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We study the stability of source mechanisms inverted from data acquired at surface and near‐surface monitoring arrays. The study is focused on P‐wave data acquired on vertical components, as this is the most common type of acquisition. We apply ray modelling on three models: a fully homogeneous isotropic model, a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model to simulate three commonly used models in inversion. We use geometries of real arrays, one consisting in surface receivers and one consisting in ‘buried’ geophones at the near‐surface. Stability was tested for two of the frequently observed source mechanisms: strike‐slip and dip‐slip and was evaluated by comparing the parameters of correct and inverted mechanisms. We assume these double‐couple source mechanisms and use quantitatively the inversion allowing non‐double‐couple components to measure stability of the inversion. To test the robustness we inverted synthetic amplitudes computed for a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and contaminated with noise using a fully homogeneous model in the inversion. Analogously amplitudes computed in a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model were inverted in all three models. We show that a star‐like surface acquisition array provides very stable inversion up to a very high level of noise in data. Furthermore, we reveal that strike‐slip inversion is more stable than dip‐slip inversion for the receiver geometries considered here. We show that noise and an incorrect velocity model may result in narrow bands of source mechanisms in Hudson's plots.  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquakes are direct results from tectonic deformation and crustal movements, which usu- ally contain abundant information of crustal stress status and medium property in the deep lithosphere. Seismic activities might reflect accumulation and concentration of crustal stress in the seismogenic process. And different mechanisms of rock ruptures lead to different precursory phe- nomena prior to earthquakes (ZHANG, et al, 2001). Therefore, seismic activities before a strong earthq…  相似文献   

A long sequence of earthquakes causing few casualties and considerable damage in a wide zone struck Central Italy starting on September 26, 1997. Theearthquakes are characterized by normal faulting mechanism, with a NE-SW(anti-Apenninic direction) tension axis. In this paper we analyze the accelerometric recordings collected by the accelerograph stations belonging to the National Accelerograph Network. About 10 stations were triggered by the mainshocks of the sequence. In particular, a small size foreshock and the two mainshocks that occurred on September,26 (00:33(GMT) MW = 5.7 and 09:40 MW = 6.0) have been recorded by two digital 3-C accelerometers located at near source distances (within 30 km from the faults). These records are relevant to investigate the detail of therupture kinematics, due to the close epicentral distance and azimuthallocation relative to the fault orientation and geometry. Using a trial and error approach we modeled the source mechanism through the fit of the arrival times, the apparent source time duration, the main polarization features and the entire waveforms of the recorded signals, in order to get some insight on the rupture evolution, the location of the fracture origin point and the fault geometry. Based on this fault kinematic model, inferences on fault slip distribution are obtained by modeling the S acceleration waveform, comparing the ray theory synthetics with 1–5 Hz band filtered ground velocity records.The final model shows that the seismic ruptures occurred along two adjacent,sub-parallel, low angle dipping normal faults. Ruptures bothnucleated from the fault bottom and propagated up-dip, showing differentrupture velocity and length. The presence of a transfer zone (barrier)can be suggested by the mainshocks rupture evolution. This transfer zonehas probably controlled the amplitude increase of local stressreleased by the first rupture at its NW edge which triggered about 9 hourslater the second rupture. The inferred model was used to compute the predictedground acceleration in the near source range, using a hybridstatistical-deterministic approach.A similar trial and error method has been also applied to the October 14, 199715:23 earthquake (MW = 5.6). The inferred kinematic model indicates a rupture nucleating from the faultbottom and propagating up-dip, toward the SE direction. Thus the three mainshocks ruptured distinct fault segments, adjacent and slightly offsetfrom one to another.  相似文献   

The results of the numerical modeling of experimental concentrated atmospheric explosions, both nuclear and chemical, are presented. The surface pressure spectra are calculated and constraints are gained on their relation to the energy of surface seismic waves and to earthquake magnitudes. For a more accurate determination of the source parameters of the Tunguska event (June 30, 1908), atmospheric explosions at various altitudes and vertical falls of meteoroids are modeled numerically and their seismic effect is estimated.  相似文献   

