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We ask the question whether petrofabric data from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis of deformed quartzites gives information about shape preferred orientation (SPO) or crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of quartz. Since quartz is diamagnetic and has a negative magnetic susceptibility, 11 samples of nearly pure quartzites with a negative magnetic susceptibility were chosen for this study. After performing AMS analysis, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis was done in thin sections prepared parallel to the K1K3 plane of the AMS ellipsoid. Results show that in all the samples quartz SPO is sub-parallel to the orientation of the magnetic foliation. However, in most samples no clear correspondance is observed between quartz CPO and K1 (magnetic lineation) direction. This is contrary to the parallelism observed between K1 direction and orientation of quartz c-axis in the case of undeformed single quartz crystal. Pole figures of quartz indicate that quartz c-axis tends to be parallel to K1 direction only in the case where intracrystalline deformation of quartz is accommodated by prism <c> slip. It is therefore established that AMS investigation of quartz from deformed rocks gives information of SPO. Thus, it is concluded that petrofabric information of quartzite obtained from AMS is a manifestation of its shape anisotropy and not crystallographic preferred orientation. 相似文献
A unified development of the subject of the algebraic strain analysis methods using Rf/ɸ data is outlined, embodying the main features the theories of Shimamoto and Ikeda, Mulchrone et al. and Yamaji. It is shown that the theories yields an identical strain ellipse from the same data set. However, error estimation in that of Shimamoto and Ikeda is difficult owing to the distortion of its parameter space: Resolution of their method depends on the choice of a reference orientation in the plane where strain markers are observed. In this respect, the remaining two theories have advantages. The hyperbolic vector mean method was developed in the Minkowski 3-space, thereby linked seamlessly with the visualizing methods of Rf/ɸ data, optimal strain and its confidence region. In addition, the residuals of the optimal strain ellipse determined by this method have clear physical meanings concerning logarithmic strains needed to transform a unit circle to given ellipses. 相似文献
《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》1999,17(1-2):61-78
Recent free-air gravity data covering the Makassar Straits is integrated with Bouguer gravity data from onshore East Kalimantan to provide new insights into the basement structure of the region. Onshore Kalimantan, gravity highs on the northern margin of the Kutai Basin trend NNE–SSW and N–S and correspond with the axes of inverted Eocene half-grabens. NW–SE trending lows correspond to deep seated basement weaknesses reactivated as normal faults during the Tertiary. An intra-basin gravity high trending NNE–SSW, the Kutai Lakes Gravity High, is modelled as folded high density Paleogene sediments flanked by syn-inversion synclines infilled with low density sediments. Offshore Kalimantan, the Makassar Straits include two basins offset by an en-echelon fault zone, suggestive of an extensional origin. The regional signature of the free-air anomaly data mirrors the bathymetry, but this effect can be reduced by the use of filters in order to examine the basin architecture. The free-air gravity minimum in the Makassar Strait is only −20 mGal, much smaller than that appropriate for a foreland basin, and more indicative of an extensional basin. The steepness of the gradients on the flanks of the basins indicates fault control of their margins. A regional 2D profile across the North Makassar Basin suggests the presence of attenuated crust (<14 km) in the basin axis at the present day, whereas flexural backstripping implies the presence of oceanic crust of middle Eocene age. The presence of oceanic crust in the North Makassar Straits Basin has implications for regional plate tectonic models. 相似文献
The small strain shear stiffness G0 of the soil is of interest and importance in both theory and practice. It is expected that for granular materials G0 would slightly increases with over-consolidation ratio (OCR). However, laboratory tests indicate that G0 may decrease with increasing OCR, especially for loose specimens, which is counterintuitive. To explore the underlying mechanism, discrete element method (DEM) is used to investigate the effect of OCR on G0. The DEM simulations successfully capture the laboratory observations. The analyses at the particulate level reveal that the decrease in small strain stiffness is mainly due to the decreases in coordination number and the uniformity of contact force distribution during unloading process. 相似文献
《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1599-1613
