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Supercooled water with temperatures below freezing point,was identified from hydrographic data obtained by Chinese and Australian expeditions to Prydz Bay,Antarctica,during the austral summer.The study shows that most supercooled waters occurred at depths of 63-271 m in the region north of the Amery Ice Shelf(AIS) front.The maximum supercooling was 0.16°C below the in-situ freezing point.In temperature and salinity ranges of-2.14--1.96°C and 34.39-34.46,respectively,the water was colder and fresher than peripheral shelf water.The supercooled water had less variability in the vertical profiles compared to shelf water.Based on analysis of their thermohaline features and spatial distribution,as well as the circulation pattern in Prydz Bay,we conclude that these supercooled waters originated from a cavity beneath the AIS and resulted from upwelling just outside of the AIS front.Water emerging from the ice shelf cools to an extremely low temperature(about-2.0°C) by additional cooling from the ice shelf,and becomes buoyant with the addition of melt water from the ice shelf base.When this water flows out of the ice shelf front,its upper boundary is removed,and thus it rises abruptly.Once the temperature of this water reaches below the freezing point,supercooling takes place.In summer,the seasonal pycnocline at-100 m water depth acts as a barrier to upwelling and supercooling.The upwelling of ice shelf outflow water illuminates a unique mid-depth convection of the polar ocean.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae and salps was studied from samples collected in 2002 and 2006 from Prydz Bay, Antarctica.Larvae of Thysanoessa macrura and Euphausia superba were mainly distributed in the north of the continental shelf. T. macrura was more abundant and had a relatively wider distribution. In 2006, with ice having retreated and higher seawater temperatures and chlorophyll a levels, E. superba and T. macrura occurred in higher abundances and at more mature developmental stages. Euphausia crystallorophias was mainly distributed in the neritic region. In 2002, with severe ice conditions in the neritic region, abundance of E. crystallorophias was consisted of metanauplius (MN) and calyptopis I (CI). Salps, mostly Salpa thompsoni, had a low abundance in Prydz Bay. In 2002, S. thompsoni was only m)-3. In 2006, S. thompsoni was found at three stations located near the contimental factors, such as the timing of ice melt, polynya formation and food concentration appear to have a marked effect on the distribution and abundance of euphausiid larvae and salps.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of snow cover on sea ice play a key role in the ice-ocean-atmosphere system and have been a focus of recent scientific research. In this study, we investigated the thermodynamic properties of snow cover on sea ice in the Nella Fjord, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica(69°20′S, 76°07′E), near the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station. Our observations were carried out during the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. We found that the vertical temperature profile of snow cover changed considerably in response to changes in air temperature and solar radiation during the summer. Associated with the changes in the temperature profile were fluctuations in the temperature gradient within the upper 10 cm of the snow cover. Results of previous research have shown that the thermal conductivity of snow is strongly correlated with snow density. To calculate the thermal conductivity in this study, we measured densities in three snow pits. The calculated thermal conductivity ranged from 0.258–0.569 W?m-1?K-1. We present these datasets to show how involved parameters changed, and to contribute to a better understanding of melting processes in the snow cover on sea ice.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of four dominant Antarctic copepods, Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus, Metridia gerlachei and Rhincalanus gigas were studied based on zooplankton samples collected in the Prydz Bay during austral summer from 1999 to 2006. We found that C. acutus was the most abundant species among these four copepods, followed by C. propinquus, M. gerlachei and R. gigas. R. gigas occurred mainly in the warmer oceanic regions and showed distribution patterns discrete from the other three species, whose distribution in the whole survey area overlapped. By December 15th (about one month before our sampling) of the years 1999, 2003 and 2006, sea ice retreated earlier and polynyas existed in the neritic region one month before sampling. These periods were characterized by numerical dominance of C. acutus, C. propinquus and M. gerlachei, elevated proportions of Copepodite I and Copepodite II stages especially in the neritic region. While for the years 2000, 2002, and 2005, the ice edge located more northerly and polynyas did not exist in the neritic region, the copepods abundance was lower, indicating poor recruitment. Population structure of R. gigas was mainly composed of advanced stages Copepodite V and female during all cruises. Log10 (x+1) transformed densities of C. acutus, C. propinquus and M. gerlachei showed positive correlation with temperature and chlorophyll a concentration, while mean population stages of these copopods were negatively correlated with these environmental variables. Younger copepodite stages of C. acutus, C. propinquus and M. gerlachei appeared more often in neritic regions. We confirmed that the polynyas had a great contribution to phytoplankton blooms, which promote copepods reproduction and recruitment success. The study suggested that population dynamics of the four copepods have good correspondence with sea ice and polynya variations during all cruises of the Prydz Bay.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distributions of particulate biogenic silica (PBSi) in the upper surface waters of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, were investigated during the 27th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition cruises of January 2011. We aimed to characterize the correlations between PBSi and plankton, nutrients and particulate organic carbon. The results showed that the concentrations of biogenic silica ranged from 0.76--19.72 ktmol-dm3 and the average concentration of biogenic silica was 6.06 mol.dm3. The distribution of surface PBSi had significant regional characteristics: The concentrations were higher south of 67S than to the north. The distribution of PBSi, chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon showed similar patterns, and PBSi distribution had a negative correlation with that of silicate. In the vertical direction, the mole ratio of PBSi and POC (Si/Co) decreased with increasing depth. This trend indicated a higher rate of PBSi dissolution, or a lower rate of organic matter reminer- alization rate, in the upper 200 m.  相似文献   

