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In the Bay of Mali Ston (Yugoslav Adriatic coast) the tintinnines were studied from June 1979 to August 1980 at six fixed stations. From the 20 species that were found, six estuarine species comprised 92% of the total population of tintinnines. The highest mean density, 270 individuals 1−1 occurred in February. Vertical distribution and migration are discussed, as is the role of tintinnines in the nutrition of oysters in the Bay of Mali Ston.  相似文献   

该文依据 1995年 3月~ 1996年 1月间浮游植物的调查资料 ,并结合同期水温和营养盐的资料变化 ,分析不同环境因素对浮游植物群落结构的影响。结果表明 :水温的变化对浮游植物的种类组成和数量变化都有一定影响 ,秋季和冬季优势种交替明显 ;营养盐对浮游植物群落结构的变化影响明显。根据胶州湾营养盐结构的改变状况 ,并结合历史资料对比发现 ,胶州湾网采浮游植物的物种数和细胞数量呈下降趋势 ,优势种类趋单一化 ;但初级生产力并未下降 ,可能与微型浮游植物所占份额增大相关。  相似文献   

A. Malej    P. Mozeti&#;    V. Mala&#;&#;  V. Turk 《Marine Ecology》1997,18(3):273-288
Abstract. Despite increasing evidence that atmospheric deposition may contribute considerably to new production in coastal seas, the role of this nutrient source in the shallow northern Adriatic ecosystem has remained largely unassessed. This study demonstrates that locally collected rain water significantly stimulates primary production and phytoplankton biomass accumulation in microcosm experiments. The concentration of nutrients in rain water collected during summer storms (11.38–77.19 μmol·1-1 nitrate. 4.45–36.38 μmol.1·1 ammonium, 0.93–4.75 μmol·1-1 phosphate) indicated that the precipitation is influenced by anthropogenic emissions from urbanised and industrialised regions of the European continent. Rainfall events delivered relatively large (127 tons nitrogen, 9.5 tons phosphorus in the period 10 June to 10 September, 1993). though episodic, nutrient input into the area. Field measurements showed that storm events were followed by an increase of phytoplankton standing crop and a shift of community structure.  相似文献   

Abstract. The abundance and taxonomic diversity of phytoplankton have been studied in relation to certain environmental factors in the South Euboikos Gulf, a restricted tidal embayment on the eastern coast of Greece. The northern part of the gulf with higher tidal current, influenced by sewage and industrial effluents, showed high concentrations of nutrients, a greater total density of phytoplankton, relatively high chlorophyll a content, and a lower taxonomic diversity when compared with the southern part. The phytoplankton cycle was largely due to changes in diatom concentration. A slight variation in the occurrence of species and dominance could be observed along the salinity gradients.  相似文献   

Abstract. Multivariate techniques (cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis) applied on phytoplankton data collected in June, July, August, and September 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993 in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) highlighted a clear temporal pattern from 1990 to 1993. In the summer of 1991, phytoplankton communities showed a dramatic increase in the dinoflagellatddiatom ratio. In particular, during June and July 1991 only few specimens of diatoms ( Cylindrorhecu closreriurn. Probosciu alata, Nirzschio longissimu , and Nitzschiu spp.) were collected; this confirmed the diatom scarcity in the phytoplankton communities before and during the appearance of large mucous aggregates (mucilage) in July 1991 in the Gulf of Trieste. The differences observed between the structure of the phytoplankton communities inside the aggregates and in the ambient waters suggested two hypotheses: 1) the aggregates were not produced in the gulf, but were carried ints the gulf by the eastern bordering current; 2) the aggregates were produced by a few, scarce species with a high exudate production that are capable of quickly reaching a high reproductive rate within the aggregates.  相似文献   

东海、南黄海浮游植物粒级结构及环境影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对粒径分级叶绿素a含量进行分析,探讨了南黄海和东海海域2000年秋季表层浮游植物的粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素.在整个调查海域范围内,叶绿素a平均含量为0.72 mg*m-3,各粒级浮游植物叶绿素a含量对叶绿素a总量的贡献有显著差异,小型(Microplankton,>20 μm)、微型(Nanoplankton,3~20 μm)和微微型(Picoplankton,0.45~3 μm)浮游植物的贡献率分别为31.2%,49.0%和19.8%.小型浮游植物主要分布在江苏沿岸和长江口附近;微型浮游植物在整个海域的分布较均匀,以浙江沿岸和南黄海东部为高值区;微微型浮游植物主要分布在南黄海中部和东海东南部.通过浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和环境因子的相关性分析,发现在调查海域营养盐与浮游植物叶绿素a的相关系数随着浮游植物粒径的增大而从负逐渐变正,说明高的营养盐含量区域较大粒径的浮游植物占有较大优势.依据浮游植物粒径分级叶绿素a和环境因子对调查站位进行的聚类分析结果和海域水团的分布以及卫星遥感图显示的水色差异之间有密切联系,聚类分析方法是研究浮游植物分布和环境因子之间关系的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

