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基于二维三次卷积插值算法的波前构建射线追踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对波前构建法在实现波前射线路径追踪过程中所遇到的速度以及速度导数的插值问题,提出一种更精确的二维三次卷积插值算法,将该算法应用到波前构建法中,得到比较精确的射线路径。实例证明,所采用的插值算法在应用到波前构建的过程中,在求解非网格节点的速度及导数时与双三次多项式插值算法相比能够更加快速准确地获得射线路径。  相似文献   

常规初至计算的射线追踪算法的不足之处是:(1)不能保证在多条路径中找到旅行时最小的路径。(2)存在盲区,而且难以找出含有折射或绕射能量的最短旅行时路径。而波前追踪算法可避免这些问题,它的基础是在顶点和沿着边缘带有节点的变速三角网格组成的地层模型其节点位于初至波前(传播方向和到达时间)轨迹聚集的地方。此算法是波前(节点处采样)通过整个模型从震源向外传播,它们是局部传播的绕射波、直达波或沿固有最小时间  相似文献   

作为一种基于射线的局部瞬态场,delta波包源自高斯波束,是高斯波束在时空域的对偶表示,具有高斯波束的全部优点和缺陷。基于delta波包叠加的时间域深度偏移,当射线穿过高速岩体时,受折射效应影响,密度降低,进而导致delta波包的分布密度降低,使成像质量变差,甚至无法成像。为了弥补这个缺陷,本文采用波前构建法计算射线路径。波前构建法能够以插入射线的方式保证均匀的射线分布,从而保证delta波包以均匀的分布密度覆盖整个成像靶区,进而提高成像质量。在具体实现上,采用链表结构替代以往使用的数组结构。Sigsbee 2A模型的数值试算表明,利用波前构建法可以改善高速体下方区域的成像质量,而利用链表存储波前信息要比利用数组至少节省9%的CPU耗时。  相似文献   

波前扩展有限差分地震波走时算法具有物理意义明确、因果稳定性强的特点,但每次波前扩展都要寻找波前面上的最小走时点。当计算网格点数较多,特别是涉及到三维走时计算时,寻找波前面上的最小走时点是一项十分耗时的工作。研究发现,波前扩展有限差分地震波走时算法的波前点具有两个突出特点:①波前点更新十分频繁,通常每次取出波前最小走时点后都要插入若干新的波前点;②新计算出的波前点的走时通常比较大。数据结构中的二叉树堆排序方法可以提高寻找波前面上最小走时点的效率,根据特点①,在原始二叉树堆排序方法的基础上,优化了插入新波前点和移除波前面上最小走时点的流程,实际计算结果表明,与原始的二叉树堆排序方法相比,改进后的二叉树堆排序方法可以提高大约20%的计算效率。根据特点②,将原始的二叉树堆排序方法推广到多叉树,实际计算结果表明,完全三叉树堆排序方法优于二叉树和四叉树堆排序方法,可以再提高5%的计算效率。  相似文献   

实际地层由于波前扩散、地层吸收和散射等原因发生衰减,为得到更加详细的地下信息和分辨率更高的图像,基于波前构建法的射线追踪,实现了吸收介质中对射线路径,走时与振幅的计算。计算表明吸收介质中的波动属性是复值;当Q为5~20时,衰减是可见的,明显的;而当Q30时,衰减微弱,为弱衰减介质。对吸收介质中的射线追踪进行计算,可提高地震波的分辨率,得到更清晰的地震记录。  相似文献   

在利用有限差分等基于网格的数值分析方法解地震波走时所满足的程函方程时,由于速度模型的网格化离散等原因,会使走时在各网格节点之间不具有计算射线路径所要求的光滑性,即走时在邻近网格节点之间不具有连续的一阶导数。因此,直接利用网格节点走时计算射线路径会使最终的射线路径不光滑。为解决这个问题,已有研究者提出了基于B样条插值的逆向梯度方案(法)。然而,在速度发生突变时,B样条逆向梯度法所计算出的射线路径会具有较大的误差。针对这个问题,首先采用适合于解最小零偏差逼近及最佳平方逼近问题的Chebyshev多项式取代B样条对来自于分区多级计算方案的网格节点走时进行最佳逼近,得到在最小平方意义下的最优走时公式;然后采用与B样条逆向梯度法类似的计算过程得到光滑的射线路径。数值实验表明,利用Chebyshev多项式逼近走时可以得到具有很高精度的多次反射射线路径,在多次波偏移成像研究中具有潜在的价值。  相似文献   

