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Rapid urbanization in China has severely disturbed the underlying surface and river systems. The stream structure parameters of Suzhou City were analysed to study the evolution and spatial differentiation of a water system undergoing urbanization. The influencing pattern of different urbanization processes on river system structure and hydrological processes was detected by statistical methods and simulation analysis. The results show that urban sprawl is influenced by both the natural environment and the social economy. At different stages of urbanization, the spatial urban expansion and the natural river characteristics influence the evolution of the river network: during rapid urbanization, the decline in surface water ratio and river density is more intense. The decrease of surface water ratio and river density in rapidly urbanized areas was greatest, followed by that in area urbanized in the 1980s, with few changes in the old town. Under high urbanization, river system indicators tend to stabilize. The rivers’ hydrological features were affected by urbanization, with water yield in the study area increasing from 0.81 to 0.95 m3/m2 (1991–2015). The same rainfall intensity results in higher flood levels and greater risk of flooding under rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

The two main contributors to streamflow predictability at subseasonal to seasonal timescales in tropical regions are: (i) the predictability of meteorologic (particularly precipitation) anomalies, and (ii) the land surface soil moisture state at the start of the forecast period. Meteorological predictions at subseasonal timescale are usually fraught with error and may not be dependable. The accurate initialization of soil moisture, as obtained through real-time land data analysis, may provide skill in subseasonal to seasonal streamflow prediction, even when the prediction skill for rainfall is small.  相似文献   

Brine migration and saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers are among the hazards which may result from injecting CO2 into deep saline formations. Comprehensive risk assessment should include estimates of the salinization of freshwater aquifers, preferably based on numerical simulation results. A crucial task is to choose an appropriate conceptual model and relevant scenarios. Overly conservative assumptions may lead to estimation of unacceptably high risks, and thus prevent the implementation of a CO2 storage project unnecessarily. On the other hand, risk assessment should not lead to an underestimation of hazards. This study compares two conceptual model approaches for the numerical simulation of brine-migration scenarios through a vertical fault and salt intrusion into a fresh water aquifer. The first approach calculates salt discharge into freshwater using an immiscible two-phase model with constant salinity in the brine phase. The second approach takes compositional effects into account and considers salinity as a variable parameter in the water phase. A spatial model coupling is introduced to adapt the increased model complexity to the required complexity of the physics. The immiscible two-phase model is applied in the CO2 storage reservoir and spatially coupled to a single-phase (water) two-component (water, salt) model, where salt mass fraction is a variable. A Dirichlet–Neumann technique is used for the coupling conditions at the interface of the two models. The results show that the predicted salt discharges can vary by orders of magnitude depending on the choice of the model. The implications of the results for risk assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents problems caused by organic material transported by flowing water. This material is usually referred to as plant debris or organic debris. Its composition depends on the characteristic of the watercourse. For lowland rivers, the share of the so-called small organic matter in plant debris is considerable. This includes both various parts of water plants and floodplain vegetation (leaves, stems, blades of grass, twigs, etc.). During floods, larger woody debris poses a significant risk to bridges or other water engineering structures. It may cause river jams and may lead to damming of the flowing water. This, in turn, affects flood safety and increases flood risk in river valleys, both directly and indirectly. The importance of fine plant debris for the phenomenon being studied comes down to the hydrodynamic aspect (plant elements carried by water end up on trees and shrubs, increase hydraulic flow resistance and contribute to the nature of flow through vegetated areas changed from micro-to macro-structural). The key part of the research problem under analysis was to determine qualitative and quantitative debris parameters and to establish the relationship between the type of debris and the type of land use of river valleys (crop fields, meadows and forested river sections). Another problem was to identify parameters of plant debris for various flow conditions (e.g. for low, medium and flood flows). The research also included an analysis of the materials deposited on the structure of shrubs under flood flow conditions during the 2010 flood on the Warta River.  相似文献   


