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基于多源卫星数据扎日南木错湖面变化和气象成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat(MSS、TM、ETM+)系列卫星和环境减灾卫星CCD遥感影像数据以及西藏扎日南木错地区近40年(1970-2011年)气象资料,分析湖泊面积的变化特征,并探讨湖泊面积变化的可能气象成因.结果表明,扎日南木错1975-2011年间经历了先萎缩后扩张的过程,湖泊面积呈增长趋势,增长面积为7.08 km2.扎日南木错流域在过去40多年里冰川在退缩,温度升高,降水量增加,而蒸发量和最大冻土深度减少.湖泊面积与年气温之间有显著的正相关关系,气温升高可能是湖面扩大的原因之一.  相似文献   

西藏玛旁雍错和拉昂错水深、水质特征及现代沉积速率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基于2009年和2010年分别在玛旁雍错和拉昂错开展的2次野外湖泊调查,本文简要报道这2个藏南内流水系湖泊的水深分布、湖水理化特征及湖泊现代沉积速率.测深结果显示玛旁雍错湖盆形状规则,深水区坡度平缓,最大水深为72.6 m;拉昂错北部为较浅的河流冲积扇,通过狭长的水道与开阔的南部湖区相连,南部湖区中心平坦,实测最深处49.03 m;根据水深数据计算的玛旁雍错和拉昂错水量分别为1.462×1010m3和5.711×109m3.玛旁雍错湖水剖面水质在垂直方向上呈现明显的分层结构,温跃层介于25~35 m之间,温度梯度为0.17℃/m,水体pH、电导率和溶解氧在温跃层具有同步变化特征;拉昂错湖水温跃层与玛旁雍错相比不明显,5~15 m间温度梯度为0.16℃/m,湖水pH与溶解氧呈反相变化,这可能与水生植物呼吸作用有关.2个湖泊湖水的主要离子组成特征除Ca2+外基本相同,拉昂错主要离子浓度约为玛旁雍错的3倍,而Ca2+则约为玛旁雍错的1/2;利用210Pb和137Cs方法对玛旁雍错和拉昂错的短岩芯进行了测试,结果表明2个湖泊近代沉积速率分别约为0.31 mm/a和0.65 mm/a.  相似文献   

西藏纳木错水深分布及现代湖沼学特征初步分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
2005-2007年对两藏最大的湖泊--纳木错进行了三次综合考察,获得了大量的基础数据和研究材料.本文简要报道纳木错水深测量及其现代湖沼学特征的初步结果.等深线图显示纳木错是一个高海拔的深水湖,湖盆中部是一个水深超过90m底部较为平坦的盆地.考察中发现湖泊西北部出现了两个小岛,而1970s考察时仍为半岛,因而水深数据提供了近30年来纳木错湖面上升的有力证据.现场水质测量在16个站点进行,覆盖了除东部湖区以外的大部分湖面范围,结果显示表层水的温度、pH、溶解氧、电导率和环境光的平均值分别为11.63℃、9.13、7.93mg/L、1839μS/cm、2582μmol/(s·m2),根据湖水特征的垂直变化,较深水域的湖水显示了明显的分层特征:上层湖水从表层到约18-20m,水质参数均一,温度较高,光照充足:中间层范围约为20-60m,是一个明显的温跃层;底层水性质也很稳定,水温很低几乎没有光线到达,形成了寒冷黑暗的深水区.  相似文献   

西藏著名圣湖之一的当惹雍错,是藏北高原腹地内陆封闭大湖,对湖泊面积变化的长时间序列研究较少,本文通过高分辨率陆地资源卫星Landsat TM/ETM+数据源,利用遥感和地理信息系统软件,通过人工目视解译方法对1977-2014年当惹雍错湖泊面积变化进行系统分析,并结合流域临近气象站资料,流域冰川等辅助数据对其湖泊面积变化原因进行综合分析.结果表明,1977-2014年当惹雍错湖泊平均面积为835.75 km~2,1977-2014年湖泊面积总体呈上升趋势,1970s湖泊平均面积为829.15 km~2,1980s和1990s湖泊平均面积分别为827.50和826.42 km~2,2000年之后湖泊面积明显增加,2000s湖泊平均面积与1970s相比,增幅为8.04 km~2.当惹雍错湖泊空间变化特点是,位于最大河流入口处达尔果藏布的湖泊东南部扩大明显,湖泊西南部小湖1于2014年9月开始明显扩大并与当惹雍错有相连趋势;流域冰川融水是当惹雍错主要补给源,近40 a当惹雍错湖泊面积变化是在气温升高的背景下,冰川、降水量和蒸发量三者共同变化作用的结果.  相似文献   