The map-view structure of the southern New England Orogen in the eastern Gondwanan margin is characterised by four tight orogenic-scale curvatures: Texas, Coffs-Harbour, Manning and Nambucca oroclines. Here we focus on the geometry of the Manning Orocline and examine whether the inner-arc area of the oroclinal structure is expressed within the accretionary wedge rocks of the Tablelands Complex. Our observations from the Tablelands Complex (Armidale–Walcha area) show that rocks were subjected to penetrative deformation (D1), which resulted in a regional slaty cleavage (S1) and related isoclinal folds. This was followed by subsequent deformation (D2) associated with minor gentle folds. In a larger scale, the steeply dipping S1 structural fabric shows a continuous map-view curvature, thus defining a macroscopic fold structure. We interpret this macroscopic fold as the expression of the Manning Orocline within the accretionary wedge complex. This interpretation is consistent with the contorted spatial distribution of other tectonic elements (serpentinite belt, forearc basin terranes and early Permian granitoids), which independently define the structure of the Manning Orocline. Our new structural data support the existence of the Manning Orocline and the quadruple oroclinal geometry of the whole southern New England Orogen. The origin of these oroclines is attributed to multiple stages of bending, possibly associated with an earlier phase of curvature during slab rollback (in the early Permian), followed by a subsequent (middle-late Permian) episode of contractional deformation that tightened the oroclinal structure. 相似文献
N. E. Mikhaltsov Yu. V. Karyakin V. V. Abashev V. Yu. Bragin V. A. Vernikovsky A. V. Travin 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2016,471(2):1242-1246
New data on paleomagnetism and isotope geochronology of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basic igneous rocks on Franz Josef Land Archipelago (FJL) represented by flows and dikes are discussed. The first paleomagnetic data obtained for these rocks offer the opportunity to suggest a model of spatial changes in the FJL block position during the Jurassic?Cretaceous. In the Early Jurassic, the block occupied a different position relative to Europe from the modern one. It was displaced in the northeasterly direction by a distance of approximately 500 km and rotated clockwise by about 40° relative to its modern position. By the Early Cretaceous, the FJL block occupied a position close to the present-day one avoiding subsequent substantial relative displacements. The data obtained are of principal significance for reconstructing the geodynamic evolution of Arctic structures in the Mesozoic and contribute greatly to the base of paleomagnetic data for the Arctic region, development of which is now in progress. 相似文献
The study proposes geological evolution models for the cliff slopes of the two Italian towns of Orvieto (Umbria) and Radicofani
(Tuscany). The models were validated by the use of a stress–strain numerical modelling, implemented by the finite-difference
code FLAC 5.0. The numerical modelling was approached in a sequential way, by assuming specific stiffness values related to
the evolutionary stages. For this purpose, unconventional laboratory tests were performed aiming at reproducing the stress
path related to the geological evolution model, using standard equipment for CID triaxial testing. The geological evolution
models infer that deformation in both cases is driven by stress reduction. At the Orvieto plateau, stress reduction is induced
by stress relief involving a tuff plate; in the case of Radicofani, stress reduction is due to stress release in consequence
of lateral erosion of clay. Numerical simulations refine the lithotechnical zoning of the two investigated slopes, introducing
a stress–strain criterion in addition to the conventional geological and geomechanical ones. 相似文献
U. Shaanan G. Rosenbaum F. M. H. Sihombing 《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》2013,60(7-8):1123-1131
AbstractInformation on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tasmanides in eastern Australia is limited due to the presence of an extensive younger sedimentary cover. Based on the spatio-temporal distribution of deformation and magmatism, the Tasmanides have traditionally been subdivided into five domains (Delamerian, Thomson, Lachlan, Mossman and New England). To test the relationships between these domains, we compiled over 10000 published detrital-zircon ages from basement rocks of the Tasmanides. We split the dataset spatially to test postulated connectivity between domains, and temporally to isolate corresponding age populations that can highlight subtle variations between domains. Results show that the Delamerian and Thomson domains originated as a single orogenic belt that likely received detritus from an early Paleozoic continental-scale drainage system. We also recognise a remarkably similar pattern of Paleoproterozoic and Archean ages in the Delamerian, Thomson and New England domains. This similarity indicates that the late Paleozoic development of the New England domain involved recycling of rocks from the Delamerian–Thomson domain(s). These findings shed new light on the crustal architecture of eastern Australia, and the nature of Paleozoic drainage and sediment recycling in eastern Gondwana. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Increasing extreme heat events have threatened human health seriously in the context of global climate change. As an important policy tool to resist heat-related risks, growing... 相似文献
István Gábor Hatvani Norbert Magyar Matthias Zessner József Kovács Alfred Paul Blaschke 《Hydrogeology Journal》2014,22(4):779-794
Water protection is one of the most important goals in environmental protection. The Clean Water Act in the USA and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Europe are the legal frameworks to facilitate the achievement of this goal. The question is raised of whether more information can be extracted from WFD-related groundwater data. To answer it, a methodology has been developed that is easy to use and could be implemented into official practice. A case study is presented in which the groundwater data of a sodic area in Austria (Seewinkel) is assessed. Eighteen parameters in groundwater sampled from 23 wells (1991–2011) were analyzed. With basic statistics, trend-, cluster-, Wilks’ λ and spatial sampling density analysis, local phosphorus and boron phenomena were described, along with the determining role of sulphate, groundwater flow, and the oxygen gradient in the area. As a final step, the spatial sampling density was determined. Regarding the current set of parameters, all the sampling sites are necessary and only in the case of certain parameters (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, NO3 ?, pH) could one sampling site be abandoned. The methodology applied brings a new perspective to exploring groundwater data collected according to the requirements of the WFD. 相似文献