In this study, a hybrid factorial stepwise-cluster analysis (HFSA) method is developed for modelling hydrological processes. The HFSA method employs a cluster tree to represent the complex nonlinear relationship between inputs (predictors) and outputs (predictands) in hydrological processes. A real case of streamflow simulation for the Kaidu River basin is applied to demonstrate the efficiency of the HFSA method. After training a total of 24?108 calibration samples, the cluster tree for daily streamflow is generated based on a stepwise-cluster analysis (SCA) approach and is then used to reproduce the daily streamflows for calibration (1995–2005) and validation (2008–2010) periods. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for calibration and validation are 0.68 and 0.65, respectively, and the deviations of volume are 1.68% and 4.11%, respectively. Results show that: (i) the HFSA method can formulate a SCA-based hydrological modelling system for streamflow simulation with a satisfactory fitting; (ii) the variability and peak value of streamflow in the Kaidu River basin can be effectively captured by the SCA-based hydrological modelling system; (iii) results from 26 factorial experiments indicate that not only are minimum temperature and precipitation key drivers of system performance, but also the interaction between precipitation and minimum temperature significantly impacts on the streamflow. The findings are useful in indicating that the streamflow of the study basin is a mixture of snowmelt and rainfall water.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Thirel  相似文献   

The surface water and groundwater are important components of water cycle, and the interaction between surface water and groundwater is the important part in water cycle research. As the effective tracers in water cycle research, environmental isotope and hydrochemistry can reveal the interrelationships between surface water and groundwater effectively. The study area is the Huaisha River basin, which is located in Huairou district, Beijing. The field surveying and sampling for spring, river and well water were finished in 2002 and 2003. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and water quality were measured at the laboratory. The spatial characteristics in isotope and evolution of water quality along river lines at the different area were analyzed. The altitude effect of oxygen isotope in springs was revealed, and then using this equation, theory foundation for deducing recharge source of spring was estimated. By applying the mass balance method, the annual mean groundwater recharge rate at the catchment was estimated. Based on the groundwater recharge analysis, combining the hydrogeological condition analysis, and comparing the rainfall-runoff coefficients from the 1960s to 1990s in the Huaisha River basin and those in the Chaobai River basin, part of the runoff in the Huaisha River basin is recharged outside of this basin, in other words, this basin is an un-enclosed basin. On the basis of synthetically analyses, combining the compositions of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and hydrochemistry, geomorphology, geology, and watershed systems characteristics, the relative contributions between surface water and groundwater flow at the different areas at the catchments were evaluated, and the interaction between surface water and groundwater was re- vealed lastly.  相似文献   

Kettle holes are small, pond-like, depressional wetlands in young moraine landscapes. They mostly undergo a wet-dry cycle and have a high potential for biological species diversity. However, their biodiversity and habitat function is often greatly impacted by surrounding intensive agricultural land use practices.In this study, we used statistical analysis of a large data set from the federal state of Brandenburg (Northeast Germany) to characterise the macrophyte species richness of kettle holes in an interregional context and to determine the factors that influence macrophyte occurrence. We proposed that (1) specific environmental factors, (2) hydrogeomorphic kettle hole types and (3) the regional topography have a major impact on macrophyte species richness. The evaluation of the data was performed using the General Linear Model (GLM) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Each of the analysed factors addresses different parts of the macrophyte species richness, including the target variables overall species richness, plant life and growth forms as well as Red List species.None of the analysis showed effects of the tested environmental factors on overall macrophytes species richness, but on the richness of plant life and growth forms as well as on Red List species. We identified hydroperiod, depth, shore width, kettle hole area, pH, electric conductivity, carbonate hardness and oxygen as key factors for the prediction of species richness of plant life and growth forms. Furthermore, we demonstrate that hydrogeomorphic kettle hole types account for relevant parts of variation in species richness and are useful interregional and integrative indicators to identify kettle holes with protection priority for macrophytes.  相似文献   

To test if phytobenthic algae provide additional important information to macrophytes and phytoplankton for lake monitoring, we sampled two large lakes in Norway. In each lake, we analyzed water chemistry and phytoplankton above the deepest site, recorded macrophytes and non-diatom phytobenthic algae at 20 sites around the shoreline and estimated site-specific nutrient input from land cover. Since no ready-to-use phytobenthos index exists for lakes in Norway, we tested the PIT index developed for rivers, commonly perceived signs of disturbance such as high algal cover, and taxon richness as well as similarity patterns. Both lakes were nutrient poor, but had potential local nutrient inputs (villages, agriculture). In neither of the lakes did phytobenthos indicate a worse overall ecological status than macrophytes and phytoplankton. Our data therefore, did not suggest that it would be useful to add phytobenthos into surveillance monitoring of lakes in Norway. There was a loose correlation between macrophyte and phytobenthic site-specific taxon richness and similarities. This means that macrophytes and phytobenthos do indeed give partly redundant information. High algal cover was found at sites with both high and low phosphorus input. Using algal cover as indicator of site-specific nutrient input is therefore overly simplistic. Urban and cultivated areas were associated with a more eutrophic PIT. This indicates that the PIT, despite being developed for lotic waters, may be used to detect site specific nutrient input in lakes.  相似文献   

