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In an attempt to assess the impact of bivalve culture in Carlingford Lough, Ireland, the seasonal cycles of nutrients, particulate matter, chlorophylla, and phytoplankton in the lough was investigated in 1992. Chlorophyll levels showed an increase in April, corresponding to the annual spring bloom, and levels remained relatively high (2–12 mg m?3) throughout the summer before dropping to a winter minimum by December. Throughout the summer the phytoplankton community was dominated by diatoms, with microflagellates becoming an increasingly larger fraction of the biomass in autumn and winter. Dinoflagellates were only present on occasion in low numbers during the summer months. Seasonal variations in nitrate, phosphate, and silicate concentrations at all stations showed characteristic winter maxima and summer minima. Nitrate concentrations had reached a minimum undetectable level by June, at a time when the main freshwater input from the Clanrye River had dropped to <0.3 m3 s?1. Particulate organic carbon (POC) composed approximately 5% of the suspended matter, with highest values in winter due to resuspension. Levels of biologically available POC, as determined by a modified BOD technique, were greatest in summer, and an inverse relationship was observed between total POC and its fraction that was biologically available. Most of the labile fraction was considered to be phytoplankton, and remineralization during the summer is suggested as a mechanism for maintaining high productivity during the summer months. Although the phytoplankton biology was uncoupled with that outside the lough, it is concluded that there is scope for expansion of the local bivalve mariculture industry without altering the ecosystem of the lough. The upper limit on such expansion would be set by practical considerations such as availability of space and site suitability due to water quality.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope compositions of phosphate in tooth enamel from large mammals (i.e. horse and red deer) were measured to quantify past mean annual air temperatures and seasonal variations between 145 ka and 33 ka in eastern France. The method is based on interdependent relationships between the δ18O of apatite phosphate, environmental waters and air temperatures. Horse (Equus caballus germanicus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) remains have δ18O values that range from 14.2‰ to 17.2‰, indicating mean air temperatures between 7°C and 13°C. Oxygen isotope time series obtained from two of the six horse teeth show a sinusoidal-like signal that could have been forced by temperature variations of seasonal origin. Intra-tooth oxygen isotope variations reveal that at 145 ka, winters were colder (? 7 ± 2°C) than at present (3 ± 1°C) while summer temperatures were similar. Winter temperatures mark a well-developed West–East thermal gradient in France of about ? 9°C, much stronger than the ?4°C difference recorded presently. Negative winter temperatures were likely responsible for the extent and duration of the snow cover, thus limiting the food resources available for large ungulates with repercussions for Neanderthal predators.  相似文献   

Annual acetylene reduction rates associated with interidal communities in a chronically oil polluted Virginia salt marsh were compared to rates measured in an undisturbed marsh. Chronic oil treatment resulted in visible damage to the higher plants of theSpartina alterniflora zones; however, vegetation-associated acetylene, reduction was not different from the untreated control. Sediment rates generally were affected little by oil application, except during the summer when rates in the median tidal elevation zones were considerably higher than those of the control. Acetylene reduction occurred in all transects, each of which extended from upper mudflat to theSpartina patens zone. Intertidal sediment acetylene reduction was patchy, both spatially and seasonally. Estimated rates were greatest near the surface; free-living bacterial N2 fixation activity averaged 2.23 mg N per m2 per d (range=undetectable to 365 mg N per m2 per d) in the untreated and 3.17 mg N per m2 per d (range=undetectable to 564 mg N per m2 per d) in the oil-treated marsh during the year. Vegetation-associated N2 fixation activity yielded highest overall mean rates (156 mg N per m2 per d). The seasonal pattern of sediment and vegetation-associated fixation may be controlled by temperature and availability of oxidizable substrates.  相似文献   

