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 The Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene strata of the Carpathian foreland basin in southern Moravia (Czech Republic) are represented by a variety of facies which reflects the evolution of the foreland depositional system. However, because of the intensive deformation and tectonic displacement and the lack of diagnostic fossils the stratigraphic correlation and paleogeographic interpretation of these strata are difficult and often controversial. In order to better correlate and to integrate them into a broader Alpine–Carpathian foreland depositional system, these discontinuous and fragmentary strata have been related to four major tectonic and depositional events: (a) formation of the Carpathian foreland basin in Late Cretaceous which followed the subduction of Tethys and subsequent deformation of the Inner Alps-Carpathians; (b) Middle to Late Eocene transgression over the European foreland and the Carpathian fold belt accompanied by deepening of the foreland basin and deposition of organic-rich Menilitic Formation; (c) Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Egerian) uplifting and deformation of inner zones of the Carpathian flysch belt and deposition of Krosno-type flysch in the foreland basin; and (d) Early Miocene (Eggenburgian) marine transgression and formation of late orogenic and postorogenic molasse-type foreland basin in the foreland. These four principal events and corresponding depositional sequences are recognized throughout the region and can be used as a framework for regional correlation within the Alpine–Carpathian foreland basin. Received: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1999  相似文献   

华北南缘古元古代末岩墙群侵位的磁组构证据   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
侯贵廷  王传成  李乐 《岩石学报》2010,26(1):318-324
华北克拉通南缘的中条山及邻区广泛发育元古宙放射状基性岩墙群,与五台山-恒山和大同地区的北北西向基性岩墙群以及熊耳中条拗拉谷的火山岩在时空分布和地球化学方面均具有密切的相关性。中条山及邻区放射状基性岩墙群的宏观和微观流动构造(包括捕虏体、冲痕构造、矿物线理和定向斑晶)指示岩墙群以一定的仰角向北西侵位。通过该区岩墙群磁化率各向异性(AMS)测量得到磁组构的最大磁化率长轴优势方位分布图和磁组构各向异性特征分析进一步指示华北南缘古元古代末岩墙群从熊耳中条拗拉谷的底部向北西侵位。岩墙群的流动构造和磁组构的统计成果夯实了华北克拉通古元古代末基性岩墙群与熊耳中条拗拉谷的成生联系。  相似文献   

The Neogene-Quaternary sediments well exposed in the Porbandar Basin are characterized by coralline algae. The limestone, calc-arenites and marls are the dominant lithology of this sequence. The present paper documents ten species of coralline algae. Among these, the nongeniculate coralline algae are represented by four species and geniculate coralline algae include six species. The sediments yielding this algal flora range in age from the Lower Miocene to Late Holocene.  相似文献   

We present the results of a thrust fault reactivation study that has been carried out using analogue (sandbox) and numerical modelling techniques. The basement of the Pannonian basin is built up of Cretaceous nappe piles. Reactivation of these compressional structures and connected weakness zones is one of the prime agents governing Miocene formation and Quaternary deformation of the basin system. However, reactivation on thrust fault planes (average dip of ca. 30°) in normal or transtensional stress regimes is a problematic process in terms of rock mechanics. The aim of the investigation was to analyse how the different stress regimes (extension or strike-slip), and the geometrical as well as the mechanical parameters (dip and strike of the faults, frictional coefficients) effect the reactivation potential of pre-existing faults.

Results of analogue modelling predict that thrust fault reactivation under pure extension is possible for fault dip angle larger than 45° with normal friction value (sand on sand) of the fault plane. By making the fault plane weaker, reactivation is possible down to 35° dip angle. These values are confirmed by the results of numerical modelling. Reactivation in transtensional manner can occur in a broad range of fault dip angle (from 35° to 20°) and strike angle (from 30° to 5° with respect to the direction of compression) when keeping the maximum horizontal stress magnitude approximately three times bigger than the vertical or the minimum horizontal stress values.

Our research focussed on two selected study areas in the Pannonian basin system: the Danube basin and the Derecske trough in its western and eastern part, respectively. Their Miocene tectonic evolution and their fault reactivation pattern show considerable differences. The dominance of pure extension in the Danube basin vs. strike-slip faulting (transtension) in the Derecske trough is interpreted as a consequence of their different geodynamic position in the evolving Pannonian basin system. In addition, orientation of the pre-existing thrust fault systems with respect to the Early to Middle Miocene paleostress fields had a major influence on reactivation kinematics.

