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东北非地区成矿地质条件优越,矿产资源丰富,主要优势金属矿产为金、铜金矿、稀土及铂族元素矿产.本文对东北非主要矿产类型、开发现状进行了介绍,并详细阐述了埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、苏丹三国的矿业法律法规、矿业权管理制度等内容,在此基础上对三国的矿业投资优势及风险进行了分析,并对投资者提出了相应的建议,认为东北非具有较好的矿产资源开发潜力和投资环境,中方企业应依据各国国情,把握机会,适时介入.  相似文献   

中元古代基巴拉造山带主要由石英岩、变质泥岩和侵入的花岗质岩石构成。基巴拉带岩浆演化代表了一个完整的陆内裂谷演化旋回:地壳拉伸接受沉积,同时岩石圈减薄、软流圈上涌、镁铁-超镁铁质岩浆侵入上地壳形成一种双峰式岩浆岩;之后受挤压造山作用,岩浆侵入背斜核部,沉积层褶皱成山;中元古晚期-新元古早期含矿热液沿构造通道上升,在早期形成的花岗岩与基底或盖层的接触带内沉淀、富集成矿。基巴拉带内Cu-Ni矿化与镁铁-超镁铁质岩体密切相关,同时PGE-Au有较大的找矿潜力;锡石花岗岩是重要的含矿花岗岩,伟晶岩中多见Sn-W-Au、NbTa、Li、Be矿化;金多产于与锡石花岗岩有关的角砾岩型构造破碎带内。  相似文献   

饶勇 《地质与勘探》2023,59(5):1117-1127
中非裂谷系Doseo盆地是白垩纪以来叠加了走滑和挤压反转等作用的复杂陆相裂谷盆地,具有优越的油气地质条件,且勘探程度较低,是当前油气勘探热点区域,但油气分布不均,不同构造带油气规模差异大。本文基于钻井和典型油气藏对比分析,系统阐述了盆地油气地质条件,并探讨了不同构造带油气成藏控制因素。研究表明,盆地经历了三个主要的构造-沉积演化阶段,形成“东西分区,南北分带,北陡南缓”的构造格局,构成了“下细上粗”的湖盆-三角洲-河流沉积充填序列。下白垩统强裂陷期两套优质成熟湖相烃源岩、多套储-盖组合以及一系列构造圈闭为油气聚集成藏提供了有利的石油地质条件。已发现油气藏以构造圈闭为主,但油气发现规模与烃源岩潜力严重不符。通过分析,油气成藏主要受储层、盖层和圈闭保存条件三个因素及匹配关系控制,而圈闭保存条件是全区共有最重要控制因素,且不同构造带油气成藏控制因素具有差异性。南部缓坡带成藏控制因素为盖层和圈闭保存条件,东部凸起构造带成藏控制因素为圈闭保存条件,北部陡坡带成藏控制因素为储层和圈闭保存条件。  相似文献   

