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In this paper we adopt annual land use conditions change data, land sifting data, social, economic and population data and environment information of nine districts and four counties in Xi'an city from 1980 to 2000 to analyze its structural and degree change of land use since the 1980s, and calculate the benefits and transformation of land use type. The results show that the non-agricultural land increased rapidly, especially the urban and rural residential spots and industrial and mining (RIM) land use increased mostly rapidly, an increase of 64%. Meanwhile, the intensity of land exploitation was accelerating, land was transformed to industries with better benefit and areas experiencing faster urbanization process. By analyzing the harmonious degree of land exploitation in economic and environmental aspects, we find out that the land use imbalance mainly existed in the municipal area of Xi'an, and the imbalance index of land use based on GDP and non-agricultural population were respectively 12.37 and 14.67 in 2000, which were far higher than those in other regions. Nevertheless the environmental harmonious degree in the municipal area of Xi'an ranges between 0.6 and 0.8, which was better than that of suburban area. Some proposals addressing to the problems of harmonious level in all scales, resources utilization, projects management and feasibility analysis and intensive urbanization are also put forward.  相似文献   

西安市城市化与都市农业发展耦合关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐爱荣  周忠学  刘欢 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2133-2142
城市化以其强烈的市场效应与辐射功能带动了都市农业的发展,但同时又对都市农业的水土资源、生态环境造成负面影响;都市农业又通过其生产、社会及生态功能推动城市化发展。揭示两者之间的作用规律,对解决城市经济、社会和生态问题,快速推动都市农业发展,协调城乡关系具有重要意义。本文在构建城市化水平与都市农业发展水平测度指标体系的基础上,通过主成分分析法和相关分析法,探讨了城市化与都市农业发展之间的相互作用机制,并定量分析了两者之间的耦合关系。结果表明:① 近10 年,西安市城市化水平与都市农业发展水平都呈上升的趋势,且二者表现出显著的同步性;② 西安城市化水平和都市农业发展水平呈显著的正相关,相关系数达0.955;③ 西安城市现代化水平因子、城市生活质量水平因子和人口与经济结构因子是推动城市化的3 个主要因子,其中城市现代化水平因子是推动西安都市农业发展的主导因子。  相似文献   

区域土地利用与生态环境耦合关系的系统分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
区域土地利用与生态环境之间存在复杂的、非线性、动态耦合关系,这种耦合关系可以看作是二者以土地自然生态系统为公共界面耦合而成的具有鲜明耗散结构特征的复合系统,其内部存在明显的熵值平衡机制,演化轨迹也呈V型。在对二者耦合关系实质进行系统把握的基础上,归纳了二者关系存在四大基本特征,并运用灰色关联分析与系统动力学两种方法为二者关系的研究设计了两种思路,最后就区域土地利用与生态环境耦合关系的调控方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

对绿洲城市土地利用效益进行评价和研究有助于衡量绿洲城市土地利用水平,实现绿洲城市土地的高效协调利用.选取典型干旱区绿洲城市乌鲁木齐,利用多时相TM影像数据,对乌鲁木齐1990-2005年土地利用的基本特征进行分析,在此基础上采用综合指标评价法、灰色关联度和相关数学方法从土地利用的经济、社会和生态效益三方面对1990-2...  相似文献   

21世纪初期南京城市用地类型与用地强度演变关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
乔伟峰  刘彦随  王亚华  方斌  赵酉辰 《地理学报》2015,70(11):1800-1810
城市三维空间扩展已成为21世纪初期中国城市空间扩展的重要特征。利用南京市2000年和2012年两期三维城市数字重建成果,将地类变化转移矩阵的应用方法进行拓展,研究城市建成区用地类型变化引致的用地强度的演变。主要结论为:① 21世纪以来南京建成区处于高速扩张之中,12年间工业用地增长幅度最大,其增加的来源主要是农用地,其次为住宅用地,农用地和水域面积减少较为明显;② 在城市内部5种主要地类的转化过程中,除住宅用地转为其他建设用地的类型容积率有所降低外,其余转换类型容积率均有明显增长,城市内部用地类型未发生变化的地块,容积率也处在不断的提高中;③ 在城市扩展区各地类的容积率保持在较好的水平,新增住宅、教育和其他建设用地的容积率超过了老城区相应地类的容积率,新建工业用地容积率与老工业用地容积率持平,新建商业用地容积率是老商业用地容积率的65.67%。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between different street centralities and land-use types in Stockholm. Major centrality measures of closeness, betweenness, and straightness are calculated at both global and local levels in both the primary and dual representations of the urban street network. Adaptive kernel density estimation is adopted to transform all unevenly distributed datasets to one continuous raster framework for further analysis. After computing statistical and spatial distribution of each centrality and land-use density map, we find that the density of each street centrality is highly correlated with one type of land use. Results imply that various centralities representing street properties from different aspects can capture the land development patterns of different land-use types by reflecting human activities, and are consequently important indicators to describe urban structure.  相似文献   

