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We present 1- to 5-μm broadband and CVF images of comet Hale-Bopp taken 1997 February 10.5 UT, 50 days before perihelion. All the images exhibit a nonspherical coma with a bright “ridge” in the direction of the dust tail approximately 10″ from the coma. Synthetic aperture spectrophotometry implies that the optically important grains are of a radius ≤0.4 μm; smallest radius for any comet seen to date. The variation of the integrated surface brightness with radial distance from the coma (ρ) in all the images closely follows the “steady state” ρ−1 model for comet dust ablation (Gehrz and Ney, 1992). The near-infrared colors taken along the dust tail are not constant implying the dust grain properties vary with coma distance. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has been raised by the discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) and the possibility that it might become a very bright object in Spring 1997. The evidence to support either of the conflicting hypothesis (an intrinsically bright comet or a faint comet in a very large outburst) is too limited to reach solid conclusions and may remain so for some months yet. The pre-discovery observations encountered to date provide some limits to photometric models and suggest that the comet may be intrinsically bright, but do not yet permit a firm discrimination, even between extreme scenarios, due to the enormous extrapolation that must be made from the heliocentric distance at discovery, to that of perihelion.  相似文献   

Polarimetric observations of the light scattered by dust have been carried out at Pic-du-Midi Observatory with the 2 m telescope in June and September–October 1996, and at Haute-Provence Observatory with the 0.80 m telescope in April 1997. They cover a total number of 11 nights and a large (6.9°–47.7°) phase angle range. The spatial resolution allows to underline structures in the coma, as well in the brightness images as in the polarization maps, with a correlation between the regions of bright structures and the regions of higher polarization. A clear difference appears between the sunward and antisunward side, with higher polarization on the antisunward side. The phase angle coverage allows us to obtain a polarimetric phase curve for the whole coma and to compare it with other cometary phase curves. The degree of polarization is higher for Hale-Bopp than for the comets previously observed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The NASA Ames HIFOGS spectrometer observed comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at epochs including 96 Oct 7–14 UT (2.8 AU), 97 Feb 14–15 UT (1.2 AU), 97 Apr 11 UT (0.93 AU), and 97 Jun 22, 25 UT (1.7 AU). The HIFOGS 7.5–13.5 μm spectrophotometry (R = 360 - 180) of the silicate feature at 2.8 AU is identical in shape to the ISO SWS spectra of comet Hale-Bopp (Crovisier et al., 1997); the strong 11.2 μm peak in the structured silicate feature is identified as olivine. Upon close passage to the sun, the HIFOGS spectra at 1.2 AU and 0.93 AU reveals strong peaks at 9.3 μm and 10.0 μm. The post-perihelion 10 μm silicate feature at 1.7 AU is weaker but has nearly the same shape as the pre-perihelion spectra at 1.2 AU, reverting to its pre-perihelion shape: there is no change in the dust chemistry by close passage to the sun. The appearance of the strong peaks at 9.3 μm and 10.0 μm at rh ≲ 1.7 AU is attributed to the rise in the contribution of pryoxenes (clino-pyroxene and orthopyroxene crystals) to the shape of the feature, and leads to the hypothesis that the pyroxenes are significantly cooler than the olivines. The pyroxenes are radiating on the Wien side of the blackbody at 2.8 AU and transition to the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the blackbody upon closer approach to the Sun. Composite fits to the observed 10 μm silicate features using IDPs and laboratory minerals shows that a good empirical fit to the spectra is obtained when the pryoxenes are about 150 K cooler than the olivines. The pyroxenes, because they are cooler and contribute signficantly at perihelion, are more abundant than the olivines. The perihelion temperature of the pyroxenes implies that the pyroxenes are more Mg-rich than the other minerals including the olivines, amorphous olivines, and amorphous pyroxenes. The PUMA-1 flyby measurements of comet P/Halley also indicated an overabundance of Mg-rich pryoxenes compared to olivines. Comet Hale-Bopp's pyroxenes are similar to pyroxere IDPs from the ’Spray‘ class, known for their D-richness and their unaltered morphologies: Hale-Bopp's Mg-rich pyroxenes may be pristine relic ISM grains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report the identification of gas jets in comet Hale-Bopp in OH, NH, CN, C2 and C3. This is the first time OH and NH jets without an obvious optical dust jet counterpart have been identified in narrowband comet images. We also confirm the existence of CN jets as reported by Larson et al. (1997) and Mueller et al. (1998). Jet features can be seen in the March and April 1997 datasets, approximately a month before and after perihelion. Our results contribute to the understanding of both the chemical properties of the comet as well as the physical mechanisms necessary to produce these features. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report here on unique post-perihelion (2.3 AU) measurements of Comet Hale-Bopp in the FUV-range (950–1250 Å) by means of the UVSTAR spectrometer from the space shuttle with the main purpose of searching for argon and other FUV emitters. New methods for separating the strong airglow emission at shuttle altitudes are here discussed in detail. Due to our low resolution (15 Å) and S/N ratio the possible rocket-borne detection of argon near perihelion (0.9 AU) could not be confirmed. New species as N2 are suspected but difficult to separate from the strong airglow emission at shuttle altitudes. From the Lyα brightness (1.30± 0.08 kRy) a water production rate Q = 5.9 ± 0.4 × 1029 molecules s?1 could be derived and compared with other post-perihelion observations.  相似文献   

