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《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(7):1039-1064
Slag collected from smelter sites associated with historic base-metal mines contains elevated concentrations of trace elements such as Cu, Zn and Pb. Weathering of slag piles, many of which were deposited along stream banks, potentially may release these trace elements into the environment. Slags were sampled from the Ely and Elizabeth mines in the Vermont copper belt, from the copper Basin mining district at Ducktown, Tennessee and from the Clayton silver mine in the Bayhorse mining district, Idaho, in the USA. Primary phases in the slags include: olivine-group minerals, glass, spinels, sulfide minerals and native metals for Vermont samples; glass, sulfide minerals and native metals for the Ducktown sample; and olivine-group minerals, clinopyroxenes, spinels, sulfide minerals, native metals and other unidentified metallic compounds for Clayton slag. Olivine-group minerals and pyroxenes are dominantly fayalitic and hedenbergitic in composition, respectively and contain up to 1.25 wt.% ZnO. Spinel minerals range between magnetite and hercynite in composition and contain Zn (up to 2.07 wt.% ZnO), Ti (up to 4.25 wt.% TiO2) and Cr (up to 1.39 wt.% Cr2O3). Cobalt, Ni, Cu, As, Ag, Sb and Pb occur in the glass phase, sulfides, metallic phases and unidentified metallic compounds. Bulk slag trace-element chemistry shows that the metals of the Vermont and Tennessee slags are dominated by Cu (1900–13,500 mg/kg) and Zn (2310–10,200 mg/kg), whereas the Clayton slag is dominated by Pb (63,000 mg/kg), Zn (19,700 mg/kg), Cu (7550 mg/kg), As (555 mg/kg), Sn (363 mg/kg) and Ag (200 mg/kg). Laboratory-based leach tests indicate metals can be released under simulated natural conditions. Leachates from most slags were found to contain elevated concentrations of Cu and Zn (up to 1800 and 470 μg/l, respectively), well in excess of the acute toxicity guidelines for aquatic life. For the Idaho slag, the concentration of Pb in the leachate (11,000 μg/l) is also in excess of the acute toxicity guideline. Geochemical modeling of the leachate chemistry suggests that leachates from the Vermont, Tennessee and Clayton slags are saturated with amorphous silica and Al hydroxide. Therefore, the dissolution of silicate and oxide phases, the oxidation of sulfide phases, as well as the precipitation of secondary phases may control the composition of leachate from slags. The presence of secondary minerals on slag deposits in the field is evidence that these materials are reactive. The petrographic data and results of leaching tests from this study indicate slag may be a source of potentially toxic metals at abandoned mine sites.  相似文献   

