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Landscape evolution is modulated by the regional tectonic uplift,climate change,and river dynamics.However,how to distinguish these mechanisms through the research of surface exhumation and fluvial incision remains controversial.In this study,cosmogenic~(10)Be,~(26)Al,and~(21)Ne concentrations in quartz from cave deposits,modern river sediments,and bedrocks were measured to constrain the applicability of cosmogenic~(21)Ne and discuss Quaternary landscape evolution history in the Guizhou Plateau,southeast China.Using the~(26)Al-~(10)Be and~(21)Ne-~(10)Be pairs to distinguish the cosmogenic~(21)Ne concentration from the excess~(21)Ne,we found that the nucleogenic~(21)Ne produced by the U and Th decay in quartz is significant in the samples although there is the possibility of inherited cosmogenic~(21)Ne.Combining with previous studies,we suggest that the precise approach for applying the cosmogenic~(21)Ne could be reached by (1) estimating the contribution from nucleogenic~(21)Ne,(2) avoiding samples with complex burial histories to exclude inherited cosmogenic~(21)Ne,and (3) combining the~(10)Be-~(26)Al-~(21)Ne nuclides method for the Quaternary samples.In addition,both pre-burial basin denudation rates and burial ages derived from the~(26)Al-~(10)Be pair were used to determine the different timescale surface denudation rate and fluvial incision rate in relation to previous work.The consistency of the different timescales pre-burial basin denudation rate,~(36)Cl surface denudation rate,and modern basin denudation rate indicates that the landscape-scale surface denudation has been likely stabilized since the Quaternary in the Guizhou Plateau area.The slightly higher river incision rates than the local surface denudation rate show that the river dynamics may not have reached a steady-state due to the regional tectonic uplift in the Guizhou Plateau.  相似文献   

According to the synthetic multi-disciplinary study on the lake sediments from core RM of Zoige Basin, i.e. the deepest wholly-collected core in Tibetan Plateau, the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment for the basin in the past 0.9 Ma have been reconstructed. The analytical results suggest that there distinctively exist 3 accelerated uplifting periods for the east Plateau in the past 0.9 Ma, i.e. 800, 360 and 160 kaB.P., with the study on the sedimentary characteristics, the texture of sedimentary cycles and variations of depositional rates, in conjunction with the environment features of cold/warm to dry/wet combination. The paper also probes into the environmental effect under the 3 accelerated tectonic-upliftings on the background of global change.  相似文献   

Chronostratigraphic records in the drylands of north China provide basic archives to reveal the dynamic connections between climate changes and the behaviour of aeolian systems. However, the interpretation of aeolian chronostratigraphy is not straightforward and may be associated with significant uncertainty due to a number of external and localised forces. Taking into account this complexity of aeolian systems, excluding preservation and sampling bias from palaeoclimatic signals requires that the interpretation of chronostratigraphic records be based on as many dates from as many sites as possible. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating provides a direct way to date aeolian sediments. However, the determination of equivalent dose (De) using the commonly applied single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol is relatively time-consuming for samples with burial doses exceeding 50 or 100 Gy.In this study, the global standardised growth curve (gSGC) method is applied to multi-grain aliquots of coarse quartz from various sites covering a wide region of the south margin of the Tengger Desert in north China to rapidly determine De for a large number of aliquots and samples. The large between-aliquot variability in the shape of the dose response curve (DRC) is significantly reduced using a least-squares normalisation procedure. The results of a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) protocol demonstrates that De values determined using the gSGC and SAR methods are very consistent with each other up to at least 200 Gy and 400 Gy, for the 90–150 μm and 63–90 μm fractions, respectively. It suggests that the gSGC protocol can be used as an efficient procedure for De determination of a large number of aeolian samples from multiple sites. This in turn provides a better constraint for the interpretation of Late Quaternary aeolian chronostratigraphic records in drylands of north China.  相似文献   

