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S.A. Haider  S.P. Seth  V.R. Choksi 《Icarus》2006,185(1):102-112
The production rate, ion density and electron density are calculated between longitudes 0° and 360° E due to incident radiation of wavelength range 1-102.57 nm in the dayside atmosphere of Mars. These calculations are made by using global analytical yield spectrum (AYS) model at solar zenith angle 80° between latitudes 50° and 70° N for spring equinox and medium solar activity condition. These conditions are appropriate for Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Phase 2 aerobraking period during which both the accelerometer and the radio occultation data are used. The calculated results are compared with MGS radio occultation measurements carried out at different latitudes (64.7°-67.3° N) and longitudes (0°-360° E) in December 1998 between solar zenith angle 78° and 81°. This measurement shows primary and secondary ionization peaks, which are varying with longitudes. Our calculation suggests that first peak is produced by photoionization and photoelectron impact ionization processes due to absorption of solar EUV radiation (9-102.57 nm). The second peak is produced by photoelectron impact ionization of soft X-ray photon (1-9 nm). There is a good agreement between our calculation and measurement as far as the maximum and the minimum values of primary peak altitude/peak density of electrons are concerned. However, the calculated values of secondary peak density and peak altitude are higher than the measured values by a factor of 1.5-2.0 and 1.1, respectively. The secondary peak is brought into agreement with the measurement using low X-ray flux by a factor of 2 to 3 below 9 nm. The longitudinal distribution of calculated and measured peak density and peak altitude are fitted by least-square method with 0.95 confidence limits.  相似文献   

Measurements carried out using a cylindrical Langmuir probe operated in the electron accelerating region of the current-voltage characteristics under orbital limited conditions in low density plasmas, show the response of the probe to be in good agreement with Langmuir theory. By making observations in three different plasmas, namely a steady state plasma, an afterglow plasma and the ionospheric plasma it is confirmed that the form of the orbital limited characteristics of the probe is independent of the energy distribution of the electrons in the plasma. Comparative measurements of ionospheric electron densities made between a rocket borne cylindrical probe and a ground based ionosonde show good agreement to exist and thus demonstrate that the probe operated in this mode not only overcomes the significant problems associated with retarding region probe measurements but affords an accurate determination of electron density. This underlines the usefulness of this kind of probe for electron density measurements in plasmas where the energy distribution of the electrons is unknown.  相似文献   

Wave normal directions of VLF signals propagating through the ionosphere can be determined by measuring Doppler frequency shift of the signals by means of rocket borne receivers. Two rockets were launched to detect the NWC signal of 22.3 kHz which was transmitted from Australia and propagated on two completely different paths, one being propagated through the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and up to the rocket, the other propagated down to the rocket by the whistler mode directly from the source in the opposite hemisphere. The wave normal directions of the latter mode were almost vertically downward in the ionosphere in the northern hemisphere, although substantial error was involved in the determination of the wave normal direction for a part of the upgoing flight of the rockets, due to the relative geometry of the directions of the rocket flight and the geomagnetic field. The effect of the horizontal gradients of the ionosphere on the above results were found to be not significant. From the experimental results it is concluded that field aligned ducts stretching down to the rocket altitudes did not exist, at least, during the rocket flights.  相似文献   

Electron temperatures have been determined at Thumba on Nike Apache flight 10.11 (12 March 1967, 1857 hr IST) by the usual retarding potential analysis and by using an a.c. modulation technique for detecting the space potential on the Langmuir probe characteristic. Simultaneous measurements with the two techniques show that the space potential technique gives temperatures which are related to the temperatures obtained from the retarding potential analysis in a manner remarkably similar to the relations obtained by Booker and Smith as well as by Carlson and Sayers between radar temperatures and d.c. probe temperatures. This result is interesting in view of the fact that radar temperatures have been found to be in good agreement with the temperatures obtained by a.c. modulation techniques on satellite borne probes. The space potential technique is simple, requires limited additional electronics, does not make stringent demands on telemetry and can be easily adopted for rocket borne Langmuir probes.  相似文献   

Long-term data on the evolution of the parameters of motion of 15 artificial satellites of the Earth in orbits with minimal heights of 400–1100 km were used to study the density variations in the upper atmosphere at minimums of four cycles of solar activity. It was found that the density at these heights considered increased by about 7% at the minimum of solar cycle 20 as compared to solar cycle 19. Later, the density fell rather linearly at the minimums of cycles 21 and 22. The statistical processing of the data for solar cycles 20–22 demonstrated that the density decreased by 4.6% over ten years and by 9.9% over 20 years. Analyzing the density variations during the four cycles of solar activity, we found that the long-term decrease in density observed at the minimums of cycles 20–22 is caused mainly by specific variations of the solar activity parameters (namely, the solar radio flux and the level of geomagnetic disturbance).__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 177–183.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Volkov, Suevalov.  相似文献   

The total ion current probe on the satellite ESRO-4 monitored thermal plasma density variations in the range ± 30% of ambient density with a spatial resolution of about 1.5 km. Latitudinal, diurnal, and altitudinal characteristics of density irregularities in the topside ionosphere have been investigated using the 2 × 108 total ion current values recorded during the lifetime of the satellite. Dominating the morphology of topside irregularities is the high-latitude zone evident throughout the day, with the appearance of a distinct sub-auroral zone at night. Significant mid-latitude irregularity occurs at low altitudes during the night. The results reported here provide the most comprehensive study of topside ionospheric irregularities from direct probe measurements, and reveal new evidence on possible irregularity production mechanisms.  相似文献   

