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《国家一、二等水准测量规范》存在的问题及修改意见   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李恩宝 《测绘科学》2009,34(6):43-45
水准测量规范作为测绘生产单位必须遵守的强制性标准,不应该存在缺陷与歧义。本文论述了水准测量规范国家标准GB/T 12897-2006存在的缺陷与不足,针对这些问题,作者给出了正确的方法。  相似文献   

Summary An examination is made of the error of alignment of bars (tapes, wires) in the rectilinear measurement of distance between two points in space. This is evidently a systematic error, of which one derives the frequency function. Starting from the two dimensional case for which we obtain a general formula for the moments, it is possible to determine the frequency function in the three-dimensional case being examined, and a closed formula for its moments.  相似文献   

针对医疗设施的分布情况会直接影响就医的便捷程度问题,该文以六盘山地区医疗设施为研究对象,采用核密度函数分析法和最短距离计算法,对六盘山地区的医疗设施空间分布特征及可达性进行剖析,并分析其影响因素.结果表明区域内不同级别的医疗设施多集聚分布在兰州市区和西宁市区,在临夏市、定西市、白银市、固原市、庆阳市、天水市等城市主城区形成次级集聚中心.区域内医疗设施可达性水平差异显著,存在城市主城区相对边界地区医疗设施可达性较好的特点.  相似文献   

近邻指数的城管案件全局分布模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市管理案件量化分析是城市管理水平提升的技术支撑。针对城市管理典型案件(街面秩序、市容环境及宣传广告),该文提出了一种热点探测流程和方法,并分析城市管理案件全局分布模式。针对传统量化研究的权重确定未考虑研究对象空间分布的问题,该文提出了基于城管案件近邻指数的权重确定方法,并以此为基础开展城管案件的全局分布模式研究。实验结果表明:3种典型城市管理案件呈显著的聚集分布,并且热点区域符合实验区的实证考察;近邻指数作为权重指标具有客观性、计算高效性,合理反映了城管案件的空间分布。  相似文献   

The spectral analysis of the Earth’s gravitational potential, its first and second derivatives is performed in spherical/ellipsoidal harmonics relative to the International Reference Sphere/International Reference Ellipsoid. The highlights of the diagrammatic approach are: (1) Up- and downward continuation of incremental gravity gradients, (2) Downward continuation of incremental gravity gradients (four tensor-valued harmonic functions) to the incremental gravity potential on the International Reference Figure, (3) Direct conversion of external incremental gravity gradients to geoidal undulation by means of the spherical/ellipsoidal Bruns Formula. The International Reference Ellipsoid was chosen as an equipotential surface in the Somigliana-Pizzetti reference potential field.  相似文献   

This research represents a continuation of the investigation carried out in the paper of Petrovskaya and Vershkov (J Geod 84(3):165–178, 2010) where conventional spherical harmonic series are constructed for arbitrary order derivatives of the Earth gravitational potential in the terrestrial reference frame. The problem of converting the potential derivatives of the first and second orders into geopotential models is studied. Two kinds of basic equations for solving this problem are derived. The equations of the first kind represent new non-singular non-orthogonal series for the geopotential derivatives, which are constructed by means of transforming the intermediate expressions for these derivatives from the above-mentioned paper. In contrast to the spherical harmonic expansions, these alternative series directly depend on the geopotential coefficients ${\bar{{C}}_{n,m}}$ and ${\bar{{S}}_{n,m}}$ . Each term of the series for the first-order derivatives is represented by a sum of these coefficients, which are multiplied by linear combinations of at most two spherical harmonics. For the second-order derivatives, the geopotential coefficients are multiplied by linear combinations of at most three spherical harmonics. As compared to existing non-singular expressions for the geopotential derivatives, the new expressions have a more simple structure. They depend only on the conventional spherical harmonics and do not depend on the first- and second-order derivatives of the associated Legendre functions. The basic equations of the second kind are inferred from the linear equations, constructed in the cited paper, which express the coefficients of the spherical harmonic series for the first- and second-order derivatives in terms of the geopotential coefficients. These equations are converted into recurrent relations from which the coefficients ${\bar{{C}}_{n,m}}$ and ${\bar{{S}}_{n,m}}$ are determined on the basis of the spherical harmonic coefficients of each derivative. The latter coefficients can be estimated from the values of the geopotential derivatives by the quadrature formulas or the least-squares approach. The new expressions of two kinds can be applied for spherical harmonic synthesis and analysis. In particular, they might be incorporated in geopotential modeling on the basis of the orbit data from the CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE missions, and the gradiometry data from the GOCE mission.  相似文献   

