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Land degradation in Puruliya district, West Bengal was assessed using remote sensing techniques. Analysis of satellite data (False Colour Composite in 1:50,000 scale) was carried out visually and subsequent ground verification and translation of imgae interpretation units into various categories of degraded lands. The results indicate that 31.8 per cent area of the district suffers from one or the other kind of land degradation. Water induced soil erosion is the major problem which accounts for 31.3 per cent area of the district. Land degradation due to waterlogging is limited to only 0.3 per cent area whereas 0.2 per cent area is degraded due to rock quarries, brick kiln and indus-trial effluents.  相似文献   

In the vast alluvial plains of West Bengal and Orissa several deltaic plains exist, occurring in an off-lap sequence. These deltas were formed in the background of eustatic fluctuations during the Quaternary Period. They were built partly during rising sea level and pertly during stationary sea level stages. Landform analysis through aerial photographs as well as Landsat imagery interpretation, attested by field study, helped to establish the palaeogeomorphology of these Quaternary deltas. Possible mode of sedimentation during different phases of sea level fluctuations has been worked out  相似文献   

The land evaluation has been of paramount importance for the planned development and resource utilization of an area, specially for locating better potential zones for increasing agricultural production. Large areas in the country are yet to be evaluated based on their productivity and potentiality. A case study was undertaken in a part of Bolangir district of Orissa, by using small scale aerial photographs.  相似文献   

Visual interpretation of IRS ID LISS-III fused with PAN data (1:12,500 scale) ofPatloinala micro-watershed of Puruliya district, West Bengal was carried out for delineating the physiographic units based on the variations in image characteristics. The major physiographic units identified were upland(Tanr), medium land(Baid), and low land(Bahal andKanali). The satellite remote sensing data coupled with ground truth were translated in terms of soils using composite interpretation map as base. The abstraction level attained was phases of soil series based on Soil Taxonomy. On the basis of physiographic variation and soil or soil site characteristics such as texture, depth, slope, erosion etc. the problem areas were identified and land use plan has been suggested for the overall development of the micro-watershed.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques using satellite imagery have proved to be an indispensible tool in morphometric analysis and groundwater studies. In the present area, morphometric analysis using temote sensing techniques have been carried out in Chaka river sub-basin of Manbazar Block, Purulia district, West-Bengal, which is one of the most drought affected area in West-Bengal. The parameters worked out include Bifurcation ratio (Rb), Stream length (Lu). Form factor (Rf), Circulatory ratio (Rc), and Drainage density. The morphometric analysis suggests that the area is covered by fractured, resistant, permeable rocks, the drainage network not so affected by tectonic disturbances. Using satellite imageries of LANDSAT and IRS, different hydrogeomorphological units have been delineated. The study shows that moderately weathered pediplains and valley fills are good prospective zones for groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

Buruli ulcer (BU), a skin ulceration caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans (MU), is the second most widespread mycobacterium infection in Ghana. Its infection pathway is possibly related to the potable and agricultural water supply. This study aims to identify environmental factors that influence infection in a part of Ghana. It examines the significance of contaminated surface drainage channels and groundwater using conditional autoregressive (CAR) statistical modelling. This type of modelling implies that the spatial pattern of BU incidence in one community depends on the influence of the environment in neighbouring communities. Covariates were included to assess the spatial relationship between environmental risk factors and BU incidence in the study area. The study reveals an association between (a) the mean As content of soil and spatial distribution of BU and (b) the distance to sites of gold mining and spatial distribution of BU. We conclude that both arsenic in the natural environment and gold mining influence BU infection.  相似文献   

The study deals with making land evaluation for sugarcane, wheat and paddy cultivation in the semi-arid central alluvial plains in district Rohtak, Haryana. The special feature of this study is the use of soil survey data obtained from the interpretation of aerial photographs (1∶25,000) with limited field checks for making soil classification. Methodology of land evaluation is based on F.A.O. frame work and an attempt has been made to extricate land qualities from the information contained in the texa of soil Taxonomy identified in the surveyed are. The study successfully demonstrates a systematic, fast and economic way of making land evaluation for sound landuse planning in an area for agriculture development. On the basis of this study, highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3) and currently not suitable (N1) land mapping units for the cultivation of sugarcane, wheat and paddy have been identified and their respective percentage area calculated for the study area.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of high resolution imagery has triggered the need for automated image analysis techniques, with reduced human intervention and reproducible analysis procedures. The knowledge gained in the past might be of use to achieving this goal, if systematically organized into libraries which would guide the image analysis procedure. In this study we aimed at evaluating the variability of digital classifications carried out by three experts who were all assigned the same interpretation task. Besides the three classifications performed by independent operators, we developed an additional rule-based classification that relied on the image classifications best practices found in the literature, and used it as a surrogate for libraries of object characteristics. The results showed statistically significant differences among all operators who classified the same reference imagery. The classifications carried out by the experts achieved satisfactory results when transferred to another area for extracting the same classes of interest, without modification of the developed rules.  相似文献   