本文推导了sPn与Pn波走时差与震源深度的方程,方程中sPn与Pn波的走时差与震中距无关,只与震源深度和区域地壳模型有关.根据该方程,提出用sPn与Pn的走时差来测定地震深度.2008年8月30日和8月31日在四川省攀枝花和会理交界处分别发生了Ms6.1、Ms5.6两次地震.但是,在四川省地震台网地震目录中缺少8月30...  相似文献   

Seismic data recorded at the broad-band teleseismic GRF array and theshort-period regional GERESS array, which is a designated IMS primarystation, are analyzed to determine the effectiveness of teleseismic P-wave complexity for the purpose of seismic event screening within theframework of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification. For theGRF array, seismic waveform data from nearly 200 nuclear explosions havebeen recorded since its installation in the late 1970's, which were studiedalong with several thousand earthquakes from the last few years.Additionally, we investigated teleseismic P wave complexity for a similarnumber of earthquakes recorded at GERESS. However, owing to itsoperation starting in 1991, only a limited number of nuclear explosionseismograms are available for study.For nuclear explosions, complexity does not exceed levels of 0.3 except fora number of events from the Nevada Test Site recorded only at the GRFarray and located at a large distance where PcP may interfere with the initialP wavelet. Since all events with complexity at GRF larger than 0.3 areexclusively located on Pahute Mesa within the Nevada Test Site,near-source geology or topography must play a dominant role for theseincreased complexity values, while PcP may not contribute significantly tothe high-frequency energy measured by the complexity parameter.Although many earthquakes show complexities below this level, for morethan 25% of the earthquakes investigated the complexities determined arelarger than 0.7, thus showing distinctly larger values than nuclearexplosions. Therefore, this percentage may be screened as earthquakes fromall seismic events detected. As currently only about half of the eventsdetected by the global IMS network are screened out based on focal depthand the m b :M s criterion, teleseismic P-wavecomplexity may contribute significantly to the task of seismic eventscreening.  相似文献   

多个震源组合激发通过改变激发延时,可以得到沿某方向传播的地震波场,即定向地震波场激发技术,它可用于特定目标体的照明与探测之中.本文以水平地表的组合震源定向激发原理为基础,推导了倾斜地表情况下的组合震源定向激发公式,并计算绘制了其理论方向图.另外本文将组合震源波场定向方法推广至任意起伏地表,根据惠更斯菲涅尔原理,提出了旋转坐标方法,即将水平坐标旋转至定向波场传播方向法向的倾斜坐标,可方便地计算震源传播至定向波场波前面的走时,作为组合震源的激发延时.根据本文提出的方法,我们分别计算了倾斜地表条件与复杂地表条件定向地震波场的组合震源延时参数,通过波动方程数值模拟技术得到的波场快照验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

We consider 16 earthquakes with Mw?=?4.2–5.2 that occurred in the south-eastern part of the Laptev Sea shelf, Lena River Delta, and North Verkhoyanye (Russia) in 1990–2014. Focal mechanisms, scalar seismic moments, moment magnitudes, and hypocentral depths of the seismic events have been calculated from the data on amplitude spectra of surface waves and P wave first-motion polarities. The obtained results sufficiently implement the existing dataset on reliable earthquake source parameters for the study region and prove the change of the stress-strain state of the crust from extension on the Laptev Sea shelf to compression on the continent providing finer spatial details of the deformation field in the transition zones such as Buor-Khaya Bay and the Lena River Delta.  相似文献   

Based on Generalized Seismic Ray Theory (Helmberger, 1968), a new quickly linear inversion method from the data of seismic waveform to seismic moment tensor and source mechanism for domestic earthquake is studied in this paper. Six moderately strong earthquakes which occurred in Chinese mainland in the past few years are studied. The seismic source parameters of these earthquakes, seismic moment tensors, scalar seismic moments, fault plane solutions and source time functionsetc, are obtained. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 261–268, 1993.  相似文献   