Waxing and waning ice sheets and changing sea levels have been interpreted from the Quaternary stratigraphic record at Leinstranda, Brøggerhalvøya in NW Svalbard. We have identified seven high relative sea-level events, related to glacio-isostatic loading, and separated by at least four glacial events. To establish a chronology for the high sea-level events (interstadials and interglacials) and the intervening glaciations, we have used three different absolute dating methods: optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of shallow marine deposits, and electron spin resonance (ESR) and radiocarbon (AMS-14C) dating of fossils contained in these sediments. Of the absolute dating methods, OSL has provided the stratigraphically most consistent dataset and which also matches a biostratigraphically inferred interglacial. The ESR ages of mollusc shells suffer from low precision due to unusually large uranium content in most dated shell samples, which in turn is most likely a result of significant recent uranium enrichment of the sediments. Most radiocarbon ages are non-finite. The results show that the high relative sea-level events range in age from the Saalian sensu lato (≥Marine Isotope Stage, MIS, 6) to the early Holocene (MIS 1), and include events OSL-dated to 185 ± 8 ka, 129 ± 10 ka, 99 ± 8 ka and 36 ± 3 ka. The methods used by us and by previous investigators of the same site are compared and assessed, and sources of error, accuracy and precision of ages are discussed.  相似文献   

Flooding hazard evaluation is the basis of flooding risk assessment which has significances to natural environment, human life and social economy. This study develops a spatial framework integrating naïve Bayes (NB) and geographic information system (GIS) to assess flooding hazard at regional scale. The methodology was demonstrated in the Bowen Basin in Australia as a case study. The inputs into the framework are five indices: elevation, slope, soil water retention, drainage proximity and density. They were derived from spatial data processed in ArcGIS. NB as a simplified and efficient type of Bayesian methods was used, with the assistance of remotely sensed flood inundation extent in the sampling process, to infer flooding probability on a cell-by-cell basis over the study area. A likelihood-based flooding hazard map was output from the GIS-based framework. The results reveal elevation and slope have more significant impacts on evaluation than other input indices. Area of high likelihood of flooding hazard is mainly located in the west and the southwest where there is a high water channel density, and along the water channels in the east of the study area. High likelihood of flooding hazard covers 45 % of the total area, medium likelihood accounts for about 12 %, low and very low likelihood represents 19 and 24 %, respectively. The results provide baseline information to identify and assess flooding hazard when making adaptation strategies and implementing mitigation measures in future. The framework and methodology developed in the study offer an integrated approach in evaluation of flooding hazard with spatial distributions and indicative uncertainties. It can also be applied to other hazard assessments.  相似文献   

The fitness of animals inhabiting highly unpredictable intermittent ponds depends on the effectiveness of the production of their resting stages. Daphnia living in such an environment produce sexual eggs as well as the males needed to fertilize them. We hypothesize that the strategy of permanent male presence should coexist with the synchronization of the production of males with that of sexual eggs. To test this hypothesis, we collected plankton samples from a model urban pond, two times a week, throughout the growing season. We analyzed in detail a number of environmental factors and the population dynamics of two Daphnia populations. The percentage of ephippial females and males periodically reached c.a. 50 % of the population. Depending on the moment of the growing season, this proportion was primarily influenced by population crowding, the richness of invertebrate predators in the habitat, extreme high temperatures and the occurrence of the autumnal photoperiod. Our results confirm the hypothesis that Daphnia produce simultaneously long-living males and males synchronized with receptive females. Additionally, we have shown that the number of resting eggs deposited by temporally-isolated populations varied significantly; thus the fitness of a particular genotype depends on the season and on the particular timing of its activation.  相似文献   