The Mechi-Mahananda interfluve is a transitional area between the hills and the plains and exhibits a wide range of topographical variations. The drainage system of the area has a close relationship with lithology and landforms. The rivers originating in the hills attain a braiding character and have well developed alluvial fans. Piedmont plain covers a large area and has high ground water potential. The river terraces and flood plains also have high potentialities of ground water targeting. Fluctuation of water table is very high in the upper piedmont plain dependent upon the proximity to the drainage lines.  相似文献   

Soil resource characterization of Dhamni micro-watershed in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra was carried out using IRS-1D LISS-III data in conjunction with field survey and ancillary data. The study indicates that nearly 84.2 per cent of the total geographical area of the watershed is under cultivation. Forest (mainly degraded) occupy only 4.5 per cent area Whereas wasteland with scrub cover 9.4 per cent area of the watershed. Nine soil series were tentatively identified and mapped as soil series association in to five mapping units. These soils belong to order Inceptisol, Vertisol and Mollisol. Except the soils of wasteland with scrub, other soils are moderately suitable for pigeonpea and soybean and have average to good productivity.  相似文献   

River basin management and development are most important for utilising and conserving the water resources in any region where the average annual rainfall is highly fluctuating, the North Bengal is one of such region. Though there are a large number of rivers having a large catchment area in the hills and carry a huge amount of water during rainy season but they are completely dry in winter and summer. The upper part of majority of river basins arc highly sensitive to water erosion and land slides due to deforestation, intensive cultivation, increased settlements in sloping and erosion prone areas. So, floods in the rainy season and droughts in summer months are frequent features in North Bengal. In view of this proper management and effective conservation of land and water resources is necessary to develop the region. An integrated river basin management consisting soil conservation, afforestation, flood control, and adoption of suitable cropping pattern is essential for economic development of North Bengal.  相似文献   

The piedmont zone, located between the foothills of Darjeeling Sub-Himalaya and the flat plains of North Bengal is elongated from west to east and its average height varies from 150 m in the north to 50 m in the south. Morphologically, the region is divided into three distinct physiographic units. Many large and small rivers originated from the Darjeeling Sub-Himalayas intersect it. Most of these rivers have their large catchment area in the mountainous tract. The study area has about 350 cm of annual rainfall and peak discharge in the rivers is very high during monsoon period. Rivers carry large amount of sediments, gravels, and pebbles both in suspension and traction and these materials are deposited in the foothills of the Sub-Himalaya as fan deposits and on the riverbeds making braided channels. Landforms in the study area are mainly complex and their origins are influenced by neotectonic and fluvial activities. Many rivers terraces, palaeo-channels, out wash plains, valley-fills and channel bars are formed in the region due to both erosion and depositional processes. These processes and modifications of landforms are still going on in the region.  相似文献   

In this study, visible near infrared, shortwave infrared spectral bands of Landsat 8 satellite sensor, two polarisation channel of L band ALOS-PALASAR sensor, SRTM-DEM derived digital elevation data were processed to delineate different geomorphic components of alluvial fans of Tista-Mahanada fan complex. We found image composite of independent components, principal components of Landsat 8 bands were effective in delineating proximal and distal fan segments. Fused images of Landsat 8 and ALOS data were used for enhancing incised distributaries and paleochannels. Field data on depositional sequence of fans, were used to substantiate the image based delineation. Topographic breaks along selected longitudinal profiles (identified with the changes in land use and drainage pattern) of digital elevation data were conjugately analysed using Landsat false colour composites. GPR survey along selected transect highlights the vertical dislocation in the recently deposited sequences of alluvial fan regime indicative of post depositional disturbances.  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis of the surface drainage has been carried out for the four micro-watersheds of Bharatpur district, Rajasthan to quantify the drainage morphometry of the district. The morphochronology of landseape evolution has been described. Banaganga represents anomalous drainage, which causes large scale inundation during rainy season. The strain of post-collision Himalayan tectonics resulted in slope mulation in Bharatpur district which changed slope from westerly to easterly. The landform characteristics of Bharatpur district have been arehieved at the National Informatics Center, District Data Base, Bharatpur is alpha numeric mode.  相似文献   