The effect of a 7-mo drought (La Niña 1988) was evaluated on pelagic properties in the large Patos Lagoon (30°12′–32°12′S, 50°40′–52°15′W). From December 1987 to December 1988, surface water was sampled along the longitudinal axis of the lagoon for temperature (10–29°C), salinity (0–31.4), dissolved inorganic phosphate (0.02–4.73 μM), nitrate (0.05–66.25 μM), nitrite (0.01–3.54 μM), ammonium (0.09–33.19 μM), silicate (1.11–359.20 μM), phytoplankton chlorophylla (chl; 0.4–41.2 mg m?3), primary production (gross PP 1.72–161.82 mg C m3 h?1; net PP 0.04–126.19 mg C m3 h?1), and species composition and abundance (42–4,961 ind ml?1). In the wet season the whole system acted as a river and light availability limited phytoplankton growth. During the drought from February to August monthly freshwater runoff was low and the inflow of marine water to the southern sector generated spatial variability of the analyzed properties and five functional areas were recognized. The northernmost Guaíba River (1) presented low light availability and phytoplankton chl concentration compared to the northern limnetic area (2) (chl mean 13.3 μg I?1; max 41.2 μg I?1; gross PP mean 52.6 mg C m3 h?1), which acted as a biological filter removing dissolved inorganic nutrients. Silicate concentration was strongly diminished in this area due to diatom uptake (Aulacoseira granulata, 9,330 cells ml?1). In the northern limnetic and central oligohaline (3) areas, phytoplankton biomass was controlled by light but nitrogen also played a limiting role. In the southern area (4) that is under marine influence, low chl concentration (mean 4.5 μg I?1) and gross PP (mean 28.1 mg C m3 h?1) coincided with co-limitation of nitrogen and light while the channel to the ocean (5) was strongly light limited. This study demonstrated that low light and high silicate input had a buffer effect at Patos Lagoon, hampering negative expression of cultural eutrophication. The main effect during the drought period occurred in the northern limnetic region, where low silicate values due to diatom uptake led to higher cyanobacteria abundance, and enhanced mineralization occurred in the central oligohaline lagoon. Increased rainfall resulted in light limitation and decreasing primary production in the entire freshwater lagoon, and the adjacent coastal region benefited from nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary paleotemperatures and paleosalinities of surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico were estimated using a multivariate statistical analysis of census data of planktonic foraminifera. Two climatic extremes were selected for detailed basinwide study, the climatic optimum 125,000 yr ago and the glacial maximum 18,000 yr ago. In addition, patterns of climatic change were examined in seven piston cores from 127,000 yr ago to the present day. During the climatic optimum 125,000 yr ago temperature distributions in surface waters were similar to those of the present. The 22°C winter isotherm trended northeastward across the central basin and paleotemperatures decreased northward. Summer distributions were nearly homogeneous and ranged between 28° and 29°C. Winter salinities were 1‰ fresher than present values in the northmost Gulf and 0.4‰ fresher in the central basin. Summer salinities were similar during both times. In contrast, during the last glacial maximum temperatures were 1° to 2°C cooler in winter and 1°C cooler in summer, and isotherms formed a circular pattern in the Gulf during both seasons. Salinity was 0.3‰ fresher in winter than at present but 0.6‰ saltier in summer. Conditions deteriorated from the climatic optimum to the glacial maximum. In the Mexico Basin, winter temperatures were 2°C cooler from 75,000 to 45,000 yr ago (Y6 to Y3 Subzones), summer temperatures reached a minimum (3°C cooler) 32,000 yr ago (Y2–Y3 boundary), and seasonality reached minimal values (5°C) from 45,000 to 15,000 yr ago. All three parameters became similar in value to those in the Straits of Florida from 45,000 to 15,000 yr ago, suggesting that the exchange of surface waters was enhanced at this time between the two regions. Summer salinities remained similar to present conditions in the Mexico Basin, whereas, winter salinities increased 2‰ by 32,000 yr ago and then fell 0.5‰ until the glacial maximum ended. The Westerlies may have migrated southward over the Mexico Basin in winter from 32,000 to 15,000 yr ago.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of syngenetic and epigenetic ice wedges, radiocarbon age, and pollen spectra of the surrounding deposits were studied during long term investigations at the "Belyi Klyuch" site on the first(6-8 m height) terrace of the Chara River(720 m.a.s.l.) in northern Transbaikalia to assess climatic conditions during ice-wedge formation. It was revealed that Holocene ice wedges had been formed from 10 to 7.5 ka 14 C BP. The isotope composition(δ~(18)O, δ~2 H) of relict ice wedges is the lightest and amounts-23‰ and-185‰, correspondingly. The isotopic compositions of ice lenses from sandy loam above ice wedges are-15.7‰, and-133‰; of small ice wedge in peat and sand are-15.3‰ and-117.9‰, accordingly.Interpretation of the ice wedge isotope composition has yielded that mean winter temperatures during cold stages of Holocene optimum were lower than today, during warm stages they were close to modern ones. During the coldest stages of Holocene optimum the total annual freezing index varied from-5100 to-5700 ℃ degree days, i.e. 300-600 ℃ degree days colder than during extremely severe modern winters. The total annual thawing index varied from 1300 to 1800 ℃ degree days, which was slightly higher than modern ones.  相似文献   