回顾了波前扩展有限差分地震波走时算法及其主要优缺点,分析了该算法在程序实现过程中存在的一些问题。针对这些问题,给出了波前扩展有限差分地震波走时算法的C++语言描述。目的是:(1)确保程序的稳定性。使用体波、首波、散射波相结合的走时算法,在保证走时计算精度的同时,较好地解决了前述算法在局部速度差异较大的情况下可能会出现负数开平方问题;(2)提高程序的执行效率。给出一种波前点的“列队”式存储方法,有效提高了波前最小走时点的查找效率;(3)为波前扩展有限差分地震波走时算法构建一个方便、可行的程序框架。对原始速度模型增加了边界,不仅方便了程序实现,而且省去了程序用于判断和处理模型边界所花费的时间。  相似文献   

基于波前重建和李代数积分的地震波走时计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震波走时计算在数值模拟、层析反演和偏移成像中均有重要意义。将波前重建与李代数积分相结合,提出了一种新的适应横向变速介质的非对称走时算法,称之为wave-front construction-Lie algebra integral(WFC-LAI)算法。本算法利用一次波前重建计算成像射线走时进行坐标变换,将深度域单平方根算子透镜项转化为常数,在射线坐标系下计算李代数积分和指数映射,得到地震波走时的解析表达式。数值试验表明,该方法计算结果与线性横向变速介质中走时的理论值吻合。通过与波前重建结果对比,WFC-LAI算法对于求取横向变速介质中地震波走时是可行的,节省了存储空间,易于并行,有利于提高Kirchhoff积分叠前深度偏移的精度和效率。  相似文献   

为了实现适应崎岖海底、大陡坡、海底火山等复杂海底地质条件且灵活、稳定、精度高的射线追踪方法,并基于该方法详细分析复杂海底条件下各种地震波型的运动学特征,综合多种算法的优势,实现了一种快速推进迎风插值射线追踪方法。首先,采用混合网格法剖分复杂海底地质模型;其次,通过融入迎风差分思想的线性插值策略来构建精度高、无条件稳定且灵活的局部走时和射线路径计算公式;然后,综合应用这些公式和多级次快速推进法,灵活计算整个模型各种类型地震波的走时,并基于逆向追踪方法计算射线路径;最后,对该方法进行了精度分析,发现其能够获得相对高的走时和射线路径计算精度,且反射波的计算精度远高于入射波。此外,计算实例分析显示,初至波中富含折射波和陡倾构造的反射波在很大偏移距还能被接收,崎岖海底各种波型传播路径复杂;基于此提出加大采集排列长度和采用直达波走时可提高复杂构造成像质量等复杂海底地震数据采集与处理方面的思考与建议。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的射线追踪方法——模拟退火法.新方法不仅较好地解决了传统射线追踪方法过分依赖初始模型的问题,而且对于复杂速度场模型也能保证在固定的发射与接收点之间构建令人满意的射线路径及其相应的走时,搜索到满足旅行时全局最小的射线路径.此外,新方法还可计算局部最小旅行时,并可方便地通过指定射线经过固定点来对射线路径进行限制.理论模型的试算结果证明了该方法的可行性和稳健性.  相似文献   

Natural hazards in Central Java Province,Indonesia: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Central Java Province, Indonesia, suffers from natural hazard processes such as land subsidence, coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide. The occurrence of each kind of natural hazard is varied according to the intensity of geo-processes. It is necessary to learn from the historical record of coastal inundation, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and landslide hazards in Central Java Province to address issues of comprehensive hazard mitigation and management action. Through the understanding about the nature and spatial distribution of natural hazards, treatments can be done to reduce the risks. This paper presents the natural hazard phenomena in Central Java Province and provides critical information for hazard mitigation and reduction.  相似文献   

