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The Mino tectono-stratigraphic terrane, central Japan, underlain by Permian to Jurassic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of various origins, was formed through accretion processes associated with the Mesozoic sea-floor spreading. This conclusion has been reached mainly from the following reasoning:
1. (1) the entire boundary of this terrane is defined by tectonic belts with high-pressure metamorphic rocks and serpentinized ultramafic rocks,
2. (2) the chemistry and petrology of the Permian greenstones demonstrate their affinity with abyssal tholeiitic and alkalic basalts,
3. (3) the widespread, but chaotic, occurrence of Permian greenstones, Triassic cherts, and Jurassic siliceous shales in the younger Jurassic clastic rocks of this terrane suggests extensive post-depositional mixing of strata,
4. (4) the sedimentology of the Jurassic sandstones strongly suggests that they are turbidity-current deposits supplied from cratonic lands,
5. (5) the South-Pacific type fossil assemblage in the Mino terrane shows strong contrast with the North-Pacific type fossil assemblage of the adjacent terranes,
6. (6) the paleomagnetism of the Permian and Jurassic greenstones, the Triassic cherts, and the Jurassic siliceous shales implies long-distance northward drift in Cretaceous time of these rocks from their original low latitudinal regions.
Along with this northward migration, the Mino terrane was accreted with extensive internal deformation to northeast Asia including the present Hida terrane. Recent accumulation of paleomagnetic and paleontologic data in the Pacific peripheral regions appears to support the existence of many allochthonous terranes which migrated from the equatorial regions. The Mino terane may be regarded as one example of these Circum-Pacific allochthons.  相似文献   

台湾造山带是中新世晚期以来相邻菲律宾海板块往北西方向移动,导致北吕宋岛弧系统及弧前增生楔与欧亚大陆边缘斜碰撞形成的。目前该造山带仍在活动,虽然规模很小,但形成了多数大型碰撞造山带中的所有构造单元,是研究年轻造山系统的理想野外实验室,为理解西太平洋弧-陆碰撞过程和边缘海演化提供了一个独特的窗口。本文总结了二十一世纪以来对台湾造山带的诸多研究进展,讨论了其构造单元划分及演化过程。我们将台湾造山带重新划分为6个构造单元,由西至东分依次为:(1)西部前陆盆地;(2)中央山脉褶皱逆冲带;(3)太鲁阁带;(4)玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带;(5)纵谷磨拉石盆地;(6)海岸山脉岛弧系统。其中,西部前陆盆地为6.5Ma以来伴随台湾造山带的隆升剥蚀形成沉积盆地。中央山脉褶皱逆冲带为新生代(57~5.3Ma)欧亚大陆东缘伸展盆地沉积物由于弧-陆碰撞受褶皱、逆冲及变质作用改造形成的。太鲁阁带是造山带中的古老陆块,主要记录中生代古太平洋俯冲在欧亚大陆活动边缘形成的岩浆、沉积和变质岩作用。玉里-利吉蛇绿混杂岩带和海岸山脉岛弧系统分别为中新世中期(~18Ma)以来南中国海板块向菲律宾海板块之下俯冲形成的岛弧和弧前增生楔,其中玉里混杂岩中有典型低温高压变质作用记录,变质年龄为11~9Ma;岛弧火山作用的主要时限为9.2~4.2Ma。纵谷磨拉石盆地记录1.1Ma以来的山间盆地沉积。台湾造山带的构造演化可划分为4个阶段:(a)古太平洋板块俯冲与欧亚大陆边缘增生阶段(200~60Ma);(b)欧亚大陆东缘伸展和南中国海扩张阶段(60~18Ma);(c)南中国海俯冲阶段(18~4Ma);(d)弧-陆碰撞阶段(<6Ma)。台湾弧-陆碰撞造山带是一个特殊案例,其弧-陆碰撞并不伴随着弧-陆之间的洋盆消亡,而是由于北吕宋岛弧及弧前增生楔伴随菲律宾海板块运动向西北方走滑,仰冲到欧亚大陆边缘,形成现今的台湾造山带。  相似文献   