Using wet digested method and ICP mass spectrometer, we analyzed the concentration of five trace elements (Cd, Mn, P, Zn and Pb) for the tree rings from both urban and suburbs of Xi’an. At the urban sampling site, one Chinese mahogany (Toona sinensis) disc and one phoenix tree (Firmiana simplex) disc were sampled from a steelworks in Xi’an City. At the suburb site, a Chinese mahogany disc was collected from a village in the south of the City. In addition, some soils near the roots of the sampled trees were ...  相似文献   

The Kachchh Basin and the Jaisalmer Basin are two neighboring Mesozoic sedimentary basins at the western margin of the Indian craton. The Jurassic succession of the Kachchh Basin is more complete and more fossiliferous than that of the Jaisalmer Basin. Consequently, intrabasinal correlation of the sedimentary units has been possible in the Kachchh Basin, but not in the Jaisalmer Basin. However, some marker beds existing in the Kachchh Basin can be recognized also in the Jaisalmer Basin. Ammonite evidence shows that they are time-equivalent. The following four units form marker intervals in both basins: (1) the pebbly rudstone unit with Isastrea bernardiana and Leptosphinctes of the Kaladongar Formation (Kachchh Basin) and the Isastrea bernardiana-bearing rudstone of the Jaisalmer Formation (Jaisalmer Basin) both represent transgressive systems tract deposits dated as Late Bajocian; (2) bioturbated micrites with anomalodesmatan bivalves within the Goradongar Yellow Flagstone Member (Kachchh Basin) and bioturbated units in the Fort Member (Jaisalmer Basin) represent maximum flooding zone deposits of the Middle to Late Bathonian; (3) trough-crossbedded, sandy pack- to grainstones of the Raimalro Limestone Member (Kachchh Basin) and the basal limestone-sandstone unit of the Kuldhar section of the Jaisalmer Formation (Jaisalmer Basin) correspond to Late Bathonain transgressive systems tract deposits; and (4) ferruginous ooid-bearing carbonates with hardgrounds of the Dhosa Oolite member (Kachchh Basin) and the middle part of the Jajiya Member (Jaisalmer Basin) are Oxfordian transgressive systems tract deposits. The fact that in both basins similar biofacies prevailed during certain time intervals demonstrates a common control of their depositional history. As the two basins represent different tectonic settings, the most likely controlling factors were the relative sea-level changes produced by eustatic processes, a common subsidence history of the northwestern margin of the Indian craton, and the paleoclimate.  相似文献   

Bright and extensive noctilucent clouds (NLC) were observed in Århus (Denmark) on 3/4 July of 2008 with an automatic digital camera taking images every minute. This event was unique in the sense that bright NLC were seen at high elevation angles (more than 30°) that allowed observing the evolution of a Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) wave, resulted in well-developed turbulence. In particular, coherent vortex structures of a horseshoe-shaped form were observed for the first time in noctilucent clouds. The turbulent diffusion coefficient and turbulent energy dissipation rate around the mesopause are estimated in the range 162–667 m2/s and 300–1235 mW/kg, respectively, representing a case of strong neutral air turbulence in noctilucent clouds. Turbulent structures were observed to be in the vicinity of breaking small-scale gravity waves that seems to be responsible for a high level of turbulence.At the same time, it has been demonstrated that it is of importance to take into account non-turbulent process such as the gravity wave motion that is always present in NLC layers. Unless non-turbulent process is taken into account, this certainly leads to overestimating of the value of the turbulent diffusion coefficient. More accurate characteristics of turbulence in NLC can be obtained by analyzing a sequence of high-resolution images with a high frame-rate high-resolution digital camera.  相似文献   

