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于小军  施建勇  徐杨斌 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3307-3312
以大量试验结果为依据,运用物理意义明确、获取简便快捷、经济实用的土电阻率结构指标进行软黏土扰动变量的表征和测定。以三轴试验与电阻率测试结果为基础,进行了扰动函数的构建。在软黏土扰动状态描述中,引入旋转硬化因子,用以考虑应力诱发各向异性,进而构建了考虑各向异性的软黏土扰动状态概念本构模型。模型从一定程度上克服了传统扰动变量获取方法的弊端,克服了传统借用数学演绎手段建立扰动函数的不足,提高了模型应用的适用性。在模型构建中,融入初始应力各向异性的影响,从而使模型能更好地反映软土实际工程情况。三轴排水剪切试验验证结果表明,该模型可较好反映软黏土受荷下的结构变化情况和受力特性。  相似文献   

基于应变空间硅藻质软岩的软化本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖红建  蒲武川  卿伟宸 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1861-1866
三轴试验结果表明,软岩具有显著的应变软化特征。正常固结软岩表现为峰值后较缓的软化特征,而超固结软岩峰值强度后的应力-应变曲线呈陡降软化特征。应变空间表述的弹塑性理论在解决大应变和软化问题时比应力空间表述的弹塑性理论更具有优越性。基于应变空间的基本的弹塑性本构方程式,采用Mises剪切屈服准则及相关联流动法则,导出固结不排水三轴条件下的应力-应变本构关系式,并采用不同的硬化函数表达式对软岩在不同围压下的应力-应变曲线进行数值模拟。结果表明,应变空间的弹塑性理论能较好地模拟软岩应变软化特征,其中硬化函数的确定是关键问题之一。通过研究,提出了用于固结不排水状态下正常固结软岩的硬化函数形式。  相似文献   

在拉应力作用下的考虑渗流的岩石本构模型研究尚且很少。采用细观力学研究了岩石损伤变形过程,考虑了渗流过程。由于选用了新的微裂纹扩展准则,提高了解方程效率;采用细观力学成果建立了考虑渗流的微裂纹面不连续变形对岩石变形影响规律,并采用断裂力学成果建立了考虑渗流的微裂纹应力强度因子;建立了同时考虑微裂纹扩展过程和渗流过程的岩石各向异性损伤本构模型,该模型也适用于岩体。  相似文献   

魏星  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1811-1816
剑桥模型只适用于正常固结软黏土,不能描述不等向固结土的应力-应变行为的各向异性特性。基于剑桥模型,在其椭圆屈服面中引入各向异性张量和一个形状参数,建立了一个各向异性屈服面,提出了一个适用于等向和不等向固结软黏土的本构模型。各向异性张量的初始值由初始固结应力状态确定,其演化过程由一个与塑性剪应变和塑性体应变都有关的硬化法则描述。形状参数的引入保证了各向异性屈服面的灵活性和适应性。通过对Boston Blue黏土、高岭土和Otaniemi黏土的三轴试验结果的模拟,验证了模型的模拟能力。  相似文献   

煤矿的深度开挖、核废料的地下储存和能量桩的广泛应用等诸多的岩土工程问题都需要考虑温度对软岩力学特性的影响。为了能较为全面地描述软岩的力学特性,基于上下负荷加载面,引入温度等价应力的概念,在tij应力空间下构建了一个可同时考虑温度效应、中间主应力影响、结构性、超固结性等软岩力学特性的弹塑性本构模型。新模型的所有参数都具有明确的物理含义。通过理论曲线与试验结果进行对比,验证了所提本构模型的正确性。最后通过改变模型参数,对新本构模型的性能进行了分析讨论。计算结果表明:(1)增大超固结比发展控制参数m或者减小结构状态发展控制参数m*,将会提升软岩的剪切强度。(2)随着温度的上升,软岩的剪切强度反而减弱。(3)初始的超固结比越大,软岩的剪胀特性更明显;而初始的结构性较大时,其体积应变在剪切的最后阶段表现为剪缩。  相似文献   

