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滇西北伸展构造区的构造特点及其动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了滇西北伸展构造区活动构造、地震活动和新构造环境的特点。该区构造与地震的活动强度为南、北部强,中间弱;第四纪最大沉降中心、湖积台地及第四纪褶皱分布呈对角对称。滇西北地区的伸展构造是在近南北向挤压力和南西—北东向剪切力的共同作用下形成的,其合力方向为北北东,与用水压致裂法和物理模拟获得的结果相符。该区在形成机制上属于一种特殊的拉分构造。  相似文献   

云南丽江地区断裂构造岩岩组动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丽江地区构造岩岩组动力学研究表明,研究区内中更新世末构造主压应力保持在北西至北西西方向变化;晚更新世中期之后构造主压应力方向则以北北东至北东方向为主变化,并有逐渐向近南北向转化的特点。因此玉龙雪山东麓断裂在中更新世末曾有过左旋压扭活动为主的历史,兼有左旋、右旋的活动过程,1996年2月3日丽江M7.0地震的破裂过程继承了晚更新世后期断裂的活动特点。  相似文献   

This paper selects the records of 7,412 earthquakes,each recorded by more than 10 stations in Yunnan between 2009 and 2014 to acquire the traveltime curves.Meanwhile,for improving precision,linear analysis,reduced traveltime curve and interval stability analysis are conducted focusing on the records of 83 earthquakes with M_L≥3.0 recorded each by≥80%of the stations,and by combining predecessors'research results,the initial crustal velocity model of the study area is obtained.By selecting 200 earthquakes with M≥3.0 occurring in Yunnan between 2010 and 2014,using the Hyposat batch location processing method to iterate the initial velocity model,and performing fitting to S waves layered velocity structure,we obtain the crustal velocity model for the Yunnan region,namely,the 2015 Yunnan model,with:v_(P1)=6.01km/s,v_(P2)=6.60km/s,v_(Pn)=7.89km/s,H_1=20km,H_2=21km,v_(S1)=3.52km/s,v_(S2)=3.86km/s,v_(Sn)=4.43km/s.Analysis on earthquake relocations based on the new model shows that most earthquakes occurring in Yunnan are at a depth of 10km-20km of the upper crust.The March 10,2011 M_S5.8Yingjiang and August 3,2014 M_S6.5 Ludian earthquakes are relocated,and the focal depths determined with the new model are respectively close to the precise positioning result and hypocentral distance to the strong motion stations at the epicenters,indicating that the new one-dimensional velocity model can better reflect the average velocity structure of the study area.  相似文献   

选取2009~2014年发生在云南地区、每个地震均在10个以上台站有记录的7412个地震数据,作走时曲线。同时为提高精度,重点对其中每个地震均在80%以上台站有记录的、ML≥3.0的83个地震数据,再作线性分析、折合走时曲线和区间稳定性分析,结合前人研究成果得到了研究区的初始地壳速度模型。选取2010~2014年云南省内M≥3.0的200次地震,采用Hyposat批处理方法迭代初始速度模型,以及对S波作分层速度拟合,得到云南地区的地壳速度模型,即2015云南模型:v_(P1)=6.01km/s,v_(P2)=6.60km/s,v_(Pn)=7.89km/s,H_1=20km,H_2=21km,v_(S1)=3.52km/s,v_(S2)=3.86km/s,v_(sn)=4.43km/s。基于新模型的地震重定位分析表明,云南地区地震事件大多发生于20km内的上地壳;对2011年3月10日盈江M5.8和2014年8月3日鲁甸M6.5典型地震进行重定位,得出震源深度分别与精定位结果和震中强震台震源距接近,表明新的一维速度模型能更好地反映研究区平均速度结构。  相似文献   

昆明地区现代构造应力场分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用1965~2002年强震震源机制资料,对昆明及附近地区现代构造应力场空间分布、地震震源破裂特征进行了分析,认为昆明地区区域现代构造应力场以水平作用为主,主压应力优势方位为SSE-SE,主张应力优势方位为NE—NEE。  相似文献   

藏、青、川、滇交界地区地震活动性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1955年以来藏、青、川、滇交界地区5级以上地震活动处于平静~活跃的韵律状态,本文详细讨论了这期间出现的10次完整的平静~活跃过程,讨论了过程中所表现出的若干现象,及其与青藏块体大范围地震活动存在的呼应关系。  相似文献   

