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Bruce A. Cantor 《Icarus》2007,186(1):60-96
From 15 September 1997 through 21 January 2006, only a single planet-encircling martian dust storm was observed by MGS-MOC. The onset of the storm occurred on 26 June 2001 (Ls=184.7°), earliest recorded to date. It was initiated in the southern mid-to-low latitudes by a series of local dust storm pulses that developed along the seasonal cap edge in Malea and in Hellas basin (Ls=176.2°-184.4°). The initial expansion of the storm, though asymmetric, was very rapid in all directions (3-32 m s−1). The main direction of propagation, however, was to the east, with the storm becoming planet encircling in the southern hemisphere on Ls=192.3°. Several distinct centers of active dust lifting were associated with the storm, with the longest persisting for 86 sols (Syria-Claritas). These regional storms helped generate and sustain a dust cloud (“haze”), which reached an altitude of about 60 km and a peak opacity of τdust∼5.0. By Ls=197.0°, the cloud had encircled the entire planet between 59.0° S and 60.0° N, obscuring all but the largest volcanoes. The decay phase began around Ls∼200.4° with atmospheric dust concentrations returning to nominal seasonal low-levels at Ls∼304.0°. Exponential decay time constants ranged from 30-117 sols. The storm caused substantial regional albedo changes (darkening and brightening) as a result of the redistribution (removal and deposition) of a thin veneer of surface dust at least 0.1-11.1 μm thick. It also caused changes in meteorological phenomena (i.e., dust storms, dust devils, clouds, recession of the polar caps, and possibly surface temperatures) that persisted for just a few weeks to more than a single Mars year. The redistribution of dust by large annual regional storms might help explain the long period (∼30 years) between the largest planet-encircling dust storms events.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1978,36(2):204-215
The Viking Extended Mission has experienced two major dust storms that have changed the global photometric properties of Mars. Large quantities of atmospheric dust arising from the June 5, 1977, storm have been observed at very low phase angles to measure the opposition effect. These particles yield only a small increase in brightness at 0° phase angle with the least enhancement seen in violet light. The phase function is well modeled by nonspherical particles with a spectrally dependent single scattering albedo. It is doubtful, therefore, that atmospheric dust plays a significant role in the reported blue light brightness surge. Such particles as surface structure combined with a lunar photometric function could, however, produce the wavelength-dependent backscattering observed during the 1967 and 1969 oppositions under clearer conditions.  相似文献   

We present observations of a local dust storm performed by the OMEGA and PFS instruments aboard Mars Express. OMEGA observations are used to retrieve the dust single-scattering albedo in the spectral range 0.4-4.0 μm. The single-scattering albedo shows fairly constant values between 0.6 and 2.6 μm, and a sharp decrease at wavelengths shorter than 0.6 μm, in agreement with previous studies. It presents a small absorption feature due to ferric oxide at 0.9 μm, and a strong absorption feature due to hydrated minerals between 2.7 and 3.6 μm. We use a statistical method, the Independent Component Analysis, to determine that the dust spectral signature is decoupled from the surface albedo, proving that the retrieval of the single-scattering albedo is reliable, and we map the dust optical thickness with a conventional radiative transfer model. The effect of the dust storm on the atmospheric thermal structure is measured using PFS observations. We also simulate the thermal impact of the dust storm using a one-dimensional atmospheric model. A comparison of the retrieved and modeled temperature structures suggests that the dust in the storm should be confined to the 1-2 lowest scale heights of the atmosphere. However, the observed OMEGA reflectance in the CO2 absorption bands does not support this suggestion.  相似文献   

Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) visible (solarband bolometer) and thermal infrared (IR) spectral limb observations from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) support quantitative profile retrievals for dust opacity and particle sizes during the 2001 global dust event on Mars. The current analysis considers the behavior of dust lifted to altitudes above 30 km during the course of this storm; in terms of dust vertical mixing, particle sizes, and global distribution. TES global maps of visible (solarband) limb brightness at 60 km altitude indicate a global-scale, seasonally evolving (over 190-240° solar longitudes, LS) longitudinal corridor of vertically extended dust loading (which may be associated with a retrograde propagating, wavenumber 1 Rossby wave). Spherical radiative transfer analysis of selected limb profiles for TES visible and thermal IR radiances provide quantitative vertical profiles of dust opacity, indicating regional conditions of altitude-increasing dust mixing ratios. Observed infrared spectral dependences and visible-to-infrared opacity ratios of dust scattering over 30-60 km altitudes indicate particle sizes characteristic of lower altitudes (cross-section weighted effective radius, ), during conditions of significant dust transport to these altitudes. Conditions of reduced dust loading at 30-60 km altitudes present smaller dust particle sizes . These observations suggest rapid meridional transport at 30-80 km altitudes, with substantial longitudinal variation, of dust lifted to these altitudes over southern hemisphere atmospheric regions characterized by extraordinary (m/s) vertical advection velocities. By LS=230° dust loading above 50 km altitudes decreased markedly at southern latitudes, with a high altitude (60-80 km) haze of fine (likely) water ice particles appearing over 10°S-40°N latitudes.  相似文献   

J.F. Bell III  T.M. Ansty 《Icarus》2007,191(2):581-602
We acquired high spectral and spatial resolution hyperspectral imaging spectrometer observations of Mars from near-UV to near-IR wavelengths (∼300 to 1020 nm) using the STIS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope during the 1999, 2001, and 2003 oppositions. The data sets have been calibrated to radiance factor (I/F) and map-projected for comparison to each other and to other Mars remote sensing measurements. We searched for and (where detected) mapped a variety of iron-bearing mineral signatures within the data. The strong and smooth increase in I/F from the near-UV to the visible that gives Mars its distinctive reddish color indicates that poorly crystalline ferric oxides dominate the spectral properties of the high albedo regions (as well as many intermediate and low albedo regions), a result consistent with previous remote sensing studies of Mars at these wavelengths. In the near-IR, low albedo regions with a negative spectral slope and/or a distinctive ∼900 nm absorption feature are consistent with, but not unique indicators of, the presence of high-Ca pyroxene or possibly olivine. Mixed ferric-ferrous minerals could also be responsible for the ∼900 nm feature, especially in higher albedo regions with a stronger visible spectral slope. We searched for the presence of several known diagnostic absorption features from the hydrated ferric sulfate mineral jarosite, but did not find any unique evidence for its occurrence at the spatial scale of our observations. We identified a UV contrast reversal in some dark region spectra: at wavelengths shorter than about 340 nm these regions are actually brighter than classical bright regions. This contrast reversal may be indicative of extremely “clean” low albedo surfaces having very little ferric dust contamination. Ratios between the same regions observed during the planet-encircling dust storm of 2001 and during much clearer atmospheric conditions in 2003 provide a good direct estimate of the UV to visible spectral characteristics of airborne dust aerosols. These HST observations can help support the calibration of current and future Mars orbital UV to near-IR spectrometers, and they also provide a dramatic demonstration that even at the highest spatial resolution possible to achieve from the Earth, spectral variations on Mars at these wavelengths are subtle at best.  相似文献   

Attila Elteto  Owen B. Toon 《Icarus》2010,210(2):589-611
We present retrieved trends in dust optical depth, dust effective radius and surface temperature from our analysis of Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer daytime data from global dust storm 2001A, and describe their significance for the martian dust cycle. The dust optical depth becomes correlated with surface pressure during southern spring and summer in years both with and without a global dust storm, indicating that global dust mixing processes are important at those seasons. The correlation is low at other times of the year. We found that the observed decay of optical depths at the later stages of the dust storm match, to first-order, theoretical values of clearing from Stokes–Cunningham fallout of the dust. Zonally averaged effective radius is constant within standard deviation of results (between 1.2 and 2.0 μm, with a global mean for all seasons of 1.7 μm), at all latitudes and seasons except at southern latitudes of 35° and higher around equinoxes in both martian years, where it is larger than average (2–3 μm). The emergence and disappearance of these larger particles correlates with observations of polar cap edge storms at those latitudes. Northern latitude observations under similar conditions did not yield a similar trend of larger average effective radii during the equinoxes. We also report on a linear correlation between daytime surface temperature drop and rise in optical depth during the global dust storm. Global dust storm 2001A produced a significant optical depth and surface temperature change.  相似文献   

Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2007,189(2):325-343
Data from the third Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) mapping year (MY 26, 2003-2005) are used to investigate dust storms originating in the northern hemisphere. Flushing dust storms, which originate as frontal dust storms at the northern polar vortex edge and propagate southward through topographic channels, are observed immediately before and after a quiescent period that occurs around the northern winter solstice (240°<Ls<300°). Both the pre- and post-solstice active periods can be further divided into two sub-periods. The most vigorous of these flushing storms occurred during Ls 210-220° and Ls 310-320°. The lifted dust crossed the equator and accumulated in the southern hemisphere. These major dust storms enhanced the Hadley circulation and suppressed the lower-level baroclinic eddies in the northern mid and high latitudes. The 2-3 sol wave number m=3 traveling waves show the best correlation with flushing dust storms and can combine with other wave modes to produce storm tracks and fronts within individual sub-periods.  相似文献   

The dramatic growth and evolution of the 2001 martian global dust storm were captured using the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS). While the lower and middle atmosphere (pressures greater than 50 μbar, up to ∼45 km altitude) showed rapid heating of up to 40 K, the average surface brightness temperature plummeted by ∼20 K at the peak of the storm. The storm appears to have had little impact on the global temperature structure at altitudes above ∼ 10 μbar (∼ 60 km).  相似文献   

The Mars climate database (MCD) is a database of statistics based on output from physically consistent numerical model simulations which describe the climate and surface environment of Mars. It is used here to predict the meteorological environment of the Beagle 2 lander site. The database was constructed directly on the basis of output from multiannual integrations of two general circulation models, developed jointly at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, and the University of Oxford, UK. In an atmosphere with dust opacities similar to that observed by Mars Global Surveyor, the predicted surface temperature at the time of landing (Ls=322°, 13:00 local time), is , and varying between ∼186 and over the Martian day. The predicted air temperature at above the surface, the height of the fully extended Beagle 2 robot arm, is at the time of landing. The expected mean wind near the surface on landing is north-westerly in direction, becoming more southerly over the mission. An increase in mean surface pressure is expected during the mission. Heavy global dust storm predictions are discussed; conditions which may only occur in the extreme as the expected time of landing is around the end of the main dust storm period. Past observations show approximately a one in five chance of a large-scale dust storm in a whole Mars year over the landing region, Isidis Planitia. This statistic results from observations of global, encircling, regional and local dust storms but does not include any small-scale dust “events” such as dust devils.  相似文献   

Dynamics, evolution, and structure of Uranus' brightest cloud feature   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The brightest cloud feature ever observed on Uranus at near-infrared wavelengths was detected on 14 and 15 August 2005, in images obtained with the NIRC2 instrument and adaptive optics (AO) at the 10-m Keck II telescope. The feature has been tracked forward and backward in time, and appears to have existed almost certainly from 5 November 2004 (possibly as early as 11 July 2004) through 29 October 2005. It appears to exhibit two modes of oscillation in latitude and longitude. The slow oscillation period is too long to be completely characterized by the observations; its period is most likely near 448 days, but might be as long as 753 days. The slow oscillation is consistent with the zonal mean wind profile when a superimposed more rapid oscillation is accounted for. The slow oscillation, possibly associated with a Rossby wave, was centered at 30.2° N and had a latitude amplitude of 0.6°–0.7°. Its rapid oscillation had an amplitude of 1.2° in latitude and a likely period near 0.68455 days, which is consistent with an inertial oscillation at the observed latitude. The multi-component structure of the bright features has evolved over time, as has its vertical structure. Its brightness maximum was due to a combination of cloud particles being lofted to higher altitudes, some rising from 400–500 to 300 mb, and by its effective cloud fraction (or equivalent cloud area) increasing by a factor of 5 or more. In the K′ band (2.2 μm) the differential integrated brightness due to this bright complex increased to 13% of the total light reflected by Uranus on 15 August 2005, rising from about 2% a month earlier and declining to 0.7% two months later. It has not been seen in 2006 observations.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Thorpe 《Icarus》1979,37(2):389-398
Low phase angle observations in the Chryse-Acidalia region have been obtained the Viking Orbiter 1 spacecraft under clearer atmospheric conditions than reported earlier. A variety of surface features were recorded, e.g., crater streaks, dark and bright patches. Several findings for this scene include: an abrupt brightness increase (10%) was found at phase angles less than 3°, an effect dependent on surface albedo and possibly particle distribution; a slight weakening of reflectance surge with decreasing wavelengths; a larger opposition effect for features of high albedo was recorded; and a greater reddening with increase phase angle took place for low albedo regions. Both reflectance and contrast values are provided at three wavelengths as a function of phase angle from 0.15 to 20°.  相似文献   