The Itacaiúnas Belt of the highly mineralised Carajás Mineral Province comprises ca. 2.75 Ga volcanic rocks overlain by sedimentary sequences of ca. 2.68 Ga age, that represent an intracratonic basin rather than a greenstone belt. Rocks are generally at low strain and low metamorphic grade, but are often highly deformed and at amphibolite facies grade adjacent to the Cinzento Strike Slip System. The Province has been long recognised for its giant enriched iron and manganese deposits, but over the past 20 years has been increasingly acknowledged as one of the most important Cu–Au and Au–PGE provinces globally, with deposits extending along an approximately 150 km long WNW-trending zone about 60 km wide centred on the Carajás Fault. The larger deposits (approx. 200–1000 Mt @ 0.95–1.4% Cu and 0.3–0.85 g/t Au) are classic Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits that include Salobo, Igarapé Bahia–Alemão, Cristalino and Sossego. They are largely hosted in the lower volcanic sequences and basement gneisses as pipe- or ring-like mineralised, generally breccia bodies that are strongly Fe- and LREE-enriched, commonly with anomalous Co and U, and quartz- and sulfur-deficient. Iron oxides and Fe-rich carbonates and/or silicates are invariably present. Rhenium–Os dating of molybdenite at Salobo and SHRIMP Pb–Pb dating of hydrothermal monazite at Igarapé-Bahia indicate ages of ca. 2.57 Ga for mineralisation, indistinguishable from ages of poorly-exposed Archean alkalic and A-type intrusions in the Itacaiúnas Belt, strongly implicating a deep magmatic connection.A group of smaller, commonly supergene-enriched Cu–Au deposits (generally < 50 Mt @ < 2% Cu and < 1 g/t Au in hypogene ore), with enrichment in granitophile elements such as W, Sn and Bi, spatially overlap the Archean Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits. These include the Breves, Águas Claras, Gameleira and Estrela deposits which are largely hosted by the upper sedimentary sequence as greisen-to ring-like or stockwork bodies. They generally lack abundant Fe-oxides, are quartz-bearing and contain more S-rich Cu–Fe sulfides than the Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits, although Cento e Dezoito (118) appears to be a transitional type of deposit. Precise Pb–Pb in hydrothermal phosphate dating of the Breves and Cento e Dezoito deposits indicate ages of 1872 ± 7 Ma and 1868 ± 7 Ma, respectively, indistinguishable from Pb–Pb ages of zircons from adjacent A-type granites and associated dykes which range from 1874 ± 2 Ma to 1883 ± 2 Ma, with 1878 ± 8 Ma the age of intrusions at Breves. An unpublished Ar/Ar age for hydrothermal biotite at Estrela is indistinguishable, and a Sm–Nd isochron age for Gameleira is also similar, although somewhat younger. The geochronological data, combined with geological constraints and ore-element associations, strongly implicate a magmatic connection for these deposits.The highly anomalous, hydrothermal Serra Pelada Au–PGE deposit lies at the north-eastern edge of the Province within the same fault corridor as the Archean and Paleoproterozoic Cu–Au deposits, and like the Cu–Au deposits is LREE enriched. It appears to have formed from highly oxidising ore fluids that were neutralised by dolomites and reduced by carbonaceous shales in the upper sedimentary succession within the hinge of a reclined synform. The imprecise Pb–Pb in hydrothermal phosphate age of 1861 ± 45 Ma, combined with an Ar/Ar age of hydrothermal biotite of 1882 ± 3 Ma, are indistinguishable from a Pb–Pb in zircon age of 1883 ± 2 Ma for the adjacent Cigano A-type granite and indistinguishable from the age of the Paleoproterozoic Cu–Au deposits. Again a magmatic connection is indicated, particularly as there is no other credible heat or fluid source at that time.Finally, there is minor Au–(Cu) mineralisation associated with the Formiga Granite whose age is probably ca. 600 Ma, although there is little new zircon growth during crystallisation of the granite. This granite is probably related to the adjacent Neoproterozoic (900–600 Ma) Araguaia Fold Belt, formed as part of the Brasiliano Orogeny.Thus, there are two major and one minor period of Cu–Au mineralisation in the Carajás Mineral Province. The two major events display strong REE enrichment and strongly enhanced LREE. There is a trend from strongly Fe-rich, low-SiO2 and low-S deposits to quartz-bearing and more S-rich systems with time. There cannot be significant connate or basinal fluid (commonly invoked in the genesis of Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits) involved as all host rocks were metamorphosed well before mineralisation: some host rocks are at mid- to high-amphibolite facies. The two major periods of mineralisation correspond to two periods of alkalic to A-type magmatism at ca. 2.57 Ga and ca. 1.88 Ga, and a magmatic association is compelling.The giant to world-class late Archean Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits show the least obvious association with deep-seated alkaline bodies as shown at Palabora, South Africa, and implied at Olympic Dam, South Australia. The smaller Paleoproterozoic Cu–Au–W–Sn–Bi deposits and Au–PGE deposit show a more obvious relationship to more fractionated A-type granites, and the Neoproterozoic Au–(Cu) deposit to crustally-derived magmas. The available data suggest that magmas and ore fluids were derived from long-lived metasomatised lithosphere and lower crust beneath the eastern margin of the Amazon Craton in a tectonic setting similar to that of other large Precambrian Fe-oxide Cu–Au deposits.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic Ruttan Cu–Zn volcanogenic massive-sulfide (VMS) deposit is a large, relatively low grade, bimodal-siliciclastic type deposit in the Rusty Lake volcanic belt of northern Manitoba. The deposit contained over 82.8 million tonnes of massive sulfide, of which 55.7 million tonnes were mined from 1973 to 2002. The deposit consists of a series of moderately to steeply dipping, south-facing lenses that extend along strike at the surface for 1.1 km and to a depth of 1.0 km. These lenses occur within a steeply dipping, bimodal volcanic, volcaniclastic and siliciclastic sequence. In the immediate mine area, transitional calc-alkalic to high-silica (tholeiitic), felsic, and intermediate volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks of the Mine Sequence are host to, and intercalated with, the massive-sulfide lenses. Transitional tholeiitic to calc-alkalic basalt and andesite are present in the footwall sequence, approximately 500 m down-section from the ore horizon. The overlying rocks are predominantly fine-grained volcaniclastics and siliciclastics, but include polyfragmental agglomerate that contains mafic bombs and scoriaceous felsic fragments. Syn-depositional felsic and mafic dikes, sills, and apophyses are ubiquitous throughout the Mine Sequence, including the ore lenses, indicating continued, near-vent magmatism, and volcanism during ore formation. Fabrics in altered hostrocks have consistent, down-plunge stretching lineations to the SSE that suggest the deposit has been elongated by a factor of ~1.2–1.5; otherwise, the deposit is remarkably undeformed. Syn- and post-depositional faults in the mine area have relatively minor displacements up to tens of meters. Proximal (within 200 m) footwall rocks exhibit moderate to strong chloritization, characterized by the upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies assemblages that include cordierite–almandine–andalusite–sillimanite–biotite ± staurolite ± anthophyllite ± talc, and local silicification. The proximal hanging wall rocks are characterized by sericite ± gahnite alteration, which is restricted to within approximately 75 m of the uppermost lenses. Additional gangue minerals are anhydrite and carbonate minerals (siderite, dolomite, ankerite, and calcite), as well as chlorite, sericite, biotite, talc, and quartz. Carbonate (excluding siderite), potassium feldspar, silicification and epidotization are common distal alteration zones in the footwall to the Mine Sequence several kilometers to the northeast. There are three principal groups of massive sulfide lenses; the East lenses, the West lenses, and the Western Anomaly lenses to the far west. In general, Cu is relatively enriched at the stratigraphic base and in the center of the deposit, whereas Zn is enriched upsection and at the outer margins. Some of the Zn-rich ore exhibits primary mineralogical layering. Parts of the West and Western Anomaly lenses show two layers with Cu-rich bases and Zn-rich tops. The massive sulfide is typically 10–40-m thick; one area along the margin of the main lenses is over 130-m thick and may represent deposition adjacent to a syn-depositional fault. The main sulfide phases are pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena, with tetrahedrite as the most abundant trace phase. Gahnite is ubiquitous in the chlorite-rich assemblages adjacent to the ore lenses. The average base, precious and trace metal contents estimated from Cu and Zn concentrates, and from millhead grades and recoveries. Metals easily transported as chloride and bisulfide complexes in hydrothermal fluids including: Pb, Ag, In, Cu, Cd, Au, and Zn are enriched by 1.5–2.5 orders of magnitude in comparison to the bulk continental crust. Other elements such as Sn, Mo, and As are at near-crustal concentrations, whereas Mn, Ga, and Co are significantly depleted in comparison to the crust. Calculated metal concentrations in the average hydrothermal fluid based on the average metal contents are comparable to, or higher than those measured at sediment covered ridge hydrothermal systems, which precipitate much of their metal budget in the subsurface. Average rare earth element contents for the sulfide are light rare earth element enriched (LaN/YbN=22) and range from 0.45 to 0.02x chondritic values, with a moderate negative Eu anomaly (Eu*=0.51). Metal and trace element contents in the Ruttan exhalite horizon, and in proximal (within 1–2 km) exhalites along strike from the 0.6 million tonne Dar-2 Cu–Zn deposit 12 km south of Ruttan, have positive Eu anomalies, whereas negative Eu anomalies are present at distance. The positive Eu anomalies reflect high temperature paleoseafloor hydrothermal venting and precipitation of Eu2+-enriched clays and possibly carbonates, and indicate proximity to base-metal deposits. Silver and lead are also enriched in the exhalites near the deposits, whereas Mn is enriched at ~1–3 km along strike, but not consistently. Editorial handling: B. Gemmel An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(3):223-233
Surveys of the distribution and migration of He and Rn were carried out in the well-characterized granitic terrane of the AECL Underground Research Laboratory (URL), Manitoba as part of a joint AECL Research, United Kingdom Department of the Environment, and United States Department of Energy research initiative. The investigations were designed to determine whether concentrations of He and Rn in soil gases could be used to identify locations of groundwater recharge and discharge from bedrock fractures. The results obtained indicate that subsurface transport of He and possibly Rn in this setting appears to be controlled largely by the groundwater flow system in the bedrock. Release of dissolved gases near the ground surface causes soil gas anomalies, which reflect discharge from the deeper flow system. In the recharge area of the deep groundwater flow system at the URL site, He abundances are close to the atmospheric level, but the discharge area of the deep flow system is characterized by significant He anomalies (up to 0.5 ppm above atmosphere levels). For Rn, the recharge area has broadly distributed high concentrations, probably caused by local Rn production in U-rich overburden, while the discharge area has only localized concentrations of Rn, which are not at the same location as the He anomalies. The general nature of the groundwater flow regime in both areas is reflected in the presence and distribution of the soil gas anomalies. In addition, major fractures in bedrock, which act as preferential groundwater flow paths, have been located from soil gas anomalies, even when obscured by overburden of variable thickness and character. The distribution of He in soil gas appears to be most representative of groundwater recharge and discharge conditions in the granitic rock, while Rn may be useful for locating specific channels where more rapid groundwater discharge is occurring from deep fracture zones.  相似文献   

Volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits in the Snow Lake area of Manitoba are related to mineralogically and chemically distinct alteration zones. It is generally accepted that these zones represent crosscutting, subconformable or conformable synvolcanic alteration zones, which were coeval with and have been metamorphosed with the massive sulphides. Metamorphism ranges from upper greenschist facies to middle amphibolite facies. Surface lithogeochemical anomalies led to the discovery of small massive sulphide lenses at a vertical depth of 250 m in the Raindrop Lake area, southwest of Snow Lake, Manitoba. Variations in mineral assemblages of middle amphibolite facies alteration zones and analysis of variations in major and trace element chemistry were used to guide deep drilling at Raindrop Lake. The massive sulphide lenses are stratigraphically underlain by a low angle crosscutting “pipe” and a conformable footwall “apron” alteration.The alteration zones are composed of assemblages of garnet, staurolite and chlorite, and, less significantly, biotite, muscovite and kyanite. They are characterized by loss of Na and Ca, and addition of Fe, Mg, Cu and Zn. Mapping the alteration is aided by the application of the metamorphic AFM phase diagram for the appropriate metamorphic facies. Increasing intensity of alteration can be identified by the first appearance of new mineral phases, which are represented on the AFM diagram. These mineral trends coincide with loss of Na and Ca relative to Al, and increased Mg and Fe. Chemical alteration indices ACNK (molecular proportion Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) and AI = 100 × [(MgO + K2O)/(MgO + K2O + CaO + Na2O)] combined with Cu and Zn variation helped to quantify the intensity of alteration, despite being insensitive to Fe.The crosscutting pipe is dominantly Fe enriched, with a Cu-enriched core, Zn enriched margins and widespread Na and Ca depletion. Mineralogically it is identified by garnet, staurolite and chlorite and follows an iron and aluminum enrichment trend on the AFM diagram. The conformable alteration zone is characterized by local strong Mg enrichment, extensive Na and Ca depletion and variable Cu and Zn. Mineralogically it is characterized by the presence of chlorite and kyanite and follows a magnesium and aluminum enrichment trend on the AFM diagram.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘走滑-冲断构造特征及其油气勘探思路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
处于阿尔金左行走滑构造带东缘的柴北缘,过去一致认为是个前陆逆冲带,并对其逆冲构造特征作了大量的研究。通过本次的野外地质勘察和深部地震测线研究,证实柴达木盆地北缘的主要变形样式为走滑-挤压构造,具有挤压推覆特征的同时伴生有走滑构造,并且主要断层系统沿走向滑动的距离远大于沿倾向冲断推覆的距离,从而建立了柴北缘走滑-逆冲构造的地质模型;这对其地震解释有指导作用。从柴达木盆地的构造变形时间序列和演变特征从西向东依次扩展、构造活动从老变新,认为柴北缘的走滑-逆冲构造受阿尔金山大型走滑构造和祁连山剧烈的逆冲挤压构造共同控制。最后研究了柴北缘的走滑-逆冲构造特征对油气勘探的意义,加强勘探评价冷湖—南八仙走滑逆冲构造带的翼部断块圈闭和赛什腾山南缘逆冲推覆体下伏地层。  相似文献   