As part of the collapsing east Alpine orogen, the area of the Danube basin was characterised by elevated topography and increased crustal thickness during the onset of rifting in the Pannonian basin. Consequently, an excess of gravitational potential energy resulted in extension (σv > σH) during Early Miocene basin formation. By the time topography and related crustal thickness variation relaxed (Middle Miocene), the stress field had rotated and the minimum horizontal stress axes (σh) became perpendicular to the main strike of the thrusts. The high topography and the rotation of σh could induce nearly pure extension (dip-slip faulting) along the pre-existing low-angle thrusts. On the contrary, the Derecske trough was situated near the Carpathian subduction belt, with lower crustal thickness and no pronounced topography. This resulted in much lower σv value than in the Danube basin. Moreover, the proximity of the retreating subduction slab provided low values of σh and the oblique orientation of the paleostress fields with respect to the master faults of the trough. This led to the dominance of strike-slip faulting in combination with extension and basin subsidence (transtension).  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西南坳陷中新统安居安组辫状河三角洲沉积   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在塔里木盆地西南坳陷中新统安居安组中发现一套辫状河进积到内陆湖泊中而形成的辫状河三角洲沉积体。三角洲3层结构清楚,可明显地分为辫状河三角洲平原亚相、辫状河三角洲前缘亚相及前三角洲亚相3部分,可识别出7种微相。辫状河三角洲特征显著,明显有别于扇三角洲和曲流河三角洲。辫状河三角洲的主体是由含砾砂岩及中、粗粒砂岩组成的辫状河道砂坝及水下分流河道砂坝,单一砂坝呈下粗上细的透镜状,透镜体最大厚度为0.7~3.5m不等。垂向上许多砂坝透镜体相互叠置而成厚的砂体。三角洲中交错层理丰富,其中尤以水道砂坝侧向迁移加积而形成的侧积交错层异常发育为标志。辫状河三角洲砂体是重要的油气储集场所。  相似文献   

In this study, we reconstruct the Miocene to Quaternary shortening history across the Qiulitag anticline, a complex fault‐bend fold located in southern Tianshan. We studied the Yaha and Kuche sections, where we combined surface structural measurements and seismic imaging to model the stratigraphic horizons. The history of folding was reconstructed based on magnetostratigraphic analyses and eight cosmogenic burial ages in Kuche. Pleistocene deformation rates were also quantified in Yaha based on a deformed fluvial terrace that we dated to ~67 ka using a cosmogenic depth profile. Our results suggest that the fold grew at a mean slip rate of 0.9–1.3 mm/a in both sections but accelerated to ~2.5 mm/a during the Pleistocene in Kuche. These results support a migration of the deformation towards the basin during the Pleistocene and suggest that most of the present deformation in the Tianshan is accommodated across the external structures of the range.  相似文献   