Transmission tomography methods show a great sensibility to data variability, which eventually includes data errors, often present in field experiments. Local optimization methods, traditionally used to solve this inverse problem, are very sensitive to these difficulties, failing to converge properly in the presence of spurious data. Regularization methods partially cope with these weaknesses, damping the instabilities.A complementary approach, adopted here, is to perform a structured analysis of data variability before the inversion, oriented to discriminate the contribution of errors from that of true geological heterogeneities. The key concept of mean traveltime curves ( and ) is introduced and described. Their analytical equations are deduced for isotropic homogeneous media and any recording geometry. Empirical mean traveltime curves can be inferred based solely on traveltime data, using the corresponding discrete estimators. The methodology proposed here proceeds through a user-defined subdivision of the domain of interest into isotropic homogeneous areas. Least squares velocity estimations and associated data misfits are used to scrutinize the behaviour of the implied source-receiver sets and of the ray-swept part of the geologic medium. Data are considered suspicious if zonal estimated velocities are non-consistent with a priori information. Also, independent fitting of both empirical curves helps to classify the genesis of the residuals: some situations are illustrated.Finally, we show the application of this technique to a data set from the Grimsel test site in Switzerland. Using this methodology, we detect some anomalous gathers, which may be responsible for the large range of velocities found in the initial imaging with this data set. Also, we give some indications of the possible sources of these anomalies. This approach offers a quick data variability analysis in the pre-processing stage, which, even if no data editing algorithms are finally used, always improves the understanding of the data structure.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene (11.18–10.65 Ma) low sulfidation‐type epithermal gold mineralization occurred in the Cibaliung area, southwestern part of Java Island, Indonesia. It is hosted by andesitic to basaltic andesitic lavas of the Middle Miocene Honje Formation (11.4 Ma) and is covered by Pliocene Cibaliung tuff (4.9 Ma). The exploration estimates mineral resource of approximately 1.3 million tonnes at 10.42 g/t gold and 60.7 g/t silver at a 3 g/t Au cut‐off. This equates to approximately 435,000 ounces of gold and 2.54 million ounces of silver. That resource resulted from two ore shoots: Cibitung and Cikoneng. Studies on ore mineralogy, hydrothermal alteration, geology, fluid inclusion, stable isotopes and age dating were conducted in order to characterize the deposit and to understand a possible mechanism of preservation of the deposit. The ore mineral assemblage of the deposit consists of electrum, naumannite, Ag‐Se‐Te sulfide minerals, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and galena. Those ore minerals occur in quartz veins showing colloform–crustiform texture. They are enveloped by mixed layer clay illite/smectite zone, which grades into smectite zone outward. The temperature of mineralization revealed by fluid inclusion study on quartz in the veins ranges from 170 and 220°C at shallow and deep level, respectively. The temperature range is in agreement with the temperature deduced from the hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage including mixed layered illite/smectite and laumontite. The mineralizing fluid is dilute, with a salinity <1 wt% NaCl equivalent and has stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen composition indicating a meteoric water origin. Although the deposit is old enough that it would have been eroded in a tropical island arc setting, the coverage by younger volcanic deposits such as the Citeluk tuff and the Cibaliung tuff most probably prevented this erosion.  相似文献   

