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为期三天的成都统筹城乡土地管理制度改革现场研讨会就要结束了,来自政府管理部门、科研院所、大专院校等单位300多名代表参加了会议。会议开始时,我们学习了李克强副总理对会议的重要批示。徐绍史部长、蒋巨峰省长、李春城书记作了重要致辞。葛红林市长系统介绍了成都市在统筹城乡发展中推进农村土地管理制度改革的做法。三天来,代表们分三路进行了考察,亲眼看到了成都市在灾后重建、统筹城乡发展中取得的成绩,亲身感受了综合改革给灾区农村带来的巨大变化,进一步思考了土地管理制度改革中的重大问题。会议前,以周其仁教授为首的北京大学课题组对成都市统筹城乡土地管理制度改革进行了系统的调研,在会上报告了初步成果。会议期间,各位专家和与会代表从不同层面交流了经验,从不同的角度贡献了智慧。刚才,三个组的代表分别介绍了分组讨论情况,魏宏副省长又作了重要讲话。会议取得了预期效果,开得很成功。  相似文献   

于惠娟 《测绘通报》2015,(9):99-101
利用挂图内图廓联系数据库,建立了挂图现势资料数据库,同时从数据库中提取了现势数据并对挂图进行了更新,保证了挂图的现势性与系统性,更好地发挥了地理信息为经济建设服务的作用。同时系统地总结了现势资料信息与资料的收集和整理方法,解决了目前收集信息的分散性,提高了信息的利用效率,避免了重复测绘,提高了其利用程度。  相似文献   

同志们: 《中国国土资源年鉴》、《国土资源通讯》工作会议今天就要结束了。会上,李元副部长作了重要讲话,刘允洲、吴哗同志分别作了年鉴和机关刊的年度工作报告。江西、山东、陕西、吉林、四川、辽宁、湖北等省的同志介绍了办刊做法和经验。与会同志认真学习了李元副部长的讲话精神,就进一步提高年鉴的质量和时效、增强机关刊的可读性和感染力提出了许多好的意见和建议。大家集中精力、热情参与,积极思考、踊跃发言,进一步统一了办刊思想,交流了办刊经验,明确了办刊思路,达到了预期目的。这次会议,年鉴工作和机关刊工作两个会议一起开,降低了成本,节约了时间,提高了效率,取得了圆满成功。  相似文献   

基于插件技术的大地测量数据集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了当前大地测量数据采集模式,分析了插件系统的信息流程,建立了大地测量数据采集插件接口和数据接口,实现了各种格式的大地测量外业数据的集成,增强了系统的扩展性.  相似文献   

刚才,李建勤同志代表部直属机关党委常委会作了工作报告,总结了2007年的工作,提出了2008年的工作部署。各位委员进行了认真的讨论、审议,对报告发表了很好的意见,全委会审议并原则通过了工作报告,同意2008年的工作部署。会后,机关党委要按照大家的意见,对文件作进一步修改,尽快上报下发,抓紧落实。  相似文献   

在利用BP网络识别点状地图符号的过程中,提出了三项改进措施,简化了数据获取,提高了网络收敛速度。通过对训练样本图像的格式分析,实现了输入神经元的简单获取;对神经元、权值数组采取堆内存动态分配的方式,减少了内存占用,极大地提高了权收敛速度;通过对网络拓扑的分析,调整了节点的输出方式,加快了权值改正。  相似文献   

介绍了国家地理信息公共服务平台——天地图的创建背景和发展情况,展示了天地图的运行模式,对比了天地图与其他大型地图平台之间的异同,展现了天地图的行业优势及应用,客观分析了天地图的战略价值并讨论了不足,设想了天地图的发展可能性。  相似文献   

研究了通过扫描数字化试验,获取了GIS中特征点对点误差的基础数据,分析了误差的成因,讨论了误差的分布规律和统计特性,为扫描数字化精度控制及数据质量的评价提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

在地理科学的框架内,提出了面向地理知识服务的地理调查概念,指出了地理调查的内容和范围,总结了地理调查特点,并在此基础上构建了地理调查的技术方法体系,搭建了智慧地理调查平台,阐述了地理调查技术方法的实践和应用。  相似文献   