Pittichovâ  J.  Sekenina  Z.  Birkle  K.  Boehnhardt  J.  Engels  D.  Keller  P. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):329-338
The Sekanina-Farrell particle fragmentation model for the striated tails of dust comets is successfully applied to two images of comet Hale-Bopp to study the motions of 12 striae in a time span of March 12–15, 1997. There is evidence for recurring outbursts with a periodicity of 11h21m, consistent with results based on analysis of dust jets. The ejecta in all the striae appear to have been released from one source on the nucleus between the end of January and the second half of February 1997, some 60 to 40 days before perihelion. The parent particles were subjected to a radiation pressure acceleration of βp ≃ 0.55 and their fragmentation lifetimes in 11 of the 12 striae were practically constant and equal to 13–15 days, when normalized to 1 AU from the Sun. Brief analysis of Watanabe et al.'s measurements of striae on their images from March 5–9, 1997 shows even shorter fragmentation lifetimes for the parent particles, mostly about 7–11 days at1 AU. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BRAUNSTEIN  M.  COMSTOCK  R.  HOFFMAN  P.  WOMACK  M.  DEGLMAN  F.  PINNICK  D.  AAKER  G.  GOLDSCHEN  M.  JACOBSON  A.  ZILKA  J.  FAITH  D.  MOORE  S.  RICOTTA  J.  WEIST  A.  MODI  C. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):219-227
An optical archive of comet Hale-Bopp was obtained over 28 nights from June 1996 to May 1997 covering a range of heliocentric distances of r = 4.12 − 0.91. The CCD images were obtained with the 0.8-m University of Washington Manastash Ridge Observatory and the 0.25-m Pennsylvania State University at Eriemobile observatory. The reduced images clearly document the evolution of features of the coma, which were dominated by radial jetsfrom r = 4.1 − 2.3 AU, curved fan-shaped jets from r = 1.2 − 1.0 AU, and arcs or shells for 0.9 < r < 1.0 AU. We present the images and derive an average dust expansion velocity of Vdust = 0.67 ± 0.07 km s−1 from measurements of the arc features. The images in thearchive will be made available to other researchers for further study. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An investigation of the activity of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) with a thermophysical nucleus model that does not rely on the existence of amorphous ice is presented. Our approach incorporates recent observations allowing to constrain important parameters that control cometary activity. The model accounts for heat conduction, heat advection, gas diffusion, sublimation, and condensation in a porous ice-dust matrix with moving boundaries. Erosion due to surface sublimation of water ice leads to a moving boundary. The movement of the boundary is modeled by applying a temperature remapping technique which allows us to account for the loss in the internal energy of the eroded surface material. These kind of problems are commonly referred to as Stefan problems. The model takes into account the diurnal rotation of the nucleus and seasonal effects due to the strong obliquity of Hale-Bopp as reported by Jorda et al. (Jorda, L., Rembor, K., Lecacheux, J., Colom, P., Colas, F., Frappa, E., Lara, L.M. [1997]. Earth Moon Planets 77, 167-180). Only bulk sublimation of water and CO ice are considered without further assumptions such as amorphous ices with certain amount of occluded CO gas. Confined and localized activity patterns are investigated following the reports of Lederer and Campins (Lederer, S.M., Campins, H. [2002]. Earth Moon Planets 90, 381-389) about the chemical heterogeneity of Hale-Bopp and of Bockelée-Morvan et al. (Bockelée-Morvan, D., Henry, F., Biver, N., Boissier, J., Colom, P., Crovisier, J., Despois, D., Moreno, R., Wink, J. [2009]. Astron. Astrophys. 505, 825-843) about a strong CO source at a latitude of 20°. The best fit to the observations of Biver et al. (Biver, N. et al. [2002]. Earth Moon Planets 90, 5-14) is obtained with a low thermal conductivity of 0.01 W m−1 K−1. This is in agreement with recent results of the Deep Impact mission to 9P/Tempel 1 (Groussin, O., A’Hearn, M.F., Li, J.-Y., Thomas, P.C., Sunshine, J.M., Lisse, C.M., Meech, K.J., Farnham, T.L., Feaga, L.M., Delamere, W.A. [2007]. Icarus 187, 16-25) and with previous thermal simulations (Kührt, E. [1999]. Space Sci. Rev. 90, 75-82). The water production curve matches the production rates well from −4 AU pre-perihelion to the outgoing leg while the model does not reproduce so well the water production beyond 4 AU pre-perihelion. The CO production curve is a good fit to the measurements of Biver et al. (2002) over the whole measured heliocentric range from −7 AU pre- to 15 AU post-perihelion.  相似文献   

