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盛乐山 《浙江地质》2010,(11):18-19
土地利用总体规划是对一个行政辖区内未来土地利用的超前谋划和有序安排,是土地管理的综合性导向。加强土地管理首先必须科学编制好、实施好土地利用总体规划。上一轮规划到2010年底将完成使命。当前已进入一个关键的“新”、“老”规划交替时期。  相似文献   

分析了新乡市整理、复垦与开发各类利用不充分和未利用土地的类型、区域分布规划,指出了这些土地利用类型的特点、利用方向和应采取的措施,从而充分利用这些不同类型的土地资源,提高土地利用集约化程度,并为编制新乡市土地整理、复垦与开发规划以及土地利用总体规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

瓦房店市系大连市下辖的县级市,该市上一轮土地利用总体规划(1996—2010年)修编工作始于1998年,该规划在实施过程中,发挥了规划在科学利用和合理配置土地资源方面的重要作用。但是,随着《瓦房店市国民经济和社会发展第十一五规划(纲要)》的制定实施,以及土地利用、管理思路的调整,上一轮土地利用总体规划已不能适应新形势、新要求。因此,新一轮的土地利用总体规划修编工作就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

土地整治规划是对一定区域内的土地开发、复垦和整理等土地利用活动的总体部署和统筹安排,是一项重要的土地利用专项规划。土地整治规划对于科学指导土地整治活动,合理安排土地整治项目和资金,确保耕地保护目标的实现具有重要意义。是保障土地整治合理、健康发展的有效途径,  相似文献   

国际减灾战略已从场地尺度工程性"硬"措施转向区域土地规划限制等"软"措施,即通过土地利用规划手段来限制土地开发行为,这是防范地质灾害最有效的手段.从土地利用规划和土地审批的法律地位、地质灾害填图与区划的公益性基础工作和实施地质灾害风险带土地开发限制管理等方面介绍了国际经验,并提出中国开展土地利用规划预防地质灾害的具体建议.  相似文献   

一、引言 土地质量是土地利用适宜性、综合产能或利用价值的综合体现,土地质量评价是土地管理中一项重要的基础性工作。土地质量的优劣与土地利用规划修编、农业发展区划和城镇建设规划等重大问题直接相关联。在城市化和新农村建设快速推进,用地矛盾日益突出的大背景下,土地质量评价和管理问题已引起社会的广泛关注。  相似文献   

湖南省国土资源规划院GIS数据部于2007年9月由原GIS数据中心整合成立,现有各类技术人员20余人。主要职能有:承担土地利用现状、土地开发整理、土地利用规划修编、土地评价、矿产资源规划、地质勘查规划、  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划是城乡建设、土地管理的纲领性文件,是实行土地用途管制、落实最严格土地管理制度的基本依据。随着新一轮土地利用总体规划修编工作的完成,各地都已建立了基于省厅《浙江省县(市)级土地利用规划数据库标准(试行)》(简称《省标》)的1:10000乡(镇)土地利用总体规划数据库,并通过省厅数据库质量检查软件的严格检查,较好地确保了本轮规划数据库的质量。规划数据库的建立适应了新形势下利用现代科技信息手段规范和创新国土资源管理对土地利用规划提出的新要求,实现了从纸质图件粗放式管理向标准化、  相似文献   

长春高新区土地利用总体规划对区域环境容量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用总体规划的影响范围广、时间长,与区域社会经济发展关系密切.采用2005年环境监测数据和土地利用详查数据,应用线性规划法获得长春高新技术产业开发区南区(简称高新区南区)2020年规划用地最佳结构控制指标.高新区南区空气环境现状TSP、SO2、NO2、THC、H2S都有较大的环境容量,地表水不能满足III类水体功能标准,潜水水质超过III类标准,声环境和土壤环境质量良好.影响环境的主要用地类型是居住用地、工业及仓储用地、公共设施用地和绿化用地.土地利用方式的改变将促使区域环境容量发生改变.规划期内高新区南区土地利用微观方向有一定的不确定性,所形成的污染源不能完全定位、定量,应拟定弹性治理措施.  相似文献   