The electron density observations made using ESRO-1 and ESRO-4 near solar maximum and solar minimum, respectively, show a strong longitudinal variation at middle latitudes in the southern hemisphere. The peak of this sinusoidal variation occurs at around 7 hr U.T. and decreases exponentially in size from about 300 km (depending on local time, season, solar flux) with increasing or decreasing altitude. During local summer conditions the amplitude is larger than during local winter conditions and particularly high values occur near the solar maximum. Selecting data from magnetically quiet periods, a quantitative model is constructed of the UT-eflect in the topside electron densities.  相似文献   

From an analysis of the local time distribution of the electron upper energy limit reached by the geostationary satellite GEOS-2 in cutting through the innermost part of the electron plasma sheet during fairly quiet conditions the following results have been obtained, among others. An electric field model given by E = ?▽{AR4sin(φ+π4)}, with the dusk singular point of the forbidden region boundary at 1500, instead of at 1800 M.L.T., is in quite good agreement with the observations. This means that effects due to the shielding by the hot plasma of the inner magnetosphere from the convection electric field are quite strong in situations of low disturbance level. The quiet-time convection electric field strength at 2100 M.L.T. in the geostationary orbit obtained from this analysis varies in the range 0.15–0.3 kV/Re. Six hours earlier or later in the satellite orbit the convection field is four times stronger. Also when the convection field varies, some information about its magnitude can be obtained from the keV electron measurements.  相似文献   

The satellite 1966-101G was launched on 2 November 1966 into an orbit with an initial perigee height of 140 km. A satellite with such a low perigee usually decays within a few days, but 1966-101G was exceptionally dense and remained in orbit until 6 May 1967. Analysis of the changes in its orbital period provides an unique opportunity for studying continuously for six months the variations in air density at a height near 150 km.

This paper records the results of such an analysis, applicable for the (medium) level of solar activity prevailing early in 1967. It is shown that at a height of 155 km the air density is greater by day than by night, with the maximum daytime density exceeding the minimum night-time density by a factor of 1.7: in contrast the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1965 predicts that the density should be slightly greater by night than by day. It is also found that the night-time density increases as solar activity increases, and that the density scale height given by CIRA 1965 at heights near 150 km is too low, perhaps by about 20%.  相似文献   

The densities measured by the CACTUS microaccelerometer at altitudes from 270 to 600 km are used to analyze the effect of tidal perturbations in the Earth’s thermosphere caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and the Sun. These tidal perturbations are considered a priori small and are not taken into account in modern atmospheric density models. The residuals between the densities measured by the CACTUS microaccelerometer and calculated by models are analyzed, and the density variations correlating with variations of the zenith angles from the Moon to the center of the Earth to the satellite and from the Sun to the center of the Earth to the satellite are found at altitudes from 270 to 600 km. The amplitude of the perturbations revealed in the study grows with height. The phase of the tidal perturbations also varies with height. The amplitude of the density variations is about 30% at 270–320 km and increases to 80% at 520–570 km. The results agree with a priori theoretical estimates obtained for tidal motion of gaseous matter with a variable density.  相似文献   

Cosmos 316 (1969-108A) was launched on 23 December 1969 into an orbit with an initial perigee height of 154 km at an inclination of 49.5° to the equator. Being very massive, Cosmos 316 had a longer lifetime than any previous satellite with such a low initial perigee: it remained in orbit until 28 August 1970. Because of its interest for upper-atmosphere research, the satellite was intensively observed, and accurate orbits are being determined at RAE from all available observations. Using perigee heights from the RAE orbits so far computed, and decay rates from Spacetrack bulletins, 102 values of air density have been obtained, giving a detailed picture of the variations in density at heights near 150 km between 24 December 1969 and 28 August 1970. The three strongest geomagnetic storms, on 8 March, 21 April and 17 August 1970, are marked by sudden increases in density of at least 23, 15 and 24 per cent respectively. With values of density extending over eight months, it is possible for the first time to examine a complete cycle of the semi-annual variation at a height near 150 km: the values of density, when corrected to a fixed height, exhibit minima in mid January and early August; at the intervening maximum, in April, the density is 30 per cent higher than at the minima.  相似文献   

Air density at a height of 180–200 km from July 1967 to September 1969 has been determined from analysis of the high eccentricity orbit of satellite 1967-31A. The data show good correlation between sudden density increase and geomagnetic disturbance. The increases for disturbances of equal strength are approximately 40% greater during night-time than daytime hours. The day-night influence is also observed in the changes in density with changes in the solar flux index, F10. The 27-day density variation is predominant mainly during night-time, although the atmospheric response to F10 variations is quite variable regardless of local time. A semi-annual variation of approx. 40% is observed. Also found is a 25% diurnal variation for heights near 170–180 km, which is in good agreement with the CIRA 1972 atmosphere.  相似文献   

The processes of the solar radiation extinction in deep layers of the Venus atmosphere in a wavelength range from 0.44 to 0.66 µm have been considered. The spectra of the solar radiation scattered in the atmosphere of Venus at various altitudes above the planetary surface measured by the Venera-11 entry probe in December 1978 are used as observational data. The problem of the data analysis is solved by selecting an atmospheric model; the discrete-ordinate method is applied in calculations. For the altitude interval from 2–10 km to 36 km, the altitude and spectral dependencies of the volume coefficient of true absorption have been obtained. At altitudes of 3–19 km, the spectral dependence is close to the wavelength dependence of the absorption cross section of S3 molecules, whence it follows that the mixing ratio of this sulfur allotrope increases with altitude from 0.03 to 0.1 ppbv.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 304–320.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Maiorov, Ignat’ev, Moroz, Zasova, Moshkin, Khatuntsev, Ekonomov.  相似文献   

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