现代地籍技术 第二讲 数字地籍测量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
简述了数字测量技术的发展,对现有数字测量方法进行了模式化讨论,总结了各种模式的优缺点及其适用条件,详细讨论了数字地籍测量的特点,论述了数字地籍测量的基本框架.  相似文献   

曹金山  龚健雅  袁修孝 《测绘学报》2015,44(10):1100-1107
以"像方观测直线与像方预测直线必须重合"作为几何约束条件,以有理函数模型(RFM)作为高分辨率卫星影像的几何处理模型,提出了一种直线特征约束的高分辨率卫星影像区域网平差方法。本文方法仅需像方直线与物方直线相对应,无须像方直线上的像点与物方直线上的地面点一一对应。通过对圣迭戈试验区的两景IKONOS影像、斯波坎试验区的两景QuickBird影像和普罗旺斯试验区的两景SPOT-5影像进行试验,结果表明:本文方法可以充分利用直线特征作为控制条件,有效补偿RPC参数中的系统误差,获得的IKONOS、QuickBird和SPOT-5影像区域网平差的平面与高程精度均优于1个像素。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于直角点统计特征的高分辨率遥感全色图像居民地提取方法。首先,分别检测全色图像中的直角点、直线段;然后,利用直角点邻边的长度约束进一步优化直角点;接着,通过构建直角点缓冲区投影的方式生成特征图像;最后,二值化特征图像提取居民地信息。实验结果表明,与角点、直线以及未限制邻边长度直角点的统计特征对比,邻边长度约束的直角点统计特征更能反映居民地信息,有效克服了同样具有较多角点与直线特征的道路、车辆、农田田埂等地物对居民地提取的负面影响。与已有的PanTex指数方法相比,所提方法不依赖于纹理的复杂程度,有效削弱了纹理复杂的非居民地区域对居民地提取的负面影响。  相似文献   

Partial occlusion and fragmented lines will result in the various cases of straight line correspondences, such as one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many ones. However, the complex correspondences, such as one-to-many and many-to-many ones, are usually ignored or cannot be established completely in the existing methods. Here, the essence of the complex correspondences will be analyzed. Based on the two characteristics of a straight line, which are introduced by regarding a straight line as a set of collinear points, the compatibility between the complex correspondences and the uniqueness constraint of point correspondence is proved and a new uniqueness constraint of correspondence for matching lines is proposed. Based on the analysis of the complex correspondences, a new concept of line feature group is defined to describe a set of integral correspondences among straight line features from different images and then a new algorithm for establishing all the correspondences completely is described simply. The experimental results with real stereo images illustrate that the complex correspondences among straight lines are actual cases and can be established effectively.  相似文献   

Increased use of digital imagery has facilitated the opportunity to use features, in addition to points, in photogrammetric applications. Straight lines are often present in object space, and prior research has focused on incorporating straight–line constraints into bundle adjustment for frame imagery. In the research reported in this paper, object–space straight lines are used in a bundle adjustment with self–calibration. The perspective projection of straight lines in the object space produces straight lines in the image space in the absence of distortions. Any deviations from straightness in the image space are attributed to various distortion sources, such as radial and decentric lens distortions. Before incorporating straight lines into a bundle adjustment with self–calibration, the representation and perspective transformation of straight lines between image space and object space should be addressed. In this investigation, images of straight lines are represented as a sequence of points along the image line. Also, two points along the object–space straight line are used to represent that line. The perspective relationship between image– and object–space lines is incorporated in a mathematical constraint. The underlying principle in this constraint is that the vector from the perspective centre to an image point on a straight–line feature lies on the plane defined by the perspective centre and the two object points defining the straight line. This constraint has been embedded in a software application for bundle adjustment with self–calibration that can incorporate point as well as straight–line features. Experiments with simulated and real data have proved the feasibility and the efficiency of the algorithm proposed.  相似文献   

