; (iii)k, the number of flares occurring in time intervals of given duration; (iv) , the ratio between the number of flares observed in each continuous observing interval to that expected for a Poisson process, indicate that the flares of the three stars considered are not randomly distributed in time.  相似文献   

We present two large flares which were exceptional in that each produced an extensive chain of H emission patches in remote quiet regions more than 105 km away from the main flare site. They were also unusual in that a large group of the rare type III reverse slope bursts accompanied each flare.The observations suggest that this is no coincidence, but that the two phenomena are directly connected. The onset of about half of the remote H emission patches were found to be nearly simultaneous with RS bursts. One of the flares (August 26, 1979) was also observed in hard X-rays; the RS bursts occurred during hard X-ray spikes. For the other flare (June 16, 1973), soft X-ray filtergrams show coronal loops connecting from the main flare site to the remote H brightenings. There were no other flares in progress during either flare; this, along with the X-ray observations, indicates that the RS burst electrons were generated in these flares and not elsewhere on the Sun. The remote H brightenings were apparently not produced by a blast wave from the main flare; no Moreton waves were observed, and the spatially disordered development of the remote H chains is further evidence against a blast wave. From geometry, time and energy considerations we propose: (1) That the remote H brightenings were initiated by direct heating of the chromosphere by RS burst electrons traveling in closed magnetic loops connecting the flare site to the remote patches; and (2) that after onset, the brightenings were heated by thermal conduction by slower thermal electrons (kT1 keV) which immediately follow the RS burst electrons along the same loops.  相似文献   

A list of 171 stars in the galaxy M33 is presented. The stars could be considered as candidates for unique objects, such as SS 433, S Dor, P Cyg stars and possibly new kinds of peculiar objects. All these stars have been selected on the basis of the similarity to SS 433, free from interstellar absorption: OB star with strongH emission or with HeII 4686 and CIII, NIII 4630 - 4660 emission lines; a hot star inside a supernovae remnant or radio nebula. The variability of these stars has been used as an additional criterion of the selection. It is important to carry out spectral observations of the presented stars, which will allow us to select stars with intrinsicH emission.  相似文献   

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