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A video analysis method for monitoring sediment transport and sorting processes in a laboratory flume is presented. Video taken through the glass side‐wall of a laboratory flume is captured using a digital CCD (charge‐coupled device) camera and significant movements between individual frames are detected using image analysis. This method involves direct subtraction of the brightness numbers of pixels in sequential video frames, followed by thresholding to produce binarized images of significant change, above the inherent level of system noise. Experimental results showing dilation of a gravel framework and rapid infiltration of fines just prior to entrainment are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

电磁波层析成像阻尼因子引入与应用   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在电磁波层析成像(EWCT)中采用数据预处理模型,引入新的阻尼因子估计方法.首先对原始数据进行滤波,快速获得初步解,利用该过程的滤波因子来估计阻尼因子加入LSQR算法中.工程应用表明,在成像质量和算法效率上具有一定优点.  相似文献   

Gassmann理论认为岩石的剪切模量在饱和流体前后保持不变,这一认识被广泛应用于高孔高渗常规储层中.然而,致密砂岩等非常规储层通常具有低孔、低渗以及孔隙结构复杂等岩石物理特征,因此Gassmann流体替换理论在此类储层的适用性尚不明确.针对这一问题,本文在1~60 MPa有效压力内分别测量了干燥与饱水致密砂岩样品的超...  相似文献   

Terracettes are repeating step-like microtopographic features roughly following the contours of hillslopes that are often associated with livestock tracks. These common features in many semi-arid rangelands have been shown to alter soil moisture, slope stability, sediment transport, infiltration rates and coincident vegetation patterns. The spatial extent and distribution of terracettes is currently unknown and therefore their landscape-scale hydrological influence is absent in modelling and land management decision making. When viewed in uncalibrated very-high-resolution satellite imagery, terracettes appear as repetitious parallel lines within a specific frequency range. Here we used the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform to identify terracettes at three test sites in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. We created an automated rule-based classification of terracetted sites based on spatial frequency, orientation, slope angle and land-use class. Results show a detection accuracy of 77% based on an optimized spatial frequencies search window between 0.3 and 0.7 m−1. Terracette orientation did not contribute significantly to detection accuracy because orientations varied ±50° from digital elevation model-derived aspects. We found terracettes occurred predominantly on north-facing slopes at our test sites, although this estimate may be exaggerated by the timing of image capture. We feel that the method developed in this paper provides a way forward to map terracettes at large scales and enable new insights into the functions of terracettes in the landscape. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction As the capital of China, Beijing is a major political, economic and cultural center. In 2008, it will host the Olympic Games. Therefore, Beijing is of great importance in our national undertak-ing in guarding against earthquakes and reducing their damages. The Chinese Capital Circle re-gion has always been attached great importance in monitoring earthquakes by the China Earth-quake Administration, and as the kernel of the Capital Circle region, Beijing is the key area for ea…  相似文献   


秦岭—大别造山带西起青藏高原东北缘,东至郯庐断裂带,是华北板块和扬子板块之间的碰撞造山带.本文收集陕、豫、皖、赣、湘、鄂、渝等区域地震台网的160个宽频带地震台站连续两年地震背景噪声数据,用双台站互相关算法获得瑞利面波经验格林函数,提取相速度频散曲线,并根据面波层析成像反演得到秦岭—大别及邻区周期8~35 s范围内相速度分布图像.结果显示,大别地块在14 s相速度分布图中呈现低速异常,与8 s相速度分布图中的高速异常形成鲜明对比,反映大别HP/UHP(high pressure/ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks,高压/超高压变质岩)的影响仅存在于上地壳.25 s相速度图中,大致以太行—武陵重力梯度带为界,东部以高速异常为主,西部以低速异常为主,反映了地壳东薄西厚的结构特征.14~35 s相速度分布图显示郯庐断裂带南段东西两侧的显著差异,佐证了郯庐断裂带发生大规模左行平移运动时,其南段可能切入壳幔边界.同时,郯庐断裂带南段可能存在一个热物质上涌的通道,熔融的热物质通过该通道上升,混入大别地区的中下地壳,造成了红安—大别造山带的差异隆升.南秦岭与四川盆地东北部表现为低速异常,是否与青藏高原物质东流或者南秦岭的拆沉有关,还有待于进一步深入研究.