Large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide, among other gases, are dissolved in the deep water of Lake Kivu. There is no dispute about the primarily magmatic origin of the carbon dioxide, but models of the genesis of the methane have been contradictory up to now. They have been based on too few and partly too inaccurate data.On the basis of new measurements obtained from gas and sediment samples, some of the old concepts have been further developed to a new model. According to this model, the methane is generated mainly by bacteria from the organic carbon of the sediment. It probably also contains minor amounts of thermocatalytic methane.About 70% of the organic carbon of the upper sediment is derived from mainly magmatic carbon dioxide (old carbon), which enters the biozone of the lake from the deep water by eddy diffusion and is assimilated there. The remaining 30% comes from atmospheric carbon dioxide (young carbon) assimilated in the biozone. But because methane also migrates into the lake from deeper sediment, the14C-content in the methane dissolved in the lake water is not 30% modern but only ca. 10% modern.More isotopic measurements on plankton, methane, carbon dioxide and sediment samples are necessary to support this model.
Zusammenfassung Im Tiefenwasser des Kivusees sind u. a. große Mengen an Methan und Kohlendioxid gelöst. Während über den hauptsächlich magmatischen Ursprung des Kohlendioxids weitgehend Einigkeit besteht, sind die bisherigen Modellvorstellungen zur Genese des Methans widersprüchlich. Sie beruhen auf zu wenigen und zum Teil zu ungenauen Meß-daten.Mit Hilfe neuer Meßergebnisse an Gas- und Sedimentproben des Kivusees wurden einige der alten Vorstellungen zu einem neuen Modell weiterentwickelt. Danach ist das Methan hauptsächlich bakteriell aus dem organischen Kohlenstoff des Sediments entstanden. Wahrscheinlich enthält es auch geringe Beimengungen thermokatalytischen Methans.Der organische Kohlenstoff des oberen Sediments stammt zu rd. 70% aus dem vorwiegend magmatischen Kohlendioxid (alter Kohlenstoff), das aus dem Tiefenwasser durch turbulenten Austausch in die Biozone des Sees gelangt und dort assimiliert wird. Die restlichen 30% stammen aus dem in der Biozone assimilierten atmosphärischen Kohlendioxid (junger Kohlenstoff). Weil jedoch auch Methan aus tieferen Sedimentschichten in den See wandert, beträgt der14C-Gehalt des im Seewasser gelösten Methans nicht 30% modern, sondern nur ca. 10% modern.Weitere Isotopenuntersuchungen an Plankton-, Methan-, Kohlendioxid- und Sedimentproben sind notwendig, um das Modell abzusichern.

Résumé De grandes quantités de méthane et d'oxyde carbonique sont dissoutes dans les eaux profondes du Lac Kicu. Alors qu'on est en général d'accord sur l'origine surtout magmatique de l'oxyde carbonique, les modèles devant représenter la genése du méthane sont contradictoires. Ils reposent sur des données trop peu nombreuses et en partie trop inexactes.A l'aide de nouveaux résultats de mesures faites sur des échantillons de gaz et du sédiment, on a développé un nouveau modèle, à partir des anciennes représentations. D'après celui-ci, le méthane provient pour sa plus grande part du carbone organique du sédiment, transformé par des bactéries. Il contient probablement des traces d'un méthane de thermocatalyse.Le carbone organique du sédiment supérieur provient pour 70% de l'oxyde carbonique surtout magmatique (carbone »ancien«), des eaux profondes parvenu, par échanges turbulents, dans la biozone du lac, où l'oxyde carbonique est assimilé. Les 30% restant proviennent de l'oxyde carbonique atmosphérique (carbone »jeune«) assimilé dans la biozone. Le méthane des couches profondes du sédiment migrant dans le lac, la teneur en14C de méthane dissous dans les eaux du lac n'est pas de 30% modernes, mais de 10% modernes.D'autres recherches sur les isotopes d'échantillons du plancton, du méthane, de l'oxyde carbonique et du sédiment du Lac Kivu seront nécessaires pour confirmer ce modéle.

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李庆哲 《地质与勘探》2023,59(2):451-464
中非铜钴成矿带是世界最大的沉积型铜钴成矿带、全球最大钴矿、第三大铜矿发现区。因铜钴价格持续走高和中资企业持续关注的迫切性,本文对中非铜钴成矿带地质特征、铜钴矿床资源分布规律、权益资源量情况进行分析研究。同时,系统收集研究区学术研究成果、商业数据库、企业年报等数据,分析认为Lufilian弧形构造带是中非铜钴成矿带构造背景,从北向南依次为弧外部褶皱推覆带、穹窿地区、复式向斜带、加丹加高原。地层分为孔德龙古、恩古巴、罗安三个群,地层年龄自<573±5 Ma至879±16 Ma。含矿层位主要是罗安群矿床组,下分R2.1、R2.2、R2.3三个含矿层。矿床类型主要为碳酸盐质巨型角砾岩型、含矿页岩型、含矿砂岩型、含矿基底型铜矿,构成6个铜钴矿集区,具有等间距分布特征,间距为±20 km。截至2021年,研究区探获铜资源量1.91亿t,钴资源量1404万t。以当量铜资源量排序,>100万t的矿床33个,>1000万t级别的矿床7个。共有14个国家55家矿业企业参与铜钴成矿带勘探及开发。我国权益铜钴资源量分别为6467万t、648万t。大于50万t权益铜资源量的企业有洛阳钼业、紫金...  相似文献   