土地调查是我国法定的一项重要制度,是全面查实查清土地资源的重要手段。上世纪80年代末、90年代初,我国开展了第一次土地调查,全面查清了土地利用现状。第一次土地调查成果在土地管理、国家宏观决策中发挥了重要作用,促进了社会经济和国土管理事业的发展。随着我国社会经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,土地利用发生了很大变化,社会发展形势对土地调查成果提出了更高的要求。在新形势下,国家作出了开展第二次土地调查的重大战略部署。  相似文献   

辽宁省国土规划地理信息系统设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的国土规划管理手段落后,已无法满足国土规划信息化的要求.针对国土规划的工作特点,提出了基于GIS技术的国土规划管理信息系统.详细介绍了系统功能,从总体设计、数据库建设、所采取的技术路线等方面进行了描述.介绍了系统包含的功能模块、各个模块的功能结构,以及采用的技术特点.该系统的建成将极大提高国土规划管理水平,并为制定国土规划决策提供支持.  相似文献   

胡晓东 《山东地质》2008,(10):33-36
寿光市地下管线信息管理系统是基于各类管线探测成果,以Maplnfo Professional为基础平台,利用MapX作为开发手段,采用Visual C++6.0可视化程序设计语言开发完成的,实现了数据的输入、输出、编辑、维护和数据库管理及查询分析功能,可实时地为城市规划、建设和管理部门提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Mattig, U., 1990. Maps of the natural environment's potential in West Germany and Norway as an aid for mineral resources management and protection. Eng. Geol., 29: 321–331.

The applied geosciences are of increasing importance for finding an answer to many current problems in spatial management and environmental protection.

Based on the problem of an intelligent use of the geopotential, the paper deals with the achievement and optimization of an appropriate concept for designing geoscientific maps of the natural environment's potential, relevant to areal planning, by comparing a densely populated country like Germany and a more sparsely populated country like Norway. The study carried out is following the example of a map for reserve areas for mineral resources/near surface raw materials—sand and gravel—which enables a comparison and an assessment of the translation of information, relevant to land-use planning, in both countries.

The appropriateness of the interpretation of geoscientific information is ensured by drafting a comprehensive, clearly arranged cartographic presentation, for which uniform and comparable methods, criteria and standards will be developed. The basic concepts of areal planning have to be simple, distinct, adaptable and capable of development. They should enable the geoscientist to contribute his complex and expert knowledge to decisions of regional planning and spatial management.  相似文献   

Rock minerals such as dimension and crushed stones and sands and gravels (aggregates) are indispensable materials for the building and construction industries. The growth in demand for these resources causes intensification of mining operations (and their consequent environmental impacts) and transport problems in regions abundant in rock minerals. The balanced management of these resources by regional policy-makers is difficult as it requires, among other things, comprehensive and up-to-date information on the spatial distribution and temporal changes of available reserves, demand, production, and transport. This information can be provided by means of spatial and temporal analyses through geographic information systems (GIS). In this research, the focus is on the following aspects of rock mineral (aggregates) resources and mining management in the context of regional spatial planning in the example region of Lower Silesia in Poland: the spatial and temporal changes in distribution and intensity of mining, the availability of economic reserves in active mines, the magnitude and distribution of road transport flows of aggregates, the potential of railways as an alternative means of transport, and the valorisation of undeveloped aggregates deposits to assess their suitability for future use. For the purposes of this study, cartographic models have been developed using GIS to facilitate analyses of these mineral resources, mining, and transport. The results of these analyses provide current and comprehensive information on the state of aggregates mineral resources, production and transport in the Lower Silesia region. They also give an insight into availability of rock mineral resources for the future. Knowledge of these processes is important for spatial development planning, especially physical infrastructure, conducted by national, regional, and local governments.  相似文献   