珠三角地区地表温度与土地利用类型关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
牟雪洁  赵昕奕 《地理研究》2012,31(9):1589-1597
随着城市化进程的加快,城市气候与环境问题日益显现,尤以城市热岛效应最为突出。通过监督分类方法对TM遥感影像进行了土地利用分类,并运用TM热红外波段线性拟合模型进行近地表气温反演,分析城市热岛的空间分布及地域性差异,以及与土地利用类型的关系。结果表明:珠三角地区近地表气温与土地利用类型紧密相关,城市建设区形成高温中心,是热岛的主要贡献因子,植被和水体则有明显的冷岛效应;研究区热岛具有区域性集中与分散分布的特点,且以区域性热岛为中心向周边扩展;分析热岛强度剖面线发现,由于地形、植被覆盖度等因素影响,研究区热岛强度的南北差异较大,而东西差异较小;热岛分布与土地利用类型分布格局较为一致,但也有分布不一致性的区域,表现为城市热岛向非城市建设用地扩展。  相似文献   

Based on GIS and statistical methods, with the help of searching historical literatures and calculating the landscape indices, the land use changes of Qian'an County in both spatial and temporal aspects from 1945 to 1996 has been analyzed in this paper. And the driving forces of land use changes and their ecological effects are discussed too. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Land use changed greatly in Qian'an during 1945-1996, characterized by a decrease in grassland, wetland and water bodies, and an increase in cultivated land, saline-alkali land, and the land for housing and other construction purposes. Grassland decreased by 175,828.66 ha, and cultivated land increased by 102,137.23 ha over the half century. Accordingly, the main landscape type changed from a steppe landscape to a managed agricultural ecosystem. (2) Results of correlation analysis show that the land use change in the study area was mainly driven by the socioeconomic factors. (3) The ecological effects of land use change in the area are characterized by serious salinization, degression of soil fertility and the weakening of landscape suitability.  相似文献   

土地资源短缺是河谷型城市发展中极为突出的瓶颈问题,如何提高河谷城市土地利用效益以适应快速城市化过程是目前亟待解决的问题。本文以中国西部7个典型的河谷型城市为例,定量测度了其土地利用效益与城市化水平耦合协调关系,以期为城市土地利用效益与城市化协调发展提供参考。研究表明:截止到2012年,7个城市土地利用效益和城市化水平评价指数均有大幅上升,二者耦合协调等级均进入协调发展阶段。土地利用效益与城市化水平两个子系统之间相互关联,土地利用效益中经济效益和生态效益对城市化水平影响最为明显,人口城市化和社会城市化准则层各因子对土地利用效益影响较大。随着经济发展水平差距的缩小,各城市间协调性差距也逐渐缩小。区域发展的非均衡性导致西部河谷型城市与平原城市的土地利用效益、城市化水平以及二者的耦合协调关系的评价指数的增长速率并无明显差别。  相似文献   

刘新平  孟梅 《干旱区地理》2011,34(1):173-178
土地利用与生态环境之间存在着一种相互制约的关系,土地利用必然引起生态环境的变化,生态环境的变化又反馈于土地利用,二者互为因果、相互影响.研究结果表明:塔里木河流域土地开发利用强度不断加大,生态环境状况波动下降,土地利用与生态环境的耦合关系减弱,协调发展面临巨大压力,土地利用与生态环境关系演化正朝着风险性与不确定逐渐增大...  相似文献   

Zhu  Wenchao  Jiang  Zhimeng  Cen  Luyu  Wu  Hao 《地理学报(英文版)》2023,33(2):266-288
Journal of Geographical Sciences - High-intensity land use and resource overloaded-induced regional land use spatial pattern (LUSP) are essential and challenging for high-quality development. The...  相似文献   