John Overton 《Geoforum》2010,41(5):752-762
Geographers have developed a keen interest in the social production of space - in the way meanings and values are ascribed to places as a result of changing social, cultural and political processes. There is a need to explore this approach further, seeing how social and economic values of places are inter-related and how these values are constructed in often deliberate and concerted ways. There is also a need to explore how such values are consumed: how the values in place are traded, appropriated and redistributed, both through the products of places and in land markets. This paper examines the New Zealand wine industry where certain wine regions have been identified and developed in ways which attempt to emphasise their distinctiveness in terms of wine quality and thus enhance the value of the wine produced. Different strategies have been employed in this process of place construction and this reflects the differential role of capital, striving on the one hand to increase the price and marketability of the products of distinctive places but, on the other, careful not to over-inflate land values and thus restrict further expansion. The paper suggests that the issue of consumption of space, involving a complex relationship amongst land, capital and place, is worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

The Late Precambrian or Eocambrian and the lowermost part of Palaeozoic rocks of West Africa and of the Western half of Central Africa include two lithostratigraphic sequences of sediments which we can identify as well on the craton as in the orogenic belts. The lower sequence, argillaceous, green colour, sometimes flyschoid, begins with a tillite or a mixtite. The upper sequence made of reddish, mainly continental sandstones, represents in some areas the molasse of the Pan-African Fold Belt.These two sequences, and notably at the base of the first one the tillite horizon, seem to be older in the South (Katangan and West-Congolian Chains) than in the North (Adrar of Mauritania). This diachronism is thought to be related to polar wandering, the South pole having shifted in that interval of time from South-Africa to West of the Senegal coast.
Zusammenfassung Das obere Präkambrium oder Eokambrium und die Basis des Paläozoikums von Westafrika und im westlichen Teil von Zentralafrika sind aus zwei lithostratigraphischen Abfolgen gebildet, die gleichfalls auf den Kratonen und in den Gebirgsketten zu erkennen sind. Die untere feinklastische Abfolge, grün, manchmal flyschartig, beginnt mit einem Tillit oder einem Mixtit. Die obere rote, sandige Abfolge, kontinentalen Ursprungs, wird örtlich als eine von der pan-afrikanischen Orogenese gebildete Molasse angesehen.Diese beiden Abfolgen, besonders die Tillite, scheinen diachron und im Süden älter (Katangische und West-Kongolische Gebirgsketten) als im Norden (Adrar von Mauritanien) zu sein. Diese Verjüngung nach Norden kann mit einer Polwanderung in Verbindung gebracht werden; der Südpol zieht während dieser Zeit von Südafrika in das Gebiet westlich der senegalesischen Küste.

Résumé Le Précambrian terminal ou Eocambrien et la base du Paléozoïque de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et de la partie occidentale de l'Afrique centrale comprennent deux ensembles lithostratigraphiques identifiables aussi bien dans les couvertures cratoniques que dans les chaînes. L'ensemble inférieur, argileux, vert, parfois flyschoïde, débute par une tillite ou une mixtite. L'ensemble supérieur, gréseux, rouge, à dominante continentale, est interprété dans certaines zones comme la molasse de la chaîne pan-africaine. ces deux ensembles, et en particulier la tillite á la base du premier, semblent plus anciens au Sud (chaînes katangienne et ouest-congolience) qu'au Nord (Adrar de Mauritanie). Cet âge plus jeune vers le Nord va de Pair avec le mouvement du pôle sud, qui, â époque, se déplace de l'Afrique du Sud au large des côtes du Sénegal.