扈震  王勇 《地球科学》2006,31(5):699-703
城市规划管理工作越来越复杂, 利用GIS和数据库技术建立空间辅助决策平台来处理规划管理业务显得尤为迫切。介绍了空间决策支持系统(spatial decision support system, SDSS), SDSS是通过空间数据引擎(spatial data engine, SDE) 建立与商用数据库的关系与存储, 其结果体现利用了GIS的VRML和3D技术, 设计出城市规划空间辅助决策软件平台的体系结构和应用模型.文章提出了决策平台核心内容在于建立成熟完备的决策模型库和决策算子的实现过程, 以及计算结果的多样化表达.通过决策软件平台的建立能够为城市规划管理决策提供客观准确的理论依据, 为决策者科学决策奠定基础.   相似文献   

遥感技术是获取城市空间信息的现代化手段。遥感测绘技术在大比例尺数字化制图、辅助城市规划设计、专题信息调查等方面,可为城市规划和国土资源管理提供重要支持。  相似文献   

徐世武  刘秀珍 《地球科学》2006,31(5):719-724
土地利用规划方案调整工作过程复杂手、工制作工作量大, 因此传统解决方式只能制作很少的备选方案对相关因素进行定性分析来供领导决策, 以至周期长、风险大; 通过GIS技术将信息化管理引入土地规划编制业务领域, 利用计算机的海量存储能力解决大量规划编制成果的处理问题, 计算机的高速数字化处理能力解决规划方案调整过程中多方案生成与对比的问题, 利用先进的网络技术实现规划指标的动态管理及规划审批的自动规范化管理, 利用GIS技术实现多种专题分析工具, 方便规划因素的定量分析, 达到辅助规划编制的目的.实践表明, 过去需要一个月才能完成的任务现在只需要几天时间并且质量明显好于手工作业方式, 大大提高了工作效率.   相似文献   

Zhang  Jiawen  Liesch  Tanja  Chen  Zhao  Goldscheider  Nico 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(5):1197-1208

Karst areas contain valuable groundwater resources and high biodiversity, but are particularly vulnerable to climate change and human impacts. Land-use change is the cause and consequence of global environmental change. The releases of the Climate Change Initiative-Land Cover (CCI-LC) and World Karst Aquifer Map (WOKAM) datasets have made it possible to explore global land-use changes in karst areas. This paper firstly analyses the global karst land-use distribution in 2020, as well as the land-use transition characteristics between 1992 and 2020. Then, two indicators, proportion of land-use change and dominant type of land-use change, are proposed to identify the spatial characteristics of land-use change in global karst areas. Finally, three examples of land-use change in karst areas are analyzed in detail. Land-use types and proportions of the global karst areas from large to small are as follows: forest (31.78%), bare area (27.58%), cropland (19.02%), grassland (10.87%), shrubland (7.21%), wetland (1.67%), ice and snow (1.16%) and urban (0.71%). The total area of global karst land-use change is 1.30 million km2, about 4.85% of global karst surface. The land-use change trend of global karst is dominated by afforestation, supplemented by scattered urbanization and agricultural reclamation. The tropical climate has a higher intensity of land-use change. Regions of agricultural reclamation are highly consistent with the population density. These results reflect the impact of human activities and climate change on land-use changes in global karst areas, and serve as a basis for further research and planning of land resource management.


INTRODUCTIONWith the rapid development of industrialization,urbanization,andinformation technology ,as well asthe practice of “digital city”and “digital earth”( Gore , 1998) , many administrators and decision-makers are realizing the i mportance of high-resolution i mage information to urban planning andmanagement . Especially in recent years , with thefast development of remote sensing technology ,remote sensing data can be obtained that are complementaryin spatial andti me resolution…  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach for GIS integrating local participatory land management information used for regional planning, and contributing to a bottom-up approach to land use planning. In participatory planning, the integration between local and regional levels should facilitate the communication and co-operation among the parties at both levels, for an efficient use of available resources. For coherently linking these two levels it is necessary to transform the data produced at one level, in order to be usable by the other. This transformation consists of a spatial procedure, which allows scaling-up the local participatory rural appraisal (PRA) information for regional purposes and scaling down the regional information for local use, using a GIS. Such an integration procedure is presented and discussed using data from a case study in south-western Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

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