The Eden Lake pluton in the Trans-Hudson Orogen is the first known occurrence of carbonatites in Manitoba. The pluton is largely made up of modally and geochemically diverse syenitic rocks derived from postorogenic magma(s) of shoshonitic affinity. Their diversity can be accounted for by a combination of crystal fractionation and fluid release in the final evolutionary stage (crystallization of quartz alkali-feldspar syenite). At Eden Lake, carbonatites, represented predominantly by coarse-grained massive to foliated sövite, occur as branching veins and lenticular bodies up to 4 m in thickness showing crosscutting relations with respect to all of the syenitic units. The host rocks are intensely fenitized at the contact, and there is also abundant mineralogical and textural evidence for assimilation of silicate material by carbonatitic magma through wallrock reaction and xenolith fragmentation and digestion. The bulk of the carbonatites are composed of (in order of crystallization): Sr–REE-rich fluorapatite, aegirine–augite, and coarse calcite crystals surrounded by fine-grained calcite (on average,  90 vol.% of the rock). Noteworthy accessory constituents are celestine, bastnäsite-(Ce) (both as primary inclusions in calcite), Nb–Zr–rich titanite, low-Hf zircon, allanite-(Ce) and andradite. The calcite is chemically uniform (Sr-rich, Mg–Mn–Fe-poor and low in 13C), but shows clear evidence of ductile deformation and syndeformational cataclasis. Geochemically, the carbonatites are enriched in Sr, Ba, light rare-earth elements, Th and U, but depleted in high-field-strength elements (particularly, Ti, Nb and Ta). The stable-isotope composition of coarse- and fine-grained calcite from the carbonatites and interstitial calcite from syenites is remarkably uniform: ca. − 8.16 ± 0.27‰ δ13C (PDB) and + 8.04 ± 0.19‰ δ18O (SMOW). The available textural and geochemical evidence indicates that the Eden Lake carbonatites are not consanguineous with the associated syenites and may have been derived from a Nb–Ti-retentive and 13C-depleted source such as the subducted crustal material underlying the Eden Lake deformation corridor.  相似文献   

