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The release of mercury (Hg) from leaf tissue was compared between two dominant salt marsh macrophytes,Spartina alterniflora andPhragmites australis. Rates of Hg release were measured for individual leaves from late May to late July, along with concentrations of Hg in leaf tissue, rates of sodium (Na) release, and rates of transpiration. Leaves ofS. alterniflora consistently releasd 2–3 times more Hg than leaves ofP. australis. Leaves ofS. alterniflora also contained greater concentrations of Hg during these months. In contrast toP. australis leaves, rates of Na release were high forS. alterniflora and were correlated with rate of Hg release. Transpiration rates averaged 2.2 times greater forPhragmites as compared toS. alterniflora, and were not correlated with the other variables at the leaf level for either species. Leaf Hg concentration was highly correlated with Hg release for both species, but the slope was significantly greater forS. alterniflora. Monthly differences were profound for all climate and physiological variables measured, with high measurements in May, and lower measurements in June and July. For both species, the highest Hg content was found in lower leaves in May, followed by upper leaves in May. Hg accumulation in leaf tissue and release from both species appear to be greatest in the spring, although differences between the species persist throughout these peak months of the growing season.  相似文献   

The salt marsh surface is not a homogeneous environment. Rather, it contains a mix of different microhabitats, which vary in elevation, microtopography, and location within the estuarine system. These attributes act in concert with astronomical tides and meteorological and climatological events and result in pulses of tidal flooding. Marsh hydroperiod, the pattern of flooding events, not only controls nekton access to marsh surface habitats directly but may also mediate habitat exploitation through its influence on other factors, such as prey abundance or vegetation stem density. The relative importance of factors affecting marsh hydroperiod differ between the southeast Atlantic and northern Gulf of Mexico coasts. Astronomical tidal forcing is the primary determinant of hydroperiod in Atlantic Coast marshes, whereas predictable tides are often overridden by meteorological events in Gulf Coast marshes. In addition, other factors influencing coastal water levels have a proportionately greater effect on the Gulf Coast. The relatively unpredictable timing of marsh flooding along the Gulf Coast does not seem to limit habitat utilization. Some of the highest densities of nekton reported from salt marshes are from Gulf Coast marshes that are undergoing gradual submergence and fragmentation caused by an accelerated rise in relative sea level. Additional studies of habitat utilization are needed, especially on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Investigations should include regional comparisons of similar microhabitats using identical quantitative sampling methods. Controlled field experiments are also needed to elucidate the mechanisms that affect the habitat function of salt marshes.  相似文献   

The role of zooplankton in a salt marsh ecosystem was studied in Flax Pond, Old Field, N. Y., a 30-hectare tidal pond adjacent to Long Island Sound. Various marine crustaceans accounted for over 95% of the zooplankton caloric biomass in all but three months, in which ctenophores (Mnemiopsis leidyi) accounted for about 20%. Mass balance analysis of crustacean biomass showed a seasonal trend with increased “consumption” by the marsh from July to November. Analysis of groups (or species) for all months showed total numbers were reduced by passing through, or interacting with, the marsh. The most abundant group for each sample date also was significantly reduced from outflowing waters for all months, as were the group copepodids and miscellaneous calanoids from July to November. The energy requirements for the crustacean zooplankton community could have been supplied amply by the estimated standing crop of phytoplankton in the marsh. Phytoplankton net primary production was low, but it was ample to satisfy crustacean energy needs in all months. Crustaceans and phytoplankton alone were not enough to support estimated ctenophore nutrition requirements in summer. Therefore, detritus may also have been an important ctenophore food source.  相似文献   

It is becoming more apparent that commonly used statistical methods (e.g. analysis of variance and regression) are not the best methods for estimating limiting relationships or stressor effects. A major challenge of estimating the effects associated with a measured subset of limiting factors is to account for the effects of unmeasured factors in an ecologically realistic matter. We used quantile regression to elucidate multiple stressor effects on end-of-season biomass data from two salt marsh sites in coastal Louisiana collected for 18 yr. Stressor effects evaluated based on available data were flooding, salinity air temperature, cloud cover, precipitation deficit, grazing by muskrat, and surface water nitrogen and phosphorus. Precipitation deficit combined with surface water nitrogen provided the best two-parameter model to explain variation in the peak biomass with different slopes and intercepts for the two study sites. Precipitation deficit, cloud cover, and temperature were significantly correlated with each other. Surface water nitrogen was significantly correlated with surface water phosphorus and muskrat density. The site with the larger duration of flooding showed reduced peak biomass, when cloud cover and surface water nitrogen were optimal. Variation in the relatively low salinity occurring in our study area did not explain any of the variation inSpartina alterniflora biomass.  相似文献   