An accurate prediction of solute infiltration in a soil profile is important in the area of environmental science, groundwater and civil engineering. We examined the infiltration pattern and monitored the infiltration process using a combined method of dye tracer test and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in an undisturbed field soil (1 m × 1 m). A homogeneous matrix flow was observed in the surface soil (A horizon), but a preferential flow along macropores and residual rock structure was the dominant infiltration pattern in the subsurface soil. Saturated interflow along the slopping boundaries of A and C1 horizons and of an upper sandy layer and a lower thin clay layer in the C horizon was also observed. The result of ERT showed that matrix flow started first in A horizon and then the infiltration was followed by the preferential flows along the sloping interfaces and macropores. The ERT did not show as much detail as the dye‐stained image for the preferential flow. However, the area with the higher staining density where preferential flow was dominant showed a relatively lower electrical resistivity. The result of this study indicates that ERT can be applied for the monitoring of solute transportation in the vadose zone. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

岩芯X荧光光谱扫描仪(XRF)可以无需破坏样品,直接通过对剖开岩芯表面扫描获知沉积物的元素化学组成,但目前少有关于XRF连续扫描方法测试结果精度和准确性的研究.本文以高原封闭咸水湖泊兹格塘错湖相沉积岩芯为研究对象,利用XRF方法进行了高分辨率连续扫描,同时在岩芯不同层位选取了60个样品利用ICP-OES方法进行元素测定...  相似文献   

利用高精度的Spot卫星资料,通过详细的地质解译,对研究区域内的河流及其形成的河流阶地进行了系统的对比,通过区域对比,得到了阿尔金活动断裂带在阿克塞附近的最近一段时期以来的可靠的河流阶地的位错,在研究区域内,规模相近的河流形成的同级的河流阶地具有相近的水平位错,T3阶地的水平位错约为380m,T4阶地的水平位错约为1300m,T6阶地的水平位错约为3000m.  相似文献   

Dikes are natural records that can be used to understand the way magma flows in the crust. Coastal platform outcrops in Gosung, South Korea, show clear evidences that their intrusion took place along pre‐existing fractures. We analyzed outcropping dikes, measuring variations in dike thickness as well as fracture density (cumulative number of fractures along strike) and geometry around the dikes. The geometry and thickness variations of dikes intruded along pre‐existing fractures can be interpreted to understand the effect of pre‐existing fractures to evolution on magma flow, especially related with fault damage zones. This helps us to gain a better understanding of magma and fluid flow along pre‐existing fractures. Magma flow is greater along planes that strike perpendicular to the direction of least compressive horizontal stress, and along well connected fractures that show a high degree of connectivity. At the fault tip and linkage damage zone, there is a concentration of extensional fractures; in these areas injected dikelets can form. As faults become linked, the fracture density increases, until they become fully linked and act as one through‐going fault plane. As faults evolve, the boundary conditions of the faults vary and this has an impact on dike characteristics. Fracture geometry around dikes that intruded pre‐existing faults can be used as a record of fault evolution and this can give insights into how the maturity of a fault system can affect to the related magma or fluid flow characteristics.  相似文献   

This work is part of an attempt to quantify the relationship between the permeability tensor (K) and the micro-structure of natural porous media. A brief account is first provided of popular theories used to relate the micro-structure toK. Reasons for the lack of predictive power and restricted generality of current models are discussed. An alternative is an empirically based implicit model whereinK is expressed as a consequence of a few pore-types arising from the dynamics of depositional processes. The analytical form of that implicit model arises from evidence of universal association between pore-type and throat size in sandstones and carbonates. An explicit model, relying on the local change of scale technique is then addressed. That explicit model allows, from knowledge of the three-dimensional micro-geometry to calculateK explicitly without having recourse to any constitutive assumptions. The predictive and general character of the explicit model is underlined. The relevance of the change of scale technique is recalled to be contingent on the availability of rock-like three-dimensional synthetic media. A random stationary ergodic process is developed, that allows us to generate three-dimensional synthetic media from a two-dimensional autocorrelation functionr( x , y ) and associated probability density function measured on a single binary image. The focus of this work is to ensure the rock-like character of those synthetic media. This is done first through a direct approach:n two-dimensional synthetic media, derived from single set ( ,r( x , y )) yieldn permeability tensorsK i-1,n i (calculated by the local change of scale) of the same order. This is a necessary condition to ensure thatr( x , y ) and carry all structural information relevant toK. The limits of this direct approach, in terms of required Central Process Unit time and Memory is underlined, raising the need for an alternative. This is done by comparing the pore-type content of a sandstone sample andn synthetic media derived fromr( x , y ) and measured on that sandstone-sample. Achievement of a good match ensures that the synthetic media comprise the fundamental structural level of all natural sandstones, that is a domainal structure of well-packed clusters of grains bounded by loose-packed pores.  相似文献   