The Racha earthquake of 1991 was the strongest of the earthquakes recorded in the Caucasus. It was studied by an international epicentral expedition. Unique data gathered by this expedition included records of aftershocks whose swarm was very intense. A 3-D velocity model is obtained from analysis of these data by the method of local earthquake tomography. The ancient crystalline basement and the sedimentary-volcanic Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover could be identified from cross sections of the P wave field. The eastern and western boundaries of an uplift in the basement of the Dzirulskii Massif are delineated. Linear low velocity heterogeneities correlating with the active Kakheti-Lechkhumi fault zone and two Trans-Caucasian linear fault zones are discovered in the basement. The cloud of aftershock hypocenters is shown to correlate with a reflector coinciding with the cover-basement interface.  相似文献   

We present a structural smoothing regularization scheme in the context of inversion of marine controlled‐source electromagnetic data. The regularizing hypothesis is that the electrical parameters have a structure similar to that of the elastic parameters observed from seismic data. The regularization is split into three steps. First, we ensure that our inversion grid conforms with the geometry derived from seismic. Second, we use a seismic stratigraphic attribute to define a spatially varying regularization strength. Third, we use an indexing strategy on the inversion grid to define smoothing along the seismic geometry. Enforcing such regularization in the inversion will encourage an inversion result that is more intuitive for the interpreter to deal with. However, the interpreter should also be aware of the bias introduced by using seismic data for regularization. We illustrate the method using one synthetic example and one field data example. The results show how the regularization works and that it clearly enforces the structure derived from seismic data. From the field data example we find that the inversion result improves when the structural smoothing regularization is employed. Including the broadside data improves the inversion results even more, due to a better balancing between the sensitivities for the horizontal and vertical resistivities.  相似文献   


高频GPS可以实时获取地表位移数据,在地震学中有十分重要的现实应用,比如快速获取震中、震级、地震烈度甚至震源破裂过程.本文以汶川地震为例,首先利用近场7个GPS台站数据反演震中位置,由于高频GPS和测震学确认的震相不一致,两种震中结果相距约15.7 km.然后对高频GPS和强震动数据进行了比较分析,我们的统计结果表明,尽管由于工作原理不同,高频GPS数据中的地震动峰值与强震记录相比存在明显差异,但是高频GPS记录的PGA、PGV和PGD同样可以作为计算地震烈度的指标.进而,使用SMBLOC程序对强震记录进行事后的基线偏移校正,得到与实时高频GPS精度相当的地表位移序列.最后,采用移动平均窗口对这些位移数据作平滑,基于最速下降法和OKADA模型,对汶川地震断层破裂的过程进行了回溯性准实时反演.结果表明,汶川地震主断层由西南向东北方向破裂,以14:28:04为基准,在震后20 s提供初始震级MW7.0,震后70 s震级稳定在MW7.8,但断层仍在破裂,在震后159 s根据位移波形判断事件基本结束.研究表明,实时地表位移数据可以快速准确获取强震震级和破裂方向,从而使得高频GPS将对现有地震预警系统提供很好的补充.


The development of unconventional resources, such as shale gas and tight sand gas, requires the integration of multi-disciplinary knowledge to resolve many engineering problems in order to achieve economic production levels. The reservoir heterogeneity revealed by different data sets, such as 3D seismic and microseismic data, can more fully reflect the reservoir properties and is helpful to optimize the drilling and completion programs. First, we predict the local stress direction and open or close status of the natural fractures in tight sand reservoirs based on seismic curvature, an attribute that reveals reservoir heterogeneity and geomechanical properties. Meanwhile, the reservoir fracture network is predicted using an ant-tracking cube and the potential fracture barriers which can affect hydraulic fracture propagation are predicted by integrating the seismic curvature attribute and ant-tracking cube. Second, we use this information, derived from 3D seismic data, to assist in designing the fracture program and adjusting stimulation parameters. Finally, we interpret the reason why sand plugs will occur during the stimulation process by the integration of 3D seismic interpretation and microseismic imaging results, which further explain the hydraulic fracture propagation controlling factors and open or closed state of natural fractures in tight sand reservoirs.  相似文献   