东莞地区土地利用变化预测的CBR和CA方法对比研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many studies on land use change(LUC),using different approaches and models,have yielded good results.Applications of these methods have revealed both advantages and limitations.However,LUC is a complex problem due to influences of many factors,and variations in policy and natural conditions.Hence,the characteristics and regional suitability of different methods require further research,and comparison of typical approaches is re-quired.Since the late 1980s,CA has been used to simulate urban growth,urban sprawl and land use evolution successfully.Nowadays it is very popular in resolving the LUC estimating problem.Case-based reasoning(CBR),as an artificial intelligence technology,has also been employed to study LUC by some researchers since the 2000s.More and more researchers used the CBR method in the study of LUC.The CA approach is a mathematical system con-structed from many typical simple components,which together are capable of simulating complex behavior,while CBR is a problem-oriented analysis method to solve geographic problems,particularly when the driving mechanisms of geographic processes are not yet understood fully.These two methods were completely different in the LUC research.Thus,in this paper,based on the enhanced CBR model,which is proposed in our previous research(Du et al.2009),a comparison between the CBR and CA approaches to assessing LUC is presented.LUC in Dongguan coastal region,China is investigated.Applications of the im-proved CBR and the cellular automata(CA) to the study area,produce results demonstrating a similarity estimation accuracy of 89% from the improved CBR,and 70.7% accuracy from the CA.From the results,we can see that the accuracies of the CA and CBR approaches are both >70%.Although CA method has the distinct advantage in predicting the urban type,CBR method has the obvious tendency in predicting non-urban type.Considering the entire ana-lytical process,the preprocessing workload in CBR is less than that of the CA approach.As such,it could be concluded that the CBR approach is more flexible and practically useful than the CA approach for estimating land use change.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲型城市土地持续利用评价:以奎屯市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿洲是干旱区城市发展的主要空间。干旱区绿洲城市土地的高效集约化利用不仅是城市可持续发展,同时是实现绿洲可持续发展的客观需要。从城市用地经济效益水平、城市用地规模合理性、城市内部用地合理性、城市土地生态系统以及城市对绿洲生态环境的影响五个方面,选择26个因素作为参评因子,利用层次分析法、模糊隶属函数及线性加权函数建立干旱区绿洲型城市土地利用评价指标体系数学模型。以奎屯市为例,对评价指标体系数学模型进行实证研究,并针对评价结果,提出可持续利用具体对策,为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of agricultural land use change in Bangladesh over a 59‐year period (1948–2006) and examines how these have impacted crop diversity, productivity, food availability and the environment. The key findings of the analysis are: first, land use intensity has increased significantly over this period, mainly from the widespread adoption of a rice‐based Green Revolution technology package beginning in the early 1960s; second, contrary to expectation, crop diversity too has increased; third, although land productivity has increased significantly, declines in the productivity of fertilizers and pesticides raise doubts over sustaining agricultural growth; fourth, food availability has improved, with a reversal in the dietary energy imbalance in recent years despite a high population growth rate; and finally, the production environment has suffered with widespread soil nutrient depletion experienced in many agroecological regions. The policy implication points towards crop diversification as a desired strategy for agricultural growth to improve resource economy, productivity and efficiency in farming in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

为探究山地丘陵地区不同地形因子对土地利用空间格局的影响,以河北省怀来县为例,研究了各土地利用类型在不同地形上的分布特征。同时,定性和定量分析了土地利用景观格局与地形环境的相关性。研究表明:土地利用景观格局分布存在明显的地形梯度特征,较高地形级别主要分布着林地和草地,其分布指数在较高地形级别占据优势位;而受人类活动干扰影响较大的城乡建设用地、采矿用地、耕地、园地和水域的优势位分布在较低地形级别上。移动窗口法得到的景观格局指数的分布定性显示出土地利用景观格局随地形变化的梯度特征,典范对应分析结果定量显示出典范对应分析排序的前4个轴的累计土地利用景观指数—地形解释变量为96.98%,地形因子第1排序轴与土地利用变化景观格局指数特征第一排序轴的相关系数达到0.671,其土地利用景观格局指数与地形因子存在显著的相关性。由此可见,高程、坡度和地形起伏度这三类地形因子对山地丘陵区的土地利用类型的结构和空间分布起着重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