天山的晚新生代构造变形及其地球动力学问题   总被引:73,自引:6,他引:73  
张培震  冯先岳 《中国地震》1996,12(2):127-140
天山是大陆内部典型的新生代复活造山带,其新生代构造变形的方式,变形量,速度及过程等对于认识大陆内部造山带的变形机理有着重要的意义。本文在对南北天山主要活动构造地质填图和综合研究的基础上,重点探讨了天山的晚新生代构造变形特征及其动力学问题。早更新世以来,特别是早,中更新世之间,天山的构造活动由内部向南北两侧扩展,使得两侧的新生代凹陷逐渐褶皱成山,形成数排新生代褶皱带,整个天山的现代构造活动是一种扇形  相似文献   

The active and quiet phenomenon of moderate strong earthquakes one year before the earthquakes with M S≥7.0, the spatial distribution characteristics of the solid tide modulating and triggering earthquakes and the strong earthquake mechanisms on the Chinese continent have been studied. The secondary arcuate tectonic zone composed of the west Kunlun-Anyêmaqên faults is believed to be a very important boundary to characterize strong earthquake activity of M S≥7.0 on the Chinese continent, that is, a boundary between the seismically active region and the quiet region of moderately strong earthquakes one year before earthquakes with M S≥7.0, and a boundary of the spatial distributions between the solid tide modulating strong earthquakes (M S≥7.0) and the non-modulating ones. It might be related with the characteristics of spatial distribution of focal mechanism solutions of strong earthquakes on the Chinese Continent.  相似文献   

In this paper, using focal mechanism solutions of moderate-strong earthquakes in Yunnan and its adjacent areas, and based on the statistical analysis of the parameters of focal mechanism solutions, we discussed in detail the earthquake fault types and the characteristics of the modern tectonic stress field in the Yunnan region. The results show that most moderate-strong earthquakes occurring in the Yunnan region are of the strike-slip type, amounting to 80% of the total. Normal faulting and normal with strike-slip and reverse and reverse with strike-slip earthquakes is almost equivalent in proportion, about 8% each. The tectonic stress field of the Yunnan region is near-horizontal, and the dips of earthquake fault planes are large. There are three main dynamic sources acting on the Yunnan region: one is the NE, NNE and NNW-directed acting force from Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam; the second is the SE-SSE directed force from the Sichuan and Sichuan-Yunnan rhombus block and the third is the NW-NNW directed force from the South China block. These three acting forces have controlled the faulting behavior of the main faults and the characteristics of strong earthquake activity of Yunnan and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

中国大陆活动地块边界带与强震活动   总被引:59,自引:9,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
本文在前人对中国大陆及周边活动地块研究和划分的基础上,系统研究了6个Ⅰ级活动地块区和22个Ⅱ级活动地块之间共26个活动边界带的构造变形与强震活动,包括强震分布与活动边界带的关系,边界带构造活动速率与地震活动水平及强震复发期等的关系. 给出了边界带强震活动水平与构造活动速率之间的线性关系和强震复发期长短与构造活动速率的反向变化关系. 从而进一步揭示了中国大陆活动地块构造及其块体运动特征,以及块体边界带的构造变形对强震的控制作用.  相似文献   

Based on the studies of earthquake activity, tectonic movement, crustal shortening rate, fault activity, local stress field and historical characteristics of strong earthquake activities in Xinjiang, we divide the south part of Xinjiang into 4 seismotectonic zones, namely, the eastern segment of south Tianshan seismic belt, the Kalpin block, the Kashi-Wuqia junction zone, and the west Kunlun Mountains seismic belt. Using earthquake catalogues from Xinjiang since 1900, and on the basis of integrity analysis of earthquake records in different magnitude ranges, the seismicity state of different seismotectonic zones is analyzed quantificationally by calculating the mean value of annual strain energy release, annual rate of earthquakes with different lower limits of magnitude, b-value, and the parameter m of accelerating strain release model. The characteristic indexes of seismicity state for each of the seismic tectonic zones are then determined, which provide a quantitative basis for earthquake tendency analysis and judgment.  相似文献   

安宁河、 则木河构造区近期强震危险性的概率估计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震发生后, 作为历史强震多发地段南北地震带中南段的安宁河、 则木河构造区强地震危险性受到广泛关注。 本文在分析安宁河、 则木河构造区强震活动特点的基础上, 利用地震危险性韦布尔概率估计方法, 对该区未来10年内发生6.5级以上强震的累计概率和条件概率进行了计算, 并结合前人针对汶川地震破裂对周边断层产生的库仑应力变化及潜在震源区判定等研究结果, 对该区强地震危险性进行了综合判断。 结果表明, 汶川8.0级地震发生后, 安宁河、 则木河构造区5级以上中强地震似有逐步活跃的趋势; 根据韦布尔概率模型计算得出的该区2021年前发生6.5级以上强地震的概率高达0.93, 条件概率为0.32。 因此, 该构造区, 尤其是区内的冕宁—西昌一带未来10年发生强地震的可能性相对较高。  相似文献   