We analyzed species composition and abundance of macrophytes, diatoms and non-diatom benthic algae, water chemistry and habitat structure of 24 river sites in Poland, in order to better understand which parameters structure macrophyte and benthic algae communities. Community patterns for macrophytes and diatoms are most closely related, while macrophytes and non-diatom benthic algae have the weakest relationship. Environmental parameters best explaining community patterns are channel substrate parameters for non-diatom benthic algae, and a combination of channel substrate and river bank characteristics for submerged macrophytes, emergent macrophytes and diatoms. Among the organism groups investigated, the diatom community pattern is best correlated to the environmental data similarity matrix. We hypothesize that the results can be explained by the shorter generation time of diatoms compared to macrophytes, and by a higher dispersal rate of diatoms compared to macrophytes and non-diatom benthic algae. This has several practical consequences for bioindication: (1) Diatoms are usually the organism group most closely following environmental parameters, for both increasing and decreasing impact. (2) Since the biotic indices developed for the Water Framework Directive are meant to primarily indicate ecological changes, not water chemistry, the nature of diatoms to closely reflect water chemistry is not necessarily advantageous. (3) The applicability of macrophyte and probably also non-diatom benthic algae indices is more locally restricted, while diatom indices are applicable to greater areas. (4) In ecosystems which are subject to changing environmental conditions, differences in biotic indices between macrophytes, diatoms and non-diatom benthic algae are to be expected. These differences could provide information relating to ecosystem stability. (5) In stable ecosystems, analyzing one of the three organism groups “diatoms”, “non-diatom benthic algae” and “macrophytes” will be sufficient to characterize the quality element “macrophytes and phytobenthos”, as required by the Water Framework Directive. However, in ecosystems subject to increasing pressure, macrophytes likely will have a tendency to indicate “too good”, while in ecosystems subject to decreasing pressure, diatoms will have a tendency to indicate “too good”.  相似文献   

Trochospongilla horrida Weltner, 1893 (Spongillidae, Spongillida) has a relatively wide, though discontinuous, distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. The aim of this paper was to report the first finding of T. horrida in Serbia. During 2017, research was carried out on ten tributaries of the Sava and the Danube. T. horrida was identified at three localities in Tisa, Juzna Morava and Zapadna Morava rivers, out of 51 inspected sites. For the first time ribosomal 28S DNA was used for T. horrida identification.  相似文献   

Crop yield is very sensitive to climate variability. The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the most important contributors to global climate fluctuation, and therefore has a major impact on agricultural production. In this study, we structure an ENSO–climate fluctuation–crop yield early warning system to model the maize yield in Jilin and Liaoning Provinces in Northeast China. The system, which consists of a weather generator and a Model to capture the Crop Weather relationship over a Large Area (MCWLA), is not only capable of simulating the maize yield both at the provincial (regional) scale and the grid scale, but can also provide the exceedance probability of yield. Simulation results show maize yields in El Niño years to be higher on average than those in neutral years, while yields in La Niña years are the lowest. Spatially, the central part of the study area always shows a higher yield than other parts of the study, while yields in the northeast and northwest parts are relatively lower, no matter how high or low the exceedance probability and whatever the ENSO phase. Our study strongly implies that such a warning system shows considerable potential for application in other areas of China.  相似文献   

Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(brGDGTs),likely produced by bacteria in soil and peat,are widely distributed,easily detected,newly adopted biomarker compounds.In this study,brGDGTs were used to explore the relationship between the absolute abundance of brGDGTs and the distribution of oil and gas fields in the Duoshiqiao area of the Jiyang depression.The results showed that the concentrations at the Xiakou fault and in the oil and gas fields were obviously higher than those in the contrast areas.The clear relationship among the concentration of brGDGTs,the distribution of oil and gas fields,and the acidolysis hydrocarbon(ethane)indicates that the concentration effectively responds to hydrocarbon seeps from the oil and gas field below.brGDGTs may become some of the most important indicators in surface geochemical prospecting for oil and gas.  相似文献   

Retrogressive erosion, a widespread phenomenon of sediment transport in reservoirs, often impacts on both the reservoir capacity and the sedimentation in the downstream river channel. Based on field data from the Sanmenxia Reservoir and the Lower Yellow River over the past decades, three courses of ret-rogressive erosion with distinctive features were analyzed. The results indicate that retrogressive erosion, especially caused by rapid reduction in the water level till the reservoir is empty, often results in the serious siltation of the lower Yellow River and threatens the safety of the flood control in the Lower Yellow River. Unreasonable operation of the reservoir and incoming hyperconcentrated floods accom-panied by retrogressive erosion also aggravate the siltation of the main channel of the river. However, a reasonable operation mode of the reservoir so named"storing the clear (low sediment concentration) water in the non–flood season, and sluicing the muddy(high sediment concentration) water in the flood season" was found, which might mitigate the deposition in both the reservoir and the Lower Yellow River. This operation mode provides important experience for the design and operation of large reser-voirs in other large rivers carrying huge amounts of sediment.  相似文献   

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