“三江”北段沱沱河地区的成矿规律与找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"三江"成矿带的北段沱沱河地区是中国首批整装勘查区之一,区域成矿规律和找矿方向亟待了解。研究表明,区内主要发育3期成矿事件,形成5种主要矿床类型。早期成矿发生在晚二叠世至早三叠世,为龙木错-双湖洋向北俯冲下的弧间或弧后盆地环境,形成开心岭火山岩容矿块状Fe(-Cu-Zn)矿床(VMS型);第二期成矿作用发生于新生代40~25 Ma期间,对应印-亚大陆晚碰撞环境,形成那日尼亚与钾质火山岩岩浆活动有关的脉状PbZn矿床、扎日根玢岩型铁矿床及扎拉夏格涌与碱性斑岩有关的热液脉状Pb-Zn矿床;第三期矿化出现在新生代23Ma以来,对应印-亚大陆后碰撞环境,形成以茶曲帕查为代表的密西西比河谷型(MVT)Pb-Zn矿床。综合分析表明,区内应优先寻找MVT型矿床,在区域逆冲带的前锋带中,老于新生代的碳酸盐岩内、碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层界面附近是找矿的主要方向;晚二叠世至早三叠世及晚三叠世地层中双峰式火山岩建造是寻找VMS矿床的有利部位;新生代闪长玢岩分布区的正磁异常、Cu化探异常、发育绿帘石和绿泥石化的地区有利于寻找玢岩型铁矿床;而热液脉状Pb-Zn矿床的成矿潜力有限。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘盆地油气地质勘探新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘盆地是青藏高原最大的含油气盆地,也是中国潜在的石油战略后备区之一。新的油气地质调查发现,盆地内发育优质古生代烃源岩,主要为石炭系、二叠系的暗色泥岩,具有机碳含量高的特征,机质类型主要为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型,Ro值大多为1.50%~2.40%,处于高成熟-过成熟阶段。前那底岗日组的古风化壳是盆地内新发现的潜在的储集层,其覆盖于二叠系以及前人已确定的三叠系肖茶卡组地层之上。新发现的上侏罗统-下白垩世白龙冰河组泥灰岩夹膏盐、页岩是区域上较好的盖层。盆地内近年来在地表发现油气显示250余处,其中最重要的是发现了现代天然气泄漏的泥火山,并采集到了天然气样品。综合考虑沉积相、烃源岩、储集层、盖层、保存条件等因素,优选了6个有利区块,其中,托纳木和半岛湖区块作为潜力目标区进行了勘探。  相似文献   