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谦比希铜钴矿床是中非赞比亚成矿带重要的超大型铜钴矿床之一,由主矿体、西矿体和东南矿体3部分组成,赋矿层位主要为下罗安亚群敏多拉组和基特韦组,岩性包括泥质板岩、泥质石英岩、板岩、石英砂岩等.现有资料对于矿床中钴的赋存状态和含钴矿物成因的研究较为薄弱,这也直接制约了对钴矿的成因认识及今后找矿方向.本次研究聚焦谦比希矿床中的...  相似文献   

中南部非洲是世界上金刚石资源最为丰富的地区之一,其金刚石矿床主要产于津巴布韦克拉通和卡普瓦尔克拉通内,主要分为两种类型:①原生金刚石矿床;②次生金刚石矿床,且以原生金刚石矿床的研究程度较高,代表了中南部非洲的研究现状。本文通过总结前人研究资料发现,该地区的金伯利岩分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型,其内包体可以分为两种:橄榄岩型和榴辉岩型;金刚石可以分为三类:橄榄岩型、榴辉岩型及两者的过渡类型——二辉岩型。其中,橄榄岩型和部分榴辉岩型金刚石来自于地幔结晶堆晶体,而另一部分榴辉岩型则与板块俯冲的构造—热事件有关。金伯利岩的年龄主要分布于白垩纪、二叠纪、寒武纪及元古宙,而金刚石的年龄主要为元古宙和太古宙,金伯利岩和金刚石为不同时期的产物,金刚石为金伯利岩侵位期间捕获的上地幔物理破碎产物。其中900~1000Ma左右的金刚石为板块构造—热事件的产物,并对早期金刚石进行了改造破坏。次生金刚石矿床为原生矿床风化后的产物,可分为四种类型,构造特征、基岩地质及地貌演化等对该类矿床的分布具有重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

Akthough issues surrounding the location and relocation of environmentally hazardous industry have attracted international attention, little research has been undertaken in South Africa. The aim is to analyse the geography of dirty industries in South Africa and suggest avenues for future research. The location of environmentally hazardous production in South Africa has not followed the national industrial trend towards polarization reversal.  相似文献   

The Cameroon Line, a major geological feature in Central Africa, has been considered successively as a series of horsts and grabens, a continental rift and a mega-shear zone. It is marked out by about 60 anorogenic complexes and a dozen volcanic centres, all of which have alkaline affinity.Remote sensing allows us recognition of the main lineament trends: N70°, N-S, N135° and E-W, while autocorrelation analysis reveals a major fault zone striking N30° in western Cameroon and N15° in the northern region. A mega left-lateral shear zone is the model that best accounts for the fracture pattern and associated features such as linear and circular structures alignment of subvolcanic complexes, syntectonic leucogranites marking out older shear zones and vein dykes. The N70° Adamawa fault zone, a Pan-African fracture reworked during Albian-Aptian times, is the only shear zone of continental scale that could have initiated “en echelon” mega-tension gashes within the Cameroon Line during a Cainozoic left-lateral transcurrent movement.  相似文献   

中非卢菲里安地区以铜钴资源闻名于世,同时也赋存一定的铀矿资源。铀成矿作用分别与大陆裂谷及盆地成岩期(876~823 Ma)、早期洋盆形成或大陆碰撞期(720~652 Ma)、卢菲里安变质高峰期(550~530 Ma)相对应。受区域构造活动影响形成的多期次热流体,从基底及加丹加超群富铀岩石萃取铀元素并在构造发育的区域富集成矿为其主要的成矿模式,其变质基底或班委乌卢基底可能提供了铀物质来源,热流体为载体,断裂及穹窿构造则提供通道与空间。含铀矿体多受地层及构造双重控制,围岩褐铁矿化及方柱石化对找矿具有指示意义。研究区内铀矿成矿条件较好,下罗安群受断裂及逆冲推覆构造影响强烈且蚀变较为发育的区域为有利的找矿前景区。  相似文献   