近40a西藏羊卓雍错湖泊面积变化遥感分析   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
羊卓雍错(以下简称羊湖)作为西藏高原三大圣湖之一和藏南重要的高原特色风景旅游景区,其具体面积众说纷纭.本文利用遥感和地理信息空间分析方法对1972-2010年羊湖面积变化进行了系统研究,并结合流域气象站资料对其原因进行初步分析.结果表明,1972-2010年湖泊平均面积为643.98 km2.1972-2010年羊湖面积呈波动式减少趋势,其中,1970s平均面积为658.78 km2,之后至1999年面积显著减少;1980s面积为636.55 km2;1990s为635.06 km2;1999-2004年面积有所增加;2004-2010年持续缩小,减幅为8.59 km2/a.湖泊空间变化特点是除了空母错和珍错两个小湖面积变化较小之外,羊湖整体面积呈现萎缩态势,其中东部嘎马林曲入口附近退缩程度最大,达1.62 km.流域气象站资料分析表明,湖泊面积和降水的变化波动存在显著耦合关系,降水变化是羊湖面积变化的主要原因;其次,流域蒸发量的明显增加,特别是2004年来连续较高的蒸发量是导致近期面积显著减少的重要原因,气温的升高进一步加剧了这一过程.羊湖的面积变化基本反映了西藏高原南部半干早季风气候区以降水补给为主的高原内陆湖泊对气候变化的响应.  相似文献   

王文种  黄对  刘九夫  刘宏伟  王欢 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1552-1563
湖泊变化是气候变化的指示器.为探索利用单一短时间尺度的卫星水位数据源估算长时间序列的湖泊水量变化的可行性,本文利用短时间尺度(2016—2018年) Sentinel-3A合成孔径雷达高度计(SRAL)作为唯一卫星水位数据源,以藏北高原内陆湖泊当惹雍错为例,结合基于Landsat光学遥感数据提取的1988—2018年的湖泊面积,综合分析2016—2018年间的非结冰期遥感湖泊面积与遥感湖泊水位变化,基于该时段范围的水位变化-面积变化关系和水量估算公式,估算1988—2018年湖泊水位水量变化与2001—2018年的年内变化,并结合GLDAS产品数据与雪线变化情况初步探讨湖泊变化的可能原因.结果表明:当惹雍错近30年湖泊面积扩张明显,湖泊水位、水量增加显著,相比1988年,2018年的湖泊面积、水位、水量分别增加21.1 km2、5.29 m、44.75亿m3.其中1988—1998年湖泊面积-水位-水量有所减少,2000—2018年间湖泊变化总体呈增加趋势.2001—2018年内湖泊面积、水位、水量变化呈现干湿季特征.1996—2014/2015年湖泊水量变化为38.3亿/35.5亿m3,水量变化趋势、变化量与以往对应时间段的研究结果具有较强的一致性.湖泊面积扩张主要发生在水下地形平缓的东南部和中西部区域.结合气候因素与雪线变化的分析表明,湖泊水量变化受降雨、气温影响复杂,长时间年际尺度上的湖泊水量增长与气温的一致性较降水量强,湖泊湿季受降水量与气温的影响都较大,其中2008—2018年的湿季降水量、气温与水量变化散点拟合的确定性系数R2分别为0.613、0.845.该研究表明Sentinel-3A合成孔径雷达数据在湖泊水量变化估算上的潜力,为利用单一且只具有短时段数据的卫星雷达数据估算长时间序列湖泊水量变化提供依据.  相似文献   

We elucidate the ecology of Recent Ostracoda from a deep brackish lake, Tangra Yumco (30°45′—31°22′N and 86°23′—86°49′E, 4595 m a.s.l.) and adjacent waters on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Ostracod associations (living and empty valves) in sixty-six sediment samples collected from diverse aquatic habitats (lakes, estuary-like water and lagoon-like water waters, rivers, ponds and springs) were quantitatively assessed.Eleven Recent Ostracoda were found (nine living and two as empty valves only). Cluster analysis established two significant (p < 0.05) habitat specific associations; (i) Leucocytherella sinensis, Limnocythere inopinata, Leucocythere? dorsotuberosa, Fabaeformiscandona gyirongensis and Candona xizangensis are lacustrine fauna. (ii) Tonnacypris gyirongensis, Candona candida, Ilyocypris sp., Heterocypris incongruens and Heterocypris salina are temporary water species.Ostracod distribution and abundance are significantly (p < 0.05) correlated to physico-chemical variables. The first two axes of a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) explain 30.9% of the variation in the species abundance data. Conductivity and habitat types are the most influential ecological factors explaining the presence and abundance of ostracods. Spearman correlation analysis reveals that: (i) Two species, L.? dorsotuberosa (r = 0.25) and L. inopinata (r = 0.36) have a significant positive correlation with conductivity while one species, T. gyirongensis (r = −0.68) displays a significant negative correlation with conductivity. Limnocythere inopinata correlates significantly positive (r = 0.37) with alkalinity. Fabaeformiscandona gyirongensis correlates significantly positive (r = 0.28) with water depth.Key indicator living assemblages are: (i) L. sinensis dominates Ca-depleted brackish waters although ubiquitously distributed; (ii) L.? dorsotuberosa dwells in fresh to brackish waters; (iii) L. inopinata predominates in mesohaline to polyhaline waters; (iv) F. gyirongensis inhabits exclusively brackish-lacustrine deeper waters; (v) C. candida populates freshwaters; (vi) T. gyirongensis and Ilyocypris sp. are restricted to shallow temporary waters; (vii) H. incongruens occurs in ponds.Water depth indicators are F. gyirongensis and L.? dorsotuberosa, useful in ostracod assemblages for palaeo-water depth reconstruction.Our results expand the knowledge of the ecological significance of Recent Tibetan Ostracoda ecology. This is a new insight on habitat chacteristics of both living assemblages and sub-Recent associations of ostracods in mountain aquatic ecosystems. The new modern ostracod dataset can be used for the quantitative reconstruction of past environmental variables (e.g., conductivity) and types of water environment. The key indicator ostracods are relevant in palaeolimnological and climate research on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