As part of our exploration programs for unconformity-related uranium deposits, we have studied the chemistry of deep ground waters from throughout the Athabasca Basin. Samples have been collected from routine, small-diameter, exploration diamond drillholes, and we have placed considerable emphasis on ensuring that they represent true ground waters.We have measured both major and minor constituents, including various uranium daughter products. Ground-water samples collected from the vicinity of uranium mineralization have consistently high levels of uranium, radium, radon and helium. Although we have not been able to establish the maximum extent of the hydrogeochemical anomalies in this environment, we have detected anomalies at distances of up to tens of meters from known mineralization.  相似文献   

In the Pine Creek Geosyncline, fast moving, annually recharged, low-salinity ground waters dissolve uranium- and magnesium-enriched gangue minerals from mineralized aquifer rocks. The level of dissolved uranium depends on prevailing pH, Eh, salinity and degree of adsorption, which limits its effectiveness as an exploration indicator. Near each known deposit, leaching of magnesium-enriched gangue minerals produces ground waters with very similar major-element concentration plots, the shape of which constitutes a mineralized aquifer “signature”. Gangue minerals also supply high levels of Mg2+ (expressed as NMg = [Mg2+]/[Ca2+ + Mg2+ + Na+ + K+] in milliequivalents per litre) to contained ground waters, NMg > 0.8 being common in ground waters from mineralized aquifers at each Pine Creek Geosyncline deposit. Data from Ranger One No. 3 ore body illustrates how progressive mixing of waters from mineralized and unmineralized aquifers causes graded reductions in NMg, which, when plotted onto a ground plan, delineate a hydrogeochemical aureole.High NMg (> 0.8) coincides with high uranium concentration (> 20 μg/l of U) in ground waters near Nabarlek and Ranger. Because pH-Eh conditions in aquifers at Jabiluka depress uranium solution, < 10 μg/l of U is present, although NMg values are generally > 0.8. To date NMg has always been < 0.8 in nonmineralized aquifer waters, whereas uranium may be > 50 μg/l in ground waters from felsic igneous aquifers, which can be identified as uneconomic by low (< 0.4) NMg, and by a fixed relationship between uranium and co-leached species such as F- and soluble salts.Measurements of pH, Eh, salinity, Fe(II), Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, total carbonate, phosphate, F-, Cu, Pb, Zn and U in waters from 48 percussion holes in and near the Koongarra ore bodies have been related to mineralogy recorded in drill logs. The composition of waters from 20 holes near and along strike from known mineralization, fitted the mineralized aquifer “signature”, had NMg > 0.8 and uranium up to 4100 μ/l. These data confirm the use in this region of NMg as a hydrogeochemical indicator of uranium mineralization; they also indicate additional zones of possible mineralization.  相似文献   