Summary ?In this paper we present petrological and geochemical information on a bimodal basalt-rhyolite suite associated with A-type granites of Late Cretaceous age from the South Pannonian Basin in Slavonija (Croatia). Basalts and alkali-feldspar rhyolites, associated in some places with ignimbrites, occur in volcanic bodies that are interlayered with pyroclastic and fossiliferous Upper Cretaceus sedimentary rocks. The petrology and geochemistry of the basalts and alkali-feldspar rhyolites are constrained by microprobe analyses, major and trace element analyses including REE, and radiogenic and stable isotope data. Basalts that are mostly transformed into metabasalts (mainly spilites), are alkalic to subalkalic and their geochemical signatures, particularly trace element and REE patterns, are similar to recent back-arc basalts. Alkali-feldspar rhyolites have similar geochemical features to the associated cogenetic A-type granites, as shown by their large variation of Na2O and K2O (total 8–9%), very low MgO and CaO, and very high Zr contents ranging between 710 and 149 ppm. Geochemical data indicate an amphibole lherzolite source within a metasomatized upper mantle wedge, with the influence of upper mantle diapir with MORB signatures and continental crust contamination. Sr incorporated in the primary basalt melt had an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7039 indicating an upper mantle origin, whereas the 87Sr/86Sr ratio for the alkali-feldspar rhyolites and associated A-type granites is 0.7073 indicating an apparent continental crust origin. However, some other geochemical data favour the idea that they might have mainly originated by fractionation of primary mafic melt coupled with contamination of continental crust. Only one rhyolite sample appears to be the product of melting of continental crust. Geological and geodynamic data indicate that the basalt-rhyolite association was probably related to Alpine subduction processes in the Dinaridic Tethys which can be correlated with recent back-arc basins. The difference in geological and isotope ages between the bimodal basalt-rhyolite volcanism with A-type granite plutonism (72 Ma) and the final synkinematic S-type granite plutonism (48 Ma) can be taken as a lifetime of the presumed BARB system of the Dinaridic Tethys. Remnants of this presumed subduction zone can be traced for 300 km along the surrounding northernmost Dinarides.
Zusammenfassung ?Zur Geochemie und Geodynamik einer sp?tkretazischen bimodalen Vulkanit-Assoziation aus dem südlichen Pannonischen Becken, Slavoníen (Nordkroatien) In dieser Arbeit pr?sentieren wir petrologische und geochemische Daten einer bimodalen Basalt – Rhyolithsuite aus dem südlichen Pannonischen Becken in Slavonien (Kroatien), die mit A-Typ Graniten kretazischen Alters assoziiert ist. Die Basalte und Alkalifeldspat-Rhyolithe – sie sind stellenweise mit Ignimbriten vergesellschaftet – treten in vulkanischen K?rpern auf, die mit pyroklastischen und fossilführenden Sedimentgesteinen der Oberen Kreide wechsellagern. Die Petrologie und Geochemie der Basalte und Alkalifeldspat-Rhyolithe wird durch Mikrosondenuntersuchungen, Haupt- und Spurenelementgeochemie, inklusive der SEE, sowie durch radiogene und stabile Isotope eingegrenzt. Die Basalte, die gro?teils in Metabasalte (haupts?chlich Spilite) umgewandelt wurden, sind alkalisch bis subalkalisch und ihre geochemischen Charakteristika, haupts?chlich die Spurenelement- und die SEE- Patterns, sind ?hnlich rezenten Back-Arc Basalten. Die Alkalifeldspat-Rhyolithe zeigen geochemische Auml;hnlichkeiten mit den assoziierten cogenetischen A-Typ Graniten, was sich in der gro?en Variation der Na2O und K2O-Gehalte (in Summe 8–9%), in niedrigen MgO- und CaO- und in sehr hohen Zr- Gehalten, die zwischen 149 und 710 ppm liegen, widerspiegelt. Die geochemischen Daten zeigen eine Amphibolit-Lherzolithquelle innerhalb eines metasomatisierten Mantelkeils mit Einflüssen eines Diapirs des oberen Mantels mit MORB-Signatur und kontinentaler Krustenkontamination an. Sr der prim?ren Basalte hatte ein 87Sr/86Sr Initial von 0.7039, was eine Herkunft aus dem oberen Mantel anzeigt. Das 87/86Sr Verh?ltnis der Alkalifeldspat-Rhyolithe und der assoziierten A-Typ Granite von 0.7073 weist auf eine krustale Herkunft hin. Andere geochemische Daten allerdings favorisieren die Idee, da? diese durch Fraktionierung prim?rer mafischer Schmelzen, gekoppelt mit Kontamination durch kontinentale Kruste, entstanden. Nur eine Rhyolithprobe scheint ein tats?chliches Aufschmelzungsprodukt der kontinentalen Kruste zu sein. Die geologischen und geodynamischen Daten belegen, dass die Basalt–Rhyolithabfolge wahrscheinlich mit der alpidischen Subduktion in der Thetys der Dinariden, die mit rezenten Back-Arc Becken korreliert werden kann, in Beziehung zu setzen ist. Die Unterschiede zwischen den geologischen und Isotopenaltern des bimodalen Vulkanismus, mit A-Typ Granit-Plutonismus (72 Ma) und finalem synkinematischen S-Typ Granit-Plutonismus (48 Ma), repr?sentiert sehr wahrscheinlich die Dauer des vermuteten BARB Systems in der Thetys der Dinariden. Relikte der vermuteten Subduktionszone lassen sich über 300 km entlang der umgebenden n?rdlichsten Dinariden verfolgen.

Received March 7, 1997;/revised version accepted May 18, 1999  相似文献   

中国南方晚古生代构造演化与盆地原型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
晚古生代-中三叠世,中国南方在陆块间离散-聚合的不同构造运动体制下,分别在扬子陆块内部和边缘形成了不同的盆地原型及其演化序列。在扬子陆块的西南缘,主要形成裂谷-被动大陆边缘坳陷-弧后盆地的原型演化序列;扬子陆块南缘发育裂谷到台内坳陷再到裂谷原型演化序列;扬子陆块内部主要形成台内拗陷-裂谷的原型演化序列。古特提斯洋演化对晚古生代构造和盆地原型的演化起决定性作用。  相似文献   