Net annual primary production of a sedge Carex lyngbyei dominated tidal marsh in the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada was 634 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) per m2 per yr (687 g dry weight per m2 per yr). Mean maximum shoot elongation during the short (May to August) growing season was 1.88 cm per day from overwintering shoots. The maximum aboveground standing crop of 690 g AFDW per m2 represented only 25% of the total below-ground biomass, which appears to be controlling most of the critical life history processes of the sedge marsh. An estimate of 14 percent of the aboveground standing crop was lost through leaching of dissolved organic carbon from the growting plant. Aboveground tissue losses, which were negligible during the growing season, occurred primarily via translocation in autumn and tidal export during the winter. In situ measurements showed that of the original maximum standing crop, approximately 38%, 37%, and 25% were lost by downward translocation, tidal export, and sediment burial, respectively. Based on changes in above and belowground nutrient pools, rapid spring (May to late June) uptake rates of 109 mg N per m2 per day and 23.0 mg P per m2 per day by shoots were followed by downward translocation rates of 44.8 mg N per m2 per day and 12.2 mg P per m2 per day during late June to the end of August. Aboveground leaching rates were estimated as 23.9 mg N per m2 per day and 7.8 mg P m2 per day and belowground uptake rates as 100 mg N per m2 per day and 26 mg P per m2 per day; root uptake occurred primarily after late June. Nutrient levels in decomposing litter more than doubled over the winter period showing a pattern of nutrient enrichment characteristic of marsh ecosystems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY023 00004  相似文献   

Phytoplankton productivity and the factors that influence it were studied in the Logan River and southern Moreton Bay, a large embayment on the east coast of Australia. Phytoplankton productivity, dissolved and total nutrient concentrations, and turbidity were determined throughout high and low rainfall periods to characterize light and nutrient influences on productivity. Turbidity and nutrient concentrations were highest at upriver sites, but productivity was highest at the river mouth and within the river plume. Phytoplankton productivity peaked after rainfall events (>150 mg C m?3 h?1), commensurate with a decrease in dissolved nitrogen concentrations. Productivity responses to increased nutrient concentrations and light availability were determined in laboratory incubations. During summer, productivities at the bay sites were stimulated by nitrogen (N) enrichment, while productivities at upriver sites were stimulated by phosphorus (P) addition. Light stimulation of productivities was more pronounced at upriver sites than bay sites. The relative magnitude of nutrient and light stimulation of productivities indicate a predominance of light limitation upriver, significant N limitation within the Logan River plume, and little effect of light, N, or P at sites beyond the Logan River plume. Productivity decreased with seasonal decreases in temperature. Lower water temperatures in winter probably helped determine maximum rates of phytoplankton productivity. The combination of light and N limitation of productivity during summer, and temperature limitation during winter, account for low areal productivities (<0.6 g C m?2 d?1), compared with other rivers and estuaries worldwide.  相似文献   

Polar ice cores are unique climate archives. Indeed, most of them have a continuous stratigraphy and present high temporal resolution of many climate variables in a single archive. While water isotopic records (δD or δ18O) in ice cores are often taken as references for past atmospheric temperature variations, their relationship to temperature is associated with a large uncertainty. Several reasons are invoked to explain the limitation of such an approach; in particular, post-deposition effects are important in East Antarctica because of the low accumulation rates. The strong influence of post-deposition processes highlights the need for surface polar research programs in addition to deep drilling programs. We present here new results on water isotopes from several recent surface programs, mostly over East Antarctica. Together with previously published data, the new data presented in this study have several implications for the climatic reconstructions based on ice core isotopic data: (1) The spatial relationship between surface mean temperature and mean snow isotopic composition over the first meters in depth can be explained quite straightforwardly using simple isotopic models tuned to d-excess vs. δ18O evolution in transects on the East Antarctic sector. The observed spatial slopes are significantly higher (~ 0.7–0.8‰·°C?1 for δ18O vs. temperature) than seasonal slopes inferred from precipitation data at Vostok and Dome C (0.35 to 0.46‰·°C?1). We explain these differences by changes in condensation versus surface temperature between summer and winter in the central East Antarctic plateau, where the inversion layer vanishes in summer. (2) Post-deposition effects linked to exchanges between the snow surface and the atmospheric water vapor lead to an evolution of δ18O in the surface snow, even in the absence of any precipitation event. This evolution preserves the positive correlation between the δ18O of snow and surface temperature, but is associated with a much slower δ18O-vs-temperature slope than the slope observed in the seasonal precipitation. (3) Post-deposition effects clearly limit the archiving of high-resolution (seasonal) climatic variability in the polar snow, but we suggest that sites with an accumulation rate of the order of 40 kg.m?2.yr?1 may record a seasonal cycle at shallow depths.  相似文献   

