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李凯 《海洋预报》2011,28(5):82-88
利用第25次南极考察队获取的中山站海洋、气象考察资料,结合中山站过去20年的历史气象资料,统计分析了2009年中山站气温、气压、湿度、风速风向等主要气象要素特征,同时围绕互联网络带来的预报手段的进步、预报能力的提高等阐述了近年来我国在天气预报领域的新进展.  相似文献   

The results of the first studies on the ballast waters of commercial vessels in Novorossiysk and Vladivostok ports are presented. Data on the composition of the flora and fauna, their abundance, viability, and the origin of the species were obtained. In the zooplankton from the ballast waters sampled in the Novorossiysk port, 31 species of holoplankton and 15 species of meroplankton were found. The total number of zooplankton varied from 1.3 to 60 thousand ind./m3. The Mediterranean basin, providing 62% of the ballast waters, represents a vector of the greatest risk. In the port of Vladivostok, in the ballast waters of the vessels of the Russian-Japanese and Russian-Chinese lines, 45 species of microalgae, 24 species of zooplankton, 22 species of meroplankton, and 10 groups of meiofauna were revealed. In addition, 24 species of microscopic filamentous fungi were identified and 28 morphologically distinguishable strains of bacteria were isolated (in total not less than 153 species). The basic “groups of risk” for bioinvasions in the basins of the Black Sea and the seas of the Far East were revealed. The need for control of ships’ ballast waters in Russia, which is presently lacking relevant national methodical guidelines and legislation, is substantiated.  相似文献   

Photochemical production rates and steady-state concentrations of the highly reactive OH radical were determined in Antarctic seawater in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence during the austral spring of 1993 and along the Antarctic Peninsula during the austral summer of 1994. OH radical photoproduction rates were 30±2 nM/day and 46±2 nM/day in surface open oceanic and coastal waters, respectively. Corresponding steady-state concentrations were 2.6×10−19 and 4.3×10−19 M which are similar to those found in tropical latitudes. In-situ irradiation experiments (drifter deployments) at different depths in the upper water column indicated that multiple sources for the OH radical existed at three Antarctic stations. Ultrafiltration studies and model calculations based on wavelength-dependent OH radical quantum yields indicated that the main sources were photochemical reactions of low molecular weight dissolved organic matter (DOM), nitrate, and nitrite. Production of the OH radical from nitrate photolysis was almost exclusively UV-B dependent, while OH radical production from nitrite photolysis was mainly UV-A dependent. OH production from DOM photolysis was both UV-A and UV-B dependent. In the upper few meters at open oceanic sites, nitrate and DOM were the dominant OH radical sources, while deeper in the water column DOM and nitrite were important because of the greater importance of UV-A with depth. During non-ozone hole conditions, nitrate contributed about 33%, while DOM plus nitrite contributed about 67% of the predicted OH radical production in open oceanic surface waters. During an ozone hole (151 Dobson units), the corresponding percentages changed to about 40 and 60% for nitrate and DOM due to the higher UV-B irradiance. Model calculations predict that during an ozone hole (151 Dobson units), OH radical production in surface waters will be enhanced by at least 20%, mostly from nitrate photolysis and to a lesser extent from DOM photochemical reactions. This study indicates that ozone hole events significantly increase OH radical production, as well as the photolysis of DOM, in Antarctic waters, and that rates can be as high or higher than those at lower latitudes, especially if differences in temperature and solar irradiance are taken into account.  相似文献   

Global Mapper是一个地理信息管理与应用软件,结合其在第28次南极考察中的应用,介绍了软件的基本功能。软件提供的链接可以让用户方便地下载诸如全球地貌网格数据之类的科学数据。软件支持数据格式繁多,并可以对这些文件进行大地坐标投影转换并输出,可以进行点、线、面和等值线图的绘制并兼有简单的空间分析功能。此外,软件还可以连接GPS用以辅助导航定位,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

从俄罗斯联邦海洋主张(2004)提出的任务、南极地区国际法律地位及所做工作的成果和经验出发,国家资源与自然保护的主管部门——俄罗斯自然资源部在南极方面的战略可以表述如下:“研究南极地质构造的基本规律、  相似文献   

杭州湾口南汇咀近岸水域水沙特征与通量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈沈良 《海洋科学》2004,28(3):18-22
南汇咀近岸水域是长江口与杭州湾交汇以及近岸水沙交换的重要地带。根据杭州湾口北部南汇咀-崎岖列岛断面上6个测站1999年1~2月大、中、小潮海流与悬沙含量的现场同步观测资料,阐述了该断面上潮流和悬沙浓度的分布变化特征,并通过断面进出潮通量和悬沙通量的计算,得出该断面以出水出沙为主要特征,与余流方向一致。分析表明,长江口与杭州湾的水沙交换是复杂的,而间接交换是其主要的方式。  相似文献   