The origin, depositional environment and maturity of petroleum source rocks were determined via conventional whole rock and biomarker analysis of samples from wells in the Banat Depression, where the most important Serbian oil and gas fields are located. The organic matter (OM) in organic-rich upper Tertiary siltstones and marls consists predominantly of Type II kerogen. Numerous biomarker parameters indicated mixed algal-terrestrial OM, related to a brackish or freshwater environment, whose salinity decreased from Middle to Upper Miocene. The OM was deposited under variable redox conditions, reducing to sub-oxic.The wells in the Banat Depression experienced variable high rates of rapid heating, providing an opportunity for examining the applicability of different thermal indicators in a hyperthermal basin. Rock-Eval and numerous biomarker parameters indicate that the main stage of oil generation begins at ca.130 °C and vitrinite reflectance (Rc) ca. 0.63% and reaches a maximum at ca.145-150 °C and Rc ca. 0.72-0.75%, while the late stage of oil generation starts at ca.155 °C and ca. Rc 0.78%, which corresponds, depending on geothermal gradient, to relative depths of 2100-2300 m, 2600-2900 m and 3050-3100 m, respectively. The naphthalene and phenanthrene maturity parameters proved to be less applicable than the biomarker ratios, particularly in the early to moderate maturation range. The newly proposed parameter C(14a)-homo-26-nor-17α(H)-hopane/C30hopane (C30HH/C30H) proved applicable to a wide range of maturity.  相似文献   

Past geomorphological models assume that erosion of sediments from old mountain belts occurred at a relatively constant rate, based on comparatively uniform isostatic adjustment caused by unloading. Late Miocene strata of the south‐eastern United States provide an example of pulsed tectonism resulting in a surge in siliciclastic sediment production and transport. Regional tectonism (uplift of the southern Appalachian Mountains) and climatic conditions during the Late Miocene resulted in the long‐distance (up to 1000 km) fluvial transport of coarse siliciclastic sediments onto a stable carbonate platform in southern Florida. The sediments are unusual in that they are significantly coarser than marine‐transported sands in southern Florida, with discoidal quartz and quartzite clasts up to 40 mm in diameter locally present, and have relatively high potassium feldspar contents (up to 16% in some sample fractions), whereas feldspar is rare in modern Florida beach sands. It is suggested that previously documented rejuvenation of the southern Appalachian Mountains during the Middle to Late Miocene time, coupled with the Messenian sea‐level low, generated the increased rate of sediment production and necessary hydraulic gradient to allow rapid transport of coarse sediments. Tectonic influence on the river pathway in Florida, as well as in the southern Appalachian Mountains, may have maintained the river on the narrow carbonate platform. The Florida Platform during the Late Miocene must also have had a sufficiently wet climate to cause episodic transport of the coarse sediments. Siliciclastic sediment transport on the Florida Platform during the Late Miocene greatly differed from Pleistocene to modern conditions, which are dominated by the transport of fine‐grained sands by longshore marine processes.  相似文献   