瓦斯突出是一种常见的煤矿动力灾害现象,随着煤矿矿井开采深度的增加,煤层瓦斯含量、压力都呈上升趋势,发生煤与瓦斯突出的危险性加大.传统的瓦斯测量方法只能测量局部离散点瓦斯含量,难以从矿井及采区尺度对瓦斯含量进行预测.因此需要寻求一种能够在采区及工作面布设前预测煤层瓦斯富集程度的高效地球物理方法.背景噪声成像方法已经在城市地下空间、矿产资源等近地表成像中得到广泛的运用.本文将该方法首次应用到阳泉寺家庄煤矿井田区域,采用96个台站记录的连续背景噪声数据,通过互相关方法获得了台站对之间的瑞利面波经验格林函数,并进一步提取了5 Hz~1.4 s的基阶瑞利面波的群速度和相速度频散曲线.本研究首先通过区域的平均频散曲线获得该区域的平均一维横波速度结构作为三维反演的初始模型;其次,利用基于射线追踪的面波频散直接成像方法获得研究区1.0 km以浅的三维横波速度结构;最后,结合获得的三维速度结构,以及岩石物理实验获得的瓦斯含量与地震波速度的经验关系,预测了寺家庄井田15号煤的瓦斯含量,预测的瓦斯含量与实际巷道揭露的瓦斯含量具有较好的一致性.本研究成果表明,对于煤矿瓦斯分布预测来说,背景噪声成像方法是一种潜在有效的全新的技术形式.


作为构造上较为稳定的华南地块,其地震活动相对中国西部明显偏低,但也发生过多次中强地震.华南中强地震震源区深部结构对于深入研究华南板内地震成因具有重要科学意义.2019年发生在两广交界的北流5.2级地震是近年来华南最大的一次中强地震,该次地震的发生也为我们研究华南地震震源区深部结构提供了理想场所.本文基于120个短周期地震仪组成的密集台阵背景噪声资料,通过互相关提取了1~5 s高频面波频散信号,然后采用面波直接反演法,对北流地震震源区进行地下6 km深度范围内浅层地壳速度结构成像.结果显示:浅层地壳剪切波速度横向变化强烈,速度分布不均匀;低速异常主要分布于三条断裂带周围;研究区存在NNW-SSE向的高速异常,该高速异常与震中区高速异常相交在水平方向上呈"L "形环绕分布于石窝断裂南东侧;震中上方为上凸形态的高速异常,这些高速异常可能为中生代花岗岩基,结合研究区现今NW-SE向的构造应力场分析:石窝断裂南西盘向南东方向运动时受到" L"形高速体阻挡,可能导致应力积累,进而引发地震.此外,这种局部异常高速体可能是华南"马赛克"结构中微陆块在上地壳中的延伸,上地壳结构的不均匀性和大尺度构造相互作用,会在局部区域导致应力积累,从而引发中强地震,这也可能是华南板内地震发生的一种重要成因机制.  相似文献   

利用FK扫描技术实现上海地震台阵资料的特殊震相识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
震相识别已经有很多方法,但对于弱震相识别的难题尚未根本解决。本文利用台阵技术能增强地震信号,压低噪声的特点,实现FK扫描技术结合台阵响应进行地震事件扫描,根据其所得的水平视慢度、方位角及其一致性实现震相识别,特别是特殊震相的识别,这些特殊震相的识别为研究地球内部结构提供了可靠的资料和有利的保障。  相似文献   