Between July 1996 and April 1997, 92 spectra of comet Hale-Bopp were obtained with the 6-meter BTA telescope of the SAO of the RAS at Mount Pastukhov. The spectra are two-dimensional, which allows one to determine the energy distribution for each emission along the slit and the energy distribution in wavelength for each individual position in the slit. From the 92 two-dimensional spectra covering the inner coma, detailed spectral maps of the total near-nuclear region of the comet are available for July 10, 11 and 12, 1996 and April 15, 1997. We propose an hypothesis about an unknown cometary species near λ = 620 nm in the spectrum obtained July 10, 1996. We also find an effect which may be caused by fluorescence of cometary dust. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the results of the preliminary study of the comet Hale-Bopp spectrum obtained April 17, 1997 by K. Churyumov and F. Mussayev with the help of the 1-meter Zeiss reflector and the echelle spectrometer (spectral resolutionλ/Δ λ ≈ 50000), CCD and the long slit, oriented along the radius-vector(“Sun-comet direction”). Energy distributions for three selected regions including the C3, C2 (0-0) and CN(Δ ν = 0) molecules emissions of the comet Hale-Bopp spectrum were built. The rotational lines of the CN(Δ ν = 0) band were identified. The nature of the high emission peak near λ 4020 Å in the C3 band is discussed. The presence of the cometary continuum of the nonsolar origin is assumed.  相似文献   

Svoreň  J.  Komžík  R.  Neslušan  L.  Živňovský  J. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):149-154
Photometric observations of comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) carried out at the Stará Lesná Observatory since February to April 1997 are analyzed and discussed. Emission band fluxes and continuum fluxes are presented, from which the total numbers of molecules in the columns of the coma encircled by diaphragms are calculated. The production rates are estimated from the conventional Haser model. We found that the photometric exponent of dust contribution two months prior perihelion was n = 5.2. The photometric exponent n of the cometary magnitude solely to the C2 emission alone equals 3.3 and that of CN equals 2.5. These values can be explained by a fact that the maximums of production rates of the gases were reached between March 2and 12 and not at the perihelion as it is valid for dust. These results are compared with the values of 1P/Halley (1986 III) under the similar conditions, obtained with the same method and instrument. C/Hale-Bopp exhibited 4.1 times more molecules radiating the CN-emission than 1P/Halley in the same column of the coma. The continuum flux of C/Hale-Bopp was also very strong. The ratios (to 1P/Halley) are 94:1 (Cont. 484.5) and 74:1 (Cont. 365.0). The cometary colour was the same as that of the Sun. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Observations of comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) have been carried out near perihelion (1997 March) at millimeter wavelengths using the NRAO 12 m telescope. The J=1-->0, 2-->1, and 3-->2 lines of HCN at 88, 177, and 265 GHz were measured in the comet as well as the J=3-->2 lines of H13CN, HC15N, and HNC. The N=2-->1 transition of CN near 226 GHz was also detected, and an upper limit was obtained for the J=2-->1 line of HCNH+. From the measurements, column densities and production rates have been estimated. A column density ratio of [HCN]/[HNC] = 7+/-1 was observed near perihelion, while it was found that [HCN]/[HCNH+] greater, similar 1. The production rates at perihelion for HCN and CN were estimated to be Q(HCN) approximately 1x1028 s-1 and Q(CN) approximately 2.6x1027 s-1, respectively, resulting in a ratio of [HCN]/[CN] approximately 3. Consequently, HCN is sufficiently abundant to be the parent molecule of CN in Hale-Bopp, and HCNH+ could be a source of HNC. Finally, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of 12C/13C = 109+/-22 and 14N/15N = 330+/-98 were obtained from HCN measurements, in agreement with previous values obtained from J=4-->3 data. Such ratios suggest that comet Hale-Bopp formed coevally with the solar system.  相似文献   

The polarization distribution of the inner coma of comet Hale-Bopp was measured by CCD imaging around perihelion. The dust shell positions correlate well with relative maxima of polarization. The images taken in the I-band identify different shell systems, each showing individual polarization properties. This could be related to differences in the dust properties of the associated jets. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The situation leading to the determination of the Hale-Bopp orbit is discussed, largely in terms of a procedure that generates two sequences of parabolic orbits. The comet is also considered in relation to the problem of the possibility of impact on the earth. The placement of its orbital nodes near the orbits of the earth and Jupiter is clearly an intriguing feature. The role of the prediscovery observation in 1993 is described, as it appeared both as a boon and a burden. Although evidence has been put forward that the Hale-Bopp nucleus is unusually large, it seems likely that nongravitational forces are noticeably affecting the comet's motion. While discussion of the comet's future long-term motion may be amenable to the usual treatment as a problem of diffusion, it is not entirely improbable that the present situation arose from a recent dramatic approach to Jupiter. It is shown that such a Jupiter encounter in June -2215 is not inconsistent with the non-existence of records at the comet's last perihelion passage, which could then have been the first to occur as close as 0.9 AU to the sun. Of course, the Jupiter encounter might also have given rise to the possible large satellite to Hale-Bopp discussed by Sekanina. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sekanina  S.  Boehnhardt  H. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):313-319