The analysis of geophysical and geological data on the structure of the pre-Miocene substratum of the Pannonian basin has revealed a block structure. The crust was divided by deep-seated faults of mainly NE-SW orientation. The deep-seated faults separate zones of continental crust (with granitoids), which were more intensely consolidated during the Hercynian, from strips with volcanic-sedimentary rocks of eugeosynclinal character (sub-oceanic crust). In geological development of the Pannonian basin crust during the last 330 million years, subsidence predominated over uplift and denudation. The great mobility of the crust ist related to its lesser thickness compared to the thick crust in the orogenic border and median massifs, e. g. of the Balkan region. The block structure is superimposed on the original belt structure and nucleus stage of continental crust formation. In the pre-Hercynian stage, tectonic division along E-W and N-S lines predominated. The long persistence and magmatic activity of deep-seated faults and their almost vertical dip do not support proposed models of partial subduction and closing of microoceans in the region of the Pannonian basin. Strips or blocks of suboceanic crust are considered to be relicts of more weakly sialized original thin oceanic crust. The Pannonian basin is not a typical ensialic basin. Tectonic development has distinctly changed the mantle diapir, which originated in the Late Cretaceous. Along the circumference of this diapir, shear zones originated in the crust, along which seismic activity has persisted to the present. The Pannonian megablock is a type of simatic median massif, preserving long-lasting subsidence mobility. The Pannonian mantle diapir is considered to be an autonomous deep structure in the sense ofvan Bemmelen (1972). We do not relate the ascent of the mantle diapir to subduction of lithospheric plates, which must have been the cause of folding of the Carpathians according toStegena et al. (1975).
Zusammenfassung Die Analyse der geophysikalischen und geologischen Angaben über den Bau des vormiozänen Untergrundes des Pannonischen Becken enthüllte einen Blockbau. Die Erdkruste war durch Tiefenbrüche gegliedert, vorwiegend in NO-SW Richtung. Die Tiefenbrüche trennen Streifen der kontinentalen Kruste mit Granitoiden, epiherzynisch intensiver konsolidiert, von den Streifen mit vulkanisch-sedimentären Serien eugeosynklinalen Charakters (subozeanischer Krustentyp). In der geologischen Entwicklung der Kruste während der letzten 330 Mill. Jahren herrschte die Subsidenz über Hebungen und Denudationen vor. Die große Mobilität der Kruste wird mit ihrer geringeren Dicke verbunden zum Unterschied von der mächtigen Kruste im orogenen Raum und der medianen Massive, z. B. der Balkan-Region. Der Blockbau ist aufgelegt auf den ursprünglichen Zonenbau und das Nukleus-Stadium der kontinentalen Krustenbildung. In der vorherzynischen Etappe war die tektonische Gliederung nach den Linien W-O und N-S vorherrschend.Die lange Lebensdauer und magmatische Aktivität der Tiefenbrüche, ihre fast vertikale Neigung unterstützen die Modelle der Teil-Subduktionen und Schließung der Mikroozeane im Raume des Pannonischen Beckens nicht. Die Streifen-Blöcke der subozeanischen Kruste werden als Relikte der schwächer sialisierten ursprünglichen dünnen ozeanischen Kruste betrachtet. Das Pannonische Becken ist kein typisches ensialisches Becken.Die tektonische Entwicklung verändert deutlich den Manteldiapir, dessen Entstehung schon in die Oberkreide gestellt wird. Am Umfang dieses Diapirs sind in der Kruste Scherzonen entstanden, auf welchen die seismische Aktivität bis zur Gegenwart andauert. Der pannonische Megablock ist ein Typ eines simatischen medianen Massivs, welches eine langdauernde Subzidenzmobilität erhält. Der pannonische Manteldiapir wird als autonome Tiefstruktur im Sinnevan Bemmelens (1972) betrachtet.Wir setzen den Aufstieg des Manteldiapirs nicht mit der Subduktion der lithosphärischen Platten in Verbindung, welche nachStegena et al. (1975) die Ursache der Faltung der Karpaten sein sollte.

Résumé L'analyse des données géologiques et géophysiques sur la constitution du soubassement prémiocène du bassin pannonique a fait découvrir l'existence d'une structure en bloc. La croûte a été compartimentée par des failles profondes de direction NE-SW. Ces cassures profondes séparent des bandes de croûte continentale avec granitoïdes, bien consolidée par l'orogenèse epihercynienne, de bandes à séries volcano-sédimentaires à caractère eugéosynclin (type sub-océanique). Au cours du développement géologique de la croûte pendant ces dernières 330 M/A, c'est la subsidence qui a prédominé sur les soulèvements et al dénudation. La grande mobilité de la croûte est liée à sa faible épaisseur, différant en cela de la croûte épaisse du domaine orogénique et des massifs médians (p. e. la région balcanique). La structure en blocs est superposée à la structure zonaire primitive d'une part, et au stade de «nucleus» de la croûte continentale d'autre part. Dans l'étape anté-hercynienne, la subdivision prédominante se faisait conformément aux direction W-E et N-S.La longévité et l'activité magmatique des cassures profondes, leur position quasiverticale, sont en contradiction avec les modèles de subduction partielle et de fermeture de microocéans dans la région du bassin pannonique. Les bandesblocs de l'écorce subocéanique sont considérées comme des relictes faiblement sialisés de l'écorce océanique originellement peu épaisse. Le bassin pannonique n'est pas un bassin typiquement ensialique.Le développement tectonique modifia de toute évidence le diapir du manteau qui prend déjà naissance au Crétacé supérieur. Dans le pourtour de ce diapir, des zones de cisaillement sont apparues dans l'écorce, qui ont été et sont restées jusqu'à ce jour le siège d'une activité seismique. Le megabloc pannonique est un type de massif médian simatique à mobilité subsidente de longue durée. Le diapir pannonique est considéré comme une structure autonome et profonde dans le sens devan Bemmelen (1972). L'ascension du diapir du manteau n'est pas, d'après nous, liée à la subduction de plaques lithosphériques, laquelle, d'aprèsStegena et al. (1975) devrait être responsable de l'orogenèse des Carpathes.

. — . , , ( ). . . , , . . 3 - - . , , . - . . . . , . - , . (1972). , , , , . (1975), .