何平  徐中华  王卫东  李青 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):597-601
等厚度水泥土搅拌墙技术即TRD工法,近年来在深基坑工程中得到了广泛应用。以上海国际金融中心基坑工程开展的0.7 m厚、8 m宽、56.7 m深TRD成墙试验为背景,采用有限元方法,并基于土体小应变本构模型对其成墙过程进行了模拟,得到了土体侧向位移和地表沉降曲线,并与实测数据进行了对比。结果表明,距离墙体5 m处两者的土体侧向位移曲线基本一致,而距离墙体1.4 m处的土体侧向位移在深度大于20 m后的计算结果较实测值偏小;地表沉降在靠近墙体处最大,随着距墙体的距离增大而逐渐减小。最后分析了成墙深度对地表沉降和土体侧向变形的影响,结果表明,深度越深,引起的土体侧向变形和地表沉降也越大。通过不同成墙深度引起的地表沉降归一化曲线可看出,TRD成墙引起的最大地表沉降约为0.05%H(H为成墙深度),沉降影响区域约为1.8H。  相似文献   

中低应变率下的岩石损伤本构模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深部岩石的破碎与钻探中,岩石主要处在中低应变率的载荷作用下,而目前的研究还沿用中高应变率推导的动态损伤本构关系。从工程背景和试验角度分析了中低应变率下的岩石动力学特性,提出Maxwell体、Bingham体和损伤体的并联模型,借助拉普拉斯变换,引入基于岩石孔隙、裂隙劣化的损伤变量,导出了中低应变率下的岩石动态损伤本构模型。利用该模型对泥质砂岩和花岗岩在应变率为87 s-1、382 s-1、673 s-1时的应力-应变试验数据进行拟合,并将拟合结果与实测数值、原文献拟合曲线对比,结果表明该理论模型适用性较好。分析拟合参数可知,该动态损伤本构模型能够主动适应中低应变率两类情况,本构曲线和损伤变量的变化符合实际情况。  相似文献   

土体小应变特性研究中的边界面模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究表明,土体小应变特性对准确预测土体的变形起着十分重要的作用,而这一特性很难用传统的本构模型对它加以描述。边界面模型能描述一些经典塑性理论所不能描述的土的真实特性,如何将之进一步加以改进,并有效地应用于土体小应变特性的模拟中是一个有待深入研究的课题。  相似文献   

陶帅  王学滨  潘一山  王玮 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):403-0407
以FLAC中的Mohr-Coulomb(M-C)本构模型为基础,在C++环境下实现了考虑拉伸截断的非线性本构模型的二次开发。针对应力及位移的分布规律,将理想弹塑性的Hoek-Brown(H-B)本构模型、M-C本构模型及自定义本构模型的数值解及H-B本构模型的理论解进行了比较,验证了自定义本构模型的正确性。采用弹-脆-塑性的自定义本构模型,以先加载,后挖洞的方式模拟了圆形巷道围岩的应变局部化过程,在计算模型的边界条件对称及均质本构参数的条件下,模拟出了4个对称的V型坑,模拟结果与静水压力条件下岩爆的现场观测及试验结果吻合,而采用接近脆性的H-B应变软化模型所得结果的对称性较差  相似文献   

韦立德  杨春和 《岩土力学》2006,27(3):428-434
采用细观力学研究了岩石损伤变形过程和渗流过程。在本构模型中增加了对剪胀变形机理和渗流对变形影响的内容,同时按照微裂纹发展过程建立了考虑微裂纹扩展、变形和渗透压影响的岩石各向异性渗流模型,使得模型能够更好地表述岩石的变形特性和渗流特性。所建立的模型能够考虑微裂纹闭合摩擦滑移、微裂纹发生自相似扩展和微裂纹发生弯折扩展等过程。  相似文献   

In this paper an extension of existing multilaminate soil models is presented, which can account for inherent and stress‐induced cross‐anisotropic elasticity in the small strain range and its dependency on the load history. In the multilaminate framework, material behaviour is formulated on a number of local planes in each stress point, and the macroscopic response of the material is obtained by integration of the local contributions. Strain‐induced anisotropy, which adds to the stiffness anisotropy inherently present in the material, is therefore intrinsically taken into account. Micro–macro relations between local parameters on plane level and global parameters on macroscopic level are obtained by the spectral decomposition of the global elastic compliance matrix. The model is implemented into a finite‐element code, and model predictions are compared with experimental data of triaxial tests on different soils involving small and large load cycles. The importance of cross‐anisotropic elasticity within the small strain range for predicting ground deformations in geotechnical boundary value problems is discussed at the example of an excavation problem. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper describes and evaluates an incremental plasticity constitutive model for unsaturated, anisotropic, nonexpansive soils (CMUA). It is based on the modified Cam-Clay (MCC) model for saturated soils and enhances it by introducing anisotropy (via rotation of the MCC yield surface) and an unsaturated compressibility framework describing a double dependence of compressibility on suction and on the degree of saturation of macroporosity. As the anisotropic and unsaturated features can be activated independently, the model is downwards compatible with the MCC model. The CMUA model can simulate effectively: the dependence of compressibility on the level of developed anisotropy, uniqueness of critical state independent of the initial anisotropy, an evolving compressibility during constant suction compression, and a maximum of collapse. The model uses Bishop's average skeleton stress as its first constitutive variable, favouring its numerical implementation in commercial numerical analysis codes (eg, finite element codes) and a unified treatment of saturated and unsaturated material states.  相似文献   

