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Batrachospermum arcuatum Kylin is typically dioecious,although some monoecious specimens have been collected from four locations in North China.In this study,B.arcuatum populations,including monoecious and dioecious thalli,were collected from seven stream segments.The nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS)region was sequenced for the seven populations,and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Bayesian inference to assess intraspecifi c relationships.A haplotype network was also created.The ITS region in B.arcuatum from North China comprised 822–853 bp,with 10 haplotypes detected from the seven locations.The results of this study support the inclusion of monoecious individuals in the species B.arcuatum.  相似文献   

Scallops of the Family Pectinidae are a valuable resource in marine industry of the world. Understanding the phylogeny of the family is important for the development of the industry. In this study, partial 16S mitochondrial rDNA genes were obtained from 8 scallop species that are commonly cultured indigenous and transplanted species in China. Phylogenetic relationships of Pectinidae were analyzed based on the 8 sequences and other 5 published ones in GenBank, representing 9 genera of the family. The molecular phylogeny trees were constructed using 3 methods with software PHYLIP. The results showe that total 13 species of scallops clustered in 4 clades. Pecten maximus joins P. jacobaeus then Amusium pleuronectes in cluster, indicating close relationship of genus Amusium with Pecten in evolution. P. yessoensis is close to Chlamysfarreri and C. islandica. No enough material was available to single out genus Patinopecten as an independent monophyletic subfamily. The position ofAdamussium colbecki indicates that it is far from genus Pecten but near to genus Chlamys in evolution.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Scomber was conducted based on mitochondrial (COI, Cyt b and control region) and nuclear (5S rDNA) DNA sequence data in multigene perspective. A variety of phylogenetic analytic methods were used to clarify the current taxonomic Classification and to assess phylogenetic relationships and the evolutionary history of this genus. The present study produced a well-resolved phylogeny that strongly supported the monophyly of Scomber. We confirmed that S. japonicus and S. colias were genetically distinct. Although morphologically and ecologically similar to S. colias, the molecular data showed that S. japonicus has a greater molecular affinity with S. australasicus, which conflicts with the traditional taxonomy. This phylogenetic pattern was corroborated by the mtDNA data, but incompletely by the nuclear DNA data. Phylogenetic concordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA regions for the basal nodes Supports an Atlantic origin for Scomber. The present-day geographic ranges of the species were compared with the resultant molecular phylogeny derived from partition Bayesian analyses of the combined data sets to evaluate possible dispersal routes of the genus. The present-day geographic distribution of Scomber species might be best ascribed to multiple dispersal events. In addition, our results suggest that phylogenies derived from multiple genes and long sequences exhibited improved phylogenetic resolution, from which we conclude that the phylogenetic reconstruction is a reliable representation of the evolutionary history of Scomber.  相似文献   

Change of Cultivated Land and Its Implications on Food Security in China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 Introduction FAO defined food security not only in terms of access to and availability of food, but also in terms of resources distribution to produce food and the purchasing power on food where it is not produced (Shi et al., 1996; Ning, 2004). Obviously, to guarantee everyone adequate food is the primary aim and most important content of food security (Xie et al., 1999). Thus, to increase food supply is a precondition for food security by domestic food production and international food t…  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NAs we allknow,China isa countrywith vastpopulationand scarcelandpercapita(Y ANG and LI,2000)."T rea-suringlandverymuch,utilizinlgandrationallaynd pro-tectingthe cultivatedland conscientiously"is funda-mental statepolicyofChina.At the…  相似文献   

The high phenotypic plasticity in the shell of oysters presents a challenge during taxonomic and phylogenetie studies of these economically important bivalves. However, because DNA can exhibit marked differences among morphologically similar species, DNA barcoding offers a potential means for oyster identification. We analyzed the complete sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) of five common Crassostrea species in China (including Hong Kong oyster C. hongkongensis, Jinjiang oyster C. ariakensis, Portuguese oyster C. angulata, Kumamoto oyster C. sikamea, and Pacific oyster C. gigas) and screened for distinct fragments. Using these distinct fragments on a high-resolution melting analysis platform, we developed an identification method that does not rely on species-specific PCR or fragment length polymorphism and is efficient, reliable, and easy to visualize. Using a single pair of primers (Oyster- COI-1), we were able to successfully distinguish among the five oyster species. This new method provides a simple and powerful tool for the identification of oyster species.  相似文献   