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis has been carried out in the thermometamorphic aureole surrounding the Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton (Elba Island, Central Italy). The identification and separation of the main carriers of the magnetic susceptibility by low-temperature and high-field AMS measurements demonstrate that a correct knowledge of the magnetic fabric is needed in order to use AMS for tectonic interpretations. Magnetic fabric data, combined with structural data from the aureole, and their comparison with data from the pluton itself, were used to constraint the mode of pluton emplacement. Results document an intimate linkage between the magmatic flow pattern and the syn-metamorphic fabrics acquired during pluton emplacement in the host rocks. The magnetic/structural fabric in the aureole rocks is dominated by flattening deformation and no systematic relationship with any regional tectonic feature is observed. These results suggest that local processes induced by magma ascent in the upper crust might have played a primary role in space generation for pluton emplacement in the Tuscan Magmatic Province, suggesting a revaluation of the modes of pluton emplacement during the post-orogenic evolution of the northern Apennine system as a whole.  相似文献   

Major deepwater sand accumulations are known to be connected to sea-level lowstands in marine basins, due to the relative lack of accommodation space on the shelf. This model was tested for the Late Miocene Lake Pannon, a large endorheic lake depositing a sedimentary succession up to 3–4 km thick. The progradation of the shelf between 9.7 and 6 Ma was tracked along a 2D seismic network. The shelf-edge trajectory indicates continuous, moderate lake-level rise between 9.7 and 9 Ma. This is followed by alternating intervals of quasi-steady and rapidly rising relative lake level with a period of ca. 250 ky. However, due to the lack of significant lake-level drops, no third-order sequence boundary was identified in the studied time span (9.7–6 Ma). The sand ratio of the deepwater deposits does not show strong correlation with these lake-level changes; moreover, the units deposited under rising lake-level conditions generally contain slightly larger proportion of sand. These features can be explained by the climatic origin of water-level rises: increasing precipitation enhances not only water inflow, but also sediment influx, which can overwhelm the well-known effect of accommodation space on the sand transport toward the deep water. The results suggest that shelf-margin trajectory might not be an efficient tool for predicting deepwater accumulations of sand in endorheic lacustrine basins.  相似文献   

川西北磁组构演化及其揭示的应变特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
对龙门山褶皱冲断带北段前锋带至四川盆地边缘的川西北地区进行了磁组构研究。在江油和广元之间,沿着垂直于龙门山构造走向的4条采样路线,在18个采样点钻取了173个定向样品,样品采自侏罗纪和白垩纪砂岩及粉砂质泥岩。综合分析表明川西北磁组构反映的是新生代的变形,并在研究区域内总结出了3类磁组构:沉积磁组构、初始变形磁组构和铅笔状磁组构。除沉积磁组构之外的所有采样点样品的/(1优势方向都是NE—SW向,说明研究区域的最大主压应力方向为NW—SE向。主要来源于龙门山褶皱冲断带。在垂直于龙门山褶皱冲断带构造走向上,从四川盆地到龙门山前锋,磁组构由沉积磁组构逐渐变为初始变形磁组构,直至铅笔状磁组构,说明盆地内部应变十分微弱,靠近造山带应变逐渐增强,且侏罗纪、白垩纪以来研究区的构造变形主要集中在造山带边缘或者还未传递到盆地内部。  相似文献   


晚新生代印度季风的演化一直以来是地学研究的热点问题,然而目前对印度季风的研究多集中在海洋沉积物上。磁学参数作为指示气候的重要指标,已被广泛应用于黄土高原等地区的古气候重建中,对揭示东亚季风的演化历史和驱动机制做出了重要的贡献,但利用磁学指标对印度季风变化历史的研究还很稀少。文章运用磁学方法对藏南札达盆地的河湖相厚225.5 m、年龄范围在9.4~6.0 Ma的沉积物进行分析,发现磁学参数值在8.6 Ma前后发生了明显变化,对应沉积环境和岩相的改变(由河流环境和粗颗粒沉积转变为潮上环境和较细的沉积)。8.6 Ma前磁学参数值较高,磁化率(χ)高的原因可能是风化生成的细颗粒含量多导致的,而HIRM高是由于风化形成赤铁矿增多引起的。鉴于研究剖面的沉积速率在8.6 Ma发生了快速的增加以及以前的研究揭示这段沉积物风化程度较低,我们把8.6 Ma后所有的磁学参数值的降低归因于季风增强造成沉积剥蚀搬运速率增加从而导致沉积物来不及风化,细颗粒的亚铁磁性矿物和赤铁矿没有大量生成。考虑到札达盆地记录的气候变湿时间与阿拉伯海叶蜡碳同位素记录的南亚干旱化得以缓解的时间一致,我们认为这些记录共同指示了印度夏季风的增强。在综合分析青藏高原隆升、特提斯海退缩、南北半球冰量变化和印度洋表水温度变化的基础上,我们把印度夏季风的增强归因为南极冰盖的增加或者是青藏高原的向东北扩张。这一研究加深了对印度季风变化历史和驱动机制的认识。