The investigation of phytoplankton standing stock, euphotic layer and photosynthesis rate were carried out in 19 - 27 of January, 2000 at three longitudinal sections (70°30'E, 73°00'E and 75°30'E). The results showed that the high value of chlorophyll a concentration was in inshore bay, polynya and the continental slope of the investigated sea area. At various investigated stations, average chlorophyll a concentration at sub-surface layer (25 m) was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of over 50 m decreased with increasing depth. At anchor station, the maximum chlorophyll az concentration appeared at surface layer in Antarctic summer's afternoon while the minimum value appeared in the morning; chlorophyll a concentration at water layer of 0 - 25 m was obviously higher than that at deep water layer, being related to the releasing of ice-algae. High productivity was in inshore bay and polynya of continental shelf. Chlorophyll a concentration at surface layer is closely correlated to the dissolved oxygen concentration in seawater. The sea ares with chlorophyll a concentration of over 1.0ag/dms may be the convergence of CO2 and that of below 1.0 μg/dms may be the source of CO2.  相似文献   

This study documents the horizontal distribution and demography of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana), col- lected using trawls, from the Prydz Bay region during January 2002. Euphausia superba (E. superba) was distributed primarily south of 64S. The average density and biomass were estimated as 68.85 ind.(1 000 m3) and 24.16 g wet weight-(1 000 m3), re- spectively. Highest values were located in the open sea (depth 〉 3 000 m). Body length ofE. superba ranged from 30 to 55 mm (N=1 758), with a mean length of 38.45~3.68 mm (SD). The overall sex ratio was approximately 1 : 1, 47.6% females (41.9% sub-adults and 5.7% adults), 46.6% males (42.7% sub-adults and 3.9% adults), while 5.8% were juveniles. The population struc- ture of E. superba exhibited geographical variation. At stations in the western part of the survey area populations had a high pro- portion of juveniles, a lower sexual maturity stage for males and small body size, while the opposite was found at stations in the eastern part. A latitudinal difference was found at stations along 70.5°E and 73°E transects: body length was small and the sex ratio was high in regions of high latitude, while the opposite occurred in areas of low latitude.  相似文献   

During the CHINARE-Ⅺ cruise in austral summer of 1998/1999, the abundance and feeding activity of Salps thompsoni were investigated in the Prydz Bav region. Salps samples were collected by vertical tows from the depth of 200 m to the surface with a conical net of 330 μm mesh-size. At Ⅵ-3 station, the grazing rates were studied by the gut fluorescence method and culture experiments. S. Thompsoni was mainly distributed in the northern part of the survey area, and its maximum densities reached to 2795 ind. · 1000 m-3. A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the Marginal Ice Zone. The results of the feeding experiments at the Ⅵ-3 show that the gut pigment contents of S. thompsoni ranged from (0. 14 - 1.27) μig ind. -1(average 0. 98 μg ind.-1). The individual ingestion rate is 7. 9 μg ind. -1 · day-1, and the filtration rate is 28 L ind. -1 · day-1 Through the daily grazing rate of S. thompsoni, which takes account of less than 1% of the phytoplankton standing stock, it shows arelatively higher grazing impress on the primary production (72. 2 % ).  相似文献   

Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses were used to determine the abundance and diversity of archaea in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Correlation analysis was also performed to assess links between physicochemical parameters and archaeal abundance and diversity within the sea-ice. Samples of sea-ice and seawater were collected during the 26th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. The results of FISH showed that archaea were relatively abundant within the top layer of the sea-ice, and correlation analysis suggested that the concentration of 4NH+ might be one of the main factors underlying this distribution pattern. However, using 16S rRNA gene libraries, archaea were not detected in the top and middle layers of the sea-ice. All archaeal clones obtained from the bottom layer of the sea-ice were grouped into the Marine Group I Crenarchaeota while the archaeal clones from seawater were assigned to Marine Group I Crenarchaeota, Marine Group II Euryarchaeota, and Marine Group III Euryarchaeota. Overall, the ifndings of this study showed that the diversity of archaea in the sea-ice in Prydz Bay was low.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of biogenic silica were investigated in sediment cores from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the CHINARE-18/2L cruise. The results show that the content of biogenic silica( BSiO2 ) is ranged from 4.89% to 85. 41% , and the average content of biogenic silica is 30.90%, the highest value oc- curred at the IV-10 station. The profile of BSiO2 in sediment is contrast to that of sili- cate in the interstitial water. The content of biogenic silica and organic carbon in the surface sediments in the central area of Prydz Bay gyre were much higher than those in other area, and closely related to the Chla content and primary productivity of phyto- plankton in the surface water column.  相似文献   

The investigation of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and primary productivity were carried out in three longitudinal sections (63°-69°12'S, 70°30'E, 73°E and 75(30'E) at December 18-26, 1998 and January 12-18, 1999 in Prydz Bay and its north sea area, Antarctica. The results showed that surface chlorophyll a concentration were 0. 16 -3. 99 μg dm-3. The high values of chlorophyll a concentration (more than 3.5 μg dm -3) were in Prydz Bay and in the west Ladies Bank. The average chlorophyll a concentration at sub-surface layer was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of 50 m decreased with increasing depth and that at 200 m depth was only 0. 01 -0. 95μg dm -3. The results of size-fractionated chlorophyll a showed that the contribution of the netplanktion to total chlorophyll a was 56% , those of the nanoplankton and the picoplankton were 24% and 20% respectively in the surveyed area. The potential primary productivity at the euphotic zone in the surveyed area wa  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the distributions of sea-surface suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) and its stable isotope (δ13C POC) in Prydz Bay, Antarctica, and examined the factors influencing their distribution, sources, and transport. We used measurements collected from 61 stations in Prydz Bay during the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, in combination with remote sensing data on sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a concentration, and sea ice coverage. The POC concentration in the surface waters of Prydz Bay was 0.28-0.84 mg.L-1, with an average concentration of 0.48 mg.L-1. The δ13C POC value ranged from -29.68‰ to -26.30‰, with an average of-28.01‰. The concentration of suspended POC was highest in near-shore areas and in western Prydz Bay. The POC concentration was correlated with chlorophyll a concentration and sea ice coverage, suggesting that POC was associated with phytoplankton production in local water columns, while the growth of phytoplankton was obviously affected by sea ice coverage. The δ13C poc value in suspended particles decreased gradually towards the outer waters of Prydz Bay, while in eastern Prydz Bay the δ13Cpoc value become gradually more negative from nearshore to deep-water areas, suggesting that δ13C poc was mainly influenced by CO2 fixation by phytoplankton. The δ13C POC value in suspended particles near Zhongshan Station was significantly negative, possibly as a result of the input of terrigenous organic matter and changes in the phytoplankton species composition in the nearshore area.  相似文献   

Three ship-based observational campaigns were conducted to survey sea ice and snow in Prydz Bay and the surrounding waters(64.40°S–69.40°S, 76.11°E–81.29°E) from 28 November 2012 to 3 February 2013. In this paper, we present the sea ice extent and its variation, and the ice and snow thickness distributions and their variations with time in the observed zone. In the pack ice zone, the southern edge of the pack ice changed little, whereas the northern edge retreated significantly during the two earlier observation periods. Compared with the pack ice, the fast ice exhibited a significantly slower variation in extent with its northernmost edge retreating southwards by 6.7 km at a rate of 0.37 km?d-1. Generally, ice showed an increment in thickness with increasing latitude from the end of November to the middle of December. Ice and snow thickness followed an approximate normal distribution during the two earlier observations(79.7±28.9 cm, 79.1±19.1 cm for ice thickness, and 11.6±6.1 cm, 9.6±3.4 cm for snow thickness, respectively), and the distribution tended to be more concentrated in mid-December than in late November. The expected value of ice thickness decreased by 0.6 cm, whereas that of snow thickness decreased by 2 cm from 28 November to 18 December 2012. Ice thickness distribution showed no obvious regularity between 31 January and 3 February, 2013.  相似文献   