Measurements of bromoform (CHBr3), diiodomethane (CH2I2), chloroiodomethane (CH2ICl) and bromoiodomethane (CH2IBr) were made in the water column (5–100 m depth) of the Southern Ocean within 0–40 km of the Antarctic sea ice during the ANTXX1/2 transect of the German R/V Polarstern, at five locations between 70–72°S and 9–11°W in the Antarctic spring/summer of 2003–2004. Some of the profiles exhibited a very pronounced layer of surface sea-ice meltwater, as evidenced by salinity minima and temperature maxima, along with surface maxima in concentrations of CHBr3, CH2I2, CH2ICl and CH2IBr. These results are consistent with in situ surface halocarbon production by ice algae liberated from the sea ice, although production within the sea ice followed by transport cannot be entirely ruled out. Additional sub-surface maxima in halocarbons occurred between 20 and 80 m. At a station further from shore and not affected by surface sea-ice meltwater, surface concentrations of CH2I2 were decreased whereas CH2ICl concentrations were increased compared to the stations influenced by meltwater, consistent with photochemical conversion of CH2I2 to CH2ICl, perhaps during upward mixing from a layer at  70 m enhanced in iodocarbons. Mean surface (5–10 m) water concentrations of halocarbons in these coastal Antarctic waters were 57 pmol l− 1 CHBr3 (range 44–78 pmol l− 1), 4.2 pmol l− 1 CH2I2 (range 1.7–8.2 pmol l− 1), 0.8 pmol l− 1 CH2IBr (range 0.2–1.4 pmol l− 1), and 0.7 pmol l− 1 CH2ICl (range 0.2–2.4 pmol l− 1). Concurrent measurements in air suggested a sea-air flux of bromoform near the Antarctic coast of between 1 and 100 (mean 32.3, median 10.4) nmol m− 2 day− 1 and saturation anomalies of 557–1082% (mean 783%, median 733%), similar in magnitude to global shelf values. In surface samples affected by meltwater, CH2I2 fluxes ranged from 0.02 to 6.1 nmol m− 2 day− 1, with mean and median values of 1.9 and 1.1 nmol m− 2 day− 1, respectively.  相似文献   

This report presents a new analysis of the results of two hydrochemical surveys over the Ob Bay in 2010 performed by the Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) and the Institute of Oceanology (IO RAS). The unique world feature of the Ob River-Ob Bay system is shown. The water volume in the bay exceeds the average annual runoff of the Ob River, being somewhat under the total runoff of all the inflowing rivers. Because of this, the complete renovation of the waters in the bay requires a long time. The within-year distribution of the runoff is characterized by both the flood waters and those of the Ob River winter runoff characterized by much different hydrochemical parameters registered even in the course of summer surveys in the bay. This fact, but not the biological transformation of the waters, as assumed previously, is the primary cause of the variability of the water composition in the bay. The summer waters of the Ob River reach the sea-ward boundary of the bay only in the next spring, enter the Kara Sea with the spring flood, and form lenses of desalinated waters in the sea. The autumn expeditions by the IO RAS found that the waters in the lenses were quite similar to the autumn waters in the bay, although these were the Ob River waters of different years, which was disregarded formerly.  相似文献   

The kinetic approach ofWright andHobbie (1966) was used to determine the heterotrophic potential of Antarctic waters. Variations with depth and geographical location are discussed. Temperature studies indicate the psychrophilic nature of the microbial population. In samples having environmental temperatures of approximately –1C, significant activities were recorded at the lowest incubation temperatures tested (–3C). Activities increased with increasing incubation temperatures up to +3C but were somewhat depressed at +10C and above. By testing a wide range of substrates, qualitative differences were noted in the microbial populations of different areas.Highest rates of uptake were found in the euphotic zone whereas Vmax values of samples from depths of 500 m and below were in most cases unmeasurable.Published as Technical Paper No. 4259, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

We describe the hydrological structure of waters of the Persian Gulf and its seasonal variability according to the data of CTD surveys carried out in February–June 1992 in the course of the cruises of the NOAA R/VMt. Mitchell aimed at the analysis of the consequences of the ecological catastrophe caused by the spread of oil spots formed as a result of war operations in the Persian Gulf in 1991. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

According to the results of the international expedition aboard the R/Vs Roger Revelle and Professor Khromov in the summer 1999, areas with low oxygen contents (below 210 μM/kg) and those with increased contents of dissolved inorganic carbon and phosphates were found that roughly coincided with one another. These areas are located near the bottom on the southwestern slope of the Tsushima Basin in the region of the Korea Strait and on the continental slope in the region of the Tatar Strait in the northern part of the sea at about 46° N. The set of hydrochemical data points to a high geochemical activity in the near-bottom layer of the areas noted. This activity is confirmed by direct observations of the composition of the interstitial water in the sediments collected in the northern part of the sea during the expedition of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent’ev in 2003. It was supposed that the main cause of the increased geochemical activity is the runoff of suspended and dissolved matter from the Korea and Tatar straits. In the areas mentioned, the near-bottom waters are characterized by low values of the nitrogen-phosphorus ratio (below 10), which is geochemical proof of the denitrification process occurring under the conditions of high oxygen concentrations characteristic of the Sea of Japan. Based on the value of the annual production in the Sea of Japan, a rate of denitrification equal to 3.4 × 1012 gN/year was calculated. Hence, it is confirmed that the geochemical processes in the near-bottom layer have a direct influence on the spatiotemporal characteristics of the hydrochemical properties of the waters of the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

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