A Monte Carlo image simulation code for dust features in comets is applied to comet Hale-Bopp in order to model the object's persistent porcupine-like appearance on high-resolution images taken between May 11 and Nov. 2, 1996. A self-consistent fan model is proposed, with six isolated sources of dust emission assumed at various locations on the surface of the rotating nucleus and with the spin axis undergoing a complex motion in an inertial coordinate system. In the framework of this model, jet pairs represent boundaries of fan-shaped formations described by dust ejected from isolated sources during periods of time when the Sun is above the local horizon. The spin axis is found to have traveled through a field of 10° by 20° during the examined period of nearly six months. Still more successful is a fan model with large diurnal dust-emission fluctuations, which is consistent with an inertially fixed position of the spin axis and requires only three discrete sources. In this scenario, the dust-emission profile is dominated by several brief flare-ups, or “puffs”, in the production of dust from one of the sources. The results are insensitive to the spin rate, but the observed dust coma appearance is more typical of a rapidly rotating comet. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) has been observed in the infrared (1–2.5 μm) with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) equipped with the Arcetri NICMOS3 camera (ARNICA). Two observational campaigns, each one lasting about one week, were made when the comet heliocentric distance was about 3 AU. The first campaign was at the end of August and the second at the end of September 1996. During both runs two major outbursts were observed, the more intense of them started the day before the beginning of the second run. In the images recorded during the first three nights (24.8–26.8 Sept.) of the second run a dust shell expanding in the northern quadrant with a projected velocity of 0.14–0.28 km/s is clearly evident. The dust production rate increased by at least a factor ≈3 at the time of the outburst. Also evident on the first night is a change in the IR color that is well correlated with the dust shell. This is an indication that the material released by the outburst has a different composition and/or size distribution than that in the “quiescent” dust coma. In this paper we present preliminary results about the evolution and the photometric characteristics of the dust shell. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A review of our current understanding of Comet Hale-Bopp’s nuclear size is presented. Currently the best constraints on the effective radiusare derived from late-1996 mid-IR data and near-perihelion radio data.Unfortunately the two regimes give differing answers for the radius. A possible reconciliation of the two datasets is presented that would place the radius at around 30 km. This is a large cometary radius compared to the others that are known, and this motivates a discussion of what makes a large comet different. From several possible large-comet properties, Hale-Bopp’s activity is analyzed, focusing on the production rates, coma jet features, dust optical depth, and relationship with the interplanetary dust environment. The optical depth is particularly important since an optically-thick inner coma could complicate attempted measurements of the “nucleus”.  相似文献   

Bockelée-Morvan  D.  Wink  J.  Despois  D.  Colom  P.  Biver  N.  Crovisier  J.  Gautier  D.  Gérard  E.  Lellouch  E.  Moreno  R.  Paubert  G.  Rauer  H.  Davies  J. K.  Dent  W. R. F. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):67-67
Spectroscopic observations of comet Hale-Boppwere undertaken near perihelion at millimetre wavelengths with the Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM) telescopes at Plateau de Bure (France)and Pico Veleta (Spain). They resulted in the first detections of HCOOH,SO2, NH2CHO and HCOOCH3 in a comet. HDO was detected through its312–221 line at 225.897 GHz,complementing the observation of the 101–000 line at 464.925 GHz at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (Meier et al., 1998,Science 279, 842).Several unidentified lines are present in the spectra. Observations of HC3N, HNCO, OCS, SO, CN, CO+, HCO+, in addition to more ‘classical’species CO, HCN, HNC, CH3CN, CH3OH, H2CO, CS and H2S (Biveret al., this issue) permit us to make out an extensive inventory of the composition of the coma of comet Hale-Bopp at its perihelion. It presents strong analogies with gas-phase abundances measured in interstellar hot cores and bipolar flows, which are believed to reflect the composition of interstellar grains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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