The arid Qaidam Basin is the largest (~3.88 × 104 km2) basin on the north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau. Wind erosion in the area has been regarded as an important trigger for intra‐basin tectonic balance upheaval, geomorphologic development and as a major supplier of dust to the Chinese Loess Plateau downwind. An initial estimate of the rate of wind erosion (Kapp et al., 2011) based on geological cross‐sections has suggested up to 3.2 × 104 km3 of sediments has been deflated over the past 2.8 Ma, lowering the landscape by an average of 0.29 mm/yr. In this paper we re‐evaluate this estimate by dating surface crusts present on three playas within the basin. Understanding the development of these playas is crucial to assessing the overall role of the wind in shaping the regional landscape because they are typically capped with a thick salt crust which effectively protects them from wind erosion. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and U‐series dating from a pit section and from the top of a deep drill core, together with results from magnetostratigraphy and a climate proxy record correlated to the marine oxygen isotope record, are used here to determine the age of the playa plains and suggest that the salt crusts have an age of c. 0.1 Ma. This young age and the wide distribution of resistant thick salt crusts of the playa plains indicate a much lower degree of wind erosion than previously suggested. The crusts protect the surface from significant surface erosion (including sediment exhumation and unloading) and whilst some wind erosion does occur, it is unlikely to be sufficient to trigger tectonic uplift of the basin or to be a major dust source for the Loess Plateau as previously suggested. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Here described are the cyprinid fossils from the Pliocene Lower Member of Qiangtang Formation of the Kunlun Pass Basin,northeastern Tibetan Plateau,collected at a locality 4769 m above the sea level(asl).The materials consist of numerous disarticulated and incomplete bones as well as thousands of pharyngeal teeth,fin rays,and vertebrae.The fossils were referred to the genus Gymnocypris,lineage Schizothoracini,family Cyprinidae;the lineage Schizothoracini;and the family Cyprinidae respectively.The Schizothor...  相似文献   

Zafarraya Cave is considered a reference site for the last presence of Homo neanderthalensis presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In this paper, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates were carried out on charcoals and faunal remains, U–Th dating using either alpha spectrometry or Thermal-Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) and ESR dating were performed on faunal remains. These analyses were carried out on samples from the Mousterian levels of the site (archaeostratigraphic units UC, UD, UE, UF, UG). The 14C AMS dates of charcoal samples (n = 11) were scattered and displayed no coherence with the stratigraphy suggesting possible alteration. The delicate charcoal and faunal samples underwent the gentle RR, ZR (ABA) or AG (ABA) pretreatment procedures at ORAU. The RR protocol is currently considered too gentle and the results are considered with caution. Four ZR charcoal pretreatments failed due to the fact that the charcoal samples were altered. Only two charcoals samples subjected to the ZR pretreatment yielded a reliable % C (>60%) (OxA-9001 and OxA-9002, 40,294–42,761 and 38,763–40,604 cal BP). Their ages are consistent with the stratigraphy and are considered to provide the best age estimate for the level bearing the Z2 Neandertal mandible (Unit UE). For the dentine and the bone samples, the 14C AMS were less dispersed. 14C analyses failed for four bone samples due to insufficient collagen content. Moreover, the %C is very low for two samples, suggesting alteration of the fossil remains at Zafarraya. Only two other samples with enough %C (>30%) were retained: OxA-8024 and OxA-8999 (Unit UE). The respective 14C ages range from ∼34 to 39 ka cal BP. The U/Th (TIMS) analyses of enamel samples displayed an extremely low uranium content (< ∼ 0.02–0.04 ppm). Moreover, the U/Th age range of faunal remains is large, thus providing no conclusive results. ESR dating was chosen for this exercise as, in combination with U-series, it can be used to assess U-uptake in open systems. The combined ESR and U/Th (TIMS) age estimates on tooth enamel yielded US-ESR ages between 33 (+3/−4) ka to 43 ± 3 ka (MIS3) for two Equus teeth and one Capra tooth in unit UE, overlapping with the oldest charcoal and bone 14C dates. The age of the Zafarraya fossil remains was derived from the US-ESR time range of 30–46 ka (MIS 3). We consider this age range to be more representative of the Neandertal occupations at the site than the hitherto widely cited uncalibrated 14C age of around 30 ka.  相似文献   

Hui-Ping  Zhang  Shao-Feng  Liu  Nong  Yang  Yue-Qiao  Zhang  Guo-Wei  Zhang 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):239-250
Abstract   The Minshan Mountain and adjacent region are the major continental escarpments along the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The Minjiang drainage basin is located within the plateau margin adjacent to the Sichuan Basin. Based on the analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), we know that the Minjiang drainage basin has distinct geomorphic characteristics. The regular increasing of local topographic relief from north to south is a result of the Quaternary sediment deposition within the plateau and the holistic uplift of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau versus the Sichuan Basin. Results from DEM-determined Minjiang drainage sub-basins and channel profiles show that the tributaries on the opposite sides are asymmetric. Lower perimeter and area of drainage sub-basins, total channel length and bifurcation ratio within eastern flank along the Minjiang mainstream are the result of the Quaternary differential uplift of the Minshan Mountain region. Shorter stream lengths and lower bifurcation ratio might be the indications of the undergrowth and newborn features of these eastern streams, which are also representative for the eastern uplift of the Minshan Mountain.  相似文献   

