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In this work we discuss effects allowing local habitability of some extraterrestrial planets of low average surface temperatures. We analyze the problem of diurnal and seasonal changes of temperature and biological productivity at different locations on a hypothetical Earth-like planet. We have found, that under some circumstances the temperature may locally rise well above the average value, allowing periods of enhanced biological activity. In this way, bioproductivity can become periodically possible on a planet that has an average temperature clearly below 0°C. Such thermal conditions are encountered on Mars (Smith et al. in Science 306:1750–1753, 2004) generally considered as inhabitable. In reality, an appropriate temperature is not sufficient for habitability. The presence of liquid water at the considered location is also necessary. We discuss how temperature oscillations affect habitability in the framework of a conceptual model. We find that the considered effect of diurnal and seasonal temperature oscillations can extend the outer boundary of the habitable zone up to 2 AU, while global average temperatures are below 0°C for heliocentric distances R h > 1.12 AU (dry atmosphere, low CO2 pressure), or R h > 1.66 AU (humid atmosphere, high CO2 pressure).  相似文献   

Intense low-frequency cosmic gravitational radiation in the Megaparsec wave band causes among other effects a small angular displacement of distant light sources. A short treatment of the effect is given.  相似文献   

In the previous papers (I and II), we have obtained exact solutions of the Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor theory in plane and cylindrically-symmetric space-times. In the present work we have obtained a more general set of solutions from those given in Papers I and II, by Morganstern's unit transformation.  相似文献   

Haimin Wang 《Solar physics》1988,117(2):343-358
We studied the size, correlation lifetime and horizontal velocity amplitude of supergranules in regions with different magnetic activity. We found that the supergranule velocity cells have similar scale, correlation lifetime and horizontal velocity amplitude in the unipolar enhanced magnetic network regions and in the mixed-polarity quiet Sun. However, the correlation lifetime of magnetic structure is much longer in the enhanced network. We investigated the velocity pattern of moving magnetic features (MMF) surrounding a decaying sunspot. The velocity of MMFs is consistent with the outflow surrounding the sunspot as measured by Dopplergrams. The velocity cell surrounding the sunspot has a much larger velocity amplitude and a longer lifetime than regular supergranule cells. We found that ephemeral regions (ER) have a slight tendency to emerge at or near boundaries of supergranules. Almost all the magnetic flux disappears at the supergranule boundaries. In most cases, two poles of cancelling features with opposite magnetic polarities approach along the boundaries of supergranules.  相似文献   

Since the structuring and variability of the Sun and other stars are governed by magnetic fields, much of present-day stellar physics centers around the measurement and understanding of the magnetic fields and their interactions. The Sun, being a prototypical star, plays a unique role in astrophysics, since its proximity allows the fundamental processes to be explored in detail. The PRL anniversary gives us an opportunity to look back at past milestones and try to identify the main unsolved issues that will be addressed in the future.  相似文献   

Parallel electric fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A steady state one-dimensional model is used to estimate the electron current along a field line from the auroral zone to the plasmasheet when a potential difference exists between its ends. The plasmas at either end, the ionosphere and the plasmasheet, are assumed thermal. When typical experimental values are substituted into the analytic expression obtained it is found that potential differences of the order of 10 kV are required to drive the field-aligned currents sometimes observed.  相似文献   

The search for non thermal radio emission from clusters of galaxies is a powerful tool to investigate the existence of magnetic fields on such large scale. Unfortunately, such observations are scarce thus far, mainly because of the very faint large scale radio emission expected in clusters of galaxies. In the present contribution we will first review the status of the radio observations of clusters of galaxies, carried out with the aim of detecting large scale radio emission.We will then focus on the large scale radio emission detected at 327 MHz and 610 MHz in the Coma cluster of galaxies. The features of the detected radio emission suggest that a magnetic field with an intensity of the order of ~ 10–7 Gauss must be present on a scale of about 2 Mpc (forH o = 100km s –1 Mpc –1). The morphology of the radio emission is similar to that of the most recent X-ray images derived with ROSAT, and follows the distribution of the galaxies in the cluster. All these pieces of information will be taken into account in the discussion on the possible origin of this large scale magnetic field.  相似文献   

Coronal magnetic fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The observational evidence on the strength of the coronal magnetic field above active regions is reviewed. Recent advances in observations and plasma theory are used to determine which data are the more reliable and to revise some earlier estimates of field strength. The results from the different techniques are found to be in general agreement, and the relation 279-01, 1.02 R/R 10 is consistent with all the data to within a factor of about 3.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission will use advanced technologies to achieve its science goals: the direct detection of gravitational waves, the observation of signals from compact (small and dense) stars as they spiral into black holes, the study of the role of massive black holes in galaxy evolution, the search for gravitational wave emission from the early Universe. The gravitational red-shift, the advance of the perihelion of Mercury, deflection of light and the time delay of radar signals are the classical tests in the first order of General Relativity (GR). However, LISA can possibly test Einstein’s theories in the second order and perhaps, it will show some particular feature of non-linearity of gravitational interaction. In the present work we are seeking a method to construct theoretical templates that limit in the first order the tensorial structure of some metric fields, thus the non-linear terms are given by exponential functions of gravitational strength. The Newtonian limit obtained here, in the first order, is equivalent to GR.  相似文献   