大气折射是角度测量的主要误差源,也是实现精密全站仪标称精度的主要障碍。文中通过分析大气对角度测量精度的影响,讨论了利用气象元素直接计算大气垂直折光角和利用对向EDM三角高程测量结果反演大气垂直折光角的方法,同时还讨论了观测垂直角的适宜时间问题。采用这些方法能够有效地削减大气折射对垂直角观测结果的影响,保证垂直角测量的精度。  相似文献   

本文针对高分辨率遥感影像快速高效萃取有用信息这一遥感技术应用的热点问题,探讨了一种适合于组合特征识别的遥感图像最近邻模糊分类器。该分类器首先把待识别目标的组合特征与训练模板中的组合特征样本的平均值一一进行比较,从而得到了一个特征差矩阵。用模糊分布函数在同类特征差之间进行处理,生成一个隶属度矩阵,然后用算术平均法对隶属度矩阵进行处理,并用最大隶属度准则来进行分类判决。以新疆和静县的SPOT5图像为例,应用此方法对其进行分类试验。结果表明:利用此分类方法对SPOT5遥感图像进行分类,不仅使分类结果具有丰富的语义信息,而且克服了由于特征选择的不稳定性对分类结果的影响,分类精度也得到了显著的提高。  相似文献   

地表沉降是全球性的地质灾害之一,地表的迅速沉降会导致地表塌陷,从而破坏地下管道及地表建筑,最后造成巨大的经济损失甚至人员伤亡。我国地下工程及地表建筑扩建规模较大,这种地质灾害问题尤为突出。目前,监测地表形变的方法有很多,如水准测量、GPS、InSAR技术等。但通常情况下这些技术只能对地表的高程变化进行定量分析,而无法寻找灾害发生的诱因,缺少对地表沉降时空特征的定性分析。本文以广东普宁地区为例,将InSAR技术与该地区的水文地质特征相结合,从而实现对地表沉降监测从数据采集、处理到成因分析的整个流程的把控。InSAR技术可以验证地质特征的合理性,而地质特征又可以对监测范围及监测周期进行更科学的指导。本文通过这种分析方法,既调查出普宁城区的沉降区域,又对其背后成因进行了系统性的分析,为后续的防治措施及国土空间规划提供了更科学的指导。  相似文献   

近年来,城市地表形变造成的损失备受关注.而基于点的传统大地测量监测技术,在区域性的地表形变监测方面存在局限性.本文提出利用空间大地测量技术监测城市地表形变.联合时序InSAR和全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)技术对深圳和香港海岸线的地表形变场进行监测,同时生成香港网络参考站三维变化的时间序列.由结果可知,位于填海区的地铁建...  相似文献   

Access to certain types of facilities can promote health and well‐being. When population and facilities are not uniformly distributed across the landscape, inequities in accessibility may occur. Current research into GIS‐based accessibility measures has focused primarily on spatial inequities between different geographic locations but not directly on differences in accessibility between subgroups of the population. The research presented here develops a new method for measuring differential accessibility to facilities between various segments of the population. The method extends concepts and techniques in spatial point pattern analysis that account for the spatial structure of demand and its relationship to supply. In this approach, the traditional Lorenz curve and its associated indices, the Gini coefficient and the dissimilarity index, which are used to measure inequality, are recast in spatial terms for measuring differences in accessibility between population subgroups. An analysis of spatial accessibility to grocery stores in Akron, OH illustrates the value of the spatial Lorenz curve and its associated indices compared to other methods.  相似文献   

It is shown that also in a rank deficient Gauss-Markov model higher weights of the observations automatically improve the precision of the estimated parameters as long as they are computed in thesame datum. However, the amount of improvement in terms of the trace of the dispersion matrix isminimum for the so-called “free datum” which corresponds to the pseudo-inverse normal equations matrix. This behaviour together with its consequences is discussed by an example with special emphasis on geodetic networks for deformation analysis.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了市政基本设施的组成,提出了基于MAPGIS基本数据组织的市政设施数据模型,并讨论了市政设施数据模型的实现。从而,利用该数据组织模型可实现城市级的市政设施管理的综合集成与共享,提高市政设施管理和养护水平。  相似文献   