It is uncertain whether the residual (perennial) south polar cap on Mars is a transitory or a permanent feature in the current Martian climate. While there is no firm evidence for complete disappearance of the cap in the past, clearly observable changes have been documented. Observations suggest that the perennial cap lost more CO2 material in the spring/summer season prior to the Mariner 9 mission than in those same seasons monitored by Viking and Mars Global Surveyor. In this paper we examine one process that may contribute to these changes—the radiative effects of a planet encircling dust storm that starts during late Martian southern spring on the stability of the perennial south polar cap. To approach this, we model the radiative transfer through a dusty planetary atmosphere bounded by a sublimating CO2 surface.A critical parameter for this modeling is the surface albedo spectrum from the near-UV to the thermal-IR, which was determined from both space-craft and Earth-based observations covering multiple wavelength regimes. Such a multi-wavelength approach is highly desirable since one spectral band by itself cannot tightly constrain the three-parameter space for polar surface albedo models, namely photon “scattering length” in the CO2 ice and the amounts of intermixed water and dust.Our results suggest that a planet-encircling dust storm with onset near solstice can affect the perennial cap's stability, leading to advanced sublimation in a “dusty” year. Since the total amount of solid CO2 removed by a single storm may be less than the total CO2 thickness, a series of dust storms would be required to remove the entire residual CO2 ice layer from the south perennial cap.  相似文献   

Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,202(2):444-452
We use infrared images obtained by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instrument on-board Mars Odyssey to retrieve the optical depth of dust and water ice aerosols over more than 3.5 martian years between February 2002 (MY 25, Ls=330°) and December 2008 (MY 29, Ls=183°). These data provide an important bridge between earlier TES observations and recent observations from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. An improvement to our earlier retrieval [Smith, M.D., Bandfield, J.L., Christensen, P.R., Richardson, M.I., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002114] to include atmospheric temperature information from THEMIS Band 10 observations leads to much improved retrievals during the largest dust storms. The new retrievals show moderate dust storm activity during Mars Years 26 and 27, although details of the strength and timing of dust storms is different from year to year. A planet-encircling dust storm event was observed during Mars Year 28 near Southern Hemisphere Summer solstice. A belt of low-latitude water ice clouds was observed during the aphelion season during each year, Mars Years 26 through 29. The optical depth of water ice clouds is somewhat higher in the THEMIS retrievals at ∼5:00 PM local time than in the TES retrievals at ∼2:00 PM, suggestive of possible local time variation of clouds.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the analysis of the variation of albedo measured by orbiting instruments with atmospheric opacity on Mars. The study has been conduced by analysing Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS-TES) data from martian regions with different surface albedo.In support of these data, synthetic spectra with different surface albedo and atmospheric opacities have been computed, so that a comparison has been performed. The synthetic spectra have been retrieved by using two different grain sizes for suspended dust (0.5 and 1.2 μm), allowing a comparison between the two models and the observations.Using the DCI, a parameter describing the quantity of dust deposited on the surface, the effectiveness of the single scattering approximation has been tested for low atmospheric opacity by analysing the quality of the linear fit up to different atmospheric opacity.For more opaque conditions two kinds of fits have been applied to the data, linear and second-order degree polynomial. In this case, we found that the polynomial fit better describes the observations.The analysis of these data made it possible to notice a peculiar trend, already reported by Christensen (1988), of the albedo over Syrtis Major after the occurrence of dust storms, but, differently from that work, now the study of DCI together with atmospheric opacity and albedo allowed us to robustly confirm the hypothesis made by Christensen.Finally, the comparison between observations and synthetic spectra computed with models with different particles grain sizes indicates that dust particles of 0.5 μm diameter are the most effective to change the aerosol atmospheric opacity on Mars.  相似文献   