敦密断裂带的地质特征及演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
敦密断裂带是规模巨大、发育历史悠久、活动期次较多的区域性深大断裂。主要形成于中生代,新生代又继承性活动。该断裂带的启动时间为晚三叠世,休罗纪一白垩纪期间经历多次挤压、拉张及走滑运动,大规模左行平移时间为早白垩世末期,最新一次活动时间是在中更新世。  相似文献   

Recycling as outlined by Garrels and Mackenzie (1971) is the basic process responsible for the formation, preservation, destruction and composition of sedimentary masses during geologic history. However, several sedimentological and geochemical trends are difficult to reconcile with a simple recycling model and would therefore require an evolutionary approach superimposed on the general recycling. These evolutionary trends are observable on an integrated time scale of the order of 108–109 years. The author believes that the majority of the observed “apparent” sedimentological and geochemical trends might be compatible with two to three variables, such as the evolution of the crust, and possibly .  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the evolution of the Earth starting with the planetary accretion and differentiation of the primordial material (similar in composition to CI chondrites) into the core and mantle and the formation of the Moon as a result of the impact of the Earth with a smaller cosmic body. The features of the Hadean eon (ca. 4500–4000 Ma) are described in detail. Frequent meteorite-asteroid bombardments which the Earth experienced in the Hadean could have caused the generation of mafic/ultramafic primary magmas. These magmas also differentiated to produce some granitic magmas, from which zircons crystallized. The repeated meteorite bombardments destroyed the protocrust, which submerged into the mantle to remelt, leaving refractory zircons, indicators of the Early Earth’s geologic conditions, behind.The mantle convection that started in the Archean could possibly be responsible for the Earth’s subsequent endogenous evolution. Long-living deep-seated mantle plumes could have promoted the generation of basalt-komatiitic crust, which, thickening, could have submerged into the mantle as a result of sagduction, where it remelted. Partial melting of the thick crust, leaving eclogite as a residue, could have yielded tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) melts. TTG rocks are believed to compose the Earth’s protocrust. Banded iron bodies, the only mineral deposits of that time, were produced in the oceans that covered the Earth.This environment, recognized as LID tectonics combined with plume tectonics, probably existed on the Earth prior to the transitional period, which was marked by a series of new geologic processes and led to a modern-style tectonics, involving plate tectonics and plume tectonics mechanisms, by 2 Ga. The transitional period was likely to be initiated at about 3.4 Ga, with the segregation of outer and inner cores, which terminated by 3.1 Ga. Other rocks series (calc-alkaline volcanic and intrusive) rather than TTGs were produced at that time. Beginning from 3.4-3.3 Ga, mineral deposits became more diverse; noble and siderophile metal occurrences were predominant among ore deposits. Carbonatites, hosting rare-metal mineralization, could have formed only by 2.0 Ga. From 3.1 to 2.7 Ga, there was a period of “small-plate” tectonics and first subduction and spreading processes, which resulted in the first supercontinent by 2.7 Ga. Its amalgamation indicates the start of superplume-supercontinent cycles.Between 2.7 and 2.0 Ga, the D″ layer formed at the core-mantle interface. It became a kind of thermal regulator for the ascending already tholeiitic mantle plume magmas. All deep-seated layers of the Earth and large low-velocity shear provinces, called mantle hot fields, partially melted enriched EM-I and EM-II mantles, and the depleted recent asthenosphere mantle, which is parental for midocean-ridge basalts, were finally generated by 2 Ga. Therefore, an interaction of all Earth’s layers began from that time.  相似文献   