During 1973 and 1974 seasonal abundance and mean total length of Atlantic croaker,Micropogonias undulatus, were investigated by otter trawl at 33 stations in South Carolina estuaries in relation to bottom salinity and temperature. Relative abundance of Atlantic croaker was measured by catch per unit effort at 3°C temperature intervals and 3‰ salinity intervals. Croaker occurred over a bottom temperature range of 9.0–31.4°C while occurring most abundantly in waters above 24.0°C. No significant correlation between size and temperature was found. Croaker were collected in salinities from 0.4 to 34.4‰. High correlations of size and salinity were evident in 1973 during winter (r=0.79), summer (r=0.82), and fall (r=0.94). In 1974, correlations were significant only during fall (r=0.76).  相似文献   

Bimonthly variations in shoot density, biomass, and blade productivity were used to estimate diel rates of primary productivity in conjunction with in situ measurements of photosynthesis and irradiance for a monospecific meadow ofHalodule wrightii Ascherson in Laguna Madre, Texas. Four separate techniques for estimating areal primary productivity were compared to estimates of primary production calculated from in situ measurements of photosynthesis and continuous recording of underwater light using the Hsat model. The clip and reharvest method, which is commonly used to measure shoot production, provided estimates ranging from 0.003 mol C m?2 d?1 in winter to 0.054 mol C m?2 d?1 in summer. In contrast, a method using aboveground biomass values, previously determined turnover rates, and belowground: aboveground biomass ratios provided estimates of primary production ranging from 0.04 mol C m?2 d?1 (winter) to 0.49 mol C m?2 d?1 (spring), similar to values determined from the Hsat model using in situ measurements of photosynthesis and ambient light regimes. Our results indicate that the clip and reharvest method dramatically underestimates primary productivity forH. wrightii, and that the inclusion of belowground biomass in carbon budget calculations is essential to obtaining realistic estimates of plant productivity. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY069 00022  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the exchange of ammonia, nitrate plus nitrite, phosphate, and dissolved organic phosphorus between sediments and the overlying water column were made in a shallow coastal lagoon on the ocean coast of Rhode Island, U.S.A. The release of ammonia from mud sediments in the dark (20–440 μmol per m2 per h) averaged ten times higher than from a sandy tidal flat (0–60 μmol per m2 per h), and while mud sediments also released nitrate and phosphate, sandy sediments took up these nutrients. Fluxes of nutrients from mud sediments, but not from sandy areas, markedly increased with temperature. Ammonia release rates for mud sediments in the light (0–350 μmol per m2 per h) were lower than those in the dark and it is estimated that some 25% of the ammonia released to the water column on an annual basis may be intercepted by the benthic microfloral community. Estimates of the annual net exchange of nutrients across the sediment-water interface, weighted by sediment type for the lagoon as a whole, showed a release of 450 mmol per m2 of ammonia, 5 mmol per m2 of phosphate, 5 mmol per m2 of dissolved organic phosphorus, and an uptake of 80 mmol per m2 of nitrate. Although rates of ammonia and nitrate exchange were comparable to those described for the deeper heterotrophic bottom communities of nearby Narragansett Bay, rates of benthic phosphate release were significantly lower. On an annual basis the Bay benthos released approximately 20 times more inorganic phosphate per unit area than did the lagoon benthos. As a result., the N/P ratio for the flux from the sediments was 74∶1 in the lagoon, compared with 16∶1 in “average” marine plankton and 8∶1 for the benthic flux from Narragansett Bay. The lack of remineralized phosphate in the lagoon, is reflected in water, column phosphate concentrations (always <1 μm) and water column N/P ratios (annual N/P=27) and suggests that the lagoon may show phosphate limitation rather than the nitrogen limitation commonly associated with marine systems.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial and temporal changes in spectral irradiance, phytoplankton community composition, and primary productivity in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA. High concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were responsible for up to 84 % of the attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR). Green-yellow wavelengths were the predominant colors of light available at the two sampling sites: Clam Bank Creek and Oyster Landing. Vertical attenuation coefficients of PAR were 0.7–2.1 m?1 with corresponding euphotic zone depths of 1.5–6.7 m. Phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll a [chl a]) varied seasonally with a summer maximum of 16 μg chl a l?1 and a winter minimum of 1.4 μg chl a l?1. The phytoplankton community consisted mainly of diatoms, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and haptophytes, with diatoms and prasinophytes accounting for up to 67 % of total chl a. Changes in phytoplankton community composition showed strongest correlations with temperature. Light-saturated chl a-specific rates of photosynthesis and daily primary productivity varied with season and ranged from 1.6 to 14 mg C (mg chl a) ?1?h?1 (32–803 mg C m?3?day?1). Calculated daily rates added up to an annual carbon fixation rate of 84 g C m?3?year?1. Overall, changes in phytoplankton community composition and primary productivity in North Inlet showed a strong dependence on temperature, with PAR and spectral irradiance playing a relatively minor role due to short residence times, strong tidal forcing and vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Trophic resources are an important control governing carbonate production. Though this importance has long been recognized, no calibration exists to quantitatively compare biogenic assemblages within trophic resource fields. This study presents a field calibration of carbonate producers in a range of settings against high‐resolution in situ measurements of nutrients, temperature and salinity. With its latitudinal extent from 30° to 23° N, the Gulf of California, Mexico, spans the warm‐temperate realm and encompasses nutrient regimes from oligo‐mesotrophic in the south to eutrophic in the north. Accordingly, from south to north carbonates are characterized by: (i) coral‐dominated shallow carbonate factories (5–20 m water depth) with average sea‐surface temperatures of 25 °C (min. 18 °C, max. 31 °C), average salinities of 35·06‰ and average chlorophyll a levels, which are a proxy for nutrients, of 0·25 mg Chl a m?3 (max. 0·48, min. 0·1). (ii) Red algal‐dominated subtidal to inner‐shelf carbonate formation (10–25 m) in the central Gulf of California exhibiting average temperatures of 23 °C (min. 18 °C, max. 30 °C), average salinities of 35·25‰, and average Chl a levels of 0·71 Chl a m?3 (max. 5·62, min. 0). (iii) Molluskan bryozoan‐rich inner to outer shelf factories in the northern Gulf of California (20–50 m) with average sea surface temperatures of only 20 °C (min. 13 °C, max 29 °C), average salinities of 35·01‰, and average contents of 2·2 mg Chl a m?3 (max. 8·38, min. 0). By calibrating sedimentological data with in situ measured oceanographic information in different environments, the response of carbonate producers to environmental parameters was established and extrapolated to carbonates on a global scale. The results demonstrate the importance of recognizing and quantifying trophic resources as a dominant control determining the biogenic composition and facies character of both modern and fossil carbonates.  相似文献   