Images of Mars in the visible to near-infrared acquired from 1996 to 2005 using the Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 have been used to model the martian surface photometric function at 502, 673, 953, and 1042 nm. These data range in spatial resolution from 12 to 70 km/pixel at the sub-Earth point, and in phase angle coverage from 0.34° to 40.5°. The WFPC2 images have been calibrated to radiance factor or I/F and projected to a cylindrical map for coregistration and comparison to similarly mapped spacecraft data sets of albedo, topography, thermal inertia, composition, and geology. We modeled the observed I/F as a function of phase angle using Minnaert, Lambert, lunar-Lambert, and Hapke photometric functions for numerous regions of interest binned into albedo units defined by Viking and TES albedo maps, and thermal-inertia units defined by TES thermal-inertia maps. Visibly opaque water-ice clouds and data acquired under high dust opacity conditions were excluded from the analysis. Our modeling suggests that under average to low atmospheric dust opacity conditions and over this range of phase angles, the photometric properties of the martian surface at 502, 673, 953, and 1042 nm are best modeled by lunar-Lambert functions with parameters derived for three surface units defined by low, moderate, and high TES bolometric albedos.  相似文献   

High-resolution observations of atmospheric phenomena by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) during its first mapping year are presented. An atmospheric campaign was implemented on the basis of previous spacecraft imaging. This campaign, however, proved of limited success. This appears to be due to the late local time of the Odyssey orbit (the locations of activity at 4–6 p.m. appear to be different from those at 2 p.m.). Ironically, images targeting the surface were more useful for study of the atmosphere than those images specifically targeting atmospheric features. While many previously recognized features were found, novel THEMIS observations included persistent clouds in the southern polar layered deposits, dust or condensate plumes on the northern polar layered deposits, dust plumes as constituent parts of local dust storms, and mesospheric clouds. The former two features tend to be aligned parallel and normal to polar troughs, respectively, suggesting a wind system directed normal to troughs and radially outward from the center of the polar deposits. This is consistent with katabatic drainage of air off the polar deposits, analogous to flow off Antarctica. The observation of dust lifting plumes at unprecedented resolution associated with local dust storms not only demonstrates the importance of mean wind stresses (as opposed to dust devils) in initiation of dust storms, but is also seen to be morphologically identical to dust lifting in terrestrial dust storms. As Odyssey moves to earlier local times, we suggest that the atmospheric campaign from the first mapping year be repeated.  相似文献   

We used MGS-MOC and MRO-MARCI daily mapping images of the North Polar Region of Mars from 16 August 2005 (Ls = 270°) to 21 May 2009 (Ls = 270°), covering portions of three consecutive martian years (MY 27-MY 29), to observe the seasonal behavior of the polar ice cap and atmospheric phenomena. The rate of cap regression was similar in MY 28 and MY 29, but was advanced by 3.5° of Ls (∼7-8 sols) in MY 29. The spatial and temporal behaviors of dust and condensate clouds were similar in the two years and generally in accord with prior years. Dust storms (>100 km2) were observed in all seasons, with peak activity occurring at Ls = 10-20° from 50°N to 70°N and at Ls = 135-140° from 70°N to 90°N. The most active quadrant was 0-90°W in MY 28, shifting to 180-270°W in MY 29. The majority of regional storms in both years developed in longitudes from 10°W to 60°W. During late summer the larger storms obscure the North Polar Region in a cloud of dust that transitions to north polar hood condensate clouds around autumnal equinox.Changes in the distribution of perennial ice deposits, especially in Olympia Planum, were observed between the 2 years, with the MY 29 ice distribution being the most extensive observed to date. Modeling suggests that the small, bright ice patches on the residual cap are not the result of slope or elevation effects. Rather we suggest that they are the result of local meteorological effects on ice deposition. The annual darkening and brightening of peripheral areas of the residual cap around summer solstice can be explained by the sublimation of a brighter frost layer revealing an underlying darker, ice rich layer that itself either sublimes to reveal brighter material below or acts as a cold trap, attracting condensation of water vapor that brightens the surface. An alternative explanation invokes transport and deposition of dust on the surface from the cap interior, and later removal of that dust. The decrease in cap albedo and accompanying increase in near surface atmospheric stability may be related to the annual minimum of polar storm activity near northern summer solstice.  相似文献   