Oceanic upwelling results in the intermittent intrusion of cold ocean water enriched in nitrate, and to a lesser extent soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), into the Kariega Estuary (South Africa). Laboratory measocosm experiments were conducted to determine the effects of such changes on fluxes of dissolved nutrients across the surface of a salt marsh within the estuary. When replicate mesocosms of the tidal creek and salt marsh were inundated with nonupwelled water (at 25°C and nitrate concentrations of 4.5 μmoll?1), nitrate fluxes in both regions were small, and the tidal creek exhibited net uptake (negative value) of nitrate from the water column (?85 μmol m?2 tide?1), and the marsh, net release (positive values; 113 μmol m?2 tide?1). When the mesocosms were inundated with upwelled water, at 16°C and with nitrate concentrations of 24.2 μmol l?1, both regions exhibited large net uptakes of nitrate (?514 μmol m?2 tide?1 and ?226 μmol m?2 tide?1 for the tidal creek and salt marsh, respectively). In contrast to nitrate, the fluxes of nitrite, ammonium, and SRP were not significantly different under upwelling and nonupwelling conditions, probably because initial concentrations in the two water types were similar. To determine the extent to which the nitrate uptakes were caused by decreased water temperatures or increased concentrations of nitrate, experiments were conducted in which mesocosms were inundated with water with a range of nitrate concentrations (1.8–25 μmol l?1), at two temperatures representative of summer upwelling (16°C) and nonupwelling conditions (25°C). In both regions, the net fluxes of nitrate were positively correlated with initial concentrations of nitrate in the water column. For any given concentration, the fluxes at 16°C fell within the range of values at 25°C, indicating that the shifts in fluxes caused by upwelling occurred in response to increased concentrations in the water column and not reduced temperatures.  相似文献   

Empirically derived algorithms are suggested by means of which it is possible to evaluate relations between physical properties in silty salt marsh clay. A relation between loss on ignition, sand content and bulk dry density in the topmost 5 cm was found to explain 84% of the variation of the latter. The bulk dry density in the topmost ≈ 0.5 m was found to vary as a logarithmic function of depth below the surface controlled by two constants directly dependent on the bulk dry density in the topmost 5 cm. Integration of this function illustrates that mass depth (MSDz) down core can be directly related to the bulk dry density of the surface layer. For sediments with a surface bulk dry density between 400 kg m? 3 and 800 kg m? 3 the porosity was found to vary (+/?10%) with MSDz as another logarithmic function. The results allow for an evaluation of the use of marker horizons in the topmost layers. Right after such a layer has been spread on the surface, sedimentation measured in length per time (accretion), will be significantly larger than for subsequent periods. Using marker horizons, it is therefore not trivial to know the level of the marker, as deeper located markers will indicate successively smaller accretion rates with the same sediment input.  相似文献   

In restored salt marshes, seedling recruitment can be limited where large areas of soil are exposed and physical conditions are harsh. On a 0.7-ha excavated marsh plain, we studied recruitment as a function of abiotic (elevation) and biotic factors in 2 × 2 m plots planted with 0, 1, 3, or 6 species from the pool of 8 native halophytes. The random draws of 3-species and 6-species assemblages produced approximately equal numbers of plants per species for the experiment as a whole, yet only three species recruited> 10 seedlings per plot.Salicornia virginica andSalicornia bigelovii each produced> 15,000 seedlings in 1998, andSuaeda esteroa produced> 2,500 seedlings in 1999. For these 3 species, seedling recruitment increased with elevation in 1998, but this trend weakened in 1999, when species richness affected recruitment (fewer seedlings in more species-rich plots). Abiotic effects preceded biotic interactions in determining seedling recruitment patterns early in the development of the salt marsh. Effects of species richness appeared to be scale-dependent in that having all species present in the site likely enhanced overall recruitment (all species had 2 or more seedlings), while plantings of 6 species in a 2 × 2 m plot reduced seedling density.S. virginica was the only species that increased its presence and relative cover in the experimental site over the 4-yr study. Protocols for planting southern California salt marsh restoration sites could omit this species, but all others probably need to be introduced to restore diverse vegetation.  相似文献   