The organic matter in the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments from the southern Black Sea margin is assigned to the terrestrial-marine/terrestrial range of organic facies. Within this range, the stratigraphic section yields different organic facies types in response to different accumulation and preservation controlling processes. During the Late Companian-Maastrichtian, organic material from the shelf and slope was re-deposited in the deeper oxic parts of the basin. Rapid transport and sedimentation resulted in a higher degree of preservation of lipid-rich, terrestrial components (sporinite, cutinite, resinite) in comparison to the autochthonous sediments. The increase in organic carbon with increasing silt/clay content together with low carbon concentrations in the allochthonous sediments suggest that the accumulation of organic matter in the source areas was controlled by terrigenous influx and that the accumulation conditions were not favorable.In the Eocene (fore-arc basin), the higher content of marine organic matter can be explained by progressive shallowing of the environment and by reduced oxygen content in the bottom waters (reduced bioturbation).In the Miocene and Pliocene (back-arc basin), the organic fraction of the sediments from the basin margin is purely terrestrial and consists mostly of inertinite and reworked terrigenous liptinite indicating oxidative conditions. The dominance of inertodetrinite in the Miocene and of semifusinite in the Pliocene point to a change in the source area or to a higher energy transport or deposition conditions for the Miocene marginal sediments. In the basin interior, the higher content of marine organic matter is due to an oxygen deficiency or anoxic conditions in the bottom waters. Mineral associations indicate complete sulfate reduction and consequent methanogenesis. This is also implied in the hydrocarbon distributions. Periodic oxic conditions lead to a decrease in the marine liptinitic component. In the basin interior, however, the terrigenous fraction is still dominant, implying a continuous influx from the basin margins.The Late Cretaceous to Pliocene sediments are thermally immature (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).
Zusammenfassung Die organische Substanz in den Sedimenten der Oberkreide und des Tertiärs der südlichen Schwarzmeerregion ist dem terrestrischen bis marin-terrestrischen Bereich organischer Fazies zuzuordnen. Innerhalb dieses Bereiches weisen die stratigraphischen Abschnitte unterschiedliche organische Faziestypen auf, die auf unterschiedliche, die Akkumulation und den Erhaltungsgrad der organischen Substanz kontrollierende Prozesse zurückzuführen sind.Während des Obercampan-Maastrichtiums und des Paläozäns (fore-arc Becken) wurde organisches Material des Schelf/-hanges in den tieferen oxischen Beckenbereichen resedimentiert. Die rasche Zufuhr und Ablagerung führte zu einem gegenüber den autochthonen Sedimenten höheren Erhaltungsgrad an lipidreichen, terrestrischen Komponenten (Sporinit, Cutinit, Resinit). Die Zunahme an organischem Kohlenstoff mit steigendem Silt-/Tonanteil bei insgesamt niedrigen Kohlenstoffkonzentrationen in den Resedimenten läßt vermuten, daß die Akkumulation organischer Substanz in den Liefergebieten durch terrigene Zufuhr bestimmt wurde und die Akkumulationsbedingungen ungünstig waren.Für das Eozän ist ein erhöhter Eintrag an marinem organischem Material zu verzeichnen, der mit der zunehmenden Verflachung des Ablagerungsraumes (fore-arc Becken) und einer Reduzierung im Sauerstoffgehalt des Bodenwassers (abnehmende Bioturbation) erklärt wird.Für das Miozän und Pliozän (back-arc Becken) ist die organische Fraktion der Ablagerungen des Beckenrandes rein terrestrisch und besteht zum größten Teil aus Inertinit und wieder aufgearbeitetem terrigenem Liptinit, die oxidative Verhältnisse anzeigen. Die Dominanz von Inertodetrinit im Miozän und Semifusinit im Pliozän indiziert eine Änderung im Liefergebiet oder ein höheres Energieniveau beim Transport bzw. im Ablagerungsraum der miozänen Randsedimente. Im Beckeninneren ist ein erhöhter Anteil an mariner organischer Substanz festzustellen, der auf Sauerstoffverarmung oder anoxische Verhältnisse im Bodenwasser zurückgeführt wird. Die Mineralassoziationen in den Sedimenten weisen auf vollständige Sulfatreduktion und nachfolgende Methanogenese hin, die sich auch mit den Kohlenwasserstoffverteilungen nachvollziehen läßt. Periodisch oxische Bedingungen führen zu einer Reduzierung der marin-liptinitischen Komponente. Im Beckeninneren dominiert jedoch auch die terrigene Fraktion (Huminit/Vitrinit, Inertinit), was auf kontinuierliche Zufuhr vom Beckenrand schließen läßt.Die Sedimente der Oberkreide bis Pliozän sind thermisch unreif (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).