Populations of suspension feeding bivalves constitute a metabolically important component of the benthos in Colorado Lagoon, Long Beach, California. Oxygen and nutrient flux were measuredin situ at monthly intervals over a two-year period. Estimates of bivalve metabolism were based on regressions of oxygen and ammonium flux on a measure of clam biomass adjusted allometrically. The introduced bivalve,Mercenaria mercenaria, occurs at maximum densities exceeding 400 per m2. Based on mean densities (143 per m2), bivalves contributed more than 50% of the 77 mg O2 per m2 per hr mean annual oxygen uptake and the 191 μM per m2 per hr mean ammonium release. Although bivalve biomass was not correlated with other inorganic nutrient flux, on an annual basis the sediments were a source of phosphate (26 μM per m2 per hr annual average, range 5 to 50) and a small sink for nitrate and nitrite. Net primary production, ammonium flux, and phosphate flux showed great annual variability while respiration was relatively constant. Total community oxygen uptake was not correlated with temperature. Long term incubations revealed no obvious rhythms having a period between four hours and four days. The benthic flux of ammonium and phosphate was calculated to supply more than the annual requirement of Lagoon phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The abiotic hydrological environment and the community dynamics of the fish fauna were investigated in the Ria de Aveiro, an estuarine coastal lagoon system (43 km2), which has both marine and fluvial influences. Abiotic hydrological and fish community parameters were recorded routinely during 12 months at ten stations. Temperature ranged between 9.5°C and 26.0°C, salinity between 0.0‰ and 32.0‰, dissolved oxygen between 0.8 mg 1?1 and 15.4 mg 1?1, pH between 6.1 and 9.4, and transparency between 4.4% and 100.0%. No significant differences were observed in temperature and dissolved oxygen among stations, or in seasonal variation in transparency. Nineteen thousand thirty-one fish specimens comprising 55 species were sampled. Abundance, biomass, and species richness were highest in summer and late winter at stations near the lagoon entrance. Sedentary species were most numerous, marine migratory species had the highest biomass, and the category “occasional species” had the highest number of species. Atherinidae, Mugilidae, and Gobiidae were the most important families. Eight species represented about 80% of the total fish abundance and biomass but only six species occurred in all the months and at all the stations. It was concluded that the Ria de Aveiro, with high seasonal and spatial abiotic variation, has a very rich and representative fish community compared with temperate and tropical estuaries and estuarine coastal lagoons around the world.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(7):997-1009
The δ18O and δD values in the deep confined aquifer beneath the North China Plain which is located at 112°30′E–119°30′E and 34°46′N–40°25′N, reflect differences in paleoclimatic conditions between the Holocene and the late Pleistocene. Groundwater samples whose 14C ages are between 12 and 25 ka B.P have ranges of −9.4 to −11.7‰ for δ18O and −76‰ to −85‰ for δD values. These very negative δ18O and δD values reflect the cold and arid climate in the last glacial period. The temperature estimated in this period is 6–9 °C cooler than that of the present. The entire ranges of δ18O and δD values for samples with 14C dating from 7 ka B.P to present are −7.7‰ to −10.2‰ and −63‰ to −73‰, respectively. The greater δ18O and δD enrichments of these samples indicate a period of relatively humid and warm climate in the Holocene. However, the wide ranges of δ18O (−9.0‰ to −11.1‰) and δD (−66‰ to −80‰) values for samples with 14C age ranging from 12 to 7 ka B.P. imply an unstable climatic condition of rapidly increasing temperature, which marks the transition from the Pleistocene to the Holocene.  相似文献   