Salt marsh intertidal creeks are important habitats for dozens of species of nekton, but few studies have attempted to quantify patterns of tidal movement. We used the sweep flume, a new sampling device, to investigate relationships between depth and movements of nekton inside the mouths of intertidal creeks. Sweep flumes located in three creek beds were used to collect nekton at 10 cm increments (10–100 cm of water depth) during flood and ebb tides in the North Inlet, South Carolina, salt marsh. Of the 37 taxa collected, 13 comprised>99.5% of the total catch and were the focus of the analysis. A nonlinear mixed modeling procedure was used to determine, the depth at which each major taxon reached peak abundance during flood tides. With high degrees of spatial and temporal consistency, resident taxa entered early on the rpsing tide and transient taxa entered during mid to late tide. Depths of peak migrations varied among taxa and were consistent between creeks, days (within months), and years. As summer progressed, depths of peak migration increased for young-of-the-yearLeiostomus xanthurus, Lagodon rhomboides, Mugil curema, Eucinostomus argenteus, andLitopenaeus setiferus as their median sizes increased. Within tides, depths of migration increased as a function of size forL. xanthurus andM. curema. Comparisons between flood and ebb tides indicated that most taxa exited the creeks at approximately the same depths at which they entered. Relationships between major taxa pairs suggested that biotic interactions may have contributed to the structure of the migrations observed in this study. Our results are the first to demonstrate quantitatively that the migrations of nektonic taxa into intertidal creeks are structured and related to depth.  相似文献   

The restoration of a 20 ha tidal marsh, impounded for 32, yr, in Stonington, Connecticut was studied to document vegetation change 10 yr after the reintroduction of tidal flushing. These data were then compared to a 1976 survey of the same marsh when it was in its freshest state and dominanted byTypha angustifolia. Currently,T. angustifolia remains vigorous only along the upland borders and in the upper reaches of the valley marsh. Live coverage ofT. angustifolia has declined from 74% to 16% and surviving stands are mostly stunted and depauperate. Other brackish species have also been adversely effected, except forPhragmites australis which has increased. In contrast, the salt marsh speciesSpartina alterniflora has dramatically expanded, from <1% to 45% cover over the last decade. Locally, high marsh species have also become established, covering another 20% of the marsh.  相似文献   

The use of the Tejo estuary, Portugal, salt marsh creeks by nekton was examined based on sampling surveys with a fyke net from September 1998 until August 2001. From the 20 taxa (14 fish species, 5 decapod crustacean species, and 1 cephalopod species) identified in the studied creeks, 16 were regularly caught throughout the sampling period. The shrimpPalaemonetes varians was the most numerically abundant species in the creeks, while the biomass was dominated by the mulletLiza ramada. The nekton assemblage was mainly represented by marine-estuarine opportunist species, comprising 85% of the total. A high seasonality was detected on the species abundance patterns: the most abundant species (P. varians, Crangon crangon, L. ramada, Pomatoschistus microps, Syngnathus sp., andAnguilla anguilla) occurred throughout the sampling period,Sardina pilchardus, Dicentrarchus, labrax, andAtherina boyeri were particularly abundant in spring and summer, andEngraulis encrasicholus, Liza aurata, Gambusia holbrooki, Palaemon longirostris, andPalaemon serratus were most abundant in autumn and winter.L. ramada occurred in the tidal creeks in high numbers during neap tides, while the majority of the remaining taxa were most abundant during spring tides, suggesting a differential pattern of habitat use occording to species.  相似文献   



Early diagenetic processes involved in natural organic matter (NOM) oxidation in marine sediments have been for the most part characterized after collecting sediment cores and extracting porewaters. These techniques have proven useful for deep-sea sediments where biogeochemical processes are limited to aerobic respiration, denitrification, and manganese reduction and span over several centimeters. In coastal marine sediments, however, the concentration of NOM is so high that the spatial resolution needed to characterize these processes cannot be achieved with conventional sampling techniques. In addition, coastal sediments are influenced by tidal forcing that likely affects the processes involved in carbon oxidation.  相似文献   

We used137Cs-dating to determine vertical accretion rates of 15 salt marshes on the Bay of Fundy, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Accretion rates are compared to a number of factors assumed to influence vertical marsh accretion: rates of relative sea-level rise, climatic parameters (average daily temperatures and degree days) and latitude (related to insolation and day length), sediment characteristics (organic matter inventory, bulk, mineral, and organic matter density), distance of the core site from the nearest source of tidal waters, and the tidal range. Uniques to our study is a consideration of climatic parameters and latitude, which should influence organic matter production, and thus vertical accretion rates. Significant predictors of accretion rates (in order of importance) were found to be organic matter inventory, distance from a creek, and range of mean tides. Contrary to conclusions from previous studies, we found that accretion rates decreased with increasing tidal range, probably because we considered a wider span of tidal ranges, from micro- to macrotidal. Although four marshes with low organic matter inventories also show a deficit in accretion with respect to relative sea-level rise, organic matter is not limiting in two-thirds of the marshes studied, despite shorter growing seasons.  相似文献   