The elemental abundances of lunar surface are the important clues to study the formation and evolution history of the Moon. In 2010, China's Chang'E-2 (CE-2) lunar orbiter carried a set of X-ray spectrometer (XRS) to investigate the elemental abundances of the lunar surface. During CE-2's life span around the Moon, the XRS ex- perienced several events of solar flare. The X-ray solar monitor onboard recorded the spectra of solar X-rays at the same time. In this paper, we introduced the XRS instrument and data product. We analyzed the characteristics of the XRS data. Using the data obtained during an M solar flare event which had occurred on Feb. 16, 201 l, we derived the elemental abundances ofMg, A1, Si, Ca and Fe of the lunar surface in the Oceanus Procellarum. Finally, we dis- cussed the factors that influence the accuracy of the inversion. 相似文献
Carlos J. Archanjo Ginaldo A. C. Campanha Carlos A. Salazar Patrick Launeau 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2012,101(3):731-745
The Apiaí gabbro-norite is a massive fine-grained Neoproterozoic intrusion emplaced in a core of synformal structure that
deforms low-grade marine metasedimentary rocks of the Ribeira Belt of south-eastern Brazil. The lack of visible magmatic layering
or any internal fabric has been a major limitation in deciding whether the emplacement occurred before or after the regional
folding. To assist in the tectonic interpretations, we combine low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and silicate
shape preferred orientation (SPO) to reveal the internal structure of the mafic intrusion. Magnetic data indicate a mean susceptibility
of about 10−2 SI and a mean anisotropy degree (P) of about 1.08, essentially yielded by titanomagnetite. The magnetic and silicate foliations for P ≥ 1.10 are parallel to each other, while the lineations tend to scatter on the foliation plane, in agreement with the dominant
oblate symmetry of the AMS and SPO ellipsoids. For lower P values, the magnetic and silicate fabrics vary from coaxial to oblique, and for P ≤ 1.05, their shapes and orientations can be quite distinct. The crystal size distribution (CSD) of plagioclase for P > 1.05 is log linear, in agreement with a bulk simple crystallisation history. These results combined show that for a strong
SPO, corresponding to a magnetic anisotropy above 1.10, AMS is a reliable indicator of the magmatic fabric. They indicate
that the Apiaí gabbro-norite consists of sill-like body that was inclined gently to the north by the regional folding. 相似文献
Zahra B. Ashena Vahid E. Ardestani Antonio G. Camacho Ali Dehghani José Fernández 《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》2018,11(3):52
Due to its geological and economic importance, the Zagros Mountains have been investigated by many researchers during the last decades. Nevertheless, in spite of all the studies conducted on the region, there are still some controversial problems concerning the structure of the Zagros Mountains, including crustal depths, demanding more insights into understanding the crustal constraints of the region. Accordingly, we have conducted a gravity study to determine Moho depth map of the Zagros Mountains region, including its major structural domains from the coastal plain of the Persian Gulf to central Iran. The employed data are the densest and most accurate terrestrial gravity data set observed until now with the precision of 5 μGal and resolution of 5 arc-minute by 5 arc-minute. To image Moho depth variations, gravity inversion software GROWTH2.0 is used, proposing the possibility to model stratified structures by means of a semi-objective exploratory 3D inversion approach. The obtained results reveal the crustal thickness of ~?30–35 km underneath the southwestern most Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt increasing northeastward to 48 km. The maximum Moho depth is estimated ~?62 km below the Zagros Mountains belt along the Main Zagros Thrust. Northeast of the study area, an average crustal thickness of 46 km is computed beneath Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc and central Iran. 相似文献
We have conducted a paleomagnetic investigation on the Middle–Upper Jurassic marine strata exposed in the hanging wall of the Tanggula Thrust system near the Yanshiping area, northern Tibet. Progressive demagnetization experiments successfully isolated stable magnetization over a broad spectrum of demagnetization temperatures. The mean direction of the characteristic remanent magnetizations for the Middle–Late Jurassic Yanshiping Group in stratigraphic coordinates (D/I (Declination/Inclination) = 5.6°/60.3°, k = 22.9, α95 = 12.9°, N = 7 s) is much more clustered than the mean direction in geographic coordinates (D/I = 345.5°/37.2°, k = 2.5, α95 = 48.4°), indicating magnetization was not acquired after folding. Although the conventional fold test is positive, incremental untilting test on the characteristic remanent magnetization reveals that a maximum value of precision parameter k occurs at 82.1 ± 4.6% untilting (D/I = 3.3°/57.8°, k = 43.9, α95 = 9.2°), which indicates the ChRMs are probably acquired during Late Cretaceous folding. This synfolding magnetization component is therefore secondary. The corresponding pole position (84.4°N, 119.4°E with dp/dm = 13.5/9.9°) is inconsistent with Jurassic–Early Cretaceous paleopoles of the region, but the paleolatitude is consistent with the Late Cretaceous paleolatitude observed in the Qiangtang terrane and its periphery. The synfolding component is carried by both magnetite and hematite, which were identified by isothermal remnant magnetization acquisition experiments, unblocking temperatures of stable magnetic components, and Curie temperature determination and correlated with observed hydrothermal veins. Available geological evidences indicate that the synfolding magnetization is probably the result of chemical remagnetization caused by orogenic fluids or hydrothermal sources during the early uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. 相似文献