分别研究了2006年7月(夏季)和2007年1月(冬季)、5月(春季)、10月(秋季)黄海西北部海域浮游细菌生物量的分布特征,探讨了它们与温度、盐度和Chl a含量之间的关系.结果表明,研究海区平均细菌生物量春、夏、秋和冬季分别为:41.083,8.34,16.68和6.20 mg/m3.4个季节表层细菌生物量分布均呈现出从辽东半岛近岸区域向外海逐渐降低的趋势.春、秋季除浮游植物Chl a外各生态因子与细菌生物量之间均无显著性相关关系.夏、冬季与温度、盐度和Chl a含量的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   

Christian  Schiller 《Marine Ecology》1993,14(3):205-219
Abstract. Cladocora caespitosa is a relatively common, colonial, symbiotic, scleractinian coral in the Mediterranean Sea. It inhabits a wide ecological range: hard and soft bottoms, shallow waters or depths to about 50m, calm water or sites exposed to strong currents and wave action. The present study compares the distribution of this coral at two sites, one shallow (3m — wave exposed) and one deeper (12m — soft bottom).
Different parameters including dry weight, volume, and skeletal growth rates were investigated. The polyp biomass, carbon content, and overall area of fully expanded polyps were also measured. Equations are given for the relationship of skeleton diameter to polyp tissue dry weight as well as skeleton diameter to the possible filter area of fully expanded polyps.
C. caespitosa harbors a rich community of vagile and sessile organisms within the skeleton. The cryptofauna was sorted to higher taxonomic levels and their biomass determined. Several highly significant linear relationship were found between skeleton dry weight, volume and cryptofauna biomass. Thus, the determination of colony volume allows the prediction of cryptofauna biomass.
The interstitial space is dominated by sponges - many of them borers - which erode the corallites close to the living tissue until they break off from the colony. At the deeper sampling site, 26% of all colonies are smaller than 2 cm and 48% are smaller than 5 cm. The fragmentation process is discussed with respect to reproduction.  相似文献   

楚科奇海浮游植物的分布与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据1999年7—8月“雪龙”号考察船在楚科奇海采集的样品,运用PRIMER软件分析该区网采浮游植物的分布特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:楚科奇海浮游植物群聚可分为三个生态类群:北极-亚北极类群,主要分布于水深大于2000米且受北冰洋影响较直接的东北部浅水浮冰外缘;北方温带类群,主要分布于水深小于100米的中部浅水浮冰区:广温性类群,主要分布于通过白令海峡与北太平洋进行水交换的南部水域。该区浮游植物平面分布差异大,细胞密度站间变化范围为1.6×10^3~90680.2×10^4,物种多样性指数和均匀度站间变化范围分别为0.07~O.87和0.33~3.82。主成分(PCA)分析表明,对楚科奇海浮游植物分布起支配作用为水温和盐度。此外,由于该海区所处的特殊地理环境,浮冰的位黄及其物理状态(聚集、开裂和消融等)均会增加浮游植物分布的变异。  相似文献   

Abstract. In late summer and early autumn of 1989 benthic mortality in the upper part of Krka estuary extended from the Skradinski buk waterfalls to approximately 5 km downstream. Dead benthic organisms were found on the bottom at depths of up to 4.5 m. During August, a freshwater phytoplankton bloom was recorded in Visovac lake (which supplies the Skradinski buk waterfalls). The green tide in the lake was composed of up to 11.9 million cells. 1--1, predominantly of Synedra acus and Dinobtyon sertularia . At that time the maximal total inflow of phytoplankton cells through the waterfalls was approx. 0.41 S-I (38000 1. d-1). Cells of these two species died after reaching the salt wedge and the cummulative effect of their decomposition apparently caused an oxygen demand sufficient enough to trigger the benthic mortality. Due to the water mass dynamics, the spreading of mortality downstream was slow (from August to October, approx. 5 km). Certain benthic fishes (like Gobius sp.) were observed on the bottom of the affected area in mid-October 1989.  相似文献   

I~IOXPhytoplankton is the doAnnant primary producer O'f the pelagic realm, converting inorganicmaterials (e. g., nitrate, phosphate) into new organic compounds (e. g., proteins, lipids) by theprocess of photosynthesis and thereby starting the marine food chain (Lalli and Parsons, 1993).Historically, phytoplankton abundance has primarily been measured and expressed as cellnumbers based on enumeration of the phytoplankton in an aliquot of the sample. Such measurements have established four ba…  相似文献   