Experimental chambers were used in a Virginia salt marsh to partition the tidal flux of dissolved nutrients occurring at the marsh surface and in the water column. On five dates from June to October 1989, six replicate chambers in the short Spartina alterniflora zone were monitored over complete tidal cycles. When reservoir water, used to simulate tidal flooding in the chambers, was initially low in dissolved nutrients, the marsh surface was a source of both ammonium and phosphate to the water column. Calculations of the physical processes of diffusion and advection could not account for total nutrient release from the marsh surface. We hypothesize the primary source of nutrients was organic matter mineralization in surface sediments, which released nutrients into the flooding water column. Assimilation (uptake) of phosphate measured in water-column incubation experiments was nearly equal to phosphate released from the marsh surface. Surface release of ammonium, however, was somewhat greater than water-column uptake. In this salt marsh, benthic production and release of ammonium and phosphate is comparable in magnitude to pelagic consumption, thereby yielding only a small “net” transfer of these nutrients to the estuary.  相似文献   

The salt marsh periwinkleLittoraria irrorata (Say) remains on the substratum during low tide but climbs above the water on stalks ofSpartina alterniflora Loisel during high tide. Rhythmic tidal migrations may allowL. irrorata to avoid predators such as blue crabsCallinectes sapidus Rathbun that forage when the marsh is inundated. These tidal rhythms may be driven by endogenous clocks or they may be easily entrained. Snails with flexible and entrainable climbing rhythms may be able to avoid predators in unpredictable environments (e.g., when water unexpectedly covers the substratum as in storm surges). We tested the behavioral response ofL. irrorata to different simulated tidal regimes in the laboratory, and the effect of remaining above mean high water (MHW) on snail survivorship in a smallS. alterniflora salt marsh. In laboratory mesocosms, vertical snail position was measured under constant water levels, simulated tidal cycles, and simulated tidal cycles 180° out of phase (reversed). Under constant water levels, snails ceased to migrate vertically after 1 d. When exposed to tidal and reversed tidal cycles, snails migrated in synchrony with the appropriate simulated rhythm.L. irrorata entrained quickly to differing tidal cycles and maintained their position above the water surfce when water levels were high. In a field experiment, snails were tethered toS. alteriflora plants near the substratum and above MHW in the marsh for 1 wk to assess survival. Survival of snails tethered above MHW was sigificantly greater than for snails tethered at the base of plants; no snails in control cages died. Rapid alteration of tidal vertical migrations may allowL. irrorata to avoid predators that forage when water inundates the marsh predictably or unexpectedly.  相似文献   

This paper documents the role of salt marsh algal mats in the productivity of a southern California tidal wetland. The productivity of the mats, which are composed of filamentous bluegreen and green algae and diatoms, varies both temporally and spatially in relation to tidal inundation and overstory vegetation. The estimates of net primary productivity (NPP) were highest under the canopy ofJaumea carnosa (Less.) Gray (341 g C m?2 yr?1) at low elevation. Elsewhere, NPP appeared to be limited by low light (276 g C m?2 yr?1 underSpartina foliosa Trin.) and desiccation (185 g C m?2 yr?1 underBatis martima L. and 253 g C m?2 yr?1 underMonanthochloe littoralis Engelm). Algal NPP was from 0.8 to 1.4 times that of the vascular plant overstory NPP. It is hypothesized that the arid environment of southern California and resulting hypersaline soils reduce vascular plant cover, which leads to high algal productivity.  相似文献   