Abstract. Java island, regarded as a classic example of island arcs, is built through multi events of Cenozoic arc magmatism produced by the subduction of Indian‐Australian oceanic crusts along the southern margin of Eurasian plate. Regional crustal compositions, subducted slabs, and tectonics determined the spatial‐geochemical evolution of arc magmatism and regional metallogeny. Tertiary geodynamics of island arc was dominated by backarc‐ward migrations of volcanic centers. Only after the Miocene‐Pliocene roll‐back effects of retreating slab, slab detachment, and backarc magmatism took place in central Java. The source of arc magmas is mainly partial melting of mantle wedge, triggered by fluids released from dehydrated slabs. Increasing potassium contents of arc magmas towards the backarc‐side and younger magmas is typical for all magmas, while alkali and incompatible trace elements ratios are characteristics for different settings of volcanic centers. The oceanic nature of crust and the likely presence of hot slab subducted beneath the eastern Java determine the occurrences of adakitic magmas. Backarc magmatism has a deeper mantle source with or without contributions from subduction‐related materials. The domination of magnetite‐series magmatism determines the sulfide mineralization for the whole island. District geology, geodynamics, and magma compositions in turn control particular styles and scales of precious metals concentrations. Deep‐seated crustal faults have focused the locations of overlapping volcanic centers and metalliferous fluids into few major gold districts. Porphyry deposits are mostly concentrated within Lower Tertiary (early stage) volcanic centers in eastern Java which are not covered by younger volcanic centers, and whose sulfides are derived from partial melting of basaltic parental materials. On the other hand, high‐grade low‐sulfidation epithermal gold deposits formed in later stages of arc development and are spatially located within younger volcanic centers (Upper Miocene‐Pliocene) that overlap the older ones. Gold in low‐sulfidation epithermal system is likely to be derived from crustal materials. The overall interacting factors resulting in the petrochemical systematics that are applicable for exploration: 1) early‐stage volcanic centers with high Sr/Y and Na2O/K2O ratios are more prospective for porphyry mineralization, while 2) later‐stage volcanic centers with high K2O, total alkali, and K2O/Na2O ratios are more prospective for low‐sulfidation epithermal mineralization.  相似文献   

This paper investigates slope channel initiation by seabed irregularities that were initially formed by slump scars in the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation, part of the middle- to late Miocene successions in the Bogor Trough, West Java. This Miocene succession is up to 1000 m thick in the study area, and is interpreted as a prograding slope–shelf system that formed during a period of falling- and lowstand stages in relative sea level. The lower part of the formation is a siltstone-dominated siliciclastic succession, containing slump deposits, slump-scar-fill deposits, and minor channel-fill deposits, which formed in slope and shelf-margin environments. In contrast, the middle part, which gradationally overlies the lower part, is characterized by shallow-marine carbonates.The slump-scars-fill deposits have an overall lenticular geometry, and are 140–480 m wide and 0.4–1.6 m thick. Some have distinct erosional bases, which cut into the underlying siltstones, in association with medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with lateral-accretion surfaces and tractional structures common in channel-fill deposits. The incident link of slump-scar-fill deposits and channel-fill deposits in the prograding slope–shelf succession of the lower to middle Jatiluhur Formation suggests that some slump scars formed incipient seabed irregularities that may have played an important role in the development of slope channels. The present study provides one example of the various potential mechanisms that can result in channel formation in a slope setting.  相似文献   

Acid water from the Banyuputih river (pH  3.5) is used for the irrigation of agricultural land in the Asembagus coastal area (East Java, Indonesia), with harmful consequences for rice yields. The river water has an unusual composition which is caused by seepage from the acidic Kawah Ijen crater lake into the river. This unique irrigation setting allows the study of soil acidification in situ. This paper assesses the effects of volcanogenically contaminated irrigation water on the chemical properties of the agricultural soils.The changes in soil properties were evaluated by comparing samples taken from the topsoil and sub-soil (1–3 m depth) from areas irrigated with acid water and areas irrigated with neutral water. The field survey thus resulted in four soil categories. Bulk soil composition, organic matter content, moisture content and particle size distribution were determined. Reactive phases were quantified with the selective extractions 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate and 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (AAO).By comparing the four soil categories it is shown that the use of the naturally polluted irrigation water has had a large influence on the chemical composition of the topsoil. The composition of the soil solution has changed over the entire investigated soil profile. Furthermore the acid irrigation water has strongly modified the composition of the reactive phases, extracted as KCl, pyrophosphate, and AAO extractable elements, and also the bulk soil composition has been significantly modified. Overall this has resulted in the net dissolution of some elements and the net precipitation of others. The changes in the reactive phases and bulk soil composition are only apparent in the topsoil (0–20 cm) but not in the deeper soil.  相似文献   

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