南黄海鳀鱼产卵场小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20 0 0年 6月在南黄海鱼产卵场 18个站位的调查结果表明 ,小型底栖生物的平均丰度为 0 .81× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .4 1× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,平均生物量为 1.2 2 g dwt· m-2 ,小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量的水平分布图型大体相似 ,即高的数量值分布在等深线 5 0 m以浅的与海岸线平行的74 94、7994、85 94、11394等站。小型底栖生物数量与 10种环境因子的 Pearson相关分析表明 ,丰度与水深呈负相关 (r,- 0 .5 5 5 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ,与 Chl- a呈正相关 (r,0 .4 86 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ;生物量与水深、沉积物中的粘土含量 (% )和水含量 (% )均呈负相关 (r,0 .4 84~ 0 .5 0 0 ,P<0 .0 5 )。共鉴定出 18个小型生物类群 ,线虫是数量占优势的类群 ,平均丰度 0 .6 0× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .36× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,占总丰度的 73.8% ,其他的重要类群依次为底栖桡足类 (18.7% )、多毛类 (3.1% )、动吻类 (1.6 % )和介形类 (1.1% )。按生物量 ,优势类群依次为多毛类 (占 2 9% )、桡足类 (2 3% )和线虫 (2 0 % )  相似文献   

Abstract The annual variability in abundance and biomass of Flaccisagitta enflata (Grassi, 1881) and Mesosagitta minima (Grassi, 1881), along with the C‐ and N‐content of their different maturity stages, were investigated in the South Adriatic Sea on a weekly basis throughout 1996. Increases in abundance and biomass of F. enflata [maximum 554 indiv. · (10 m3)–1 and 16.3 mg C · (10 m3)–1] and M. minima [maximum 336 indiv. · (10 m3)–1 and 3.1 mg C · (10 m3)–1] were found in summer and autumn, a time of intense reproduction for these species. Mean carbon content (as a percentage of dry weight) varied from 30.41 to 40.39 % among maturity stages for F. enflata, and from 27.73 to 39.31 % for M. minima. Nitrogen contents of both species were ~ 3 to 3.5 times less than carbon contents and varied less. Accurate estimates of chaetognath biomass as carbon should be based on the separate contribution of each maturity stage present in the total population.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal changes in phytoplankton species composition and abundance were studied in the Rias de Arosa and Muros (NW Spain) in November 1975, April and August 1976. Data on density and percentage contribution of species were used to calculate spatial and temporal relationships of phytoplankton communities by affinity matrices. The phytoplankton communities of both rias differed in species composition and abundance during the three sampling seasons. Diatoms dominated and total abundance was always higher in Arosa. Both rias have upwelling of nutrient-rich oceanic water but the Arosa has an intense raft aquaculture of the edible mussel Mytilus edulis.  相似文献   

In this study we describe mechanisms influencing the spatial distribution of the surface sediments in the Gulf of Manfredonia. Seventy-three samples were collected on a regional grid and analyzed for grain-size, major and trace elements and organic matter content. Sediments contain marine-derived carbonate as well as terrigenous fractions indicating highly heterogeneous sediment composition dictated by different provenance and complex transport processes. Principal Component Analysis provides information about processes involved in the formation and dispersal of the sediments. The regional sediment distribution is function of the Gulf's morphology and sedimentary inputs from fluvial sources, mainly from the Ofanto River, and from the North and Central Adriatic basin. Biogenic carbonate reefs, identified in two restricted coastal areas add complexity to sediment shelf dispersal. The North-Adriatic current flowing southward transports and deposits sediments from the Northern basin in the offshore area of the Gulf while an inner anticyclonic current distributes and mixes northern and fluvial sediment with a clockwise pattern. In order to better assess the fluvial contribution also bedload samples from the main river debouching into the Gulf were sampled, enabling the identification of geochemical indexes to distinguish the role of both fluvial inputs and hydrodynamic processes affecting solid particles dispersion within the Gulf. This study provides a contribution to a qualitative estimate of the sediment supply entailed in the Southwestern Adriatic basin.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) availability limits phytoplankton biomass and production in large regions of the Southern Ocean and influences community composition and size structure, which may affect C export and other system-level functions. To improve our understanding of Fe partitioning within communities and the response of different components to fertilization, we assessed the cellular Fe contents of individual diatoms, autotrophic flagellates, and heterotrophic flagellates during the recent Southern Ocean Fe Experiment using synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (SXRF). Dual 55Fe/14C radioisotope incubations were also conducted to estimate Fe:C ratios in size-fractionated plankton. Cellular Fe quotas determined by the two techniques were in close agreement when low amounts of 55Fe (0.2 nM) were added, but 55Fe additions of 2 nM resulted in 2–3-fold higher quotas. SXRF assessments of cellular Fe quotas (normalized to C) were generally in good agreement with prior bulk analyses of natural assemblages, but revealed compositional differences among protistan taxa not previously detected. Mean Fe:C ratios for diatoms, autotrophic flagellates, and heterotrophic flagellates from unfertilized waters were 6.0, 8.7, and 14.1 μmol mol C−1, respectively. Smaller cells had higher Fe:C ratios than larger cells. Fertilization enhanced Fe quotas in all cell types, with mean Fe:C ratios increasing approximately 4-fold (from about 10 to about 40 μmol mol C−1) after two Fe additions. This study provides some of the first measurements of Fe quotas in phytoplankton cells from natural communities and the first measurements of Fe quotas in natural protozoa.  相似文献   