We say that a planet is Earth-like if the coefficient of the second order zonal harmonic dominates all other coefficients in the gravity field. This paper concerns the zonal problem for satellites around an Earth-like planet, all other perturbations excluded. The potential contains all zonal coefficientsJ 2 throughJ 9. The model problem is averaged over the mean anomaly by a Lie transformation to the second order; we produce the resulting Hamiltonian as a Fourier series in the argument of perigee whose coefficients are algebraic functions of the eccentricity — not truncated power series. We then proceed to a global exploration of the equilibria in the averaged problem. These singularities which aerospace engineers know by the name of frozen orbits are located by solving the equilibria equations in two ways, (1) analytically in the neighborhood of either the zero eccentricity or the critical inclination, and (2) numerically by a Newton-Raphson iteration applied to an approximate position read from the color map of the phase flow. The analytical solutions we supply in full to assist space engineers in designing survey missions. We pay special attention to the manner in which additional zonal coefficients affect the evolution of bifurcations we had traced earlier in the main problem (J 2 only). In particular, we examine the manner in which the odd zonalJ 3 breaks the discrete symmetry inherent to the even zonal problem. In the even case, we find that Vinti's problem (J 4+J 2 2 =0) presents a degeneracy in the form of non-isolated equilibria; we surmise that the degeneracy is a reflection of the fact that Vinti's problem is separable. By numerical continuation we have discovered three families of frozen orbits in the full zonal problem under consideration; (1) a family of stable equilibria starting from the equatorial plane and tending to the critical inclination; (2) an unstable family arising from the bifurcation at the critical inclination; (3) a stable family also arising from that bifurcation and terminating with a polar orbit. Except in the neighborhood of the critical inclination, orbits in the stable families have very small eccentricities, and are thus well suited for survey missions.  相似文献   

Daily observations of Doppler line shifts made with very low spatial resolution (3) with the Stanford magnetograph have been used to study the equatorial rotation rate, limb effect on the disk, and the mean meridonial circulation. The equatorial rotation rate was found to be approximately constant over the interval May 1976–January 1977 and to have the value 2.82 rad s–1 (1.96 km s–1). This average compares favorably with the results of Howard (1977) of 2.83 rad s–1 for the same time period. The RMS deviation of the daily measurements about the mean value was 1% of the rate (20 m s–1), much smaller than the fluctuations reported by Howard and Harvey (1970) of several per cent. These 1% fluctuations are uncorrelated from day-to-day and may be due to instrumental problems. The limb effect on the disk was studied in equatorial scans (after suppressing solar rotation). A redshift at the center of the disk relative to a position 0.60R from the center of 30 m s–1 was found for the line Fe i 5250 Å. Central meridian scans were used (after correcting for the limb effect defined in the equatorial scans) to search for the component of mean meridonial circulation symmetric across the equator. A signal is found consistent with a polewards flow of 20 m s–1 approximately constant over the latitude range 10–50°. Models of the solar differential rotation driven by an axisymmetric meridonial circulation and an anisotropic eddy viscosity (Kippenhahn, 1963; Cocke, 1967; Köhler, 1970) predict an equatorwards flow at the surface. However, giant cell convection models (Gilman, 1972, 1976, 1977) predict a mean polewards flow (at the surface). The poleward-directed meridonial flow is created as a by-product of the giant cell convection and tends to limit the differential rotation. The observation of a poleward-directed meridonial circulation lends strong support to the giant cell models over the anisotropic eddy viscosity models.Now at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ariz., U.S.A.  相似文献   

A simple non-linear, non-axisymmetric mean field dynamo model is applied to a differentially rotating spherical shell. Two approximations are used for the angular velocity, to represent what is now believed to be the solar rotation law. In each case, stable solutions are found which possess a small non-axisymmetric field component. Although the model has a number of obvious shortcomings, it may be relevant to the problem of the solar active longitudes.  相似文献   

Summary Recent years have seen an amazing development in our knowledge of the magnetic fields in the universe. The last ten years were crucial in our realization of the importance of the magnetic fields in galaxies. While a lot of the earlier data on our Galaxy depended on optical observations, the bulk of the recent results depend on radio measurements. The radio Zeeman effect gave us new information on magnetic fields in molecular clouds. The mapping of galaxies at several radio frequencies resulted in new knowledge about the large-scale magnetic fields in these basic building blocks of the universe. These exciting observations have led to new theoretical developments. In particular, the dynamo theory of flat objects received much attention since the observed large-scale structures can best be explained through the action of the dynamo effect. This review will attempt to summarise the observational evidence and to give viable explanations for the magnetic fields in galaxies.  相似文献   