Flume nets of various lengths and a 3-m seine were used to sample the fishes and macrocrustaceans using a flooded Louisiana salt marsh and the adjacent tidal creek. The experiment allowed for species-specific comparisons of the flooded marsh at the creek edge versus the interior. Of the 37,667 organisms collected in flume nets from January through November 1989, 89% were decapods (nine species) and 11% were fish (29 species). An additional 18,539 organisms (75% decapods and 25% fish) were collected from concurrent seine samples taken from July through November. Comparison of catches among different flume lengths and low tide versus high tide seine collections revealed distinct patterns of marsh habitat utilization. Densities of most organisms were highest within 3 m of the water’s edge, but significant numbers of marsh-resident fish species used the interior marshes. The edge marshes appeared to be used by both transient and resident species; however, the interior marshes were used primarily by marsh-resident species (Cyprinodontiformes andPalaemonetes sp.) that are excellent food sources for adult transient-species. Four zonations of marsh use are described for transients, residents, and rare species.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of sulfur fractions in Louisiana salt marsh soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The profile distributions of specific sulfur forms were examined at a site in a Louisiana salt marsh over a 1-yr period. Soil samples were fractionated into acid-volatile sulfides, HCl-soluble sulfur, elemental sulfur, pyrite sulfur, ester-sulfate sulfur, carbon-bonded sulfur, and total sulfur. Inorganic sulfur constituted 16% to 36% of total sulfur, with pyrite sulfur representing <2%. Pyrite sulfur content in marsh soil was relatively high in winter. Pyrite sulfur and elemental sulfur together accounted for 4% to 24% of the inorganic sulfur fraction. Between 74% and 95% of inorganic sulfur was present as the HCl-soluble sulfur form. A significant negative correlation between acid-volatile sulfides and elemental sulfur observed in summer suggested the transformation of fulfides to elemental sulfur. Organic sulfur, in the forms of ester-sulfate sulfur and carbon-bonded sulfur, predominated in all sampling periods, comprising 64% to 84% of total sulfur. The conversion of ester-sulfate sulfur into carbon-bonded sulfur was more likely to occur in winter than in other seasons. Carbon-bonded sulfur accounted for 53% to 89% of the organic sulfur. Organic sulfur was the major contributor to the variation of total sulfur in all seasons studied. Total sulfur concentration showed a statistically significant increase with depth.  相似文献   

Methane release from soils of a Georgia salt marsh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A seasonal study of methane release from marsh soils to the atmosphere indicates that ebullition is a significant process varying both seasonally and spatially. Release rates are higher during summer months than winter months and ebullition is greatest in the short Spartina alterniflora marshes and least in the tall S. alterniflora marshes. The annual amounts of methane released in the short and tall marshes are 53.1 and 0.4 gm?3 which represents a loss of 8.8 and 0.002% of the net carbon fixation in the two respective marsh types.In vitro experimentation shows that methane production is sensitive to changes in temperature and addition of H2 and CO2.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to examine spatial and temporal variation in chironomid (predominantlyTanypus clavatus) abundance, and their trophic relationship with benthic microalgae. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of chironomid gut pigments indicated that diatoms comprised the bulk of the microalgae ingested by chironomids.14C-feeding studies were used to obtain quantitative estimates of chironomid, copepod, ostracod, and nematode grazing on benthic microalgae. Daily consumption of standing microalgal biomass by chironomids ranged from 0.12% (January) to 125% (May), but was highly variable. There were no significant diel, temporal (over the scale of months), or spatial patterns in individual chironomid grazing rates. There was significant temporal variation in the proportion of microalgal biomass consumed by the total meiofaunal assemblage, and highest grazing impacts occurred in May, coincident with high abundances of chironomids, harpacticoid copepods, and ostracods. The grazing impact of chironomids was comparable to or greater than that of other known grazers of microalgae (copepods, ostracods). Functional-response experiments performed in the laboratory revealed that chironomid ingestion rates increased with increasing food availability over short (1 to 2 h) time scales. Field data did not indicate a functional response to food availability over longer (mo) time scales, possibly because of other environmental incluences. Gut residence time (determined using fluorescently labeled beads) changed with variable feeding rates, which were in turn a function of variable food availability. Chironomid larvae have the ability to consume significant fraction of the microphytobenthos in absolute terms, and relative to other meiofauna, indicating that they are an important component of the salt marsh food web.  相似文献   

The stable isotope signatures of marine transient and resident nekton were used to investigate trophic linkages between primary producers, marsh macrophytes, phytoplankton, benthic microalgae, and consumers within the Delaware Bay. A whole estuary approach was used to compare the flux of nutrients from primary producers to juvenile weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), and white perch (Morone americana) in open waters of the lower and upper Bay and adjacent salt marshes dominated by eitherSpartina alterniflora orPhragmites australis. Our results suggest that trophic linkages vary significantly along the salinity gradient, reflecting the transition fromSpartina toPhragmites-dominated marshes, and secondarily, in a marsh to open water (offshore) direction at a given salinity. Superimposed on this pattern was a gradient in the proximate use of organic matter that depended on life history traits of each species ranging from pelagic to benthic in the order bay anchovy > weakfish > white perch.  相似文献   

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