Mineral exploration of prospective areas concealed by extensive post-mineralization cover is growing, being very complex and expensive. The projection of rich and giant Paleocene to early Oligocene porphyry-Cu-Mo belts in northernmost Chilean Andes (17.5–19.5°S) has major exploration potential, but only a few minor deposits have been reported to date, due to the fact that the area is largely covered by post-mineral strata. We integrate the Cenozoic stratigraphic, structural and metallogenic evolution of this sector, in order to identify the most promising regions related to lesser post-mineral cover and the projection of different metallogenic belts. The Paleocene to early Eocene metallogenic belt extends along the Precordillera, with ca. 30 km wide, and includes porphyry-Cu prospects and small Cu (±Mo-Au-Ag) vein and breccia-pipe deposits. Geochronological data indicate an age of 55.5 Ma for an intrusion related to one deposit and ages from 69.5 to 54.5 Ma for hydrothermal alteration in one porphyry-Cu prospect and largest known Cu deposits. The middle Eocene to early Oligocene porphyry belt, in the Western Cordillera farther east, is associated with 46–44 Ma intrusions. It is estimated to be 40-km wide, but is largely concealed by thick post-mineral cover. The youngest Miocene to early Pliocene metallogenic belt, also in the Western Cordillera, is well-exposed and includes Au-Ag epithermal and polymetallic veins and manto-type deposits.The Oligocene-Holocene cover consists of a succession of continental sedimentary and volcanic rocks that overall increase in thickness from 0 to 5000 m, from west to east. These strata are subhorizontal in the west and folded-faulted towards the east. Miocene gentle anticlines and monocline flexures extend along strike for 30–60 km in the Precordillera and were generated by propagation of high-angle east-dipping blind reverse faults with at least 300–900 m of Oligocene bedrock offset. The thickness of cover exceeds 2000 m in the eastern Central Depression, whereas it is generally less than 1000 m in the Precordillera along the Paleocene to early Eocene porphyry-Cu belt and it can reach locally up to 5000 m in the Western Cordillera, above the middle Eocene to early Oligocene belt.In the studied Andean segment, the Miocene to early Pliocene metallogenic belt is superimposed on the Paleocene to Oligocene belts in a 40–50 km wide zone. This overlap may be explained by an accentuated migration of the magmatic front, from east to west, since ca. 25 Ma, as a consequence of subduction slab steepening after a period of magmatic lull and flat subduction from ca. 30–35 to 25 Ma. The identified areas of lesser cover thickness are prone to exploration for concealed deposits, especially along the projection of major porphyry-Cu-Mo belts.  相似文献   

根据地质勘探资料和煤心煤样的分析结果,对贵州金沙安洛区北段煤中硫的时空分布以及煤中硫与沉积环境的关系进行了研究。结果表明,该区形成于以潮坪为主的过渡相环境,由于沉积过程中受海水影响,煤中硫的质量分数总体偏高;但由于海水对煤层作用的强度不一,使不同煤层或同一煤层不同部位硫的质量分数差异很大,而且煤中硫的质量分数变化与煤层顶底板的古地理环境有关。  相似文献   

Geomorphological and geophysical methods combined with borehole information were employed to search for possible subrecent small-scale vertical movement along the anticlinal fold belt of the central Negev, Israel. Such tectonic deformation might indicate displacement on the buried reverse faults underneath the anticlines. Variations in the thickness of the alluvial fill in the study area, which are in accordance with the fold structures, could be an indication of recent folding activity along the anticlinal system. In order to detect these thickness variations in the alluvial fill, seismic refraction and electrical resistivity measurements were carried out along the valley of Nahal Besor, which crosses the anticlinal belt. The thickness variations of the alluvial fill along the valley were not found to indicate any significant tectonic movement along the anticlines during the Pleistocene. The thickest alluvium was found overlying a karst bedrock, hence karst relief is suggested to be responsible for these variations.  相似文献   

Discovery of the southern North Sea gas fields and, by 1970, several billion-barrel oil fields in the central North Sea encouraged oil companies to explore in the deeper, less hospitable waters of the northern North Sea. There, seismic surveys revealed a pre-Cretaceous unconfmity with 'highs' forming potential oil traps. One of the largest of these buried 'highs' was drilled by ShelllEsso, and oil was found in quantity in Middle Jurassic deltaic sandstones. This led to the discovery of eight major oil fields with reserves in excess of 7500 million barrels. Detailed studies of the sandstone reservoirs of the Brent Delta are enabling petroleum geologists and engineers to maximize recovery from these northern fields.  相似文献   