土地整治与乡村振兴——土地利用多功能性视角   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
长期以来乡村土地利用功能的供需不平衡是造成乡村问题的主要原因之一。论文基于土地利用多功能性视角,以“供给—需求”“要素—结构—功能”为主线,阐释了农村土地整治与乡村振兴的互馈关系,探讨了如何通过农村土地整治实现乡村土地利用功能的供需平衡,进而促进乡村振兴。研究结果如下:① 综合土地整治是一种多功能的土地利用方式,是当前解决乡村问题、促进乡村振兴的重要手段,其本质是从以经济效益为主的生产主义向兼顾社会、经济、环境等的非生产主义的转变。② 乡村土地利用具有生产、生活、生态、文化等4种主要功能,满足乡村振兴在经济、社会、环境、文化等方面的需求,其中生产功能分为农业、商业、工业生产功能,生活功能分为居住、就业和公共服务功能。③ 农村土地整治沿整合土地利用要素、重组土地利用结构、优化土地利用功能的路径,从供给侧因地制宜地平衡乡村发展对土地利用多功能的需求。④ 今后,农村土地整治与乡村振兴的研究应该考虑不同空间尺度下土地整治对于乡村振兴的作用机制与模式,定量分析土地整治影响下土地利用的多功能供给以及不同类型乡村发展对土地利用功能的需求,从而为土地利用和乡村振兴规划的制定和实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover change (LULCC) strongly influence regional and global climate by combining both biochemical and biophysical processes. However, the biophysical process was often ignored, which may offset the biogeochemical effects, so measures to address climate change could not reach the target. Thus, the biophysical influence of LULCC is critical for understanding observed climate changes in the past and potential scenarios in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the mechanisms and effects of large-scale LULCC on climate change through changing the underlying surface, and thus the energy balance. The key scientific issues on understanding the impacts of human activities on global climate that must be addressed including: (1) what are the basic scientific facts of spatial and temporal variations of LULCC in China and comparative countries? (2) How to understand the coupling driving mechanisms of human activities and climate change on the LULCC and then to forecasting the future scenarios? (3) What are the scientific mechanisms of LULCC impacts on biophysical processes of land surface, and then the climate? (4) How to estimate the contributions of LULCC to climate change by affecting biophysical processes of land surface? By international comparison, the impacts of LULCC on climate change at the local, regional and global scales were revealed and evaluated. It can provide theoretical basis for the global change, and have great significance to mitigate and adapt to global climate changes.  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价指标与案例   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
土地利用规划环境影响评价,是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境与生态的可能影响作出的预测性评估。本文从生态保护、土地退化防治、耕地资源保障、建设用地增长的适度性与后效、耕地占补平衡的生态风险等5个方面,设计了11个指标用于预测和评估土地利用规划对环境、生态和土地资源的可能影响程度,并以《1997~2010年全国土地利用总体规划纲要》为案例进行了实际应用。结果表明,所提出的指标能较好的预估土地利用规划方案的实施对环境、生态和土地资源的潜在影响,为规避土地利用调整可能出现的不良环境与生态影响,提供有益的决策支持。  相似文献   

区域土地利用转型诊断与调控的分析路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李灿 《地理研究》2021,40(5):1464-1477
土地利用转型正表现为城乡地域系统演变的重要特征,土地利用转型分析的意义在于发现土地利用形态转变指示的土地利用问题。本文尝试解析了区域人地耦合关系下的土地利用形态转型逻辑,系统阐释了区域土地利用转型的诊断分析路径,重点探讨了乡村土地利用转型问题诊断与调控途径。研究指出:① 区域土地利用转型侧重考察土地变化趋势性转折对应的土地利用方式的转变要求,阐释转型分析所指示的土地利用问题及其表现特征,以此找寻转型调控的应对策略。② 应依据尺度和梯度分异方式揭示区域土地利用转型特征,理解不同尺度上转型调控的融合过程,研判区域土地利用转型调控措施。③ 土地服务供给变化是引发乡村土地利用显性形态和隐性形态转型发生错位的关键原因,土地利用显性形态与隐性形态之间的互适关系,则反映了土地利用形态空间关系构成的问题特征。④ 基于乡村地域尺度和梯度分异原则、基于城乡融合发展背景、重构农村土地权利体系和开展国土空间规划是探索乡村土地利用转型调控的四个重要分析路径。⑤ 不同尺度区域土地利用转型认知与转型调控对策的融合仍需要进一步拓展,而激活乡村土地资源要素是调控乡村土地利用转型的关键途径。  相似文献   

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