Field and petrostructural investigations in the Central Mauritanides provide new precisions on the polyorogenic character of the nappe edifice of this belt. The upper structural unit exposed in the Gaouâ area includes anatectic gneisses and high-grade metasediments affected by medium temperature, high-pressure metamorphism and cut by granitoids. They represent a basement unconformably overlain by a monometamorphic cover, the Gaouâ Group, of assumed lower Paleozoic age. Late Paleozoic regional metamorphism of metapelites from this cover is characterized by pyrophyllite–kyanite–chloritoid assemblages equilibrated at T around 420 °C and P = 1 GPa. In the lower structural unit exposed in the south around Boufkerine-Farkâkâ, metapelites of the Gadel Group display slightly retrogressed garnet–kyanite–staurolite–rutile assemblages that equilibrated at T around 600 °C and P ? 1.2 GPa before the intrusion of 639 Ma old plutons . The Gadel Group locally overlies in unconformity polycyclic gneisses. This continental assemblage represents an outboard terrane inserted between two monocyclic greenschist facies terranes: remnants of oceanic lithosphere in the east and arc-derived metasediments and metavolcanics cut by 670 Ma old calc-alkaline plutons in the west. All units have been involved in late Paleozoic nappes emplaced to the east above the West African craton and its late Neoproterozoic to Cambro-ordovician cover. Though an east-directed vergence is locally recorded in the Neoproterozoic units, most early E-W trending stretching and mineral lineations are synchronous with greenschist facies metamorphism developed during the Late Paleozoic and roughly coeval with the Applachian nappe system.  相似文献   

The third millennium BP crisis of the central African rainforest is not sufficiently understood. The low resolution of most pollen profiles and a large plateau of the calibration curve aggravate the exact dating of the event, and its causal climatic parameters are debated. We present a high-resolution pollen profile from the swamp site Nyabessan in the southern Cameroonian rainforest, covering the period 3100-2300 cal yr BP. Between 3100 and 2500 cal yr BP, the climate was favourable for a regional evergreen forest with Caesalpiniaceae and Lophira and a local Raphia swamp forest. Around 2500/2400 cal yr BP, a significant decrease of mature forest and swamp forest taxa and an increase of pioneers indicate that the rain forest was seriously disturbed and replaced by secondary formations. The dominance of Trema orientalis, a pioneer well adapted to seasonal desiccation, points to a much more accentuated seasonality after 2500 cal yr BP, which seems to be linked to a southwards shift of the ITCZ during the northern hemisphere winter months. We propose that the rain forest crisis between 2500 and 2200 cal BP created favourable conditions for farming and paved the way for a major expansion of Bantu speaking populations.  相似文献   

The Bandas belt, one of two prominent Archaean greenstone belts in the Central African Republic (Equatorial Africa), is ca. 250 km long. At the southernmost part of the belt, a metasedimentary—metavolcanic rock suite is preserved only in brachysynclines. The suite can be divided into two lithostratigraphic units. The lower unit is composed predominantly of volcanic rocks, while the upper one contains mainly metasedimentary rocks. The volcanic rocks, which are part of a sequence ca. 3600 m thick, can be sub-divided according to stratigraphic position, lithology and geochemistry into three groups. The lowermost group includes low-K tholeiitic basalts depleted in light REE. The second group consists of tholeiitic basalts with light REE-enriched patterns and the third, uppermost, group includes andesites, which are similar in several respects to Recent calc-alkaline andesites.The tholeiitic basalts of the first two groups are probably related to different upper mantle sources. The andesites of the third group were produced either by fractional crystallization from a basaltic magma enriched in light REE or equilibrium melting of eclogite or garnet amphibolite.  相似文献   