Résumé La matière organique contenue dans les sédiments du Crétacé supérieur et du Tertiaire de la partie sud de la Mer Noire est à rapporter au domaine de facies organique terrestre à marin-terrestre. La série stratigraphique présente, dans les limites de ce domaine, divers types de facies organiques qui traduisent les divers processus qui régissent l'accumulation et la préservation.Au cours du Campanian supérieur-Maastrichtien, des matériaux organiques provenant du shelf et du talus continental ont été redéposés dans les parties oxygénées plus profondes du bassin. La rapidité du transport et de la sédimentation a entraîné la préservation de composants terrestres riches en lipides (sporonite, cutinite, résinite), dans une mesure plus élevée que dans les sédiments autochtones. L'augmentation de la teneur en carbone organique corrélative à celle de la fraction fine (boue et silt), de même que la faible concentration en carbone des sédiments allochtones indique que, dans la région-source, l'accumulation de matières organiques était régie par un afflux terrigène et que les conditions d'accumulation n'étaient pas favorables.A l'Eocène (bassin d'avant-arc) le contenu en matière organique marine est plus élevé, ce qui s'explique par la diminution progressive de la profondeur et par la réduction de la teneur en oxygène des eaux du fond (bioturbation réduite).Au Miocène et au Pliocène (bassin d'arrière-arc), la fraction organique des sédiments de la bordure du bassin est purement terrestre et consiste principalement en inertinite et en liptinite terrigène remaniée, ce qui indique des conditions oxydantes. La prédominance d'inertodétrinite au Miocène et de semifusinite au Pliocène indique soit une source différente, soit un transport ou un dépôt dans les conditions de plus haute énergie des sédiments miocènes marginaux. Vers l'intérieur du bassin, le contenu plus élevé en matière organique marine est dû à une déficience en oxygène ou à des conditions anoxiques dans les eaux de fond. Les associations minérales indiquent une réduction complète des sulfates et en conséquence une méthanogenèse, ce qui ressort également de la distribution des hydrocarbures. Des conditions oxydantes périodiques provoquent une diminution du composant liptinitique marin. Dans l'intérieur du bassin, toutefois, la fraction terrigène reste dominante, ce qui implique un afflux continu depuis les marges du bassin.Les sédiments d'âge crétacé supérieur à pliocène sont thermiquement immatures (Rm<0,5%; Tmax<435 °C).

, , - . , , . - , . , ( , , ), . , , . , (force-arc Basin) ( ). (back-arc Basin) , . , , . , , . , . . ( , ), . : (Rm<0,5 %; Tmax<435° ).


A paleomagnetic study has been carried out on three sedimentary formations of the Permian Rodez basin in the southern France. Two of them yield paleomagnetic poles of Saxonian and Thuringian age showing counterclockwise rotation of moderate amplitude, during or after the Thuringian deposition. For the French Massif Central, contrary to its stable southern (Lodève basin) and eastern (Largentière basin) borders, on its southwestern border, in a large area including the Rodez, Saint-Affrique and perhaps Brive basins suffered rotations due to the extensional tectonics during the Late Variscan period. © 2002 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The Cauvery basin of the Indian Peninsular shield, formed during the fragmentation of the Gondwana Supercontinent, continued to evolve until the end of Neogene through rift, pull-apart, shelf sag and tilt processes. The basin witnessed many cycles of transgression, regression, erosion and deposition. A more or less complete succession of upper Cretaceous–Paleocene sediments is exposed in the Ariyalur–Pondicherry depression of the basin. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique is applied in an attempt to examine the depositional and eustatic conditions prevailed during the formation of these sedimentary sequences. AMS results point to the sedimentation history dominated by marked sea level changes with several phases of transgression and regression. The sedimentation occurred mainly in a shallow epicontinental sea which has been punctuated with terrigenous supply more often. Greater utility of magnetic fabrics is suggested as a tool to trace fluvial responses to tectonic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(4):249-260
A paleomagnetic study has been carried out on three sedimentary formations of the Permian Rodez basin in the southern France. Two of them yield paleomagnetic poles of Saxonian and Thuringian age showing counterclockwise rotation of moderate amplitude, during or after the Thuringian deposition. For the French Massif Central, contrary to its stable southern (Lodève basin) and eastern (Largentière basin) borders, on its southwestern border, in a large area including the Rodez, Saint-Affrique and perhaps Brive basins suffered rotations due to the extensional tectonics during the Late Variscan period.  相似文献   

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