The hairy ball model of coronal magnetic fields has a spherical source surface separating potential and radial magnetic fields. In the present model the source surface is chosen such that the wind speed equals the Alfvénic speed at selected points on the source surface. Results have been obtained for a dipole base field and an isothermal corona.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields and energy flows in an astronomical jet described by our earlier model are calculated in detail. Though the field distribution varies with the external pressure function   p ( z )  , it depends only weakly on the other boundary conditions. Individual field lines were plotted; the lines become nearly vertical at the bottom and are twisted at the top. An animation of a field line's motion was made, which shows the line being wound up by the accretion disc's differential rotation and rising as a result of this. The distribution of Poynting flux within the jet indicates that much of the energy flows up the jet from the inside of the accretion disc but a substantial fraction flows back down to the outside.  相似文献   

The tilt angles of sunspot groups are defined, using the Mount Wilson data set. It is shown that groups with tilt angles greater than or less than the average value (≈ 5 deg) show different latitude dependences. This effect is also seen in synoptic magnetic field data defining plages. The fraction of the total sunspot group area that is found in the leading spots is discussed as a parameter that can be useful in studying the dynamics of sunspot groups. This parameter is larger for low tilt angles, and small for extreme tilt angles in either direction. The daily variations of sunspot group tilt angles are discussed. The result that sunspot tilt angles tend to rotate toward the average value is reviewed. It is suggested that at some depth, perhaps 50 Mm, there is a flow relative to the surface that results from a rotation rate faster than the surface rate by about 60 m/sec and a meridional drift that is slower than the surface rate by about 5 m/sec. This results in a slanted relative flow at that depth that is in the direction of the average tilt angle and may be responsible for the tendency for sunspot groups (and plages) to rotate their magnetic axes in the direction of the average tilt angle.  相似文献   

The use of an auxiliary beamsplitter with the Kitt Peak 15-foot spectroheliograph permits spectroheliograms to be taken simultaneously in 4 identical images of the sun. By using two of these images for a Zeeman spectroheliogram, a third image for a Fei 4071 spectroheliogram, and the fourth image for a 6107Å continuum spectroheliogram, simultaneous measurements of magnetic fields and brightness fields have been obtained. Within the limits of intensity variations imposed by doppler shifts and brightness fluctuations of the continuum, a quantitative relation does exist between the measured values of brightness and magnetic field strength of the photospheric network. For intensities measured +0.12 Å from the core of Fei 4071, this relation is ln(1 +I/I) = ¦B ¦, whereB refers to the component of magnetic field normal to the solar surface,I/I is the fractional excess of brightness of the magnetic regions relative to the brightness of non-magnetic regions, and = (6±2)%/100 gauss.Kitt Peak National Observatory Contribution No. 538.Operated by The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Visiting Astronomer, Solar Division, Kitt Peak National Observatory.  相似文献   

This paper is a continued examination of luminescence of cosmic dust, in particular the dust in reflecting nebulae. A model of frozen hydrocarbon particles in the form of a nucleus with a polycrystalline mantle is proposed. The basic properties of these particles, as well as the technique for obtaining spectra of the nebula CED 201 on the 2 meter TLS telescope with a Naismith focus spectrograph, are described. Part of the detected unknown emission in the spectrum of CED 201 is identified as photoluminescence of frozen hydrocarbon particles that form part of the dust component of the nebular matter.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 445–453 (August 2005).  相似文献   

The flux-rope-fibre model of solar magnetic fields is developed further to cover post-spot evolution of the fields, faculae, and the influence of magnetic fields on some convective motions. (i) Unipolar magnetic regions of a strongly dominant polarity are explained, as are some fields outside the network, and some tiny reversed polarity fields. (ii) The migration of magnetic regions is explained: the following regions to the poles where most of the flux just vanishes and the preceding towards the equator. (iii) The model explains the rotation of the gross pattern of background fields with a period of 27 days. It explains the puzzling features of active longitudes and of magnetic longitudes extending across the equator. (iv) The magnetic model provides a framework for the various chromospheric fine structures, the rosettes, bushes, double chains, mottles and spicules. It provides qualitative models of these features and points the way to a very complicated quantitative model of the network. (v) Several new convective patterns are described and explained in terms of magnetic stresses. The first is the moat around sunspots, which replaces the supergranule motions there. The second is the long-lived (4–7 days) supergranule cell enclosed by strong fields. The third is a small-scale () convective motion, and the fourth is aligned or long granules, both caused by small-scale magnetic fields. (vi) Photospheric line faculae and photospheric continuum faculae are different phenomena. The former, like the chromospheric faculae, are caused by Alfvén-wave heating. The latter are caused by a new small-scale convective motion. (vii) A model of the 3-min oscillation is described.  相似文献   

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