青藏高原地震的震源深度及其构造意义   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
郑斯华 《中国地震》1995,11(2):99-106
在本研究的前一项工作中,根据WWSSN的长周期无震体波记录,采用广义反演技术,确定了1966年至1980年期间发生在西藏高原及其周围地区的11个主要地壳地震和地震矩张量,同时得到了震源时间函数和震源深度。所分析的地震具有较浅的震源深度,且均分布于上部地壳范围内,本文根据上述结果,结合其它逐个测定的1964年至1986年发生在青藏高原的78个中强地震的震源深度的结果,讨论了青藏高原地震的震源深度分布  相似文献   

Eleven PASSCAL broadband digital seismic stations were employed in the Tibetan Plateau by the Sino-US team from September, 1991 to June, 1992. Seven of them were distributed along the Qinghai-Tibet highway, others in Maqin and Yushu of Qinghai Province, Linzhi and Xigatze of Tibet. The data included 31 local earthquakes recorded by these stations from July, 1991 to January, 1992. Considering the characters of digital data, we identified the seismic phases carefully in several methods using SAC softwares (Seismic Analysis Code) in SUN workstation. We compared the seismic phases after converting the seismograms of the single stations to the seismic profiles; analyzed the first arrivals of P waves in the incident planes by rotating 3 component seismic records; identified the seismic phases from the particle motion pictures. The Pn apparent velocities were calculated in the distance range of 230–1200 km from Linzhi earthquakes, western Changtang earthquakes, Xitieshan and Gonghe earthquakes and the earthquakes in India. The results show that the Pn velocities change slightly in the Tibetan Plateau (8.0–8.1 km/s). These values near the velocities at the uppermost mantle of the normal continents. The Moho undulation in the Tibetan Plateau was also studied by using Pn data by the time-term method. The primary results indicate that the Moho beneath the Tibetan Plateau is flat, and its depths are 67–70 km. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 593–600, 1992.  相似文献   


本文通过峨眉山基底卷入构造带低温热年代学(磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹、锆石(U-Th)/He)研究,结合典型构造-热结构特征诠释峨眉山晚中-新生代冲断扩展变形与热年代学耦合性.峨眉山磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)和锆石(U-Th)/He(ZHe)年龄值分别为4~30 Ma和16~118 Ma.ZHe年龄与海拔高程关系揭示出ZHe系统抬升剥蚀残存的部分滞留带(PRZ).低温热年代学年龄与峨眉山构造分带性具有明显相关性特征:万年寺逆断层上盘基底卷入构造带AFT年龄普遍小于10 Ma,万年寺逆断层下盘扩展变形带AFT年龄普遍大于10 Ma;且空间上AFT年龄与断裂带具有明显相关性,它揭示出峨眉山扩展变形带中新世晚期以来断层冲断缩短构造活动.低温热年代学热史模拟揭示峨眉山构造带晚白垩世以来的多阶段性加速抬升剥蚀过程,基底卷入构造带岩石隆升幅度大约达到7~8 km,渐新世以来抬升剥蚀速率达0.2~0.4 mm·a-1,其新生代多阶段性构造隆升动力学与青藏高原多板块间碰撞过程及其始新世大规模物质东向扩展过程密切相关.


Palaeolimnological studies together with geomorphological investigations of exposed lacustrine sections on the Tibetan Plateau provided valuable palaeoclimate records. Radiocarbon dating is the most commonly used method for establishing chronologies of lake sediments. However, 14C dating of such sediments could be problematic due to the lack of organic matter or a reservoir effect, which commonly appears in radiocarbon ages of lacustrine sediments from the Tibetan Plateau. OSL dating is an alternative for dating the lake sediments and also provides the opportunity to independently test radiocarbon chronologies. The current study tries to compare OSL and 14C dating results in order to evaluate the reservoir effect of 14C dating, and then based on quartz OSL dating and stratigraphic analysis, to construct the chronostratigraphy of a lacustrine sedimentary sequence (TYC section), an offshore profile from Tangra Yumco lake on the southern Tibetan Plateau. Results suggest that: (1) it is possible to obtain robust OSL age estimates for these lake sediments and the OSL ages of the three samples range from ca. 7.6 ka to ca. 2.3 ka; (2) The discrepancy between the OSL and 14C ages is ca. 4–5 ka, which possibly results from the age overestimate of 14C dating due to a reservoir effect in the studied lake; (3) the chronostratigraphy of TYC section and sedimentological environmental analysis show a large lake with a lake level distinctively above the present during ca. 7.6–2.7 ka indicating a wet mid-Holocene in the study area.  相似文献   

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