The spatial relations between ore deposits in Sikhote-Alin and deep density inhomogeneities of the Earth??s crust down to a depth of 30 km have been examined. The ore areas and regions show a discrete correlation with the anomalies of the normalized density of the equivalent spherical sources of gravity anomalies at depths of 1 to 2, 4 to 5, 10?C12, and 24 km presumably provoked by magmatic bodies of different compositions. The depth of the magmatic bodies with the intermediate-to-basic composition of the initial magmas and the southeastward-decreasing vertical range of their correlation with the ore regions depend on their structural position. In the case of magmatic bodies of felsic and mixed compositions, the metallogenic specialization of the corresponding ore-magmatic systems is correlated with their inferred vertical range. Tin ore systems are characterized by a smaller vertical range (5?C10 km) of the correlation with density inhomogeneities, whereas tin-tungsten-gold ore systems are marked by a wider range (20?C25 km). Tin-lead-zinc systems occupy an intermediate position (12?C20 km). The ore-controlling role of the boundaries between the lithostructural complexes of the Earth??s crust and the central-type structures in the distribution of deep sources of ore mineralization is shown. 相似文献
The Mongol–Okhotsk Belt, a major structural element of East Asia, is probably the youngest orogenic segment within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. However, the timing of final closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean remains unresolved. Here, we present detrital zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic data and whole-rock geochemical data (major and trace elements and Sm-Nd isotopes) for the metasedimentary rocks from the Un'ya–Bom Terrane, Dzhagdy Terrane, and the eastern part of the Tukuringra Terrane. Our new zircon U-Pb ages suggest that all sedimentary formations along the Dzhagdy Transect are early Mesozoic in age, rather than Paleozoic as previously thought. The detrital zircons from the metasedimentary rocks in the Un'ya–Bom Terrane, the Dzhagdy Terrane, and the eastern part of the Tukuringra Terrane yielded the youngest concordant ages of 194 ± 4, 193 ± 2, and 171 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Moreover, we note that the so-called sedimentary formations of these terranes are not single sedimentary sequences as previously suggested, but a set of an olistostrome or tectonic mélanges composed of rocks of different ages and origins. These sedimentary formations are probably relics of the Mongol–Okhotsk remnant basin that formed in the “gaps” between the southern margin of the North Asian Craton and the Amur Block during their collision. The absence of detrital zircons younger than 171 Ma in the sedimentary rocks of the Mongol–Okhotsk basin implies that the final closure of this basin could have taken place at the boundary of the Early and Middle Jurassic as a result of the collision or the development of the Mongol–Okhotsk orogenic belt in this region. After that, the Mongol–Okhotsk Belt underwent intense deformation related to within-plate strike-slip faulting, which could be attributed to the late Mesozoic rotation of the North Asian Craton relative to the continental massifs of East Asia. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - The study estimates the impact of disaster shocks and risk perception on farmers’ willingness for insurance. Based on data of 328 farmers from the Shandong province of East... 相似文献
U. Kirscher V. Bachtadse A. V. Mikolaichuk A. Kröner D. V. Alexeiev 《International Geology Review》2017,59(16):2003-2020
We present new palaeomagnetic data for Cambrian and Ordovician volcanic and sedimentary rocks from the Kyrgyz North Tianshan (NTS) and review available data from the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) to elucidate the tectonic history and evolution of this region during the early Palaeozoic. We observed a coherent evolution of the NTS and the Kazakhstan continent (or Kazakhstania) with a constant northwards movement between the Cambrian and Devonian at ~5 cm/a. After the northwards movement ceased in the Devonian, the accreted terrane assemblage of Kazakhstania occupied a stable latitudinal position at ~30°N until the final amalgamation of Eurasia occurred in the late Carboniferous to early Permian. Amalgamation of the Tarim and Turan blocks caused a counterclockwise bending within the southwestern segment of the CAOB, which occurred in an inconsistent way by a brittle-like response of the upper crust with a large variety of rotational movement. We suggest an evolution of the Kyrgyz CAOB terranes by steady migration away from Gondwana and subsequent capture in a zone of global downwelling at ~30°N, where accretion and subsequent amalgamation of Eurasia occurred with the CAOB terranes in its centre. 相似文献