针对常规RTK作业距离一般不超过15km的问题,提出了一种顾及大气延迟误差的中长基线RTK的算法,突破了常规RTK作业距离。在中长基线情况下,与大气延迟有关的误差如电离层延迟误差、对流层延迟误差等,随着基线长度的增加,空间相关性大大降低,进而影响整周模糊度的快速解算。基于卡尔曼滤波算法,采用非组合差分定位模型,对于电离层延迟误差采用了电离层加权模型进行估计,对于对流层延迟分别采用了相对对流层延迟参数估计和绝对天顶对流层参数估计。最终通过实测数据对该算法进行了算法验证和结果分析。试验结果表明:该算法可以实现中长基线RTK的快速解算,并且在估计相对对流层延迟时,绝对天顶对流层参数估计不利于基准站和流动站的对流层延迟分离,一般采用估计流动站上的相对对流层延迟。  相似文献   

The analysis of Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates time series is a valuable tool in quantifying crustal deformations. The longer continuous GPS time series allow estimation of nonlinear signatures. As a matter of fact, besides the linear and periodic behaviors, other relevant signals are present in such time series as the so-called transient deformations. They can be related to, e.g., slow slip events, which play a crucial role in studying fault mechanisms. To give reliable estimates of these signals, an appropriate and rigorous approach for defining the deterministic and the stochastic models of the data is needed. We prove that the theory of the second order stationary random process (SOSRP) can be used to describe the stochastic behavior of the daily GPS time series. In particular, the second order stationarity condition has to be verified for the daily GPS coordinate time series to be described as a SOSRP. This method has been already used for modeling the gravity field of the earth and in predicting/filtering problems, and this work shows that it can also be useful for characterizing the colored noise in the GPS time series.  相似文献   

1593年刻印的《乾坤万国全图天下人物事迹》地图载有亚伯尔耕、加拿大的名字,没有亚墨利加,显示明代知道新大陆的地名比利玛窦制作的《坤舆万国全图》早9年。1570年的奥特里斯的世界地图说明欧洲还没有到过美洲西部。普兰修斯1590年和1594年的地图完善了欧洲人还没有到过美洲的西部和亚洲地理,比对中文的《坤舆万国全图》的准确性,唯一可能是西方采纳了来自中国的信息。其中最大可能是荷兰航海者林斯豪滕和他相熟的中国通在印度果阿的交流,果阿是郑和当年必经之地。1590年后,西方地图有了飞跃的发展,其后西方海洋霸权中心从葡萄牙转移到荷兰和英国。奥特里斯1570年的世界地图,普兰修斯1590年与1594年的世界地图,3种地图逐步改善了西方对新大陆和中国的认识,但是没有欧洲人测量的文献根据,应该是中国的世界地理知识传入西方。《乾坤万国全图天下人物事迹》《郑和航海图》与《坤舆万国全图》代表3种不同用途的地图,均为中国创绘。《坤舆万国全图》的原图是明代内府藏的世界地图,约1430年成图,远早于利玛窦和李之藻时代。明代中国人是世界地理大发现者,是现代地图学的先驱,地图学起码是中国独立创建的,不是来自西方。  相似文献   

介绍实施岗位津贴、改革内部分配制度的做法,取得的成效,存在的问题及解决的对策。  相似文献   

Amongst many ongoing initiatives to preserve biodiversity, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment again shows the importance to slow down the loss of biological diversity. However, there is still a gap in the overview of global patterns of species distributions. This paper reviews how remote sensing has been used to assess terrestrial faunal diversity, with emphasis on proxies and methodologies, while exploring prospective challenges for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. We grouped and discussed papers dealing with the faunal taxa mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates into five classes of surrogates of animal diversity: (1) habitat suitability, (2) photosynthetic productivity, (3) multi-temporal patterns, (4) structural properties of habitat, and (5) forage quality. It is concluded that the most promising approach for the assessment, monitoring, prediction, and conservation of faunal diversity appears to be the synergy of remote sensing products and auxiliary data with ecological biodiversity models, and a subsequent validation of the results using traditional observation techniques.  相似文献   

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