Observations by the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in two ultraviolet (UV, Bands 6 and 7; 258 nm, and 320 nm, respectively) and one visible (Band 1, 436 nm) channels of the 2007 planet encircling dust storm are combined with those made by the two Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) to better characterize the single scattering albedo (ω0) of martian dust aerosols. Exploiting the low contrast of the surface in the UV (and blue) as well as the reduced importance of surface reflectance under very dusty conditions, we utilize the sampling of photometric angles by the MARCI cross-track geometry to synthesize an analog of the classical Emergence Phase Function (EPF). This so-called “pseudo-EPF”, used in conjunction with the “ground-truth” measurements provided by the MERs, is able to effectively isolate the effects of the dust ω0. The motivation for this approach is the elimination of a significant portion of the type of uncertainty involved in many previous radiative transfer analyses. Furthermore, we produce a self-consistent set of complex refractive indices (m=n+ik) through our use of an explicit microphysical representation of the aerosol scattering properties. Because of uncertainty in the exact size of the dust particles during the epoch of the observations, we consider two effective particle radii (reff) to cover the range anticipated from the literature: 1.6 and 1.8 μm. The resulting set of model-data comparisons, ω0, and m are presented along with an assessment of potential sources of error and uncertainty. Analysis of the Band 1 results is limited to ω0 as a “proof-of-concept” for our approach through a comparison to contemporaneous CRISM EPF results at 440 nm. The derived ω0 are: assuming , and 0.765, for Bands 6, 7, and 1, respectively; for , for the same band order. For either reff case, the total estimated error is 0.022, 0.019, and 0.010, again for Bands 6, 7, and 1. We briefly discuss our retrievals, including the asymmetry parameter (g) associated with our model phase functions, within the context of previous efforts, with an emphasis on the improved precision of our results compared to those in the literature. We also suggest several applications of our results, including an extension of the dust climatological record using MARCI Band 7 pseudo-EPFs outside of 2007 global dust event. Initial work on this particular application using a sample of 135 pseudo-EPFs near the MERs suggests that optical depth retrievals with a precision in the range 0.2-0.4 may be possible under moderate loading conditions (i.e., τ < 1.5).  相似文献   

December 25th 2003 will see the Beagle 2 lander arrive at the surface of Mars in the Isidis region, allowing for the first time in situ measurements of ultraviolet (UV) flux directly from the surface of Mars through the use of a sensor designed as part of a miniaturised environmental package. The expected conditions the sensor will experience are studied here, and the detection signatures for phenomenon such as dust devils, H2O clouds ands near-surface fogs are presented. The beginning and end of mission surface fluxes show little variation, though the period towards mid-nominal mission does experience a maximum in total daily dose levels. Diurnal profiles are calculated highlighting the effects of increased scattering towards shorter wavelengths. A possible dust storm scenario is presented, and the effect upon component UV fluxes is shown to reverse the relative contributions of direct and diffuse components of the total UV flux. The presence of cloud formation above the landing site will be detectable though the observation of elevated diffuse/direct flux ratios. Near-surface morning fogs show a characteristic ‘dip’ in the morning profile when compared to clear mornings, allowing their detection on cloud-free mornings through post-event analysis of long term data. Predicted Phobos eclipses are investigated at each of the sensor centre wavelengths, and show greatest reduction in relative intensity at short wavelengths. Observations of near-miss eclipse events will also be possible, through monitoring of the diffuse UV flux. Dust devil encounters are shown to create a double minima lightcurve, with the depth of the minima dependent upon the total dust loading of the vortex. The effects of these changing conditions on DNA-weighted irradiances are investigated. Possible dust storms provide the greatest increase in biological protection, whereas expected cloud formations at the Beagle 2 site are found to offer negligible protection. Within just five minutes of landing >95% of any Bacillus subtilis-like bacteria present on the surface of the craft will have lost viability.  相似文献   

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observes Mars from a nearly circular, polar orbit. From this vantage point, the Mars Color Imager extends the ∼5 Mars years record of Mars Global Surveyor global, visible-wavelength multi-color observations of meteorological events and adds measurements at three additional visible and two ultraviolet wavelengths. Observations of the global distribution of ozone (which anti-correlates with water vapor) and water ice and dust clouds allow tracking of atmospheric circulation. Regional and local observations emphasize smaller scale atmospheric dynamics, especially those related to dust lifting and subsequent motion. Polar observations detail variations related to the polar heat budget, including changes in polar frosts and ices, and storms generated at high thermal contrast boundaries.  相似文献   

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