Specially designed arrays of strong motion seismographs located near earthquake sources are required for engineering studies of the near-source properties and the spatial variation of seismic waves. The SMART-1 array in Taiwan provides good records for this type of study. Careful study of the observed strong motion data permits the identification of wave types, directions and apparent wave velocities. In this paper, a principal direction ratio R (f,α) is defined; this indicates the principal direction of the motion (along a nearly straight line) within the range 0 < R < 1. Vertical motion of the ground is also included in this study. Orbit spectrum analysis is used to verify the identification of wave directions and wave types. The spatial variation of seismic waves along the principal direction is studied. From frequency-domain analysis, mathematical models of the spatial variation of ground displacement are developed using a wave-number spectrum and the cross-spectral density function between two spatial coordinates; these models in turn can provide two alternative models for the random vibration analysis of extensive structures subject to multiple point seismic excitation. The SMART-1 array data gathered during the January 29, 1981 earthquake also are used to demonstrate calculation of the ground strains and differential movements of the array site. From time-domain analysis, the spatial variation of seismic waves is defined for ground motion along the identified principal direction. The time variation of evolutionary spectra characterized by frequency-dependent parameters is used for this formulation. The SMART-1 array data again form the basis for discussion of the spatial variation of model parameters.  相似文献   


基于青藏高原东北缘密集宽频带野外流动观测台阵以及固定台站资料,利用双差层析成像方法对地震位置和研究区的地壳速度结构进行了反演.最终用于联合反演的地震事件合计9644个.结果显示青藏高原东北缘速度结构具有明显的横向不均匀性.从整体上看,青藏高原地区表现为低速异常,鄂尔多斯表现为高速异常,而扬子地块亦表现为高速异常.不同深度处速度结构表现不一致,同一深度处P波速度结构和S波速度结构也有明显差异.由西秦岭北缘断裂带、临潭—宕昌断裂以及礼县—罗家堡断裂围限的地震活动强烈的区域中,P波速度结构由深度0 km时呈现的低速异常,逐渐过渡到5 km时高低速相间分布的特征;而S波速度结构在此区域中,由近地表 0 km时高低速相间分布的特征,逐渐过渡到30 km时几乎表现为低速异常.2017年8月8日九寨沟7级地震所在的塔藏断裂、岷江断裂和雪山断裂围限区域,在深度20 km处的P波速度结构和周围存在明显差异,九寨沟地震处于高速异常与低速异常的过渡带内.此外,2013年7月22日发生在青藏高原东北缘的岷漳县6.6级地震,震源区所在的临潭—宕昌断裂附近的P波速度结构在15 km深度处也有明显特征,震源位置所在区域也处于高低速过渡带.该区域这种地壳内部高低速过渡带可能是应力比较容易积累而发生中强地震的一个重要场所.


李建平 《地震学报》2018,40(1):24-31
浅层地震反射波法和面波方法是两种相互独立发展的地震勘探方法,在各自的数据采集和处理中,对方都是作为干扰信号而存在. 本文利用浅层地震反射资料中被视为干扰的面波信号,通过成熟的多道面波勘探技术处理浅层地震反射资料,在频率-波数域中提取多阶振型面波的频散曲线,并基于该曲线反演浅地表S波速度结构. 这种方法充分开发利用了已有数据,无需单独的面波数据采集系统,同时为解释浅层地震反射资料提供了额外的信息约束. 结果表明:浅层地震反射资料中可提取出可靠的多阶振型面波频散曲线,并能给出稳定的反演结果,同时,面波反演的多解性可以通过高阶振型反演得以进一步约束;低速层的存在是观测频散曲线出现振型跳跃或呈“之”字形回折的必要条件而非充分条件.   相似文献   

We examine the problem of localization of a single microseismic event and determination of its seismic moment tensor in the presence of strongly correlated noise. This is a typical problem occurring in monitoring of microseismic events from a daylight surface during producing or surface monitoring of hydraulic fracturing. We propose a solution to this problem based on the method of maximum likelihood. We discuss mathematical aspects of the problem, some features and weak points of the proposed approach, estimate the required computing resources, and present the results of numerical experiments. We show that the proposed approach is much more resistant to correlated noises than diffraction stacking methods and time reverse modeling.  相似文献   

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