Cretaceous climate was warmer than today.The Songliao Basin contains one of the most important Late Cretaceous non-marine deposits in China for the research of the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate.This research is based on core samples from the SK1(S)borehole.The strata sampled are the upper part of the Quantou Formation to member 2 of the Nenjiang Formation,where spores,pollen,dinoflagellates,and other microfossils are abundantly preserved.Based on analysis of the spores and pollen fossils from the core samples,the following six fossil assemblage zones have been recognized in ascending order:The Cicatricosisporites-Cyathidites-Pinuspollenites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Classopollis,Cyathidites-Schizaeoisporites,Schizaeoisporites-Cyathidites-Proteacidites,Proteacidites-Cyathidites-Dictyotriletes,and the Lythraites-Callistipollenites-Schizaeoisporites zones.The six fossil zones range from the late Cenomanian to early Campanian.The Late Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts in the Songliao Basin are of high abundance and low diversity.Specific phytoplankton types reflect salinity changes of the Songliao Lake.Paleoecology of the dinoflagellates suggests that sediments of members 2 and 3 of the Yaojia Formation(K2y2+3)were deposited in a freshwater environment,whereas members 2 and 3 of the Qingshankou Formation(K2q2+3)and members 1 and 2 of the Nenjiang Formation(K2n1+2)were deposited in freshwater to brackish water environments.Combined with the paleoecology of dinoflagellates and the palynomorph biozones,valuable information of the paleoclimate was provided.The quantitative analyses of spores and pollen fossils,such as vegetation type,climate type,and humidity type,diversity and dominance,indicate a relatively sub-humid,mid-subtropical paleoclimate,with slight climatic fluctuation and/or temporal change.  相似文献   

Apatite Fission Track (AFT) data from the Songliao Basin indicates that the late stage tectonic movements in the Songliao Basin have zoning in space and episodes in time. The late stage tectonic movements started from the east part of the basin and migrated westward. AFT ages in the east part of the basin are older than those in the west part of the basin, suggesting that the uplift occurred earlier in the east than in the west. The denudation thickness in the east part of the basin is significantly greater than that in the centre and west. The thermal history evolved two episodes of rapid cooling and subsequent slow cooling processes. Age-depth relationship derived from the AFT data indicates a four-episode denudation history. Further Monte Carlo random simulation of the AFT data reveals the four changing points of the thermal evolution at 65 Ma, 43.5 Ma, 28 Ma and 15 Ma, respectively. The uplifting and denudation rates from different episodes of evolution are proportional to the plate convergence rate. Based on the above analyses and the regional geologic background, it is concluded that the late stage thermal events in the Songliao Basin are the far field response to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Eurasian Plate. The first episode of the rapid cooling probably started at the end of the Nenjiang Formation, climaxed at the end of the Cretaceous and ceased at the Late Eocene. The subsequent slow cooling lasts another 15 Ma. The first episode of the evolution is the far field response to the major episode of the Yanshan Movement and subsequent series of the tectonic reorganization, especially the directional change of the Pacific Movement and also the subduction of the Indian Plate underneath the Eurasian Plate. While the second episode of the evolution is the far field response to the extension and closure of the Sea of Japan. Extension led to the migration and converging of the mantle heat flow to the Sea of Japan and resulted in the rapid cooling of the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

The main objective was to study the seasonal variation of mercury concentrations in different tissues (muscle, hepatopancreas and gills) of Carcinus maenas from low and high Hg contaminated areas, a valuable resource in temperate estuaries and a possible pathway for human uptake. Individuals of two size classes (around 35 and 55 mm cephalothorax wide) were captured monthly between March 1999 and May 2000 in two areas of Ria de Aveiro: in the main navigation channel that connects the lagoon to the sea, and in the inner lagoon area heavily contaminated by mercury (maximum Hg in sediments of 5.4 microg g(-1)). Pronounced decreases in salinity and temperature and reduced food availability in winter seemed to be the responsible for the decline of the crab condition index (0.75-0.45) in larger individuals. Muscle and hepatopancreas exhibited higher mercury concentrations than gills, with concentrations in the contaminated site ranging from 0.03 to 0.63 microg g(-1) and 0.02 to 0.34 microg g(-1), respectively. Linear regressions between muscle and hepatopancreas (r=0.94, p<0.001) and muscle and gills (r=0.97, p<0.001) suggested a rapid redistribution of mercury inside the organism. During winter, a rapid elimination of mercury was found in the three analysed tissues followed by uptake. Larger crabs presented elimination rates from 18 to 34 ng g(-1) per week, while the smaller crabs showed lower elimination rates (10-24 ng g(-1) per week). The uptake was similar in both size classes (11-15 ng g(-1) and 8.1-15 ng g(-1) per week, respectively for large and small crabs). Our results suggest that C. maenas harvested in the contaminated areas must be considered with caution, since Hg concentrations were found to exceed the threshold concentration allowed for human consumption (0.5 microg g(-1)).  相似文献   

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