一个考虑土的各向异性的孔压公式及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高彦斌  徐超  汤竞 《岩土力学》2005,26(9):1349-1355
为了研究粘土的各向异性对孔压生成的影响,在修正剑桥模型的基础上,采用关口-太田应力比概念、结合邢义川-郑颖人方程,构造了一个各向异性旋转屈服面,建立了一个各向异性弹塑性本构模型;据此推导出一个各向异性孔压表达式,该式可以考虑Lode角以及主应力轴的平面旋转对孔压的影响;并采用新的孔压表达式着重分析了三轴应力状态下Lode角旋转以及主应力轴旋转所造成的孔压发展,并对条形荷载下的平面应变各向异性粘土地基中的孔压发展进行了计算。计算结果表明,地基中由于Lode角旋转造成的孔压不明显,但在荷载边角位置主应力轴旋转造成的孔压不容忽视,尤其是在埋深相对较浅的位置。  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to present a relatively simple, yet realistic, constitutive model for simulations of structured sensitive clays. The proposed constitutive model can simulate 1‐D and isotropic consolidation, and drained and undrained shear response of sensitive structured clay. The proposed sensitive bounding surface model is based on concepts from the modified Cam clay model 8 and bounding surface plasticity 27 , with the addition of a simple degradation law. The key material parameters are M, λ, κ, and ν from the modified Cam clay framework, h from the bounding surface framework to model a smoothed elasto‐plastic transition, and ωv, ωq, and Ssr to model softening associated with destructuration. The model has separate parameters to model destructuration caused by volumetric strain and deviatoric strain. The model is capable of modeling unusual behavior of strain softening during 1‐D compression (i.e., a reduction of effective stress as void ratio decreases). A good match between test results and the model simulation is demonstrated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冶小平  孙强  王媛媛  李厚恩  薛雷 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1099-1102
简要地介绍了Herle和Kolymbas针对黏土建立的亚塑性本构模型的方法。结合黏土的特性以及对响应包络线的分析,详细地列出了HK模型几个尚未解决的问题,并对该模型3个参数分别进行了改进,建立了改进后的HK亚塑性公式以及参数的确定方法。改进后的模型继承了HK模型参数少、易确定以及公式简洁等特点,使HK模型不仅具有严密的数学和力学基础,而且具有较好的实际意义。  相似文献   

SANICLAY is a new simple anisotropic clay plasticity model that builds on a modification of an earlier model with an associated flow rule, in order to include simulations of softening response under undrained compression following Ko consolidation. Non‐associativity is introduced by adopting a yield surface different than the plastic potential surface. Besides, the isotropic hardening of the yield surface both surfaces evolve according to a combined distortional and rotational hardening rule, simulating the evolving anisotropy. Although built on the general premises of critical state soil mechanics, the model induces a critical state line in the void ratio–mean effective stress space, which is a function of anisotropy. To ease interpretation, the model formulation is presented firstly in the triaxial stress space and subsequently, its multiaxial generalization is developed systematically, in a form appropriate for implementation in numerical codes. The SANICLAY is shown to provide successful simulation of both undrained and drained rate‐independent behaviour of normally consolidated sensitive clays, and to a satisfactory degree of accuracy of overconsolidated clays. The new model requires merely three constants more than those of the modified Cam clay model, all of which are easily calibrated from well‐established laboratory tests following a meticulously presented procedure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

粘土的粘塑性特性试验与三要素本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了3种粘土的未扰动试样和重塑试样在三轴排水固结试验条件下的粘塑性。在试验过程中,利用计算机控制应变控制式三轴仪的加载速度,实现了在不同加载阶段的不同恒应变率加载。依据应力对应变率改变的响应程度对粘土的粘塑性进行了评价。实验结果表明,粘土的粘塑性表现为等时特性,并且经过一定时间的蠕变后,粘土强度会有较大地提高。并指出粘土的粘塑性应力-应变特性可以较好地采用非线性三要素模型对它进行描述。  相似文献   

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