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The fast processing, seismic damage data extraction and loss evaluation from RS imagery acquired immediately after a destructive earthquake occurs, are important means for compen-sating the insufficiency of seismic damage information from ground-based investigations and provide an important basis for emergency command and rescue. The paper introduces the method of emergency seismic damage assessment using remote sensing data and its application to the great Wenchuan earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurring in southwest Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. The practical effectiveness of the method is also evaluated in the paper. 相似文献
2015年4月25日在尼泊尔廓尔喀县发生的8.1级地震及后续强烈余震,造成尼泊尔北部严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,灾区建筑物倒塌损失严重。本文利用现场震害调查资料和高分卫星遥感影像,开展建筑物震害遥感解译,得到各个遥感解译点的遥感震害指数,结合现场调查点评估的烈度拟合了遥感震害指数-实际震害指数转换关系,再根据遥感震害指数估计了全部解译点的震害指数及地震烈度。估计的烈度与现场调查结果对比显示出较好的一致性,研究结果为该地区今后发生地震提供了可借鉴的遥感评估震害指数转换模型。 相似文献
This paper presents the damage in the meizoseismal region of the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, and the seismic intensifies determined according to "the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale", and discusses briefly the types of earthquake-generating faults and some features of seismic damage. 相似文献
新疆塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县地震极灾区地震烈度遥感快速评估研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2017年5月11日,新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县发生M_S5.5地震。为快速了解灾区灾情,本文基于无人机遥感技术获取的地震极灾区高分辨率影像数据,结合地震现场震害调查进行建筑物震害遥感解译,采用地震烈度遥感定量评估方法,进行极灾区地震烈度遥感评估。结果表明:灾区房屋结构类型主要包括土石木结构、砖木结构、砖混结构、框架结构,倒塌和局部倒塌的房屋均为土石木结构房屋,安居富民房屋无一倒塌,遥感评估的塔县地震极灾区地震烈度为Ⅷ~Ⅸ度,比中国地震局公布的地震烈度略高,今后需根据新疆实际情况修正模型,为新疆地震烈度遥感快速评估工作服务。 相似文献
汶川地震桥梁震害分析及抗震设计启示 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
汶川地震中公路桥梁破坏严重,且破坏形式在破裂面南、北两端出现显著的差异。本文从震源机制、断层运动方式和桥梁本身特点等角度,分析了产生这一差异的原因。分析结果表明,断层南端由于释放能量巨大,断层逆冲作用显著,结构在竖向和水平向地震力作用下出现强度破坏;而断层北端右旋走滑作用显著,结构在剧烈的地面错动中出现位移型破坏。在此基础上,本文对强震区的桥梁抗震设计提出了相应的改进措施。 相似文献
总结了2008年汶川8.0级地震在甘肃陇南地区造成的农村房屋和城镇房屋的典型震害及其原因。考察发现,由于农村房屋一般未经抗震设防设计,在本次地震中即使在低烈度地区仍然震害严重;而城镇房屋震害较轻,一般均表现出良好的抗震性能,严重破坏的大多是一些施工质量差,缺乏良好的抗震概念设计以及改建时未考虑抗震设计的建筑。建筑震害调查的几个地区设防烈度均为Ⅷ度,实际烈度为Ⅵ~Ⅸ度,因此这些地区的房屋震害情况刚好能反映这些地区房屋抵抗小震、中震及大震的能力。结果表明,严格按照抗震规范设计、并保证施工质量的建筑基本都能达到三水准设防目标。最后本文对灾后重建和抗震设防提出了建议。 相似文献
This paper provides an overview of the ideas and methods of the assessment of seismic intensity based on remote sensing and describes the models used to assess the remote sensing based synthetic seismic damage index and seismic intensity. With the data of damage information extracted from the high-resolution aerial images in the earthquake-stricken areas (Jiegu town, Yushu city, Qinghai) of the 2010 Ms7. 1 Yushu earthquake, and the data obtained through post-earthquake field investigation, the seismic damage degree and seismic intensity have been estimated. The analysis of the results shows that the seismic intensity in Yushu city is estimated as IX through the RS assessment method, which is consistent with the result estimated according to the ground surveys. The results are discussed in the last part of the paper and indicate that the RS techniques are expected to be one of the main methods used to estimate the seismic intensity values in the emergency stage. 相似文献