Clibanarius,a genus of hermit crabs,is one of the most diverse genera within Diogenidae.However,studies on the phylogeny within Clibcanarius is very limited.We reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of the genus Clibanarius based on two mitochondrial(16 S rRNA and COI)and two nuclear protein-coding(NaK and PEPCK)genes using a multigene phylogenetic approach.Eleven selected Clibanarius species from the Indo-West Pacific are analyzed and the Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses produced identical results in topology.Results suggest that C.rutilus and C.infraspinatus are more closely related to each other than to C.snelliusi,and C.striolatus shows a close relationship to C.longitarsus.The close association of C.merguiensis with C.englaucus and C.humilis is strongly supported by the divergence of C.virescens from them.Our phylogenetic results contradict the morphological classification scheme proposed for Clibanarius and indicate that the relative length of dactyls and propodi is not phylogenetically significant in Clibanarius.In addition,we speculate that the morphological characteristic of the median cleft of the telson might be phylogenetically important for Clibanarius.  相似文献   

Aurelia spp. ephyrae have been reported to form blooms in sea cucumber aquaculture ponds in the Bohai and Yellow Seas. To identify the species, we carried out a genetic analysis of Aurelia spp. ephyrae and medusae based on mitochondrial 16 S rRNA gene. Samples offour Aurelia sp. ephyrae populations were collected in sea cucumber aquaculture ponds and samples offour Aurelia sp. medusae populations were collected in coastal waters. Using a BLASTn search, we found that both the ephyrae collected in the aquaculture ponds and medusae collected in coastal waters belong to Aurelia coerulea. Seventeen haplotypes were recovered from the 16 S rRNA gene. The overall haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity of the 166 A. coerulea individuals were 0.686% and 0.329%, respectively, indicating high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity. Moreover, the haplotype diversity of ephyrae populations were generally lower than that of medusae populations with close sampling points. The genetic differentiation between ephyrae populations collected in the sea cucumber aquaculture ponds and A. coerulea medusae collected in coastal waters was not significant, suggesting the ephyrae populations in the sea cucumber culture ponds were part of the same genetic group as the medusae populations in the coastal waters. Phylogeographic analysis of the 16 S rRNA region revealed that there was no significant correlation between the haplotypes and the geographic distribution of populations. Pairwise fixation index values showed significant genetic differentiation and limited gene flow between A. coerulea population of Weifang and other locations.  相似文献   

麒麟菜高活性膳食纤维的提取与功能性试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用正交设计法 ,研究了麒麟菜高活性膳食纤维的提取工艺条件 ,筛选出麒麟菜碱处理和漂白的最佳工艺条件 ,提取出麒麟菜高活性膳食纤维 ,并进行人体的功能性试验。结果表明 ,麒麟菜高活性膳食纤维的产率达 32 .4 1% ,颜色较白 ,膳食纤维干基含量 w达 82 .57% ,钙含量 w2 .13% ,磷含量w0 .0 13% ,膨胀力为 2 4 .5m L / g,持水力为 14 50 % ;麒麟菜膳食纤维的功能性优于小麦麸皮膳食纤维 ,对人体便秘具有良好的疗效  相似文献   

随机序列在密码学中有着广泛的应用,其产生方法已经成为密码学的重要研究课题。首先介绍了细胞自动机的基本概念,并详细介绍了2-by-n CA的规则及最大周期CA。最后基于2-by-n CA的特点提出了二维梯形伪随机序列发生方法。计算机模拟表明,基于2-by-n CA的二维梯形伪随机序列发生器具有结构简单、高速、周期长的特点,产生的伪随机序列统计性能好。  相似文献   

于1999年元月在海南陵水黎安港采集卡帕藻,应用HPLC、原子吸收等分析手段,系统测定其营养成分(主要包括蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分、矿物质及微量元素等),并与其它几种大型藻类比较,综合评价卡帕藻的营养价值。结果表明卡帕藻蛋白质含量为6.20%,而粗脂肪和粗灰分较高,分别为2.88%和39.04%;卡帕藻中富含K、Na、Ca、Mg、P、Fe、Zn、Mn、Se等矿物元素,尤其是Se的含量远高于其它几种大型藻类。  相似文献   