社区尺度下南京鼓楼区养老设施综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万浴  黄紫荆  陈刚  刘玉轩 《测绘科学》2021,46(4):135-141,177
针对南京市鼓楼区提出的打造"15 min养老圈"规划,该文选取养老助餐设施为研究对象,基于百度交通距离,结合社区精细尺度,从养老助餐设施数量、服务规模、空间可达性等多维度构建养老助餐设施综合评价模型,测度鼓楼区各社区养老助餐设施建设成果.结果表明:①鼓楼区现有养老助餐设施已覆盖95.5%的老龄人口,基本实现"15 min养老圈"规划,并揭示了未来养老助餐设施重点布局区域;②高斯两步移动搜索法有效地测度了鼓楼区养老助餐设施的空间可达性,鼓楼区约有91个社区的可达性属于中等及以上水平,占比75.8%;③鼓楼区养老助餐设施综合评价达到中等及以上水平的社区占比93.3%,同时也存在养老供需不匹配的问题.  相似文献   

A pilot study was taken up to evolve an optimum plan to locate cold stores for potato in Bardhaman district of West Bengal, India, a leading potato growing area. Remote sensing data from IRS sensors was used to delineate the potato growing area. Road and village information was derived from high-resolution remote sensing data and 1:50,000 scale Survey of India topographic maps. The analysis showed that the present capacity of cold stores can cater to around 40 percent of production. A combination of buffering and location-allocation analysis was performed using Art/Info software. Total 57 cold storage sites with average capacity were identified. Further, analysis was carried out for phase wise development of sites according to priority.  相似文献   

Geology in parts of Sainj Valley,Kulu district,Himachal Pradesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper highlights the findings of photogeological studies, with selective field checks, carried out in Sainj Valley. For the first time, a photogeological map of the area has been prepared using large scale aerial photographs Structurally the area forms‘Window in a Window’ structure as the oldest rocks of Kulu formation are thrusted over the younger rocks of Larji Group (Larji and Banjar formations) and further Banjars are thrusted over Larjis. Thus, Larjis being stratigraphically youngest, occupy the lowest tectonic position. The Kulu formation mainly consists of Central Crystalline, schists and gneisses. Banjar is composed of quartzite, metabasics, slate and phyllite. Larji predominantly consists of dolomite and quartzite with slate and phyllite. The photogeological studies have helped to bring out the lineament pattern, landslide zones, major structural trends and main geological formations. The lineaments mainly trend in NNE-SSW, NW-SE, NE-SW and NNW-SSE directions. A key for photo-characters of different litho units and terrain elements of the area is established.  相似文献   

Karjan river is an important tributary of Narmada in Gujarat. Along with one of its own tributaries, called Terav it has carved a “meandering valley” across the block faulted rldge and valley Deccan Trap topography, south of Narmada. Karjan originates at Bardipada, which is much nearer to Tapti river than Narmada and in the initial stretches its channel is consequent to faults and fractures. However, before emerging on to the alluvial plain in north it has a sinuous valley. With confines of this valley the present stream channel wanders back and forth and has incised deep into various Deccan Trap flows. The geometry of such meanders shows that this is an symmetric meandering valley. The valley as such is an antecedent one in which the present stream channel is ur.derfit and ingrown. Natural fluvial processes, accelerated by dynamic rejuvenation of the area and wetter climatic phases during Pleistocene and Holocene seem to have carved this meandering valley and integrated the drainage.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the Bathinda district of Punjab state for mapping the cropping pattern and crop rotation, monitoring long term changes in cropping pattern by using the satellite based remote sensing data along other spatial and non-spatial collateral data. Multi-date IRS LISS I and IRS WiFS sensor data have been used for this study. Cropping pattern maps and crop rotation maps were generated for the years 1988-89 and 1998-99. The present study has shown the increase of cropping intensity significantly, mainly due to increase in rice area. However, crop diversity has decreased mainly due to decline in the area under the minor crops like pearl millet, gram, rapeseed/ mustard. There is increase in area coverage of cotton-wheat and rice-wheat rotation, at the expense of the minor crops.  相似文献   

Kondakarla lake is the largest natural fresh water lake in Visakhapatnam district. The lake is thought to have been formed in stages. There might have been in the past a ‘U’ shaped rim of hills enclosing a basin with a minor drainage system. With the reduction of hills in relative relief, the drainage got obliterated because of excessive deposition of alluvium leaving a gently sloping piedmont and a central shallow depression. An old course of the Sarada river entered the lake and there are evidences in field indicating the old course having got in and got out of the lake, in the absence of a few geomorphic units along the foot-slopes of the hills. These geomorphic units appear to have been removed by the swerving meander loops of the old course. Again, there are a series of four sandy islands in the lake, the configuration and disposition of which indicate deposition in the inside of the meander loops as point bar deposits, while the old course migrated towards southeast of the basin. The lake is thought to have been farmed in the gently sloping basin partially deepened perhaps by migrating course of tha Sarada river. Aggradation at the northestern part besides cutting off of the meander loop, has created a barrier of low relief resulting in a narrow long basin of internal drainage. Neither the structural trend of the hills nor any other features indicate synclinal or anticlinal troughs, ruling out any structural origin for this lake.  相似文献   

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