Concentrations ofbiogenic barium were investigated in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 21st and 27th CHINARE cruises. Factors controlling the observed distribution are explored. Biogenic barium concentrations obtained from a sequential extraction procedure are compared with total concentrations obtained from the normative calculation based on a total digestion, and differences in the results are examined. Concentrations of biogenic barium, calculated by the normative calculation, were much higher than the concentrations obtained through sequential extraction; this discrepancy is the result of the occurrence of barium associated with Mn/Fe oxides, which represents an important component of total barium in these sediments. Concentrations of biogenic barium obtained from the sequential extraction range from 104 to 445 ktg.g1, and the average concentration was 227 p.g.g-~. The highest concentrations of biogenic barium occur in the central area of the bay, where the seawater is more stable, while lower values occur in the bank and the ice shelf. Biogenic barium is significantly linearly correlated with biogenic barium and organic carbon, and similar in distribution of Chl a, which may indicate that primary productivity of phytoplankton in the surface water column is the main environmental factor regulating barium concentration and distribution.  相似文献   

Biomarkers including brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenone in sediments are used as indicators to reconstruct changes to the phytoplankton community in surface and sub-aerial sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. The results indicate that the bio- marker records in surface and core sediment samples changed with time and space. The total content of phytoplankton biomarkers ranges from 391.0--1 470.6 ng.g-l. The phytoplankton biomass has increased in Prydz Bay over the past 100 years. This variation may be mainly related with climate change in the region. The total biomarker contents in surface sediments from 5 stations in Prydz Bay are in the range of 215.8--1 294.3 ng.g4. The phytoplankton biomass in Prydz Bay is higher than that outside of the bay. This is similar to the distributions of chlorophyll a, organic carbon and biogenic silica in surface waters determined through in situ investigation. Such consistency indicates a coupling between the bottom of the ocean and biogeochemical processes in the upper water.  相似文献   

Jiang  Ying    Lian-Gang  Liu  Zongwei  Yang  Chunmei  Guo  Jingsong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2022,40(2):485-495
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Although four species of odontocete and four species of baleen whale have been recorded in Prydz Bay, their vocalizations have been rarely investigated....  相似文献   

In this paper, CTD observational data obtained during the 15th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-15) in the Southern Ocean are used to analyse and study water mass distribution in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent seas. The area, depth, and the thermohaline characteristics are identified for the Prydz Bay summer coastal surface water, the Prydz Bay winter water, the Prydz Bay shelf water, and the circumpolar deep water. Based on the above discussion, the northward extention of the Prydz Bay shelf water are found. Then the thermodynamic and the dynamic characteristics are further discussed, dealing with the inversion layer depth of the water temperature, the locations of the minima of the vertical temperature distribution and the temperature vertical gradient in the water column, the baraclinicity, and the effect of Coriolis deflection force.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates (oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion) of two dominant copepods, Calanoides acutus and Metridia gerlachei, were measured during the austral summer (December 1998 January 1999), in the marginal ice zone of the Prydz Bay. Their elemental compositions (C and N) were also analysed through these metabolic experiments. The results showed that C. acutus was 48.4% 48.6% of dry weight in carbon content and 6.1% 6.5% of dry weight in nitrogen content. Metridia gerlachei was 47.1% 50.1% and 5.9% 7.4%, relatively. Oxygen consumption rates of C. acutus were variant in the different areas (0.226 to 0.774 μlO2mg-1h-1). And its ammonia excretion rates ranged from 0.014 to 0.105 μgNmg-1h-1. The ratio between the rates (O∶N) exhibited a large difference(5 6 times). For Metridia gerlachei, oxygen consumption rates were 0.488 0.644 μlO2mg-1 and ammonia excretion rates were 0.015 0.034 μgNmg-1h-1. From the results of metabolic rate measurements and elemental analyses, daily losses of body carbon and nitrogen were estimated to be 0.59% 1.99% and 0.44% 3.27%, respectively. The metabolic carbon requirements accounted for 0.6% 29.2% of primary production per day, and their excretion of ammonia occupied 0.2% 38.0% of daily phytoplankton nitrogen demand.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999/2000. The sample - collection was made at 15 sites in 3 longitudinal transects. Although krill were encountered at 14 sites, the abundance was comparatively low in general. The main component of the krill population was of post -larval stages. The mean numerical and weight density of krill integrated for all sampling stations in the survey area were 16. 17 ind. 1000 m -3and 12.02 g 1000 m -3 , respectively. In the survey area, stations with larger krill density are mainly located in the slope zone, except that the largest sample was collected in the open sea zone. No krill occurred in the only station of the shelf zone during our investigation. Krill collected from the slope zone were under better growth condition than those from the open sea zone, but when the survey area is considered as a whole, the growth condition is normal. The results of the comprehensive analysis of the environmental fa  相似文献   

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