The long-term histories of the neighboring Nakuru–Elmenteita and Naivasha lake basins in the Central Kenya Rift illustrate the relative importance of tectonic versus climatic effects on rift-lake evolution and the formation of disparate sedimentary environments. Although modern climate conditions in the Central Kenya Rift are very similar for these basins, hydrology and hydrochemistry of present-day lakes Nakuru, Elmenteita and Naivasha contrast dramatically due to tectonically controlled differences in basin geometries, catchment size, and fluvial processes. In this study, we use eighteen 14C and 40Ar/39Ar dated fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary sections to unravel the spatiotemporal evolution of the lake basins in response to tectonic and climatic influences. We reconstruct paleoclimatic and ecological trends recorded in these basins based on fossil diatom assemblages and geologic field mapping. Our study shows a tendency towards increasing alkalinity and shrinkage of water bodies in both lake basins during the last million years. Ongoing volcano-tectonic segmentation of the lake basins, as well as reorganization of upstream drainage networks have led to contrasting hydrologic regimes with adjacent alkaline and freshwater conditions. During extreme wet periods in the past, such as during the early Holocene climate optimum, lake levels were high and all basins evolved toward freshwater systems. During drier periods some of these lakes revert back to alkaline conditions, while others maintain freshwater characteristics. Our results have important implications for the use and interpretation of lake sediment as climate archives in tectonically active regions and emphasize the need to deconvolve lacustrine records with respect to tectonics versus climatic forcing mechanisms.  相似文献   

A compilation of new and existing gravity data, as well as geophysical and geological data, is used to assess the cumulative effects of multiple rifting episodes on crustal and upper mantle density structures beneath the Uganda-Kenya-Ethiopia-Sudan border region. This compilation includes new gravity and geological data collected in 1990 in south-western Ethiopia. Variations in the trends and amplitudes of Bouguer gravity anomalies reveal three overlapping rift systems: Mesozoic, Paleogene and Miocene-Recent. Each of these rift systems is a number of 40–100 km long sedimentary basins, and each system is approximately 1000 km long. The Bouguer anomaly patterns indicate that the Ethiopian and East African plateaux and corresponding gravity anomalies are discrete tectonic features. Models of structural and gravity profiles of two basins (Omo and Chew Bahir basins) suggest that pre-Oligocene (Cretaceous?) strata underlie 3 km or more of Neogene-Recent strata within the northern Kenya rift, and that more than 2 km of Neogene-Recent strata underlie parts of the southern Main Ethiopian rift. The superposition of perhaps three rifting episodes in the Lake Turkana (Omo) region has led to 90% crustal thinning (β ≈ 2).  相似文献   

SHRIMP dating of titanite from metasyenites in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt yields a mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2010.3 ±4.5 Ma calculated from 23 analyses. This age, combined with petrographic and field observations, suggests the metamorphism in the syenites occurred during Palaeoproterozoic event.  相似文献   

中西非裂谷系位于非洲中部,主要为沿中非剪切断裂带分布的被动裂谷盆地,进一步划分为中非裂谷系和西非裂谷系。针对国内外对勘探程度极低的中西非裂谷盆地白垩系优质烃源岩展布、发育机理及油气成藏模式认识薄弱的现状,笔者在开展大量中西非裂谷盆地上、下白垩统两类烃源岩样品的主微量元素等地球化学分析的基础上,从含油气盆地构造、烃源岩发育古环境、古气候、古生产力和有机质保存条件等分析出发,剖析了不同类型含油气盆地优质烃源岩发育主控因素,分别建立了中、西非裂谷系低勘探程度含油气盆地下白垩统、上白垩统优质烃源岩的发育模式:中非裂谷盆地(Bongor、Muglad、Melut盆地)下白垩统裂陷期快速沉降、温暖湿润气候条件下,勃发的水生有机质(藻类)控制的深水湖相优质烃源岩"生产力"单因素发育模式;西非裂谷盆地(Termit盆地)上白垩统拗陷期海侵、炎热潮湿气候条件下,陆源有机质输入为主,优越的保存条件(偏咸水体)优质海相烃源岩"生产力+保存条件"双因素控制的发育模式。从而进一步锁定富油气凹陷和主力成藏组合,有效指导含油气盆地内选区选带,助推油气规模储量发现。  相似文献   

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