东天山三条高压变质带地质特征和流体作用   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
刘斌  钱一雄 《岩石学报》2003,19(2):283-296
微板块活动边缘常常产生高压变质作用,我们在东天山地区发现了三条高压变质带,分别出露在南天山北缘、中天山北缘和北天山南缘的早古生代至晚古生代地层中,它们是天山微板块多期次俯冲-碰撞-拼贴作用的产物。(南天山北缘铜花山高压变质带中有不同变异的蓝闪石类高压矿物,蓝闪石Ar~(40)/Ar~(39)同位素测定为360Ma年龄,而在同一带的西部的榆树沟有C型和B型的榴辉岩分布。中天山北缘乌斯特沟-米什沟高压变质带中发现了青铝闪石,同一阶段生成的多硅白云母为345Ma的年龄;北天山南缘后峡高压变质带中以出露在石炭世地层中钠闪石和多硅白云母为特征,三条高压变质带均经历过三个变质-变形作用阶段:①高压变质;②退变质;③韧性-脆性变质变形作用。) 流体活动与微板块构造作用密切相关,不同构造阶段有不同的变质-变形作用和矿物-流体反应:①高压变质作用阶段:微板块碰撞阶段产生不同的进变质作用,主要发生脱挥发组分的矿物反应,含水矿物转化成无水或少水矿物。南天山北缘有两次微板块与洋壳碰撞-俯冲作用,第一次碰撞-俯冲的热力学条件是:中-高温、高压和埋藏深度较大(540~720℃,0.92~1.29GPa,35~>50km),导致榴辉岩的生成,除了大量挥发组分逸出以外,另有不少熔体产生,变质矿物以捕获大量熔体和少量气-液流体包裹  相似文献   

The redox state of the surface environment of the early Earth is still controversial, and a detailed and quantitative estimate is still lacking. We carried out in-situ analyses of major, trace, and rare-earth elements of carbonate minerals in rocks with primary sedimentary structures in shallow and deep sea-deposits, in order to eliminate secondary carbonate and contamination of detrital materials, and to estimate the redox condition of seawater through time. Based on the Ce content and anomalies of the carbonate minerals at given parameters of atmospheric CO2 content (pCO2) and Ca content of seawater, we calculated the oxygen contents of shallow and deep seawater, respectively. The results show that the oxygen content of the deep sea was low and constant until at least 1.9 Ga. The oxygen content of shallow seawater increased after 2.7 Ga, but fluctuated. It became quite high at 2.5 and 2.3 Ga, but eventually increased after the Phanerozoic. In addition, the calculation of a high pCO2 condition shows that seawater was more oxic even in the Archean than at present, suggesting a relatively low pCO2 through geologic time.Our detailed calculations from compositions of carbonate minerals in Three Gorge area, south China show a low oxygen content of seawater after the Snowball Earth until the late Ediacaran, an increase in the late Ediacaran, and a significant decrease around the Precambrian–Cambrian and Nemakit/Daldynian–Tommotian boundaries. These variations were possibly caused by global regression and dissolution of methane hydrates.  相似文献   

成矿地质事件浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成矿地质事件作为地壳和地质历史演化中的稀少事件,在相对较短的地质时限内,于全球或一定的空间范围内,具有相同或不同性质的地质体(构造单元)或它们特定的一部分,成矿元素呈大面积聚集或高浓度聚集成矿。成矿地质事件具有3个基本特征:1 层次性,即按成矿事件波及范围,可分为全球性的、洲际性的、区域性的、地方性的等四个层次成矿事件;2 耦合性,不同层次的成矿事件与其对应相配的地质(构造、岩浆、变质等)事件之间存在着节律的耦合关系;3 专属性,不同动力起因的成矿事件有着各自的成矿专属性。  相似文献   

地质资料存储方式的转变--浅谈地质资料光盘存储工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵淑华 《吉林地质》2000,19(3):74-77
本文分析了地质资料管理的现状;指出地质资料光盘存储是实现地质资料现代化管理的第一步,重点介绍了地质资料光盘存储工作的内容和过程,以及作者在工作实践中的几点体会;指出了地质资料光盘存储工作是实现地质资料存储方式转变,实现地宣现代化的重要基础。  相似文献   