本文收集了郯庐断裂带中南段及邻区省属和市县地震台网共261个宽频带地震台站2015年1月至2016年12月间的垂直向连续波形资料,利用长时间序列背景噪声互相关法提取台站对之间的经验格林函数,采用时频分析法提取瑞利面波混合路径频散曲线.通过质量控制和严格筛选后得到了15627条路径上的群速度频散曲线,重新构建了郯庐断裂带中南段及邻区瑞利波5~50 s、分辨率为0.75°×0.75°的群速度分布图像.分析研究了6个周期的群速度分布图像和3条不同方向的纵向周期剖面,这些图像揭示了郯庐断裂带中南段及邻区地壳上地幔速度结构具有横向分块和纵向成层的非均匀性特征.结果表明,短周期(6 s、10 s)的群速度分布与地表地质和构造特征密切相关.拥有较厚沉积层的苏北盆地、合肥盆地及河淮盆地等显示为低速,而基岩广泛出露的鲁西隆起、大别-苏鲁造山带、扬子克拉通及华南褶皱系则呈现出大面积的高速异常.随着周期的递增(15 s、20 s),群速度分布受地表地质构造的影响逐渐弱化.受地壳厚度和莫霍面附近的速度差异影响,大别和苏鲁地区在较长周期(25 s、30 s)群速度图上表现出相对较低的速度,这可能与这些地方Moho面埋藏较深有关.纵向剖面显示,苏鲁-大别造山带及其高压、超高压变质带不仅在浅地表具有基本相同的地形地貌和构造特征,地壳内也有着极为相似的Rayleigh波群速度分布特征.壳内群速度分布总体上表现为上凸下凹状,形状似一"哑铃".上地壳具有上凸下凹的形态、相比邻区具有较高的群速度值;中地壳低速;下地壳上凸下凹且埋藏较深,反映出具有陆陆碰撞造山的残留山根特征.苏鲁及大别两地自浅地表至上地幔具有相似的Rayleigh波群速度分布不仅为二者被左旋走滑的郯庐带平移错开提供了佐证资料,同时也为郯庐带的形成与演化提供了地震学依据.  相似文献   

中地壳断层带内发现的接近静岩压力的高压流体能够合理解释汶川MS8.0级地震断层的高角度逆冲滑动, 而高压流体的产生与断层带的微裂隙愈合紧密相关.利用熔融盐固体介质三轴高温高压实验系统,我们采用含水和烘干的Carrara大理岩样品开展了微裂隙愈合实验,研究中地壳断层带内高压流体的形成条件.实验分为三类:A类、A+B类和A+B+C类,其中A阶段实验在室温条件下将样品压裂,形成一系列共轭破裂面,B阶段实验在600℃、围压700 MPa和应变速率10-6s-1条件下愈合了A阶段破碎的样品,实验样品从以碎裂变形为主向以韧性变形为主转变,C阶段实验通过快速降低轴压模拟一个扩容过程,再以相同实验条件重新加载样品,通过比较实验样品强度来检验样品的愈合程度.样品显微结构和实验样品强度表明,动态重结晶作用能够愈合微裂隙和孔隙,水能促进矿物的动态重结晶作用,较高的水含量和较大的应变有利于微裂隙和孔隙的愈合,从而有利于高压流体的形成.  相似文献   

根据热红外遥感影像上断层热信息具有特征几何尺寸的特点,以断层系统热信息分析为目标,提出了一种基于尺度分析的断层热信息遥感图像增强方法.在江山—绍兴断裂金衢段的实际工作中,通过断层两侧地表高温区域尺度分析、特征尺度网格抽样和样本插值成图等步骤,有效地降低了背景干扰,客观地描述了研究区与断层相关的热信息的空间分布形态及特征.多种尺度分析结果表明,在9 km2特征尺度上,断层热信息特征规律明显:地表高温区域沿北东走向的江山—绍兴断裂带和常山—漓渚断裂带两侧分布,呈线性特征;在淳安—温州断裂带与衢州—天台断裂带交叉位置地表温度较高.研究结果经实测资料验证,基本特征与实测资料相符.  相似文献   


Hydrological modelling has undergone constant growth with the increase in information processing capabilities. Hydrological models have traditionally been used to study the effects of climate change on management and land-use changes and for water resources planning, among other purposes. The aim of this study was to determine and analyse the advantages of the HBV and HYMOD models, which are commonly used in hydrology on daily and monthly time scales. A regional sensitivity analysis was used to compare the processes that take on greater importance at different time scales in the two models. As a result, it was found that quick precipitation–runoff processes prove to be better represented in the HBV model, while slow, time-aggregated processes are better represented by the HYMOD model. This study confirms that both models are adequate for rain-dominated basins, such as those of the study area. Additionally, the HBV model proved to be more robust in comparison to HYMOD.  相似文献   

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