针对航空影像场景复杂,干扰直线匹配的不确定因素较多的问题,本文提出了基于几何编组与局部均值标准差直线描述符(MSLD)的直线匹配算法。首先,利用直线检测器(LSD)获得影像的直线特征信息,将直线与直线间的几何特征作为约束条件进行编组,获得两幅航空影像的直线对;其次,运用核线约束确定候选直线对,并依次构建参考与候选直线对的支持区域,利用仿射不变性统一支持区域的大小,借助MSLD进行直线对外观的局部描述;然后,结合欧氏距离与最邻近比值计算航空影像中直线描述符间的相似性,进而确定匹配结果;最后,结合共线约束完成对匹配结果的检核,获取精确的同名直线。试验选择不同场景类型变换下的航空影像数据,结果证明了本文算法可以较好地应对航空影像直线匹配效果不佳的现象。  相似文献   

基于边缘检测的编组法直线提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对直线相位编组法进行改进,提出了一种在边缘检测基础上进行相位编组提取直线的方法。该方法充分利用了图像的梯度和幅值信息,能够比较准确地提出物体的边缘直线,克服了相位编组法中边缘灰度幅值信息利用不够、容易生成多边缘、不利于突出物体主边缘直线的缺点。在大比例尺域市房屋的提取中能发挥比较好的辅助作用。  相似文献   

陈敏  朱庆  何海清  严少华  赵怡涛 《测绘学报》2019,48(9):1129-1140
提出一种基于结构自适应特征的城区宽基线影像特征点匹配方法。首先,对影像提取点特征和直线特征,挖掘点特征与其邻域内直线特征之间的几何关系,构建结构自适应的特征区域和特征描述符,并通过双向匹配策略获得初始匹配结果。然后,基于初匹配结果估计影像基础矩阵,构建核线约束的结构自适应特征匹配算法进行二次匹配。最后,将已匹配特征作为控制基础设计匹配扩展算法,进一步增加匹配点数量。本文方法以特征点邻域几何结构为出发点,构建自适应的特征区域,能够在显著的影像视角变化下,为同名特征点提取影像内容一致的特征区域,进而获得相似的特征描述符。试验结果证明,与传统算法相比,本文方法在城区宽基线影像上能够同时获得更多的正确匹配特征和更高的匹配正确率。  相似文献   

Change detection from aerial images acquired in different durations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Because of quick development of cities, the update of urban GIS data is very important. Change detection is the base of automatic or semi-automatic data update. One way of change detections in urban area is based on old and new aerial images acquired in different durations. The corresponding theory and experiments are introduced and analyzed in this paper. The main procedure includes four stages. The new and old images have to be registered firstly. Then image matching, based on the maximum correlation coefficient, is performed between registered images after the low contrast areas have been removed. The regions with low matching quality are extracted as candidate changed areas. Thirdly, the Gaussian-Laplacian operator is used to detect edges in candidate changed areas on both the registered images, and the straight lines are detected by Hough transformation. Finally, the changed houses and roads can be detected on the basis of straight line matching in candidate changed areas between registered images.  相似文献   

Because of quick development of cities, the update of urban GIS data is very important. Change detection is the base of automatic or semi-automatic data update. One way of change detections in urban area is based on old and new aerial images acquired in different durations. The corresponding theory and experiments are introduced and analyzed in this paper. The main procedure includes four stages. The new and old images have to be registered firstly. Then image matching, based on the maximum correlation coefficient, is performed between registered images after the low contrast areas have been removed. The regions with low matching quality are extracted as candidate changed areas. Thirdly, the Gaussian-Laplacian operator is used to detect edges in candidate changed areas on both the registered images, and the straight lines are detected by Hough transformation. Finally, the changed houses and roads can be detected on the basis of straight line matching in candidate changed areas between registered images. Some experimental results show that the method introduced in this paper is effective.  相似文献   

在系统归纳和分析现有的路口遥感信息提取方法的基础上,提出一种面向高空间分辨率遥感影像的路口自动定位新方法。该方法首先通过低梯度运算获取同质区域;然后设定阈值去除同质区内的水体、阴影以及小面元干扰物;再利用Hough变换检测二值图像中的直线,并根据直线参数出现的频率排序,保留参数出现频率较高且相互间夹角较大的直线;最后用该组直线交点的平均值定位路口。以福州市城区局部QuickBird全色影像为数据源定位四岔路口与三岔路口的实证研究表明,在同物异谱与异物同谱现象严重情况下,本文算法所定位的路口仍然准确有效。  相似文献   

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