中国台湾地区和大陆西北地区都是破坏性地震活动发生较为频繁的地区.应用数理统计的方法对这两个地区100年来破坏性地震活动的对应关系进行探讨,当台湾地区发生6级以上地震活动后两年内,大陆西北也发生6级以上地震的概率为95.08%;两地7级以上地震活动时间间隔的置信度为90%的区间估计都为2~4年;通过对两地7级以上地震活动时间间隔的相关性分析,可以看出无显著性差异.  相似文献   

通过对沈阳市深、浅部构造资料的分析发现,地表NE向断裂十分发育,它们控制了断隆与断凹的形成与发展.在地下7km以上为基岩隆起和凹陷区,与地表构造一致,深部18~20km以上有12条面状铲形正断层,在下地壳有2条深断裂发育.与地表王钢堡-新城子断裂、永乐-清水台断裂相对应的深部F3断裂和F6断裂由于其切割深、活动新,可能是关涉沈阳市地震活动的构造.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe active blocks refer tothe geologic units that formedinlate Cenozoic (100 ~120 ka BP) andhave been highly active as fault zones since late Quaternary with relatively uniform motion styles(Zhang Guomin,et al .,2000 ;Zhang Peizhen,et al .,2003) .The active blocks are relativelyintactand have uniformmotion modalities ,their boundary zones (also called the active boundaries) are thelocalized or centralized zones of interactions and differential movement among the active block…  相似文献   

Through detailed field mapping, the tectonic deformation in the front area of the Tianjingshan fault zone is discussed in this paper. The result shows that there are two Quaternary thrust (oblique) fault-fold belts, namely: the Miaoshan and Hongjianshan fault-fold belts, in the front area of the south wall's strike-slip movement of the Tianjingshan fault zone. The Hejiakouzi Quaternary anticline, which is a part of the Miaoshan fault-fold belt, is mainly discussed. It is pointed out that the fold began to grow in the middle part near Hejiakouzi in the mid-late stage of middle Pleistocene epoch and then gradually developed towards the ends in late Quaternary. Based on the Cenozoic structural features, the genesis of the Miaoshan and Hongjianshan fault-fold belts and the kinematic relation they bear with the Tianjingshan fault zone are analyzed.  相似文献   

Tectonic deformation of Cenozoic strata,youthful tectonontorphology,and high seismicity in the western part of Sichuan and Yunnan(Southwest China)marked intensive tectonism there during the Ceno7oic.It is a good place for studying the continental geodynamics because it is far away from those active plate boundaries surrounding the East Asian continent but near the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)plateau.The present study discriminated two phases of tectonic deformation with quite different styles in Cenozoic.Early compression deformation,expressed by folds,thrust,and even nappe structure,mainly occurred between the middle and late Eocene.Late extension deformation expressed by block-faulting started at least in the late Pliocene.Nonconformity,absence of strata,nonsuccessive tectonism,and inverse movement of the faults in late stages illustrated that two different deformation phases should be caused by different geodynamic processes.The early compression deformation would be related to Ar  相似文献   

云南地区地壳磁异常与地质构造   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



川滇交界东段昭通、莲峰断裂带的地震危险背景   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
川滇交界东段NE向昭通、莲峰断裂带的研究程度较低.为了了解该断裂带是否存在发生强震/大地震的危险背景,我们基于区域活动构造与动力学、重新定位的小震分布和震源机制解、历史地震破裂区、GPS形变场、现代地震活动及其参数图像等多学科的信息进行综合研究.结果表明:昭通、莲峰断裂带是川滇-华南活动块体/地块边界带的一部分,也是活动及变形的大凉山次级块体与相对稳定的华南地块之间的边界带;结构上表现为2个平行展布、朝南东推覆的断裂带,现今运动为带有显著逆冲分量的右旋走滑性质.沿昭通断裂带无大地震的时间至少为1700 余年,目前存在地震空区.GPS变形图像反映昭通、莲峰断裂带已不同程度闭锁.另外,昭通断裂带的鲁甸附近以及莲峰断裂带的南段分别存在异常低b值区或高应力区.已由低b值区和小震空白区识别出昭通断裂带上的鲁甸—彝良之间存在高应力闭锁段,并估计出其潜在地震的最大矩震级为MW7.4.本研究因此认为昭通断裂带存在发生强震/大地震的中-长期危险背景, 而莲峰断裂带的危险性还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

利用2000年1月至2010年11年间云南地震台网有定位结果的19 737个中小地震和从公元前20年至2009年11月共567次破坏地震震中,探讨云南地区地震空间分布与构造活动的关系,结果表明:地震震中密集分布地带是现今活动构造主要位置,地震震中的空间分布具有明显的活动构造意义。  相似文献   

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