Olistostromes (sedimentary mélanges) represent the products of ancient submarine mass transport processes. We present a comparative analysis of the occurrences and internal structures of these sedimentary mélanges at a global scale with a focus on the Circum-Mediterranean, Appalachian and Circum-Pacific regions, and discuss their formation and time-progressive evolution in different tectonic settings. Lithological compositions, stratigraphy, and structural features of olistostromes reflect the operation of an entire spectrum of mass transport processes during their development through multi-stage deformation phases. The general physiography and tectonic setting of their depocenters, the nature, scale and rate of downslope transformation mechanisms, and global climatic events are the main factors controlling the internal structure and stratigraphy of olistostromes. Based on the tectonic settings of their formation olistostromes are classified as: (i) passive margin, (ii) convergent margin and subduction–accretion, and (iii) collisional and intra-collisional types. Systematic repetitions of these different olistostrome types in different orogenic belts provide excellent markers for the timing of various tectonic events during the Wilson cycle evolution of ocean basins. Olistostromes are best preserved in paleo active margins, covering vast areas of thousands of km2, where they underwent significant downslope translation, up to hundreds of kilometers. Incorporation of olistostromes into subduction–accretion complexes and orogenic belts takes place during discrete episodes of tectonic events, and their primary (sedimentary) fabric may be commonly reworked and overprinted by subsequent phases of tectonic and metamorphic events. We apply the basic nomenclature of structural geology, sedimentology and basin analysis in studying the internal structure, lithological makeup, and mechanisms of formation and extraordinary downslope mobility of olistostromes.  相似文献   

Existing methods for the chemical determination of rhenium have been modified and adapted for the analysis of rock, sediment, water, brine, and mineral concentrates.Little restriction is placed on sample size, but usually between 0.1 g and 100 g of solid sample is used which contains between 1 and 200 μg of rhenium giving a detection limit of 10 p.p.b. in the sample. Several liters of water sample may be used giving a detection limit of less than 1 p.p.b.The spectrophotometric method concentrates and isolates the rhenium from the sample by using carbon adsorption and solvent extraction.  相似文献   

Ductile extensional movements along the steeply inclined Hoher-Bogen shear zone caused the juxtaposition of Teplá-Barrandian amphibolites, granulites, and metaperidotites against Moldanubian mica schists and paragneisses. Garnet pyriclasites are well preserved within low-strain domains of this shear zone. Their degree of metamorphism is significantly higher than that of the surrounding rocks. Microstructural and mineral chemical data suggest in situ formation of the garnet pyriclasite by dehydration of pyroxene amphibolite at T>750–840°C and P<10–13 kbar including recrystallization-accommodated grain-size reduction of plagioclase and clinopyroxene, nucleation of garnet, and breakdown of amphibole into garnet+clinopyroxene+rutile. Subsequent decompression and retrograde extensional shearing led to the formation of mylonitic epidote amphibolite. The presence of lower crustal and mantle-derived slices within the Hoher-Bogen shear zone supports the view that (a) in Upper Devonian times the Teplá-Barrandian unit was thrust over Moldanubian rocks as a complete crustal unit, and (b) that during the subsequent Lower Carboniferous orogenic collapse, the garnet pyriclasite and metaperidotite were scraped off from the basal parts of the Teplá-Barrandian unit being dragged into the Hoher-Bogen shear zone due to dramatic and large-scale elevator-style movements. Received: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

A hierarchical concept is proposed for the development of constitutive models to account for various factors that influence behaviour of (geologic) materials. It permits evolution of models of progressively higher grades from the basic model representing isotropic hardening with associative behaviour. Factors such as non-associativeness and induced anisotropy due to friction and cyclic loading, and softening are introduced as corrections or perturbations to the basic model. The influence of these factors is captured through non-associativeness manifested by deviation from normality of the plastic strain increments to the yield surface, F. Details of four models: isotropic hardening with associative behaviour, isotropic hardening with non-associative behavioural anisotropic hardening and strain-softening with a damage variable are presented. They are verified with respect to laboratory multiaxial test data under various paths of loading, unloading and reloading for typical soils, rock and concrete. The proposed concept is general, yet sufficiently simplified in terms of physical understanding, number of constants and their physical meanings, determination of the constants and implementation.  相似文献   

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