浅析松辽盆地北部油气成藏规律及资源勘探前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对松辽盆地北部50年来的石油地质勘探理论、勘探技术以及油气资源储量现状的深入分析研究,指出松辽盆地北部日前及以后时期的石油勘探仍以松辽盆地北部中央坳陷为丰,其次为西部斜坡及滨北地区.剩余资源十分丰富,平面上主要分布在中央坳陷,纵向上主要分布在中部含油组合(萨尔图、葡萄花和高台子油层)和下部含油组合(扶杨油层).深层的天然气勘探仍以徐家围子断陷为书要勘探领域,其次为古龙断陷和双城断陷.同时应积极探索浅层气、油页岩等非常规资源的开发,为实现“百年油田”的宏伟目标提供资源保障.  相似文献   

A technique is presented for rapid detection of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) using a high-frequency, high-resolution digital echo sounder linked with global positioning system equipment. The acoustic reflectivity of SAV allows for detection and explicit meaqsurement of canopy geometry using a digital signal processing algorithm described here. Comparing output data from this system with physical measurements shows good detection and measurement performance over a wide range of conditions for freshwater tape grass (Vallisneria americana) and seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, andSyringodium filiforme) in a sandy-bottom, south Florida estuary. The range of environmental conditions for which the system can be used is defined. Based on these measured performance data and a review of existing literature, this system appears to fill a gap in the inventory of established methods for measuring the distribution and abundance of submersed macrophytes.  相似文献   

近10年来,中国北方(天山-兴蒙构造带)以石炭系—二叠系为目的层的油气基础地质调查在地层划分对比、层序地层、沉积充填与沉积体系、构造改造等基础地质领域,以及石炭系—二叠系烃源岩评价等石油地质领域取得了一系列新认识。天山-兴蒙构造带发育石炭纪—二叠纪与中生代2期叠合盆地,其中中生代盆地群是在未变质的石炭系—二叠系之上发育的上叠盆地。盆地内部及周缘地质体均发现了石炭系—二叠系良好烃源岩。准噶尔、三塘湖、吐哈、银额等盆地以石炭系—二叠系为目的层的油气调查与勘探不断取得新的发现与突破,二连、松辽等盆地相继获得了石炭系—二叠系油气赋存信息。中国北方石炭系—二叠系具有良好的油气地质条件与资源前景,有望成为油气勘探的战略接替新领域。  相似文献   

为了落实松辽盆地北部中浅层常规油与致密油的资源潜力,明确勘探方向,在系统总结烃源岩、储层等基本石油地质条件的基础上,分析了常规油与致密油成藏模式及主控因素,采用类比法和成因法计算了常规油与致密油资源量,研究了剩余资源分布特征,指出了下步勘探方向。松辽盆地晚白垩世发育青山口组和嫩江组2套分布广、厚度大、有机质丰度高、有机质类型好的优质烃源岩。中央坳陷区青山口组一段、二段烃源岩处于成熟阶段,生排烃能力强,是常规油和致密油的主力烃源岩。大型湖泊三角洲—河流沉积的各种砂体与烃源岩形成了良好的生储盖配置,构成了盆地的上、中、下3套含油气组合,其中致密油主要分布于中部含油组合的高台子油层和下部含油组合的扶余油层。常规油成藏主要具有下生上储、上生下储及异地生储3种模式,致密油成藏主要有自生自储和上生下储2种模式,有效烃源岩控制了常规油油藏和致密油油藏分布,沉积相带控制了常规油油藏类型,储层物性控制了致密油富集。在烃源岩精细评价的基础上,采用盆地模拟法计算的石油总资源量为102×10~8 t;通过系统解剖6个常规油和3个致密油区带刻度区,采用类比法精细评价的常规油资源量为88.7×10~8 t,致密油资源量为12.7×10~8 t。常规油中的葡萄花油层剩余资源潜力大,是近期勘探的主力层系,古龙、长垣和三肇等地区是主要的勘探有利区;长垣、三肇和齐家—古龙的扶余油层是致密油勘探的有利区。  相似文献   

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