2010-2011年深圳湾浮游植物季节变化及其与环境因子关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2010-2011年对深圳湾水采浮游植物进行了4个航次的现场调查,共鉴定出浮游植物5门45属83种,硅藻门占总种数的83.1%,甲藻门占10.8%。种类组成以广温广盐种和暖水种为主,中肋骨条藻(skeletonema costatum)为该海域常年优势种。此次调查发现深圳湾海域浮游植物丰度年波动范围为9.63~19904.0×103/L,平均值为964.5×103/L表现为秋季最高,夏、冬季次之,春季最低。浮游植物多样性指数及均匀度指数偏低,群落结构单一,稳定性较差。春季由于受到深圳河与降水的影响,水采浮游植物丰度最低;秋季各个环境条件适宜,浮游植物丰度达到最大;冬季温度成为限制浮游植物生长的重要因子。  相似文献   

方涛  刘凯  冯志华  李游 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):67-73
2017年4月作者对海州湾临洪河口海域16个站位的常规理化因子以及浮游植物粒级结构进行了采样和分析,结果表明:调查海域盐度和温度均值分别为35.2和11.2℃,均由近岸到外海逐渐增大;悬浮物质量浓度在3.4 mg/L~137.6 mg/L变化,均值为22.8 mg/L,由近岸到外海逐渐减少,水体逐渐清澈; pH均值为8.29,近岸低,外海高; DO均值为9.8 mg/L, COD在0.34 mg/L~6.55 mg/L变化,均值为3.42mg/L,DO和COD分布规律不明显;浮游植物粒级组成以微型与小型浮游植物为主,其叶绿素a质量浓度平均值与范围分别为1.48μg/L(0.68μg/L~3.13μg/L)、9.14μg/L(2.69μg/L~25.50μg/L),且呈现自沿岸河口向外海逐渐递减的趋势;而微微型浮游植物叶绿素a质量浓度平均值仅为0.27μg/L,且分布较不规律;小型浮游植物对浮游植物总生物量的贡献率最大,高达83.89%,微型及微微型浮游植物的贡献率分别为13.60%和2.52%;在相关性分析中,各项环境因子对小型浮游植物的分布有较大的影响,其中悬浮物、pH与小型浮游植物叶绿素a浓度表现出显著相关(P0.05),溶解氧、盐度与小型浮游植物叶绿素a质量浓度呈极显著相关(P0.01),微型、微微型浮游植物的分布与各项环境因子的相关性不明显。  相似文献   

G. J. Herndl    J. Faganeli    N. Fanuko    P. Peduzzi  V. Turk 《Marine Ecology》1987,8(3):221-236
Abstract. The interdependences between phytoplankton standing crop, bacterial biomass and the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool in the water column were investigated and related to sediment parameters in a shallow marine bay (Bay of Piran, Northern Adriatic Sea) over an annual cycle. Bacterioplankton density varied between 1–10 × 105 cells ml-1, with lowest density observed in March corresponding to the low Chi a concentrations during this period. Generation times as determined by dialysis incubations ranged between 4h (June) and 82 h (March). Mean bacterial secondary production rates during summer were about 40 mg C m-1 d-1 and 5mg C m-3.d-1 during winter. With a short time lag, DOM concentrations followed the fluctuation in Chi a.
Sediment oxygen demand measurements revealed a mean mineralization rate of about 260 mg C m-2 d-1 during summer and 100–200 mg C m-2 d-1 in winter. Sediment bacterial density varied between 108 - 109 cells g (sediment dry wt)-1 in the top 5 cm sediment layer or, in terms of biomass, 4.3 g C m-l during summer and 0.6 g C m-2 during winter. Highest concentrations of DOM in pore waters were measured in September, coinciding with high rates of sediment oxygen demand.  相似文献   

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