The rate of zooplankton ammonium regeneration was measured in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York, between July 1982 and May 1984. Ammonium excretion by macrozooplankton (>200 μm) ranged from 7 μg atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in winter to 156 μg-atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in spring. Ammonium excretion by ctenophores was greater than or equivalent to that of macrozooplankton during the period of ctenophore biomass maximum in summer and fall. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for NH4 1+ excretion was 1.74 from 2.2 to 27.5°C for macrozooplankton and 1.63 between 17 and 26°C for the ctenophores. Ammonium nitrogen excretion by macrozooplankton and ctenophores combined, accounted for 1 to 3% of phytoplankton nitrogen requirements in summer when primary productivity was high and 39% in the spring. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY040 00005  相似文献   

In the cool temperate region of South Korea, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of groundwater, lake water, and precipitation were studied to determine the season of groundwater recharge. All the groundwater samples, irrespective of season, on δ18O–δ2H scale plotted along the summer precipitation, suggesting summer precipitation largely modulates recharge. The deuterium excess values of groundwater (d-excess) show clear seasonal difference, higher in winter (> 18‰) and lower in summer (< 10‰). And its resemblance to the summer precipitation d-excess value further suggests dominant role of summer precipitation in groundwater recharge. Based on the mass balance equation, with end-member d-excess values of seasonal precipitation and groundwater as input variables, groundwater is composed of 66% summer and 34% winter precipitation. Despite the study area being heavily forested, summer rainfall contribution higher than winter suggests that evapotranspiration effect is minimal in the region; may be due to thin sand–gravel-based porous soil overlying highly weathered granitic rock system.  相似文献   

In the tidal Potomac River, high river discharges during the spring are associated with high chlorophylla concentrations in the following in the following summer, assuming that summertime light and temperature conditions are favorable. Spring floods deliver large loads of particulate N and P to the tidal river. This particulate N and P could be mineralized by bacteria to inorganic N and P and released to the water column where it is available for phytoplankton use during summertime. However, during the study period relatively low concentrations of chlorophylla (less than 50 μg l?1 occurred in the tidal river if average monthly discharge during July or August exceeded 200 m3s?1. Discharge and other conditions combined to produce conditions favorable for nuisance levels of chlorophylla (greater than 100 μg l?1 approximately one year out of four. Chlorophylla maxima occurred in the Potomac River transition zone and estuary during late winter (dinoflagellates) and spring (diatoms). Typical seasonal peak concentrations were achieved at discharges as high as 970 m3 s?1, but sustained discharges greater than 1,100 m3 s?1 retarded development. Optimum growth conditions occurred following runoff events of 10 to 15 d duration which produced transit times to the transition zone of 7 to 10 d. Wet years with numerous moderate-sized runoff events, such as 1980, tend to produce greater biomass in the transition zone and estuary than do dry years such as 1981.  相似文献   

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