The conflicts among food security, economic development and ecological protection are the “sticking point” of undeveloped southwestern mountainous areas of China. The objectives of this study are to identify appropriate inte- grated indicators influencing the classification and gradation of cultivated land quality in the southwestern mountainous area of China based on semi-structure interview, and to promote the monitoring of cultivated land quality in this region. Taking Bishan County of Chongqing as a study case, the integrated indicators involve the productivity, protection, ac- ceptability, and stability of cultivated land. The integrated indicators accord with the characteristics of land resources and human preference in southwestern mountainous area of China. In different agricultural zones, we emphasize different indicators, such as emphasizing productivity, stabilization and acceptability in low hilly and plain agricultural integrative zone (LHP-AIZ), protection, productivity and stability in low mountain and hill agro-forestry ecological zone (LMH-AEZ), and acceptability in plain outskirts integrative agricultural zone (PO-IAZ), respectively. The pronounced difference of classification and gradation of cultivated land, regardless of inter-region or intra-region, is observed, with the reducible rank from PO-IAZ, LHP-AIZ to LMH-AEZ. Research results accord with the characteristics of assets management and intensive utilization of cultivated land resources in the southwestern mountainous area of China. Semi-structure interview adequately presents the principal agent of farmers in agricultural land use and rural land market. This method is very effective and feasible to obtain data of the quality of cultivated land in the southwestern mountainous area of China.  相似文献   

According to national early warning practice for geo-hazards from 2003 to 2005, it is systematically concluded that the basic characteristics of geo-hazards, early warning method and forecast result based on the geological maps of China in a scale 1∶6 000 000. With the contrast of different characters between sustained rainfall and typhoon rainfall inducing geo-hazards, the disaster reduction result and some problems are preliminarily analyzed. Some basic recognition is that early warning to geo-hazards is feasible, national scale forecast is only to call attention, but can't immediately be used to disaster reduction decision-making. And, the future direction is to build a united disaster reduction framework of early warning system including national, provincial and county levels based on weather factors in different scale of area.  相似文献   

Early warning for geo-hazards based on the weather condition in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
According to national early warning practice for geo-hazards from 2003 .to 2005, it is systematically concluded that the basic characteristics of geo-hazards, early warning method and forecast result based on the geological maps of China in a scale 1:6 000 000. With the contrast of different characters between sustained rainfall and typhoon rainfall inducing geo-hazards, the disaster reduction result and some problems are preliminarily analyzed. Some basic recognition is that early warning to geo-hazards is feasible, national scale forecast is only to call attention, but can' t immediately be used to disaster reduction decision-making. And, the future direction is to build a united disaster reduction framework of early warning system including national, provincial and county levels based on weather factors in different scale of area.  相似文献   

Food safety and its related influencing factors in China are the hot research topics currently, and cultivated land conversion is one of the significant factors influencing food safety in China. Taking the North China Plain as the study area, this paper examines the changes of cultivated land area using satellite images, estimates land productivity from 1985 to 2005 using the model of Estimation System for Land Productivity (ESLP), and analyzes the impact of cultivated land conversion on the land production. Compared with the grain yield data from statistical yearbooks, the results indicate that ESLP model is an effective tool for estimating land productivity. Land productivity in the North China Plain showed a slight decreasing trend from 1985 to 2005, spatially, increased from the north to the south gradually, and the net changes varied in different areas. Cultivated land area recorded a marginal decrease of 8.0 × 105 ha, mainly converted to other land uses. Cultivated land conversion had more significant negative impacts on land production than land productivity did. Land production decreased by about 6.48 × 106 t caused by cultivated land conversion between 1985 and 2005, accounting for 91.9% of the total land production reduction. Although the land productivity increased in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, it can not offset the overall adverse effects caused by cultivated land conversion. Therefore, there are significant meanings to control the cultivated land conversion and improve the land productivity for ensuring the land production in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The gradation of cultivated land is to assess the suitability of cultivated land for agricultural production in terms of natural and economic prop-erties of land (Feng et al. 2004). It can be used to evaluate sustainability of land use and …  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONGuangdongProvincehasbeenwidelyknownasoneofthemostimportantindustrialbasesforexportinChina.IthasplayedanimportantroleineconomicreformanddevelopmentinChina.Inrecentyears,ithasattainedasustainableeconomicgrowthandkeptthefirstpositioninecon…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION With the acceleration of the urbanization and industrial- ization of China, it is inevitable that cultivated land con- vertsto built-up land for industrial, commercial and resi- dential uses. During 1986- 2002 around 168.4×103ha cultivated land had converted to non-agriculture use an- nually (QU et al., 2005). Though the urbanization rate had increased from 17% in the late 1970s to 41% in 2004, China has a long way to go compared with the de- veloped countries whose urbani…  相似文献   

Yuan  Liming  Tian  Fenglin  Xu  Suqin  Zhou  Chun  Chen  Jie 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2153-2166
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The Kuroshio Extension (KE) is one of the most eddy-energetic regions in the global ocean. However, most mesoscale eddy studies in the region are focused on...  相似文献   

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